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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1867 2 April - June

Saturday, April 6, 1867.

Having been charged by Mr. George GREEN of Hertzog that I should have circulated a false report in reference to Mr. GREEN having offered my father 10s to proceed to Beaufort on the 12th inst. I hereby deny every having said such a thing, and as Mr. JELLIMAN of Fort Beaufort and Mrs. WINDELL, of Upshire have circulated this report in Hertzog – I now call upon them to retract this false accusation against me, or else I shall seek redress elsewhere.
Charles ALLEN, jun.,
C. GROEPE, jun.
Hertzog, March 27, 1867.


Ferdinand Paulus van GASS, of Groet Drie.

Jno. E. WOOD, Esq, has resigned his seat as Member of the House of Assembly for Albany.

THE LATE Mr. WOLLASTON. – An obituary notice in the Cape papers announces the death of Mr. WOLLASTON, father of the Manager of the Telegraph Company.

THE MAYOR OF KINGWILLIAMSTOWN. – A very massive gold chain and insignia of office, for the Mayor of King William’s Town, have just been brought out by Mr. ROSENTHAL from England.

DEATH OF FITZGERALD. – It is reported that FITZGERALD – formerly in the employ of the late Mr. H. CRUMP, of Grahamstown was recently picked up dying, in the Queenstown road, and that he died shortly after –


“HYDRAULIC SUICIDE.” – We have no desire to popularise and facilitate self-destruction, but the last new thing in this way is too good to go unrecorded. The French papers say that a Hanoverian Councillor has committed what may be called hydraulic suicide and they add that the device, though unknown in France, is common beyond the Rhine. It appears that this gentleman killed himself as humming-birds are killed. He placed a stout wad in the pistol, and loaded the barrel with water, “whereby”, say the French translator. “When the explosion took place the victim perished, and had his head blown off.”

A NEW FOOD FROM CHINA. – Mr. J. HULLET, Clarence Lodge, Cosham, Hants, writes calling attention to the Chinese sugar grass (Sorghum Turtaricum) as a valuable addition to our cereal crops. It is not only perfectly hardy, and bears from six to eight times the quantity per acre than wheat does, but the bread made from it is more nourishing, and goes further than any other. Added to this, the leaves and shoots are invaluable as food for cattle. As the true seed in not easily obtained Mr. HULLET will be happy to send a few grains to any one sending a stamped directed envelope.

Saturday, April 13, 1867


CHARGE OF ASSAULT. – R.E. WOLFE, Esq., Magistrate’s Clerk, is taking preliminary depositions in the matter of the assault on the Hon. Capt. COLBORNE, at the close of the Tradesman’s ball, on New Year’s Eve. We are informed that no summonses have yet been issued.

BOOY, A Hottentot, charged with an atrocious treble murder at Colesberg, was tried last week before the Circuit Court, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Mr. L. BOYES prosecuted. The prisoner was defended by Mr. de WET.

CAPT. COLBORNE. – We are authorized to contradict the statement that the assault case in connection with the Albany hall, on 31st Dec., is being proceeded with; on the contrary, Capt. COLBORNE leaves for England shortly, on a year’s leave of absence. – Great Eastern.

AARON SEPTEMBER, after receiving sentence of ten years and 50 lashes for the murderous assault on Mrs. RICHIE and Miss LIEBENBERG, said to those in his confidence, that he cared nothing for the imprisonment; but the flogging! – that was ‘zwaar,” he shook his head sorrowfully to think of it, and continued to shake it occasionally as he walked about the Court yard, for some time after. – Herald.

Saturday, April 20, 1867


NATURALIZATION. – Sigismund MARKUS, of Middelburg, having subscribed the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, has been declared a British subject.

REHABILITATIONS. – The insolvent estates of David ARNOT, jun., of Colesberg, and Peter Fredrik Jacobus STEYTLER, of Mr. W. AYLIFF’S place, Wardens.

