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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1873 3 July - September

Saturday, July 5, 1873.


NOTICE is hereby given that two female children named Sarah Elizabeth and Catherine FRIESLAND, aged respectively eleven and six years, have been brought to this Office in a state of destution [sic], and are now in the charge of the Gaoler, and in receipt of Government support as paupers.
The mother of these children, Jemima FRIESLAND, a pauper, at present an inmate of the Gaol Hospital, is an English woman whose maiden name was DUDLEY, and who was formerly married to the late Sergeant O’REILLY, Chief Constable at Peddie, and is now the wife of a dissipated coloured man named FRIESLAND, who either cannot, or will not, provide for his family.
If the children be not claimed within Six Weeks from this date by relatives or friends, able and willing to support them, they will be indentured to some fit and proper person or persons, according to the law.
Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Alice, 1st July, 1873.


FURIOUS RIDING. – A man named BOUCHER was fined ten shillings on Tuesday for riding furiously up the street and endangering the life of a child.

ACCIDENT. – Mr. BACHELOR met with a very nasty accident on Monday evening. He went into his stable for the purpose of cutting up forage for his horse. Being without a light, he unfortunately struck his eye against the sickle, the point of which penetrated the upper lid, and inflicted a very ugly wound right across the length of his eye. Under skilful treatment he is progressing favourably.


SUDDEN DEATH. – Two wagons were proceeding North, and while outspanned at Toyi’s Hoogte, the people – two or three families - -lit a fire and made coffee. No sooner had one of them – Mr. BROWN – had two cups of coffee, then he took a long draught of cold water, upon which he was immediately seized with convulsions, and fell down a corpse. He was only thirty-eight years of age, and has left a widow and five children.

Cape Town, Thursday.
Yesterday application was made to the Court to have Dr. BREDA, who is confined as a criminal lunatic on Robben island, released, but neither the Governor nor the Supreme Court were disposed to favour the movement.
Asiatic this morning.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
For Natal: Sir Benjamin PINE.

It is reported that Admiral CUMMING has blockaded Zanzibar and threatened to bombard the town unless the Sultan agrees to suppress the slave traffic.

The European Mail states that Diamonds have been discovered in New South Wales. About the middle of March 375 diamonds ranging in size from 4 to 8 grains arrived at Sideey (Sydney) from a place called Tamooth (Tamworth.). Considerable excitement prevailed.

Saturday, July 12, 1873.


W. AYLIFF, Esq., M.L.A. has returned home, looking all the better for the hard work entailed under Mr. MOLTENO’s system of doing business.

NEW BLOOD. – A Mr. HULM, formerly a digger at the Fields, passed through this week en route to his farm in the Dordrecht district. He has just arrived from Ireland, bringing with him “Champagne Charlie,” a thoroughbred of Curragh fame. This horse, which is just rising seven, is to be used only for breeding purposes. He has a good pedigree, and has carried off some of the best plates in Ireland. Mr. HULM has also brought five well-bred dogs – two spaniels and three pointers.

Mr. S. LOXTON, M.L.A. for Queen’s Town, being unable to get a seat in the passenger cart on Monday, walked up to Grahamstown from the Bay.

A YOUNG MAN named NEL, from this district, has been killed by a landslip at New Rush. When extracted he was quite dead, and his body was dreadfully mangled.

A MARITZBERG contemporary states that at a wedding of natives at the Indaleni station recently cost no less than £70; that the bride’s trousseau was splendid, and was obtained from one of the first establishments in Maritzberg.

LITHOTOMY. – on Friday the very delicate and difficult surgical operation known to medical men as lithotomy, was performed with complete success on a little boy of Mr. JARDINE’s, by Dr. WILLIAMSON, when a stone three quarters of an inch in length by a quarter of an inch in thickness, was taken from him. Two weeks previous a similar stone had been extracted from the same little fellow. For some days preceding the last operation he suffered great agony, and as a last resort, he was put under chloroform, and the pleasing result satisfactorily achieved in about a quarter of an hour. The boy has been running about for some days, and is now perfectly recovered. The community is fortunate in having so skilful a practioner [sic] as Dr. WILLIAMSON in its midst. – Star.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A gun accident which resulted fatally, occurred at Seven Oaks farm the other day through a careless use of firearms. It appears two boys – BUTTON, aged twelve years, and young SMITH, aged eleven years, were out shooting birds on the farm. While engaged in this pursuit a native boy and girl joined them, aged respectively five and seven years. When the two native children came up BUTTON was walking about with the gun under his arm at full cock, the muzzle pointing towards objects facing him. Seeing the weapon in this position the native boy went up to BUTTON to inspect it, and was in the act of raising the muzzle of the gun for the purpose of peeping down the barrel, when the trigger caught in contact with a shotbelt, and went off, the black boy receiving the contents of the gun in his head. He was killed instantaneously. The authorities have investigated the matter and a severe rebuke has been administered to Master BUTTON for his carelessness. – Journal.


