Fort Beaufort Advocate 1868 1 January - March
Saturday, January 4, 1868.
SALE OF STOCK. – On Tuesday, the 7TH inst., Mr. H. SPARKS will sell a quantity of valuable stock at the farm Mount Pleasant, belonging to the insolvent estate of Theunis de KLERK.
The death of Mrs. LANGFORD, wife of Mr. LANGFORD of the firm Messrs. Blaine Brothers is announced in the Grahamstown papers.
THE TRANSVAAL REPUBLIC. – It is reported on good authority that Mr. President PRETORIUS has been placed under arrest, for misappropriating Transvaal “bluebacks”, as also the Treasurer-General, Mr. Van der LINDE; and that Mr. SCHOEMAN, the late Commandant-General, has been dismissed. A fresh revolution and civil war are spoken of. We expect to hear rather startling intelligence by next post. – Friend
DISTRESSING BEREAVEMENT. – The wife of the Rev. W. GIRDWOOD died yesterday, at the Commercial Hotel, under very painful circumstances. The rev. gentleman, we believe has been sent out by the Free Church Mission, and arrived in the colony some six months ago, but was detained at Henderson, unable to proceed to his station over the Kei, owing to his wife’s illness. Desiring to obtain the best medical aid, Mr. GIRDWOOD brought his sick wife to town, where they arrived Saturday afternoon, and being taken suddenly worse, Mrs. GIRDWOOD, died as we have stated, yesterday morning, about 10.30, leaving a family of three small children. We very deeply sympathise with the rev. gentleman in this sad bereavement, occurring so soon after his arrival in a strange land, and amongst strange people. – Gazette.
(From our Correspondent)
31st December, 1867
A very sad accident occurred on Friday last in the family of Mr. S. STREAK, of this city, several of whom were poisoned by drinking ginger beer which had unfortunately been made in a cask originally used for American hide poison. The cask had been got from some store without knowing its former use, and although it was scrubbed to all appearances perfectly clean, yet the insidious poison remained in the wood and was extracted by the ginger beer. Mr. STREAK and six of his family partook more or less of the poisonous fluid, and were at once affected with violent vomiting and all the symptoms of arsenical poisoning. Medical aid was immediately called in. Mr. STREAK and four of his children are recovering, but two sank under the deadly nature of the poison. The deepest sympathy is felt for the unfortunate family so suddenly painfully bereaved of two of its number.
MARRIED at St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, on the 17th inst by the Rev. T. HENCHMAN, William Clark SHAW of Alexandria to Sarah Catharine, second daughter of Chas. HOLLIDAY Esq. No Cards.
Saturday, January 11, 1868
ALICE. – A correspondent writes: - A Kafir, educated here, called upon a tailor for the purpose of ordering a pair of peg top trowsers, and addressed him as follows:
“Will you please sir, construct me a pair of double concave-shaped breeches say about two feet wide on each side of the apex, to act as a ventriloquator (ventilator) so requisite to one’s health.” The tailor, I need hardly say, stood paralysed.
Mr. GOTOBED, of Constantia, has given notice that he has changed his own surname and that of his children from GOTOBED to VIPAN.
OBITUARY. – Amongst the recent deaths are those of two noted men. – Dr. Henry MADER and Cap. John Hayning VAN REENEN, formerly in the service of the Hon. East India Company. The latter gentleman had since his settlement in the colony, taken an active part in commercial and other enterprises as well as in the politics of the day. Dr. MADER had obtained about four score years, the latter was cut down at the age of 64.
Saturday, January 18, 1868
INSOLVENCY. – The estate of D. Mc DOUGALL of East London, has been placed under sequestration.
Mr. J.R. MOORE sold, under the administration of the Colonial Orphan Chamber, on Saturday, in the insolvent estate of J.A. WAHL, a life policy in the Mutual for £600, a premium paid to the 1st November, 1868, which sold for £12: and the outstanding claims, amounting to £156 13s., for 4s.
