Fort Beaufort Advocate 1873 2 April - June
Saturday, April 5, 1873.
Mr. E. HENNEYMEYER intending shortly to leave for Europe, requests all ACCOUNTS against him to be sent AT ONCE for adjustment; and those indebted to him will please settle their Accounts within six weeks from this date, after which legal proceedings will be instituted.
Adelaide, Feb. 26, 1873.
Mr. TAIT has been returned by Richmond as member of the Assembly in the place of Mr. KOCK. Dr. KOTZE, in proposing him, said “that Mr. TAIT was a staunch Midlander, and therefore opposed to Separation and the annexation of the Diamond-fields.”
Mr. TORBETT, M.L.A. is at present on a visit to Grahamstown.
News has been received by the Syria of the death of Baron de LORENTZ, who was for 36 years Police Magistrate of Capetown. By his decease a pension of £600 per annum reverts to the colony.
A FINGOE woman has committed suicide near King Williamstown, by hanging herself with a rope of monkey touw. The serious illness of a favourite child was the cause of the act.
The marriage of the Hon. Eliot C. YORKE to Annie, second daughter of Sir Anthony ROTHSCHILD took place at Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, on February 11.
DEPARTURE OF M. JENNINGS, Esq. – Among the passengers to England per R.M.S. Syria is M. JENNINGS, Esq., Sub-Collecter of Customs at this port, who after many years’ active service and close application to official duties, is seeking relaxation in a trip to the Fatherland. If any officer in the public service deserves a holiday, Mr JENNINGS does. – E.P. Herald.
DR. HESSEL, the Lutheran clergyman who was wrongly charged with the murder of the woman BUSWELL, has been indemnified by the Government, and has been presented with a purse of £1250 and a silver cup. He was entertained at a public dinner in London before his departure.
The Rev. W.C. WEBB, Wesleyan Minister, is a passenger from Capetown by the Syria.
The rev. gentleman is to be stationed at Dordrecht.
A little boy, son of Mr. S. BEKKER of Aliwal North, has died from injuries received through being trampled by a goat.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – We are informed that on Tuesday last a Dutch farmer named Cornelius Johannes du PLESSIS, while riding on his wagon near the farm “La Grange” in this district, fell from the same, the wheel passing over him and breaking one of his hips. The unfortunate man died 36 hours after the accident from the effects of the injuries received. He leaves a wife and eight children almost destitute. – Representative.
KAFIR ATROCITY. – An esteemed correspondent sends us the following: - “The foulest piece of atrocity lately heard of in this colony, was committed this week by Kafirs of MAGOMA’S Kraal, between Stutterheim and Keiskamma Hoek. Mr. STUBBS, on the Bontebok Vlakte, left his sheep out in the veldt for a short time to dry, prior to shearing. Three Kafirs (including two of MAGOMA’S sons) took a fancy to the wool of these sheep and set to work to shear twenty two; this being done, they bagged the wool; not content with the theft of the wool, the twenty two sheep were then killed by having their throats cut, their carcasses being left to rot in the veldt. The owner in making the search for the missing sheep was led to the spot where his twenty-two sheep were killed, by the vultures who were preparing for a feast on carcasses. I am glad to state that the headman of MAGOMA’S kraal has captured the thieves, and that Baron de FIN has sent them to the prison at King Williamstown, where it is hoped they will meet with the severest punishment such a crime merits. – Watchman.
A man named PHILIPS, by trade a tailor died very suddenly at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday last.
Mr. FRANCIS, the well known trader, has arrived at Hope Town with 24,000 lbs of ivory and 1,000 lbs of ostrich feathers.
APPOINTMENT. – It is said that Mr. M.R. PIERS has been appointed clerk to the Solicitor-General.
BOER TABOCCO. – A great scarcity prevails here just now of Boer tobacco.
With unfeigned sorrow it is our painful task to day to record the death, in his 70th year, at his late residence, the hill, Port Elizabeth, of Frederick Oliver HUTCHINSTON, Esq, for many years past the able, active, trusted and much respected Town Clerk of this town. – Telegraph.
Mr. John STONIER continues to publish his intensely silly effusions in the Argus. His latest production is a bad attempt to write ‘nigger English.’
