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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1872 4 October - December

Saturday, October 5, 1872.

J. B. TEMLETT, Auctioneer, Appraiser to the Master of the Supreme Court,
Undertakes Special Agencies, Sales and Transfer of Property, Raising Loans and Managing Estates.

In the Estate of the late Reynier Christian ELS, of Alice.
On Tuesday, 29th October, at 11 o’clock, will be sold by Auction, the whole of the Property in the estate, consisting of –
Buck Wagon,
10 Heads of Cattle,
16 Oxen,
1 Riding Horse,
60 Sheep and Goats,
29 bags salt,
10 bags Mealies,
2 Clocks,
1 Drawing Room Couch and 6 chairs to match,
1 Round Table,
1 Carpet,
2 Chests Drawers,
1 double barrelled Gun,
1 Colt’s Revolver,
Plough, and a variety of other articles.
The Residence adjoining the commonage, a quiet, retired spot, suitable for any well-to-do Farmer, with a number of Water erven, and a Garden of choice Fruit Trees, will be sold in Lots to suit Purchasers, and to secure the most money.
Exor Dative.
J. B. TEMLETT, Auctioneer.

J. B. TEMLETT, Auctioneer, has instructions to sell by auction – Building Erf, No. 143, a Corner Erf opposite the Scotch Church, with Buildings thereon. It is one of the best stands for Business in Alice. Sale to take place on Tuesday, 29th Oct., after the sale in R. C. ELS’s Estate.
FOR SALE OR TO BE LET, that splendid Property known as Fort Armstrong, situated about 10 miles from Eland’s Post, on the road from Fort Beaufort. This Property is unsurpassed as an Agricultural Farm, the whole of the arable Lands being bounded by the Kat River on one side, and enclosed by a Stone Wall on the remaining extent. Terms easy. Apply to the undersigned.
W. J. QUIN, Sec. F.B.F.I.T. & L.I. Co.
Fort Beaufort, Oct. 2, 1872.

DIED on Tuesday the 24th Sept. 1872, at his own residence, after a painful and lingering illness – William FINNAUGHTY, of Riet Vley, District of Cradock, aged 62 years, 5 months and 22 days.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Victoria Hotel, Alice,
The best Wines and Spirits always on hand. Good Forage and good Stabling.


The body of Mrs HOUSLEY, relict of the late Dr. HOUSLEY of Port Elizabeth, was interred in the Roman Catholic burial ground on Saturday last. The deceased died in Queenstown, and her remains were conveyed from thence for interment here, alongside the remains of a daughter, the deceased wife of Dr. TRACY.

WHO’S THE THIEF? – A Native gentleman who, unfortunately for himself, allowed his natural propensity to overcome his prudence, paid a visit to the kraal of Mr. THARRATT, and indulged in a fat hamel, which he slaughtered and skinned on the spot. Having completed the job, he disappeared, and through want of thought allowed himself to be discovered in front of the Court House, where he was acting the innocent lounger. The cause of his detection was in consequence of a certificate of citizenship having been found on the spot where the animal was slaughtered; and the owner being known as one of the town swells, there was no difficulty in recognising the “gentleman” of independent means, as the midnight marauder. A visit to the Queens Hotel has been considerably prolonged for the convenience of the party concerned.

APPOINTMENT. – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint George Glaeser MUNNIK, Esq., to be assistant to the Resident Magistrate of Victoria West, in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of Act. 9 of 1857.

M. R. ROBISON, Esq., Chief Inspector of Public Works, left this morning for the Bushman’s River, in order to select the site of the proposed new bridge on the main line of road between Port Elizabeth and Graham’ Town.

A REPORT has been received which states that Mr. F. COLE, the postmaster at the New Rush has been suspended.

SNAKE-BITE. – As Mr. PURDON, of Clumber, was walking in his garden on Sunday morning last, he was bitten on the ancle by a large puff-adder, and would have lost his life but for the timely application of Croft’s Tincture. – Grocott’s Mail.

A case has just come to light, which though happily attended with no very serious consequences shows the unenviable situation, which masters and mistresses hold when they have the misfortune to raise the ire of native servants. It appears that Mrs. Miles BOWKER had in her employ a young Fingo girl, of about fifteen years of age, whom she had brought from her home in Knysna some time ago. This young girl became the object of a Kafir’s passion who works on an adjoining farm, and who wished to marry her. Her Mistress, however not being willing to allow her to leave her service, proved an obstacle in the way which she determined to remove by poison. The man for this purpose procured some poison and gave it to the girl, telling her that “it would do her missus good.”
On Monday evening last Mrs. BOWKER partook of some gruel for supper, and during the night was very ill, vomiting considerably. On the following (Tuesday) morning the usual morning beverage was supplied, but owing to her illness Mrs. BOWKER declined her coffee, which Mr. BOWKER attempted to drink, but scarcely had he sipped a second time when he was seized with a violent fit of vomiting. Suspicion was aroused, that both the coffee and the supper had been tampered with and a dog, which was on the premises was treated to a little of the coffee, as also the cat, and both were seized in the same manner as Mr. and Mrs BOWKER. Suspicion then pointed to the servant girl Celia ABOND, and on search being made in the house, a small bottle containing a fluid was discovered hidden away beneath some irons. Mr. John BOWKER, brother to Mr. Miles, who lives on the same farm, then conveyed the girl to Grahamstown and this morning she was handed over to the police, while the bottle was handed over to Dr. ATHERSTONE to be analysed. She awaits an investigation of the affair. The account about the Kafir is the prisoner’s own story. – Journal.


QUEENSTOWN CIRCUIT COURT. – The first called was that of the Executors of the late G. WIGGEL vs. the Queenstown Bank, which was given for the plaintiff for full amount with costs. Considerable surprise was felt at the manner in which the case was hurried through and certain documentary evidence objected to. Without prejudice to Mr. WIGGELL, with whom all sympathize as well as with the bank we shall next week comment on the hurried way this case and that of THORNE vs. LINWOOD were pushed through. In the latter, judgement was given for plaintiff, 1s and costs. – Free Press.

SUDDEN DEATH. – We regret to learn that Mr. George JOSEPH died very suddenly last week whilst on his way from Port Elizabeth to Graaff-Reinet. It appears that he put up at a hotel in the road, complaining that he felt very unwell. Next morning he was found dead in his bed.

THE LATER MURDER. – KETH, the German recently committed for trial at King William’s Town for the wilful murder of Ellen WILLIAM S, is 64 years of age! It is expected that he will be tried on the 10th October.

MR. DISTIN has been re-elected for Colesberg without opposition.

THE GOVERNMENT have paid to Mr. J. B. CURRY the reward of £100 in the HARDING robbery case. Mr. CURRY has handed over half to Mr. EVANS, the then Inspector of Police.

UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED POUNDS have been subscribed for the purpose of altering and enlarging the Wesleyan Chapel at Queen’s Town.

Saturday, October 12, 1872.

The Voters in District No. 4 of the division of Fort Beaufort are hereby invited to nominate, in writing, candidates in the room of the late Henry SPARKS (deceased), for the representation of the said district in the Divisional Council.
Every Candidate must be nominated by not fewer than five persons entitled to vote for the district, or otherwise his nomination will be null and void.
No Voter can sign more Nominations than one, on pain of having his name erased form all Nominations in which it appears, and considered as if never placed there.
All nominations must be received by the undersigned not late than the 12th day of November, 1872, and any Nomination received later that that day will be taken no notice of.
Every Voter signing any such Nomination must state his place of Residence.
Dated this 9th day of October, 1872.
L. H. MEURANT, Civil Commissioner.


MR. JUSTIC DWYER, accompanied by Mrs. DWYER left for K. Wms. Town on Wednesday morning.

WE REGRET to hear that Mr. FIELDEN, Registrar to Mr. Justice DWYER, had an attack of Scarlet Fever on Sunday, which necessitated confinement to his bed. He was unable to accompany the judge to King Williamstown.

TARDY JUSTICE. – Sergt. MACKENNA has at length received his appointment as Sub-Inspector of the Mounted Police. If long service, good conduct, zeal and efficiency in the performance of his duties, count for anything, Mr. MACKENNA should long since have been promoted.

MR. DAVID SAMPSON of Graham’s Town, has met with a serious accident owing to the upsetting of a cart in which he was a passenger to the Kowie. Several of his ribs are supposed to have been fractured by the capsize of the cart, which contained several other passengers, who were all more or less bruised.

CAPTURE OF THIEVES. – Sub-Inspector DAVIS has been successful in tracing out and capturing some notorious thieves, and recovering some of the stock they have stolen. He has had policemen at work for several weeks past, and at last traced the robbers to the Zwaart Kei, where several of them have been taken, amongst the lot a notorious rascal who had formerly been sentenced to five years hard labor, but who had escaped after having served two months. The stock recovered, which was found here and there at different kraals, is supposed to be a portion of a lot of cattle stolen from a Mr. MAQUIRE, of Uitenhage, a few months back.

H. E. THE GOVERNOR has altered the sentence of six months hard labour passed on Mr. John STANTON to imprisonment without hard labour for four months and-a-half.

MR. H. WRENCH, who succeeded Capt. RORKE as Inspector of Claims, has been suspended from office. Mr. Josoelyn SEATON has been appointed Acting Inspector. We understand that the diggers intend forwarding to the Commissioners a memorial in favour of the appointment of Mr. A. C. BAILIE, who has held the position of Chief Clerk in the Inspector’s Department for some time past, and always perform his duties to their entire satisfaction. – Diamond News.

The Dutch Reformed Church of Victoria East, Peddie, held their first bazaar and sale in aid of church funds to build a parsonage, on the 4th inst. Mr. J. B. TEMLETT did the auctioneering gratuitously, and the purchasers paid 5 per cent, to cover Government duty, &c.
The sale of stock realised about £400. The sale of useful and fancy articles made by the ladies, brought £60, and about another £120 contributed in cash to the funds - in all about £600. Considering a bazaar is a new thing amongst the Victoria and Peddie Dutch farmers, - and many have their prejudices, the bazaar was considered a great success.
The Circuit Court being held at Fort Beaufort, no doubt kept away many who would have attended.
The minister, the Rev. W. JOUBERT, is becoming very popular and justly appreciated for his indefatigable attention to his pastoral duties; although his manners seem reserved, he is doing much to improve and elevate his parishioners.

Cape Town, Thursday.
THE DINNER to President BURGERS takes place on Monday. Mr. WATSON is to be chairman, and Advocate de VILLIERS vice chairman.
Mr. and Mrs DAVES and child,
Mr and Mrs LAW,
Mr. M. LAW,
Mr. and Mrs. C. FELL,

BARK CREOLE LEFT FOR ALGOA BAY yesterday afternoon. Passengers for Algoa Bay: -
Rev. Mr. LAMB,
Missis GIBBON,
Mr. and Mrs. SCHULTZ and child,

Saturday, October 19, 1872.

PUBLIC SALE OF LANDED PROPERTY and household furniture at Seymour Stockenstrom.
The undersigned, duly authorised by J. Crichton BELL, Esq., Curator in the estate of John CULLINAN, a lunatic, will sell by public auction in front of his office, at Seymour, (better known as Eland’s Post) on Tuesday, 29th October, 1872, at 11 o’clock a.m., the erf no. 23, Seymour, with the valuable buildings and erections, now in the occupation of Mr. William GRAHAM, and used by him severally as Dwelling House, and Wagonmaker’s and Blacksmith’s Shops, &c. The site, as a business stand, is unrivalled in the village, and the buildings having three frontages, could be made available for almost any purpose. The Divisional Council valuation of the property is £500, and to those desirous of investing advantageously in a property unquestionable excellent, and in a village undoubtedly beautiful, and admittedly prosperous and rising, a golden opportunity presents itself, for the charming motto of the seller is, - No Reserve!
The terms of credit and conditions of sale will be extremely liberal, Title and Transfer may be seen at the office of the Auctioneer, from whom any further particulars relating to the sale may be obtained.
M. E. SMIT, Auctioneer.


