Fort Beaufort Advocate 1873 1 January - March
Saturday, January 4, 1873.
Return of Licenses issued during December 1872, for the year 1873:
A. SIMS, Winterberg – D. KEEVY, Koonap.
R. SPARKS, Adelaide – A. HEWSON, Koonap
J. RICHARDS, Fort Bft – Mrs. B. CAHILL, F. Bft.
Mrs. E. DALTON, F.Bft – Mrs. S. McBAIN, F. Bft.
Mrs. C. WARREN, F. Bft – F. GODDARD, F. Bft.
M. MEADE, F. Bft – J. MIDGELAY, Adelaide.
T. FERGUSON, Yellowwoods – M. BAKKER, Blinkwater.
W.R. LLOYD, Fort Bft – W. CULLAGHAN, Fort Bft.
J. SHAW, Healdtown – J. VERITY, Adelaide.
A. WRAGG, F. Beaufort – Alex McCULLUM, F. Beaufort.
W. EWING, F. Beaufort. – J. LLOYD, F. Beaufort.
S.J. WEBB, F. Beaufort – A. MOORECROFT, Winterberg.
J. HEPBURN, F. Beauft. – Cath. CONNORS, F. Beaut.
Stephen RUSSELL, F. Beauft – Mary Ann RUSSELL, F. Beaut.
T. WARD, F. Beauft – A. GREEN, Winterberg.
J. SCOTT, Fort Beaufort – J.H. JONES, Koonap.
F. HOLLAND, Adelaide – SHAW & Co, Ft. Bft.
E. HENNEMEYER, Adelaide – J. O’GARA Ft. Bft.
L.H. BENJAMIN, Adelaide – BAKER, BAKER & Co. Adelaide.
PAYNE & Co. F. Bft – A. WRAGG, Ft. Bft.
W. ESTMENT, Ft. Bft. – C. HOLLIDAY, Ft. Bft.
R. WARD, F. Bft - THERON & Co, F. Bft.
C. de KLERK, Adelaide – W. WALLET, Ft. Beaufort.
J. MULLER, Ft. Beaufort – W. CALLAGHAN, F. Bft.
J. HEPBURN, F. Bft. – M. BAKER, F. Bft.
R. SPARKS, Adelaide – M. BAKER, Blinkwater.
W. WALLET, Adelaide – A. WRAGG, F. Beaufort.
J. HEPBURN, F. Beaufort.
David PLAATJES who is charged with killing his reputed wife Sannah THEUNISSEN, in the old magazine at Fort Hare on the 24th December, was fully committed for trial for the crime of murder by the Resident Magistrate. The three cowardly Graaff-Reinet Hottentots, who were passive spectators of the brutal transaction, were called upon to give security for their appearances as witnesses at the trial, but as they could not do so they were also sent to prison for safe custody.
WILD DOG. – Yesterday morning Mr. HARDING shot a dog lying in his kraal which had killed five of his sheep. Neighbouring farmers had also lost sheep, but had been unable to find the dog that has destroyed them. Mr. HARDING brought the dog to town in his cart. It belonged to Mr. WHITSON of this town, and was known to have killed sheep on other occasions, when Mr. W. promised to have it destroyed. The owner of the dog will have to pay for the property destroyed. – Free Press.
“INFRA DIG.” – The Bishop of Peterborough has revoked the license of the Rev. Benjamin ROBSON, curate of Chacombe, who has been bound over by the magistrate to keep the peace for “milling” a labourer with his fists on a fine Sunday Afternoon.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A little boy named POTGIETER was run over by a wagon near Berlin on Wednesday last, and killed on the spot, the wheel passing over his head and completely crushing it in. – K.W.T. Gazette.
SALE OF ORANGE FARM. – On Saturday last this farm, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Henry PROBART, was put up to auction in front of the Library by Mr. NESER. The highest bid was for £1500, at which it was held in. Mr. John JUDD afterwards became the purchaser for, we hear, £1600. – G.R. Advertiser.
THE COST OF GOVERNING THE DIAMOND FIELDS. – The Colesberg Herald says: Several of our contemporaries have been commenting upon the astounding fact that the territory of the Diamond-fields involve an expense of £50,000 per annum. We should imagine that the entire paraphernalia will amount to considerably over this – say £75,000. It becomes a serious question whether, in fact of the decreasing yield in diamonds and their decreasing market value, the digging community will be able long to stand such a burden.
A quack, Wynand Coenraad Jacobus BEZUIDENHOUT, has been tried at Winburg, O.F. State, before the Court of Landdrost and HEEMRADEN, on the charge of quackery, fraud and embezzlement. The report says: “The two last charges were not proved; on the contrary it was shown that he had been often sent for by suffering humanity on account of his rumoured ability in administering homeopathic medicines, and that he had been successful in most cases.” As this was as much as could be said of the gentlemen with diplomas, BEZUIDENHOUT was pronounced not guilty. – G.R. Advertiser.
BLACK UNBELIEF. – A Free State man writes: - “The local Missionary asked the old Hottentot, SPEELMAN, some time ago to go to church. SPEELMAN replied that he would attend the next nachtmaal, for he had heard that at nachtmaal the attendants were treated to a “soepje” each. Lately WINDVOGEL’S master told WINDVOGEL to go to church, and to put a shilling, which he gave him, in the poor box. “Master,” replied WINDVOGEL, “would it not be better if I took the shilling to the canteen?”
MARRIAGE AT BURGHERSDORP. – Among the announcements in the Burghersdorp paper we find the following: - Married at Queen’s Town on the 14th instant, by W.M. FLEISHER, Esq., Acting Resident Magistrate, Mr. Constantin SCHWEIZER of Burghersdorp, to Miss Annie Elizabeth Mildred McARTHUR, of Grahamstown.
In the same paper is the following advertisement: - “I the undersigned, having separated from my former wife, Elizabeth McCLURE, on account of her being a married woman at the time of my marriage with her – her husband being then still alive – hereby request that all amount of debts contracted by her up to time of her departure for Europe, in February last, or up to the date of this advertisement, may be sent into me up to the 31st instant for settlement. I also give notice that after the issue of this advertisement, I hold myself no more liable for any debts contracted by, or advances made to her, under any name or pretence whatever, either in this colony or elsewhere.” – C. SCHWEIZER, Burghersdorp, 7th Dec., 1872.
PRESIDENT BRAND. – A rumour is current in the Caledon district (Free State) to the effect that his Honor President BRAND is no more. The sad tidings were, we believe, communicated to Mr. J. de WET, member of the Volksraad, a few days since by a farmer from Bloemfontein. We shall await the arrival of the mail from the Free State with much anxiety this afternoon, although no other issue can be reasonably expected of the protracted illness of Mr. BRAND. – Aliwal Standard.
(Extract) DETERMINED SUICIDE. – A shocking tragedy was enacted in Gordon-street, of this town, at an early hour on Sunday last; and no indescribable thrill of horror pervaded the entire community when the melancholy tidings were brandied about from mouth to mouth, that Mr. A.L. BRUNT, the accountant of the Bloemfontein Bank, had, in a moment of temporary insanity, put an end to his useful career by blowing out his brains, with a saloon pistol. The despondency to which he had recently been a victim is to be traced to the death of his beloved mother, and the demands that were ever being made upon him for monetary assistance. – Friend.