We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. SMIT, wife of Mr. M.E. SMIT of Elands Post, and daughter-in-law of the Rev. N. SMIT of this town. The deceased lady died in England on the 27th of January last, leaving both in this and the mother country a large circle of friends and admirers to lament her departure from this life. For some time before leaving for England, which she did on the 25th May last in the Syria, she was under the medical treatment first of Dr. EGAN of Kingwilliamstown and then of Dr. WILLIAMSON, of this city, the latter of whom recommended to her a visit to Europe. When in England she was attended by two eminent physicians who at once pronounced her malady incurable, adding that alleviation from pain was all that could be done for her. It was arranged for her to return to her home on the 29th of January, but as before stated two days before that time she died. She leaves to mourn their irreparable loss a widowed husband and five children. - Journal
DIED, at Stoke Newington, London on Monday Evening 27th January, 1873, when on a visit to relatives in her native land, with the view of obtaining medical aid, Mary Ursula, the beloved wife of Martin E. SMIT, Esq, of Seymour Stockenstrom.
DIED at the Residence of the Rev. Thos. HENCHMAN, Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday 12th inst, Thomas GILBERT Esq of Septon Manor. Aged 57 years.
Saturday, April 12, 1873.
A coloured child was found in the streets on Saturday night having been dropped or abandoned by its mother a drunken Hottentot. The infant has since died, having been exposed to rain for several hours.
We regret to hear that Dr. McCARTHY, of the Convict Department at East London, is seriously ill.
The remains of the late Rev. Father HIDIEN have been removed from the Diamond Fields and interred at Bloemfontein, where a monument is to be raised to this memory.
PLENTIFUL. – There are large numbers of springbucks on the farms between Emms’ hotel on the Fish River Randt and Keen’s Hotel at Gaba. On nearing the latter place, flocks may be seen roaming about in hundreds.
SAD ACCIDENT. – We have just been informed that a sad accident befell a Mr. FERREIRA a few days ago. He, it appears was out hunting in the neighbourhood of Sidbury when a porcupine attacked him thrusting its quills through his boots, besides poking him in the legs. He now lies in a precarious state, and serious doubts are entertained of his life. – Penny Mail.
ACCIDENT. – We regret to hear that an accident of a serious nature occurred to Mr. A.N. ELLA on Monday last. Mr. ELLA was on the roof of the engine-house, some ten feet high, connected with his steam woolwash on the farm “Ashley.” Stepping on to a portion of the roof which was not secured, Mr. ELLA lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground, breaking his collar-bone and receiving several severe contusions in the region of the chest, besides several superficial scalp wounds. – Representative.
GOLD. – It is reported in the Transvaal that one person at Lydenburg has succeeded in getting out fifteen ounces of gold in one day.
A branch of the Standard Bank is to be opened in Fort Beaufort, under Mr. RHIND’S management.
An individual, under the initials H.D., advertises for a wife in the Uitenhage Times.
None but the young and beautiful need apply.
N.B. The advertiser does not hold himself responsible to accept every or any applications.
NARROW ESCAPE. – As Mr. GILBERT was going down the St. George’s tower stairs, after inspecting the alterations, a bucket full of lime fell from the pulley and struck him a severe blow. A difference of a couple of inches in the line of descent would have caused death. Happily Mr. GILBERT escaped with a bruise. – Journal.
The death of Mr. RATHFELDER, proprietor of the well known hostelry on the Simon’s Town Road, took place on Tuesday last. Mr. RATHFELDER was in the sixty first year of his age.
A MONSTER WATERMELON! – A watermelon has been grown on the farm of Mr. G. MEYER, Brandwatch, in the George District, weighing no less than 46 lbs.
Mr. C.A. FAIRBRIDGE has received and accepted a requisition to represent Riversdale in the House of Assembly.
THE ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. – The man BLAKE who endeavoured to destroy himself by taking a mixture of prussic acid, has been sentenced to 14 days imprisonment.
The Somerset Courant reports the death of Mrs. DEWARE, wife on the Rev. J. DEWARE, the newly appointed missionary to Glenthorn.
A WISE man may be pinched by poverty; but only a fool will let himself be pinched by tight shoes.
In Cincinatti there is said to live a man so bow-legged that he has his trousers cut with a circular saw.
There is a man in Kent who is so fond of money that it is said that, after paying a man a bill, he walks home with him so as to be near the money as long as possible.
Saturday, April 19, 1873.
SEVERAL farmers from the Bontebok flats passed through the town this week with their flocks, which they are removing in consequence of the severity of the cold on the flats, to a milder climate. Amongst others, Mr. BOWKER, with his large flocks passed through.
POLICE. – We understand that the police here are under orders to hold themselves in readiness to move to the front at a moments notice. The Kreli-Gangalizwa feud has not quite subsided.
An advertisement appears in the Port Elizabeth papers from a Mr. Paul PERRIN, notifying that he is prepared to purchase the skins of lambs which have been born dead. These skins are required for the manufacture of gloves, and can be prepared in the usual way.