VERY REV. MONSIGNOR MURPHY. – From letters received by the Walmer Castle, it is inferred that Dr. MURPHY was not likely to have left England in the European on the 10th. The esteemed gentleman was suffering from the effects of a sharp attack when the Walmer Castle left on the 7th of September. – Herald.

MR. EDWARD JOHN PHILPOTT has been appointed Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, and leaves at once for his new duties. A well merited eulogium passed by the Divisional Council last Wednesday, when his resignation of his appointment as Secretary was received. In private life Mr. PHILPOTT was a general favourite and his amiable disposition is sure to win him friends wherever he goes. We wish him every success in the service he is just entering. – Uitenhage Times.

WE ARE VERY HAPPY to learn that Mr. D. SAMPSON is progressing favourable towards recovery from the effects of the recent post-cart accident near Bathurst.

A RIFLE MATCH between Mr. PARR and Mr. ELLIOT, for the sum of £5 a side, took place this afternoon at the Rifle Butts. Mr. ELLIOT was the winner by 20 points. – Penny Mail.

POSTAL DEPARTMENT. – Mr. A. con BRESSENDORF has resumed the duties of Postmaster at the New Rush. Mr. F. W. COLE has been appointed Acting Postmaster at Klipdrift, and Mr. BULT receives a like appointment at Dutoitspan. – Field.

COFFEE. – A very fine sample of coffee was shown on the King Williamstown market on Thursday morning by Mr. S. DREDGE, of the Chalumna, grown on his farm this season. He had about half a basket full, and also a branch in full bearing, and which was thickly studded with the red glistening berries, full and plump like cherries. This specimen was very much admired, and shows what can be done by our farmers on the coast.

HUNTER’S RUSH and Waldek’s Plant have been proclaimed public diamondfields.

MR. J. S. WRIGHT, M.L.A., has been appointed to fill the office of Inspector of Claims. A very capital appointment; a better man for work could not have been selected.

THE MAIL BAG ROBBERY. – Theunis BERRY, who pleaded guilty to having robbed the mail of diamonds to the value of £8,600 or thereabouts was sentenced to seven years imprisonment with hard labour.


THE LAD SMITH, who embezzled money orders and drafts from the Post Office at East London, pleaded guilty at the Circuit Court K. W. Town, and was sentenced to receive 12 cuts with a rattan, and to be discharged.

THE TRIAL OF D. MCNAMARA, for the theft of 8 oxen, is to be removed to the Eastern District Court at the November term.

We are glad to see that the Transvaal Advocate has been revived. We have received two numbers, from which we judge that the career of the Advocate will be a prosperous one. The services of a journal in the Transvaal will now more than ever be appreciated by the public.

SAD ACCIDENT. – We have to record on an extremely distressing occurrence this week: On Saturday last Mr. FOX, from Port Elizabeth, was proceeding in company with Mr. BAKER, of Blinkwater, along the road beyond the Koonap Drift, near Green’s Hotel. While driving along a cutting a short distance on the other side of the drift, the cart capsized, and Mr. FOX was thrown out. On examination it was found that his leg was broken below the knee. The doctor was immediately sent for, but in the meantime the broken limb was bandaged up. When Dr. PALMER arrived he saw that amputation was necessary, and not having his instruments with him, he had to return to Fort Beaufort. Summoning the aid of Dr. MULCAHY, from Alice, he again proceeded to the Winterberg, but sad to relate, mortification had already set in, and nothing could be done to save the sufferer. When the doctors left all hopes had been given up.

ANOTHER ACCIDENT. – Mr. Henry FURGUSON, who had just arrived from the scene of the accident above described, also met with a nasty accident, and providentially escaped with his life. He was coming down the road leading to the bridge, when he met a wagon proceeding in the opposite direction. The men in whose charge the wagon was appeared to be drunk, and instead of driving the oxen on one side to allow room for the passage of the cart, they whipped the oxen first to the one side of the road and then to the other. Mr. FERGUSON had succeeded in getting almost past when the oxen swerved round and brought the back of the wagon in violent contact with the pole of the cart, causing the driver (Mr. FERGUSON) to be precipitated head foremost between the horses. He alighted on his head on the pole of the cart, and remained there until extricated. The Rev. CHAPMAN happened to be near at hand, and rendered assistance. Notwithstanding the mischief already caused by their wilful carelessness, the driver and leader still continued to urge the oxen on, the cart wheel being locked between the break and wheel of the wagon. It was only by the timely presence of Mr. CHAPMAN and his interference that the cart was not drawn back with the wagon and smashed. Mr. FERGUSON is still laid up from the injuries received. Had he fallen on the ground instead of on the pole of the cart, there is no doubt his neck would have been broken. It is quite some time a stop was put to the careless way in which wagons are driven. The exception now is to see a leader before the oxen.

A MOST INTERESTING service was held at Hackney, district of Queen’s Town in connection with the anniversary of the Church, on the 29th September, Revds. A. van ROOYEN, and J. READ, being the preachers. The public meeting was held on the 30th. Revd. A van ROOYEN presiding. An interesting report was read by Mr. Mathias MABRTHA, Secretary to the Church Committee. Several topics were spoken to by Messrs. READ (sen. And jun.), Mr. A. PAULYE, of Hope Dale, district of George, the chief XAIMPIE, Matha Harmanus NTLABTI, and Mr. van ROOYEN.

RETURN of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps at Stockenstrom during the month of September, 1872: -
Retail Licence, 30s, to expire 31st December, 1872:
R. B. RAWLINS, at Upper Blinkwater.
G. G. MEURANT, D. Stamps,
Stamp office, Eland’s Post,
October, 1872.

I DONALD MCKAY, do hereby authorise and appoint S. PAYNE, of Fort Beaufort, to be my lawful Agent and in my name to act for me during my absence from the District of Fort Beaufort.
I hereby cancel all other Powers given by me up to this date.
Griqualand West,
Du Toit’s Pan,
October 10, 1872.

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, Alick GUNN, have handed over to Mr. W. PAXTON a double barrelled Rifle, which was left with me for a Buck Sail to the value of £7 10s, which was to be released in eight days time by STEPHANUS, residing in Buckstone, formerly in the employ of Mr. TAGGART. I now authorise Mr. Wm. PAXTON to advertise the Rifle in the Fort Beaufort Paper, to be sold if not released within 21 days.

DIED, at the Winterberg, on the 28th of September, 1872, after a long illness, Martha Maria Tringum SUTTON, the beloved wife of George SUTTON; aged 45 years 9 months and 16 days.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED on Tuesday the 24th Sept. 1872, at his own residence, after a painful and lingering illness – William FINNAUGHTY, of Riet Vley, District of Cradock, aged 62 years, 5 months and 22 days.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Saturday, October 26, 1872.

In the Deceased Estate of James MOORCROFT,
The Executors in the above Estate having duly authorized the undersigned thereto, he will sell by Public Auction, in front of his office at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 1872, those magnificent farms belonging to the above estate, Rautenbach’s Rust and Tiger Kop, together about 2,000 morgen, situated in the Winterberg, Fort Beaufort, and now in the occupation of Mr. Charles BOUCHER, at a rental of £120 per annum.
These Farms are well-wooded and well-watered, and are first-rate Grazing and Agricultural Farms. All kinds of Stock thrive on them and the arable lands are very extensive and in good condition.
There is a capital Garden & Orchard, containing fruit trees of every kind and of the best variety, and a large Vineyard which produces the choicest kinds of Grape, both for the table, wine-press, and distillery.
The Buildings on the Farms are substantial and commodious, comprising good Dwelling and Outhouses, such as Barns, Stables, &c. &c.
To those on the look out for a property adapted for every variety of South African Farming, combining comfort with profit, the Farms Rautenbach’s Rust and Tiger Kop are exactly suited; while to the Capitalist they offer a safe, ready and remunerative investment.
In the meantime Private offers for the farms will be considered until November 20.
The Farms will first be put up separately and then together.
Terms Favorable.
Jno. QUIN, Auctioneer.
Fort Beaufort, October 25, 1872.


MR. FOX, who met with the severe accident mentioned in our last issue, died on Friday, the 18th, and was buried at Post Retief.

THE HOUSE in D’Urban-street, occupied by Mrs FITZPATRICK, was sold by auction on Tuesday for £206. The store in the square was also submitted; but the highest bid did not reach the reserve, and it was declared not sold.

A. WILMOT, Esq., post-master, left by the S. S. Walmer Castle yesterday for Mauritius, for the benefit of his health.

THE FAILURE of GLEDSTANES & Co., has been followed by that of another mercantile firm in the West Indies, Messrs. LAMB, NASH, &Co., with liabilities of about £200,000; and of Messrs. LEGGAIT, & Co. East India merchants.

ALICE. – A Sale of the leases of Crown Lands in this Division was held on Saturday last, when the following properties were disposed of:
Lot 1812 Breakfast Vley, in extent 812 morgen, 21 Years, at £41 per annum, J. R. WATSON;
Lot 1813 Committees, in extent 1,526 morgen, 21 Years, at £34 per annum, Mrs. DOVEY;
Lot 1814 Boschplats, in extent 1,503 morgen, 21 Years, at £21 10s per annum, BEZUIDENHOUT Bros.

THE TRANSVAAL ADVOCATE says that about £17,000 of the old Government notes have been withdrawn and destroyed.

A TRADER SHOT. – A private letter from Clarkebury states that a trader named BOYCE has been shot through the head by the natives. No reason is assigned for the murder: - Watchman.

THE DIAMOND NEWS says that Mr. R. W. MURRAY, jun., editor of the Cape Standard and Mail, is about to leave South Africa for New York, to join the permanent literary staff at the New York World.

AS A SLIGHT acknowledgement of his valued services as conductor of the musical entertainments given by the Wesleyan Young Men’s Society during the past winter, the members of that Society, and of the Commemoration Chapel Choir have presented Mr. Ben ROBERTS with a very elegant set of gold studs and links. – Penny Mail.

MR. ADVOCATE BUCHANAN has finally made up his mind to accept the appointment offered him of the Attorney-Generalship of the Transvaal, at a salary of £900 a year in colonial money, and with private practice. We congratulate the Transvaal Republic on the acquisition it has made. As a lawyer, Mr. BUCHANAN stood high at the bar of the Supreme Court, and was rapidly advancing still higher. As a practitioner both in Cape Town and on circuit, he always gained the confidence and respect alike of his clients and the country; while as a student of law his “Reports” have gained for him the esteem of the whole profession. As a politician his career in the House of Assembly has been brief extending over only one session; but during that short time in more than one debate he gave indication of very superior debating power, which before long would establish him as one of the most prominent of our rising public men. – Argus.

