Fort Beaufort Advocate 1872 2 April - June
Saturday, April 6, 1872.
BIRTH, - At Fort Beaufort on the 28th March, 1872, the wife of W. MORKEL Esq., of a son.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 31st of March, after an illness of two months, of Consumption, - Charlotte, the beloved daughter of W. C. and J. HENMAN, aged 18 years and 2 months.
We desire to return our grateful thanks for the affectionate regard shown to our deceased daughter during her illness; and also to those dear young friends who followed her remains to the last resting place of many whom she loved.
W. C. and J. HENMAN.
April 2, 1872.
Advocate Office,
Tuesday, April 2, 1872.
Cape Town.
NORSEMAN arrived at 5 p.m. yesterday. News to 26th February.
Passengers for Algoa Bay –
Messrs STADDY,
Mr and Mrs PRIM,
Messrs James BROOKS,
MR and Mrs PATE,
Messrs WIMMAN,
WE ARE SORRY to hear that the Hon. Mr. SOUTHEY has had his shoulder dislocated, through the upsetting of a cart. The hon. gentleman is doing well.
THANKSGIVING DAY. – Wednesday was observed generally as a holiday. In all the churches in town public service was held to return thanks to the Almighty God for the recovery of the Prince of Wales.
WE TENDER our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. HENMAN, who this week lost their second eldest daughter, after a distressing illness of some months, borne with Christian patience and resignation. Her remains were followed to the grave on Tuesday last by the principal inhabitants, and by a large number of the maidens and children of the town.
FATAL WAGON ACCIDENT. – Another fatal wagon accident occurred on Tuesday last at Pfeffers Kop. A wagon was proceeding to Alice, when a young Hottentot leaped out at a dangerous part of the road, and missing his footing fell beneath the wheel, which passed over his breast and killed him instantaneously. The road on which the accident occurred is described as shocking.
WE REGRET to have to announce the unexpected death of Mr. J. H. PARKER of Queen’s Town, who expired after a brief illness on Wednesday last. Mr. PARKER had been suffering from disease of the heart, and having caught a cold on a journey to bring his wife home, the symptoms became aggravated. He had been in attendance on his father-in-law, Mr. WIGGETT, who expired only a week before, and this melancholy circumstance aggravation the chronic disease under which he labors, and after an illness of two or three days ended fatally. Mr. PARKER was a public spirited man in the best sense of the term, and his loss will be felt severely in Queenstown. All the stores in Queenstown were closed on the day of the funeral, and his remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of people, including all the most influential inhabitants of Queenstown.
HEALDTOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. – This annual demonstration, of all others the most attractive to the natives, was celebrated at the head of the well-known beautiful valley to the eastward of Fort Beaufort, on Sunday and Monday last. The services morning and evening, were attended by upwards of six hundred people. The Rev. Mr. IMPEY, Gen. Sup. Wesleyan Missions, delivered the sermon in the morning; and the Rev. T. CHUBB, B.A., the sermon in the evening. The performances of the choir were remarkably effective both in taste and execution on each occasion. On Monday a choir from a small out-station, trained by a young man only a short time before a student at Healdtown, put in an appearance during the course of the examination, and astonished everybody, ministers, teachers, students and people with their singing. The buns given away on the occasion, as well as the books required for the use of the school, are all provided by the people themselves. The sports in the afternoon were very animated. An evening’s entertainment with the magic lantern concluded the joyous doings of the occasion.
COL. CHESTNEY is the most successful author of the day. The seventh hundred thousand of his “Battle of the Dorking,” is now selling in England.
MR. ADVOCATE COLE has received, we believe, the acting appointment of law examiner in connection with the Board of Examiners, during the absence of the Attorney-General on leave.
THE HON. R. GODLONTON, M.L.C., arrive in town by passenger cart about 1 o’clock this afternoon. The passenger cart was detained at the Sunday’s River for 7 hours yesterday, the tide being to strong to admit the pont being worked.
THE GRAHAM’S TOWN MURDER, - The Civil Commissioner of Albany, C. H. HUNTLEY, Esq., by authority of the Government, has offered a reward of £50 for the discovery of the murderer of Mrs. Catherine SPARKS, on Friday last. The City Council have already offered another £50, as notified throughout the city on Saturday last, their prompt action anticipating that of the Government.
WANTED. – Inquiry having been made for one Phillip STOLTZNERL it is requested that any information regarding the above named person may be communicated to the Colonial Office. Phillip STOLTZNER left his home in the year 1855, served in the French army during the Crimean war, then came to this colony, and it is said to have entered the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, and to have resided last at Burghersdorp.
MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – We hear that Mr. FULLER, long in the employ of the late Mr. J. H. PARKER, as a Tinsmith, while leaving the town yesterday for King Williamstown fell over a krantz near the river, and received such severe injury in the neck that he is hardly expected to recover. – Free Press.
LIBEL. – We are informed that Mr. R. W. NELSON, feeling himself aggrieved by a letter which appeared in the last number of GROCOTT’s Penny Mail, under the signature of “a Looker On: has, through his Attorney, writing a letter demanding an apology for damages, or, in the event of a non-compliance, threatening an action. – Journal.
ARTHUR BIRD has been committed for trial on the charge of being in unlawful possession of the books of the firm of LEVICK and SHERMAN, of Cape Town.
DR. THORNE. – In connection with the death of Mr. PARKER, we cannot but express the general indignation felt throughout the town on the departure of Dr. THORNE, on Monday week, for the Fields. Mr. PARKER was taken ill on the Thursday, and Dr. THORNE was called in as the family doctor, and it was cruel and heartless in the extreme for him to leave a patient whom he had known and attended for years previously. It showed to say the least of it a want of gentlemanly feeling; but in this case it did more. There was no person in the town who had been such a close friend to him as the late Mr. J. H. PARKER; no one whom he had been under such obligations. A brother could not have been kinder to him than poor Mr. PARKER; and again we say it was cruel, on the part of Dr. THORNE to leave him on his death bed in the hands of a stranger. – Free Press.
(From the Diamond News.)
SUDDEN DEATH. – We regret to hear of the sudden death of Mr. FORSMAN, of Fauresmith. Yesterday morning, shortly after commencing work, he was taken with a fainting fit, and before he could be brought to the pulsation of life the heart had ceased. He was then taken out of the claim and removed to his tent.
SUDDEN DEATH. – Mr. STUTFORD, a Dutchman, dropped down dead yesterday while working a claim at Bultfontein. The deceased, who is fifty years of age, leaves a wife and family at Richmond. The cause of death is attributed to heart disease.
DIED, on the 17th March, at De Beer’s New Rush, Mr. G. A. SCMIDT, of Illovo, Natal.
VISITORS. – Messrs. W. A. RICHARDS, T. B. GLANVILLE, and W. AYLIFF, were passengers by the Dordrecht conveyance which arrived here on Thursday last.
BURIED ALIVE! – A landslip took place at Colesberg Kopje on Wednesday last, the effect of which was by no means pleasant to a couple of natives. The men were digging in one of the claims, when a large quantity of loose earth fell upon them, and completely buried them alive. The shovels were at once resorted to by those who witnessed the occurrence, and the unfortunate men were extricated from their premature grave.
TERRIBLE FATAL ACCIDENT. – A frightful claim accident at Dutoitspan on Thursday afternoon, with melancholy effect. It seems that Mr. H. du PREEZ, late of Winburg, Orange Free State, was working in his claim as usual, when a portion of the ground which had been slightly undermined, gave way, falling upon him. The catastrophe having been witnessed by several diggers, assistance was soon obtained, and the unfortunate man was taken from his unhappy position, and removed to his domicile, close to the kopje, where he died almost immediately. Search was then made for two Kafirs who were supposed to be buried under the rubbish, but after digging for some time the missing men were observed to be standing close by amongst the crowd which had this time assembled.
