Fort Beaufort Advocate 1872 3 July - September
Saturday, July 6, 1872.
A HORRIBLE OUTRAGE. – It is our painful duty this week to allude to a matter which has been, and is now under investigation. A poor hardworking German, a shoemaker by trade, who resides in this town, was called upon some time ago by a farmer, residing in a neighbouring district, who offered to allow one of his (the German’s) daughter’s – a child about twelve years of age, to be apprenticed to him as a domestic servant. The father of the child gratefully accepted the offer made with so much apparent kindness, and the child was conveyed to the residence of the farmer. What occurred to the poor child after her arrival at her new home we shall not attempt to mention, as the case is being investigated, but we may say that the farmer who intended to take an interest in the daughter of a poor tradesman has been discovered not only to have committed a most brutal outrage on the child himself, but repeatedly gloated over the sight of others doing the same thing. In the annals of man there, is not a more abominable crime mentioned. The unfortunate father left this on Monday to attend another examination. The lads who were made use of by the farmer, and at that examination appeared with a tale concocted by the farmer, have now confessed the whole affair; but as the local paper has not alluded to the matter in any way, we refrain at present from going further into the particulars revealed to us.
David MAIN, of Riet Valley, Winterberg, division of Fort Beaufort, farmer; assets £235; liabilities, £341; deficiency, £100.
Charles Thomas Watts MONATT and John Hayes PARKER, deceased, lately trading together under the style or firm of C. MOUNTT and Company, of Queenstown, merchants; assets, £7,225 5s 4d; liabilities, £8,844 6s 6d; deficiency, £1,619 1s 2d
LIQUIDATORS OF THE F.C. AND A. BANK vs. W. AND J. ADAMS. – This case, recently tried before the Judges of the Supreme Court, Capetown, has been decided in favor of plaintiffs, judgement for full amount claimed – viz., £2,000 – and costs. The action was for damages occasioned by breach of contract, with reference to guarantee of account due to the Bank by Mr. John LOCKE.
Saturday, July 13, 1872.
A RIGHT STEP. – The Town Council of Capetown have determined to enforce the Ordinance compelling the bakers and vendors to sell bread by weight.
A GOOD SIGN. – In the Government Gazette of the 25th June last there is not a single notice of a meeting in an insolvent estate in the Eastern Province, and only one in the Western Province.
IT IS SAID THAT Mr. R. W. H. GIDDY, R.M. and C.C. of Colesberg Kopje, has withdrawn his resignation, and that his salary has been increased to £1000 per annum. – Colesberg Advertiser.
FORT BROWN HOTEL. – Mr. Thomas HUMPHREY is the successful tenderer for the lease of this property from the Control Department King Williamstown, at a rental, we understand, of £105 per annum, exclusive of licence, insurance, &c.
APPOINTMENT. – Mr. Francis Augustus HATTON has been appointed Fieldcornet of the ward Winterberg, in the division of Fort Beaufort, in the room of Mr. Abraham SIMS.
S. C. WRIGHT, Esq., has been elected Mayor of Grahamstown for the ensuing year. We beg to congratulate Mr. WRIGHT on the honor conferred upon him by his brother councillors, and the city, on having obtained so worthy a successor to Mr. AYLIFF. – Penny Mail.
Sitting in Chambers, 2nd July, 1872.
Mr. STOCKENSTROM for plaintiff; the Acting Solicitor-General for defendant.
The Acting Solicitor-General moved the Court to stop further proceedings on the case, which was an action for libel, till plaintiff, who resides out of the colony, should give security for costs. The learned counsel cited van de LINDEN, and quoted an English authority to show that such an application could be made at any time before plea was filed.
Mr. STOCKENSTROM urged that the defendant’s attorney had entered appearance upon the Record, and therefore had submitted the case to the jurisdiction of the court. It was now too late to make the application.
Mr. Justice DWYER granted the order as prayed. He was disposed even to extend the English rule, and thought that if a plaintiff removed from the colony at any time while a case was pending, it was competent for the defendant to demand security for costs. The Master to settle the sufficiency of the security, with right of appeal to the Court, costs to be costs in the cause.
LOYAL EASTERN STAR LODGE, N.U.F.S., No. 5.766. – Election of officers for the ensuing term. –
Bro. P.G. J. H. HENRY, N.G.;
Bro. J. PITTMAN, V.G.;
Bro. R. A. MILLER, R.S.N.G.,
Bro. A. CLARKE, L.S.N.G.;
Bro. W. HENRY, L.S.V.G.;
Bro. P.G. M. MEAD C.;
Bro. P.G. W. DALTON, L.G.;
OUR CAPE correspondent informs us that intelligence has been received in Cape Town of the melancholy death of Mr. Michael O’CONNOR, of that city. The deceased had intended proceeding to the Diamond Fields, but was detained at Beaufort West through illness. He was returning to town from the latter place by one of the Transport Company’s wagons, from which he was missed during the night. A fruitless search was made for him by the drivers and passengers of the vehicle, but some days later his body was found near the spot where the wagon had halted. The deceased, who was a respectable citizen, leaves a wife and child utterly destitute. This is not the first death of the kind that has occurred on the line between Capetown and the Fields, but it is the most melancholy of all.
The Brethren of the above Lodge are respectfully requested to meet at the Lodge Room at 2 o’clock p.m., on Wednesday the 17th instant. As many of the Brethren of the Order as can make it convenient to attend. – There will be a Quadrille Party in the evening in the B.B. Society’s Hall, to commence at 8:30.
A. CREIGHTON, Secretary.
Fort Beaufort, 12th July, 1872.
Saturday, July 20, 1872.
Intestate Estate of the late David BOWDITCH, of the Stockenstrom District.
All persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to send them to the undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay within the same period.
Executor Dative.
Eland’s Post, 1st July, 1872.
Subscribers to the “Penny Post,” Cape Town, are requested to take notice that the undersigned has been appointed Agent at Fort Beaufort in place of C.B. HUTCHINS. Subscriptions must in future be sent to
Fort Beaufort, 12th July, 1872.
SNOW. – The whole range from the Amatolas near Bedford is again covered with snow.
BISHOP MERRIMAN arrived here on Saturday, and preached in St. John’s Church on the following day.
COLD. – Several farmers have lost largely in sheep and lambs, in consequence of the cold weather.
MUSIC. – The town has been well patronized in the music line during the past week. A couple of hurdy gurdies, and a portion of the military band have been enlivening the inhabitants. A merry-go-round has also arrived.
SOMETHING STRANGE. – Quite a sensation was created in town this week by the appearance of four “red-jackets.” It is so long since the military were here, that when any soldiers in uniform are seen in the streets they become quite a cause of excitement.
ODD-FELLOWSHIP. – The members of the “Eastern Star Lodge” celebrated their third anniversary on Wednesday. A procession, headed by four of the military band stationed at King Williamstown, marched round the town with banners flying. In the evening the Brethren gave a ball in the Benefit Hall, which was well attended.
LOYAL VICTORIA LODGE, L.O.O.F. M.U. – The installation of the officer of this Lodge took place last Lodge night, when the following Brothers were installed as officers for the present half year:
Bro. R. MILLS, G.M.;
Past Sec. E. B. JAGO, N.G.;
Bro. J E POHL, E. Sec;
G.M. R MILLS, Lecture Master;
Bro. J R SPARKS, R.S.N.G.;
Bro. J WALKER, L.S.N.G.;
Bro. W GUNN, Warden;
Bro. D DAVIS, O.G.