A RUNAWAY. – The following strange advertisement appears in the “Boorenvriend,” a Uitenhage paper: - “To my sorrow I am compelled to upbraid my husband that he told me he was going to visit his son for three weeks, whereas he is now six months absent. And for the last six months I have not received a letter from him. All I have heard from his son is that he had gone to the Free State. He has defrauded me of my cart and horses which my deceased husband bought for £60. It is hard for me that he has defrauded my children in his giving himself out to be such a rich man. And another shameful thing he has done is his not having bought a single yard of calico for my baby, now a month old. This I do to let his family see what he is, as I get all the blame; for it is hard for a poor widow to endure such a life as I have had. I have shed many tears, but they have not fallen on this earth. My Heavenly Father has caught them up. I may not cherish revenge. Vengeance I leave to God. I am still able to provide for my child as long as God spares me. My parents brought me up well, and it is hard for me to lead such a life as I have had with T. F. SNETLER. And now I renounce his name and will remain Mrs. MARAIS. Still more. He affects much piety that the people may think he is a good man; but that he is not, for I have never seen him open a bible, for if he read God’s word he would not swear as he did. – M. MARAIS, Kearbron, 9 September, 1872.” No wonder the man ran away. – G. R. Advertiser.


THE ELDEST son of Mr. Hans SCHULTZ of Bedford district, has been killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in his hands.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A painfully sudden death took place at Klipfontein, in this division, on the 28th ult. Mrs. BERNHARD retired to bed in apparent good health, but awoke at about two o’clock, complaining of a severe headache and died within two hours. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. Marthinus POTGIETER, of Hartebeeste Port, and the sad event took place while Mr. POTGIETER was attending the death-bed of the late Mr. STEVENS. – Uitenhage Times.

LOSS TO THE POLICE FORCE. – We regret to observe that Mr. T. CORNS has resigned as Sergeant of the F.A.M. Police. During nineteen years’ service Mr CORNS has shown himself an active and zealous member of the Force, but has at last got disgusted at the bare-faced manner in which young and untried men have been promoted over him, simply because they can command a little influence at the Government House, Cape Town. – Diamond Field.

ACCIDENT. – On Saturday last, as two men were taking a cart down Constitution Hill, it got the better of them, and they were unable to stop it. At the foot of the steep hill it unfortunately ran over a little boy, son of Mr. J. W. ASHBURNHAM, Manager of the Port Elizabeth Bank, and then was arrested by a span of oxen at the opposite side of Main Street. The lad was taken home and medical assistance immediately obtained. At first he seemed to suffer a good deal, but we are glad to state that he is much better, and it is hoped that no serious consequences will ensue. – Telegraph.

Saturday, November 2, 1872.

Colonial Office, Cape of Good Hope,
October, 1872.
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Mark BAKER to be Field-cornet of the ward Lower Blinkwater, in the division of Lower Blinkwater, vice Mr. John RORKE.
By command of His Excellency the Governor
R SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary.

W. M. AINSLIE begs to advise his Customers that, owing to the state of his Mill, he cannot possibly take in any more Wheat to grind until further notice, - when he hopes, with new machinery, to meet all requirements.
Mill Bank, Nov. 1, 1872.

The undersigned having been favored with instructions, will submit to Public Competition, in front of his offices (adjoining the Queen’s Town Bank), on Tuesday, November 19, at 12 o’clock precisely, that extensive & well known Farm Lausanne, on the Imvani River, within a short distance of Queen’s Town and on the road to King William’s Town.
This valuable property, one of the largest in the District, measures about 3,846 acres, and is equally adapted for the grazing of sheep or large stock.
It possesses a capital Homestead and Water Mill, with Arable Lands and Garden watered by that fine stream the Imvani River.
Possession may be had on the 1st December. Liberal Terms will be granted, and the Title Deeds, which are clear, may be seen at the Auctioneer’s office.
At the same time and place, will be offered to Public Competition that valuable amended erf No. 12, in the beautiful valley of Lushington, district of Stockenstrom, measuring in all about 9 morgen and 349 sq. roods;
Originally granted to John G. BERRY, - with right of Grazing on the extensive Commonage.
This property, which has on it a large Brick Building, and is well watered by the Furrow taken out of the Lushington River, may be turned at a trifling expense into one of the snuggest and most remunerative Farms in the famed district of the Kat River.
Terms Liberal.
Day of Sale: 19 November next
The Title Deeds, which are clear, may be seen by applying to
Queen’s Town, 29th Oct. 1872.

All persons found cutting wood, hunting, taking out bees’ nests or otherwise trespassing on the farm “Cathcart Forest” after this date, will be Prosecuted.
Oct. 26, 1872,


THE REV. J. G. MORROW, late of Fort Beaufort, has been appointed to a station in Cornwall.

PRESIDENT BURGERS. – The family of President Burgers were amongst the earliest residents of Graaff-Reinet. His father, Barend BURGER, was one of the most respected and influential people in the district. PRINGLE in his Narrative, speaks favorably of Schalk BURGER, uncle of the President. In 1795 Mr. BURGER’s grandfather, at the recommendation of the Dutch Government, increased a flock of Merino sheep he got from the “Commission,” until it numbered 2000. He, however, could get nobody to buy the wool, so he sold the flock to van RENEN, of the Brewery, Cape Town, for four shilling (9d) a piece.

WESLEYAN MINISTERS. – The following Wesleyan Ministers were passengers per Gothland: -
The Rev Mr DAVIS, for Queenstown district;
The Rev Arthur P CHAPLIN and Geb WEAVIND, for Natal;
And Rev G. W. SLADE, for the Diamondfields.
The Rev Messrs DAVIS and SLADE are expected in Grahamstown this week.
The Rev Mr CALVERT will come out by the next mail steamer. – Journal.

TO CURE THE LOVE OF ARDENT SPIRITS. – Captain Hall was the commander of the Great Eastern steamship. He had fallen into such habitual drunkenness that his most earnest efforts to reclaim himself proved unavailing. At length he sought the advice of an eminent physician, who gave him a prescription which he followed faithfully for seven months. At the end of that time he had lost all desire for liquor, although he had many times been led captive by a most debasing appetite. The prescription, which he afterwards published, and by which so many drunkards have been assisted to reform, is as follows: - Sulphate of iron, five grains; peppermint water, eleven drachms; spirits of nutmeg, one drachm. Twice a-day. – Natal Mercury.

ACCIDENT TO THE POST CART. – On Wednesday evening a good deal of sensation was created by the arrival of the Grahamstown post-cart at about 9 o’clock in charge of Mr. FRAUENSTEIN and another German, minus Mr. SMITH, the regular driver, as well as his bugle and whip. Mr. FRAUENSTEIN and his friend were, it appears, on their way into town from Keiskamma Hoek with their wagon or truck, and soon after getting into the main road some four miles on this side of the Green River Hotel, they felt the wheels pass over something soft, but took no further notice of the circumstance. In a few minutes more, however, they came unto another yielding substance, and on getting out discovered it to be one of the cushions of a cart, and on searching about they discovered the post-cart capsized, with the horses still in harness. They at once rectified the vehicle, and drove it with its contents into town, as the driver was nowhere to be seen. Surmises were numerous as to what had become of the post-driver and passengers, if any, but all fears were put at rest when at about 10 o’clock, Mr. SMITH turned up at the post-office. He informed us that soon after passing Hall’s Hotel, at Green River, he discerned a wagon driven by natives in the road, and at once blew his horn to warn them to get out of the road, but they took no heed, and on the cart passing the wagon the driver struck the post-horses with his whip, which at once frightened them, and they bolted out of the road into a deep gulley, pitching the driver to the ground. He, however, held on to the reins, and was dragged along for some distance, until the wheel caught him and passed over his chest when he was compelled to relinquish his hold, and lay almost senseless for a brief space and until a wool wagon passed by, the leader of which happened to see him prevented his being run over and killed. We think it time the Government authorities seriously warn the natives against conduct of this sort, whether to a post-cart or private vehicle, and we hope some steps will be taken to discover and punish the perpetrators of the present offence. The driver owing to the injuries sustained, was unable to take the return post down to the following morning. – Watchman.


DEATH OF A WATERLOO HERO AND ALBANY SETTLER OF 1820. – It is with deep regret, we have to chronicle the death of Mr. William DENTON at his late residence Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushmen’s River, Albany, on the 21st of October, aged 79 years and 11 months after an illness of about two months. The funeral of the deceased was conducted by the Rev. G. THOMPSON. The corpse was followed by about fifty persons. Deceased was a Life Guard’s man at the memorable battle of Waterloo and was dangerously wounded with many ghastly cuts, which we believe, were not attended to for nine days after the battle. An ordinary constitution could never have survived it, much less to come and battle through three kafir wars, in some of which we believe deceased had many hairbreadth escapes. He leaves a family and large circle of friends to mourn their irreparable loss. – Star.

LAND SALES. – Farms are daily changing hands, and at good prices. Since our last issue we have heard of the following farms being disposed of:
Langgehoek, District Harrismith, to Mr. Cornelis de VILLIERS, for £1,000.
Vlakkraal, District Bloemfontein, by Mr. H. BLAINE, to Messrs. M. and Jan PRINSLOO (Jac. Sons), for £2,000.
Zeekoekraal, On the Modder river, district Bloemfontein, to Mr. VOLT, for £2,700.
Vlaklaagte, In the Middelveld, district Bloemfontein, by Messrs G PAGE and Thomas WHITE, to Carel P. PRETORIUS, for £750.
- Friend.

AT THE SALE AT LEEUFONTEIN, in the Sneeuberg, district of Graaff-Reinet, held by, Mr. P. WATERMEYER, in the estate of the late Mrs. C. P. MARAIS, sen. An erf situate in Graaff-Reinet, in Donkin Street, was knocked down to Mr. D. E. MARAIS, of the Zwart Ruggens, for £650. This erf was purchased by Mr. C. J. MARAIS in 1866 for £350. – G. R. Advertiser.

THRASHING CORN BY STEAM. – We mentioned in our last issue that the Steam Thrashing Machine of Mr. FERGUSON was engaged by Mr. W. van AARDT, of Goede Hoop. It began work about 11 o’clock a.m., on Friday last, and early on Saturday morning, 11,000 bundles were thrashed out. We believe Mr. van AARDT is highly satisfied with the work and the manner in which it was performed. The machine is now at work at Samson’s Kloof, higher up in Zwager’s Hoek. We believe Mr. FERGUSON will begin soon to erect his corn mill close to the town. – Somerset Courant.

THE REV. MONSIGNORE MURPHY, the esteemed pastor of the Roman Catholics of this place, returned from England by the S.S. Gothland this morning. We regret to hear that the rev. gentleman is still in a very precarious state of health; but trust that with much needed rest he may be so far restored as to be long spared to minister to the spiritual needs of an affectionate and grateful congregation. – Telegraph.

SUICIDE. – At Cradock last week a Kafir named TAMBOOS committed suicide by hanging himself.

His Honour Mr. Justice SMITH has resigned the Presidentship of the Eastern Province Rifle Association.

A LARGE FAMILY. – There is said to be a man living in Waco, Texas, who has been married five times, and is the father of fifty legitimate children – thirteen boys by his first wife; eighteen children, boys and girls, by his second wife; ten by his third wife; six by his fourth; and three by his fifth wife. Twenty of his sons served in the Confederate army, eight of whom were killed, seven died natural deaths, and the remainder are still living.

MURDER. – A Kafir named KLAAS has just been brought to Cradock by the Queen’s Town police, charge with the murder of his wife in the Cradock district four years ago. It seems that in a fit of jealousy, for which he had good cause he struck her a violent blow upon the knee, breaking the cap, from the results of which she ultimately died. He fled to Kaffirland; but a native detective came across him not long ago, and knowing that a warrant was out for him, had him apprehended. He is now in the Cradock gaol. – Register.