CAUTION TO WIFE-BEATERS. – Judge Lynch has been at work in Queenstown. A few evenings since, a number of men turned up at the residence of a party who has long been notorious for brutality to his wife, arrested him and marched him down to the river. They immediately proceeded to dunk their victim, and between each immersion made him promise that he would not ill-treat his wife again; they afterwards cut off his hair, and beard, and whiskers, and let him go, with a caution that if he transgressed again he would be much more severely dealt with. We believe that none of the parties to this piece of summary justice were recognized. – Representative.
PAMPHLET. – We have been requested to state that there is now in the press for publication, in pamphlet form, a lecture delivered by the Rev. Father O”HAIRE, in Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Capetown, in January, 1873.
Subject: “The Victories of the Catholic Church during 1900 years, over every species of Opposition, testified by the History of the Entire world.” – Argus.
The whole of the ivory brought down by Mr. FRANCIS has been purchased by John LOCKE, Esq.
A NATIVE wedding party – 20 in number – in crossing the T’Somo river in a boat, were upset, and the whole were drowned with the exception of four.
A WONDERFUL STORY, says the “Globe,” comes from Paris. A German professor – the nationality to be noted – begged two condemned Communists, name DODU and BRUN from M. Thiers, in order that he might, as a scientific experiment, kill them and bring them to life again at the end of three months after death. His plan was to inject solution of calx into the system, by which decomposition was to be prevented; and according to his theory the patient might be revived, not only at the end of three months, but of three hundred years, according to desire. In the presence of medical men and public functionaries, the Professor, having administered chloroform, to each of the men, injected the solution and then bled them till they died. The corpses were then desiccated by the heat of furnaces till they shrivelled and till the skin became yellow, like leather. In this state they remained in a moderate temperature for the prescribed three months, and then the process of revivication [sic] began, by injecting the blood of two healthy labours, and by the application of the galvanic battery. The process completely failed in the case of DODU. But in that of BRUN the result was, to say the least, surprising. First the opaque eyeballs rolled in their yellow sockets, the muscles began to twitch, the heart to beat; and at last, after fourteen hours of treatment, BRUN spoke, rose from the table, swallowed a bowl of beef tea and several ounces of brandy, and audibly grumbled of soreness in his limbs and of pain in the regions that had rested on the table. He is now alive and well in Switzerland under the assumed name of FOURBE, while a “post mortem” examination showed that fatty degeneration of the heart had prevented the revival of DODU. So anyone who wishes to see how the world looks a hundred years hence has only to apply solution of calx and to leave word when he is to be called.
KAFIR NUDITY. – An unkempt urchin was fined before the R.M., on Thursday for being found in the town streets without clothes. The lad’s answer to the charge was “he did not know he was naked.” Those who understand Kafir notions of nudity will readily accept the boy’s confession of innocence.
BRANDY SMUGGLING. – The proprietor of the shop in Schelm Kloof, Mr. GILLYBRAND, to whom a license was lately refused for the sale of brandy, has been fined £10 for selling brandy in contravention of the Wines and Spirit Ordinance. Mr. GILLYBRAND, we are informed has noted an appeal from Magistrate’s verdict and judgement.
DISTURBING A CONGREGATION. – Three school-natives, girls in service in the town, have been fined 10s. each for disgraceful conduct in the Wesleyan Native Chapel during the evening service.
Mr. J. O’GARA, was re-elected a Commissioner of the Municipality on Wednesday last.
DRUNKEN ASSAULT. – Being a short distance from the town walking out for pleasure Mrs. O’GARA and Miss HANLEY were assaulted by a Kafir, threatening to ride over them and demanding money from them. The fellow confessed he was blind with drink, and knew nothing of the circumstances. Sentenced to three months hard labor.
MARRIED, at Balfour, on Wednesday, the 9th instant, by Rev. Dr. STEWART, of Lovedale, John LAING, of Eland’s Post, to Helen Agnes, daughter of Rev. W.R. THOMSON, of Balfour. – No cards.
Saturday, April 26, 1873.
Fort Beaufort, April 17, 1873.
I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellent qualities of the SPECIFIC prepared by Mr. SHAW, having been troubled with DYSENTERY very often for about eight years. On my leaving for the “Diamond fields,” I took a bottle with me, I had OCCASION TO USE it on the road, I took TWO doses of it and “the next day I was quite well,” AND NEVER have had any occasion to use it since.
I remain,
Yours truly,
Cape Town, Monday. April 21, 1873.
The R.M.S. “Basuto,” arrived 6 p.m. with news to 15th March.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mr. GALPIN, Mr. W.H. SMITH, Mr. CASS, Mr. P. JAEGER and Mr. Thos. HICKS.