MURDER. – A Hottentot woman Else RUNARK, has been murdered in Port Elizabeth.
WE HAVE BEEN informed that Mr. HEWETSON, toll-keeper at the Koonap died in the hospital in Graham’s Town this week, wither he had gone for medical attendance.
AN “INFANT.” – A young man, named GIBSON, who represents himself as nineteen years of age, was summoned to pay a small amount the other day for goods bought at Messrs. JONES’ sale. He pleased minority or “infancy,” and the case was dismissed with costs. As a contemporary observes, such a sneak should be noted by tradespeople. – Post.
DEATH OF CAPTAIN RORKE. – It is with the deepest regret we announce the decease of this well-known and highly esteemed gentleman, which sad event took place early this morning at Fort England. For many months Captain RORKE has been a patient sufferer, during which time the reality of his Christian character has manifested, and his death, though for some expected, is no less a blow to his many relatives and a large circle of friends. – Penny Mail.
Saturday, April 13, 1872.
RETURN of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps at Fort Beaufort during the month of March, 1872: -
To expire 31st December, 1872.
Bakers’ Licences, £3 15s: -
G. A. SPARKS, Blinkwater.
Hawkers Licence, one vehicle, £1 10s: -
G. KING, Fort Beaufort.
Retail Shop Licences, £1 10a: -
G. A. SPARKS, Blinkwater.
E. GREEN, Winterberg.
Game Licences, 7s 6d –
Wm GILBERT, Stoney Vale.
T’SABOO, do.
J. DELMAN, Fort Beaufort.
ADAM, Tigervley, Klu-Klu.
W. R. PIERS, Dist. Stamps,
Stamp Office, Fort Beaufort, April 2, 1872.
The undersigned hereby notifies that he has granted a Power of Attorney to his Son, Mr. W. J. QUIN, to transact his business during his absence from Fort Beaufort.
John QUIN.
Fort Beaufort, April 6, 1872.
Advocate office,
Saturday April 6, 1872.
Cape Town, Saturday.
MARSDEN last night, from Dartmouth 7th of March.
THE TIMES affirms that no monarch ever saw such a spectacle as Queen Victoria did on Tuesday, and that no heir to a throne ever accompanied the reigning sovereign under circumstances so gratifying to themselves and their people. Her Majesty has addressed a note of thanks to her people.
Two days afterwards a dastardly outrage was committed on the Queen, A youth named Arthur Connor, aged 17, having gained access to the grounds of Buckingham Palace, rushed up to her Majesty’s carriage as she was about to alight, and presented a pistol at her. He was promptly seized and disarmed. It appears his object was to induce the Queen, by fear, to sign a document for the release of the Fenian prisoners, which was found in his possession. Great public excitement. Prisoner committed on Monday.
THE TICHBORNE case adjourned till yesterday, when after a short deliberation the trial was brought to a conclusion: the Lord Chief Justice ordering the claimant to be kept in custody on a charge of perjury.
MR. JOHN QUIN, M.L.A., started for the Diamond Fields on Thursday en route to Cape Town.
REV. G. BROWN, M.L.A., member for Victoria East, passed through here on Thursday en route to Cape Town, to attend his parliamentary duties.
MR. ORPEN, M.L.A., member for Queen’s Town, passed through this week for Cape Town.
MURDER. – A case of murder at the Winterberg has just come to light. The murdered person is a native woman, and the supposed murderer her husband. The statement given by the accused is that having occasion to go into a kloof on Mr. DREYER’s farm, Bamboes Fontein, where he was servant, he accidently saw a blanket suspended from a tree. On a nearer inspection he discovered that inside the blanket was the body of woman suspended by the neck from a branch. Having cut the body down he found that it was that of his wife. He then reported the circumstances, and on Wednesday Dr. PALMER proceeded to the place to make a post-mortem. From what we can gather, it appears that upon examination none of the muscles were found strained, as would evidently be the case had the deceased been hung. There was no appearance of dislocation, and the only injury about the neck was the fracture of the “atlas.” This is supposed to have been caused by violently twisting the head round so as to bring the face opposite to its proper position – a common practice among Natives. The accused is of opinion that deceased committed suicide. This, however, is hardly possible, when it is considered that the distance from the ground is at least twelve feet. There are marks of struggling some distance from the tree, but none nearer. The accused is in custody.
ACCIDENT. – A serious accident befell Mr. JAMES, stepson of Mr. SIMS of the Winterberg, while travelling to Port Elizabeth with a load of wool. He was sitting on one of the bales while the wagon was proceeding down Howison’s Poort. By some means the bale rolled over the side of the wagon, and with it Mr. JAMES, who was seriously hurt by the fall.
QUEENSTOWN. – The cashiership of the Queenstown Bank becomes vacant on the 1st July. Salary, £400 per annum, and residence. Applications received by the Chairman and Directors until Monday, the 24th April.
ACTION FOR DAMAGES. – In the Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning Mr. GEER, of Somerset East, sued Messrs HOLLAND & Co., the Auctioneers, for £18, in consequence of non-fulfilment of terms of an advertisement. It appears that Messrs. HOLLAND & Co. inserted a notice in the local papers that they would sell at “Drie Vleys,” on the 16th March sixteen spans of well-conditioned Zuurveld oxen, and three nearly new transport wagons, with gear. Mr. GEER came down from Somerset to attend the sale, and found the oxen to be in poor condition, and the wagons not present at all. He therefore sued for loss of time, expenses on the road, &c. For the defence it was argued that the oxen, though not actually fat, were in fair condition, and fetched at the sale higher prices than had been given in the Province for cattle for many years. As to the wagons, they were unfortunately detained at Salem, but were sold, in their absence on condition that the purchasers had a right to return them if dissatisfied. Judgement was given for defendants with costs. – Herald.
THE MAIL STEAMER SAXON, which leaves to-morrow for England, will be no merely full, but quite crowded with passengers. Among them there are many old colonists, both from the Cape Colony and Natal. Of the former we take leave to mention the name of Mr. Dodds PRINGLE, who is a perfect type of the successful and genial frontiersman – the lineal representative, moreover, of the Poet PRINGLE – who, with his wife and family, proceeds, for the first time we believe, on a visit to the Old Country. With him also goes a neighbour of his, the Rev. Edward SOLOMON, of Bedford, who, with his wife, proposes making a tour, not only of the Old Country, but of the United States. Mr. SOLOMON has been invited home specially by the Directors of the London Missionary Society out of regard for the services which he rendered in South Africa when in connection many years ago with that Society, and with a view to services which, as an old experienced Missionary, doubtless he will render them during his stay in England.
Saturday, April 20, 1872.
Notice is hereby given that Mr. John MOSS is duly authorised to impound all Cattle found trespassing on the Far, “Longnor Park”; and to prosecute all parties found hunting, shooting or destroying Game in any way, or taking Bees-nests on the said Farm.
Longnor Park, April 18, 1872.
POLICE UNIFORM. – The police here have been wearing the new uniform of dark grey. We cannot say that it looks so well as the cord, nor is it likely to prove so comfortable or durable.
MARRIAGE. – Our fellow townsman Mr. Adam WRAGG, was married on Tuesday to Mrs. MERTON of Cradock. After the ceremony the happy couple started for Balfour to spend the honeymoon. We wish them every happiness.
MR. HEWSON. – We are glad to notice that the paragraph stating that Mr. HEWSON was dead, is entirely without foundation. The authorship of the rumour has been traced to Mr. H. CALLAGHAN of this place, who came from town about that time.