HOUSEBREAKING. – The Royal Hotel was entered on Monday evening by some natives. They succeeded in effecting entrance through a front window, and proceeded through the dining and billiard rooms into the shop and canteen. A great haul was made. Mr. O. GARA, who got up about two o’clock to get a drink, went into the room adjoining his bedroom where he saw a Kafir in tan clothes standing in the middle of the room. The native bolted at once. A search was made the next morning, and five bottles of brandy, some blankets, &c., were found at the back of the hotel. Other things are still missing. A native has been apprehended on suspicion. This native, who is a stranger, has been recognized by another native as the man who told him that he had broken into a shop in the town, and had nearly killed a white man. There are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the man who broke into Mr. O’GARA’s is the one who struck Mr ESTMENT. Mr. ESTMENT has seen the prisoner, and feels satisfied that he resembles the man who struck him.
COAL has been discovered on Mr. BUCKLEY’s farm at the foot of Bushman’s Hoek. The vein is between three and four feet in thickness, and the coal is said to be superior to that found at VICE’s, at the top of the Hoek.
At the sitting of the Court yesterday Mr. Melius de VILLIERS, who recently took a first-class certificate in Law at an examination held before the Board of Examiners, having subscribed to oath, was admitted an advocate of the Court, and took his seat with the other members of the Bar. In the case of Mr. MCKELLAR the court inquired of the counsel to point on which a decision was required, and the counsel having agreed upon the point, their Lordships stated that judgement would be given on an early day. The rehabilitation of W. FOSTER was refused, as he had made over the profits arising from his present business till the end of 1873 to his creditors for plant required in the business. Their Lordships expressed themselves as opposed to such arrangements between an insolvent and his creditors.
With reference to my notice of the 19th June, 1872, it is hereby notified that Mr. T. WHITTLE has been duly nominated, and is hereby declared elected a Member of the Divisional Council for Stockenstrom, District No. 1, in the room of A. de LANGE, resigned.
J. C. BELL, Civil Com.
C.C. Office,
Eland’s Post, July 16, 1872.
Saturday, July 27, 1872.
KING WILLIAMSTOWN is to have a Town Clock, to be called the BROWNLEE Memorial Clock.
SUNDAYS RIVER PONT. – The Uitenhage Divisional Council have taken over this pont, and have called for applications for a superintendent at a salary of £200 per annum and free residence.
MR. DUNN, the geologist, has come to the conclusion, after inspection, that there are prolific diamond fields at Prieska, where three good diamonds have already been found.
LIQUIDATION OF QUEEN’STOWN AGRICULTURAL BANK. – We believe Mr. T. HOLLAND has been nominated by two of the principal creditors for the office of Liquidator to this institution. Mr. HOLLAND is in every way suited for the office. – Journal.
TOUJOURS MEURANT. – In an article in the Star, in re the Queenstown Agricultural Bank (Communicated, of course), we notice the phrases “Mr. MEURANT asked,” or “Mr. MEURANT said,” no less than twenty-three consecutive times! – Telegraph.
AGRICULTURAL BANK. – In a leading article on the affairs of this bank, the E.P. Herald says: - “The Free Press says they were “headed by the notorious L. H. MEURANT who had been assiduously working on their feelings for some days previously.” Unfortunate would, we venture to suggest, be a more appropriate epithet in this case than “notorious.” For Mr. MEURANT happens to be a large shareholder. If Mr. MEURANT had for some days previously been working on the shareholders’ feelings, the directors themselves, through their cashier, had been working rather vigorously on their pockets, and with the prospect before them it is hardly to be wondered at if they were wrought up to indignation pitch. We cannot by think that Mr. MEURANT and the shareholders associated with him in acting promptly, acted wisely.
IMPORTANT DECISION - THE APPEAL CASE FROM THE CAPE. - On Thursday last (6th June) the Privy Council gave judgment in the appeal case of DENYSSEN vs. MOSTERT, reversing the judgement of the Court below – the Supreme Court of the Cape Colony. In this case, what we believed to be the universally accepted principle of Roman Dutch law, to wit, that a wife had an absolute title to one half the property of her husband under any mutual will has been upheld, and the new doctrine on this point, which Chief Justice BELL sought to lay down, has not been endorsed by the Judges of the Privy Council. Sir Sydney seems unfortunate in the result of the many appeals from his judgements, as we believe that since he became Chief Justice scarcely one of his appealed judgements has been sustained. In the Cape papers we see it continually rumoured that he is about to resign the Chief Justiceship, and if his time is past, it would be well in the interests of the Cape Public that he should resign, for scarcely any greater calamity can ever take a country than a general declension of public confidence in its highest Court, such as is indicated in these constant appeals from its decisions which latterly we have witnessed from the Cape. Former appeals have seemed to involve very intricate points of law, but the present appeal, in which the “community of goods” under a mutual will of husband and wife was challenged by Sir Sydney Bell, seems to us utterly inexplicable. It struck at what we have always considered to be the very foundation and distinctive principle of Roman Dutch law, as contradistinguished of all those qualified to judge, that the Privy Council would sustain that principle of the Roman Dutch law, has been realized in the judgement just delivered by Sir Robert COLLIER, who has also allowed costs to the applicant. – London-Colonial News.
JOHN QUIN, ESQ., M.L.A., who returned by the Norseman, arrived here on Wednesday.
A NATIVE GIRL has been placed in gaol on suspicion of having administered poison to a child. She was nurse to the child, and is thought to have given the poison on some bread. The case is still under investigation.
MURDER. – We have received intelligence of a murder having been committed in the neighbourhood of the Blinkwater last week. The deceased belonged to a party of thieves who made continual depredations not only on the kraals of surrounding farmers, but also on the kraals of other natives; and being on a roving expedition, he came to the kraal of a native in Upper Blinkwater. While engaged in prosecuting his nefarious designs, the owner of the kraal came upon him and threw an assegai at him. The thief made off, and nothing was heard of the matter until last Monday, when it was discovered that a man had died from a wound inflicted by an assegai. A report of the circumstances has been sent in to the authorities.
ANOTHER MURDER. – A case of supposed murder in the direction of the Kat River is being investigated. A native who had been to the Diamond Fields for two years was returning home. He was seen on the Katberg, and had his earnings, about £20, with him. He went down to a location to rest, and on leaving was accompanied by another relative. After a short while this native returned to his hut and said he left his companion all right. Nothing more has been seen or heard of the man who was returning from the Fields. There is a strong suspicion that he has been murdered.
BURIAL OF A NUN. – On Sunday afternoon a considerable number of spectators were attracted to the Roman Catholic Church, and also to the burial-ground, to witness the funeral of Sister Mary Catherine (of the Crown of Thorns) whose death, from heart disease, took place on Saturday morning last. The funeral cortege, preceded by his Lordship Bishop RICARDS and Father FARRELLY, and followed by the nuns and school children, arrived at the Church shortly after three o’clock. Here a portion of the burial service was read by His Lordship, at the conclusion of which the procession re-formed and proceeding to the cemetery. At the conclusion of the service, the nuns and children dropped white lilies upon the coffin. The deceased lady was but twenty-one years of age. – Penny Mail.
IN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the Colonial Secretary laid on the table the following papers: - Return (further) to an address from the Honourable House of Assembly to His Excellency the Governor, dated the 25th June, 1872, for “A memorial addressed by certain inhabitants of Fort Beaufort to His Excellency the Governor in June, 1871, or thereabouts, praying for reasons therein set forth, for the removal of the said magistrate, together with the reply, if any, to the said memorial, and all other correspondence on the subject; also copies of the answer of the resident-magistrate aforesaid to the complaint preferred by memorialists, and of the documents annexed to or which accompanied said reply; and further, copy or any complaints made regarding the said magistrate’s proceedings by any public body, public officer, or private individual during the past three years and all other correspondence on the subject of these complaints.
Saturday, August 3, 1872.
TRADE. – An unusually large number of wagons arrived during the week with goods. We hope this may be taken as a sign of an increase of trade.
Mr. DEN, Manager of the Telegraph Company, who came round by the Norseman, on a tour of inspection, passed through here on Monday.
GENEROUS. – Before leaving Capetown the Grand Duke ALEXIS gave £300 towards the charitable institutions of Capetown and Simonstown.