Donald CURRIE is about to put on one of his steamers for the coast trade between Table Bay and Natal.
Sir Benjamin PINE has been appointed Governor of Natal.
Cape Town, Tuesday.
The Tenton arrived this morning at half past six. Iceland at nine o’clock.
Passengers per Tenton for Port Elizabeth:
Mr. and Mrs. OSCHE and two children, Mr. A, MAIR, Mr. GRACIE, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. SOLOMON, Mr. and Mrs. ZIMMERMAN, Mr. BRENWAR, Mr. CUTHBERT, Mr. R.J. GEORGE.
Mr. Henry BENJAMIN has brought out with him from England a self-playing piano. He has kindly placed this novel instrument at the disposal of the Clock Tower Committee. It is, we are informed, decided to get up a musical entertainment on behalf of the Tower fund, at which the piano will make its first public appearance in this colony. – Journal.
By letter to hand last evening from the Diamond Fields news was received of the death of S. ARBOUIN, Esq., for many years a resident of Grahamstown, where he practised as an attorney.
Mr. HODGKINSON of Lower Albany has sent us the following for publication:- Kneesall was recently thrown into a state of excitement by the announcement of a wedding about to take place from the quiet little village of Ompton, which is situated about one mile distance. The names of the happy bride and bridegroom are Mr. George ELVIDGE, widower, aged 75, and Mrs. Mary BOOTH, widow, aged 76. The bride was given away by Mr. C. WILSON, aged 66. The bridesmaid was Mrs. WILSON, aged 72. They were brought to church by Mr. S. KELK, aged 56, in a carriage and grey, kindly lent to them by W. HODGKINSON Esq. The carriage has been in use 30 years, and the horse 25 years. As the wedding party was leaving the church the bride was presented with 50 farthings, kindly given to them by Mr. HOPKIN. There were many people assembled to witness this remarkable wedding. The bells rang out a merry peal and [when] the happy pair arrived at their destination they were met by a band of music, which played at intervals during the day. This is the fifth wedding this summer since the church has been undergoing restoration. – Mansfield Reporter.
The gold fever is spreading very rapidly in Durban and Maritzburg.
Mr. BAINES has purchased a steam engine in Port Elizabeth for the purpose of quartz crushing at the Matabili land gold-fields.
GRAAFF-REINET public meetings must prove teazers for reporters: the Advertiser says “it is customary for all to speak at once.”
Saturday, May 3, 1873.
MORTALITY. – Several children have died lately. There were three burials this week. One was a case of croup.
TO THE GOLD FIELDS. – By advertisement in front page it will be seen that Mr. A.W.E. BUCKLEY of the Winterberg has started three trains of wagons from Port Elizabeth to the Gold fields, via Grahamstown, Fort Beaufort, and Queenstown. The trains, each comprising five wagons, meet at the Orange and Vaal Rivers. Such enterprising men as Mr. BUCKLEY deserve encouragement, and we trust that those who derive the most benefit from speculations of this nature will not be slow to see its advantages.
LUNG SICKNESS is prevalent in Lower, Albany.
THE “DANUBE” took for England, from Algo Bay and Capetown, no less than one hundred and forty-two passengers.
OSTRICH farming is meeting with a drawback in the shape of tapeworms in the young birds, several cases in the Waterkloof, near Colesberg, having terminated fatally.
A YOUNG MAN named William SALISBURY, lately in the employ of Wm. JONES, Port Elizabeth, went with some friends to bathe at the breakwater on Monday morning, when he was unfortunately carried away by the strong current sweeping round the shield, and, before assistance could be rendered he was drowned.
THE PASS LAW. – The Telegraph hopes that a revision and amendment of the Pass Law will occupy a share of the attention of Parliament. The hardship to some of the natives under existing regulations, is unmerited, to say nothing of the awkward position a magistrate is occasionally placed in.
THE WAY TO DO IT. – At the ordinary meeting of the Graff-Reinet Municipality last week, Mrs. C.H. OLVIER, was charged with contravening the 46th section of the Municipal Regulations, by allowing her pig to roam in the street. A letter from the lady stated that it was impossible for her to attend, but as the pig was let loose by the neglect of her servant, she hoped Commissioners would let her off with the lowest fine. – Fined five shillings.
CAPTAIN ALEXANDER GORDON, late of the 11th Regiment, but who has for some time occupied the post of assistant Road Inspector at New Rush, died suddenly on the 18th inst. He was well known here in King Williamstown.
DROWNED. – On Tuesday morning the body of a man named Charles WILKINSON was found in the dam below Hamilton Reservoir, Grahamstown.
