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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1867 4 October - December

Saturday, October 5, 1867


KATBERG. – On Wednesday the Katberg road was covered with three feet of snow.

We have been informed that information has just been received by the Resident Magistrate, that several cases of fever have broken out amongst Mr. MUNDELL’S servants in the Winterberg, and that the servants attacked are in a very dangerous state.

DIVISIONAL COUNCIL. - Messrs. SCOTT and QUIN were nominated for Fort Beaufort. Mr. W. AYLIFF for Blinkwater, Mr. SIMS for Winterberg, Mr. T. GILBERT for Koonap, Mr. H. SPARKS for Adelaide; Messrs. C. LILFORD and T. NILAND for Kroome. A poll for the representation of the latter ward will take place on next Wednesday, the 9th. The other members are duly returned, there being no contest. Fresh nominations for one seat in Fort Beaufort Ward, will have to be called for.

A NATIVE servant in the employ of Mr. W. ANDREWS for a long time, was recently detected in the act of killing his master’s sheep in the veldt, and secured with the object of having him punished in the usual way. Before he could be brought into town, however, the fellow effected his escape into the adjacent forest. For a long time Mr. ANDREWS had periodically missed sheep from his flock, but never suspected the thief, until he was taken in the act.

ESTATE G. BISSETT. – A farm in this estate was sold by Mr. GOOLD, Auctioneer, on Friday last for the sum of £340, Mr. SCHOLTZ being the purchaser. – Watchman.

ESTATE P. MULLIN. – The trustee in this estate, sold on Friday last, through Mr. SCHERMBRUCKER, Farm 96, East London District, belonging to the above insolvent estate for the sum of £606 5s. Mr. BENNING q.q. being the purchaser. – Ibid.

THE FEVER. – We regret to learn that the fever is still raging amongst the coloured people. The Municipality has taken vigorous action in the matter, white-washing and leaning, but owing to the emptiness of their chest are unable to supply any of the “Medical comforts” so necessary to those who are sick. Have no good Samaritans in Uitenhage to collect small sums and see them properly applied. – Ibid.

AN OLD COUPLE. – (Extract) There are at the present time residing in the village of Bathurst, Lower Albany, a couple whose united ages amount to two hundred years. The gentleman to whom we allude, Mr. FORBES is ninety five years of age, and his wife is one hundred and five. Mr. FORBES came to this colony in 1820 with the original Settlers, and was provisional fieldcornet of his party. He has served under four Sovereigns, namely: George III, George IV, William IV, and Queen Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. FORBES are natives of the county Longford Ireland, and we wish the hale and hearty couple every blessings. - Great Eastern

An Adjutant of a Volunteer Corps, being doubtful whether he had distributed muskets to all the men, cried, “All of you that are without arms hold up your hands!”

Wednesday, Oct 2, 1867
The “Anglian” arrived at nine p.m. last night; left Southampton on the 24th of August.
Passengers: Messrs. DALE and ACARDE.

SHIPPING. – Arrived from Algoa Bay:
“Eleanor,” “Oleander,” “Paneparder,” “Columbia,” “Beaufort,” “Corunna,” and “Zealander”
The “Galatea” has left for Australia.

The unfortunate woman who (with her child) was found dead near Ferguson’s Hotel on Wednesday morning last was, we hear, the wife of Private FRANS, C.M.R. stationed in this garrison. She received a pass on Tuesday last the 1st inst., to visit her parents in Adelaide for a few days, and she must have been caught in the drenching rain which set in on Tuesday last, whilst on her journey, and perished from cold during the night. A pass was immediately given to the bereaved husband to proceed to the spot to see the remains of his wife and child.

TWO MEN PUT TO DEATH. – The Amapondemisi Chief UNDITCHWA, being ill, has put two men to death, on the charge of having been bewitched by them. The missionary interceded in vain for the poor fellows. A similar case occurred a few weeks ago in the Amakaeto tribe, when the Chief DALAKLE put his own brother to death. – Free Press.

FIRE AT THE PAARL. – On Saturday night last, a fire broke out on the premises used as a store by Mr. KLERCK, at the Paarl, which did considerable damage. Mr. KLERCK in attempting to save his books, got severely burnt in the legs, and had to turn back. Mrs. KLERCK attempted the task afterwards, and succeeded; but in returning through the suffocating smoke, with the books in her apron, she fell and broke her leg.

Saturday, October 12, 1867

Mr. R.W. MURRAY sent Mrs. HAY £2 10S, for the Ladies Benevolent Society, proceeds of his lecture in Shaw College; and £10 to the Albank[y] Hospital proceeds of that in the Albany Hall.