SHARP WORK. – We (E.P. Herald) received the following note from Mr. Henry PARKIN, together with a loaf of excellent bread. This is the first instance we have known of standing corn being converted so quickly into bread; and it more than illustrates the scripture text about the grass in the field, “Which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven.” The letter will explain itself –
Port Elizabeth, Jan, 7, 1868
Sir, - beg to hand you a loaf of bread, which was reaped, thrashed, cleaned, and ground, and made into bread this morning before 8 o’clock, on the farm of Mr. John PARKIN, Thorn Hill, or Galga Bosh. At 5 o’clock the corn was standing in the field, and at a ¼ to 8 o’clock it was on the breakfast table in the shape of bread. Mr. PARKIN has a reaping machine, thrashing and winnowing machine and mill. I should like to see this inserted in your newspaper.
I remain, &c.
GOLDEN RULES FOR BRIDES. – Resolve every morning to be cheerful that day; and, should anything occur to break your resolution, suffer it not to put you out of temper with your husband. Dispute not with him, be the occasion what it may; but much rather deny yourself the satisfaction of having your own will, or gaining the better of the argument, than risk a quarrel, which it is impossible to see the end of. Implicit submission in a man to his wife is over disgraceful to both; but implicit submission in a wife to the just will of her husband, is what she promised at the alter – what the good will revere her for; and what is, in fact, the greatest honour she can receive. Be assured, a workman’s power as well as her happiness, has no other foundation than her husband’s esteem and love, which it is her interest, by all possible means, to preserve and increase.
DIED, at Zuiver Fontein, Winterberg, on the 8th Jan, 1868, Ada Margaret, only daughter of Albert and Eliza BUCKLEY, aged 8 months and 27 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Saturday, January 25, 1868
BANKRUPTCY. – January 11, George SPARKS, Farmer, Farm No. 121 in the division of King William’s Town.
WATER! – Mr. E.L. DEVENISH of Victoria West, has been engaged during the last two years in boring for water in a portion of that district, situated near his property, and was a few days back about to give up the task in despair, when suddenly the “borer’ in use was thrown back against them, and an immense stream of water rushed up, thus disclosing, what was afterwards found to be an almost limited supply of the element to much needed.
There is a rumour that Mr. LONGFELLOW has turned Roman Catholic, but it lacks “confirmation.”
Saturday, February 1, 1868
Mr. James TUDHOPE, formerly cashier of the Commercial Bank, Port Elizabeth, has been appointed cashier of the Fort Beaufort and Victoria Bank. He will commence his duties in a few days.
Mr. HUDSON. – We regret to hear that by this last mail intelligence has been received from England of the confirmation of the suspension of Mr. HUDSON, the very able Civil Commissioner, and Resident Magistrate of Somerset East. Like some other cases before, it seems an exceedingly hard one – very much resembling a straining at a gnat and the swallowing of a camel. – Mail
SOMERSET EAST. – It is stated that Mr. Charles BROWNLEE, Commissioner with the Gaika tribes, is to be appointed to succeed Mr. HUDSON as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Somerset East.
Mrs. GOING, of Fort Beaufort, formerly Miss Theresa WEISBCKER, of Grahamstown, and pupil of the Royal Academy of Music, London, purposes taking a few pupils for Pianoforte and singing. – Terms on application.
Saturday, February 8, 1868
MR. PEARSON, Military Storekeeper for ten or twelve years in this town, is shortly to leave, being about to proceed to England. He is succeeded by Mr. BLAKENEY.
CUCUMBERS are now very plentiful, but as many persons consider them more tempting than healthful, perhaps the following extract from a quaint old work may be of interest to some; “Bruise the cucumbers well and destil the water from them, the being washed with which cures the reddest face that is; it is also excellently good for sun-burning, freckles, and morphew.”
THE CONVICT MATTHYSEN. – Thursday, the 6th February, is said to be the day fixed upon for the execution of Johannes Valentyn MATTHYSEN, for the murder of his wife. The wretched man has made a full confession of his guilt, and expresses himself as being quite resigned and prepared to meet his fate.
SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. – The Colesberg paper hears that Dr. MUSKETT, of Hopetown, has lately performed a very skilful operation on a native of St. Helena, who is at present in the Hopetown district. He has extracted a stone from the bladder – its weight is 4¾ ounces, of oval shape, measuring 7½ inches round the longer way and 5½ the shorter. The man is well and out of danger.
DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 9th of January, 1868, Charles Vickery STOKES, aged 2 years and 7 months.
DIED, at the farm ‘Klu Klu” on the 6th February, 1868, Frederic William STOKES, aged 10 months and 21 days.
Saturday, February 15, 1868
DEATH OF C.J. ANDERSSON. – The brig Flibberty, Cap. BYRON, arrived in Table Bay yesterday week with a cargo of fish. She left Sandwich Harbour on the 10th ult, and has brought the sad news of the death of Charles John ANDERSSON, Esq., the eminent explorer and naturalist. Mr. ANDERSSON died in Ovampoland on the 4th July last, of an affection from which he had been suffering for some months.
Execution. – The sentence of the law has been carried out on Valentyn MATTHYSEN. At seven o’clock yesterday morning he was hung in front of the prison. He acknowledged his guilt on the scaffold, and said his sentence was a just one. Three ministers were with him at the gallows, the Rev. G. van NIEKERK, the Rev. A.D. LUCKHOFF, and the Rev. R. GIDDY. MATTHYSEN stept firmly on the scaffold, and read a paper in Dutch. – Colesberg Adv.
Saturday, February 22, 1868
DEATH OF THE BAND MASTER OF THE C.M.R. - We deeply regret to announce the death this morning of Mr. COX, the talented Bandmaster of the Cape Mounted Rifles. The deceased was taken ill on the 22nd of last month and was compelled to go into Hospital, where the malady, after several weeks of severe suffering, has terminated fatally. The late Mr. COX was very highly esteemed, not alone for his talent as a musician, but for his uniform courtesy and kindliness of disposition, as well as for his general uprightness and integrity of character. Mr. COX was a member of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows in this town, and will be buried with the usual honors of the Order. – Watchman.
ARRIVAL of the Royal Mail Str. Dane, Capt. HAMMOND. The Dane brought the following passengers:
For Algoa Bay from Galle
Lieut. Colonel NIXON and native servant.
From Mauritius:
From Natal:
For Capetown from Natal:
For Southampton from Galle:
From Mauritius:
Colonel and Mrs. MORRISON, 3 children and female servant, Mr. W. WEATHERBURN, Mr. PICKERING, Mr. DRYDEN.
From Natal:
Dean GREEN and lady, Messrs. W. A. BOYD, A. FYNNEY, OWEN, and D.B. SCOTT, Miss FREEMAN.
Saturday, February 29, 1868
Advocate’s Office
Monday Feb 24 1868
Disastrous accident occurred at Committees Drift, Fish River, on Saturday, about one o’clock pm. The K.W.Town’s cart with English and Cape mails and passengers, Mrs. COOPER, Mr. RAY, the excursionist, and Messrs. CORBETT and HEATHCOTE, arrived at the drift. The river being up, a boat was made use of for the mails and the passengers, and Mr. DOVEY, of the Hotel, also three Kafirs were shipped. The dead weight was apparently placed too much forward, which brought the gunwale of the boat dangerously low down. The consequence was, when the boat got into the full force of the current, not rising sufficiently quick to the swell, which was beating against her bows, and the water coming over, she went down head foremost. Mr.CORBETT and Mr. HEATHCOTE had a miraculous escape. They swam ashore, and Mr. DOVEY was rescued by the Kafirs, but sad to tell both Mrs. COOPER and Mr. RAY were drowned. Mr. CORBETT, in attempting to save Mrs. COOPER, was dragged under water by a man and had to let go his hold of the lady to save himself. Five bags of the mails have been recovered. The body of Mrs. COOPER was found yesterday afternoon almost entirely imbedded in sand a few miles below the drift. Still searching for Mr. RAY.