SHOCKING MURDER. – Murraysburg, June 29, 1863 [1873].
A very cold murder was committed last night at Vleiplaats, at the farm of Mr. J.A. BURGER. One F. MIDDLETON had been at work there for some time past; and it appears that he took into his house a tailor of the name George WATSON. All went well till last night, when MIDDLETON thought fit to show his money to some people at Vleiplaats. They think he had from 800 to 1000. This WATSON was in the house at the time. Some time during the night WATSON took a child of MIDDLETON’s to the house of some of the coloured servants, saying they were to take care of it, as MIDDLETON was going to the village with him. This morning young Mr. BURGER saw the door of MIDDLETON’s room with a padlock on it. Not seeing MIDDLETON, he went and opened the door, and to his surprise found MIDDLETON quite dead not on the floor, but face upwards across a chair. WATSON was not to be found, nor has he been since heard of. A warrant was issued for his apprehension this morning. – Since the above was written I have got the following particulars: - head broken with some blunt instrument. Post mortem held. Murderer just apprehended.

Cape Town.
Thursday, July 10, 1873.
Basuto left yesterday afternoon. Passengers for Algoa Bay:
For East London: Capt. BARRET, Advocate BELL, Mr. WHITE and Mr. LANEN.
A large number for Natal including His Excellency Sir B.C. PINE, the Attorney General of the Transvaal and Mr. COLES of the Submarine Telegraph.
Mr. LYNAR is seriously ill.

That all the girls used to be in love with him. That all the widows are new. That if he were a widower he could marry again whenever he chose. That all the other fellows are fools. That he wouldn’t introduce any fellow he knows to his sister or his daughter. That his wife is a little jealous. That she used to be a pretty girl. That his mother could make good bread; that his wife cannot. That he would not trust most women. That if he should ever speculate he would make his fortune. That he would enjoy a country life. That his mother-in-law may be a fine old lady, but ___. That smoking never hurt a man yet. That with a little management the servants would always do well, and never give warning. That his shirt-buttons are grossly neglected. That he is going to make his fortune some day. That he despises old bachelors.

Saturday, July 19, 1873.


A LAUNDRY on the English principle has been started at New Rush.

BURR WEED. – It is said that ostriches destroy this obnoxious weed by stripping it of seed and leaf. They prefer this food.

THE HON. R. GODLONTON. – The Journal says that Mr. GODLONTON has no intention of retiring from public life, but will again enter Parliament if elected by the constituents.

SAD ACCIDENT. – The Grahamstown papers give an account of a sad accident to the Kowie cart, which resulted in the death of Mrs. WEISBECKER. On leaving Green’s Hotel at the Kowie on Thursday week the mules, being fresh, rushed down a deep embankment. The deceased lady losing her presence of mind, caught the driver and prevented him exercising sufficient control over the mules. A capsize was the consequence. Medical aid was immediately obtained, but it was thought there was nothing serious. A fresh start was again made, and when near Bathurst a fellow passenger discovered that Mrs. WEISBECKER was dead. Disease of the heart actuated by the fall was the cause of death. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. GOING, for some time a resident here.

LUCKY. – A Dutchman named VAN GRAAN is the lucky finder of a 155 carat diamond. £2,200 was offered and refused.

It is reported that Dr. BREDA’S friends intend submitting his case to counsel in England, to obtain, if possible, a writ of habeas corpus from the Court of Queen’s Bench.

PRESIDENT BURGERS. – The Transvaal Volksraad has by an unanimous vote increased the official salary of President BURGERS, from £1,000 to £1,500 a year. When President BURGERS assumed the Government, the country was in debt; there is now a considerable balance to credit in the Treasury. It is noteworthy that with hardly an exception the ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church are able administrators of finance, and generally have a balance on the right side.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A little young boy of eleven years old, named UYS, missed his footing in drawing water at the Government well, Dutoitspan, and fell in. The alarm was given by his brother of about four years old, and it was few minutes before anyone reached the spot. The depth from the surface to the water is about twelve feet, and the well from twenty to twenty-nine feet of water. Life was extinct when the body was got out.

Cape Town.
July 15, 1873.
African during the night, news to the 16th June,
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mr. and Mrs. BENJAMIN and female servants, Mr. HOGG, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. MYERS and Mr. BARNETT.

BIRTH. – At Seymour, district of Stockenstrom, on the 11th July, 1873, the wife of Mr. H.P. KEYS of a DAUGHTER.
Mr. and Mrs. KEYS desire to return their sincere thanks to Dr. LAING and Mrs. INGLETHORPE for their kind attention.

Saturday, July 26, 1873.


LUNG SICKNESS is very prevalent in Kaffraria along the coast.

Mr. T. VAN RENEN, Government Surveyor, has arrived here with the intention of practising his profession.

