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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1867 3 July - September

Saturday, July 6, 1867

As the Advertiser is making arrangements for wool washing on a scale hitherto unknown in these parts, he will be enabled to give at the least a halfpenny per lb more for grease wool than “Any other man”.
James SCOTT.
Waterloo House, Fort Beaufort, June 28, 1867

LONGEVITY. – There are now living in this town, two ladies and a gentleman, whose united age’s amount to 252 years. Both the old ladies – we beg their pardon for being obliged to use the odious word – are in good health and spirits, and one of them not long ago was equal to the dancing of a quadrille. The old gentleman, a few months ago, walked to Healdtown and back, equal to 12 miles.

MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE. – On Saturday morning quite a shock was given to our community by the announcement of the death of the Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Military Chaplain, which had taken place on the previous night, from the effects of an excessive dose of laudanum. It seems that an inquiry into certain charges of irregularity alleged against the deceased, had resulted in his suspension from his clerical duties as Military Chaplain by Sir. Percy DOUGLAS, while here last week. An inquest was held Monday, which resulted in a declaration that death was “accidental”. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN, performing the usual service on such occasions. The deceased leaves a widow and child, very poorly provided for.

It appears that the flogging of a criminal costs £1 1s.  Half goes to the whipper and half to the sheriff.

THE DEATH of the Rev. J.P. PELLISSIER of Bethulie is announced in the Colesberg Advertiser.

Richard AUSTIN                 Fort Beaufort
William MOORE                 Willowmore

(Extract) We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. J.W. ASHBURNHAM. The deceased had long been suffering from pulmonary consumption. The funeral takes place to-morrow morning at 7½ o’clock. – Watchman.

(Extract) We (George Advertiser) regret to notice the death of Mr. J. EEDES, senior, of Blanco. He was seized with a severe attack of bronchitis, and died on Tuesday the 11th instant rather suddenly, at the age of 66 years. In 1829 he married the eldest daughter of Capt. H.N. ROWE, R.N., and grandfather of the Rev. Henry HOWE. L.L.D. Rector of Kingshall, Suffolk, whose death at Mossel Bay we noticed in our columns at the end of last year.


At Fort Beaufort, on the 26th June the wife of Mr. GOING, of a son.

On Tuesday, 2nd inst. the wife of Robert BATHO, Esq., Assistant Surgeon, Cape Mounted Rifleman, of a Daughter.

Saturday, July 13, 1867

A SOLDIER belonging to the Royal Engineers died on Tuesday, and was buried with military honours on Wednesday. He was a hard worker, but unfortunately he was also a hard drinker, and had undermined his constitution.

Mr. HAYWARD, of Doorn River has lost 50 sheep during the past three weeks. The country abounds with thieves. – Uitenhage Times.


The death of Mr. R. STAPLETON, statistical clerk of the Colonial Office, is recorded in the Cape papers. Deceased was the compiler of the census returns.

BRUTAL MURDER. – it is stated in the Colesberg paper that a Boer named MATTHYSEN of Hope town, having become tired of his wife, and enamoured of a young boeress name KOOSEN, shot his wife under circumstances so arranged as to induce the belief that death was the result of accident; but the arrangement were too clumsily executed to save the murderer from suspicion. The affair is now under investigation.


A PEDESTRIAN. – There has been staying in Graaff-Reinet for some days past – say the Herald – Mr. Charles Wilmot de SERRES, who has walked several time from Grahamstown to Cape Town, and to the Free State. He has recently walked from Port Natal to Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth, from which place he is now en route to the Free State. He is 63 years old, and holds his age well, being in good health and nimble on his feet.

AS BAD AS A KAFIR. – A man named SHEAN, a discharged soldier, was recently dismissed from the gaol, where, for the crime of theft, he had been undergoing a sentence of three month’s imprisonment. Almost immediately on his dismissal he was again apprehended, charged with stealing a valuable overcoat out of one of the stores in town. In sentencing the prisoner, his Worship remarked, that by his conduct he had shown himself to be as bad as a Kafir and deserved punishment accordingly. He was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment with hard labor, and to receive 25 lashes. – Free Press.