Jacobus MARAIS, Queenstown.
Saturday, March 7, 1868
LAMENTABLE END. – On Wednesday the body of a woman of ill repute, named SWEENEY, was found in the pond in Mr. HOLLIDAY’S garden. There was a mark of a gash on the temple when the body was taken out. It I probable that the unfortunate woman was the victim of a brawl in which she received the injury to the head, and that she was then thrown over the wall of the garden, close beside which is the pond in which she was found.
EMBEZZLEMENT. – A warrant has been issued for the apprehension of Henry Charles EAGER, late Secretary of the Mossel Bay Harbour Board, who has been guilty of embezzlement. He left Mossel Bay per post cart for George Town, and is supposed to have gone in the direction of Port Elizabeth.
A soldier of the 20th Regiment named SPALDING died on Tuesday in the Military Hospital from typhoid fever, caught while attending a comrade suffering from gangrene of the leg. The poor fellow was only ill a week altogether. The deceased was considered the smartest man in the regiment and was a universal favourite. He had only rejoined the regiment a short time, and had he lived would have been speedily promoted for his invariable good conduct. He was buried with Military honors on Wednesday. The soldier suffering from mortification of the leg, and in assiduous attention to whom the deceased contracted the fever which terminated his life, had his leg amputated this week, and is likely to recover.
Terrific Thunderstorm – Death by Lightning.
On Saturday morning, 1st inst., between 1 and 2 o’clock, a fearful thunderstorm, accompanied by very little rain, passed over this district. For some weeks past the atmosphere had been, and still is, well charged with electricity. On the morning in question, about the time stated, sad to say, a respectable Dutch girl, named Maria, aged 16, daughter of Mr. Hendrik Belthazaar VAN VUREN, of Wellsdale (a location about 3 miles from Seymour), was instantly killed by lightning during her sleep.... Strange to say, however, the eldest daughter only was killed, besides a kitten, which was lying alongside of her. Four other children were sleeping on the bed.
Copy of a sign on an academy out west:-
FREEMAN & HUGGS: FREEMAN teaches the boys and HUGGS the girls.
Saturday, March 14, 1868
FATAL ACCIDENT. – On Monday as the wagon of R. RORKE, was being driven down D’Urban-street, three Hottentot children amused themselves by getting on to the rein chain, and thus riding down the street. When the wagon arrived opposite the Roman Catholic Church, one of the little girls fell off, and the wheel of the wagon passed over her body killing her on the spot. No blame appears to have been attached to the driver, who was not aware of the urchins clinging to the wagon chain.
A provisional order for the sequestration of the estate of R.M. ROBERTS was granted in Chambers (Grahamstown) on Thursday last.
Mr. Superintendent BURNET has been removed from East London to the Katberg Convict Station; and Mr. James DALLAS, Superintendent at the latter place is appointed to the Namaqualand Station.
ANOTHER DIAMOND has been found in the Hopetown district, on the farm of Mr. DUIVENHAGE, near the place where diamond No. 2 was found. It is very brilliant and weighs from 3 to 3½ carats, evidently of the first water but not of a very good shape.
Ezra Redgard RENNIE, who had been indicted at the King William’s Town Circuit Court for the charge of culpable homicide, for having, on the 25th Oct 1867, on the road leading from King William’s Town to Queen’s Town, and about five miles distant from the first named town, killed Mehloowane, a Kafir, has been acquitted by the jury. The facts of the case will be remembered to be that on the day in question the leader of RENNIE’s wagon was attacked by some Kafirs, who were beating him with kerries. RENNIE could not get them off from the man, and in the heat of the moment ran back to the wagon for his gun, and shot one of the Kafirs, who died from the effects of it. The Magistrate at the preliminary examination refused bail less than £1000.
Saturday, March 21, 1868
A LAD, now five years of age, was left two years ago, by his father, Matthew HALE, a Photographer, with Mr. Joseph H. WINDELL, now residing in Upsher, in this District, but then living in Queenstown.