The Medicine-chest of one of the abandoned Artic whalers was broken open by some of the natives, who, thinking they had found a prize, proceeded to swallow the contents of all the bottles. The survivors describe the result as startling, for the doses were too large for the constitution of even an Esquimaux. Several of the partakers died, and others wanted to, but couldn’t.
Among the passengers by the Danube is the Rev. Mr. FORRESTER, the newly appointed minister of the Scotch Church. He is to officiate in the Scottish Church of Capetown to-morrow.
Danube leaves on Monday.
Marquis of Londonderry dead.
Strong south-east gale blowing yesterday. Brig “Elizabeth Brown” parted and went ashore at bight about half-past five last evening. Crew Saved.
We learn from Phillippolis, that the President of the Free State is dead. That this blow, although long expected will fall heavily upon the people, over whom he has so long and ably ruled, is undoubted. There will not be a corner of the colony, also to which the news of John BRAND’S death will not come with deep regret. The ability he has displayed in connection with the Free State has called up the admiration of all Colonists in South Africa. He has practically and successfully shown that a people in South Africa can manage their own affairs, and has demonstrated the possibility of having a pure and unsullied liberal Government in a Colony, when it has been opposed elsewhere and in communities much fore fitted for it. We have heard no particulars of his death, but doubtless we will in our next issue, have an opportunity of giving full details. – Colesberg Herald.
It is said that a new mine has been opened at Zand River in the Free State, a distance of a few hours from the fields, and that a good many prospectors are out-spanned there.
The eldest son of Mr. MOSEL, of Uitenhage, met with a serious accident on Monday morning. He fell a distance of twenty feet, receiving some deep cuts in the back of his head and a serious shock to the system. He is progressing favourably under the care of Dr. SUTHERLAN(D).
AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH. – A German named Lorenzo Christian Frederick GERTZ, came by his death on Christmas Day in an awfully sudden manner. He was, it seems, taking his dinner at the house of a person named HOLMES, and all at once he appeared to be suffocating. The reasonable inference is that a piece of gristle, or fat, had stuck fast in the œsophagus. HOLMES seeing this at once rendered what help he could, but the unfortunate man died in ten minutes, and before medical aid could be summoned. Documents show that the deceased formerly belonged to the British German Legion, and was born at Schleswig in 1828. A post-mortem examination will be held. – Telegraph.
DIED on the 14th instant of Convulsions, at Seymour, Stockenstrom, Emison Rupert Crouch, age 18 months, the beloved son of John and Mary-Anne INGLETHORPE.
Mr. and Mrs. INGLETHORPE hereby beg to return their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kind attention shown to them by Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM and their many other friends – too numerous to mention by name – during their sad bereavement: but more particularly do they thank Dr. LAING, District Surgeon &c, for his kind, punctual, regular and unwearied attention to their son during his illness – the attention and kindness thus shown by Dr. LAING can never be repaid by them.
Saturday, January 11, 1873.
Those suffering from Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, or Cramp, will find the ARCANUM an effectual remedy for either of the above Painful Diseases so prevalent in this Colony. Numbers of cases considered hopeless have been cured by using Mrs. Giles STANDFORD’s Arcanum. Sore eyes cured after a few applications of the EYE LOTION, while the EAR OIL has never failed in giving relief to sufferers from Ear-ache, and in many instances has cured Deafness. The Ointment will be found a useful remedy for Erysipelas, Boils, or other Cutaneous Eruptions.
Prepared solely by the Proprietress, at her Residence, Rockcliffe House, Russel-road, PORT ELIZABETH, were they can be obtained.
Diamond-seekers should not fail to supply themselves with
All the above Preparations can be obtained from:
Messrs Charles JAY, Grahamstown
M. LEVISEUR, Bloemfontein. O.F.S.
J.G. van DYKE, Fauresmith. O.F.S.
J. and F. SHEPHERD, Colesburg.
C.B. SCHULTZ, Graaff-Reinet.
A. OCHSE, Du Toit’s Pan, D.F.
HILL and PADDON, Klipdrift, D.F.
WALLAGH, GAU & Co, Dordrecht.
JESSE SHAW & Co., Fort Beaufort.
Mr. HELLIER delivered a very interesting lecture at Eland’s Post a few evenings ago on Chemistry as connected with agriculture and common life.
REAPING “ALLOWANCE.” – Some of the Germans, the cottage farmers, in Kaffraria, say they can get the Kafir man to do very much work, if they take the demijohn of brandy into the field with them, and give out, now and then, an allowance of brandy.
NATIVE CHRISTMAS CHEER. – A traveller passing a Kafir kraal on Christmas Day witnessed a part of the preparations for a great dance and feast. Besides other provisions to be placed before the guests in shining garments, with their lithesome skin bright with the anointing of oil and red clay, there were FIFTY BOTTLES of Cape Brandy standing all in a row. – the glory of the feast and the attraction of all admirers. Kafir beer, at their feasts, is either entirely superseded by this fire-water, or is made doubly intoxicating by its mixture with it.
POUR ENCOURAGER LES AUTRES. – Several constables in Graham’s Town have been fined for getting drunk on duty at night. We are informed that such occurrences are quite common in the city.
MOURNFUL ACCIDENT. – A very sad accident occurred at Adelaide on Monday last, resulting in the loss of two lives. Three lads named LOUW, Van AARDT, and POTGIETER, went to bathe in the Koonap below the town, and young LOUW got over his depth, or got the cramp when Van AARDT, aged 15, went to his assistance. Upon Van AARDT swimming to up to the spot where his companion was struggling, LOUW threw his arms around the neck of his would-be deliverer, and both sank and were drowned. Young POTGIETER, a lad of about 8 years, who was on the banks and saw LOUW struggling, endeavoured to assist him, but on approaching the latter made a grasp at him, which he evaded. The event has cast quite a gloom over the village. The three boys were related closely to each other. The funeral took place on Tuesday.
FOUND DEAD IN A GARDEN. – On Sunday week a man visited Mr. DEAN’s hotel at Newlands, and, after partaking of a glass of wine lay down in the garden to sleep. In the afternoon he was found quite dead. Dr. WRIGHT and the field-cornet were immediately sent for, and on examination it was found that he must have been dead since about ten a.m. The morning previous to this the same person had been at Mr. DEAN’s place and stated that he had been to the Diamond-fields where he was very unlucky, lost all and found nothing, and that he had been second engineer on board the Great Eastern. He gave his name as Alexander John GRAHAM of Natal, and a relative of the founder of Graham’s Town. On his persons there was found 6½d. in money. The discharge is in the custody of the field-cornet. The body was interred on the Claremont Flats. – Standard.
THE MARABASTAD GOLD FIELDS. – An extract from a letter from Pretoria says: - “Numbers are passing through this place disgusted with their experiences at the gold-fields; but still others keep moving up, but not so many, however, as have left. A Mr. LAZENBY and Mr. CUNNINGHAM from Natal, passed through with two wagons containing crusher, drills, and all tools, ready for work. After being absent little more than a week, they have returned, machinery and all, alarmed by the accounts given by the natives. I hear all their traps are to be put up for sale, as they consider it to be useless to proceed further under present circumstances. It is a great pity the felt obliged to turn back. There have been, and are, people from the fields who made it pay, and I feel certain they will ultimately turn out well. One man told me he arrived on the fields pennyless, and found in six weeks, twenty-four ounces of gold. Some he has sold, and some is still at the Government offices for the public to see. There are many other instances of success of course.” – Times of Natal.