Saturday, November 9, 1872.

My warrant of apprehension against Klaas UMDANA, dated 10th May, and published in the Fort Beaufort Advocate of 18th May last and subsequent dates, is hereby cancelled and withdrawn, the said Klaas UMDANA being now in custody.
Resident Magistrate’s office.
Alice, 4th Nov., 1872.

List of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps at Stockenstrom during the month of October 1872. –
Retail Wine Licence, to keep Hotel with Canteen, to expire 31st March, 1873, (£5) – H. J. van der MERWE, at Ebenezer.
Retail Shop, to expire 31st Dec. 1872, £1 10s – J. ABRAHAMSE, at Philipton; E. DREYER, at Deel Kraal.
Geo. Greig MEURANT,
Dis. of Stamps.
Stamp Office, Eland’s Post, Nov. 5, 1872.

A Warrant of apprehension having been issued by W. M. FLEISCHER, Esq., acting Resident Magistrate of Queenstown, but presented to me, charging one John HORN, of Togobala, with the crime of theft.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command officers of the law to apprehend the said John HORN, and lodge him in one of Her Majesty’s prisons, to be examined and dealt with according to law.
Description of John HORN: - About 26 years of age, has been a seafaring man, is about 5 feet 3 inches in height, blue eyes, straight nose, light brown hair, has a space between his front teeth, is tattooed on both arms, wears a silver ring, and is believed to be riding a small bay horse, with a star on the head, and a sore back.
Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 8, 1872.

Notice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. James Weeks HARTLEY, of Glen Stuart, to be a Fieldcornet for the Ward Kroomie, in the Division of Fort Beaufort, vice Mr. A. G. Campbell.
Civil Commissioner’s office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 8, 1872.

DIED – on the 1st inst., at Linton Dale, the residence of Mr. W. LONG, Alma Lydia, the beloved daughter of William H. and Rebecca PEDLAR, aged 3 years and 5 months.
She is not dead the child of our affection,
But gone unto that school
Where she no longer needs our poor protection,
Where Christ himself doth rule.


MR. JOHN FINDLY is likely to be a candidate for Victoria West.

DR. WHITE has accepted the Treasury Generalship, and Mr. SMITH, as Minister of the Public Works. The office for Native Affairs will be left vacant for some time.

IT IS RUMOURED that the Rev. Mr. TEMPLETON, of the institution at Healdtown, will probably be induced to accept the Headmastership of the projected undenominational school in Grahamstown.

RETIREMENTS. – The Bay papers announce the retirement of two managers of the “Foreign Banks” in Port Elizabeth. Mr. MITCHELL has resigned from the London and South African Bank, and Mr. DOUSETT from the Standard Bank. The latter, is stated, is about to enter business.

BRIDGE OVER COMMITTEE’S. – The preliminary steps for the erection of a bridge over the Fish River at Committee’s have been taken, and the site decided upon by Mr. ROBINSON. The Bridge, which is to be an iron girder one, will be over 400 feet wide, with two piers in the centre, a space of 125 feet from the Krantz to the first pier, 130 in the centre, and 125 to the abutment on the West side.

Mr. ADVOCATE THOMPSON, the Crown Prosecutor at the Diamond Fields, has given up all private practice on account of the heavy pressure of his public duties, extending as they do over four sessions at Klipdrift, and six circuit courts per annum at the New Rush. In consideration of this change, Mr. THOMPSON’s salary has been increased from £600 to £1000 a year.

MR. WILLIAM GEORGE, the well-known and much-respected host of “George’s Hotel” of Port Elizabeth, and formerly of Grahamstown, died last week after a long and painful illness, aged 50 years.

THE EFFECTS OF GOOD LUCK. – On Monday last the body of a man named JONES, a blacksmith, was found in a tent near the river, having apparently lain there some time without attracting observation. The history of the deceased is somewhat painful. A few months since he found a good sized diamond at Waldek’s Plant, for which he obtained £550. With this, he and his wife commenced to have a spree, and they kept it up till both their lives have paid the penalty; she was found dead about a fortnigh since and he on Monday last. We believe the whole of the money was exhausted, and the prison authorities had to undertake the conduct of both funerals. – Field.


DR. BICCARD’S appointment as Surgeon-Superintendent of Robben Island was formally notified in yesterday’s Gazette.

THE POPULATION AT THE DIAMOND-FIELDS. – A Correspondent writing to the P. E. Telegraph, estimates the population at the Dry Diggings at 24,000, about 10,000 of whom are whites.

THE NEWLY-APPOINTED Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner of Cradock, W. B. CHALMERS, Esq., arrived on Tuesday last, and received a hearty welcome from the inhabitants.

MR. TRUTER, formerly of the Magistrate’s Office, Cape Town, and who has acted as Assistant Magistrate at the New Rush for some months past, returns to the Colony about the 5th inst. to re-enter the Colonial Service.

IT IS REPORTED that Mr. KNIGHT, M.L.A., will shortly resign his seat for Port Elizabeth, and that the Hon. Mr. SCHULTZ, M.L.A. will also resign his seat in the Legislative Council. The latter gentleman, it is said, proceeds to the Transvaal, where he is to have an official position.

TRANSVAAL. – Dr. BOYD, late Surgeon in H. M. 32nd Regt., and Dr. BRADSHAW, M.R.C.S.I, have left the Fields after nearly six months successful practice. We are happy to learn that they have been placed on the Medical Board at Mooi River dorp by President BURGERS. This augurs well for the prospects of the medical profession in the South Africa Republic. We wish them, as do their many friends, every success. – Digger’s Gazette.

Saturday, November 16, 1872.

Referring to my notice of the 9th October, 1872, published in the “Government Gazette” of the 18th of that month, I hereby give notice that a nomination in terms of Act No. 4, 1865, having been received by me in favor of Joseph CROSS, of Saxfold Park, in this division, and no other person having been nominated, I hereby declare the said Joseph Cross to be a member of the Divisional Council of Fort Beaufort, for the said district No. 4, comprising the Fieldcornetcy of Adelaide, and he is hereby duly elected.
Dated at Fort Beaufort this 13th November, 1872.
Civil Commissioner.

Public Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned with the advice of the members of Committee of the farmers Mutual Protection Society, formed in the case of E. A. HUMPHRIES – has appointed a Public Meeting, to be held in the Reading Room Alice on Wednesday 20th inst at 3 o’clock P.M. for the purpose of taking into consideration the expenses incurred in the defence of C. A. HUMPREYS; and any other matters which may arise in connection with the subject.
Llangallen, 12th Novr. 1872. [Transcriber’s Note – Typed as printed, but according to the article of 14 Sept 1872, this person’s names are Edwards Ames HUMPHREYS]

Fort Beaufort.
Tuition – Ordinary Course, 20s to 30s per quarter, according to age.
Advanced Course – 40s per quarter.
Board & Lodging, including washing and mending, £10 per quarter, in advance.
Weekly Boards £7 10 s per quarter.
The School Buildings occupying a most pleasant, healthy, and convenient situation, are admirably adapted for the accommodation and comfort of about a dozen boarders. For particulars apply to
Chris. BIRKET,

A Sale of Valuable landed property in Fort Beaufort.
H. E. MCTAGGART having received instructions, will sell by Public Auction, on Wednesday, 27th November, at 12 o’clock, a.m. in front of his Auction Mart, the very valuable and extensive premises of J. HUDSON, Esq., situate in Henrietta-street, Fort Beaufort. This large and commodious property was erected at considerable cost. It contains eight Rooms, a Kitchen and Pantry. There are in addition well-built Stables, Coach House, Stores, and Servants Rooms. There is a nice Garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees.
Terms of Credit will extend over Five Years.
Also, that magnificent business stand in Campbell-street, Fort Beaufort, formerly occupied by Mr. FRASER. A lucrative business in the Baking and Confectionery line was carried on next to Mr. Cohen’s Hotel, comprising of four Rooms, Kitchen, Bakehouse, and Outbuildings.
Will be sold at a liberal credit – Terms easy.
At the same time will be sold a consignment of Piece Goods, Soap, Sugar, &c., a new Buck Wagon complete, with gear for 16 oxen.
H. E. MCTAGGART, Auctioneer.


BALL. – A Batchelors’ Ball was given in the Zetland Lodge on Tuesday evening, which passed off pleasantly.

MR. SOUTHEY, it is stated by the Argus, has accepted the office of Lieutenant-Governor of Griqualand West.

THE Hon. Mr. GODLONTON has been here for a week or two on a visit to Mr. W. AYLIFF. We are glad to see the hon. gentleman in good health and spirits.

A MAN named MECHIL has been fined at Burghersdorp for using illegal weights.

IT IS SAID THAT Mr. BROWNLEE will stand for Albert as soon as Mr. HOPLEY’s seat is declared vacant.

MR. C. BRAND, Assistant Clerk to the House of Assembly, died suddenly last week in Cape Town.

IT IS SAID Mr. J. B. CURREY will accompany Mr. SOUTHEY to Griqualand as Colonial Secretary; Mr. SOUTHEY, jun., as Private Secretary; and Lieut SOUTHEY as Aide-de-Camp.

INQUIRY having been made for one Thomas GLEASON who is a native of Thurless, county of Tipperary in Ireland, and is reported to have settled in the Colony some years since, it is requested that any information concerning this man, may be communicated to this office. By command of his Excellency the Governor. – R. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary.

CELLA ABOND, the girl charged with attempting to poison Mr. and Mrs. BOWKER, was tried at Graham’s Town by Justice DWYER last week, and a verdict of guilty being returned, was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment with hard labour in the House of Correction.

EAST LONDON. – Mr. J. S. WRIGHT, M.L.A., has resigned his seat.

DEATH OF TWO SETTLERS. – The Journal announces the deaths of William John PRATTEN and Jane WEBSTER, wife of the late George WEBSTER, of Taku, both settlers of 1820.

YESTERDAY Mr. J. NOBLE, clerk of the House of Assembly was married to Miss LIEBBRANT. The Dutch Church was crowded on the occasion and at Sea Point a very large party sat down to a princely dinner.

A REPORT has reached town that two white children and one black child have died near Varkens Kuil from the bites of a puff-adder. The rumour is that they went to a hen’s nest in a hole, and that the first child thrust in its hand for the purpose of taking eggs, withdrawing it exclaiming “The old hen is kwad”; that the other two put their hands into the hole and were, like the first, so severely bitten that they died very shortly. We shall probably get particulars when the next fortnightly pose arrives. – Uitenhage Times.

ALFRED AYLWARD, more generally known as Dr. AYLWARD, was on Tuesday last charged with assaulting one DIXON, with intent to murder him. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty of common assault, and the prisoner was sentenced to eighteen months’ imprisonment with hard labour.

THE CASE OF EITLING AND SCHULTZ. – The decision of the Magistrates in the above case, we are informed caused a good deal of feeling at the New Rush. We are not surprised at it. To sentence men to three months’ imprisonment, with hard labour, for not keeping a proper register appears severe. – News.

MR. THOMAS HEALEY, jun. of Grahamstown, died on the 29th ult. of low fever in the New Rush Hospital. He was buried on the following day, and a large number of Catholics attended the funeral. The Rev. Father le BIHAN read the service.


MR. JOHN WYATT, one of the British Settlers of 1820, and a very old and respected inhabitant of Port Elizabeth breathed his last at his residence in Walmer-road, this morning, at the advanced age of 88 years.

MR. GUZMAN and Major ELLIOT left for England by the European; the former with his report on the Transvaal Railway, the latter with the result of his examination of the Gold-fields at Marabasstadt.