LARGE DIAMOND. – It is said a Mr. BOTHA has unearthed a 204 carat diamond at Du Toit’s Pan.
THE BOTHA’S HILL TOLL on the east side of Grahamstown has been leased for £844, for one year. The two tolls therefore at the east and west entrances of the city bring in a total revenue of seventeen hundred and thirty-three pounds sterling per annum.
A LADY in the Western Districts has lately presented her husband with the twenty-fifth “pledge of affection.”
THE SHOCK of an earthquake has been felt along the Camdeboo River, Graaff-Reinet district. The wave passed from East to West.
ADVICES have been received, we understand, which show that the estate of the late J. H. PARKER is likely to turn out better than was at one time apprehended. About £98 000 are held to the credit of the deceased in London, on account of diamonds shipped. The amount of the unaccepted bills drawn against these diamonds is £111,000.
THE WAAINECK TOLL. The tender of Mr. W. PARKINS for the lease of this toll has been accepted at £832 being about £90 above the amount paid last year.
A LITTLE GIRL, 9 years of age, Daughter of Mr. FINCHIM, one of Mr. DELL’s tenants at Barville Park, was bitten by a snake on Monday last, and despite all the remedies which were applied, gradually sank until Tuesday morning, when death terminated her sufferings.
Saturday, August 10, 1872.
THE SOLICITOR-GENERAL has ordered young HUMPHREYS to be indicted for murder for shooting a Kafir who was stealing goats.
OFF TO THE FIELDS. – We understand that orders have been received here for the Mounted Police to start for the Diamond Fields on Monday. All the men that can be spared from the various stations are to go up. The unsettled state of affairs at the Fields, and the disturbances with reference to the natives, are the causes of this movement. His Excellency the Governor, who is expected round by next steamer, will also proceed to the Fields.
MR. DISTIN has resigned his seat in the Assembly as representative of Colesberg. Colesberg will certainly not get a more honest representative.
ANOTHER POST OFFICE ROBBERY. – We hear that on Thursday week the Capetown bag from the New Rush Post Office was by some means got hold of by a man named BERRY, and 5½ lbs weight of diamonds valued at £40,000, abstracted. BERRY has been apprehended and is in gaol awaiting trial. – Free Press.
DORDRECHT. – By proclamation in the Government Gazette, Dordrecht in the division of Wodehouse, is declared a Post-Office money-order office from and after the 1st August.
INFORMATION is requested by the Colonial Office, concerning a Dr. LEVENS, who came to this Colony from Mauritius about three years since, and settled at or near Port Elizabeth.
ROBERT HULLAH, Esq., M.R.C.S. is authorized to practice as a Surgeon in this colony.
THE FRIEND reports the death of Mr. J. M. HOWELL, the well-known resident at Harrismith, on Sunday, the 14th ult. The late Mr. HOWELL was known throughout the length and breadth of South Africa.
IMPORTANT, IF TRUE. – De Tyd published the following statement, said to be communicated by Mr. Gert PRETORIUS, of Bloemfontein. Strange to say, neither letters nor papers from the Fields corroborate the report, which we believe to be untrue. It is said that the diggers of the New Rush had assembled on the Market-square on Monday, July 22, and demanded the immediate withdrawn [sic] of Mr. GIDDY and the officials of the British Government from the Fields, giving them till the following day to clear out. They expressed a wish for annexation to the Free State, and for Mr. TRUTER as Landdrost. The proceedings wound up with the burning of Sir Henry BARKLY in effigy. – Not true.
OPENING OF LOVEDALE MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. – This institution was reopened for the present session on Thursday, 25th ultimo. The proceedings, with the entrance examination, occupied nearly two days. The number of applicants for admission was in all 78: eight of these from various causes were inadmissible. Of the remaining seventy of all classes, sixteen were girls and young women; the remainder boys and young men. Six were Europeans, and among the whole there were three or four day scholars. For the various trades, and the work department in the Girls Institution there were 20 applicants. Some districts not hitherto sending many to Lovedale were largely represented. Among these were Philipton – the Rev. Mr. READ and Mr. READ junior, being present during the two days, and taking a warm interest in the proceedings. There was also a large number from the Rev. Mr. HARPER’s congregation, King William’s Town, and from Peelton. There were four from Enfundisweni in Pondoland – and a few from Port Elizabeth, from the Rev. M. EDWARDS congregation – and some from Graaff-Reinet and Tidmanton. The applicants for admission during the year amount in all to 128. The fees paid at the opening of the session amounted to £145m – and of this sum £130 was bona fide native payments. This speaks well for the confidence if the native people in the Institution itself, and for their interest in education. – Kafir Express.
(From a correspondent)
In your last you had the circumstances of the case of young HUMPHREYS having shot a Kafir, in protecting his brother’s property, watching alone at the risk of his life. The Acting Solicitor General has ordered him to be tried for murder, and bail has been refused. Although the Kafirs were frequently warned, they would persist in stealing.
The farmers are getting up a meeting to be held on Tuesday the 13th, immediately after the Divisional Council meeting is over, to see what steps can be taken to defend the lad, who is only seventeen years old; and to consider the means to prevent the increasing evil of stealing goats and selling the skins to purchase brandy. There is a general sympathy with the young lad and his family. The effect of this act of our Government will have an injurious influence on the natives, and is not likely to deter them from stealing, as they will say the farmers will fear to shoot any more. So look out for your imported or pure bred angoras, for native thieves will no more spare them than a common Cape goat.
THE SALE HELD BY Messrs. LEE and CALLAGHAN on account of the estate of the late T. C. BOTHA, on the 6th instant, at “Louw’s Kraal,” was well attended by a large concourse of farmers from all parts of the Winterberg and Victoria district. The stock and everything sold realized excellent prices.
All persons having any claim against the above Esatet are requested to file the same with the undersigned, at his office, Fort Beaufort, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted thereto, to pay their Debts to the undersigned within the same period.
Attorney for Jessie ALLEN,
Executrix Dative.
Fort Beaufort, 7th August, 1872.
Saturday, August 17, 1872.
GOAT SKINNING. – A few nights ago several were stole from the Kraal of Mr. W. ANDREWS, and skinned a short distance off, the carcasses being left untouched.
THE CASE of the Magistrate against the Petitioners to His Excellency for his removal, has been the cause of a large number of the principal inhabitants being summoned to Grahamstown. Between thirty and forty summonses, we understand, have been issued. It is a pity that a case requiring as many witnesses should not have been tried on the spot at the Circuit Court, two sessions of which have been held here since the petition was presented; instead of so many people being dragged to Graham’s Town at a heavy expense and inconvenience.
WE HAVE BEEN informed that there is a Proclamation still unrecalled which authorized inhabitants to protect their stock by a resort to fire-arms when necessary as in the case of young HUMPHREYS who recently shot a Kafir at night who effected an entrance into his kraal and was making preparations to make off with a portion. Indeed common sense and common justice without a Proclamation would justify the use of Fire-arms in defence of property as well as of persons, the latter being as often in danger as the former from a thief.
SAD END. – A dead body was found in the Kat River just below the toll at Ebenezer, last week, which from appearances must have been immersed for two or three weeks. It was totally unrecognisable. But by the clothes, a purse, and some other articles, found with the remains, and which were identified as belonging to David SCOTT, a blacksmith, engaged on the Katberg establishment, little doubt is felt that the remains are those of that unfortunate man. About three weeks before the body was discovered, David SCOTT left Fort Beaufort for the Katberg, and was last seen alive in the neighbourhood of the toll house.
WE ARE informed that Dr. BICCARD, senior, M.L.C. has been appointed to the vacant office of Surgeon Superintendent of Robben Island, and that he will enter upon his duties on the 9th inst., so relieving Dr. CHIAPPINI, jun., who will return to the Somerset Hospital.