(Extract) It is our painful duty to record the death, by drowning, on New Year’s eve, of two younger daughters of Mr. Stephen HARDING, of the farm “Queen’s Park,” adjoining the Queenstown commonage. From what we can gather, it seems that Mrs. GARNER, the eldest and married daughter of Mr. HARDING, together with her three younger sisters, left the house – after having assisted in the preparations for a large pic-nic, which is seems, Mr. and Mrs. HARDING are in the habit of giving every New Year to a large numbers of friends. Instead of going to a hole they usually bathed in, they went to another one further down the river. The three elder sisters having undressed, they joined hands, and were going into the water together. The two girls stepped in first and let go of the hand of Mrs. GARNER, when one of them called out, “O, the water is so deep, I’m drowning!” Upon this Mrs. GARNER jumped in to the assistance of her sisters, and the little girl, a child of some six or seven, ran up to the house to give the alarm. On her way she met one of the native servants, and informed him. He at once made his way to the river, just in time to rescue Mrs. GARNER, who was just sinking.
But for the child having met the native, there would have been three instead of the two deaths. The names of the two girls that were drowned were Hannah Maria and Rhoda Harriet HARDING, aged 16 and 10 years. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved family. – Representative.
Mrs. CLARKE, of Nanaga, burst a blood vessel in her leg last week, and died before medical aid arrived.
MURDER AND SUICIDE. – A horrible murder and deliberate suicide occurred in Aliwal North last week. A Fingo named BOUT, in the employ of Mr. GREATHEAD, first killed his wife in a fit of jealously and then deliberately cut his own throat.
THE PRESIDENT. – We are glad to learn that his Honor has rallied considerably since his medical attendants announced by letter to Sir Christoffel BRAND “All hope of his recovery has been abandoned.” – Friend.
ACCIDENT. – We are sorry to learn that Mr. T.J. WARDLE, manager of the local branch of the Standard Bank, met with a serious accident on the evening of Thursday last. Whilst mounting the stoep in front of his residence he fell and broke his leg. – Colesberg Advertiser.
The death of Mr. Henry FINCH-HORTEN is reported at Aliwal North. Deceased was not quite 20 years of age, and had come to the colony for the sake of his health. He was connected with the Kentish Express at home; and in this colony was on the reporting staff of the Argus, then in charge of the Diggers Gazette and subsequently edited the Aliwal Standard.
A savage attack was made last week upon Mr. Gert Jansen van RENSBURG, of Graaff-Reinet, by two naked Kafirs. Mr. RENSBURG was proceeding with his family in his wagon along the main road, when the two vagabonds each armed with a Kerrie, came up to the wagon. They demanded brandy and wine. On being told there was none, the villains assaulted RENSBURG severely, and were only beaten off eventually by the liberal use of a revolver.
Saturday, January 18, 1873.
SUICIDE. – A most determined suicide was committed on the night of the 3rd instant, or the morning of the 4th, at Galgebosch, by Mr. Jacob van REENEN, of Boschoek, Alexandria. It appears from the report of Mr. Fieldcornet van NIEKERK, that deceased, about 55 years of age, arrived at Galgebosch in company with his neighbours, Messrs. MULLER and Van NIEKERK. They spent the evening of the 3rd together in a merry manner and retired to bed. In the morning van REENEN was missed and on being searched for was discovered hanging dead in a pear tree in the garden. He had taken the reim off one of his mules for the purpose of committing the rash act. Deceased was a man of means and leaves a wife and grown up family. – Uitenhage Times.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – Mr. Hancorn SMITH, a farmer, lately residing near Assegai Bush, was struck dead by lightning on Monday last. Deceased was grandson of Mr. STRINGFELLOW.
MOSSEL Bay. – Jan 7th – A distressing suicide – Mr. E.A. JONES, accountant of the Standard Bank at this place, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself with a pistol in the mouth. No cause can be assigned at present for the rash act.
A good and venerable man has just departed from our midst, whose name is a “household word” in South Africa. Few men, indeed, have been so honourably associated with Cape history, during the past fifty years, as the Rev. William SHAW, whose death we have to record. He had for some sixteen years past resided in England, and expired on Wednesday last, the 4th inst, at his house in Brixton. He was within a few days of attaining his 74th birthday; and it is a pleasure to know that up to the last he retained full possession of his faculties; and a conscious sense of having been usefully and happily employed during a long life time.
He entered the Wesleyan Ministry very early in life; and in that capacity accompanied one of the parties of British Settlers to south-eastern Africa, in the year1820…..
THE PRESIDENT. – His Honor’s health remains about the same. Occasionally he enjoys refreshing sleep. – Friend.
The Cape papers report the death of a son of the Hon. J.C. MOLTENO, a lad about six years of age.
The Uitenhage Times reports the death of Mrs. J.C. HITZEROTH, an old and respected resident of that town.
At Adelaide, on January the 15th, at 2.30, a.m. it pleased the Lord to take to himself Margareth Grant STEGMANN, aged 33 years, beloved daughter of G.W. STEGMANN.
January 15, 1873.
Saturday, January 25, 1873.
MARRIED, - in the Scotch Church, Alice on Wednesday, January 13th, 1873, by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, George, son of R. TERWIN, Esq., of Devonshire, England, to Mary Anne, only daughter of Richard DEWEY, Esq, Chumie, Alice.
ILLUSTRIOUS VISITORS. – Professor NOBLE, and Messrs. John MILLER, Mr. GIBBON, and R.M. ROSS, paid Fort Beaufort a flying visit on their return from their excursions beyond the Kei. They are delighted with the richness and beauty of the country beyond the Kei. They arrived on Tuesday night and left next morning in a special cart for Graham’s Town. The Kreli-Gangelizwe embroglia, we understand, is likely to be amicably concluded.
BOER TABACCO. – We (Alice Standard) are requested to state that this article is now very scarce in this part; in fact hardly procurable.
PRESIDENT BURGERS has written to Mr. MOLTENO congratulating him on the introduction of Responsible Government, and he hopes it will be the means of drawing into a closer union the various States and Colonies of South Africa.
MR. VINCENT RICE, M.L.A. for Beaufort West, died on Saturday at the residence of the Hon. Mr. MOLTENO. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon.
Mr. KOCK has resigned his seat in the House of Assembly for Richmond.
The Friend of the 16th says: “We are sorry to say that we cannot report so favourably as we did last week, respecting the health of His Honor the President. More bad symptoms have manifested themselves. The malady, we fear, has not been arrested in its progress to any appreciable extent.”
THE LATE MRS. SARGEANT. – We regret to say that Mrs. SARGEANT, wife of the Rev. W. SARGEANT, died to-day at one o’clock. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. The funeral is to take place on Sunday afternoon. – Journal.
The Right Honourable the Secretary of State has approved of the following appointments, viz.:- Messrs. W.B. CHALMERS, T.TINLEY, E. GARCIA, F.W. HEROLD, and S. GOLDSBURY, to be Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates of the divisions of Cradock, Swellendam, Beaufort West, Victoria West and Knysna respectively.
DISCHARGED SOILDERS who have received allotments of land under the regulations of the late Kaffrarian Government, and have not yet paid the purchase amounts of these allotments, are warned that unless the full purchase amounts be paid before the end of June next the lands allotted to them will be forfeited.
Cape Town.
Wednesday, Jan. 22.
The S.S. Lapland arrived at 7.30 this morning, bringing news to Dec. 23.