HAYWARD THE TIGER SLAYER. – Mr. J. HAYWARD the hero of the recent terrible conflict with a tiger is so far recovered that he has commenced “playing the return match” with his old enemies. Last week he killed a male tiger measuring 8 feet 8 inches from nose to tip of tail.

A Natal paper states, “Mr. G.C. CATO has been appointed Liquidator Natal Bank”. It should be “Colonial Bank”.

Saturday, April 13. The Saxon arrived at Port Elizabeth last night, with passengers from Point de Galle &c.
For Algoa Bay:
Capt. and Mrs. LOJHER, two children and servant from Mauritius, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. BIRNE, gunner FRASER, one woman and four children from Natal.
From Galle for Southampton:
Capt. and Mrs. HENDERSON, and four children, Dr. and Mrs. SARTINE, and four children, Mr. C. LAMB.
From Mauritius to Southampton:
Mr. and Mrs. HOLLOWAY, three children and servant, Capt. WALKER, Mr. H. HUNTER, Miss STEWART, Miss NEWMAN.
From Mauritius to Cape Town:
Mr. and Mrs. SKINNER, Mr. and Mrs. GOULD, three children and servant, Mrs. SKEA and two children.
From Natal to Cape Town:
Mr. POTE, Mrs. MACKINTOSH and child, Mrs. ROBERTSON, and Mrs. TRIMEN.
From Natal to Southampton:
Mr. EVANS, Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG, child and servant, Mr. MUIRHEAD, Mr. WITHERSPOON, & Mr. BOYSTON.

The Saxon takes from this port: Mr. BAINES, wife and child, Mrs. HEWETT.
For Capetown: Private GALWAY, Mr. BANKS, Mrs. CAMPBELL and 2 sons.

Saturday, May 4, 1867


CLEVER CAPTURE. – We learn from Alice that one of the thieves who stole Mr. W. WYNNE’S horses lately, has been captured, together with one of the stolen horses, the fellow was caught over the Kei.

THE WIDOW VAN STADEN. – This unfortunate widow has been committed for trial for receiving stolen meat from Kafirs. She seems to have sunk into a state very little above native barbarism. It will be hoped that a minister of religion will now attend upon her neglected mind. – Uitenhage Times.

Saturday, May 11, 1867

A charge has been brought against Mr. H. BERTRAM. J.P. of whipping a native boy in order to get evidence from him. The preliminary examination taken on Friday last went to prove that the native witnesses were incorrigible liars; but threw very little light on the question at issue. – Representative.

A SMART TRIP. – Mr. Chas. SONNENBERG, of this place, has performed the quickest journey on record between Queenstown and the Bay. He left here on Wednesday week by Post-cart, and returned on the following Sunday evening, having been absent exactly 106 hours. Mr. SONNENBERG was about ten hours in the Bay, for hours in Grahamstown, and spent one night at Fort Beaufort. - Ibid.


Nicolaas Marthinus Johannes Solomon BASSON, Aliwal North, Farmer
Johannes Marthinus ELS, Peddie, Farmer
James LANG, Queenstown, Hotel-keeper

Saturday, May 18, 1867


Mr. RYNEVELD, the aged and respected civil commissioner, and magistrate of Stellenbosch, has sent in his resignation. Mr. CROZIER is at present acting as Magistrate.

Dr. LIVINGSTONE. – So highly have the services rendered by this African traveller been appreciated at home, that a proposal has been made that the whole of the territory explored by him should henceforth be inscribed in all European maps with the fitting name “Livingtanis”.

CURE FOR DIPSOMANIACS. – We notice in the Scientific American that there is a prescription in England for the cure of drunkenness by which thousands are said to have been assisted in recovering themselves. – Sulphate of iron, 5 grains; magnesia, 10 grains; peppermint water, 7 drachms; spirit of nutmeg, 1 drachm; twice a day. This preparation acts as a tonic and stimulant.