INSPECTOR HOOK, of the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, has received the appointment of Inspector of the Northern Border Police in place of Inspector JACKSON.
Saturday, May 10, 1873.
SEVERAL parties have left the Diggings for the Lydenberg Gold-fields, and others are preparing to follow.
STRANGE. – A Kaffrarian paper says, Mr. SCHERMBRUCKER sold a large travelling wagon fitted up conveniently like a house with a span of 10 oxen for £172. Kaffrarian auctioneers dispose of queer articles it seems.
A RUMOUR is current in Bloemfontein that a member of the Volksraad has been arrested on a charge of high treason.
SPALDING’S DIAMOND. – We are informed that Mr. SPALDING, during his recent visit to Port Elizabeth, disposed of his monster diamond of 288 carats, which he found at Waldek’s Plant for £10,000 cash! The purchaser was Mr. CARSTENS, who acted on behalf of a company of four Port Elizabeth merchants.
FIRE AT THE NEW RUSH. – We regret to hear that Messrs. DRIVER and STANFORD’s dwelling in this camp was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning last. All their private effects (with the exception of some wearing apparel) and bank notes to the value of about fifty pounds, were consumed in a few minutes, the adjoining building, occupied by Mr. CHUBBS, was saved. Origin of the fire is a mystery. The house was constructed of deal with corrugated iron roof.
DIPTHERIA continues very prevalent in Port Elizabeth.
JAMES ROSS INNES, Esq, has [been] appointed C.C. and R.M. of King Williamstown.
A GOLD MINING COMPANY is in course of formation at the New Rush.
A “SPECIAL” AT LARGE. – Mr. AYTON who announced himself a few weeks since as the editor of the: “Griqualand West Review,” last week took Mr. PIPER’S horse from outside that gentleman’s office and rode off, no one knows where, although many are very desirous of knowing. He had agreed to purchase the horse, but had not closed the bargain to the satisfaction of the owner of the animal. He said he wanted a horse with some “go” in him, as it was required by the “Review” for its special, who was just going off to report on the Gold Fields. The proprietors had paid him their contributions of capital which he has pocketed, and he is indebted very largely to several gentlemen – one of whom claims over £500. Our young contemporary is a sweet spoken young man of fair complexion and most genteel manners. But in spite of fine phrases, fair features and gentility, the promising youth is gone. This is to be regretted on many grounds, but more especially because he had promised to reform the press of Griqualand West, and before nine months had set to give the people of the fields a press as unblemished as the morning star! Alas! Our hopes are gone with Mr. PIPER’S horse. The worst of it is that the government refused to let the police follow the missing “reformer” until a guarantee was given for all expenses which the police might incur.
Saturday, May 17, 1873.
Mr. CUTTER’s kraal was entered a short while since and five hundred sheep stolen. The thieves were apprehended, and all but thirty of the stolen flock recovered.
JAMES MURRAY GRANT, Esq., Inspector of the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace, for all the Eastern Districts of the colony, during pleasure.
ACTION FOR SLANDER. – In the Magistrate’s Court on Monday, Mr. T. CUTTER, a farmer of Kaal Hoek, sued Mr. BRYMER, also a farmer, for £20 damages, on account of certain false and slanderous expressions made use of by the defendant. It appears that plaintiff and defendant were having a conversation, in the course of which defendant said that he had heard there was lung-sickness on plaintiff’s farm, and asked if it was true. Plaintiff enquired of defendant who had told him, but the latter refused to mention his informant. Consequently the action was brought. The judgement was that the words used were not actionable.
MR. HARDWICH has cured seven out of ten lungsick oxen by drenching them with euphorbia milk. The dose was two wineglasses full in a bottle of water every alternate day.
SPALDING’S DIAMOND. – A report which appeared in one of our comporaries, [sic] to the effect that Mr. SPALDING’S large diamond had been sold to a Port Elizabeth company is incorrect. We are informed that it has been shipped by Messrs. A.C. STEWART & Co. to their Liverpool House, for realization on account of Mr. SPALDING, and will be sent over to the Vienna Exhibition, The “fly diamond” was sent home by the R.M.S. African at the same time. – Herald.
THE FOLLOWING ADVERTISMENT is published in the Mossel Bay Advertiser:
“NOTICE. – I, William John CURREY, hereby give notice that, for the future, I will prosecute by law any person calling me ‘BLACKIE.’ –
John William CURREY. Oudtshoorn, 26th April, 1873.”
Saturday, May 24, 1873.
To the Field-cornets, Constables, Police officers and other officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants.