Passengers for Algoa Bay – Miss. E.M. HALL, Mr. ATTWOOD, Master F.W. ATTWOOD,
Wednesday, 22nd Jan., 1873.
Roman arrived at 6 p.m.
List of passengers for Algoa Bay:- Miss NICHOLSON, Capt. E. NIXON, Mr. NIXON, Col. NIXON, Mrs. NIXON and child, Mr. MECAUW, Mr. BOSS, Mr. JENKINS, Mrs. JENKINS, Mr. FLANAGAN.
DRUNKEN ASSAULT. – On Tuesday last, in the afternoon about 4 o’clock, Mr. BIRKETT, with his daughter and a little boy, were proceeding on horseback along the road to Healdtown. After passing the second drift they were overtaken by four or five Fingoes in a state of intoxication, two of whom were seemingly mad for mischief, for they had been racing about in the mealie lands from one group of women to another, interrupting them as they were engaged in hoeing the mealies. One fellow called after Miss BIRKETT, and presently ran up and seized the reins of her horse, raising his Kerrie before her. The horse, running back, dragged from his grasp, and she galloped away. He then seized the reins of the little boy’s horse, demanding some money, resolutely holding them until one of the more sober of his mates interposed. The headman of the location had two of them apprehended and the Magistrate gave them a month’s hard labor.
Saturday, February 1, 1873.
LICENSES issued during January, 1873: -
JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES – Fort Beaufort Fire Insurance, Trust & Loan Investment Company.
BUTCHER – Gert VICTOR, Adelaide.
Local distr. of Stamps.
Stamp Office, Fort Beaufort, Jan. 31, 1873.
DIED at Alice, on the 26th January, 1873, in his 33rd year – Ambrose MULCAHY, Esq., L.R.C.S. Ire., L.M.C.S. Edin., District Surgeon of Victoria East.
We very much regret having to announce the sudden death od Dr. MULCAHY, District Surgeon of Victoria East, which took place at Alice about noon on Sunday last, from the effects of an apoplectic attack. Deceased was apparently in robust health a few days before he was so suddenly carried off. Dr. MULCAHY was for some time District Surgeon of Stockenstrom, and was appointed to Victoria East on Dr. PALMER’s appointment to Fort Beaufort. He was very much liked by those who knew him, both for his professional skill and urbanity. The funeral took place at Alice on Tuesday afternoon, and was attended by the Resident magistrate, Mr. NIGHTINGALE, the other officials, and principal inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood – a good many inhabitants from Fort Beaufort also having attended as a mark of respect to the deceased.
There is nothing in the Friend about the President.
From the Friend of the 23rd inst. – The Venerable Revd. Samuel ROLLAND died at Hermon, Basutoland, on the morning of the 18th inst. – The Bishop of the Diocese, we believe, leaves this to-morrow for Capetown.
Mr. DUNN, the geologist who has just returned from an examination of Namaqualand, report in very high terms on the extent and richness of the copper districts in that part of the colony.
PARLIAMENTARY. – It is officially declared, by proclamation in the Government Gazette of the 17th Inst., that Jacobus Petrus de WET. Esq., has been duly elected by the electoral division of Graham’s Town, a member of the House of Assembly of the Cape of Good Hope.
A CORRESPONDENT writing to an up-country paper says that a lunatic asylum for the Eastern Province is shortly to be established in Graham’s Town, and that the Fort England barracks are being prepared for that purpose.
A RUMPUS NEAR BOSHOF. – To the Editor of the Diamond-News.
Sir, - I suppose it is no news to you to be told that apparently hostilities, on a small scale, have already commenced with the Free State; at any rate, an affray took place near Boshof a day or two since, in which a party of Basutos, leaving the fields for home, were attacked by mounted Boers, and three of their number left hors de combat. The Kafirs were also armed with guns, and from what I hear, did not tamely submit to have their weapons taken. They have returned to the Kopje, and wait reinforcements. This is one aspect of the effect of the gun trade. What else will transpire ere long? – I am, dear Sir (in haste), yours truly, J. ELLIS WEST, New Rush, 17th January, 1873.
EAST LONDON. – The K.W. Gazette says that Captain BRABANT is likely to take Mr. WRIGHT’S place as the second representative of East London.
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. – Ignaas Petrus van NIEKERK, A Dutch transporter-rider, was charged before the Magistrate on Wednesday morning with cruelty to animals. The prisoner said he could not help it; it has been raining on the road, and the necks of the oxen had got chafed. James Young WALLACE, the Inspector of Nuisances, deposed that he saw the prisoner’s span in Main-street, and among the oxen there in a miserable condition, with their necks bleeding, apparently chafed by the yoke. He deemed it his duty to order them to be outspanned and brought to the Court-house for the Magistrate’s inspection. His Worship sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of ten shillings, and warned him not to inspan the animals again until they had recovered. – E.P. Herald.
NATIVE AUDACITY. – Mr. DUNBAR, a farmer residing near Koonap, this morning brought a Kafir herd, in his employ, before the magistrate, charging him with assaulting his master and mistress with a sjambok. It appeared from Mr. DUNBAR’s statement that previous to leaving the farm for a visit to town he had given the prisoner instructions to proceed to Koonap toll to fetch some cattle. He had either neglected to do so, or had performed his duties so improperly as to call forth a remonstrance from his master; he thereupon seized the sjambok Mr. DUNBAR at the time had in his hand, and commenced a savage assault upon him with it. Not content with belabouring his master, he turned upon Mrs. DUNBAR, who was near, and inflicted upon her very severe injuries – one blow striking her across the shoulders and breast, and another encircling the head. The Magistrate placed this gentleman out of harm’s way for a period of 31 days during which time he will be imprisoned without hard labour and 18 days out of that number he will luxuriated on rice water in the solitude of his own cell. – Star.
S.S. “Iceland” arrived this morning at 7 and leaves for England tomorrow.
King Wm’s Town, Friday.
We “Watchman” have just been informed that, intelligence has been received in Town, of the total wreck of the S,S “Bismark” yesterday, six miles off the Keiskama mouth. Passengers and mail are expected here this evening. Weather is said to have been very foggy at the time, and the vessel is a total wreck.
LITHOTOMY. – This delicate and serious operation was successfully performed by Dr. GRAY in the course of last week on a girl, 10 years of age, of Mr. N. GROBBELAAR’s. The stone was of considerable size, weighing three-quarters of an ounce, and a photograph of it has been taken by Mr. A.E. AUSTEN. – Register.
Saturday, February 8, 1873.
Mr. W. STANFORD has been appointed to act as Tambookie Agent, in the place of E.J. WARNER, Esq., who has resigned.
DEATH OF MR. CHAS. ORSMOND. – Mr. Chas. ORSMOND, late of Graham’s Town but recently residing in the district of Albany or Aliwal North, is dead. For many years he held the post of Market-master in Grahamstown, and as such gained the confidence of the Municipality and the respect and esteem of the entire community.
KAFFRARIAN COFFEE. – Mr. Samuel DREDGE, of the Chalumna, exhibited on the K.W. Town market several pounds of a very nice sample of coffee grown on his farm. It fetched 1s 6d per lb.
THE 288½ carat diamond, and the gem known as the “Fly Diamond,” are now in Cape Town. Its owner, Mr. SPALDING, proceeds to Europe by the next steamer.