CAUTION. – We regret to record the death of the fine boy, 11 years of age the Son of Mr. Louis BOTHA, of Vogel River, Perars. He was attending school in Somerset, and last week took ill, the effect, it is said, of having eaten green apricots.

MEMORIAL TO DR. MURPHY. – We are glad to hear that the suggestion thrown out by Bishop RICARDS of obtaining an organ for St. Augustine’s Church as a memorial of the late lamented Very Rev. Monsignor MURPHY, D.D., has been very warmly taken up, and already a considerably amount of £400 of the sum required has been subscribed. Eleven wholesale firms have given £25 each.

DIAMOND FIELD APPOINTMENTS. – We are informed that Mr. R. SOUTHEY, who has accepted the Lieut-Governorship of Griqualand West, will receive a salary of £3,000 per annum (this, may possibly include his retiring allowance from the Civil Service of this colony). We further hear that Mr. J. B. CARREY, is to be the Colonial Secretary of the new colony; that Mr. Richard SOUTHEY Lieut. Of the 10th Regiment, is to be his father’s aide-de-camp, and Mr. John SOUTHEY, his private secretary. Mr. SOUTHEY Senr., will proceed to the Diamond Fields, we believe, about the end of next month. – Telegraph.

Saturday, November 23, 1872.

In the Insolvent Estate of J. A. RAUBENHAMIER, the undersigned, duly instructed by the Trustee in the above insolvent Estate, will submit to public competition on Tuesday, December 10, 1872, (immediately after the sale of Farms in the estate of A. MOORCROFT) those valuable Erven situate in Adelaide, being Nos. 1 and 2, Block P. with Buildings, &c., and Nos. 8 & 0, Block P, and 9 Block G.
On the two first mentioned Erven is erected a substantial Dwelling House, under iron roof.
Terms of Credit Liberal.
Jno. QUIN, Auctioneer.


POLITICAL. – It is said that the East London constituency have by telegram invited Mr. BROWNLEE to stand for East London, Mr. J. S. WRIGHT having resigned.

RUMOUR. – It is reported that Capt. M……. the Chief Clerk of the Colonial Office, is to succeed Mr. BROWNLEE as Magistrate at King Williamstown. The Argus says that the announcement is premature.

ALBERT AND EAST LONDON. – Advocate Ross JOHNSON has been asked to stand for both Albert and East London. It is understood that the learned advocate has consented to become a candidate for Mr. HOPLEY’s vacant seat.

THE HON. P. E. de ROUBAIX is starring it at home, according to the European Mail. His particular friend is the Right Hon. W. E. FOSTER. In all probability Mr. ROUBAIX will be one of the eminent Cape men who will be honoured with a C. M.

ASSAULT. – On Friday evening last, about 8 o’clock, a young girl, while walking up Hill-street, near the new church, was violently assaulted by some ruffian unknown. Happily, the screams of the girl aroused the dogs in the neighbourhood and the rascal made off. – Journal.

EAST LONDON. – A requisition to Captain BRABANT is being signed, requesting him to stand for the seat in the House of Assembly vacated by Mr. J. S. WRIGHT.

MR. WILMOT, our respected postmaster, returned by the Walmer Castle. We are glad to be able to report that his trip to Mauritius and back has fully restored his health. – Herald.

W. H. SURMON, Esq., has been confirmed in his appointment as Resident Magistrate of the district of Berea, in the territory of British Basuto Land.

BEAUFORT WEST. – Courier of Friday last has the following: - On Wednesday morning the District Surgeon was called to attend a coloured man named George LAWSON, who had taken strychnine. The unfortunate young man died that afternoon from exhaustion. He had but lately returned from the Fields, and had taken to drink, from the effects of which he was suffering when he took the fatal dose.

MR. VON POLLNITZ, an old inhabitant of Cape Town, shot himself at his residence in Longmarket-street, on Saturday last. Death was instantaneous. The cause is attributed to a series of troubles which have lately pressed very heavily upon the old gentleman.

ENCOUNTER WITH A SNAKE. – Mr. Hendrik COETZEE, of Stormberg, relates an adventure with a large snake last week. He was in the veld without a weapon and came suddenly upon the reptile, who at once gave him chase. Having got in advance of him, he collected stoned with a view of returning to dispatch his pursuer. The snake reappeared suddenly. Coetzee stood his ground, and in spite of his stone-throwing the reptile made for him, and so followed him to his very door. The farmer ultimately succeeded in shooting the snake from one of his windows. The distance he was followed by the reptile, Mr. COETZEE computes at about one mile. – Aliwal Standard.


MR. J. CROSBY, C.C. and R.M. of Humansdorp, has been offered, and has accepted, the office of Clerk of the Peace of Capetown.

DIED on the 26th September, at Mrs. MARSH’s Boley Hill, Rochester. Harriet Agnes, fourth daughter of the late Johannes de SMIT, Esq., A.C.G., aged 38, relict of the much lamented Rev. Joseph WILSON, acting military chaplain, who was cruelly murdered by Kafirs in British Kaffraria, Cape of Good Hope, whilst in pursuit of his holy calling.

MR. FARIE, the manager of the Standard Bank at Grahamstown, has returned from England by the Northam. He is accompanied by his newly-wedded wife, formerly Miss FLEMING.

ATTEMPTED. – At Cradock one day last week another Kafir endeavoured to hang himself among the thorn at the Drive, but was cut down by some washer-women returning from the Bath, just in time to save his life.

AUSPICIOUS WEDDINGS in Cape Town have for some time past been coming on quite thick and threefold. The latest we have to notice took place on Tuesday at Sea Point when J. D. DEN Esq., Manager of the Cape of Good Hope Electric Telegraph Company, was married to Miss SOLOMON fourth daughter of Henry SOLOMON, Esq.,

WALDEK’S PLANT. – In addition to the 288 carat found by Mr. SPALDING at the above-named place, several good-sized diamonds have been unearthed. Mr. MROW has one of 44 carats, Mr. E. PEPPER one of 10 carats, and several smaller ones; and we have heard of numerous others, but not having the lucky diggers’ names, decline publishing them. – Field,

Saturday, November 30, 1872.

DIED, - On the 21st inst. at the Yellowwoods, Kaffraria, of Apoplexy, Margaret, the beloved wife of W. HILL, aged 36 years. Deceased was the eldest daughter of Mrs. SKEY of Graham’s Town. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.


BISHOP MERRIMAN, of Grahamstown, arrived here this week on a pastoral visit.

WE REGRET to announce the death of Mrs. GAMBLE, mother of Mr. J. C. HATTON, of Winterberg, who expired in England at the resident of Mr. Joseph HATTON, one of her sons, well known in the literary world. Mrs. GAMBLE was well known to many of our readers, she having resided for some years with her son in the Winterberg. It will be remembered that she, although 75 years of age, made with her own hands, and without the use of spectacles, the celebrated collar and muff from the down of the aasvogel, which she presented to the Queen, and which Her Majesty graciously accepted and acknowledged. These articles, together with a ladies bonnet of unique style, manufactured from snake skins, were exhibited in BLAINE’s store, Graham’s Town, and afterwards sent to England, when after exhibition, the set made of aasvogel down was presented to Her Majesty. Mrs. GAMBLE was 77 years if age at her death.

£1,300 is now subscribed towards the MURPHY memorial organ.

MR. RIVERS has been gazetted C.C. and R.M. of Wynberg.

MR. SMYTH has been appointed C.C. and R.M. of Humansdorp.

MR. JOHN CAMPBELL, has been appointed Resident Magistrate of Cape Town.

A MAN has died at the Paarl through drinking wine out of bottle in which there had been fly-poison.

MR. RILEY, correspondent of the Alta California and Consul General in the United States for the Orange Free State, died at New York on the 16th September.

SALE OF THE FARM “LAUSANNE.” – On Tuesday last Mr. Auctioneer COTTERELL put up the above property to competition, in front of his office. The farm was eventually knocked down, after some spirited bidding, to George and David BARNES for the sum of £1,650. The farm is situated on the Imvani River, and measures about 3,846 acres. – Representative.

ASSAULT. – At the Magistrate’s Court this morning, a fellow named William DRIAN alias Charley NAPIER was again brought up on a charge of criminally assaulting a little child named Minnie DIXON. This is one of the most distressingly painful cases that has ever been brought into Court. The details are absolutely revolting, revealing an amount of depravity startling to contemplate. Worse still, two years ago the miscreant was tried before the judge on a similar charge, but the prosecution unfortunately failing, he was discharge. – Telegraph.

Cape Town.
Steamer Elizabeth Martin arrived at noon a.m., with news to 23rd October, with the following passengers: -
Mr. and Mrs. MUNCH and family,
Mrs. HUNT,
Mr. Marc WELSH,
Miss Matilda NEWMAN,
Mr. W. WOOD,
Mr. and Mrs. BAKER,
Miss Florence STANBRIDGE,
Miss Elizabeth SMITH,
Mr. David MORGAN,
Mr. J. M. SHORER, and

MONDAY. – Celt anchored in Table Bay about 2 p.m., but owing to heavy south east gale it was 3 p.m., before news was brought ashore.
Passengers for Algoa Bay: -
Mrs. COX and two children,
Rec. Mr. and Mrs. de WAR,
Messrs. E. and S. KRAUSE,
Master LOZA,
For East London: -
Mr. WHITE and two children, and
Mrs. Spencer.


IT HAS been proposed by Commandant BOWKER, F. A. M. Police, that a monument should be erected to the memory of the late Sir Walter CURRIE. No. 3 troop, Diamond Fields, have subscribed £60 towards the object, and it is expected that the other troops will follow suit.

W. A. WENTZEL. – The fact that WENTZEL sentenced some time back to hard labor for theft, is now practising as notary public at Middleburg, has been brought to the notice of the Supreme Court. The Judges ordered a rule nisi, returnable in three weeks, calling upon WENTZEL to show cause why he should not be declared incompetent to act as notary public.

Saturday, December 7, 1872.

Thefts of Stock.
The following Government Circular is published for general information. All persons who lose stock of any description, either by thefts or being killed for the sake of obtaining the skins or hides, are earnestly requested to report such losses either to the Resident Magistrate, or to the respective Fieldcornets in the district, viz:
Mr. Mark BAKER, Fieldcornet, Lower Blinkwater ward;
Mr. H. C. LEE, Fieldcornet, Adelaide ward;
Mr. J. W. HARTLEY, Fieldcornet, Kroomie Ward;
Mr. F. HATTON, Fieldcornet, Winterberg ward;
Mr. B. BOOTH, Fieldcornet, Koonap ward.
The object being to secure correct returns of all losses of all Horses, Cattle, others, will be at the trouble to send in the required report regularly, to enable the Resident Magistrate to forward a correct monthly return to the Government. Reports for the month of October, 1872, are requested to be sent to the Fieldcornets without delay.
L. H. MEURANT, Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 19, 1872.
Circular – (No. 27, 1872.)

DIED at Ely, near Fort Beaufort, after a long affliction, - Edith Mary, the beloved daughter of William and Mary ELLIOT, aged 7 years, 6 months, and 18 days.
“Gone to bloom in a better world.”


MR. SYDNEY YOUNG, of this place, has returned from the Fields after a trip of nearly a twelve month. He has been a successful digger, and intends with his family to return again to the occupation of digging. We regret that on his way down he lost his wife, who was suffering from the fever.