A RATHER remarkable ecclesiastical ceremony took place at Middelburg on the 21st July, when a coloured congregation selected and ordained a Mr. Laurantius de BEER to become their minister. The proceedings were conducted partly in the Dutch language and partly in Sesuto. There were no clergymen of any other denominations present, and the proceedings were of the most decorous and reverent character. The regulations of the new church seem to be very sensible indeed; and the principles prescribed, so far as theological dogmas are concerned, are of a very stringent Calvanistic character. – Argus.
SALE OF CLAIM AT COLESBERG KOPJE. – Mr. FLANNUGAN, at Bloemfontein, bought one-third of a claim at New Rush yesterday for £1,300.
DEATH FROM FEVER. – Mr. Dennis CORBETT, brother of Mr. Daniel CORBETT, Roman Catholic Schoolmaster of Capetown, departed this life at New Rush, on Monday morning last. The deceased was by 22 years of age; he had been a fine, hearty, industrious young fellow up to Wednesday last, and his sobriety and strictly moral bearing had earned for him the high respect of all his companions. On Wednesday he felt ill, and took to his bed. Dr. GRAHAM pronounced him to be ill of fever, which grew worse up to Monday, when deceased breathed his last. It will be consoling to his relatives in Capetown, to know that his deathbed was surrounded by his friends, and that his funeral, which took place in the Roman Catholic burying ground yesterday morning, was highly and respectable attended.
AN HONEST NATIVE. – It is gratifying to find that there are some natives who are honest. One was discovered on Saturday at New Rush. A native named JULY, at present not in service, was passing a heap of rubbish at the North end of the Camp, - just at the junction of the Klipdrift Road, when he picked up a clod of gravel from a heap and broke it with his kerrie, to see what was in it. HE found a good diamond of 32½ carats, which he at once brought to the Civil Commissioner, Mr. GIDDY. He at the same time brought a Dutchman, named STOFFBERG, who saw him find it. The man who sorts at the spot came to Mr. GIDDY and claimed it. Mr. GIDDY sent for JULY, and the claimant having explained to him his claim to the stone. JULY said he was quite willing to give it up, as the diamond did not belong to him. The claimant gave JULY £6, which pleased him mightily. The Civil Commissioner told JULY he would now see that “honesty was the best policy.” There were several persons present when JULY got his reward, and no doubt it will be much talked of among JULY’s native friends.
PERCY NIGHTINGALE, Esq., R.M. and C.C., of Alice, is acting for Mr. MEURANT during his absence.
FORT BEAUFORT SEPARATION MEETING. – In accordance with announcement in last Saturday’s paper, a large number of farmers and several of the townspeople, assembled in the Brethren Benefit Hall on Thursday last, but on account of so many of the inhabitants having gone to Grahamstown in the case of MEURANT vs. the Petitioners, it was proposed by Mr. D. DEVINE, seconded by Mr. G. GILBERT, - that Mr. BOOTH take the chair pro. tem. After a few remarks by the Chairman, it was proposed by Mr. D. DEVINE, seconded by Mr. G. F. STOKE, - that this meeting be adjourned until next Thursday at 2 o’clock. – Carried.
Saturday, August 24, 1872.
In the Estate of Mrs. A. UPTON.
The undersigned, duly instructed, will submit to Public Auction on the spot, on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 3 p.m., that first class Dwelling House, at present in the occupation of Dr. PALMER, - with Office, Coach House, Stabling, Servants Room, &c., complete.
At the rear of the dwelling is a large plot of Ground under Water, used for Garden purposes.
Credit – 6, 12, 18, & 24 months, with Interest 3 per cent.
All further conditions to be made known on day of sale.
Jno. QUIN, Auctioneer.
C. W. HUTTON, Sole Trustee.
The undersigned, duly instructed, will Sell by Public Auction, on Thursday, 19th September
A span of Oxen,
1 Cow, and 1 Mare.
Jno. QUIN, Auctioneer.
The Partnership hitherto existing between William SAVAGE, Sidney HILL and Jessie SHAW, having been dissolved by mutual consent and therefore placed into Liquidation, it is earnestly requested that all Accounts due to the late Firm be paid forthwith or within Six Weeks from the present date. No extension of time can possibly be given.
Jesse SHAW, (in Liquidation).
Fort Beaufort, Aug. 24, 1872.
THE MUNICIPAL meeting for the election of a Commissioner in the place of Mr. J. QUIN, who forfeited it by absence from the Board for more than three months, was not held in consequence of informality in the notice convening it.
SANDILLA. – This chief, accompanied by one or two petty chiefs and retinue of followers, has gone down to Port Elizabeth to meet Sir Henry BARKLY on his arrival from Capetown. Meeting a party of travellers on the road SANDILLA took the opportunity of introducing himself with a very consequential “Me Mr. SANDILLA.”
DURING the two months Mr. William AYLIFF M.L.A. for Fort Beaufort, was in attendance at Parliament, he had the misfortune to lose six hundred sheep. Some of these died from the severity of the weather and the neglect of herds, but there is good reason for believing that much of the loss is due to the “Black mail” levied upon his flock by the squatters who live in idleness in the neighbouring location, and who are industrious only when they have a chance to steal. Mr. AYLIFF’s absence was a chance which they vigorously improved.
WE REGRET to hear that Mr. STRINGFELLOW has been very unwell.
In the Insolvent Estate of Johan Adam RAUBENHEIMER, Sen., of Adelaide, Division of fort Beaufort, Farmer.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, at his office, at Fort Beaufort, on Saturday, the 31st day of August, 1872, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee’s report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the said 31st August, 1872, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
William J. QUIN, Sole Trustee.
Fort Beaufort, 20th July, 1872.
DIED from Typhoid Fever on Sunday the 11th inst., at Bethulie, Orange Free State, Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. SWEETNAM, of Zuiver Fontein, Winterberg.
“Not lost, but gone before.”
Goodenough, August 20th, 1872.
Saturday, August 31, 1872.
DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, on Saturday morning, the 24th inst., Henry Edwin, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs R. A. WARD, - aged 7 months and 20 days.
T. STRINGFELLOW, Esq. – We are glad to say that Mr. STRINGFELLOW is recovering from his late attack. We hope soon to see him about again.
ACCIDENT. – While out riding on Monday a private in the F. A. M. Police stationed here, was thrown from his horse and seriously injured. He is under the treatment of Dr. PALMER, and is doing as well as can be expected.
THE COLESBERG nomination is Gazetted for September 26th. The Colesberg papers express a hope, in which we join, that Mr. DISTIN will allow himself to be re-elected.
THE BORDER LEAGUE. – J. G. SPRIGG, Esq., M.L.A., and C. A. SMITH, Esq., M.L.A., have been appointed a deputation of the League to proceed to Queen’s Town in the interest of the northern districts to oppose the Separation movement.
DEATH OF H. SPARKS, Esq., - Intelligence has been received here of the death of this gentleman at New Rush, Diamond Fields, whither he had gone at the beginning of last summer to recruit his health. Disease of the lungs, we understand, was the immediate cause of death. For many years Mr. SPARKS was a resident in this division, - his place of abode being at Adelaide. He was, up to his time of leaving for the Fields, Chairman of the Adelaide Municipality, and also member of the Divisional Council. Some years back he represented East London in Parliament. Mr. SPARKS was greatly respected by all who knew him, and his loss will be felt in the division more especially in the neighbourhood of where he so long resided.
ACCIDENT. – A serious accident happened Mr. Jesse SHAW on Saturday last. He had been out towards Alice, and on reaching the Brak River on his return homewards, his horse became restive, and shied at some object in the road. Mr. SHAW was thrown off with violence, and it is supposed that he must have fallen on his head. His foot caught in the stirrup, but fortunately the catch was unfastened, and the leather slipped out. The Rev. Mr. O’CONNELL chanced to be a short distance behind in his buggy, and on arriving at the scene of accident he kindly had Mr. SHAW lifted in and taken home. The sufferer is still compelled to keep his room.