MACADAMIZING. – The King William’s Town Corporation invite tenders for macadamizing the streets.

LARGE TURNIP. – The Queenstown papers announce that a turnip weighing 14 pounds, has been grown by Mr. GADD.

BRANDY DRINKING. – During the last week two men died suddenly in Grahamstown through the evil effects of brandy drinking.

JOSEPH M. ORPEN, Esq., has been appointed special magistrate and agent with LEBENY, ZILI, and LEBANA, at the Gatberg, Kaffraria.

MR. BROUNGER, C.E. who surveyed the Eastern Province and Kaffrarian lines of railway, has been appointed Colonial Railway Engineer with a salary of £1,000 per annum.

INVESTIGATION. – In re CHARLES BEAMISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW – The investigation instituted at the instance of Mr. Justice SMITH, at the last Circuit Court at Queenstown, has been abandoned.

SCARCITY OF FARM LABORERS. – A correspondent writing from Bughersdorp mentions that so great is the difficulty of obtaining farm servants that several farmers of the division are selling off their stock and are about to take up their residence in the town.

O.W. HOGARTH, Esq., Deputy Inspector of Schools in this Province, was yesterday week united in matrimony to Miss BAKER, daughter of the Rev. Mr. BAKER of Rondebosch.

A NATIVE has been muleted in the sum of £20 damages for causing the loss of a valuable horse at King Williamstown through having no leader to his wagon.

Constantin SCHWEIZER, of Burghersdorp, merchant.

UITENHAGE. – The death of Mrs. Maria LANGE is recorded at the ripe age of four score years.

SERIOUS CHARGE. – After a lengthy patient preliminary examination in the Magistrate’s Court, Sergeant TURNBULL, Musketry Instructor, 32nd Regiment, has been committed for trial on the charge of attempting to enter the private residence of Mr. H.H.C. BAKER, and MR. J.J. IRWINE. – Gazette.

COMPULSORY SEQUESTRATION. – Notice is hereby given that the estate of Cornelia Gerhardus VAN ROOYEN, late of Somerset East, has been placed under compulsory sequestration, provisionally, by order of His Honor the Chief Justice Sir Sidney S. BELL, Kt., bearing date 5th day of July, 1873, upon the petition of James FARNHAM, of Somerset East, merchant.

GRAHAM’S TOWN. – A Mr. BUTLER, late of High-street, died very suddenly on Sunday morning before day-light. He was found dead in his bed.

The death is announced in the King William’s Town papers of Mr. BLAKE of the Commissaret [sic] department.

This afternoon were carried to their last resting place the mortal remains of Miss Mary PHELAN, one of the scholars of Convent School, whose death from consumption, took place yesterday. The whole of the children of the school, dressed in white, wreaths and blue sashes, followed the body to its last resting place. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. Father FARELLY. – Penny Mail.

NOTICE TO GERMANS. – The following notice has been issued at Cape Town by Mr. C.S. POPPE, Imperial German Consul:-
Notice is hereby given to all German residing in this colony, that they will forfeit their rights as subjects of the German Empire after ten years absence from Germany, unless their names be entered in the matricular book of a German Consulate. Such entries to embrace the full name of the applicant and of each member of his family; his profession and religion; day year, and place of birth, and president residence. Their validity is for a calendar year only, and they must be renewed every 1st of January. Before the immatriculation can take place documents are to be presented which sufficiently prove that hitherto the applicant has been a subject of the German Empire (Passport or Heimathschein). Consula-fee, six shillings; immatriculation of paupers gratis.


DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – Mr. S. DENHAM, one of the British Settlers of 1820 has gone to his last home. He died on Saturday last, at the advanced age of eighty-two years.

SCANDAL has been caused in Natal by a discussion in one of the Maritzburg papers between a reviewer of Bishops COLENSO’S latest work and the Rev. Mr. WATERHOUSE, Presbyterian Minister. The latter has used expressions towards the Bishop which are neither gentlemanly, Christian-like, or in any way warranted. His intemperate and indecent language has certainly lowered his stand there.

Cape Town.
Monday July 21, 1873.
The Elizabeth Martin arrived yesterday afternoon with news to the 23rd, June.
Passengers: Rev. J.W. STOWN, Mr. SCHEVAN, Miss BATHY, Mr. Mrs. FLEMMING, Rev. F. STAKER, Rev. D. McLEOD, Rev. Mr. MORIR, Mrs. MORIR, and 24 second class.
Thursday, July 24.
Mr. Hugh LYNAR, died yesterday morning.
Teuton docked at 5 p.m.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth: - Lieutenant Colonel the Hon. B.M. WARD, Mr. HUSSEN, Mr. CROMIN.
For East London: Miss Amelia ATWOOD.
Elizabeth Martin was detained for the Natal Mails.

Saturday, August 2, 1873.