Saturday, July 20, 1867

PROLIFIC. – On the farm of Mr. J.M. RADEMEYER, at Welgelegen, Longkloof, a single mealie seed has, it is stated, yielded the magnificent return of 3,686 grains, or three imperial pints.

The Celt brings brings the following passengers and cargo:
For Capetown:
Algoa Bay:
Major TWEESDALE, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. HEUGH and child, Mr. Isaac HOLMES, Mrs. EDDINGTON, Mr. and Mrs. LEE, Mr. Thomas GRIFFITHS, Mr. MENAT, Mr. LANG, Mr. KAMPTOT, Mr. GHITTY, Ensign TOTTENHAM, Mr. HOLMES, Mr. J.H. ENGLAND, Miss MORRIS, Mr. BRITTAIN, Mr. and Mrs. SPITLER, Mr. HOLL, Mr. WAGNER.


Samuel PIKE, Trader, Bodian near Peddie
Augustus Thomas GOODCHILD, Eland’s Post near Stockenstrom
Jacob Jacobus JANSEN, Farmer, Nooitgedagt farm

Saturday, July 27, 1867

Only 4s 3d each.
Campbell-street, Fort Beaufort,
July 25th, 1867.


Mr. George Thomas PALMER, tried before the Eastern Districts Court on Tuesday for shooting a Kafir servant, was acquitted, the evidence supporting the plea that the pistol went off by accident.


The “Celt” towed two “lame ducks” into Port Elizabeth on Tuesday.

Saturday, August 3, 1867


WESLEYAN ANNIVERARY. – The annual services in connection with the Wesleyan Missionary Society were held here this week. The Revds. IMPEY and FISH preached on Sunday; and the public meeting was held in the schoolroom on Tuesday evening, Mr. W. AYLIFF presiding.

MARTIAL-LAW has been proclaimed in the Free State.

GOLD. - The Representative says that there is a report current in Queen’s Town to the effect that gold has been discovered near Dordrecht.

A CAPETOWN contemporary understands that a company is now being formed in Capetown to undertake a search for diamonds in the Orange River in a regular and systematic manner.

A very beautiful and appropriate monument to the memory of the late Mr. W.R. THOMSON, M.L.A., in now in progress of construction in the English cemetery. – Standard.

A NEW BROTHERHOOD. – Amongst the arrivals by the United Service, from England, were the Rev. Canon BECKETT, accompanied by Messrs. CRISP, BROWN, FACON, WILLIAMS, TERRY and ODELL, who are proceeding to organise a mission among the Basutos in the Orange Free State. These gentlemen are to live in communion together under the title of the

Brotherhood of St. Augustine, of which, brotherhood Canon BECKETT is the superior; and, in addition to their missionary labours, it is their intention to follow various manual occupations, many of them being acquainted with some handicraft work. – Standard.

EAU DE LUCE A REMEDY IN CASE OF SNAKE BITE. – A farmer in British Kaffraria, writing to the E.P. HERALD, says of Eau de Luce: - “No farmer ought to be without it; it is a certain cure for snakebites – acting as an antidote. A herd of mine was bitten in the leg by a snake; he immediately ran home, having seen me cure a sheep and a dog that had been bitten. He was as white as a sheet I was going to say, but, as that is almost impossible for a black man, I’ll say he was as white as he could be."

Mr. Frank REITZ, son of Mr. F.W. REITZ, of Swellendam, has passed a very creditable examination, and will shortly return to the Colony to practice at the Bar. Mr. REITZ is now on tour to the Continent, and has only been absent from the Colony about two and a half years.

It is reported here that H. BERTRAM Esq., has resigned his appointment of Inspector No. 3 Company F.A.M. Police. In Mr. BERTRAM the police force loses a very efficient officer.

CAPTAIN POTTER, of the 99th, has exchanged into the Cape Mounted Rifles.

Saturday, August 10, 1867

MARRIED, on Wednesday, 7th inst., at St. John’s, Fort Beaufort, Willingham Franklin RICHARDSON, Esq., Royal Engineers, youngest son of the late Sir. John RICHARDSON, C.B.  F.R.S., to Elizabeth, only daughter of the late John PYM, Esq., C.E. London.