MR. BROWNLEE has been returned for Burgher’s Dorp. Mr. HOPELY made a virtue of necessity and gracefully retired.
MR I. SONNENBERG has purchased the original diagram of the farm “Vooruitzigt,” on which is in the valuable diggings known as the New Rush. It appears that Mr. De BEER, who sold to the Messrs. EBDEN, was only a squatter by permission of the then owner, and obtained a title to a portion of land by mistake, after the original grant had been made. A huge law suit is in course – damages to be claimed £50,000. Mr. Rose JOHNSON has been retained as advocate by Mr. SONNENBERG, and the attorney who is to have the management of the case is Mr. Selby CORYNDON. – Free Press.
“GLADSTONE.” – This is to be the name of a new town between Queenstown and King Williamstown. – Aliwal Standard.
THE WITCHDOCTOR AGAIN. – We are informed that the witchdoctor has given orders to all the natives in Kafirland to make all their sons wear a tuft of Ostrich feathers just above the forehead, as a dire disease is about to come upon the inhabitants, which will cause the tops of their craniums to fall in. The wearing of the tuft of ostrich feathers is a certain preventative, and the Witchdoctor warns them that no other sort of feathers will do. A Trader informs us that ostrich feathers are in demand, and almost every lad belonging to the heathen stations may now be seen strutting about with the tuft mounted above the forehead.
ACCIDENTALLY DROWNED. – On Wednesday morning a white woman named Eliza CARNEGIE, while bathing on the south side of the Breakwater, was accidentally drowned. It appears that she fell into a deep hole, and no one but her sister being present, before she could be extricated life was extinct. – E.P. Herald.
The President’s health has, upon the whole somewhat improved since Christmas. Sleep, however, we regret to say, has still to be induced by the liberal use of narcotics. We fear the news of the imbroglio in which we have become involved with the British government, and which, unfortunately, it was impossible to keep secret from him, will unduly excite him, and have injurious effect upon his already much shattered system.
FREE STATE ARTILLERY. – The adjutant of this corps, Mr. F.A.J. van RENSBURG, calls for requites between the age of 16 and 20, by order of the Commissioners administering the Government.
STARVATION. – A report has reached the News that 2,000 natives in one cluster had arrived from the interior to within a few miles of the New Rush, but with the exception of 12 men, had completely broken down for want of food and water. They were all prostrate, so the men who came in said, and could not move a mile further.
SUICIDE. – On the morning of Thursday last, a report went the rounds of the effect that a man called Dr. SONNENBERG had sawn his head off in a fit of delirium. On inquiry we found there was some foundation for the report the unfortunate man having rushed into the kitchen of a canteen during the temporary absence of the owner, snatched up a knife, and made a deep gash in the back of his neck with it. He was at once taken to hospital, where he died the next day. – Beaufort Courier.
“NAPAKADE” – The natives over the Ke (Kei) call Mr. BROWNLEE, “Napakade” – Eternity that which never ends.
The late affray between the Boers of the Free State and the Basutos who were returning from the Diamond-field to their homes has been made the subject of an official enquiry by the acting Resident Magistrate of Dutoitspan. From the account given by Basutos it appears the attack was commenced by the Boers, who shot two of the Basutos before they attempted to defend themselves. If this is found to be correct which seems probable the consequences to the Free State may prove more serious than they at present imagine. These Basutos are British subjects.
BIRTH, - At Fort Beaufort, on Monday, 20th ult., the wife of Mr. W.J. QUIN, of a Daughter.
DIED, at the New Rush, on Sunday, the 26th January, 1873, Mr. Thomas YORK, of Fever aged 39 years and 8 months, leaving a disconsolate widow and four children to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Saturday, February 15, 1873.
Mr. SOUTHEY has had the good fortune to find a few Diamonds while sifting.
THE SOUTH AFRICAN DWARF. – A young gentleman, aged 27, a native of South Africa, thirty-two inches in height, is astonishing the people of Pietermaritzburg, at the Dramatic Hall. This diminutive specimen of humanity, it is rumoured, will shortly visit the diamond fields.
The Lady Agnes brings advices from Rio that owing to the floods’ coffee crops suffered severely, yield will be very small! – prices have advanced fifteen to twenty percent.
The Uitenhage Times, says that district supports “one hundred and fifty” canteens! Is it possible? Is there not a slight exaggeration?
DR. BREDA – The frightful tragedy enacted at Fort Beaufort not very many months past must still be fresh in the minds of men. We are most unwilling to rake up one particle of the terrible story which sent a thrill of horror through the whole land. The unhappy man who had to stand his trial for causing the death of his wife, escaped the scaffold under the plea of insanity, and was sent to Robben Island. We now hear that he is declared to be sane, and that application for his release has been, or shortly will be made. We understand that we shall shortly have all the circumstances of the application made public, and it will then be our time for comment. All we should do now is to reflect. The case is a very painful one and on which no journalist should enter without well weighing every circumstance. And we cannot fairly do this when Dr. BREDA’s sanity, new to us and his wife’s death unforgotten. – Standard and Mail.
FROM private letters received by a relative of President BRAND, we are glad to learn that His Honor is very much better. He is now able to move about from room to room, and the dropsical swelling has almost entirely subsided. – Richmond Era.
A diamond of 103 carats was found at Du Toit’s Pan last week.
Longkloof, 1st Feb. – Our own correspondent writes: On Monday night last a wolf chased 116 sheep, belonging to Mr. John EKRON, of Sterkspruit, over a krantz: 55 were killed on the spot, and nearly all the remainder severely bruised. This same wolf has since been carrying on its games among the sheep lying during the night in the veldt on the adjoining farms. Some farmers, in fact many, are in the habit of allowing their sheep to sleep to sleep in the veldt without a herd. Four of these farmers have lost in a most mysterious manner, within a fortnight, no less than 147 sheep. It is supposed that they are carried off by a worthy already famous for his ignorance of the law of meum and tuum. – Dordrecht Guardian.
SUICIDE THROUGH LOVE. – A young man named Andries RETIEF, of Klein Drakenstein has committed suicide by hanging himself. The reason assigned is the refused of his parents to allow him to marry the young lady on whom he had lent his heart. He was twenty-five years of age.
REVOKED. – The warrants lately issued by the New Rush Magistrates for the apprehension of Thomas BEETON and David MILLET have been cancelled.
THERE is a rumour afloat, that a prospecting party discovered a dry diggings on the North of the Vaal, within a few miles of Klip Drift. – Field.
It is said that Mr. INNES is to obtain the Magistracy of King William’s Town.
WILLIAM THORNHILL GILFILLAN, Esq., has been appointed additional Resident Magistrate at Du Toit’s Pan.
WILLIAM COATES PALGRAVE, Esq. has been appointed Acting Resident Magistrate of Pniel, vic R.W.H. GIDDY, Esq., promoted.
The following was told us the other day, and which we have every reason to believe to be true:-
A few days ago, a gentleman, who hails not a hundred miles from Edinboro’ town, was riding near Jacobsdal, close to the cross roads, and who should he come upon, but the plucky Commandant of the celebrated twenty-five braves of Jacobsdal, viz. Mr. Thomas BEETON. Our friend Scotty rode up and said, BEETON, I arrest you in the name of the Queen, at the same time drawing his revolver. BEETON believing him to be in earnest, turned very white, and replied, MAC – we are old friends, I know you won’t shoot me, and claping spurs into his horses ribs, rode for bare life, and from what we can learn, has never been seen since. BRAVO BEETON. – Field.