PRESENCE OF MIND. – One day last week two sons of Mr. W. SAMPSON jun. of Thorn Park, went out hunting, and got separated. The youngest, a lad of 13, was looking out for his brother who is two years older, when he saw a large bushbuck ram coming out of the bush. The ram on perceiving the boy at once gave chase, and the boy made for a tree near at hand, - screaming out meanwhile for help. The elder brother who happened fortunately to be not very far off hastened to the spot and saw how matters stood. A dog which he had with him attacked the buck, and in a short while it was laid hors de combat by a severe thrust from the buck’s horns. The elder brother immediately grappled with the buck, and mounted it. The animal then set off at a furious rate up hill and down dale, carrying its rider, who was endeavouring with a small penknife to obtain a victory. For nearly an hour this excitement was kept up, and still the chances of victory appeared to remain equal, until a couple of dogs got scent of the buck and gave chase. The matter was very soon after decided and the plucky young lad had the honor of carrying home the skin of the buck as a trophy of his victory.
ORDINATION AND INDUCTION SERVICE AT ABERDEEN, VICTORIA EAST. – On Saturday and Sunday, the 13th and 14th instant, a very large gathering took place at the Aberdeen Church, for the purpose of witnessing the ordination and induction of the Rev JOUBERT as Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church at Aberdeen, in Victoria East. Instructive and able sermons were preached by the Rev HOFFMEYER of Somerset East, The Rev. VILJEE of Tarkastad, the Rev STEGMANN of Capetown, and the Rev STEGMANN of Adelaide. A conference was held on Saturday evening, presided over by the Rev THOMSON of Hertzog, when some suitable topics were clearly brought before the audience, - especially regarding the education of children, and the general duties of the members of the Church. While the rev. gentlemen took their parts, on Sunday about noon the imposing sight of eight ministers laying hands on the head of the Rev. JOUBERT was witnessed. The Revds. STEGMANN, sen., STEGMANN jun., THOMPSON, HOFFMEYER, VILJEE, PETERSON, Dr STEWART, and KUYNE took part in the ceremony. In the afternoon the new minister gave an interesting discourse, and in the evening the Rev. Mr. STEGMANN preached his farewell sermon. During the whole of the services the Church was crowded. Visitors from Alice, Seymour, Fort Beaufort and Adelaide were present – there must have been over 1,000 persons present; and 100 wagons, carts, spiders, &c. The weather was fine, and all the arrangements for the comfort of the visitors and friends were a complete success.
MR. FLANNAGHAN of Cuylerville, well known as a gifted through self-taught surveyor and mathematician, met his death last Wednesday night week in the following melancholy way: getting up at night in the dark, he trod upon a night adder. The snake bit his ancle. He was also bitten in the hand in removing the reptile from his foot. Being alone, while looking for a light he swooned away. Thus, it was not till the following morning CROFT’s tincture was tried – but in vain. He died on Saturday last, and was buried by the neighbours in the Church school yard on Sunday. He was widely known in Lower Albany, in the neighbourhood he was universally respected, and is deeply mourned by his friends.
MR. W. AYLIFF has received a requisition from Stockenstrom. Both requisition and reply will be found in our advertising columns.
REV. MR. MORROW. – We understand that it is the intention of this gentleman to take his departure for England next Wednesday. We would not be doing out duty if we allowed Mr. MORROW to depart without expressing in a slight degree the high estimation in which he is held, not alone by his own congregation, but by every one in town. Since Mr. MORROW arrived here some two years past, he has managed by his general urbanity and gentlemanly bearing to win the esteem of the inhabitants. Mr MORROW is accompanied by Mrs. MORROW. We wish them a pleasant voyage, and hope they may arrive at their destination safely. In another column will be found an address presented to Mr. MORROW by his congregation.
PROMOTION. – We hear that Mr. CROSBY Registrar of the Eastern Districts Court has been offered and has accepted the magistracy of Humansdorp, and that B. H. Holland will succeed Mr. Crosby. – Journal.
MARRIED on the 16th instant, at Fort Beaufort, in St John’s Church, by the Rev. T. HENCHMAN, - Adam WRAGG, of Fort Beaufort, to Fort Beaufort, to Elizabeth MERTON, of Cradock. No cards.
Saturday, April 27, 1872.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 23rd instant, the wife of Mr E. P. SOLOMON, of a Son.
DIED at Somerset, on the 9th instant, John William, aged 28 years and 5 months, eldest son of Mr. J. H. WINDELL of Fort Beaufort; deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.
Fort Beaufort, April 16, 1872.
THE PURSE presented to Mr. MORROW contained eighteen sovereigns instead of “eight,” as mentioned by us. The amount has since been increased to £20. This speaks well for the liberality of Mr. MORROW’s congregation.
POSTAL. – Miss. S. CAMPBELL has been appointed postmistress at Alice, Victoria East, in the room of Mrs. J. A. BAILIE, deceased.
MR. TOBIN. – It is said that this gentleman has resigned his position at the Polytechnic Institution, London. He was still giving illustrated lectures on the Diamond-fields. – Post.
MR. WOLLASTON has gone back to England, but intends again to return. He hopes to be once more successful in getting up a movement for the further developments of the rich resources of the Colony.
SHOCKING DEATH OF A YOUNG LADY. – A fatal accident of a distressing description occurred at the village of Feltham on Wednesday evening. Miss Edith THRUPP, the daughter of the Rev. Edw. THRUPP, the vicar of that place, was dressing for an evening party. A lighted candle had been placed on the floor, and Miss THRUPP’s dress, which was of very light material, came in contact with it, the unfortunate young lady being almost immediately enveloped in flames. On hearing her screams a friend named Miss. WILDBORE, who was in an adjoining room, rushed to the spot, and, in trying to render assistance, set her dress on fire also. Mr. THRUPP at once ran up to the bedroom, and by means of a blanket succeeded in extinguishing the flame in both instances. Medical assistance was promptly procured: but Miss THRUPP whose case was at once seen to be hopeless, expired shortly after the arrival of Mr. KINGSFORD, the family doctor. Miss WILDBORE remains at present in a state of great suffering, but hopes are entertained of her recovery. – London-Colonial News.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT. – On Thursday morning a serious accident befell Mr. J. BEGBIE. He was handling a gun which had been loaded for some time; after snapping the caps without getting the charges out, he put the muzzle of the gun down towards his feet with the intention of stamping it on the ground and so loosen the contents. He was about to knock the muzzle a second time, when the charge went off. The gun was loaded, we believe, with shot, and several of them went into his leg. Mr. BEGBIE suffered a great deal on Thursday and yesterday, but there are no fears of any serious results.
ANOTHER GUN ACCIDENT. – A son of Mr. J. B. TEMLETT, of Alice, met with an accident while out shooting. The cap had snapped, and he attempted to draw the charge, but not succeeding, he put another cap on and fired. The gun burst in his right hand, which was so shattered that Drs. PALMER and LAING had to amputate the middle finger.
Saturday, May 4, 1872.
No. 186, 1872.
Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope
4th April, 1872.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Walter Rumbold PIERS, Esq., to act as Clerk of the Peace at Fort Beaufort for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Ordinance No 8 of 1852.
By command of His Excellency the Governor,
R. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary.
No. 187, 1872.
Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope
4th April, 1872.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Walter Rumbold PIERS, Esq., to be a Justices of the Peace for the District of Fort Beaufort, during pleasure.
By command of His Excellency the Governor,
R. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary.
No. 204, 1872.
Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope
18th April, 1872.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint John OGILVIE, Richard Joseph PAINTER, William BROWN, M.D., and Henry Rowland PALMER, M.D., Esquires, to be Justices of the Peace for the District of Fort Beaufort, during pleasure.
By command of His Excellency the Governor,
R. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 30th April, 1872, Ellen, beloved Daughter of J. & M. BEGBIE.