DIED, at the Blinkwater village on Monday, 5th of August, 1867, aged 85 years and seven months, Sarah, relict of the late William PARROTT, surgeon, of the Cape Mounted Rifles; much regretted by a large number of friends and relatives.


EXTRAORDINARY PIG. – Mr. John van der BYL, of Fairfield, killed a pig on the 1st instant, the size and width of which are worth noting. It measured 8 feet; weighed 720 lbs in all; head 60 lbs; hams 62 lbs each; it yielded 10 buckets of surplus lard, and the fat was 6 inches thick on the back. It consumed 100 bushels of barley since the 1st of December last.


Dr. BREDA, son of the Hon. BREDA, has arrived in fort Beaufort, with a view of establishing himself in his profession.

Mr. GADD has been gazetted Justice of the Peace for the division of Queen’s Town.

Mr. T. WARD was elected a director of F.B.F.I.T. & L.I. Co., on Saturday last.

OFFICIAL CHANGES. – It is reported that Mr. PHILPOTT, now the Magistrate of Cradock, is to succeed Mr. INNES at Uitenhage; that Mr. GIDDY will take the Magistracy of Cradock; that Mr. INNES will be Magistrate of Bedford.

A TESTIMONIAL is about to be presented to Hermanus BERTRAM, Esq., late Inspector of the F.A.M. Police, by the non-commissioned officers and privates of his company (No.3). The testimonial, we believe will consist of a gold-watch, chain, and seal of considerable value. The watch – a very handsome one – is supplied by Alfred RIDLEY, of this town, and was manufactured by Mr. H. RIDLEY, of London. – Ibid.

COMPULSARY SEQUESTRATIONS. – Notice is given that the estate of Frederic HOLLAND, of Grahamstown, has been placed under compulsory sequestration, by order of the Eastern Districts Court, bearing date 20th July, upon the petition of Thos. Edward MINTO, as attorney and agent of John E. SALE. Also the estate of W.H. WALLACE, of the same place, upon the petition of SMITH, of Port Elizabeth.

Saturday, August 17, 1867


Three large loads of oat-hay were sent to Queenstown from Mr. SPARKES’ farm, near East London.  The oat hay was of splendid quality, and was sold out of hand at 10s 6d. per 100lbs.

In the Eastern Districts’ Court on Thursday, provisional orders were given for the sequestration of the Estates of W. R. THOMPSON and James BLACK.

THE CLASSICS IN THE HOUSE. – Last Tuesday afternoon, in the Assembly, Mr. ZIERVOGEL quoted some Dutch lines in illustration of his argument. The Attorney-General (chaffingly of course) held that by the rules of the House the Dutch language was not allowed to be used in the debates. Mr. ZIERVOGEL bowed to the rebuke, but summited a humble hope that henceforth the Attorney-General would not inflict on them any more of his dog-Latin! – Mail.

We regret to announce the demise of Major LONGMORE, which took place on Thursday morning.
“Advocate Office” 15th August, 1867
The “Mauritius” Capt. COXWELL, from Mauritius, anchored yesterday.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:

Saturday, August 24, 1867


Judge WATERMEYER. – A correspondent says: “You will be grieved to hear that Judge WATERMEYER is on his last legs. He has diseased liver, kidneys, and heart, and now dropsy is showing itself. I expect he will have passed away before this reaches you”. – Journal.

A JOCULAR THIEF. – A curious instance of kleptomania occurred at the dwelling-house of the Resident Magistrate on Sunday Morning, or late Saturday night. Some thief or thieves entered the dinning-room through the window, helped themselves to some provisions out of the side-board cupboard, sat down and made a hearty meal finishing with a tart by way of desert, and washing it down in libations of buttermilk. Undoubtedly a full stomach is conductive to unselfishness and mirth. So it was in this instance; for instead of walking off with the spoons and forks which lay handy for them, they left everything except the provisions they had eaten, and when Mrs. INNES arose in the morning she found a note, written on a sheet of her own paper containing the following polite address: “Mrs. Innes your tarts was so nice and the buttermilk we did not care for anything ells”.