WHEREAS information has been laid before me that JOHN BARRET did on the 12th day of May, 1873, commit the crime of theft (horse-stealing).
These are therefore on her Majesty’s name to command you that immediately upon sight therefore you do apprehend and bring the said John BARRET, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me, to be examined, and to answer to me, to said information, and to be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand at Alice, this 20th day of May, 1873.
W.H. BLOXAM, Acting Res Magistrate.
An Englishman, aged about 45 years, height 5 feet 8 inches, a lump on side of cheek, wears dark moustache and whiskers, stated he has been in the Cape Corps. Wore when he left Alice an old brown jacket, old cord trousers, a good deal mended (a piece of plaid shawl on knee of one leg), and a helmet hat. Supposed to have gone to Fort Beaufort.
SUDDEN DEATH. – A private in the F.A.M. Police, named Malcom TURNBALL died from apoplexy at Riebeck where he was stationed.
The Port Elizabeth and Diamond Fields Conveyance Company has been placed under liquidation.
HORSE STEALING. – At the sale cattle held at Adelaide about a fortnight ago, a Mr. ROBINSON of Bedford, lost two valuable blue horses, which afterwards appeared to have been stolen. During a recent visit to Grahamstown he found them – one in the possession of Mr. MATTHEWS and the other in the possession of Mr. FITZPATRICK, both of which gentlemen bought them from a Dutchman. The horses were very generously given up to the owner, the purchasers being content meanwhile to lose the money paid for them.
Saturday, May 31, 1873.
MURDER. – A native woman has been thrashed to death near Bedford while under the influence of drink.
THE REV. W. SHEPSTONE. – Ex-General Superintendent of Wesleyan missions in the Queenstown district died on Monday morning the 26th inst.
SMUGGLING. – Charles TIDBURY was fined £10 by the Resident Magistrate of Alice on Monday last for selling brandy without a licence at Plaatjes Kraal, near the Ely Fingo location.
CAPTURE. – A runaway from the Kowie Convict Station was captured her by Mr. DALTON, of the Police force. The convict is a man who was sentenced some time ago to five years imprisonment for stealing a horse.
WANTED. – Pieter and Hermanus BYL, who came to this colony as juvenile emigrants in 1858, and Carel Philip van FIEGEN, who came to this colony as a carpenter in 1857. Informating [sic] to be communicated to the Colonial Office.
THE GOLD FIELDS. - A correspondent of the P.E. Telegraph at the New Rush says: “A gentleman connected with the Berlin Mission has just come in from the Transvaal, and reports a nugget of gold having been found of five pounds weight.
A BOER’S ADMIRATION OF BRITISH JUSTICE. – A Free State Boer, who won a case in the Circuit Court last week after thanking his Counsel for the learned gentleman’s zeal, sent his special thanks to the Judge, and told his lordship that he saw now that if a Free Stater wanted justice he must come where there was a British Jurisdiction.
Saturday, June 7, 1873.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday 23rd May, 1873, JOHN ALLEN at the age of 55 years 6 months 23 days, respected by those who knew him.
Mr. and Mrs. HATTON desire to convey their grateful thanks to Mr. and Mrs. A. BUCKLEY and to Dr. and Mrs. MacDONALD, for their kind attention to him during his short but painful illness.
Spring Vale, Winterberg.
May, 29th 1873.
FOR a stout active lad to learn the printing business. One able to read and write preferred.
Apply at this office.
Scarlet Fever is reported to be prevalent in Grahamstown.
INFLUENZA. – This disagreeable complaint has several victims writhing under the tortures of watery eyes and breezy noses.
BISHOP MERRIMAN. – His Lordship is at present on a visit to Queenstown. On Sunday he preached in St. Michael’s.
THINGS A MARRIED WOMAN CANNOT HELP THINKING. – That she was very pretty at sixteen. That she had, or would have had, a great many good offers. That all her lady friends are five years older than they said they are. That she has a very fine mind. That if her husband acted on her advice he would be a rich man to-day. That people think to[o] much of that Miss------, who would not be called handsome if she didn’t make herself up. That her mother-in-law is a very trying woman. That her sister-in-law takes airs, and ought to be put down. That her girls are prettier than Mrs. A.’s girls. That she would like to know where her husband spends his evenings when he stays out. That her eldest son takes after him. That he is going to throw himself away on Miss SCRAGGS. That Miss SCRAGGS set her cap for him, and did all the courting. That her servant girls are the worst ever known. That she has taste in dress. That she has a good temper. That she pities old maids.