Mr and Mrs BEGBIE take the present opportunity of returning their sincere thanks to Doctors PALMER and LAING for their assiduous attention during the sufferings of their late daughter; and also to the numerous kind friends who rendered assistance in their severe affliction.
H. E. MCTAGGART having received instructions from Mr. W. FINNAUGHTY, will offer by Public Competition to the highest bidder, on Wednesday, 22nd May, in front of his Auction Mart,
1st. that magnificent Sheep and Cattle Farm called “Almonds Fontein” situate in the Blinkwater Fieldcornetcy, measuring in extent 700 morgen. It has a splendid Forest and abundance of Water, - in fact a fortune can be made from the Forest alone. Within 10 miles only of the township.
2nd. The Farm “Woodstock,” measuring in extent 556 morgen. One of the prettiest farms in the district. Its capabilities for Agricultural pursuits are unsurpassed. This Farm is well Wooded and Watered.
It is needless to comment on the above Properties, - they are known to be the best properties in the District.
Also –
3rd. The whole of that splendid Suburban Property belonging to Mr. W. S. GRAY, on the Town Extension, adjoin Mr. T. NILAND, - comprising a large and substantial Dwelling House, with Coach-house and Stables; and large Arable Lands, under Water.
The Proprietor spared no expense to make this residence comfortable.
Terms of Credit Easy.
H. E. MCTAGGART, Auctioneer.
CROUP. – We regret to hear that Mr. BEGBIE’s youngest child, an engaging little girl of about four years, has died from the effects of this disease.
DARING OUTRAGE. – On Friday night about eight o’clock, a Kafir broke open the door of the house occupied by Mr. A. JUBBER. Mrs. JUBBER happened to be alone, and on Mr. Nigger forcing the door in and presenting himself, Mrs. JUBBER asked him what he wanted. “I want the money,” was the insolent reply. Mrs. JUBBER told him there was no money, and he was to be off. Instead of doing this he seized Mrs. JUBBER and threatened to kill her if she called to any one. He tore her dress before she managed to run away out of the house. A native girl, in the employ of Mrs. JUBBER is supposed to have told the villain that there was money in the house. We have not heard whether he has been captured.
MESSRS. O’REILLY and FRANCIS are applying to Government for a grant of either land or money for their services in discovering the Diamond Fields.
A LONG JOURNEY. – A wagoner names Joseph L. GRAY loaded at Port Elizabeth on the 12th January last three wagons for the Diamond-fields, which he delivered at Colesberg Kopje, new Rush, on the 17th April, after having been just NINETY-SIX DAYS on the road! Rather a serious detention for three loads of valuable merchandize.
£50 REWARD. – This handsome reward is offered to the finder of three diamonds which were lost at New Rush on Monday night. The one is a stone of 46½ carats, off-coloured, octahedron shape, and free from flaws. The other two are pure white and weigh two carats each. They are the property of Mr. W. BREMNER formerly of this town.
A CAUTION. – Mushrooms are now in season, and it will, therefore, not be amiss to caution those who are fond of them to be careful in the selection of this fungus. On Tuesday last two of Mr. J. EDY’s children were nearly poisoned by eating what they took to be mushrooms. After breakfast, they went to school, and were taken ill, one of them suffering to severely that he could scarcely reach home. Medical aid was promptly called in, and the little sufferers were fortunately relieved. – E. P. Herald.
SALE OF A FARM. – A farm, situated in Grobelaar’s Kloof, 342 morgen in extent was sold on Tuesday last, by Mr. Peter POTE. The farm is within 10 miles of Grahamstown, and when the city can count its residents by tens of thousands, it will become a handsome, healthy and picturesque suburb; at present it does the more useful service of supplying milk, butter, cheese, oathay and firewood. The biddings were remarkably lively, but whether this arose from the eloquence of the auctioneer, or the bright visions of a brighter future; or from the really practical uses to which the property can now be put, we cannot say, but it was started at £300, and finally knocked down at £600, to Mr. W. WICKS, of British Kaffraria. We are glad to see our farmers again in a position to buy land.
NEW KAFIR COLLEGE. – Some city property has been put up to public auction during the last week, by Mr. Peter POTE and the prices indicated that property is on the rise. The well known dwelling house and grounds on West-hill, so long occupied by the late Mr. BECK, and sold in the estate of Mr. H. J. LOUE, realised £840. It was purchased by the Sec. of Grahamstown for the purposes of a Kaffir College, and as it was generally understood that it was required for this object there was little or no competition. The property is a valuable one, in a pleasant and healthy situation, and very suitable for the purposed to which it will be devoted. – Journal.
Saturday, May 11, 1872.
A MEETING of the next of kin and creditors in the Intestate Estate of the late Dr. ALLEN, will be held on Saturday next the 18th.
ATTEMPTED HOUSEBREAKING. – On Sunday morning about 2 o’clock an attempt was made by two rascals to break into the house occupied by Mrs. EDGAR on the Town Extension. Mrs. EDGAR happened to be alone. She was awoke by hearing the doors being tried, and then the windows; and on looking through one of the windows she saw two men outside – one a black and the other a white. She raised an alarm, and the two villains decamped, blessing her for disturbing them.
PUBLIC SALE AT SEYMOUR. – The sale held by Mr. SMIT, at Eland’s Post, on the 1st inst., was largely attended, and resulted satisfactory. The landed property sold as follows:
Erf No. 8, Lushington, to the widow PEFFER, at £105.
Erf No.11, Bellvale, to Mr. Thos. GILBERT, q.q. Trustees E.P.G.L. and I Company, Grahamstown, for £60: and
Erf No.12, Philipton, also to Mr. GILBERT, q.q. same Company, for £70.
MR. BENJAMIN HAYBITTEL, for many years the indefatigable Chief Constable of Port Elizabeth has been appointed Chief Constable and Messenger at Du Toit’s Pan, in Griqualand West.
MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR. – Intelligence reached town yesterday that the body of Mr. S. PEGLER, of Keiskama Hoek had been found drowned in that neighbourhood. As Mr. P. had, it is said, been out collecting the taxes, it is surmised that he has met with some foul play, and the District Surgeon, Dr. EGAN, has in consequence gone out to hold a post mortem. The Rev. Father FAGAN has also proceeded thither to inter the corpse this afternoon. – Watchman.
W. AYLIFF, Esq., is gazetted a member of the Legislative Assembly.
IT HAS BEEN determined that Her Majesty’s birthday shall be kept on Wednesday, May 15.
DIED at Eland’s Post on the 4th May, 1872, after a short but severe illness, Elizabeth Martha, eldest daughter of W & M GRAHAM, aged 8 years and 5 months.
Mr. and Mrs GRAHAM take the present opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks to the kind friends who did what they could in the time of suffering and trial; in particular to the Rev. W. R. THOMPSON, who so quickly responded to the call of the afflicted parents, after their vain efforts to procure medical aid either at Alice or Fort Beaufort.
MR. W. KNIGHT, M.L.A., for Port Elizabeth, passed through on Thursday from the Diamond Fields, en route for Cape Town.
Miss WORMALD, of Port Elizabeth, had a narrow escape from drowning on Friday afternoon. She was bathing near the Fishery, and was taken out over her depth by a drawback. A roller brought her back, when she was rescued by a companion.
The undersigned hereby give notice that they have this day entered into co-Partnership as General Dealers at Seymour (better known as Eland’s Post), under the style or firm of W. & J. OATES,
William OATES.
WITH reference to the foregoing Advertisement, Messrs W & J OATES beg to intimate to the Public generally, that their stock comprises a large and well selected assortment of General Merchandise, Drapery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, Groceries, Oilmans Stores, Crockery, Cutlery, &c., &c., all of which they offer for sale at the lowest current rates.
Saturday, May 18, 1872.