MEURANT VS. QUIN. – Having carefully watched the whole course of proceedings which have just terminated, it is with regret we feel compelled to state that we cannot congratulate the winner of the cause. – P. E. Telegraph.
MIDDELBURG. – The following are further particulars of the infanticide at this village averted to in a former issue: “A house-keeper of one of the merchants gave birth to a child, and had an attack of puerperal fever afterwards. On her recovery she seem to have been in a state of mania; and on Thursday, of the last week, got the servants to go out on messages, when she took a hatchet and clove the skull of the child, and then put it to bed. The servants returning found the child still alive, but it died in an hour and a half afterwards.”
THE BURIED CITIES. – Fresh evidence in support of the assertions that ancient cities buried in sad have been discovered in Africa, have again come to light. Those who are desirous of informing themselves upon the subject, should call at Mr. WEBSTER’s, Main-street, New Rush, and see the wonderful specimens of ancient architecture, the order of which is as yet unknown. These specimens were dug up by Mr. D. WEBSTER at some distance to the left of Bloemhoff. This is a portion of the ruin if some ancient and buried city which is supposed to have extended over an area of two miles in width.
A FORT BEAUFORT correspondent of the E. P. Herald, in reference to the action against the petitioners, says the petitioners, says: - “The town and people have lately been considerably excited by the law-suit between the Magistrate and some of the inhabitants, the result, though one looked forward to by thinking men, has yet given rise to a good deal of dissatisfaction with the Government, many thinking that the petition should have been held to be a privileged communication, and not one that could be brought out in a court of law as evidence. The question now is how a grievance with those in authority can be redressed if the statement of it may, as in this case, be made cause of action at law against those going to the Government with their complaint.”
THE ACTING Attorney-General will accompany Sir Henry BARKLY to the Diamond Fields.
MUNICIPAL. – Mr. W. KENT was declared elected by the Magistrate on Sunday last.
Dr. HOLDEN, of the R.M.S. Celt, died in Capetown on Sunday last of fever accompanied by dysentry. Deceased was a son of the rev. Mr. HOLDEN, a respected minister of the Wesleyan Church of this colony, and was, we believe, a young man of much promise. His untimely death is much deplored.
Saturday, September 7, 1872.
Notice – Division of Stockenstrom.
It is hereby notified, in terms of Ordinance No. 9 of 1851, and Act No. 10 of 1860. – that the Licencing Board for the Division of Stockenstrom will meet in the Court Room at Eland’s Post, on Wednesday the 18th day of September 1872, at 10 o’clock a.m., to decide upon the following application, viz.: - Hendrik Johannes van der MERWE, to keep an Inn, Hotel and Boarding House, with Tap or Canteen annexed, at Ebenezer West.
J. Crichton BELL, R.M.
R.M. Office, Eland’s Post, 14 Aug., 1872.
Erf No. 1 in Menziesberg, Stockenstrom, measuring 12 morgen and 85 roods.
It is a capital grazing ground for Cattle and Sheep; and also well adapted for Agriculture. There is a good Dwelling House and Outhouses, and a Shed for 1000 sheep.
Apply for terms and particulars to
C. J. BOTHA, on the Farm.
August 6, 1872.
A CONSIDERABLE number of police have been concentrated here for two or three weeks back, - about 60 or 70 men. A portion left this week under Sub-Inspector BARBER for Post Retief.
DIED, - On 23rd August 1872, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Richard PEACOCK, Eland’s Drift, Koonap, near Adelaide, of bronchitis, James MCMASTER, aged 64 years, 7 months and 20 days.
DR. GREY, D. D., Bishop of Capetown, who has been ailing for some time, died at his residence on the 2nd inst., at 6 a.m. His loss will be severely felt by the Church of which he was the zealous and active head.
MESSRS G. C. CLOUGH, M.L.A., B. CAWOOD, J. C. LUCAS and the Rev. N. T. besides through passengers from Port Elizabeth, left this week for the Fields. – Star. [Transcriber’s note – no surname for the Rev. and the sentence doesn’t seem to make sense. Typed as printed]
TRACTION ENGINE. – A Capetown firm (Messrs FLOWERS and Son) have ordered from England one of THOMPSON’s traction engines which they purpose placing upon our colonial roads as an experiment.
£1,000 voted by Parliament for the repair of the new Bay Road, near Seven Fountains, has been placed to the credit of the Albany Divisional Council, and that body will have the work under its care instead of the Government.
A CORRESPONDENT writing from Worcester to a contemporary says that, during the last two months from three to four hundred children have died there of dysentery.
OFF TO THE FIELDS – J. S. WRIGHT Esq., M.L.A. for East London, left King William’s Town for the Diamond Fields on Saturday last. He proceeds via Beaufort and Queen’s Town.
FIRE AT PORT ELIZABETH. – A fire broke out on Monday night about a quarter past ten o’clock, at the retail shop of Mr. BATES, in Main-street. The only person in the house at this time was Mr. BATES, and this morning his body was discovered burnt to a cinder. Origin of fire unknown. Everything in the building entirely consumed. Only the blackened walls remain. The adjoining buildings occupied by Mr. GILLMAN as a furniture warehouse had a very narrow escape. Its preservation is only to be attributed to the ready assistance of a lot of willing hands, and a plentiful downpour of rain, which tended to confine the flames to the building on fire. The building belongs to Mr. CONRY, and is insured in the P. E. Fire and Marine Assurance Company for £600. We are not aware that the stock is insured.
THE EASTERN STAR is in great glee at the result of the late trial, MEURANT versus QUIN. It gloats over the victory of the former and devotes over two columns of leader to its views upon the case. The reason why it gives this prominence is evident to the most casual reader. It is spite and nothing else. If the defendant had borne another name the Star would doubtless have passed over the trial in silence; or else written a leader on the blissful uncertainty of the law, pitying the unfortunate loser; and advising the plaintiff to be a better boy in the future. But the name of QUIN is specially hateful to the Star; and the opportunity afforded by this trial of hurling abuse and taunts at father and son was too god to be lost. The Star likes to be at such dirty work; but by this time the worth of its utterances is pretty well known. The object of its present sneers will be none the worse for its tirades, nor will Mr. MEURANT’s position be improved by this trial and the puffing of the Star. The revelations made concerning Fort Beaufort society are very painful; but no one on reading the evidence can doubt but that they owe their origin to the bitter feeling originated and fostered by those holding a leading position in the town, and who ought to have known better. – Free. Press.
THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. – Among the passengers from Cape Town by the Syria was Mr. HOLTZER, the representatives of the celebrated firm of Siemens and Co., the telegraphic engineers. He will proceed from Port Elizabeth to the Diamond-fields, and thence will advance to Bloemfontein, if not further, making observations as he goes in connection with the authorized extension of the electric telegraph.
MR. CHALMERS, the magistrate and civil commissioner of Swellendam has been appointed to the corresponding office at Cradock, vacant by the promotion of Mr. GIDDY to the Diamond-fields; Capt. TINLEY will succeed Mr. CHALMERS at Swellendam; Mr. GARCIA will succeed Capt. TINLEY at Beaufort West; and Mr. HENDERSON of Murraysburg will succeed Mr. GARCIA at Victoria West. – Argus.
RAILWAYS – The Argus says. – We are informed that arrangements have been made, or are being made, by which Mr. PAULING will be appointed the government engineer entrusted with the extension of the Railway in the Western Province, with Mr. Thomas BAIN, of the road department, as his assistant; and that negotiations are in progress under which Mr. BROUNGER will be placed in charge of the railway extensions in the East. Pending this, and in the meantime, Mr. BROUNGER will proceed first to examine the line from Zwartkops to Commando Kraal as surveyed by Mr. ROORNE to see whether he may suggest any modifications; and after that he will proceed to East London to survey the line from that port to Queen’s Town.