MR. W. GRAY is the successful tenderer for the conveyance of the post between this and Queen’s Town and King Williamstown. For the former, once a week, he received £600 per annum; and for a weekly post to K. W. Town he is to get £190 per annum.

THE FARMS Rautenbach’s Rust and Tiger Kop, in the Winterberg, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. MOORCROFT, will be sold by auction on Tuesday next in Fort Beaufort.

BAZAAR. – The Bazaar in aid of the Wesleyan Building Fund was held on Wednesday in the Sunday school-room. The weather was on the whole favorable, and the attendance from town and country large. The sum realized by the sale of the various articles amounted to upwards of £100, a result which testifies to the success of the Bazaar. The funds are to be applied to the improvements to the Wesleyan Chapel, now in progress. A new iron roof has been put on the building, and the front of the chapel is being entirely renovated.

A WARRANT for the arrest of a man named James DRIVER, who is charged with fraud by means of embezzlement, was received from the Diamond Fields on Wednesday last. A reward of £20 is offered for his apprehension.

SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM. – His Excellency the Governor has publicly notified in the Gazette his confirmation of the appointment by his trustees of the South African Museum of Roland TRIMEN, Esq., Fellow of the Linnaean and Zoological Societies, and Member of the Etymological Society of London, as Curator of the South African Museum, vice E. L. LAYARD, Esq., C.M.Z.C. resigned.

WE UNDERSTAND that Mr. T. GARNER, the son of MR. GARNER, now residing in England is lying dangerously ill at the Convict Station at the Kowie, so ill that all hope of his recovery has been given up. Mr. GARNER was formerly an officer in one of Her Majesty’s cavalry regiments in the colony, after which he was hotel-keeper at Fort Brown; since then he has for some three or four months a constable at the Kowie Convict Station. – Journal.

BURYING THE DEAD. – The first hearse on the Fields was used yesterday. It has been built by Mr. T. CROWDER, and we are pleased to see that the remains of the loved and lost are not to be so rudely disposed of in future as they have been heretofore. Nothing marks the character of a people more truly than their treatment of the dead. – Diggers Gazette.

DEATH PG MRS. G. M. COLE. – Our readers will deeply regret to read in our obituary a notice of the death of Mrs. COLE, wife of Mr. G. M. COLE. This lady, over amiable and kind in her lifetime, was highly respected by a large circle of friends, and we deeply sympathise with Mr. COLE and the large sorrowing family by which he is now surrounded. – K. W. T. Gazette.

ALEXANDRIA. – At a sale of landed property in this district held by Messrs. CAMPBELL and PATTISON, on the 23rd instant, Mr. Louis CHABAUD’s store was knocked down to Mr. J. W. CALLAGHAN for the sum of £590; the dwelling-house and erven of Mr. CHABAUD to the same party for £400; and the erf No. 6, with buildings thereon, known as the “Black Mill,” was knocked down conditionally to the same, for £230. The farm “Geelhoute Boom,” measuring 1,968 morgen, sold for £1,250 to Messrs. Johannes SCHEEPERS; the one-third share or interest in the undivided farm, “Long Vlaakte,” measuring in the whole 1,250 morgen, sold to Mr. PULLEN for £155; two blank erven realised £6 10s each; 4 milch cows, with calves, realised £12 each; and several young oxen were sold for £10 each.

THE UNDENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL. – The Rev. Mr. TEMPLETON, M. A., has accepted the Head Mastership of the Undenominational School, Grahamstown.

AT THE ABERDEEN Police Court on the 21st inst, a Miss NAUDE, a schoolmistress, was fined £5 for severely beating two schoolchildren, daughters of Mr. W. MEINTJES. The case created great excitement. – Graaff-Reinet Herald.

RETURN LOADS. – A carrier has obtained a verdict in his favour for £129 5s for breach of contract entered into by him with Messrs. N. ADLER & Co., that firm having promised him four returns loads from Beaufort West to Port Elizabeth. By the judgement, it is decided that 8,000 lbs. is a full load. – Era.

OBITUARY. – We take the following from the London-Colonial News: - “Supposed to have perished in the Glenmark, during a hurricane, about the 6th February, 1872, within a week after leaving Port Lyttleton, New Zealand, Richard WRANKMORE, master of the said ship, in the 55th year of his age. Cape, Australian Tasmanian, and New Zealand papers, please copy.
The death is announced of Donna Maria Juna Do los Dolores de LEAON, widow of the late Sir Harry George Wakelyn SMITH, K.C.B., who after distinguished military services, was appointed Governor of the Cape Colony in 1847. October 6th, at 4, Gower-street, Ipswich, aged 70.
The Rev. John BAILIO, 38 years a Christian missionary at home and at Kuruman, South Africa.
On the 18th Oct., Agnes Cron, beloved wife of Wm. Yalden THOMSON, vicar of St. Matthew’s, Newington, Surrey, formerly of Grahamstown. Cape of Good Hope papers, please copy.
Suddenly, in the Colonial Office, on 21st inst., aged 23, Mr. C. H. FANSHAWE, son of Colonel FANSHAWE of South Africa.”

DEATH OF DR. BLAINE. – Very melancholy news has been received of the death of Dr. BLAINE, the Resident Magistrate of Verulam, in Natal. This gentleman left for England by the Celt in search of health; he had to remain behind at Ascension for medical attendance; and went on again in the Syria. On the passage home by some misadventure, he fell overboard and was drowned. Dr. BLAINE was a brother of MR. Henry BLAINE, formerly of Graham’s Town, as also of Mr. D. BLAINE, of Port Elizabeth. – Argus.

148 CARATS. – An off-coloured stone of this weight was found at Dutoitspan on Wednesday morning by Mr. PITT. It is off-coloured and flawed. The claim from which it was taken is the property of Mr. M. DOLD, of Graham’s Town, to whom we offer our congratulations.


THE AMOUNT realized by the Bazaar in aid of the Wesleyan Chapel Building Fund was upwards of £120, - not £100 as stated in another part of this issue.

THE REV. Mr. FOOTE, M.A., L.L.B., Baptist Minister of Grahamstown, arrived here on a visit this week. He preached in the Wesleyan Chapel on Thursday evening.

ANOTHER POISONING CASE. – On Saturday a Bush-girl was brought into Richmond and lodged in gaol on a charge of poisoning her mistress, Mrs. ROSSOUW, of Hartebeest Fontein, with strychnine.
Prisoner after being duly cautioned says: - Yes, I did put poison in my mistress’ coffee. I could not help it. The devil betrayed me, and I am very sorry that I did do it.

THE MEIRING CASE. – We are glad to be able to report that His Excellency the Governor has given instructions for the institution of an enquiry in to the conduct of the officials blamed as being directly or indirectly responsible for the death of the late Mr. J. S. MEIRING. We hope that the enquiry may be searching and the conclusion impartially arrived at. Particulars of this painful case have already been given in our columns. – Era.

APPOINTMENTS. – The following appointments have been gazetted: -
James SURMON, Esq., Inspector of the Frontier Armed and Mounted police, to be an Issuer of Passes to Native Foreigners, under the provisions of Act no. 22 of 1864; also to be a Justice of the peace during pleasure;
John Thomas O’CONNOR, Second-class Sub-Inspector, to be a first-class Sub-Inspector in the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, vice G. von WEDELL, resigned;
F. H. BARBER, Second-class Sub-Inspector, to be a first-class Sub-Inspector, vice SURMON, resigned;
Charles WHITTY, Second-class Sergeant, to be a second-class Sub-Inspector, vice BARBER, promoted;
William Stanton HOLDEN , Sergeant, to be a second-class Sub-Inspector, vice J. T. O’CONNOR, promoted;
Mr. J. J. de WET, has been appointed by the Excellency the Governor, upon the favourable recommendation of the Speaker, to act as Assistant Clerk to the House of Assembly, in the room of Mr. C. BRAND, who died a few weeks ago.
Mr. William Ferdinand JUHRE, To be Field-cornet of the Ward no 4, Upper Riebeek, in the Division of Albany, in the room of Mr. Arthur DOUGLAS, resigned;
Mr. George Everitt MURRAY, To resume the duties of Field-cornet, of the Ward Hopetown.

Messrs. G. & B. KNOTT hereby warn all persons against trespassing on their Farms in the Fort Beaufort and Victoria districts either by shooting, hunting, or by driving stock over the same.
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 3, 1872.

Saturday, December 14, 1872.

Dr. William BATTIE, M.R.C.S. and F.A.S.L., of London, and Mr. MCDONALD, have commenced Practice at Fort Beaufort, and may be consulted at any hour at Mr. J. O’GARA’s Royal Hotel, until such time as the premises next door to Mr. H. E. MCTAGGART’s Auction Mart are repaired, - which will be their future Residence and Surgery.


HORRIBLE OUTRAGE. – A most abominable outrage has been reported to us, as having been committed last week at Mr. E. GREEN’s Hotel, Winterberg, by a Mr. A. BOTHA and others on the person of an inoffensive man named WALKER, temporarily residing at the hotel. WALKER is said to be in a precarious state, and but for the timely interference of a native servant he would probably have bled to death. The outrage is of a nature that will not admit of details in a newspaper, - but if the facts are as represented to us, the perpetrators deserve condign punishment.

SALE OF LANDED PROPERTY. – The farm Tiger Kop and Rautenbach’s Rust, Winterberg, in extent about 1950 morgen, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. James MOORCROFT were sold by auction by Mr John QUIN on Tuesday last to Mr. Alfred MOORCROFT for £1675. The price obtained shows that land is rising in his district.
A House and Erven in Adelaide, belonging to the Estate of RAUBENHEIMER fetched £210.

EDUCATION. – The Dep. Inspector O. H. HEGARTH Esq. M. A. within the past fourteen days made a rapid tour of inspection of the various Aided and Mission Schools in the Kat River and neighbourhood, at Adelaide, at Fort Beaufort and neighbourhood, and at Healdtown. He will visit Lovedale Institution next week, and witness the ordinary Xmas Examination. The schools generally appear to have given satisfaction. His encouraging remarks addressed to the boys in the First Class Aided School of this town, after their examination, afforded great gratification to the scholars as well as their teacher. As to Mr. BIRKETT’s method of teaching, he observed, “it is an admirable one, and evidently successful.” In commending the 1st and 2nd class for the high standard they had attained in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Geography, he took occasion to remark upon the importance of parents allowing their children to continue at school one or two years longer. This privilege they were advised to be very solicitous in obtaining from their parents, instead of being too eager for their employment in the active duties of life. Just at the time when their education might be fairly said to begin to develop itself, and when their progress, more than at any previous period, would be accelerated.

MR. THOS. GARNER, late of Fort Brown, died on Thursday at Port Alfred, and was buried on Saturday.

FRAUD. – William John SMITH and John William O’TOOLE have been committed for trial at the Diamond Fields on charge of theft, by means of embezzlement.

THOMAS BROOKS. – The following advertisement appears in the Diamond New: - Application will be me made to the High Court of Griqualand West, on Tuesday 3rd Dec. next, for the surrender of the estate of Thomas BROOKS.

TRYING TO DO BUSINESS without advertising is like winking at a pretty girls through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you are doing, but nobody else does.

ANOTHER WEDDING. – This morning he marriage of Mr. Carey SLATER to Miss WILMOT took place at Commemoration Chapel. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. LAMPOUGH. – Penny Mail.

MR. BENNETT has resigned the office of secretary to the Island Transport Company to which he was recently appointed, and Mr. TOWNROE has been elected to succeed him.

WE ARE VERY HAPPY to learn that the reported death of Mr. M. LYNCH, at the Diamond-fields, is incorrect, and that Mr. L. is not only alive, but in the enjoyment of good health.