The postal contract of Messrs. RIDGWAY and ELLA, to and from Queenstown, commences tomorrow. An additional relay of horses is to be put on the line. Instead of ascending the Katberg with oxen, horses will be used. Mr. WEILER has carried out his contract to the satisfaction of the public, and if the new contractors succeed as well as he has on this line, of which we have no doubt, there will be no-cause of complaint.

LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. – A Kafir in the employ of Mr. PALMER, who resides on a farm about five miles from Grahamstown, has been accidently shot by Mr. G. PALMER, jun.

Mr. von WITT, the colonial Jack Ketch, was a passenger by the “Natalian.” He proceeds to Grahamstown, there to carry out the extreme penalty of the law upon the murderer lying in goal there.

ADDRESS TO MR. ATTORNEY CHABAUD. – On Saturday morning last, an address was publicly presented to Mr. CHABAUD, who, jointly with Mr. Thos. GIDDY, was engaged in the defence of the Kaffrarians, in front of the Town Hall.

DIED, at Grahamstown, on Friday, the 17th May, 1867 Mr. James FITZGERALD, aged 75 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers who came out in 1820.

Voor Testament, Huurontractten, Procuratien, &c. uitgemaakt en Transporten zaken waargenomen door.
C.J. HOLL, Jun.

AGENCY, wills, estates, Leases, Powers of Attorney, &c, made out Transfers effected, and cases conducted by
C.J. HOLL, Jun.
Schoone Uitkyk,
District of Victoria East.

Saturday, May 25, 1867

INSOLVENCY – Joseph EDKINS, Shopkeeper, Grahamstown

Two Boers were sentenced to flogging by Judge BELL at Beaufort West Circuit Court last week, for theft of some sheep. He said the law could know no distinction between black and white.

DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – We regret to announce the death, on Wednesday last from cancer, of Mr. John MATTHEWS, one of the Settlers of 1820. He had attained the age of 74 years. – P.E. Telegraph.

Saturday, June 1, 1867


A LEVANTER. – Mr. Solomon HOWE of this place has levanted within the past few days, leaving behind him several affectionate friends to whom he is indebted. His wife Mrs. HOWE, in whose name the business conducted by HOWE has been carried on, has “sent in her prayers.” Mr. HOWE was the contractor for the Koonap road.

Mr. S. MASSEY, of the Kareiga. This well known and much respected hotel-keeper, died on Saturday last, after a lingering illness.

THOUGHFUL. – The Caledon correspondent of the Cape Standard says, that “the members of the English church have lately purchased for their use a handsome and convenient hearse”.

AN UNWELCOME GUEST. – While the servant of Mr. Van RENEN, residing at lady Grey, was making his bed one morning last week, she saw something under the blanket, which she too took to be a scarf, and was about to remove it, when Oh! Horror, it proved to be a puff-adder, on which Mr. Van RENEN and his little boy had slept the whole night.

Jabez Newell HOLDEN, Fort Beaufort
Jan Hendrik MUNNIK, Cape Town, Late post-contractor
Charles William Ferdinand STEIR, Grahamstown, Professor of music

The second reading of the Voluntary bill Carried.
Cape Town, Tuesday Morning.

The Voluntary Principal bill was read a second time yesterday evening.
AYES 24.
The house adjourned at half-past ten.

Saturday June 8, 1867

MARRIED. – On the 12th March, 1867, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. S. FOX, Incumbent, Mr, Robert A. WARD to Annie, the third daughter of Mr. Ralph BEZZANT, of Newport, Monmouthshire.

DIED, at Alice, on the 31st May 1867, from injuries received from a fall on the previous evening, John NETTELTON, formerly of the 7th Dragoon Guards, and for many years resident of Keiskamma Hoek, in the 70th year of his age. The bereaved widow and family take this opportunity to sincerely thank Dr. STEUART, Mr. & Mrs. QUINN and the inhabitants of Alice for their great kindness shown to them in their heavy affliction.