A CASE has just terminated in the Eastern Districts Court in which has been made fully manifest the principle that Government in appointing magistrates should have some regard to the tempers of gentlemen thus honoured. The magistrate of Fort Beaufort is a Mr. L. H. MEURANT, who formerly served in the Kafir war as lieutenant in charge of a levy of Hottentots. Subsequently he rendered himself useful to Sir George CATHCART on the Northern Frontier by his services as a translator, and being a compositor by trade, he was enabled, as the story goes, to print notices, orders, or anything which might require to be issued. For all these valuable services he was rewarded by a magistracy. He is now magistrate at Fort Beaufort, and having got into hot water with a certain clique there, they sought to obtain his removal from the District by petitioning the Governor. – Telegraph.
THE CAPETOWN papers report the death of Mr. Henry HALL of the Civil Service. He was the eldest son of Captain HALL the well known geographer.
MR. DISTIN, in reply to a circular from the Separation League, declared himself opposed to Separation.
THE TRANSVAAL ADVOCATE. – We are glad to see from a prospectus received by this morning’s post that this paper is to be revived at Potchefstroom on the 1st October next. Mr. Richard RUTHERFOORD will be the Editor.
Saturday, September 14, 1872.
GOAT SKINNING. – One night this week a native entered the kraal of Mr. F. Du PLOOY, cut the throats of twelve goats, skinned them, and left the carcases in the kraal. Several kraals in the district have been visited in like manner. One farmer found the carcase of a valuable Angora goat lying in his kraal, - the sole object being, apparently, the paltry few shillings to be obtained for the skin.
SEPARATION. – A meeting of those favorable to Separation was held at Eland’s Post on the 2nd inst. Mr. W. H. BATES in the chair. About sixty persons were present. The meeting was addresses by the Chairman, Mr. EMETT, Mr. INGELTHORPE, Mr. ROGERS, and others, and resolutions favorable to Separation were passed.
ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. – A desperate attempt was made on Wednesday evening by a prisoner in gaol to strangle himself. The man is waiting trial at the ensuing Circuit on a charge of wife murder. It will be in the recollection of most of our readers that a woman was found about five months ago on Mr MARX’s farm, Winterberg, suspended from a tree. The affair appeared to be enveloped in mystery; but a strong suspicion was attached to the husband, who happened to be the first to discover the body of his wife still hanging from the tree. The husband was apprehended, and subsequently committed for trial; and it was while in his cell that he made the attempt to put an end to his career. He managed to obtain some rags of canvas, which he twisted tightly round his throat. Having accomplished this, he inserted his handkerchief inside the band of the canvas and manufactured a kind of tourniquet, which he turned until he succeeded in nearly strangling himself. A fellow prisoner heard the noise, but though the man was snoring. When discovered next morning he was insensible, and the blood was gushing from his nostrils.
WE REGRET to record the death from consumption of Mr. James SCOTT, formerly account in the branch Standard Bank in this town. – Aliwal Standard.
DREADFUL MURDER. – It will be in the recollection of our readers that a warrant was issued by the Resident Magistrate for the apprehension of Ellen WILLIAMS on a charge of theft preferred against her by Mr. KETH, sen., of Briedbach. From information obtained by Superintendent BIRCH his suspicions were aroused, and he made a systematic search, resulting in the discovery in the Briedbach River this morning of the body of the unfortunate woman, bearing evident marks of foul play. Mr. KETH, sen., has been apprehended and lodged in gaol, on suspicion only, and the district surgeon, and Mr. T. R. M. COLE, J.P., have gone out to hold a post mortem. – Watchman.
MR. ADVOCATE BUCHANAN. – This gentleman has been offered the appointment of Attorney-General of the Transvaal Republic at a salary of £900 per annum; but he has not decided whether or not he will accept the office.
IN CONNECTION with the FITZGERALD divorce case, a number of gentlemen in Capetown, sympathising with Mr. GRACIE, and feeling that she had been badly treated, started a subscription on her behalf, and the sum of £50 was raised, which will enable her to return to America.
SALE OF CROWN LANDS. – A number of Crown Lands leases were put up at auction in front of the Court-house yesterday. The following lots were sold:
No. 1714 to T. C. WHITE, for 21 years, at £20 per annum;
1716 CAWOOD Broe., 21 years at £30 per annum;
1718 W. WEBSTER, 7 years at £25 per annum;
1720 R. STANTON, 7 years at £20 per annum;
1722 R. STANTON, 7 years at £10 per annum;
210 G. W. PARR, 21 years at £20 per annum.
Several other lots were offered for which no bids were obtained.
THE NEW CHIEF JUSTICE, good information states, is to be the Hon. W. Downes GRIFFITH, Esq., Q.C. at present her Majesty’s Attorney-General at the Cape of Good Hope, absent on leave. – Grocott’s Mail.
THE INDICTMENT. – The following is the indictment drawn up by the Public Prosecutor against Mr. HUMPHREYS: - “That Edwards Ames HUMPHREYS an agriculturist, residing at Alice, in the district of Victoria East, is guilty of the crime of murder, in that upon the 24th day of July, 1872, at Honeydale, in the district of King Williamstown, a place within the district of Victoria East, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, the said Ames HUMPHREYS did wrongfully, and unlawfully and maliciously kill and murder MINGI, in his lifetime a labourer, and then residing at the N’Ecca in the district of King Williamstown aforesaid.” The trial is to take place at Fort Beaufort.
THE ZINGARI contains a portrait of the late Bishop GREY, with an excellent biographical sketch of the deceased.
MR. HART of Somerset East, who, with others, was tried on a charge of a detestable nature at the recent Circuit Court held in Somerset, has been fully acquitted. The case completely broke down, and appears to have been trumped up for a purpose. The Judge is said to have commented in severe language on the conduct of those who, while the criminal charge was pending, had assumed the accused guilty without trial, and on that unwarrantable assumption had collected money for the institution of a civil action for damages.
ILLNESS OF PRESIDENT BRAND. – We regret to learn by the Friend that President BRAND is very seriously ill of a complication of disorders, from which, under the most favorable circumstances, his medical advisors opine, it will be long before he recovers. So serious were the symptoms last week, that the Executive Council dispatched a special cart from Bloemfontein to the Diamond Fields for the purpose of bringing to the assistance of the suffering President two of the most skilful doctors to be had.
ON SATURDAY last a pony belonging to MR. STEYTLER, of New Rush, was being “Physicked,” when he became restive, and, displacing some sand with his feet, kicked out a very fair diamond, weighing 7½ carats, which has since been sold for £14. A MR. HART was the lucky finder.
POLICE FOR THE FIELDS. – Capt. PERCY, late Sub-Inspector of Claims at Pniel, has (says the Field), been commissioned by Government to proceed at once with the raising of a local police force, which is to consist of 150 members.
A DIAMONDIFEROUS FOWL. – A butcher at Old De Beer’s found about 11 carats of diamonds in the gizzard of a fowl he killed on Saturday last.
SALE OF LANDED PROPERTY. – Mr. Peter POTE yesterday submitted to public auction the united properties Bosch Kloof and Koodoo Kloof, in extent of about 4 300 morgen, which were purchased by Mr. John OGILVIE for the sum of £2,020. These properties were sold in the insolvent estate of Henry OGILVIE. Mr. POTE also sold a small piece of land at the Kowie, the purchaser being Mr. STONE, and the price £9. For the farm Grasslands the sum of £2,000 was bid, at which price it was declared not sold. – Grocott’s Penny Mail.
Trustees of the Insolvent Estate of GREATHEAD & BATE, versus Charles LILFORD.
On Tuesday, 24th September, at 10 o’clock a.m., at Adelaide,
1 Carriage,
1 Side Saddle,
Household Furniture,
Kitchen Utensils, &c.