Of ladies’, Gent’s and Children’s Boots of all description and qualities, amongst which are the beautiful Dolly Varden, the Empress, Vienna, and Madame Thiers Boots. These Boots are made to Ewing’s order. No job or slop lots purchased by agents, but specially ordered goods. In the event of any of these goods not giving reasonable satisfaction, they will be repaired free of charge.
ALSO – Ladies’ and Gent’s CORK SOCKS, Gent’s Leggings, brown and black, with buckles. Some nice Hair Trunks.
Everbird’s patent Eaupodian Boot, with moveable heels and indestructible soles, - the invention of the age in boots.


That farm “Thornfield,” the property of Mr. E. WEBB, has just been purchased by a petty Gaika chief for £2,000 cash! Or as good as cash as it is to be paid within three months.

EMIGRATION FROM ST. HELENA STILL CONTINUES. – The bark Actœa is now on her way to that island from Natal, for the purpose of conveying 370 persons from St. Helena to our sister South African Colony.

INCENDIARISM. – On the night of the 17th inst., the outbuildings on the farm of Mr. H. WEBB, Steenkamp’s Flat, were set on fire, and the shearing house, stable and coach-house, with their contents, destroyed.

SURPLICE AND GOWN. – The Tyd has the following: - “A Clergyman at Philipolis has, we hear, impressed the force and truth of his arguments on the back of a lawyer with an achter sjambok.”

THE SHAH OF PERSIA AND HIS POCKET MONEY. – It is reported by an English paper that this potentate started on his tour of Europe with five million pounds sterling in his pocket as a first instalment of his expenses. The Shah’s property in diamonds is said to be unequalled in the world. Perhaps when in England he may invest a fraction of his pocket money in the Cape stone known as the “Stewart Diamond.”

THE “STEWART’ DIAMOND. – Messrs. PITTAR, LEVERSON and Co, of 50 Grace church Street, have had confided to them for sale the monster Cape Diamond found at Waldek’s Plant last November, weighing in its rough state 288½ carats or nearly two ounces troy, the largest ever found in South African, and the exhibition of which few days back attracted much attention. It is stated from its natural crystallization to be admirable adapted to be cut into a large and resplendent brilliant, which it is estimated would weigh nearly half as much against as the Koh-i-noon. Messrs. PITTAR & Co. have named it “the Stewart,” after the Liverpool firm to whom it was consigned from the Cape. – London-Colonial news.

DISASTER BY FIRE. – We regret to learn that a few days ago a serious conflagration took place in the Izeli, through the burning of the grass in the neighbourhood, by which, it is said, two houses, the property of Mr. LAWLER, were totally destroyed. – Watchman.

We referred the other day to the disease among cattle known as ‘red-water.’ Dr. BEECHER, the district surgeon of Bathurst, has forwarded to the Government a prescription which he states he tried successfully in former years. It is as follows”-
Red bole, powdered tormentilla, do. alum, do. gentian, do calamus root, of each one ounce. Make three powders to be given in the morning, and evening and the following morning as well as three or four bottles of lime-water (two ounces of quick-lime to a wine-bottle full of common water) during the day.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A case of remarkable sudden death occurred at Mr. BOTTON’s in Howison’s Poort, this week. It appears that a man named George HILL, who until last month was in the employ of Mr. Ignaas FERREIRA, fieldcornet, feeling unwell, came into town about four weeks ago for some medicine; on returning feeling rather worse he stayed at Mr. BOTTON’s farm, where he has since resided. During the month and up to the day of his death he has suffered pains in the body, which increased the night, preceding his death, which took place on Wednesday morning. – Journal.

The second sitting of the Harding Diamond Commission took place yesterday, when several further claims were submitted and accepted. The third will be held on Monday next, and the Commission will sit from time to time subsequently until October, when the sale of the diamonds will take place in Cape Town. There are altogether 2,300 stones weighing 4,500 carats, and estimates grossly at a value of £20,000. The sale to be held in Cape Town in October will be advertised in the Times, so as to allow commission from there to be sent out. Over two-thirds of the value of gems have been already claimed with substantial and satisfactory proof. The following are the claimants who have not yet appeared: -
Richard C.P. GETHIN, David H. BEBELL, William Henry WEARNE, Loftus J. BOLLESTON, E. BERRY, William JERRAM, Louis WATSOR, William DOUGEN, Henry BOASE, John LAING, William RHIND, Harriet STANDERS.


The Argus state that the late Mr. LYNAR has left a fortune of over £15,000 of which he has bequeathed one tenth to several charitable and public institutions in Cape Town.

On Thursday evening Mr. LE SEUR, of the Customs, made a fine seizure of watches and jewellery to the amount of £600.

The gold medal of the Society of Arts has been awarded to Dr. HIDDING in recognition as the introduction by him of silk culture to the Cape.