Cape Town.
Sunday, 9.30 a.m.
The R.M. St. Norseman arrived this morning at 6 o’clock, with news to Jan. 7. Supplements not yet landed. Blowing strong S.E. hale.
Sunday, Noon.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:-
Mr. and Mrs. PROTTSCH and 4 children, Mrs. SOLLOTZ and infant, Mr. and Mrs. SHEEAN, Messrs E.J. WELLS and DURCHELL.
Saturday, February 22, 1873.
FOUND DYING. – Early on the morning of yesterday week a carpenter named CALDECOTT, about 60 years of age, was found by Street-keeper COOMBES lying in a dry part of the river between the drift at the Tronk and the Whittlesea drift. The man was conveyed to the goal hospital, but before he arrived there he expired, and the next day was to a pauper’s grave. The man it seems, - who had been “on the spree” for some previous to his death – died from drink and exposure. He is said to have been a capital tradesman, and to have resided for some time in Grahamstown. – Representative.
A species of sporadic cholera is very prevalent in Richmond, and is causing some trouble.
MELBOURNE, January 3 – More kidnapping of Polynesians is reported.
The official enquiry will close to-day. The outbreak of the crew was a most serious breach of discipline and not mere “skylarking.” The utmost efforts have been made by the authorities to keep the matter quiet. Neither officer nor man has been allowed to leave the ship, or send ashore since the outbreak nor has any civilian been permitted to go aboard.
WEDDING.-On Monday last, a very gay wedding took place at Dutoitspan. Our worthy Inspector of Claims, J.S. WRIGHT, Esq., was united in the hold bonds of matrimony, to Miss Etty Dorothe LAMKUHL, daughter of J. LAMKUHL, Esq., late of Willowmore. A great number of persons were present at the ceremony, and on leaving the Church, a great number of diggers were present to wish the happy couple joy. The service was performed by the Rev. Mr. DOXAT and a full choir. The bride and bridegroom are spending their honeymoon at Pniel. – Friend.
Cape Town, Saturday, Feb. 15, 1873.
The R.M. St. Northam arrived at 10 o’clock last night.
Passengers for Algoa Bay –
Messrs McBEAN, F. BARKIN, TEMPLE, Mr. and Mrs. BRILLE, Rev. and Mrs. McKENZIE, Mr. GELLATHY, Mr. and Mrs. ROBERTS and two children. Mr. M.W. BURRILL, Miss E. STAY, and Moss. A. REYNOLDS.
Death of the Emperor NAPOLEON on the 9th January. A change intervened within a few hours after the last operation, and within 20 minutes from the commencement of the first alarming symptoms, the ex-Emperor was dead. The funeral took place at Chiselhurst.
The Walmer Castle arrived this morning at 11 0’clock, with news to 23rd January.
Napoleon the Third has been interred. A wide-spread feeling of regret at his death is expressed. NAPOLEON the FOURTH is now the watchword of the Bonapartists.
Dr. PUSEY is seriously ill at Genoa.
In a private letter received in Cape Town, in Mr. BRAND’S own handwriting, he says that he now has hope of his ultimate recovery.
A SMALL PACKET, 1½ inches square, between Beaufort and Balfour, addressed Mrs. A. KIDWELL, Burghersdorp. Whoever has found the same shall be rewarded on leaving it at this office.
Saturday, March 1, 1873.
TRAUMATIC TRIMUS. – A case of traumatic trismus has occurred to one Mr. Thomas MULLER, of Aries Hoek, arising out of an accidental blow on the corner of the mouth from a sjambok. The sufferer has been under treatment of Dr. BATTIE, for more than a fortnight, and at first no hopes were entertained of his recovery, but we learn that there are now some favourable symptoms.
DROWNED. – The son of the petty chief VYSE was drowned last week while attempting to cross the Kei at Tylden.
MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. – We publish the following, related to us as being a fact: - A child of Mr. H. BOSHOFF, about 12 months old, was playing in a room when a big adder put in an appearance. The child immediately caught hold of the reptile, when a cat, evidently watching its movements made a spring and bit off its head, this providentially saving the life of the child. – Mossel Bay Advertiser.
OFF WITHOUT NOTICE, - it is commonly reported that Mr. E. GREEN, of Winterberg hotel, has left by the Roman for England, under the name GRAINGER. He has left some enquiring friends behind him.
We regret very much to hear of the death of Mr. William GREEN, which took place at Queenstown on Wednesday. The deceased never recovered from the fever contracted at the Diamond-fields.
DIED, at Queenstown on the 19th February, 1873, - William GREEN, aged 55 years and 2 days, leaving a widow and twelve children to mourn their irreparable loss. – Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
GAMBLING. – There are no less than four new “hells” to be opened at the New Rush this next week. We regret to hear of the popularity of these abominations. – D. News.
A SAD CASE. – The unfortunate man, MARTERS, who was found dead at the bottom of his claim on Monday morning last, had, a week previous, violence practised upon him in his own residence, and from some sharp instrument was severely wounded which leads to the suspicion that foul play may have been the cause of his untimely death.
SATISFACTORY news has been received from Dr. LIVINGSTONE. He had received the supplies and reinforcements sent up by Mr. STANLEY, and has set out for the interior.
WOOD’S COMMERCIAL HOTEL DUTOITSPAN. – This property was sold at auction on Thursday by Mr. ROTHSCHILD for the sum of £450.
SERIOUS LOSS. – We are sorry to hear that during the storm on Tuesday last a dam at the Pniel Mission Station burst, and washed away 900 sheep, the force of the current being such that out of a flock of about 1900 not more than a hundred escaped, the majority having been carried into the river. – News.
FOUND DROWNED. - A digger named NORTON (we believe) was found drowned in his claim on the Colesberg Kopje, No. 7 road, on Sunday last. He appears to have gone into the water to bathe. A towel and piece of soap were found near his body. The water in some of the claims is 10 feet deep. – News.
On the 12th instant, at Natal a white girl was bitten by a snake of the deadly mamba species, but was cured by injection of ammonia into the wound.
Cape Town.
Monday, February 24.
The R.M. St. Asiatic arrived at 5 p.m. this morning. Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Miss C. BECK, Miss ALLEN, Mrs. WILSON and infant, Mr. and Mrs. WINTER and servant, Mr. and Mrs. NEWLAND, Messrs M. JOSEPH, LOWNEY, and HANNER.
Emigrant ship for Hobart Town, run into off Dungeness, by a steamer, and sunk. Three hundred persons drowned. The steamer went on; believed to be from Antwerp bound to a Spanish port. The board of Trade offer £100 for the discovery of the steamer.
Capetown, Thursday, Feb. 27.
On Tuesday Mr. Arthur BARKLY, son of Sir Henry BARKLY, and Private Secretary, was married at Rondebosch to Miss HATCHARD, daughter of the late Lord Bishop of Mauritius. Bishop WELBY and Archdeacon BADNALL officiated.
By last mail, official despatches have been received denying the truth of the statement that the Germans had purchased Delagoa Bay.
Saturday, March 8, 1873.