This may be considered a capital joke by some, but entering people’s houses at night is what the law calls burglary, and it a question whether the high compliment paid to Mrs. INNES’ cuisine would condone the theft. Had this joker been caught he would undoubtedly have been sent to luxuriate on rice and water and the recollection of the tarts and buttermilk. – Uitenhage Times.


Per Mail Steamer ‘Roman
The Roman with news to the 10 July, arrived in Table Bay on the 13 inst.
The following is a list of passengers:-
For Cape Town:
Col. FANSHAW, R.E., Mrs. FANSHAW and infant; Miss FANSHAW, female servant and man servant; Mr. MALCOLM, Mrs. MILLER and two children, Mr. E. CUTHBERTSON, Mr. J. WILLIAMS, Mr. A.S. PEABODY, Mrs. PEABODY, one child and one female servant, Mr. POWRIE.
For Algoa Bay:
Col. JENNER, Mrs. JENNER, Mr. JENNER and Masters JENNER (2), Mr. W. LIPPERT, Major TEESDALE, 
Mr. MOSES, Dr. CVOHN and Mrs. COHN.
For Galle:
For Mauritius:
Mrs. MILLIOU, Surgeon ROBERTS, R.A., Mr. BONEFIN, Surgeon ROBERTS’S military attendant.

Saturday, August 31, 1867


Fire. – On Saturday last the 24th inst., a fire broke out in the premises of Mr. W. AINSLIE, at the Cowie, in the occupation of Mr. James SMITH resulting in the total destruction of a two storied house. Fortunately Mr. SMITH succeeded in rescuing the greater portion of the furniture. The fire is said to be the act of incendiarism, the perpetrator being a Kafir Servant of Mr. SMITH.


Johannes Fredrik de BEER, of Somerset East, compulsory sequestration, finally adjudicated by order of the Eastern Districts Court; assets and liabilities unknown.

Among the passengers by the steamer Florence is the Rev. G.W. STEGMAN, jr.

PROMOTION. – Adjutant PASLEY, of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, has obtained his Lieutenancy.

DEATH OF BRITISH SETTLERS. – The Grahamstown papers announce the deaths of Mr. George CLAYTON, sen., of Bathurst, aged 82 years and 10 months, and of Charles KESTELL, of Grahamstown, aged 80 years and 6 months. They both came to the colony with the British settlers of 1820.

ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST FOR GRAHAM’S TOWN. -  During the festival of Pentecost, the Rev. Dr. MORIARITY, Roman Catholic Bishop of Kerry, conferred orders upon upwards of one hundred students of All Hallows, among which the heading of “Minor Orders,” – “Mr. John GOFFEY, Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope”.

(Extract) We very much regret to record the death of the 20th inst., of Mr. John George BENDER at Burghersdorp. The deceased was in his eighty first year, and had served under the 1s: Napoleon. He came to this colony in 1806. In 1846 he came to Burghersdorp as book keeper to the firm of Mosenthal Brothers & co. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

Saturday, September 7, 1867

MARRIED, at Adelaide, on the 3rd inst., by the Peter DAVIDSON, Alexander James, eldest son of the late Mr. Thos. R. KIDWELL, to Jane Wills, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry ORCHARD, of Adelaide. – No Cards.


MOSSEL BAY, August 27. – We hear from Mossel Bay that Mr. WALTER, M.L.A., who arrived by the Natalian, is detained here in consequence of his boy bolting off with his cart and horses.

FIRE. – A fire broke out last night about 12 o’clock, in the back premises of Mr. S, WHITE, situate in Main-street, near the New Church, which but for its timely discovery might have caused great destruction to property. We have not heard how the fire originated, but we believe this is the second time that a fire has been discovered in this yard, and that circumstances lead to the conclusion that both were the work of incendiaries. – E.P. Herald.

Saturday, September 14, 1867

SUDDEN DEATH. – A Hottentot man living in the location beyond the river, died suddenly on Wednesday. He was well in the afternoon, and at night he was a corpse.