‘Asiatic” left on Friday afternoon. Among the passengers was Mrs. BURGHERS, wife of the President of the Transvaal. His Excellency the Governor and lady. BARKLY and a number of prominent citizens and their wives, attended to bid this lady goodbye. Mr. WATERMEYER and HUMAN, M.L.A.’s and the Hon. Mr. DE ROUBAIX were also passengers.

An impudent robbery was committed on board the “Teuton” just after her arrival. A passengers portmanteau was cut open and about £100 in cash stolen.

Capetown, July 31, 1873
The ‘Iceland’ to leave for England on 9th and “Roman” on 2nd proximo. Both Mails 4d. postage.
“Zulu” sails for Natal and intermediate ports to-morrow afternoon.
The “Teuton” left yesterday afternoon.
Passengers from Capetown:
The Hon. J.C. MOLTENO Esq, two female servants, Mr. and Mrs. J. NOBLE, Mrs. SPLANDEER, two female servants, Mr. and Mrs. HOGARTH, Mr. BISSET, Mr. SEETH, Mr. and Mrs. TOWNSEND, Mr. VENNY, Mr. VANCES, four Malay women, five children and through passengers for England.

Saturday, August 9, 1873.


A Mr. David MUNGER, in a letter to the Friend, lays some serious charges at the door of the Landdrost of Harrismith, Mr. MUNGER says 12 months ago he apprehended a Kafir under suspicious circumstances, found new clothes in his bag and a diamond of 40 carats secreted. The kafir offered him the diamond to allow him to escape, but MUNGER took the prisoner and the diamond to the Landdrost of Harrismith. Mr. MUNGER has heard nothing further of the matter except that the Landdrosts clerk, Mr. RAAFF, has purchased the diamond for £6!!

It is rarely that connubial bliss is so rudely interrupted as was the case yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. BRISTON. The marriage was celebrated on Tuesday last, the bridegroom being well known as a pedlar paper-seller about Capetown, and the bride a domestic servant. All went on merrily as the proverbial marriage bell, till one of the spectators in the Church perceived that the bride was adorned with a pair of earrings which were not her own. A deposition before the Resident Magistrate followed, a warrant was issued and executed, and on Thursday the newly-married pair were placed in the dock at the police court on a charge of housebreaking and stealing a silk dress and jewellery to the value of £30. The prisoners were again brought up yesterday and committed for trial, which will necessitate the honeymoon being continued in a manner, we apprehend, which neither of the parties concerned could have hoped or even wished. – Argus.

We deeply regret to hear of the death of the Rev. Dr. VINCENT, son of the late Mr. VINCENT, M.L.C. The melancholy event took place at Graaff-Reinet, where the rev. gentleman officiated as minister of the Free Protestant Church.

It is reported that small-pox is raging in Amatongaland, and killing the Kaffirs by hundreds.

INSOLVENCY. – The second meeting in the insolvent estate of Constatine SCHWEIZER was held on Wednesday morning, when claims amounting to upwards of 30,000 were proved. Mr. Augustus KAEMPHER, of the firm Lippert & Co. was appointed sole trustee. – Journal.


The following gentlemen have been appointed Justice of the Peace:-
John Murray GLFILLAN, Esq. Middleburg.
T. H. STACK, Esq. Aliwal North.
J.J. DE VILLIERS, Esq. Paarl.
J.W. GREEN, Esq. Stockenstrom.

SEYMOUR. – We direct attention to the sale of valuable landed property in Kat River, and slaughter stock, to be sold by Mr. N.H. SMIT, at Eland’s Post on the 14th.

Mr. J.M. MAYNARD of Capetown has made a donation of 1,400 towards the erection of a New Wesleyan Chapel in Capetown.

Arrival of the Anglian.
Anglian 5 July.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
For East London:
To-day’s papers announce that Capt. MILLS the Under Colonial Secretary has been ordered by his physician to take a rest. He leaves for England on the 25th inst.
It is said that Mr. COLLARD of Prince Albert will hold the acting appointment of Under Colonial Secretary during the absence of Capt. MILLS.
It is reported that Mr. William PORTER has been recommended by his medical advisers to take a trip to Europe; and will leave by Mail Steamer on the 15th instant.

DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, on Sunday, the 3rd instant, of Croup, Ernest Sumner Fleetwood RAWSTORNE, aged 6 years and 6 months.
Mrs. RAWSTORNE wishes to return her sincere thanks to Dr. PALMER for his extremely kind attention, and also to those many kind friends who proved their friendship in the hour of distress.

Saturday, August 16, 1873.

Victoria East.
Whereas, - William Henry CORRIGAN, aged about 10 years, who states that his Father and Mother are dead has been brought to this office by Carey SLATER, Esq. in a state of destitution, notice is hereby given that unless the said William Henry CORRIGAN be claimed within six weeks from this date by some friend or relation able and willing to maintain and take care of him, he will be apprenticed according to law.
Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Alice, 9th August, 1873.


We regret to learn that Mr. W. AYLIFF, M.L.A. has been indisposed during the last few days.