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – (Extract) It is with feelings of deep regret that we have this week to record the sudden melancholy death of Mr. H.H. GOING, Inspector of Roads to the divisional Council of this district.

Saturday, October 19, 1867

Advocate Office,
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1867
“Norseman” just arrived.
“Norseman” brings the following passengers:
For Algoa Bay:

SENTENCED TO DEATH. – The Dutchman, J. MATTHYSEN, found guilty at the Colesberg assizes of murder by shooting his wife, has been sentenced to death.

Mr. R. RUTHERFORD, late M L A., for Graaff-Reinet, has, it is said, taken up his residence in the Orange Free State.

PRIVATE letters by the “Anglican” report no improvement in the health of Mr. Justice WATERMEYER.

“Belmont.” – This valuable farm was sold by Messrs. LAWRANCE and ORSMOND on Thursday, and realized £2,290.

A PRIVATE telegram from Capetown says that Mr. John BELL, son of Mr. BELL of this town, has been fired upon while in discharge of his duties at the General Post Office, but happily escaped without injury. – Free Press.

Subject to the approval of Her Majesty, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments:
The Hon. James Christopher DAVIDSON, Esq, to be Civil Commissioner for the Cape division.
Charles PIERS, Esq, to be Post Master General.
The Hon. Francis Bertrand PINNEY, Esq, and Henry WILSON, Esq, (Port Captain), to Commissioners for discharging the duties of Shipping master at Cape Town.
Charles MILLS, Esq, to be Chief finance Clerk in the Colonial office, in the room of Jacobus Christoffel OVERBECK, Esq, retired.
Henry Martin Herbert ORPEN, Esq, to be Sub-Collector and Surveyor in the Customs Department in Cape Town.
Johan Hendrik HECKROOT, Esq, to be Chief Clerk of the cash branch, of the same and Warehouse keeper.
George Edward GOODBAN, Esq, to be Chief clerk of the management branch of the same.

Mr. GOOCH, of Grahamstown, eloped on Saturday night with a daughter of Major STACK. Supposed to have gone en route to the Vaal River.
Great sensation here.
Major STACK is in pursuit of the fugitives, who have been traced as far as Dagga Boer’s Neck.

Saturday, October 26, 1867

Advocate Office,
Wednesday, Oct.23, 1867.
Her Majesty’s Steamer Bosphorus is a total wreck at Zietzikamma rock, thirty five miles from Humansdorp. Occurred on the 21st. inst.
Forty five lives are stated to have been lost. Captain and crew come round to Port Elizabeth.

Advocate Office,
Friday, Oct. 25, 1867
Captain ALEXANDER and Lieut. BAKER of the “Bosphorus” arrived in Port Elizabeth yesterday, and remainder of crew of vessel this morning. Ten bodies washed up.
“Natal” sailed last night.
“Anglian” leaves to-day.
Miss BAILEY and Mrs. SMYTH of the Poussard Bailey Company are in town.

Dr. LIVINGSTONE. – Letters received from on board Her Majesty’s ship Highflyer, now stationed near Zanzibar, state that the Shiek of Kielva had informed the officers that Dr. LIVINGSTONE was still alive, although many of his followers had been killed in a fight with the natives. Since this time twelve months the Highflyer has been very successful in intercepting the dhows employed in the slave trade on the Mozambique and Zanzibar coast. It has captured, in all, sixteen of these vessels, containing 574 slaves.
DIED – On the 15th October, 1867, Sarah, the beloved wife of John BARNES. Aged 51 years. Her end was peace. Mr. BARNES desires to intimate to friends, who evinced so kind a feeling during the lengthened sufferings of the late Mrs. BARNES, his extreme kindness.
Alice, 23rd Oct. 1867.

Saturday, November 2, 1867


BURGLARIOUS ATTEMPTS. – (Extract) On Monday night two attempts were made at burglary – one into the premises of Mr. LAWRIE, chemist, and the other into the stores of Mr. W. LLOYD, D’Urban street. An entry was effected in both cases, but the robbers were disturbed and decamped without booty.

Mr. GOOCH, who lately eloped from Grahamstown, has been apprehended and taken back. – Colesberg Advertiser.

GOOD HAUL. – Nine Hottentots were brought in yesterday from Mr. H. PIENAAR’S farm, having stolen some 90 sheep from him.

BEAUFORT WEST. – Gert TAAIBOSCH, who was found guilty of the murder of the late Mr. MURRAY, Civil Commissioner of Victoria West, some years ago, was executed at Beaufort West on Monday last week.