T. QUIN, Deputy Sheriff.
Is hereby given that unless eight Buck Ewes, with kids, left by John Charles HOAR, about the beginning of the present year, with the undersigned, are released within three weeks from this date, and all charges thereon paid, the same will be publicly sold on the Market to defray expenses.
Samuel WALKER,
Sept. 12, 1872.
It is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts which may be incurred by my son Charles Alexander Malcolm NIGHTINGALE, of the F. A. M. Police.
Lieut.-Colonel (retired) late Royal Bengal Staff Corps.
WITH reference to the above advertisement, notice is hereby given that I entirely disclaim all responsibility with regard to the said Charles A. M. NIGHTINGALE of the F. A. M. Police.
Civil Com.
The Residency,
Alice, 7th Sept., 1872.
Saturday, September 21, 1872.
With reference to my notice of the 14th August last, it is hereby notified that Mr. William BRADLEY has been duly nominated and is hereby declared elected a Member of the Divisional Council of Stockenstrom for District No. 6.
J. Crichton BELL, C.C.
C.C. Office, Eland’s Post, Sept. 17, 1872.
The undersigned begs to inform the Public of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort, that he has opened a General Grocery and Oilmans’ Store, on the Premises formerly occupied by Mr. J. VIGNE, and trusts by supplying a good article at a low rate, to secure a share of public patronage.
In the Insolvent estate of Harwich J. LOUW.
Sale of valuable property, in Adelaide.
The undersigned, in his capacity as Trustee of the said Estate, will offer for Sale by Public Competition, on the spot, at noon on Wednesday, September 25, 1872 that desirable Business Stand, in the rising Village of Adelaide, formerly occupied by LOUW, POTGIETER & Co. This property consists of a large Store, Dwelling House, Outbuildings, &c., and is specially adapted for the purposes of the Dutch trade. The terms being easy, and Landed Property being on the rise, the present offers a most favourable opportunity for investment. Further particulars may be obtained upon application to the Auctioneer, or at the office of the undersigned.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Trustee.
H. C. LEE, Auctioneer.
NUISANCE. – The catapult nuisance is prevalent here among boys of tender age as it is other frontier towns.
PRESIDENT BRAND. – We are exceedingly glad to learn that the rumour of Mr. BRAND’s death is incorrect.
MR. W. PIERS, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate in this district, has been promoted to the Colesberg district. He is to be succeeded by Mr. PHILPOTT. Mr. PIERS has proved himself a very efficient officer, and in his new sphere he will have greater scope for the exercise of his abilities than he has yet enjoyed.
MR. NIGHTINGALE, C.C. and R.M. of Victoria East, we understand is now engaged at the request of the Government in the inspection of the telegraph poles in the Fort Beaufort district. He completed the inspection of the poles in the Victoria district a few days ago.
THE TOWN CLOCK. – We have seen a plan of the alterations which it is proposed to make in the St. George’s tower, for the purpose of receiving the clock. The height to the pinnacle is 120 feet, to the clock apartment 73 feet, and to the bell apartment 73 above the present level. A new bell of 14 cwt. is to be ordered. The dial of the clock is to be seven feet in diameter. About £350 of the amount promised has been collected, and the order is to go home to-morrow. – Journal.
MRS. JAMIESON, of Cape Town, has announced her intention of devoting a sum of £5,000 for the advancement of education in this colony.
WE HEAR that the directors of the Port Elizabeth Fire and Marine Assurance Company have awarded Mr. WELCHMAN the first prize of £75 for his plan of their proposed new buildings, and Mr. George D. PECK the second prize of £25. There were 7 competitors.
THE FITZGERALD DIVORCE CASE. – The Supreme Court gave judgement in this case on Friday last, as follows: - That Mrs. FITZGERALD be granted a divorce from her husband; and that she is at liberty to marry again if so minded; and that she is to have custody of her children till the Court otherwise orders. The Chief Justice and Judge DENYSSEN were agreed upon this verdict; but Judge FITZPATRICK differed, holding that proof of adultery by the defendant was wanting.
MANSLAUGHTER. – From the Fields we have the following: - “STANTON charged with culpable homicide, has been convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment with hard labour.”
LYNCH VS. DU PLOOY. – This was an action for £10,000 as damages by reason of defendant having failed and refused to give transfer to the plaintiff of the farm Bultfontein in the Griqualand West Territory on the 14th November 1869. Mr. Recorder BARRY gave judgement for £500 and costs.
PRESIDENT BRAND. – The Diamond News of the 11th instant, says: - “The report in circulation last week his Honour’s illness had terminated fatally, was, we are happy to be able to inform our readers, on the authority of Drs. DYER and MATTHEWS, who have returned from the consultation at Bloemfontein, untrue. The consulting physicians inform us that the case is a very critical although not a hopeless one. His Honour’s constitution has broken down, and his whole system out of order. Drs. DYER and MATTHEWS have prescribed a total cessation from work, and acting under that advice Mr. HOHNE, the Secretary to Government, has been appointed acting president.”
DEATH OF A DOG FROM GRIEF. – The dog of the late Michel CARRÉ (author of “Galathee,” “Mignon,” “Faust,” and other pieces), after ten days of voluntary abstinence, has succumbed to the grief caused by the death of its master. After having, as it were, guarded the body, exposed according to custom at the door of the deceased’s residence, the faithful animal accompanied it to the gate of the church in Argentevil, and then to the cemetery of the village. On returning home, it refused every sort of nourishment, lapping only a few drops of water, and at last expired at the door of its master’s study.
NEW STORE. – It will be seen by advertisement in front page that a new Grocery and Oilman’s store has been opened by Mr. S. S. WEBB, in the premises formerly occupied by Mr. VIGNE.
VALUE OF PROPERTY. – The house belonging to the insolvent estate of Mrs. A. UPTON, and now in the possession of Dr. PALMER, was put up to auction on Thursday, and realized £502. This is considered a very fair price, and speaks well for the value of property in Fort Beaufort. Dr. PALMER was the purchaser.
CART ACCIDENT. – An accident of a rather serious nature happened to a party of gentlemen who were proceeding to the Blinkwater in a cart. They started from town and had got as far as the poort, when the reins broke. The horses, which were fresh, set off at a gallop, and over boulders, the consequence of which was the Mr. Mark BAKER, of the Blinkwater Hotel, who acted as driver, was thrown violently out of the cart. On being carried home it was found necessary to call in medical aid. It is feared that his right arm is broken.
THE EAST LONDON POST OFFICE ROBBERY. – The following is the confession made by the lad Charles SMITH who robbed the Post Office at East London, as reported in the Dispatch of Tuesday last: - “I did take the letters. I opened them, took the cheques out, secreted then on the beach. I went down and took two cheques; went over to Panmure and changed one to Mr. WILD. Gave the gold away for bank-notes; changed the bank-notes for gold again; changed the gold for bank-notes again; changed the bank notes once more, and went about bragging that I had more gold than other people; I changed the money [Transcriber’s note – I think this should be gold] for bank-notes again, and these notes were on the table this morning. I was persuaded to take the money by a man who told me his name was Willie GRANT, and that he lived in King Williamstown. He told me that the letters addressed to W. C. OAK had lots of money in them, and that if I took them I could get rich; he told me I had to give him half of them, and that he would be down here very soon. I took the letter of Mr. Jas. TAYLOR’s, one of Mr. WILD’s, one for PEACOCK, WEIR &Co, King Williamstown two of Mr. VENN’s and another one from Natal. I took no others. The last one I took was from NATAL. I spent all the other gold that was over. I took the letters when they were being put into the post bag, when Mr. SMITH’s back was turned; I hid them under my waistcoat. I took three of Mr. VENN’s letters, one had a seal on it; took the seal off, opened the letter, and the put more sealing wax on it and hid two letters under the bags in the post-office. I did not take Mr. LUCAS’s letter, or Mr. GATELY’s; I know nothing about them.” Prisoner was duly committed for trial – bail being accepted however, in two sureties of £100 each. – K.W.T. Gazette.