NEW MEMBERS. – Mr. J.P. BERTRAM and Mr. Chas. BROWN are mentioned in Queenstown as candidates for the Council. Mr. BRADFIELD is likely to be the colleague of Mr. MERRIMAN as representative for Dordrecht in the Assembly.

The “Volksblad” in general a well informed Dutch paper, is responsible for the following. A family reside in Namaqualand of the name VAN NIEKERK. At the residence of this family a respectable Dutch lady was visiting. She fled by night from her bedroom window. In the morning Mrs. VAN NIEKERK discovered that the lady had eloped with a pitch-black St. Helena fellow – a circumstance which again illustrates the Horatian maxim “De gustibus non est disputandum.” The family are from Holland.

MR. ADVOCATE THOMPSON. – It is reported that Mr. Advocate THOMPSON, the Attorney-General of Griqualand West is so recovered that he intends to return to the Diamond Fields.

EFFECTS OF TOBACCO ON THE TEETH. – LEBER and RITTENSTEIN state that the action of tobacco smoke which favours the salivary secretion, appears to be salutary: in no case does it over exert an injurious effect upon the teeth, although in time it gives them a colour far from agreeable. – London Medical Record.

Cape Town.
August 12, 1873.
R.M.S. “European” anchored this evening at five thirty p.m. with news to 15th July.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:
Mr and Mrs CUMMING and two children, Messrs. John LANGDON, REYNOLDS, LUKE, MASTER, WARE, Mr. and Mrs GRAHAME, Mr RAMPT, Mrs. HIGGINS, Miss NIGHTINGALE, Messrs. GEORGE, LIME.

The Teuton had very severe weather coming round from Algoa Bay. Mr. E.L. KIFT met with a very serious accident on Tuesday morning. When the vessel was off Hang Klip and in a very cross sea, Mr. KIFT rose from his madeira chair on deck to help some other passengers who were moving at the time when the vessel gave a sudden lurch which hurled him against the side, breaking the thigh on one leg and seriously injuring the knee cap on the other. Mr. KIFT has gone into the Somerset Hospital to obtain the best attendance there.

O.M. BERGH Esq. died on Tuesday evening from congestion of the lungs.

Mr. FLECK has resigned the appointment of City Engineer.

A WASHINGTON physician, asserted to be of large experience and close observation, has discovered and announced that bald-headed men die young. He says that a person who retains his hair past the age of sixty-five has a good prospect of living to be over eighty. There is encouragement in this.

Saturday, August 23, 1873.

DIED. – At Fort Beaufort, on Sunday, August 17, 1873, John William BOVEY, aged 35 years and 11 months, leaving a widow and five children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Mrs. BOVEY wishes to tender her sincere thanks to Dr. PALMER, Messrs. BEGBIE, R. LAWRIE, J. RICHARDS and the inhabitants generally for their kind assistance and sympathy in her bereavement.


On Sunday morning Mr. J.W. BOVEY, eldest son of the late R. BOVEY, Esq. died at his residence in town. Deceased had been suffering for a long time from asphyxia, to which complaint he succumbed on Sunday. Death was no doubt, hastened by the severe shock the system received in consequence of an accident some short time since, when deceased was crushed by several bales of wool on which he had been laying when his wagon capsized. The greatest sympathy has been manifested throughout the town for the wife and family of the deceased.

ACCIDENT. – A serious accident happened to the passengers in the Aliwal passenger cart on Sunday last. There were eight passengers in the cart. It appears that in descending a steep part of the road the pole of the cart broke, frightening the horses, and causing them to start off. The consequence was that several passengers were severely injured. The driver had his leg broken above the ankle and his face frightfully cut. Mr. SMUTS’ right arm was broken and fractured; Mr. STANDEN much bruised; Mr. FARCIE, deep wound on forehead, and for a long time insensible. Only two escaped unhurt.