TONGUES AND EARS. – The following is from the Uitenhage Times’ law report of the local Circuit Court.
The Acting Solicitor-General, (turning round to Mr. CHABAUD: If Mr. CHABAUD will leave off talking, I shall be glad.
Mr. CHABAUD: I’m not speaking to the witness, but to the counsel.
The Acting-General: Really, I wish the case could go on without Mr. CHABAUD’S interference!
Mr. Advocate de WET: Mr. CHABAUD is speaking to me.
His Lordship: He must not speak so loud that the witness can hear him.
Mr. Advocate de WET: If my learned friend will put his ears so close he must expect to hear.
The Acting Solicitor-General: My ears are long enough. – (The rest of the learned gentleman’s speech was drowned in a volley of laughter in which he joined heartily).

Saturday, November 9, 1867

OBITUARY. – It is with regret we notice the death of Mr. Robert BEST, which took place here yesterday. Mr. BEST was an old resident in Queenstown, and was very much respected by all who knew him. – Free Press

GOSSIPING WOMEN. – Among the ordinances promulgated at St. Helena, in 1709, we find the following: “Whereas, several idle gossiping women make it their business to go from house to house about the island, inventing and spreading false and scandalous reports of the good people thereof, and thereby sow discord and debate among neighbours, and between men and their wives, we do order that if any women, from henceforth, shall be convicted of tale-telling, mischief-making, scolding, or any other notorious vice, they will be punished by ducking and whipping, or such other punishment as their crimes or transgressions shall deserve, as the governor and council shall think fit.


Nov. 1, 1867
Josias Samuel Oertel BRINK, Storekeeper, Richmond
Ernest Charles de la CORNILLIERE ,French teacher, Port Elizabeth
William John COLEMAN, Orange Free State

DEATH OF DR. GRAF. – (Extract) It is our very painful duty to record the decease, in his forty-second year, of Dr. GRAF, a medical practitioner of some distinction in this city, and lately one of the officers in charge of a district during the prevalence of fever. The deceased gentleman was taken ill a fortnight ago, and from the symptoms there was no doubt that an attack of typhoid fever was the cause of illness. Alexander Carl Kunhardt Theodore GRAF was by birth a Viennese. He served as a surgeon in one of the contingents serving in the Schleswig-Holstein war of 1848, receiving a medal and cross. A widow and four children, and a bereaved mother, are left to mourn the decease of an affectionate husband and father, and estimable son. – Standard.

“I hold it to be a fact,” says Pascal, “that if all persons knew what they said of each other, there would not be any friends in the world. A man one day saw a thief with a fish hanging below his coat. He said “Friend, when next thou stealest, steal a shorter fish, or wear a longer coat.”

Saturday, November 16, 1867

Advocate Office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 13, 1867

Steamer Celt arrived, October 10th
The Empress of the French and Prince Imperial narrowly escaped drowning.
FOULD, the celebrated French Minister of Finance, and Lord BROUGHAM, are dead.
European affairs in a very unsettled state.
France continues to arm.
Italy greatly disturbed.
Bands of insurgents in Papal States.
At Church Congress in Lambeth decided to promote a new See for Natal.
Wool at same rates as last.
Amongst passengers are Bishop MORAN and suite (thirteen)
All quiet at Uitenhage.
Sir Walter CURRIE returned to Uitenhage.

Narrow escape. – Last week Mr. SHEPPERSON, a son of Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON of Graham’s Town had a narrow escape from drowning, in crossing one of the swollen streams between this and his home. Both horse and rider were swept down a considerable distance, but eventually succeeded in getting out of the water without any damage beyond a wet skin.

DEATH OF DR. BROWN. – Another of our medical men has succumbed before the fatal influences of the prevailing fever. Dr. Alexander BROWN, during the illness of Dr. LANDSBERG, acted as surgeon to the dispensary, and was one of the district medical officers. He fell ill last week, and gradually became worse and worse until Sunday morning when he breathed his last at his residence Strand-street. He was twice married, first to a daughter of the late Dr. PALLAS, and afterwards to the sister of Dr. FLECK; and leaves a family and numerous connections to deplore his death. The funeral too place yesterday afternoon. – Ibid.