A SAD ACCIDENT. – On Friday a young man named MARITZ met with an accident which terminated fatally the next day. He was assisting in thrashing corn with the patent steam thrasher belonging to Mr. PARADISE of Bedford; and when the machine was about to be stopped, he got his foot between the wheels. He was drawn in and his leg lacerated up to the thigh. The doctor was immediately sent for, but being out of town when the messenger arrived, he could not go up until it was too late to relieve the sufferings of the poor man. It is doubtful, even if a doctor had been on the spot, whether the young man’s life could have been saved. He was buried on Sunday.
SEQUESTRATION. – The estate of the late Mr. J. H. PARKER has been sequestrated. Messrs. F. H. JONES, C. SONNENBERG, and a gentleman in Port Elizabeth have been appointed Provisional Trustees.
WANTED. – An Advertisement in the Government Gazette requests information respecting a Samuel Thomas PARSONS, who came to this Colony from England in 1858.
THE NATALIANS have at last got rid of Lieut-Governor KEATE, who is promoted to the Governorship of the West Africa Settlements, in which salubrious climate he will enjoy. £3,000 a year, and be free from the criticisms of an elected legislature. Mr. Anthony MUSGRAVE, C.M.G., is Mr. KEATE’s successor at Natal. This gentleman has been Governor of British Columbia, where he had a salary of R4,000 a year, and another £1,000 for travelling expenses. It would seem that he will live pecuniarily by going to Natal, for there the salary of the Lieut-Governor is £2 500. Mr. MUSGRAVE is a barrister, and besides other colonial experience, has administered the Government at Nevis and St. Vincent. He was also Governor of Newfoundland for some years.
A GAY WEDDING was celebrated at the New Rush on Wednesday morning. Mr. DICKON, an American gentleman, whose efforts as a digger at Colesberg Kopje have been crowned with merited success, led to the Hymenial alter a daughter of Mr. Joseph WILLIAMS, late of Port Elizabeth.
THE DEATH RATE of the last month has been low; estimating the population of the New Rush, Old De Beer’s, Dutoitspan and Bultfontein, at 50,000 whites (some estimate the number on 60,000), it will be found to be 14-8 per 1,000 for March 1872, and 16-8 for February. This rate of mortality will compare favorably with that of other large populations, even after making allowance for the comparative less proportion of women and children, though the mortality table shows that nearly one half the death occurred among the latter. Among populations considered to be healthily situated 21 per 1,000 is a low rate, and military statistics give a mortality of 18-89 per 1,000 of mean strength for the Cape of Good Hope. At present the chief causes of disease are indifferent food exposure to the direct rays of the sun, imperfect protection from changes in temperature, and drink.
FEARFUL AND FATAL ACCIDENT. – A correspondent has sent us the following account of the accident, of which there is a short notice in the inner sheet: - On Friday last a young Dutchman in the employ of Mr. BOUCHER, near Post Retief, whilst engaged in feeding the well-known steam thrashing machine of Mr. PARADISE, used on his (Mr. BOUCHER’s) farm, incautiously got too near the edge of the platform upon which he was standing, and his foot slipping, in a moment his leg became entangled with the machinery, and before the engine could be stopped the entire limb was drawn in and crushed and mangled in the most fearful manner – the whole of the leg up to the knee being severed from the other parts, and the thighbone completely drawn out from its socket. Dr. PALMER was immediately sent for, and travelling all night at the greatest speed, arrived at the farm early on the morning of Saturday, only to find that the unfortunate sufferer had expired in indescribable agony, several hours before. He remained conscious to the last minute of his existence. This is believed to be one of the first accidents of a fatal character caused by machinery worked by steam in this Colony, and should act as a caution to those who may be similarly employed for the future. The young man’s parents were residing at some distance from the farm, and his bereaved and distressed mother could not reach him in time to receive the last farewell which he was able to give to his surrounding friends and fellow artizans.
Know all men by these presents that on the 26th day of March in the year of our Lord 1872, before William MORKEL Notary Public, George Adolphus CUSINS and Mary CUSINS his lawfully wedded wife, appeared before me and agreed to a deed of separation from bed, board, and cohabitation and community of goods.
And the appearers mutually agree that the one will not be responsible for any debts or liabilities which either of them shall contract, but that each shall be alone responsible for any liabilities which he or she shall contract.
This done and passed at Fort Beaufort on the 26th of March 1872, aforesaid in the presence of witnesses.
Thomas CLARK.
Notary Public.
The Cottage on the Town Extension, next to Mr. W. S. GRAY’s; the property of MR. EDGAR. It contains three rooms, under iron Roof. There is a nice piece of Garden ground attached, also an Orchard.
Apply at this Office.
Saturday, May 25, 1872.
BIRTH at Spring Vale, Winterberg, on Friday, May 24, 1872, the wife of Mr. F. A. HATTON, of a daughter.
February 1872.
John QUIN, Esq., M.L.A., Fort Beaufort.
Sir. – The report circulated to the effect that you are to be asked to resign, having reached us, we, the farmers in the Winterberg, wish to assure you of our entire disapproval of the step desired by a few.
Our confidence in your honesty, and our firm belief that our interests could not be entrusted to safer hands than yours, - cause us to express a hope that you will not yield to the wishes of the parties who seek to misrepresent you.
Assuring you of our hearty support,
John GREEN |
John PYE |
P van der MERWE |
Gabriel LOOTS |
John LOSS |
Gert F van RENSBURG |
Isaac van der MERWE |
Wm van der MERWE |
Hend. Van der MERWE |
George PITT |
William UPTON |
Owen RYAN |
James BRYAN |
Charles BOUCHER, sen |
John BOUCHER, jun. |
John QUIN, Esq., Fort Beaufort.
Sir, - It having been brought to our notice that, at a dinner given at Adelaide on the 6th February, a wish was expressed by one or two that you should be called upon to resign your seat as our representative, - we the undersigned, inhabitants of Stockenstrom, intreat you that you will in no way allow yourself to be dictated to by a small number of gentlemen, who met on a festive occasion ostensibly to do honour to a gentleman who, commercially, had benefitted the district, - to divert the meeting from its original intention by calling on you to resign your seat; and, for reasons best known to themselves, to pass criticism on you with which we have no sympathy. Since your election we had, and still have, every reason to feel satisfied that our interests, as well as the interest of the division, have been entrusted to your charge. Your honesty in declaring your convictions on public questions of the day, confirms us more fully in the confidence we have hitherto had in you, and which we unhesitatingly assure you still remains undiminished. Besides, it is our opinion that the feeling of the district was, though indirectly, sufficiently expressed (for the votes were nearly equal) in the CHRISTIAN and FLEMING election. It therefore would be frivolous and unnecessary to enter on a new election under heated partisanship and promptings to influence electors in their decision. We are, notwithstanding, quite certain that were the principle tested by a new election you would be returned at the head of the poll. We say, then, DON’T resign.
Wishing you a long Parliamentary career, we remain, with unabated respect,
Your obedient servants,
Hendrik VINCENT |
Willem HANS |
Cobus DEDUCH |
Fon. JANSE |
April WITBOY |
William BOOY |
Peter READEN |
Scheeper MALGAS |
Klaas van der VENTER |
Kiviet de BEER |
Kiviet KEYSER |
James READ |
Isaac ARENDS, F.C. |
Thomas DAVIS |
Coenraad SCHEEPER |
David FOURIE |
Reineveld KLAASEN |
Cobus JANSEE |
Andries PLAATJES |
Ruiter PRINCE |
Cobus KNOTT |
Esaak KNOTT |
William BATES |
Cornelius FORIE |
Danster KLAAS |
Dirk BAART |
John W HILL |
Booy ROOY, junior |
Booy ROOY, senior |
Andries ROOY |
James GREEN |
Carolus EXTENS |
James Green, jr. |
A van der BURG |
William J GREEN |
William GREEN |
Thomas MARX |
F van der MERWE |
Jozef ARENDS |
Martinus APPEL |
William de KLERK |
Christiaan GROEPE |
Joseph ARENDS |
Carolus GROEPE |
THE last number of the Zangari contains a portrait of the Hon. C. L. STRETCH, Esq., M.L.C.