Some stray pages of an old quarto volume have fallen into our (Uitenhage Times) hands, they are headed!
“Papers relative to the condition and treatment of the Native tribes of South Africa.”
But the pages before us refer more to Hollanders than Natives being an abstract of convictions before Commander and Court of Justice of the Fort Good Hope during the command of Mr. VAN RIEBECK, 1653-1652. The last contains sixty convictions; we extract a few as examples of the mode of punishment.
1652, July 8. – Jan BLANK, sailor; - breach of articles of war, insolence to Commander (a member of the Court), and resisting when beaten by him. Sentenced to 50 lashes, and to fall thrice from the yard.
9: Gerrit DIRK, volunteer, (adelborst): insolence to the Captain of the Goede Hoop, a member of the Court in calling him, as he passed through the fort “Captain FISH-HEAD” and giving him the lie before the Court. Sentenced to 100 blows with the butt of a musket, and to stand sentry a whole day with 6 muskets on his shoulders.
28: Herman VOGELAER, volunteer; expressing among the men discontent with the provisions issued and wishing the devil to take the purser for serving out penguins instead of beef or pork. Sentenced to receive 100 blows with the butt of a musket.
1652, Oct. 10; Jan VAN LEYDEN alias Jan VERDONK, Getrit DIRKTAND, Will HUYTJENS. Desertion with intent to go to Mozambique an enemy’s place and thence to Holland. Sentenced No. 1, to fall from the yard, to receive 100 lashes, and to work in chains for 2 years. No. 2, a ball to be fired over his head, and for 2 years in chains; 3 and 4, 2 years in chains.
1653, May 4: Gillis Frederick WALVIS and Symon HUYBRECHT; fighting with knives, No. 1 wounding. Sentenced No. 1 to 100 lashes and forfeiture of 2 months wages. No 2, (the person wounded) 50 lashes and loss of 1 month’s wages.
Dec. 3 Roeloff DIRK, steward and Cornelius ULRICH under Barbier: charging the master of their vessel with the theft of a ring and trying to find out the theft by devilish and idolatrous divinations, (consulting the Gospel of St. John.) No.1 reprimanded, No.2 suspensions for 6 months, 50 lashes, and to retract the slander.
1854 [sic- 1654] Jan. 18; Four sailors theft of wine in their ship. Sentenced to receive 100 lashes each and to fall thrice from the yard.
29: Hendrik JURIANS, sailor; drawing his knife on the corporal. Sentenced to receive 100 lashes and to stand with the knife driven through his hand into a post until he shall have drawn the knife through.
N.B.- This sentence which was strictly legal, is the first which is not entered “executed.”
June 22: Jan Daniel VEURNE; threats to the Commander. Sentenced to be keelhauled – to receive 100 lashes, and to work 6 months in chains.
July 2: Hendrich JURANS, sailor; theft from stores. Sentenced to be flogged and keelhauled.
Augt. 2: Harman WILLEMS, of Edinburgh, soldier; mutinous words and threats on board his ship, (N.B. said he had the command in his prison in England, and would have the same here also.) To fall thrice from the yard and to receive on his two posteriors, while still wet, 100 lashes.
1655 Jan 19: Jochem ELBERTS, seaman; attempt to seize vessel with a view to escape. Sentenced to 12 years banishment in chains on one of the Islands.
19: R. SWANSEN, sailor; same offence. Sentenced to be keelhauled, and six years labour in chains.
1656 June 3: Jacob Cornelis DE GROOT. For throwing his ration on the ground in public as if not fit to eat. Sentenced to receive 50 lashes and lose 1 month’s wages.
Sept. 28: Jan LEENDERT, soldier; violent and mutinous conduct on board of his ship, and attempting to set it on fire. Sentenced to be flogged, branded and banished in chains for 15 years.
28; Jan MEYNS, sailor; for aiding in the above offence. Sentenced to thrice keelhauled, and flogged as long as he can bear it, and lose 6 month’s wages.
1657, March 14; Abel GOURS, seaman; theft of several water melons in the Company’s garden. Sentenced to receive 100 lashes and lose 3 months wages.
June 29; Albert Gerrit LOOTS, cook’s mate; purloined the rations of the people – an offence that included disrespect to the Commander. Sentenced to receive 100 lashes from the common people and lose 3 months wages.
Aug. 4: Hendrik HARMAN, soldier; quitting his post and deserting. Sentenced to receive 100 lashes to 5 years in iron, and confiscation of wages.
1658, Cct, 1, HJ VAN SCHAYK, W PIETERS, M BARTHOLOMEW, Dirk CORNELIUS, free burgers: theft of sheep from Company’s kraal.
No. 1, 100 lashes, a sheep skin being fastened above his head; and 16 years in chains.
2 – 3, and 4, without flogging, to stand with skins over their heads and serve in chains 5 and 6 years, (executed on the 2nd.)
The three last were subsequently pardoned for good conduct during the war.
1661, Oct. 4: WILLEM and CLAAS, slaves; hiding themselves in the sand hills, trying to kill the pigs fed there; and killing the dogs [of the Hottentots] that discovered them by barking, “which might easily cause some hostilities, now that we scarcely know how to show them enough kindness to remove their apprehensions.” Sentenced to be flogged and branded.
Aug. 4, Claas ROEDOFF’s Company’s chief blacksmith; resistance to the Sergeant, a member of the Council, beating him with a cane for drunkness and abusive words, besides beating his servants on the head iron. Sentenced to beg pardon, to have his tongue bored through, and forfeit the wages due to him.
1661, March 11: Before the Council of the Fleet and Fort – William SALMONS, boatswain of the Malacca; assault of the sergeant in command the military in the fort, when on duty, when on duty. Sentenced to be keelhauled and flogged, to forfeit 6 month’s wages, one half for the poor, one-half pro fisco.