MURDER AT PNIEL. – A correspondent of the Colesberg Herald writes as follows:-
It is seldom that I have to communicate events so startling as those I have to-day. The first of these is the murder of Mr. William HAYWOOD. The shocking event occurred at Pniel. My informant, who lives on the adjoining farm to Mr. HAYWARD’S, tells me the deceased had received three stabs with a sharp-pointed instrument of some kind or other not known to Mr. D. There must have been great atrocity displayed as in addition to the wounds, the neck of Mr. H. was twisted. Who the murderer was I have not yet heard, nor why the foul deed was perpetrated; but I am well acquainted with the family and shall endeavour to find out particulars by next post. Mr. HAYWOOD was very highly respected by all his friends, neighbours, and acquaintances.
MEALIES are now being imported into Natal from Australia.
OBITUARY. – We regret to record the death yesterday, of Mr. J.J. MANSFIELD, sen., for some years Sexton of St. George’s Cathedral. He had been ailing for some time, and died at the age of 61. – Star.
The Bishop of St. Helena is to be permitted to reside in Capetown.
SALE OF FARMS. – The sale of farms belonging to the Estate of the late J.H. PARKER, took place on Saturday morning last in front of Mr. F.B. BROWNS office, as advertised. There was a good attendance and the results was considered highly satisfactory to the Estate:-
The farm, “Vrisgewaged,” Upper Zwaart Kei, purchaser, Mr. J. PRICE.
The farm, “Roemryk,” Orange Free State, purchaser Mr. KEMP.
The farm, “Verblyden,” Orange Free State, purchaser Mr. KEMP.
The farm, “Eerste Geluk, Orange Free State, purchaser Mr. KEMP.
The farm, “Olive Grove,” Orange Free State, purchaser Mr. JONES.
The farm, “Kass Kloof,” Transvaal, purchaser Mr. TURVEY.
The farm, “Adamsfontein,” Cradock, was sold by auction by Messrs. ARMSTRONG and ZIERVOGEL on Saturday and realised the handsome sum of £3,005.
Four ervent at Tarkastad, purchaser Mr. J.A. De WET. The whole realizing the sum of £1260 10s. – Free Press.
It is said that the natives boil the meat of meltziekte cattle with stink-blaar (stramonium), a virulent poison, which renders the flesh innocuous and eatable with impunity.
KING, the constable, well known in Fort Beaufort, died on Friday, after an illness of a couple of months. Disease of the liver was the occasion of death. He leaves a wife and family to deplore his early death.
TREKKING FROM THE FREE STATE. – Several Farmers with their ‘treks’ from the Free State en route for the Colony passed through here and Sanddrift during the week. These people are said to be alarmed at matters in the Free State, and declared that “alles zal niet regt komen.” One burley gentleman publishes it as a fact that a letter acknowledging the Free State as “bondgenoot” had been received by the Volksraad from Bismarck, and that the Prussians are coming to ‘smash up’ the Diamond-field Government and hunt Sir H. BARKLY out of Africa. The Pontoon Company, we fancy, are making a good thing out of canards circulated in the Free State. – Aliwal Standard.
DEATH OF DR. PAWLE. – The death is announced in the papers of Dr. PAWLE, an old and respected inhabitant of the George district. Deceased came to this colony in 1820 in the Belle Alliance, with a party of British Settlers, and after remaining in the Eastern Province a year or two, was appointed district surgeon of George. He had attained the advanced age of 84 years.
Cape Town.
Wednesday, March 5.
R.M.S. “Celt” arrived during the night with news to 5th February.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:
Mr. and Mrs. SCORGIE, Miss INNES, Mr. E., Mrs. and Miss BRUTON, Mr. EVANS, Mr. DUMONLIN, and Mr. J. THOMPSON.
Saturday, March 15, 1873.
Mr. W.H. CATHERINE has been appointed Road Inspector of the Divisional Council of Wodehouse at a salary of £200 per annum, and has entered upon the duties of his office. – Dordrecht Guardian.
INTELLIGENCE was brought into town on Saturday of the death of the venerable and esteemed missionary, the Rev. Mr. LIEFELDT, of the Moravian Mission Station, Petersburg. K.W.T. Gazette.
THE PRUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. – The Transvaal Government, we are informed, has received from the Prussian Consul at Natal, 19 pieces of Ordinance and 1,000 Needle Guns, all of such have arrived at Pretoria. – Field.
A VALUABLE cow belonging to Mr. GOWIE has been hamstrung by a Kafir lad. The rascal has been convicted and sentenced to one year’s hard labour.
FATAL OCCURRENCE. – A very sad occurrence took place on Tuesday morning, by which a man named John COCHRANE, was instantaneously hurled from time into eternity. The post-cart (Cook's) had just taken up in Caledon-street as passengers, Mrs. TAUTE and another lady. The deceased who was standing with two other men at the corner, near the Malay Mosque, got kicked down by the leaders and the cart passed over him, completely smashing his skull. The Magistrate, Field Cornet and District Surgeon, were quickly on the spot, and a post mortem was held by Dr. SOUTHERLAND, which showed that death must have been instantaneous. The cart was driven by the well-known whip, KAFAAR, senr., and he was arrested and brought up from the Bay in the evening on a charge of capable homicide, but on his arrival here was immediately liberated on bail. Deceased was the son of a former gaoler of Uitenhage by a coloured woman; He had been all his life, with the exception of two intervals, in the ROSELT family, and was servant of Mr. Surveyor ROSELT, when he was killed. He was highly respected by Mr. ROSELT for his fidelity and honesty. He was formerly a member of the Cape corps; had a horse shot under him at Boomplaats; and was one of the few who remained loyal when that corps mutinied. – Uitenhage Times.
CURIOUS ACCIDENT. – On Monday last, as Mr. COOPER of Klipdrift was using a chisel, in making a mould when the chisel slipped and cut off the end of one of his fingers. COOPER at once went to Dr. HALL, who asked for the piece cut off. This was sent for, and strapped on to the finger, where it is growing fast, as naturally as possible. – Field.
(Extract) We regret to announce the death of Mr. Thomas GILBERT, of this district, who expired on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of the Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN. Deceased had been suffering for some time from derangement of the digestive organs which terminated in dysentery and inflammation of the stomach. He was the youngest son of the late Mr. William GILBERT, sen., of Grahamstown, and resided in this district for many years on the farm Sephton Manor, as a sheep farmer.
The Transvaal Advocate says that some wagons en route from Natal to Potchefstrom containing gunpowder for Messrs SCORGIE and Co., of that town, and Mr. DYASON of Marico have been seized by the Free State authorities at Harrismith. These wagons were travelling without a permit required by the Free State law. The Advocate adds, however, that, explanations having been given, the wagons and property have been restored.
ABRAHAM HELY HUTCHINSON LATTEY, Esq, M.R.C.P., is appointed District Surgeon for the division of Victoria East, in the room of Dr. Ambrose MULCHAY deceased.
DEATH OF MR. VICKERS. – It was with deep regret and surprise that we heard on Monday evening that Mr. Andrew VICKERS, the proprietor of the “Diamond Field” newspaper, had breathed his last. His death was quite sudden and unexpected, for although he had been ailing for some time, no serious result was anticipated. He had carried on the business of printer in the Colony – at Grahamstown, and Fort Beaufort, for many years, and he had recently brought up his wife and family to settle at Klipdrift; his family is a large one, and they have our most sincere sympathies in their bereavement. – News.
The death is announced of Mrs. BREBNER, the wife of Rev. Professor BREBNER, of Gill College, Somerset East. The deceased lady was greatly respected.