DIAMOND FIELD RACES. – Mr. S. MOORCROFT’s Confidence won the best plates, viz, the Diamond Field Plate, and New Rush Stakes. – Gazette.
NARROW ESCAPE OF FIRE. – On Monday evening, a child of Mr. WHITING, who resides in Hill-street, on going up stairs with a candle, allowed it to come in too close proximity to the window-blind, which caught alight and at one flared up. Fortunately, the ceiling of the room was of wood, otherwise the house would doubtless have gone; as it was, however, through the promptness of a neighbour, whose daughter observed the accident from the opposite side of the road, the destruction of the blind, and the alarm naturally caused, was the only result. We mentioned this circumstance as a warning to those who are in the habit of allowing children to handle lighted candles without warning them of the danger of fires. – Journal.
THE LATE MR. J. E. HEAVYSIDE. – We regret to have to announce the death, this morning, of Mr. J. E. HEAVYSIDE, Chief Clerk to the Resident Magistrate and Clerk of the Court. The deceased was a son of the late Rev. J. HEAVYSIDE, for some time resident in this city as Colonial Chaplain, and was a brother-in-law of the Rev. Mr. STEABLER, of Graaff Reinet. He had been eleven or twelve years in the Civil Service, and, we believe, performed his official duties to the satisfaction of his superiors. Although his health has failed him for some time past, he was in office up to Tuesday last. The cause of death was low fever and conjestion of the lungs. – Journal.
Saturday, June 1, 1872.
The Trustees will cause to be Sold by Public Auction, at Grahamstown, in front of the offices of the Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company, at noon on Tuesday, 20th June, The Farm “Goedenog,” 975 morgen in extent, situated at Post Retief, Winterberg.
This Farm is well known as being the best Agricultural Farm in the District, being naturally irrigated by the Koonap River. The Lands are very productive. There is a large and substantial Dwelling House, Granary, and Outbuildings. The Terms of Credit will be liberal.
Joint Trustees
Peter POTE, Auctioneer.
Percy NIGHTINGALE Esq., Resident Magistrate for the division of Victoria East.
To the Field-Cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants.
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Klass UMDANA a Kafir if SANDILLI’s tribe, that he did in the month of May, 1867 commit the crime of Theft in stealing at Alice a horse, the property of Jack NGWOGYELA.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name to command you that immediately on sight hereof you do apprehended and brought before me to be examined, and to answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand at Alice, this 10th day of May, 1872.
Percy NIGHTINGALE, Res. Mag.
Klass UMDALA was last seen at Middle Drift about a year ago, he then stated that he was going into the Colony to seek employment. His place of residence is said to be N’GINDO’s KRAAL, Kabousie, King William’s Town district.
Estate of the late James MOORCROFT, of Winterberg.
All persons having Claims in the abovenamed Estate, and all persons indebted to the same, are desired to send their Accounts within four weeks from the date hereof, to the first undersigned,
Executors Testamentary
Winterberg, May 29, 1872.
FOURPENNY pieces are to be called in from circulation.
QUEENSTOWN BANK. We hear on good authority that Mr. F. C. BATE, late of the firm of Messrs GREATHEAD & BATE of this city, has received the appointment of Cashier to the Queenstown Bank vacant by the resignation of Mr. NETTELTON, who is about to assume the management of a business in Port Elizabeth.
APPEAL CASE FROM THE CAPE. – An appeal case from the Cape has been before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council during the last three days. It is that of DENNYSON v. MOSTERT. The question for legal determination is one arising from the Roman Dutch law as to the “community of property: under a joint will made by husband and wife. The husband died and the appellant sued to recover a debt on the mortgage, and the point was whether the respondent was liable. The court decided in favour of the defendant, inasmuch as according to the law of the colony a marriage in community creates a partnership between husband and wife as to property. Sir J. KARSLAKE on Tuesday addressed their lordships on the part of the respondent, and occupied several hours. Mr. BUSH followed on the same side. Mr. RIGNY was heard in reply. Sir J. COLVILLE said their lordships would take time to consider their verdict.
Intelligence was received in the city on Wednesday that a murderous assault had been committed at Botha’s Hill, the victim being Mr. W. WALLACE, who in addition to his farm keeps a shop on the road side a short distance beyond the toll. The object of the scoundrel who has so severely assaulted Mr. WALLACE was evidently plunder, and the injuries received by that gentleman consequent upon his endeavours to protect his property. The facts of the case are as follows: - On Tuesday night Mr. WALLANCE [sic], who was sleeping at the shop, was aroused by the moving of some person who had broken into the house. A terrible struggle must have ensued as there are marks of blood all about the shop. Mr. WALLACE received frightful wounds upon his head and body, evidently from a kerrie, with which his assailant was armed. But despite the determination with which Mr. WALLACE defended himself, he was not equal to his antagonist, and was also taken at a disadvantage. He was consequently overpowered, and the wretch, who had the old man at his mercy, endeavoured to strangle him, but fortunately did not effect the purpose. He, however, leaving his victim to all appearance dead, made off with all the money he could lay his hands on. Mr. WALLACE, on recovering consciousness managed to get some clothes on and drag himself over to his dwelling house, from whence a messenger was despatched into town for medical assistance. Before that could be procured he again relapsed into unconsciousness, in which state he has since remained, so that no further particulars have been obtained. The police believe that have a clue which will enable them speedily to lay their hands upon the miscreant. It is to be hoped they will, and also that Mr. WALLACE’s injuries may prove less severe than is now feared.
TO GRAHAMSTOWN. – It has often been a matter for dispute whether the distance to Grahamstown according to the milestones was correct. Mr. HANCOCK, who came up last week, measured it with his trochometer. The following is the result:
From Styles Hotel, Grahamstown,
To Fort Brown 18m, 284yds
To Koonap 26m, 807yds
To Jones’ 31m, 1739yds
To Fort Beaufort 50m, 1236yds
THE PAINTINGS belonging to the late Mr. Joseph GILLOTT, steel-pen manufacturer, have sold for £73,200. They were by modern British artists.
Saturday, June 8, 1872.
Lost on or about the 1st June at one of the drifts near the Blinkwater, a Tranter Revolver with name, John HAYTON, Grahamstown, No. 31,277 T.
Whoever will bring the same to Serjt. PEARCE at Fort Fordyce, or to the officer commanding at Fort Beaufort will be rewarded.
Sub. Inspector F.A.M. Police.
£500 Reward. – It will be remembered that some time ago Messrs. BLAINE and Co., and Messrs. LIPPERT & Co., offered a reward of £500 for the recovery, if stolen, of certain parcels of diamonds that had been forwarded by post cart from Klip Drift for Port Elizabeth. Mr. F. G. de Villiers, of Grasfontein, near Philipstown, found the mail bag – open – though the parcel of diamonds had not been removed. He took charge of the bag, and expected to receive at least a portion, if not the whole of the reward. The advertisers, however, declined to pay aught, and we hear that he is about to institute an action against them. – Era.
R. W. H. GIDDY, Esq., C.C. & R.M., New Rush, Diamond Fields, has resigned his appointment.
THE MAN in charge of the repairs to the telegraph line along the Fort Beaufort road was washed down the Keiskamma, with all his tools; the latter were lost, but the man was fortunately rescued at a point considerably lower down. – Watchman.