DIED, - At Fort Beaufort on the 16th September, 1872, William DORNAN, aged 57 years, who leaves a sorrowing wife to mourn his loss.
His poor lonely Widow does not wish to name any individual in particular, for fear of giving offence to others; but to one and all of those kind friends who visited and soothe the pillow of her dear departed husband during his affliction, she begs they will accept a poor widow’s heartfelt thanks, - and tenders the same to those who followed his remains to the grave.
Saturday, September 28, 1872.
The undersigned duly authorized thereto will offer for sale by Public Auction, on Tuesday, 22nd October, 1872, at 1 p.m., that first-class and extensive property situated in Campbell-street, Fort Beaufort, facing the Market, and adjoining COHEN’s Hotel, lately occupied by Mr. E. COTTERELL as a Private Dwelling, General Store, Hotel and Canteen.
The Property has two frontages, and may be conveniently occupied by one or two separate tenants, - the portion facing Campbell-street being well adapted as a Dwelling House, and for general business of any kind; while the other portion routing Bell-street is also suited for a Dwelling and Canteen or Retail Store. These premises for many years returned a rental of £120 per annum.
2nd – That neat and Commodious Cottage situated in D’Urban-street, opposite the Roman Catholic Church, at present occupied by Mrs. FITZPATRICK. As a comfortable private Residence for a Family, this Cottage is unsurpassed, the situation being central, and the ground being enclosed.
Terms easy, and will be made to suit purchasers.
Jno. QUIN, Auctioneer.
Fort Beaufort, Sept. 28, 1872.
To let for a Term of Years.
Those commodious premises on the Farm at Bushman’s Hoek, known as Buckley’s, with the right to graze fifty Sheep, ten head of Cattle and five Horses.
This Farm is in the direct line to the Diamond Fields. There is abundance of Coal on the spot, and it is an excellent stand for Business, the premises being in every way suited. Possession can be given on the 1st of December next.
ALICE SHOOTING CASE. – We have to acknowledge the receipt of the Minutes of a Meeting held at Hell Poort on this subject, under the auspices of the Farmers’ Protection Association. We shall take an early opportunity of referring the subject. At this present time, when the case which has led to so general an expression of sympathy with the accused, is about to be officially investigated; we deem it proper to defer any observations we may have to offer until the conclusion of the trial. The Mutual Protection Association has also addressed a copy of one of the resolutions passed at Hell Poort to members of Parliament, the purport of which is the desirability of the repeal or modification of Ordinance No. 2, 1837.
A MAGISTRATE CAUTIONED. – In the Supreme Court last week, Justice DENNYSSEN said with reference to a case which had come before him from the Resident Magistrate of Calvinia, and of which a very defective record was sent up, should such occur again, he would feel it his duty to represent the matter to Government.
THE ESTATE of William BRADSHAW, of Grahamstown, shopkeeper, has been placed under provisional sequestration for benefit of his creditors.
WANTED A HUSBAND. – The following advertisement appears in a recent issue of a Natal paper: - “A very handsome widow, aged 25 well connected, very amiable, warm hearted and loving, desires to correspond, with a view to matrimony with a gentleman, connected with a Coffee Estate – if possible.”
THE REMAINS OF AN ANCIENT CITY. – We last week mentioned that several specimens of ancient workmanship had been exhumed on the Vaal-river by different people, and that two or three pieces were lying at our fossiliferous remains of some large reptiles. Since then we have seen Mr. Wm. CRAUSE formerly of Bloemfontein, and Mr. John MONTGOMERY, of this town, both of whom have been on the spot – place called Zoutpan, near Zoutpansdrift – who have inspected the ground, and both of whom pronounce the remains to be those of large buildings. Mr. Montgomery exhumed several specimens which he brought to town, some of which he has left at the office of this journal for inspection. They are certainly very curious and well worthy of examination. – Friend.
MR. J. G. SMUTS, of the London and South African Bank, has been appointed Manager of the Eastern Province Branch Bank at Queenstown.
FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS REWARD. – In compliance with an address to His Excellency by the House of Assembly in its recent session, a bonus or reward of £5,000 sterling is now offered to any person or persons who shall discover a gold-field within the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. The bonus or reward will not be payable until satisfactory proof shall have been adduced that not less than fifteen thousand ounces of gold have been obtained from the said gold field.
MR. WM. FINNAUGHTY, late of Fort Beaufort, we regret to say, died suddenly at his farm near Tarkastadt this week. He had been ailing for some time.
A SEVERE ASSAULY has been committed upon a policeman named Andrew DUNCAN, at Alice, by a man named GRAY, who is now in custody on the charge.
SAD ACCIDENT. – We regret to hear that a very sad and distressing accident happened in one of the New Rush claims to the eldest son of Mr. W. H. RAWSTORNE, formerly of this town. By private letters received here by Thursday’s post, we learn that the unfortunate young lad was lying asleep in one of the claims and was not perceived by one of the men who went down to work. The digger – whose name we have not yet learnt – took his pick axe and struck just where the poor boy was lying. Finding that he had struck something besides ground, he made an examination, and to his horror discovered the boy. The lad was once taken out of the claim, and it was seen that the pick had descended on the forehead, making a fearful gash. Up to latest time of posting, the poor boy was still alive, but very slight hopes are entertained of his recover.
PRESIDENT BURGERS AT GRAAFF-REINET. – On Wednesday afternoon His Honor the President of the Transvaal Republic arrived at Graaff Reinet. He was met at Pienaar’s River by a large number of inhabitants on horseback and in conveyances of every kind, and escorted to the residence of Mr. Donald SINCLAIR, where Mrs. BURGERS has been staying during his absence. In Cradock Street a triumphal arch had been erected. There the cavalcade halted and the Hon. F. To WATER, as Chairman of the Municipality, and in the name of the inhabitants, read an address of welcome from the Municipal Commissioner. The President replied in a speech that was received with great cheering. During Thursday and Friday nearly all the Graaff Reinetters of position waited on His Honor. – F. R. Advertiser.
A MR. WILLIAMS, formerly a captain in the army, has been elected assistant street-keeper in Capetown. There were eighteen applicants for the office.
PRESENT BURGERS met with an accident at Bloemhof which might have proved most serious, owing to the loyalty of some of the people of that village. Upon his arrival there he was received with all the enthusiasm of which our Dutch friends are capable. Amongst other things a salute was fired, and down fell one of the President’s carriage horses. The animal had been accidently shot dead through the carelessness of one of the firing party, who had positively placed a blank cartridge in a weapon which had previously been loaded. It was fortunate that the result was not more serious. – Cradock Register.
In the Estate of Renier Christiaan van ROOYEN (deceased) and surviving spouse, Lena Catharina van ROOYEN.
The undersigned, acting under a General Power of Attorney granted to him by the widow van ROOYEN, in her capacity as Executrix Testamentary in the above Estate, - hereby gives notice to the Legatees (and Creditors if any) and to all others whom it may concern, that the first and final Account of Administration and Distribution of the said Estate will lie open for their inspection at the office of the Resident Magistrate of Stockenstrom; as also copies thereof at the office of the undersigned at Seymour, and at the residence of the Widow van ROOYEN at Upper Blinkwater, - for a period of seven days, from Tuesday the 24th September next; and that the original account will lie open for the examination of all concerned therein, for a further period of fourteen days, after which the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order the distribution thereof.
q.q. Executrix Testamentary.
Seymour, Stockenstrom,
Sept. 20, 1872.
John FARRELL, indentured apprentice of the undersigned, having absconded from my service (supposed to have gone to Port Elizabeth), this is to warn all persons from employing the said Apprentice, under penalty of prosecution.
Jno. QUIN.
Fort Beaufort, Sept. 24, 1872.
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