MELANCHOLIA. – On the evening of yesterday week Mrs. Geo. HAY, who is suffering from an attack of melancholia, was missed from the house of her brother-in-law, Mr I. STAPLES, where she was at the time staying. Search was made for her, but no traces could be found. Every day since Mrs. HAY disappeared a number of people have been out searching for her, and on Wednesday a party of townspeople turned out and thoroughly scoured the country in the vicinity of the town; but no sign of the missing lady could be found. The upper dam was drained, as it was thought not unlikely the unfortunate lady might have committed suicide. On Wednesday, however, whilst a number of parties were in search of her, Mrs. HAY arrived at the farm of Mr. BARNES, at the Imvani. She does not appear to suffer any inconvenience except from swollen feet, and the mystery of how she managed to survive the exposure to the excessive cold which has been experienced during the last nights. Mrs. HAY went without food during time of her absence, and she states that after the first two days she did not feel the want of it. The peculiar form of the malady from which Mrs. HAY suffers seem to have developed itself into an idea that she must sever all intercourse with other people – hence the cause of her leaving her friends as she did. We congratulate Mr. HAY – to whom the past week, as may be imagined has been a most trying one – on the happy termination of his search.
ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. – We regret to hear that a former resident of this town has attempted suicide at New Rush. The cause is not attributed to business matters.
GRAHAMSTOWN NOTORIETIES. – In the course of the debate on Drunkenness, Mr. SOLOMON said: “I don’t see why SANDY, the piper, the most irrepressible man in Grahamstown – the Dean, of course, excepted – should be able to go and get whatever liquor he wants, while a poor coloured man, who may be sober as a judge, cannot have the same privilege.”
Cape Town,
Thursday June 4, 1873.
Celt arrived during the night.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:
For Natal:
Mr. and Mrs. GOOCH, Mr. H.H. ABBOT.
For East London:
Mrs. CORNHILL and four children.
Saturday, June 14, 1873.
BIRTH. – On the night of 11th inst. the Wife of Mr. W. EWING of a Daughter. All well.
MARRIED, - At the Wesleyan mission House, Cradock, on Wednesday, the 4th inst. by the father of the bride, Nicholas HENRY, second son of Rev. E.H. SMIT of Graham’s Town, to Mary Anne Else, daughter of Rev. Wm. SARGEANT of Cradock.
We have this week to chronicle the death of a very old resident – Mr. Richard RALPH, who departed this life on Wednesday evening, being in his 85th year. Up to the Thursday before his death, the old gentleman invariably attended market to make his purchases. On the evening of that day he was found lying in a fit in a state of insensibility. Medical advice was at once obtained, but there was no hope. After lingering in a state of partial insensibility for six days, Mr. RALPH died quietly and peaceably on Wednesday evening. Early the following morning the corpse was taken on a wagon to Graham’s Town for interment.
Deceased was one of the early residents. He enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him, and although incapacitated for some time from taking an active part in the affairs of the day, he will still be missed by many. For years he was a Municipal Commissioner, and only resigned when he found himself unequal to the task. We tender our sympathies to the relatives and family of deceased.
An unsatisfactory impression has been created, we understand concerning the paragraph in our last headed “Attempted suicide.” The party generally supposed to have committed the deed was, according to late advices, alive and well. We are glad to be able to mention this.
AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH. On Saturday afternoon Mr. John PYE and his neighbour Mr. Thomas DAVIS were returning from Beaufort to Buxton, their home; as they were driving over a perfectly smooth piece of road opposite Ainslie’s, and engaged in conversation respecting one of the horses, Mr DAVIS heeled over from his seat and dropped on the road. He was dead. Mr. PYE called to him, but there was no reply. Shouting for help to some natives, he obtained in a few minutes, assistance from the neighboring huts. There was not a sign of life noticeable when he reached the body. The body was then lifted onto the gig, where it was supported by a native, and Mr. PYE drove back again to Beaufort. The Magistrate directed the corpse to be taken to the gaol hospital, where he ordered a post mortem; the result of which shows that death resulted from rupture of the liver which was in an extreme, and total condition of disease. By the attention and kindness of the jailor the corpse was properly prepared with shroud and coffin for sepulchre; and the friends of deceased permitted, ere it was closed down, to take their last look on mortal remains. The deceased came to this Colony, from Wales, in 1820, in the service of Mr. GRIFFITH, father of the honoured Magistrate of Basutoland. By perseverance and frugality in time he gathered a little property; and of late years has occupied a small farm of his own at Buxton. He had been twice married; his first wife without issue died about two years ago; his second marriage took place on the 7th May, and he died on the 7th June, exactly one month later.
Saturday, June 21, 1873.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Wednesday 11th June 1873, after a short illness, Richard RALPH, in the 84th year of his age.