ON THE ARRIVAL of Messrs. COBB’s coach at Wood’s Hotel on Saturday evening, a loaded gun was being handed out, and by some means or other the hammer, which was at half-cock, sprung. Fortunately, the cap snapped, or Mr. WOOD, who was standing by, would have been shot. – Mail.
Twinkle, Twinkle, High Church Star,
No one wonders what you are,
Shining high o’er Grahamstown,
Tell me when you’re coming down?
Twinkle, Twinkle, High Church Star,
Riding the high horse you are,
Fooling folks to do your will,
Don’t you fear you’ll get a spill?
Twinkle, Twinkle, High Church Star,
Don’t you think you go too far?
People don’t know what you mean –
Such a star was never seen.
Twinkle, Twinkle, High Church Star,
What a set-alight (satellite) you are,
Setting Grahamstown in a blaze
With your wild erratic rays.
Twinkle, Twinkle, High Church Star,
So you think you’ll go to war;
Split the heads of half the nation,
Just by way of Separation?
Don’t you think that you are foolish?
Why not rather take things coolish?
Mend your ways, don’t threaten War,
And twinkle, twinkle, little Star.
Saturday, June 15, 1872.
Tenders will be received at this Office until noon on Monday, the 24th Instant, for the Hire of the Fort Brown Hotel, with the attached premises, about 3 acres in extent.
The conditions of Lease, and every other information, can be obtained on application to the Royal Engineer Department, King Williamstown, or to the War Department Caretakers at Grahamstown or Fort Beaufort.
Control Office, King Williamstown,
10th June, 1872.
Terms: - Ordinary course 20s, and 30s per Qr.; Superior course, 40s per Quarter.
Boarding Department.
The commodious premises known as the “Officers’ Mess Establishment” have been secured for the accommodation of Boarders. – For Terms, apply to the principal.
N.B. – To suit the convenience of farmers’ sons, a horse=herd takes charge of horses during school hours, and returns with them in the afternoon by the time the School is out.
Chris. BIRKETT, Principal.
GRAY’S NEW PASSENGER OMNIBUS. – We had the pleasure, on Tuesday last, of inspecting the new bus just manufactured at the establishment of Mr. R. KAY, Somerset-street, for Mr. GRAY, the energetic proprietor of the passenger carts between Fort Beaufort and Queenstown, and which is intended to be placed on that line. When we mention that it is turned out in Mr. KAY’s best style, those who have travelled in conveyance of his construction will readily understand what is meant. It is more roomy than the bus recently placed on the line from this city to Fort Beaufort by Mr. WHEELDON acting as whip, a start was made en route to Fort Beaufort. Mr. GRAY will now have the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing he is the proprietor of one of the most comfortable, roomy, and convenient passenger busses in the Eastern Province, and both he and Mr. WHEELDON deserve well at the hands of the public for their unceasing efforts to study the wants and requirements of travellers. – Star.
THE BOTHA’S HILL OUTAGE. – Mr. WALLACE is slowly improving, and the Kafir who is now in custody, on suspicion of being one of the men concerned in the attack upon him, will be brought before the Resident Magistrate on Monday next, when it is hoped Mr. WALLACE may be sufficiently recovered to give his evidence. – Journal.
OBITUARY. – We have to announce the death this morning, at his residence, Oatlands, at 2 a.m., of Sir Walter CURRIE, Kt., late Commandant of the F.A.M. Police. Sir Walter has been an invalid ever since he did such effective service against the Korannas a few years since, and after which he was compelled the complete failure of his health to retire from active service. The deceased Knight was in receipt of a pension of £547 40s per annum. – Ibid.
AN UNLUCKY FARMER. – In October we published an account of the destruction caused by the flooding of the Fish River to the lands and stock of Mr. John MILLER. It was only two or three weeks ago that Mr. MILLER was in town and he informed is that he had succeeded at much cost and labor in opening a furrow which had been filled up and in getting his land into order; and that through the high rates of carriage he had again got a fair start. We regret to sat that Mr. MILLER now writes to say that the recent rains have destroyed all the effects of his late labor, and that the best part of a splendid crop of mealies, &c., had been destroyed, and the furrow by which the lands are irrigated will necessitate a further expenditure of both money and muscle. We sincerely sympathise with farmers who have sustained such serious and unexpected losses. – Ibid.
DARING AND BRUTAL ASSAULT. – On Saturday morning, about 5 o’clock, Mr. ESTMENT hearing a noise of some one tapping at the wall of his house, got up and went down the stairs into the shop to listen. Finding everything quiet there he opened the front door to look out; and then thought to satisfy himself by going round the house. When he had got a few paced from the door he noticed a man standing against the corner of the gaol. As soon as the man saw him he advanced. Mr. ESTMENT advanced also, and closing, so endeavoured to deal a blow, but his antagonist drew back a step and inflicted a deep wound about three inches in length on the left side of the head. Mr. ESTMENT was at once stunned, and the cowardly assailant made off. The wound was inflicted apparently by an angular piece of iron, as the cut is deep into the skull, and as clean as if done with an axe. Mrs. ESTMENT came down stairs almost immediately after and saw the villains making off; for there were two – one making a hole in the wall while the other kept watch. Under the attendance of Dr. PALMER, the patient is doing well, and is now able to resume his ordinary duties. By an advertisement in our advertising columns, it will be seen that a reward of £10 is offered for the apprehension and conviction of the villain. Mr. ESTMENT says the man was dressed in a blue pilot coat reaching nearly to his knees, light trousers. He is a powerful, robust native, about 5 feet 2 or 10 inches in height.
Saturday, June 22, 1872.
THE ALIWAL NORTH STANDARD, a very creditably got up paper, came to hand on Thursday. We wish our contemporary every success.
EASTERN DISTRICTS COURT. – Mr. Ross JOHNSON, a gentleman who has been practising in India and China, has been admitted to practice in this Court.
OBITUARY. – The death of another British Settler in the person of Mr. Benjamin LEACH, is announced to have taken place at Salem on the 3rd inst. The deceased was in the 84th year of his age. The Journal says: - If the healthiness of this climate can be judged by the average longevity of the settlers of 1820, we should say it is unsurpassed in the world.
THE GREAT ROBBERY. – The Penny Post says: - With regard to the great Diamond and Mail robbery, confessed by the prisoner HARDING, we would like to ask the Government a few questions. Suppose HARDING had escaped as THORPE did; suppose all the owners of the stolen diamonds had been defrauded completely, at whose door would the blame have been laid? Whose business was it to have seen that so much valuable property was properly secured, and not left under the protection of glazed calico? We understood the Postmaster is highly respected; but henceforth we really must be excused from looking upon him as perfectly trustworthy. Whether the fault was his or the Government’s we cannot tell, but fancy the blame might be pretty equally shared without injustice to either.
MR. F.C. BATE has arrived and will shortly take over the duties of Cashier of the Queenstown Bank.
Mr. HARRY, of Uitenhage has become the purchaser of the Klipplaat Wool Washing Establishment, and will undertake the management. – Free Press.
SAD BEREAVEMENT. – We extremely regret to announce the death at the Grand Stand yesterday of a son of Mr. John LLOYD from the effects of fever caught at the Diamond Fields, from whence he returned a few months ago. This is the second sun Mr. LLOYD has lost from the same cause, an elder one having died on the Fields at the beginning of the year. Great sympathy is felt for the afflicted parents under this trying and painful dispensation of Providence.
THE PNIEL MAGISTRATE. – We are happy to be able to state, upon undoubted authority, that R. W. H. GIDDY, Esq., C.C. and R.M. of the Pniel district, has withdrawn his resignation lately sent in, the Government having wisely consented to increase the stipend attached to the office, which hitherto, for the work performed, has been ridiculously low. We congratulate the diggers upon having retained the services of so able and popular a public officer.