A HARD YEAR OF IT. – A William MASON has been brought before the criminal session at Cape Town lately. He has been tried six times in once year, received 105 lashes, and is now sentenced to three years hard labor.

ON WEDNESDAY morning Mr. Peter POTE sold the farm “Drooge Vlakte,” situated on the Fish River. This fine property which is 2,250 morgen in extent, was knocked down to Mr. John WEBB q.q., for £1,125. – Penny Mail.

LAND AND STOCK SALE. – The large sale advertised by Mr. F. B. BROWN on Saturday last was very numerously attended, and was evidently a great success. At 11 o’clock the live stock was disposed of. Horses fetched from £7 to £14; young oxen from £4 2s 6d to £5; trek oxen from £8 to £9 5s. At 1 o’clock the farms “Cheviot” and “Zwaart Fontein” were put up, with the following result: the former realized £1,380, purchase, Mr. J. HODGES, q.q; the latter, £1,200, purchaser, Mr. LOXTON, q.q. – Queenstown Representative.

MAGNIFICENT PRICE. – Mr. George DONOVAN has recently sold his farm Glendower, in the District of Bethulie, to a Mr. VENTER from the Cape Colony, for £8,000 (one half cash down) Glendower is an unsurveyed farm, but according to inspection report, its extent is between 7,000 and 8,000 morgen. We believe that £8,000 is the highest sum for which ever a farm in the Free State exchanged hands. – Friend.

DETERMINED SUICIDE. – It is said that a man named WALTERS committed suicide on Friday or Saturday morning at Panmure by typing his handkerchief tightly round his neck, and getting the knob of the door betwixt it and his throat, hung himself in that position. It is thought that this plan must have prolonged his sufferings for a full hour, and that the man must have been delirious at the time of executing the fatal deed. – Watchman.

OBITUARY. – It is with much regret we record the death last Thursday at Dordrecht of Mr. E. von WEDELL after a short illness. Mr. von WEDELL came to this colony in 1856 as an officer in the German Legion; and afterwards entered the F. A. M. Police Force, which he served as a Sub-Inspector for many years. In fact it is only two months since he resigned this post, with the intention of settling down to farming pursuits in the Wodehouse Division. The deceased was well connected. His brother was one of the Prussian Generals killed in the late war; and prior to his leaving Vaderland, Mr. E. von WEDELL himself occupied some post in the King of Prussia’s household. To his widow, a sister of the Rev. J. BERTRAM, we tender out sincere sympathy. – Free Press.

THE STOLEN DIAMOND. – The case in which Mr. ESTMENT, of Fort Beaufort, was sued for the recovery of a diamond with £200, the property of a company of diggers, which he purchased from a native named TYBIESO, then in the employ of the company for £60, on the list for trial in the Eastern Districts Court, has been withdrawn. – Journal.

THE LATE SMUGGLING OF GUNS IN THE FREE STATE. – We have heard it asserted that it is considered extremely honourable among the Kafir races to steal so cleverly as not to be found out. To rob and be detected in the act is quite a different thing. It is argued that anyone can steal, be he ever such a fool, but he that robs without anyone knowing who did it, is highly to be commended. The Diamond News must hold somewhat analogous ideas on this subject. From a letter which we publish in another column from Mr. Surveyor de VILLIERS, it will be seen that he estimates that nearly twenty-five thousand guns have been passed through the Free State by Colonial traders without paying the duty of 2s 6d chargeable by the State on each gun imported into the country, and without having first obtained a permit. This wholesale smuggling of fire-arms through the State has been for some time known to the authorities. The traffic in ammunition and arms with the natives was also known to the authorities; and the desirability of writing to the Governor, acquainting him of the fact, was discussed in Volksraad. About a month ago a wagon of the Ceres Transport Company, loaded with guns, whilst travelling over Free State soil, was seized, and the same confiscated, by order of the Landdrost of Jacobsdal. Upon hearing this, the News first falls foul of the Landdrost of Jacobsdal, then of Mr. Jos. E. de VILLIERS, then of the Triumvirate, and lastly of us. Believing that our cause is just, we are sorry that our contemporary should be carried away by the ebullition of temper of the moment. So long as the smuggling was not found out, the News was as “good as gold,” but now the Diamond Field and Colonial traders are detected in this illicit traffic, he of Dutoitspan is a very Goliath marching out before his smuggling army. We will leave this question of the seizure of the Fields for a moment out of the question. Is his cause as just? Has the State, which he professed so much to admire when he was a small wee thing at Pniel, done the dealers and traders of the Fields and the Colony any injury? Oh, no! Those are not the things which influence him. The fact is, a wholesale system of smuggling has been for a long time carried on by the traders who live at the Fields, and has at last been found out! The worst of it is, that no leader-writing can make it better that it is. All the insinuations about “informers,” custom-house officers,” and the like, cannot whitewash the authorities who knew that guns and ammunition were being passed through this State without permits, and, at the same time, did nothing to suppress the contraband traffic. – Friend.


ONLY GLASS. – A gentleman residing in this division has lately undergone the operation of having a glass eye put in. When about seven months old he had the misfortune to lose his left eye, and from that time to the present – upwards of thirty years – the lid of the injured eye has been closed. Being on a visit to Cradock, he met Dr. GREY of that town, who volunteered to try the experiment of putting in a glass eye. So great was the success that the owner of the injured eye returned home, having both eyes sound in appearance. To any one not in the secret, it would be difficult to distinguish the glass eye from the good eye.

THE REV. MR. CALVERT. – This gentleman, who has labored upwards of thirty years in the Cannibal Islands of Fiji, lectured last Sunday morning and evening at Healdtown to crowded congregations; on Monday evening at Alice, on Tuesday morning at Lovedale, on Tuesday evening again at Healdtown, and on Wednesday evening at Fort Beaufort. On Thursday morning he left by post cart with Mrs. and Miss Calvert, for Queenstown, en route for Bloemfontein.

CHIEF CLERK TO THE SECRETARY FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS. – Mr. TRIMEN has not accepted this post, which has been offered to Mr. ENGLISH, of the Colonial Office.

PIECE OF LAND. – We learn that Mr. W. J. VILJOEN, sen., has been offered by Mr. H. van ZYL, of Knoffelfontein, and has refused the sum of £3,500 for his farm, Schanz Kraal, which measures about 7,000 morgen.
Mr. P. van der MERWE of Kouwenberg, has been offered £2,500 for his ½ share of that farm, while Mr. W. J. VILJOEN, J. s., has conditionally accepted an offer of £2,400 for the other half share. For the entire farm £3,300 could not be obtained about 2 years ago. – Era.

IN THE SMALL district of Tulbach alone the Legplekken which three years ago gave but a wretched rental of £41, have last week been leased at an annual rent of £1,181! The same improved system applied with like energy in other districts, is gradually producing like results. Hence the enormous increase of land revenue to which we directed attention last week. – Argus.

MARRIAGE OF MR. T. R. MERRIMAN. – On Wednesday last Mr. Thos. R. MERRIMAN, son of the Right Reverend Bishop of Graham’s Town, was united in matrimony to Miss Eliza RAWSTORNE, daughter of the late F. RAWSTORNE, in his lifetime the highly and deservedly respected R.M. and C.C. of this district. The ceremony was performed in Christ’s Church by the rector, the Rev. S. N. de KOCK. The bridesmaids were Miss C. RAWSTORNE, sister of the bride, and Miss CURRIE, and the groomsmen: Messrs George REID and W. R. PIERS. Mr. Jas. RAWSTORNE gave the bride away. Both bride and bridegroom being general favourites with the good folks of Colesberg, the church was crowded during the ceremony by their friends. The happy couple left early in the afternoon for Rietfontein, accompanied for a short distance by a number of friends, and started yesterday for Klipdrift. – Colesberg Advertiser.

Cape Town, Sunday afternoon.
The Syria arrived at half-past two.
Passengers for Algoa Bay: -
Mr. and Mrs. GIBBERD,
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. SARGEANT,
Mr. and Mrs. SCANLEN,
Mr. and Mrs. BLAINE,
Mr. WARD and Miss WARD.

THE STANDARD BANK has on board £10,000 in gold and £500 in silver.

Saturday, December 21, 1872.

Notice is hereby given that a Rate of One Penny in the Pound Sterling has been levied on the valuation of the Immovable Property situated in the Township and Town Extension of Fort Beaufort for the year 1872, and the same is payable to the undersigned on or before the 31st Instant.
By order,
J. RICHARDS, Town Clerk.
Fort Beaufort, 18th Dec., 1872.

All parties indebted to the undersigned are required to take notice that if their Accounts are not Paid at once to Mr. SOLOMON, of Fort Beaufort, legal proceedings will be taken against them without delay.
Walter TAYLOR,
(Late of Healdtown)
Tarkastad, Dec. 10, 1872.

Lovedale Station.
From and after the 1st Proximo, Lovedale Office will be open to the public for Transmission and Receipt of Messages.
Free delivery within the limits of the village of Alice.
Message Table and other information may be obtained at any of the Offices of the Company.
J. D. DEN. General Manager.
72, Adderley-street, Cape Town,
28th October, 1872.

£1,500 to be loaded on 1ste Mortgage of Landed Property.
Apply to Jno. QUIN,
Land and Loan Agent.
Fort Beaufort, December 6, 1872.


MR. HOELTZER has arrived for the purpose of superintending the works in connection with telegraphic extension from this place.

ARRIVALS FROM THE FIELDS. – Several Fort Beaufort people have arrived from the Field this week to spend their Christmas. Amongst others are Messrs. T. NILAND, W. Lloyd, F. GODDARD, P. LAWRIE, and Wm. PEDLAR.

ALIWAL NORTH. – Mr. J. STANDEN has been appointed Town Clerk. Very heavy rains have fallen, and the Kraai and Orange Rivers have “come down” with a vengeance.

A YOUNG MAN, named PFINGSTEN, was accidentally shot dead at Uitenhage on Sunday morning by a Hottentot.

THE FINGOES. – It said that the Fingoe Agent contemplates forming a Fingoe Volunteer force 500 strong, to be armed with Enfield rifles. Fifty Europeans are to be added to the force. - Journal

AMONG THE PASSENGERS by the “Syria” which left on Friday was Mr. SOUTHEY the newly appointed administrator of Griqualand West. Mr. HOELTZER the Telegraphic Engineer was also a passenger, and proceeds with as little delay as possible to make arrangements for extending the Telegraphic line from Fort Beaufort to Colesberg.

THE RELIEFS. – During the year 1873-74, six regiments will leave England, two for the colonies, four for India, and six will be brought home. The regiments to go out to India, so far as we can learn at present, are the 97th, 1st battalion 20th, 34th, and 57th; and to be brought home from thence, the 105th, 64th, 2nd battalion 25th. The new system of linking is to be so arranged that each battalion shall have six years of home service.

A STARTLING STATEMENT. – Mr. J. de VILLIERS, Government Land Surveyor, and a gentleman of education and ability, writes to the Friend of the Free State, asserting that nearly 25,000 guns have been conveyed through the Free State territory within the last twelve months.

MR. R. JEFFERSON. – We regret to learn that a serious accident happened to this gentleman on the Fields a few days ago. A small wooden house inhabited by Mr. JEFFERSON fell upon him, breaking two of his ribs. The sufferer, who is attended by Dr. THORNE, is doing well.

TEACHER WANTED. – A teacher is wanted for the preparatory school in connection with the Graaff-Reinet College. The salary is £200 per annum.