Theunis Christian de KLERK, Mount Pleasant, Farmer
Johannes Stephanus BESTER, Alleman’s Kraal,  Farmer

OUTLINES OF THE GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AFRICA. – Under this title, Mr. WILMOT, Postmaster at Port Elizabeth, has prepared and published a useful little class book for schools.

Saturday, September 21, 1867

INSOLVENCY. – Dodds Stewart PRINGLE, Baviaan’s River, in the division of Bedford; compulsory sequestration, granted provisionally; assets and liabilities unknown.

MARRIED, by Special License, at Adelaide, South Africa, on Tuesday, the 17th September, 1867, by the father of the bride, Alexander REID, Manager of the Somerset East Bank, to Miss Gertrude A. STEGMAN, of Adelaide.
18th Sept., 1867

Saturday, September 28, 1867

MURDER. – Information has been received at Grahamstown from Peddie of the wilful murder of a woman by a European. The unfortunate victim was his wife.

NEWS has been received from Utrecht to the effect that a hunting party of seven Transvaal Boers had been murdered at Panda’s Kraal.

THE GRAAFF-RENEIT election has resulted in the return of Mr. HARTZENBERG. Mr. Te WATER withdrew after the show of hands was declared to be against him.

EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY, - As some soldiers of the 86th were fishing off the Bird Rock, Fishery Point, on the afternoon of Friday last, they caught an enormous shark, which was handed to Fr. McWALTERS (who is a great anatomist) for dissection. Much to the surprise of the learned doctor, the stomach of the fish was found to contain a pair of tweed overalls, marked “E.L.” in perfect preservation, together with a pair of gold spectacles, and several Consular buttons. We may add that the buttons are stamped “Paganni”. They await identification at the guard-tent at the Fishery. – P.E. Advertiser.

MARRIAGE. – Yesterday a marriage took place in Grahamstown – not quite in the ordinary law of ceremonies of that kind. It is seldom that a marriage takes place here within the limits of Jewish society. We suppose that this is the reason why no Jewish marriage officer has yet been appointed to officiate in Grahamstown. Marriage officer from Port Elizabeth came from the Bay to the City to bind in Wedlock Miss LAWRANCE, the eldest daughter of Joseph LAWRANCE, Esquire, to Ernest R. MOSES, Esq., of Port Elizabeth.
English Mail per “Briton.”
The “Briton” from Southampton August 8, and Plymouth August 10, she brings the following passengers:
For Cape Town:
Mr. and Mrs. MANUEL and man servant, Dr. ALBERTYN, Master ALBERTYN, Capt. and Mrs. INGLIS, Rev. Mr. ROONEY, Rev. McDUNNE, Dr. STEWART, Mr. A. van der BYL, Miss LEES, Mrs. ENSOR and two children, Mr. and Mrs. GOODBAN, Mr. LEVENBERG, Mr. and Mrs. READ, Mr. ORR, Mr. SCHIPPIO or SCHIPPIN, Mr. PAUL, Miss LLOYD, Miss GIBSON, Mr. Le ROY and party, six in number, Mr. and Mrs. SCHEITLIN, Miss SCHEITLIN child and servant, Mr. BARROWS, Miss BURROWS, Mr. STRANGMAN, Mr. CHALLIS, Mr. and Mrs. BEGLEY, Master BEGLEY, Mr. ROY, Mrs. WILSON, Miss CLARE or CLARA, Mr. and Mrs. RENNIE, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. INMAN.
For Algoa Bay:
Mr. and Mrs. SHAW, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. DAVIS, Miss DAVIS, Mr. HARRIES, Mr. AUDREY, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. and Mrs. GILBERT, Miss ELEN, Mr. ARMSTRONG.
For Port Natal:
Mr. and Mrs. GRANT infant and female and male servant, Mrs. PILCHER and two children, Mr. CHALLINOR, Mr. E.G. CHALLINOR, Mr. E.H. HICKMAN, Mr. and Mrs. BOYNE, Mr. A. WILSON, Mr. AUDRADE, Mr. LEE.
For Mauritius:
For Galle:
Mr. and Mrs. SMITH.
For St. Helena:
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. BERTRAM and child, paymaster and Mrs. KINDERSLEY.
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