ACCOMMODATING BABOONS! – Mr. Johannes JOUBERT, living at the farm De Hoop, Roodeberg, Camdeboo, had the misfortune to have part of his farm covered with the small locusts, called voetgangers. He had a number of people employed to keep them out of his ploughed lands, and had his flock of sheep and goats to tramp over them, but he could not get rid of them. One day, however, he was surprised to see some baboons amongst the locusts, scraping them together in heaps, and devouring them with avidity. He says there could not have been less than 500 or 600 baboons, and the execution they made in the swarm was so effectual, that he could not see a single locust. In grateful remembrance of their success, he says he does not care now if the attacking army do take an occasional lamb, or a few armfuls of mealies. – G.R. Herald.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A very remarkable death occurred in Cape Town yesterday. Two Malay priests quarrelled together in the upper Mosque in Chiappini-street as to which had the right of officiating there. High words were used, and something very near, though not quite a fight. One of the priests was so violently excited, that after he came out, and on his way home from Chiappini-street to his house in Castle-street, he fell down in a fit, and immediately died. – Argus

Saturday, November 23, 1867


MONSTER EEL. – We are informed that an immense eel was caught near Fort Murray on Saturday night by Mr. BLAKEMORE of this town. It is said to have been 5 feet 9 inches in length, 16½ inches in circumference, and to have weighed 28½ lbs. The skin has been preserved. – Watchman.

MRS. MONTAGU. – We insert with extreme regret a notification of the death of the amiable and respected wife of Mr. MONTAGU, the Registrar of Deeds and son of the well-remembered Colonial Secretary. This sad event will cast a great gloom for a long time upon the best circle of colonial society. The numerous friends of Mr. MONTAGU sincerely condone with himself and family at the irreparable loss. – Standard.

SHOCKING DEATH FROM BURNING. – On Tuesday last about four o’clock in the afternoon, some children were making fires near a house occupied by Mr. Philip FROST, and as the wind was blowing strong at the time, the flames came towards a little girl, name SEYMOUR, who was sitting on the ground nursing an infant, about ten months old, belonging to Mr. FROST. Before the girl could escape, the flames came in contact with her clothes, which were burnt off her back before she could reach the house, distant about thirty yards. Strange to say the infant escaped uninjured. Dr. ENSOR was sent for and was immediately in attendance, and the poor girl was then sent to the hospital, where we regret to say, she expired on Wednesday night in great agony. It is to be hoped that this will be a warning to children “playing at fires.” – E.P. Herald.

Saturday, November 30, 1867

Alterations of considerable importance being about to take place in the business of the undersigned, he warns all parties indebted to him to call and settle without delay, as it will save them considerable trouble and expense, as they may fall into hands who will have no – MERCY.
William EWING.
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 29. 1867.


We regret to hear of the death, after a long illness, of Mr. Henry KEYS, sen., at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. P. HARRIS, Lushington. Mr. KEYS was for many years a resident of this town, and by his straight forward bearing, gained the respect of all classes of the inhabitants.

OBITUARY.¬ – We have to record the death of Mrs. ROSS, sen., wife of the late Capt. ROSS, a Peninsula and Waterloo veteran. The lamented departed died very suddenly, on the farm, and was brought into Queenstown. The funeral moved from the residence of Mr. EVANS yesterday afternoon, and the cortege consisted of a large number of relatives and friends as well as the principal residents of the town. – Ibid

FATAL WAGON ACCIDENT. – On Saturday morning last Mr. Solomon Du PREES was endeavouring to prevent a drunken hottentot from falling from his wagon, and himself fell beneath the wheel, which passed over him. The unfortunate man was taken into Mr. GIBBON’S toll house, but died almost immediately. – Uitenhage Times.

SAD ACCIDENTS AT NATAL. – Quarter Master STORY, 20th Regiment was recently thrown from his horse at Fort Napier, and received some severe injuries, his collar-bone being broken. His servant a private named WENHAM, mounted the horse in order to proceed for medical assistance, when the animal also threw him, and his fall proved fatal.

A BRAWL BETWEEN THE Kafirs and Fingoes at the location near Graham’s town on Saturday night last ended in several of the combatants being seriously knobkerried and assegaied.

A SOLDIER named George ELLIOTT, private in the 11th Regt. has been charged with having attempted to shoot a widow, near Fort England. The widow had listened to the addresses of the soldier, while his bounty money lasted, but when the purse became empty the widow’s love cooled, and ELLIOTT burned to revenge himself, and in the dead of night discharged a loaded gun through the window of the widow’s hut, which pierced the pillow from which she had risen but a moment before. The case is under investigation.

Saturday, December 7, 1867


Jas. VIGNE, Fort Beaufort, Storekeeper
William Elsie KING, Salem Party, Farmer
Joseph DICKS, Grahamstown, Baker
Kenneth McCASKILL, Farm No. 85, Farmer

Mr. Advocate PURCELL is mentioned as a probable candidate for the vacancy in the House of Assembly occasioned by the resignation of Capt. MILLS.