Notice is hereby given that unless the said lad be claimed within six weeks from this date, he will be indentured to some fit and proper person according to the law.
William T.L. EMETT,
Civil Com.’s Office
Eland’s Post, 11th March 1868.
ACCIDENT. – We are sorry to say that on Thursday last, Dr. BERRY, who came to Queenstown to attend the Circuit in order to give evidence in the Ox Kraal murder case, and was on his return to Burghersdorp, met with a serious accident when not very distant from town. In the cart with Dr. BERRY was Mr. MOIR, Secretary to the Fire Insurance Company. The horses in the cart, in going down a slight descent became unmanageable, and a capsize was the result, Mr. MOIR escaped with a few bruises, while the Doctor sustained some serious injuries. The Rev. S.P. NAUDE and Mr. Selkirk STEWART, who were in a cart a short distance behind now rode up, and rendered all the assistance in their power. A dislocation of the left shoulder was speedily set to rights, under the direction of the sufferer, who, although in agonising pain, retained his presence of mind. He was then removed to the residence of the Rev. NAUDE, and Dr. KRANTZ and THORNE sent for. It was then found that the arm had been fractured below the shoulder. Under the influence of chloroform this was attended to, and we are glad to say he is now doing well. – Representative.
Capetown, Sunday, 15th March.
For Capetown:
Mr. Solicitor General JACOBS, Mrs. JACOBS, 6 children, governess, and nurse; Mr. COLDUNNE, Dr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE, 5 children, and female servant; Lieut. and Mrs. STANFORD; Rev. Mr. GLOVER and Mrs. GLOVER; Mr. and Mrs. STUART; Mr. and Mrs. De St. JULIEN and female servant; Mr. and Mrs. BETTISON and 3 children; Mr. HOLMES; Miss SOLOMON; Mr. HOARE.
For Algoa Bay.
The Very Rev. the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown; Bishop TWELLS; Mr. and Mrs. PEACOCK; Mr. A.O. HORWOOD; Mr. BROWN; Mr. and Mrs. MAYNARD, 3 children and female servant; Mr. WALKER; Mr. LOXAT; Mr. E.T. FISCHER; Mr. HILL; Mr. LAKES; Mr. LOXTON; Mr. LIDDLE; Mr. BABB.
Saturday, March 28, 1868
DEATH OF THE Rev. Thomas JENKINS. – THE NATAL WITNESS of the 10th instant contains the following paragraph: -
“Intelligence was received in town yesterday afternoon, by express messenger, of the death of the Rev. Mr. JENKINS of Pondo Land, in Faku’s country, at the early age of fifty-two years. News of the Rev. gentleman’s illness had been received last week.”
A facetious publication styled “The Echo” is now issued from the Uitenhage press. The last number contains the following:
1. That the Civil Commissioner’s chest was sounded last week by the district surgeon. There was a hollowness manifested that was extremely painful to the examiner.
2. That the esteemed clergyman of the D.R.C. has not ceased growing (round the waist.)
3. That the letters V.D.M. after a parson’s name mean “Very Decent Man’, and a style of advertising used by the clergy. – It answers as A1 at Lloyds.
4. That the new staircase of the Dutch Church is to be called LEISCHING’S ladder. When he consented to but [put] it up Mr. L. was like Jacob on a similar occasion, evidently dreaming, if not actually napping. – May the feet that go up and down it be always Angels.
5. That the fight between the town clerk and a commissioner is indefinitely postponed.
D.J. SLATER and Co.,
(Late from Cape Town)
Jewellery of every description made to order.
Engraving done in the best style.
Residence: between the West of England Clothing Establishment and WRAGG’S Hotel, D’Urban-street, Fort Beaufort.
If the following owners of unclaimed Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, left for repairs with the undersigned, do not release them within one month from this date, they will be sold to defray expenses: -
Chronometer, Watch & Clockmaker.
Fort Beaufort,
March 21, 1868.
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