MR SCHWEIZER’S steam wool wash was set in operation yesterday. Though full steam was not put on, 11 bales were washed in four hours; and it is alleged the wool was quite well done, as it is in Uitenhage. – Burghersdorp Gazette.
EDWARD JEFFRIES, the farmer charged with the crime of arson in the district of East London, has been acquitted at the Circuit Court at King Williamtown on the grounds of insanity.
DANIEL McNAMARA, has been convicted at K.W. Town of the theft of the span of oxen he sold some months back to Mr. J. WOEST, of this district, and has been sentenced to 18 months hard labor.
At the sale of landed property in this estate held at Somerset, 12th inst., by Mr. J.A. de WET , the following:
Farm ”Hartebeeste Lagte” sold to J. LOTTER.
Farm “Beesjes Fontein” sold to J.P.J. NEL.
Cape Town.
Saturday, March 8.
Mr. MUSGRAVE, the present Governor of Natal, has been selected to succeed Sir James FERGUSON in South Australia.
The schooner Clipper, in crossing the bar at Hondeklip Bay, drifted on the rocks and became a total wreck.
Saturday, March 22, 1873.
Dr. William BATTIE, M.R.C.S. and F.A.S.L., of London, and Mr. McDONALD, have commenced PRACTISE at Fort Beaufort, and may be consulted at any hour at Mr. J. O’GARA’S, Royal Hotel, until such time as the premises next door to Mr. H.E. McTAGGART’S Auction Mart, are repaired, which will be the future residence and Surgery.
MORTALITY. – We regret to say that the death rate in Fort Beaufort has lately been much beyond the average. We last week announced the death of Mr. Thomas GILBERT, and shortly before that the demise of a daughter of Mr. George AYTON. This week we have to announce the death of a daughter of Mr. W. PEDLAR, and an infant daughter of Mr. W. MORKEL from croup.
MRS HARPER, wife of the Rev. J. HARPER, of King William’s Town died at East London on Monday last.
Mrs. HIGGS, wife of Mr. W. HIGGS of K.W. Town died on the 16th.
STOCKENSTROM. – Last week mail brought painful intelligence of the death in England of Mrs. SMIT, wife of M.E. SMIT Esq., of Seymour. The event was improved by Rev. James READ last Sunday in the Independent Chapel Seymour, by combining two texts:
“It is well,” and “Aaron held his peace.” – Communicated.
Mr. J. THOMAS, who lost a number of sheep, at last discovered that his herds were in the habit of smothering them in order to obtain and eat the flesh. The herds have bolted. – Free Press.
DEATH OF MRS. FISH. – The town was shocked to hear yesterday of the death of Mrs. FISH, wife of the Rev. J. FISH, Wesleyan minister, after a brief illness of four days. Mrs. FISH was out walking on Friday and Saturday last but on Sunday was taken suddenly ill. Medical advice was immediately called in, and she has had unremitting attention paid her, but, despite every effort, yesterday at noon she breathed her last, under the most distressing circumstances. Mrs. FISH had been married but little more than eight months, and at the time of her death was not quite twenty years of age. The deepest sympathy is felt for Mr. FISH, who is almost crushed under this severe affliction. The mortal remains of Mrs. FISH will be interred this afternoon. – E.P. Telegraph.
UITENHAGE. – Kafaar SAVAHL was on Monday committed for trial on a charge of culpable homicide, for causing the death of John COCHRANE, by driving over him.
-Mr. AYLIFF, M.L.A. has been entertained at a dinner by the residents of Jansenville.
-An enquiry into the fire at Mr. BASSONS shop in Uitenhage was held on Monday last.
SUEING A JUDGE. – Yesterday at the Wynberg Court, Mrs. Hester MYBURG sued Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK for £10 – house rent alledged to be due for January, 1870. The Judge’s agent objected that it was not competent to sue a judge of the Supreme Court without leave first had and obtained from that Court, and quoted the rule of the higher Court on that point; but the Magistrate held that the rule did not apply to his Court, and asserted his jurisdiction. The Judge was examined and emphatically denied the debt. The case was postponed for further evidence. – Standard and Mail.
ANOTHER BARRISTER. – Mr. E. BUCHANAN, after studying the law in England for three years having passed as a barrister, has returned to the Cape to commence practise.
DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 18th, March 1873, of Bronchitis and Croup, Bertha Emily, infant daughter of William MORKEL, Esq., Attorney-at-law, and Notary-Public.
We beg to tender our grateful thanks to Dr. PALMER, for his extreme kindness and attention to our little darling, during her short illness, and to the many kind friends who sympathised with us in our bereavement.
Cape Town, Friday.
Steamer “Iceland,” with news to the 15th February, at 6 a.m.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
First class – Mr. and Mrs. LAMB and four children; Miss DAVENISH, Mr. Mrs. and Miss BRUTON, Miss BENTON, Mr and Mrs RYMER, Mr. BENBOW, Miss BLYTHE, Miss WRIGHT, Mr. DAVIDSON, Mr. HOWSE, Mr BENJAMIN.
Second class: Mr. SCHWERASBERG.
The death is announced of Baron de LORENTZ, formerly Resident Magistrate of Cape Town.
King of Spain has abdicated – abdicated accepted. Republic established by vote. The King, Queen and family at Lisbon, where they embark for Italy.
Death at Baviaan’s river. – Mr. William ROBERTS died at this farm last week, and was buried on Sunday. He had been ailing sometime from the effects of fever taken at the Diamonds fields.
NEW VILLAGE. – We understand that Mr. NIGHTINGALE, C.C. and R.M., Alice, has received instructions from Government to have Aberdeen declared a village. The erven have already been surveyed by Mr. van REENEN. “Calderwood” is to be the name of the village.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A young may (man) named RIGSBY, was killed at Parker’s shooting gallery, New Rush, on Friday last, by the accidental discharged of one of the guns. The bullet entered be behind the ear, and lodged in the brain, death being instantaneous.
Saturday, March 29, 1873.
HARTEBEESTE. – A fine young hartebeest offered for sale by Mr. WOLHEIM at the midday produce market Wednesday last was purchased by Mr. BOVEY for £15 5s. This species of antelope is said to be very rare in Europe. – Telegraph.
LONGEVITY. – At Beaufort West on the farm of Mr. W. JACOBS, died on the 24th ult., a German native of Berlin – at the extreme age of 123 years, 3 months and 8 days – he was only 14 days ill. He perfectly remembered Frederick the Great, and was present when ROBESPIERRE was guillotined. At Jena he was a man of 67 years. He had been 11 years in the employ of Mr. JACOBS, and was regarded with almost veneration by the neighbours as well as the family.
FORGERY. – It is reported that a boy, only fifteen years of age forged his father's name the other day to a cheque for about £380, and, having drawn the money, left for parts unknown. The suspicion is that the lad has gone with a youthful companion who is also missing. – Argus.
Cape Town.
The R.M.S “Danube” arrived during the night.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:
Cape Town, Thursday.
Gothland arrived yesterday.
Passengers for Algoa Bay.
Mr. William WATTS and Mrs. WATTS, Mr. William PHILSS, Mr. W.A. MacGREGOR, Mr ARMACH, Mr. A. COLME, Mrs KENNY, Mr. L. KENNY, Mr. A. KENNY and infant.
Leaves on Saturday.
Danube left yesterday afternoon.
THE TELEGRAPH. - Mr. HOELTZER, the representative of Siemen Brothers, has passed through Cradock, hard at work pegging out the line.
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