The Kafir JONAS who was committed to prison at Burghersdorp before Circuit for the murder of a Hottentot woman, died in prison last week of consumption.

A FREAK OF NATURE. – An old hen belonging to Mrs. THERON, of Worcester, laid an egg the other day as large as that of a goose. In handling it, one of the family let it fall, and was surprised to find when it broke, that it contained another egg, of the ordinary size. – Argus.


MARRIED, at the Weyleyan {Wesleyan} Chapel, Fort Beaufort, on the 4th December, 1867, by the Rev. John WILSON, William Alfred, son of the late William HYMAN, Esq. of Uitenhage, to Sarah Ann, daughter of the late George William CLARKE, Esq. – No Cards.

BIRTH, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 2nd December, 1867, the wife of Mr. R.A. WARD, of a son.

Saturday, December 14, 1867

Whereas Mr. Simon LAREY, agriculturalist, left his wife and children in a state of destitution. He is supposed to have gone to the Free State. If this meets the eye of Mr. LEARY, he is requested to let his wife know what are his future plans as regards his destitute wife. Moreover, the sorrowful mother wishes any friends knowing his whereabouts, to inform the undersigned.
Mrs. LARY,
Waterkloof, district Adelaide.

Saturday, December 21, 1867

MATRIMONIAL. On Tuesday last business was almost entirely suspended in this place owing to the interest excited in two marriages which came off that day. The town looked quite lively with the numerous gay equipages dashing to and fro, the bridal favours glittering in the sun, and the galaxy – we believe that is the right word – of beauty which all but eclipsed the god of day. The Hymeneal knot tied both couples at about the same hour, the Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN being the celebrant at St. John’s Church, and the Rev. Mr. WILSON at the Wesleyan Chapel. At the former Mr. SHAW, of Alexandria, led to the alter Miss HOLLIDAY, second daughter of our well known and esteemed fellow-townsman Mr. Charles HOLLIDAY. The ceremony was witnessed by numerous friends of the bride and bridegroom, who afterwards assembled at breakfast at the residence of the bride’s father.
At the Wesleyan Chapel, Mr. MILDENHALL, jun., son of Mr. MILDENHALL, sen., one of the most respected farmers in the district, was united to Miss CYRUS; and the happy couple immediately after the ceremony left to spend the honeymoon in the country. We wish both couples every felicity.

De BEER, the forger, who absconded from Cradock, has been apprehended by the Sheriff, at Bloemfontein and conveyed him to Colesberg. The prisoner has passed through Colesberg on his way down.

Mr. van RHYN, a farmer, has been elected a member of the house of Assembly for the division of Clanwilliam, in the room of Mr. H. SEELE, resigned.

“Is there anything the matter?”
“There is, sir,” was the host’s reply.
“Really I am ignorant of it.”
“Well Sir, let me tell you such language won’t suit here, sir.”
“My dear sir, what language? we were only talking of the soup.”
“Yes sir, but you say OX-TAIL!”
“Well, suppose I did?”
“Why, sir it’s that very word that sent all the ladies blushing out of the room – its highly unbecoming language –very improper indeed.”
“But my dear sir, what would you have me say? I called the soup by its proper name, didn’t I?”
“No, sir, you did not, and whenever you have occasion to speak of that particular soup again, never say OX-TAIL SOUP; say FLY-DISPERSER SOUP; that’s the proper word. – New York Paper.

To be had every morning and evening. at
2d. per quart.

Saturday, December 28, 1867.

Henry HECLER, Burghersdorp
Johannes Hermanus POTGIETER, Buxton, Stockenstrom

CERTIFICATES OF CITIZENSHIP. – There will be plenty of work in the Magistrate’s Court this week in consequence of the issue of certificates of citizenship to the Kafir population. – Gazette.

FOR THE LADIES. – The following advertisement appears in the last issue of the Cape Mercantile Advertiser:
A young gentleman at present in a good situation, wishing to get married, is desirous of meeting with a partner in life, - either a young lady of moderate accomplishments, or a young widow without children, but possessed of a moderate capital. As this advertisement is genuine, no anonymous communications need be forwarded. The strictest confidence can be relied upon. – Address R.S.H., office of this paper.

DIED, on the 16th December, 1867, Ann, the beloved wife of Henry Isaac JONES, of Fort Beaufort, in the 40th year of her age. She died in a sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection in Christ Jesus, her Saviour. “Blessed in the sight of the Lord is the death of Saints.
For the acts of kindness and regard received by her during her brief illness, and deep sympathy shown after her death, by and from very many kind friends, her sorrowing husband begs to return his deepest thanks.

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