MR. ANDERSON AND MR. CROZIER have come out by the Syria with instructions to establish branches of the Oriental Bank at Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and the Diamond Fields. The subscribed capital of the Oriental is £1,500,000, and the whole of it has been paid up. The reserve fund is about half a million. The Oriental was established in 1851. It has splendid officers in Threadneedle-street. Should the Oriental establish itself here, it will be a formidable rival to existing institutions.

THE HOTTENTOT Prince PLAATJES, charged with the murder of his wife at Botha’s Hill, has confessed his quilt, and on Tuesday morning was fully committed for trial.

A WARNING TO GAMBLERS. – A melancholy case of suicide occurred at Dutoitspan on Thursday night last. A gentleman of the name of Martin HARTMAN, a native of Germany, and formerly a Captain in the American army, shot himself about fifty yards from his tent. Deceased was thirty-six years of age. It appears that latterly he had been gambling to a considerable extent, and finding himself short of means for continuing his nefarious practices he drew upon his brother a merchant in London, to the about of about £40. The drafts, it would seem, were either dishonoured, or he feared they would be dishonoured, and the disgrace which was sure to follow so preyed upon his mind that he became dejected, and resolved to put an end to himself. In this melancholy frame of mind he is said to have entered a gambling hell on the night in question, and in a state of desperation staked his all – we believe about £10 – which he had previously kept for the purpose of enabling him to return home. Like too many more unfortunate and deluded young men, he lost his all, and - he was destitute. HE then proceeded to a friend’s tent borrowed a loaded revolver, placed the end of the barrel to his mouth, and blew out his brain. – Diamond News.


EDUCATION. – Mr. HOGARTH, the Government Inspector of schools, returned to Grahamstown yesterday. His next tour will be through Peddie, King Williamstown, and Kaffraria, commencing the second week after the re-opening of the schools. The second quarter of 1873 will find him in the Northern districts; the third in Graaff-Reinet, Murraysburg, and Richmond; and in the last quarter he will repeat the tour from which he now returns. His comfortable quarters at Mrs. HILSLEY’s, on Settler’s Hill, Grahamstown, it is certain, will know very little of his occupancy during the year.

SCHOOL TREAT. – This has become an established institution in connection with Mr. BIRKETT’s school. On Wednesday the scholars, their companions, and friends, in all numbering 80 persons, were conducted to the celebrated pic-nic bower with its lofty trees and thick foliage, under the shadow of a great rock, and with its purling limped waters flowing by, a lovely spot, a short distance up the Healdtown valley, where, to their hearts’ content, they revelled in the sports which the occasion afforded – croquet, cricket, rounders, swings, and what not, besides the luxury, in nicety secluded nooks, of a plunge in the cool stream. The day was favourable, and the pleasure realized by all has never been exceeded.

THE NOTORIOUS M. S. FITZGERALD is now figuring in the Liverpool police court on a charge of fraud.

MR. WOODROFFE’S Hall and Occidental Bar were sold together yesterday by Messrs TAYLOR & GOODCHILD. The highest bid was £805, out of this £22 10s was given as bonuses. The price really realized was £782 10s. Messrs WHILEY & BRITIAN were the purchasers. – Diamond News.

A CURIOUS ecclesiastical case has just been heard before the Supreme Court, Capetown. The Rev Mr NAUDè, Dutch Reformed minister of Aliwal North, instituted a charge of libel against Mr. GREYLING, one of his parishioners, for saying that he considered the minister a “liberal.” Judgement was given for the defendant.

SAD ACCIDENT. – A very sad accident happened at Rouxville during the latter part of last week. From what we can gather of the affair it seems that there was some person in a shop who was trifling with a pistol, which was charged with powder and ball. The shot went off and struck a lad, named WESSELS, in the abdomen. Medical assistance was speedily obtained from Aliwal North. – Standard.

MR. JOHN HAMPDEN, who has discovered that the world is flat, has been committed for trial for libelling Mr. WALLACE, the gentleman who won £500 from him by proving the world to be round. A Mr. BRADLEY now comes forward with a pamphlet, written in bad grammar, to prove Mr. HAMPDEN a fool for paying his money, and “demonstrate to the understanding of impartial minds” that we inhabit a flat. It must be satisfactory to Mr. John HAMPDEN to learn there are more flats than one. – Zingari.

THE CAPE ARGUS complained of the conduct of Mr. John CAMPBELL who issued a warrant for the apprehension of a very old and respected colonist for perjury on the flimsiest statement made by an agent and his principal. Mr. CAMPBELL now says he would not have done it if he had had all the facts before him, but as the Argus points out this is a very paltry way of getting out of it. He ought to have had all the facts sufficient to warrant him in issuing the document under which Mr. FULLER was dragged through the street into the felons dock before he gave the police the power to proceed. It is a shameful case altogether, and we hope Mr. FULLER will get heavy damages. – Diamond News.

DIED on the 14th instant, of Convulsions, at Seymour, Stockenstrom, - Emison Rupert Crouch, aged 18 months and 14 days, the beloved son of John and Mary Anne INGLETHORPE.
Mr. and Mrs INGLETHORPE hereby beg to return their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kind attention shown them by Mr and Mrs GRAHAM and their many other friends – too numerous to mention by name – during their sad bereavement; but more particularly do they thank Dr. LAING, District Surgeon, & C., for his kind, punctual, regular and unwearied attention to their son during his illness, - the attention and kindness shown by Dr. LAING can never be repaid by them.

Saturday, December 28, 1872.

Dr. STROUD, Surgeon Dentist, of the firm of CLINTON, and STROUD, Dental Surgeons, Port Elizabeth, will make a brief professional call at Bedford, Alice, Adelaide and Fort Beaufort on his road from Somerset to King Williams’ Town – and may be expected at Fort Beaufort about the middle of the second week in January next.
As Dr. STROUD’s stay in Fort Beaufort will be necessarily short, all who require his professional services will do well to consult him (at Mrs. BROWNING’s Fort Beaufort) immediately on his arrival the date of which will be duly published in the next issue of this Paper.


WE BEG to acknowledge the receipt of the Eastern Province Year Book and Diary for 1873, printed and published by Messrs. RICHARDS, GLANVILLE and Co. It is very neatly compiled and contains a large amount of useful information.

ACCIDENT TO THE KING WILLIAMSTOWN POST CART. – A rather nasty accident happened to the King Williamstown post cart on Saturday last. The cart left Grahamstown at the usual hour on Saturday morning, the passengers being Mr. CURREY, Mr. William FOSTER of Capetown, and two children. At Botha’s Hill River a wheeler became restive and the cart was violently overturned. Mr. FOSTER was so injured that he could not proceed to King Williamstown, and after staying a little while at the Botha’s Hill Hotel, he was brought back to Grahamstown by Mr. MOYS to who a message had been sent. We regret to say that, although no fractures have been discovered, Mr FOSTER for some time be confined to his lodgings under medical care. Mr. CURREY was much cut about the face, one gash in the cheek being especially severe; but his engagement obliged him to go on. The driver was not hurt, and the children received but slight bruises. – Journal.

SUDDEN DEATH. – We regret to record the sudden death of Mr. W. SYMONS, senior, which sad event took place yesterday. The deceased was apparently in good health up to the time of his death. He had only arrived home a few minutes previously, and was in the act of eating his dinner, when he was seized with an apoplectic fit, which termination fatally in a few minutes. – Watchman.

OSTRICH FARMING appears to be a very paying industry. Mr. le ROUX, of the Fraserberg district, has 106 of these birds, whose plumage nets about £1,000 per annum.

INFANTICIDE. – Yesterday morning between six and seven o’clock, Mr. GATENBY jr. while proceeding down Hill-st. found on the east side of the road, nearly opposite the Baptist Chapel, the body of an infant (white) not one day old. The child was dead though warm. Mr. GATONBY at once gave information to the proper authorities who had the body conveyed to the city gaol. Dr. ATHERSTONE made a post mortem examination during the day and found that the child had met with a violent death. – Journal.

ESTATE LATE J. H. PARKER. – The third meeting in this Estate was held yesterday morning before the Acting Resident Magistrate, W M. FLEISCHER, Esq., when claims amounting to £44,900 were proved. All the resolutions were carried without opposition except one proposed on behalf of the Standard Bank, and seconded on behalf of the London South African Bank, to the effect that the trustees should be represented in the actions now being brought in Chancery to connect the Diamonds shipped with the drafts drawn against them. This was lost. The voting is decided by value and was very equal. The banks represented £86,100. The other creditors £66,800. There was only a difference of £700 in this large amount. – Free Press.

The steamer Danube arrived at 3 p.m.
Passengers for Algoa Bay –
Mr and Mrs MAYNARD,
Mr. GEISON, sen.,
Miss HAY,
Mr. BARSDORFF and two children,
Miss Davis,

FATAL ACCIDENT AT PNIEL. – It is with great regret that we have to record the death of MR. WALDECK, son of the well-known passenger-cart proprietor. It appears that on Tuesday last deceased went into the stable to look after the horses, when one of them kicked him violently in the stomach. The poor fellow was carried out of the stable, and everything possible was done for him, but after lingering till Thursday he breathed his last. We deeply sympathize with his afflicted family.

A PROSPEROUS merchant has for his motto: Early to bed and early to rise; never get tight, and advertise.”

EIGHT CHILDREN AT A BIRTH. – On the 21st of August Mrs. Timothy BRADLEE, of Trumbull county, Ohio, gave birth to eight children – three boys and five girls. They are living and healthy, but are very small. Mr. BRADLEE was married six years ago to Eunice MOWRY, who weighed two hundred and seventy three pounds on the day of her marriage. She has given birth to two pairs of twins, and now eight more, making twelve children in six years. Mrs. BRADLEE was a triplet, her mother and father both being twins, and her grand-mother the mother of five pairs of twins.

£100 WAGER TO SWIM ACROSS THE VAAL RIVER. – On Monday, the 9th instant, a wager was made between PEARSON and ANTONIO of £100 – that the former could not swim across the Vaal River opposite WALDEK’s Plant, starting from Union Kopje and landing on the opposite shore on a given spot pointed out. After three unsuccessful attempts the affair was given up by PEARSON and a check handed over for the £100, which on presentation to the Bank for payment was found to have been stopped – for what reason up to the present we have not discovered. – Diamond Field.

AFTER KEEN competition the whole of the farms belonging to the GILL Estate were knocked down to Mr. Isaac de KLERK for the sum of £340 per annum. A very good rental being £30 more than was received during the last lease. We are glad, for the sake of the College, that the farms fell into the hands of such and enterprising farmer as Mr. Isaac de KLERK. – Somerset Courant.

AYLWARD. – On Saturday last an attempt was made by Mr. CONCIDINE and others to assist AYLWARD in escaping from the Klip Drift gaol. It appears they had a horse ready for him at the back of the gaol, and another horse “Confidence,” on the other side of the river. A boat had been engaged to take him across; besides this a bottle of chloroform had been conveyed to AYLWARD, for what purpose is best known to themselves. By some means or other the affair was discovered. Mr. ZIES, the gaoler, at once crossed the river to secure AYLWARD’s friends, accompanied by a policeman, but being too strong in number they escaped. The gaoler did take CONCIDINE in charge, and sent off at once to the Sergeant of Police, Mr. KINGSLEY, for assistance which for some cause or other never arrived. We have since heard that CONCIDINE has been apprehended at the New Rush. In consequence of the above, AYLWARD has been put in chains. – Diamond FIELD.

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