The family of the deceased desire to express to their warmest thanks [sic] to Dr. PALMER and numerous kind friends for their unremitting attention and sympathy in their time of trial.
ACCIDENT. – A cart containing the defendant in the great diamond case, Mr. W. KNIGHT, and several others, was capsized near Jones’ on Wednesday morning. Mr. KNIGHT, sustained a dislocation of the shoulder blade, and was brought into town for medical treatment. He is still under the hands of the doctor. The others who were in the cart were more fortunate, escaping with slight bruises.
A man named SCHWEIZER was arrested at East London on Friday, the instance of Messrs LIPPERT of Port Elizabeth, to whom, it is said he is in indebted. SCHWEIZER under the alias of ROBERTS, had taken his passage to Natal and Zanzibar per Basuto, which arrived yesterday. His luggage was seized on the wharf and taken possession of by the police, subsequently being examined in presence of the magistrate. A large sum of money and securities were found on his person and his luggage.
NEWS FROM COLESBERG. – The Colesberg Advertiser says: - “Mr. Cumberland HILL, a tailor who has carried on business here for some time past, took his leave without notice a few days ago, and has left a considerable number of creditors to lament his untimely departure. We understand that Mr. HILL is making the best of his way to the Diamond-fields as a passenger per Mr. KENNETT’s wagons. We hope he may become the lucky finder of a big diamond, and, like an honest man, devote part of the proceeds towards those who have for some time past provided him with the means of supporting a family. In the meantime he would do well to send instructions to his numerous country customers, as to where they may obtain the cloth entrusted to his care, or the garments made to their order. One young gentleman who was to become a bridegroom the next morning, reported himself in a great fix the other evening in consequence of being unable to discover Mr. HILL or his own wedding trowsers.” – The Colesberg Herald says: “Mr. Cumberland HILL, who had been carrying on business as a tailor and habitmaker, and who, moreover, was known to have been doing a lucrative trade, took his departure from Colesberg on Friday afternoon last very suddenly, and without even bidding any of his creditors in Colesberg farewell, and we are sorry to hear that they are legion. He has, we believe, gone in the direction of the Free State, so we would advise our friends in that direction to look out.
THE CORONATION OF THE GREAT ZULU CHIEF. – KETCHWAYO’S “coronation” to take place this month, will, says the Natal Mercury, be one of the most imposing barbaric demonstrations ever witnessed in South Africa. We hear that a very large army of warriors, in full war paint, will take part in the proceedings, and it is sincerely to be hoped that the affair will pass off without collision or disturbance. Considerable disquietude exists amongst the Transvaal farmers in Utrecht, which territory abuts on Zululand, and some have even gone into laager. There is said to be some restlesslessness [sic] on the part of OHAM and his adherents, but reports and rumours on such a subject are so vague that we receive all such with greatest reserve, and we would caution our readers not to be misled by any stories which may reach their ears. We hear of some English visitors from Natal as likely to be present on an occasion which is scarcely likely to have a repetition on a scale of similar grandeur. KETCHWAYO has ever shown himself a sta[u]nch friend of our Government.
A BOAT ON THE PAN. – There can now be seen a boat ferrying to and from the Dutoitspan lake. Pleasure-seekers wishing to spend a few enjoyable hours can do so by having a row in the ”Rugby” on payment of a small fare. It is a novel sight to witness a boat sailing on a sheet of water where there was a few months ago nothing but mud and dirt. – News.
Advocate Office, June 14, 1873.
CAPETOWN, Saturday.
The Syria arrived yesterday. Passengers for Algoa Bay:
The Hon. P.W. SCHOLTZ. – Parliament has been in session nearly two months, and is not likely to sit more than one month longer, and yet, the Hon. Mr. SCHOLTZ has not thought fir to put in an appearance. Every member of the Legislative Council but Mr. SCHOLTZ is in his place. The venerable Mr. GODLONTON was at his post early in the session; but the Hon. P.W. SCHOLTZ has neither time nor inclination to go to Cape Town for a few weeks, to watch the interest of Kaffraria – a section of whose inhabitants made considerable exertion and sacrifices to make him a legislator – a case of misplaced confidence we fear. Mr. SCHOLTZ ought either to have taken his seat this session or resigned the same, and allowed a better man to fit in. Such ingratitude to those who elected him, and callous indifference to the interests of the country, merits the severest condemnation. Of course no body of the electors will commit such a foolish act as to be instrumental in returning this gentleman to Parliament again. But then perhaps he don’t care, as his purpose, may be, is served. – Gazette.
Saturday, June 28, 1873 – Missing.
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