LAMENTABLE GUN ACCIDENT. – We hear of another sad occurrence connected with hunting. In this case Mr. F. HAY, a farmer in the neighbourhood of Fort Brown, had the misfortune to shoot his nephew, a youth of sixteen, mistaking him for a buck, whilst out hunting several days ago. A charge of “loopers’ entered the unfortunate lad’s back; and it appears that, instead of at once obtaining medical aid, the afflicted relative endeavoured to give attention to the lad, until it became apparent, from the condition of his wounds, that other help could no longer be delayed. On Monday last, therefore, an attempt was made to bring the lad to town, but the exhaustion was too great, and the journey ended at Mr. PINNOCK’s, Fort Brown, where the boy died early on Tuesday morning. The grief of Mr. HAY, at this lamentable end of his nephew, was terrible to witness. Immediately on information reaching town, Dr ATHERSTONE went out to investigate the case, and had the body, which had been buried, exhumed for examination. – Journal.
A DUTCHMAN, Mr. KLAES, who was known among his acquaintances by the name of the King of Smokers, has just died near Rotterdam. HE had amassed a large fortune in the linen trade, and had erected near Rotterdam a mansion, one portion of which was devoted to the arrangement of a collection of pipes according to their nationality and chronological order. A few days before his death he made a will, in which he directed that all the smokers of the country should be invited to his funeral, that each should be presented with 10lb. of tobacco and two Dutch pipes of the newest fashion, on which should be engraved the name, arms, and date of the decease of the testator. He requested all his relatives, friends, and funeral guests to be careful to keep their pipes alight during the funeral ceremonies, after which they should empty the ashes from the pipes on the coffin. The poor of the neighbourhood who attended to his last wishes were to receive annually, on the anniversary of his death, 10lb. of tobacco and a small cask of good beer. He desired that his oak coffin should be lined with the cedar of his old Havanna cigar boxes, and that a box of French caporal and a packet of old Dutch tobacco should be placed at the foot of his coffin. His favourite pipe was to be placed by his side, along with a box of matches, a flint and steel, and some tinder, as he said there was no knowing what might happen. A calculator has made out the Mr. KLAES had, during his 80 years of life, smoked more than four tons of tobacco, and had drunk about 500,000 quarts of beer.
In the Estate of the late Edward WALKER, of Alice.
All parties claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims with the undersigned within Six weeks from this fate; and those indebted thereto, to pay their debts within the same period.
William GREEN,
Executor Dative.
Alice, June 19, 1872.
Saturday, June 29, 1872.
EAST LONDON. – A new paper having the title of the East London Despatch, is to be started by the spirited proprietor of the Kaffrarian Watchman.
IT IS RUMOURED that Mr. PORTER is likely to be the first Premier. Mr. MOLTENO, it is understood, is ready to agree to this. It is not likely that Mr. PORTER would take charge of a department. Mr. JACOBS has been named as the probable first Attorney-General.
A MADMAN having thrown himself into the river at Waterloo Bridge, London, was rescued by the Thames police, and take to King’s College Hospital. When about to be brought before the magistrate, he dashed through a window, sat outside and cut his throat with a piece of broken glass, threw himself down headlong, and was killed instantaneously.
SUSPENSION OF CAPT. RORKE. – Claimholders and the public generally will learn with regret that Captain RORKE, the popular Inspector if Claims has been suspended from office. It was a matter of public notoriety last week, that an investigation was proceeding, regarding certain irregularities which it was alleged had taken place in the Inspector’s office, but it was not for a moment supposed that it would result in suspension from office of the head of the department, without any specific charge being first brought against him. Upon enquiry we learn that the cause of this unexpected proceedings on the part of the Commissioners, is the fact that between twenty and thirty licences had been issued, which were unstamped. It is needless to say that these unstamped licences were not issued either with the sanction or knowledge of the Inspector himself; it was the act of his subordinates and for their irregularities he is not only held personally liable, but summarily dismissed from office. This seems rather arbitrary on the part of the local authorities, and it is hoped the suspension is but temporary. The diggers have taken up the matter so warmly, and we hear that a memorial to the Governor, praying that Captain RORKE be reinstated, has already been numerously signed, and will be forwarded to His Excellency by to-morrow’s post. – Diamond News.
APPOINTMENTS. – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments: -
John Henry FEATHERSTONE, Esquire, to be justice of the peace for the district of Uitenhage, during pleasure;
John F. REITZ, Esq., to be justice of the peace for the district of Pniel in the territory of Griqualand West, during pleasure;
James Michael CROSBY,
Laurence George RAWSTORNE,
Arthur Henry GARCIA, and
Charles PIERS, jun., Esquires, to be commissioners for examining the protocols and registers of notaries public practising in each of the districts of Humansdorp, Aliwal North, Bedford and Wynberg respectively.
INTERESTING CASE. – In an Action CRESSWELL v CROWDY tried in the court of Queen’s Bench on May 3, 1872, an aunt had agreed to pay her nephew an annuity, if he would not marry a certain young lady from the Cape of Good Hope – The declaration set forth that in 1866 the aunt from her care and affection for her nephew, who was 23 years of age, conditionally on his not marrying a certain young lade, a widow with three young children, whom had lately met on board ship on a voyage from the Cape of Good Hope, agreed if he should continue unmarried to the young lady, to allow him £300 a year during his life. For some reason or other, however, the defendant had intermitted her payments and in 1871 this action was brought to recover some arrears. The aunt demurred on the grounds the contract was not legally valid. - Mr. MANISTY, Q C., and Mr. Wood HILL were for the plaintiff – the nephew; Mr. BROWN, Q C. and Mr. F. M. WHITE, for the defendant. – the aunt. –
Mr. BROWN urged that there was no legal consideration. –
The Lord Chief Justice. – Oh yes, there was; the nephew agreed to forego his natural freedom of marriage, and to give up the young lady he was attached to. –
Mr. BROWN: - Perhaps she would not had him. –
Mr. Justice BLACKBURN: - Never mind, he agreed not to ask her (laughter) –
Mr. BROWN. – Perhaps he had asked her, and she had refused him already. – Mr. Justice BLACKBURN: - In most cases I have of, the lady refused in the first instance (much laughter). –
The Lord Chief Justice: - The aunt appears to have had such a persuasion that the lady would have him that she thought it necessary to bind him not to propose to her. –
Mr. BROWN: - Ought such a contract be enforced. –
The Lord Chief Justice: - Why not? Aunts should not enter into such agreements if they don’t intend to keep them (laughter), and the Court, without calling upon the counsel for the plaintiff, pronounced judgement in his favour. There was nothing, they said in the agreements in restraint of marriage generally, and, therefore there was nothing, in which it made it illegal or invalid. No doubt a general contract not to marry at all would be invalid, but this was quite different. – Judgement for plaintiff.
AN UNTIMELY ACCIDENT. – We regret to hear that Mr. H. LINTON, while engaged in decorating the Albany Hall for the forthcoming ball, met with an accident; the ladder on which he was standing slipped, and he fell with it to the ground, cutting his face and giving him a good shaking. In consequence of this accident, Mr. LINTON was not able to be present at the meeting to-day, to elect officers for the Lodge. – Journal.
DIED at Adelaide on the 22nd June, 1872, after a lingering illness of nearly 6 months, - William McGowan WALKER, of Maxwelton, Kircudbright, in the 45th year of his age: leaving a widow and eight children to mourn his loss.
The Widow takes this opportunity of thanking those numerous friends who so kindly came forward to assist them in their hour of need.
DIED at Eland’s Post on the 8th June, 1872, Minnie Augusta, the beloved daughter of William and Mary GRAHAM, at the age of 4 years 4 months and 15 days.
Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM desire to convey their grateful thanks to Dr. J. D. LAING, for his continued and unremitting attention to the sufferer during her sickness up to the time of death.
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