SENSIBLE ADVICE. – An American Newspaper, among other suggestions which will enable a person to avoid cholera, says: - “Endeavour, if possible, to keep a clean conscience, and two or three clean shirts. Rise with the lark, but avoid larks in the evening. Be above ground in all your dwellings, and above board in all your dealings. Love your neighbour as yourself, but don’t have too many in the house with you”.

This has been a week of festivity in Fort Beaufort. No less than two marriages have been celebrated with great éclat, as the Morning Post would say. The first was that of MR. W. SMITH, son of Mr. J.O. SMITH and Miss GILBERT, daughter of Mr. T. GILBERT, of Sephton Manor.
The second was that of the Rev. Mr. TABERER, with Miss SMITH, granddaughter of Mr. STRINGFELLOW. The torch of Hymen having been lighted, we have the shrewd suspicion that the little fellow won’t be allowed to extinguish it just yet, as it will probably be wanted before long.

A TUMOUR of forty-seven years standing was successfully removed on Thursday by Mr. HUTCHINSON, chemist, of Roeland-street. The patient was a female, 55 years of age, and the tumour had been occasioned by a fall which she experienced when in her eighth year. It was situated on the shoulder blade, and gave the sufferer acute pain, especially in wet or changeable weather. – Standard.

Saturday, June 15, 1867

“Kaffraria” arrived in Table Bay this morning from Falmouth, May 2nd.
Passengers for Algoa:

“Norseman” arrived home in thirty days.

There has been a great deal of sickness in the town and neighbourhood during the past two weeks. The weather has been very fine indeed, but notwithstanding, diarrhoea and influenza are very prevalent. Most of those attacked also complain of a disagreeable sensation in the head.

ACCIDENT. – Last week Mr. RAUBENHEIMER of Adelaide met with a serious injury, through his cart capsizing, at the Waterkloof drift in the Adelaide road. Three of his ribs were broken, and his body considerable bruised by the fall; and at first serious apprehensions were entertained for the life of the unfortunate sufferer.

(Extract) James PETERS, Esq. M.D. has been elected mayor of King Williamstown for the fourth year, upon which we beg to tender our congratulations. – Gazette.

ACCIDENT. – We regret to say that Captain DICKENS, of the 11th, was thrown from his horse, on Friday afternoon, and severely injured. The accident took place near Wood’s Hotel, Grahamstown, to which he was carried. Fortunately Dr. DANE, Inspector-General of Hospitals, was at the hotel, and took charge of the case. Capt. DICKENS is, we believe, on the staff. – Journal.

Mr. Michael S. FITZGERALD, late of this town, has been convicted by the Transvaal Court of the crime of “repeated assault and ill-treatment with aggravating circumstances”, of two coloured servant girls, and condemned to imprisonment with hard labour for the term of twelve months. – P.E. Telegraph.

Saturday, June 22, 1867

We have the happiness of announcing that two more worthy couples have been made happy this week. Four marriages in two weeks, are not bad for a small place like Fort Beaufort, and speak volumes for the virtues and charms of its fair spinsters, as well as Characterize the good sense, gallantry, and discernment of the bachelors.
On Monday Adjutant SKILL of the 11th Regt. was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss. BENNETT, daughter of the much respected A.C.G. BENNETT, in charge here.
Tuesday, the day following, witnessed a similar ceremony in which much interest was manifested by the community. Mr. Attorney MORKEL led to the altar amidst the congratulations of a host of friends the eldest daughter of Mr. Robert BOVEY, of Baddaford.

MARRIED. – At Fort Beaufort, on the 4th June, George Chalmers SMITH, Esq., to Everal Hester, Daughter of Thomas GILBERT, Esq.

Saturday, June 29, 1867

DIED, - At Grahamstown, on the 25th June, after a long and painful illness, Mr. John QUIN, sen., age 62 years.

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