The injurious use of alcohol often leads to acts of violence, but it does not stimulate the instincts of craft. It makes people sing “Auld lang syne,” or “He’s a jolly good fellow:” it makes them laugh or cry, or jump about, or fall down flat, or embrace each other, or swear eternal enmity, or give each other black eyes; it even makes men beat their wives, it never makes them sly. A man far gone in drink never forges a cheque. I do not believe there is a drunken detective in the police force. But watch the effect of tea. You never find people sing “Auld lang syne” over their tea, nor do they fight over it. All is calm and peaceful on the surface. But underneath! I never drink tea without feeling as if I should like to over-reach some-body directly. I feel as if it would do me good to go in for a competitive examination on the spot. I invent wooden nutmegs and dummy ship-bolts. I think of abstruse conundrums. I long to start bubble companies and forge trade-marks. In a short time I experience a general relaxation of fibre. I find I have no physical courage, no patriotism, no love of man as man, no motto but “Caveat emptor,” or, the devil take the hind-most. I am convinced that there is more short weight given by tea-drinking shopkeepers than by tipsy ones. All this seems to agree with the alleged effect of tea upon the animal economy in arresting waste. As it makes you want to keep all you get, it is natural that it should make you want to get all you can! You do not hesitate to pick my pocket in order to educate somebody’s child. Why should you hesitate to rob me of either money or pleasure in order to prevent the relaxation of other people’s moral fibre by the use of tea! I say, let the whole tea trade be placed under instant legislative checks. Set up visitors to go from door, as your school board inquisitors do, and let them inquire into the quantity of tea drunk in every household, whether black or mixed, and the strength of the infusion. Let every tea-dealer keep a register of his customers, and if, upon a monthly or quarter average, it is found that his sales to beyond a quarter of a pound a year for each adult, fine him, or nail his ear to the door, or something of that sort. Perhaps the recent reaction in favour of severity would support you in applying the cat in such cases. All the favour I ask is that as soon as ever any parliamentary rival of sir Wilfrid LAWSON has made up his mind to bring in a Bill to carry out these objects, he will oblige me with a private intimation, so that I may take care of myself (I am fond of tea) by laying in a stock that will last out my natural life, or (since tea deteriorates by keeping) that I may have time to import and cultivate the tea-plant itself. If such conduct as this on the part of the introducer of such a bill seems a little at variance with principle, it will at least be admitted that it is in harmony with that spirit of enlightened compromise which distinguish our age. – Saint Pauls.

A Widow in New York has been three times married. Her first husband was ROBB, the second ROBBINS, and the third ROBBINSON. The same door plate has served for the whole three, and the question now is, what extended name can be procured to fill out the remainder of the space on it.

Saturday, August 30, 1873.


A NEW TOWN, to be called Maritsburg shortly to be laid out near Cradock.

MR. COLES, of the Hooper Telegraph Company, has secured the Natal subsidy for the cable to Aden.

PRIVATE letters received by the Edinburgh Castle states that the Rev. MR. CAREY, son of the late Registrar of Deeds for this Colony, has been nominated by the Bishops chosen by the Diocesan Assembly, as Metropolitan of South Africa.

A Mr. P. MULLIN has written to the Borough of King Williamstown informing them that they have made a mistake in rejecting his tender for metalling the streets at 3s. per square yard, as one of his square yards was equal to three of the Council’s.

THE FORGERIES AT Somerset East. – We hear that William GEER, whose arrest we mentioned in our last issue, is charged with having forged bills to the amount of about £800, which were cashed at the branch of the Standard Bank at Somerset. Among the bills is one for £250 bearing the name of Alfred HILL. Mr. HILL repudiates the signature and has been subpœned to give evidence at the preliminary examination.

A native woman resident on the Tsomo greatly surprised her husband the other morning by presenting him with three infants at one birth. He, however, conducted himself in a reasonable manner after the announcement, which was greatly to his credit; but when he caught sight of them he could stand it no longer, for two of them he discovered to be quite white, and the third one jet black! He may recover. – Herald.

SPOONYISM (says the Telegraph) reached its achme when, the other day, a letter was written to a young lady, a copy of which a relative kindly forwarded to our office yesterday morning. The spooner is at the Diamond Fields.,
“Dearest, I have swallowed the postage stamp which was on your letter, because I know your lips had touched it.” The stamp was put on by Adonis UMDALA – a trusty young man of colour, resident at the location on the Hospital Hill, who had been entrusted by his young mistress to purchase the stamp and post the letter.

The Grahamstown papers mention that a great deal of sickness is now prevalent there, especially among children, and that deaths are unusually frequent. The dry unseasonable weather is probably the cause.

Saturday, September 6, 1873.


SLAUGHTER stock is becoming scarcer every day, and increasing in prices, Hamels are now fetching from 18s to 20s. each. Oh! For a Railway.


BREAK DOWN. – The cart which left this for Grahamstown on Thursday, with passengers and mail bags, had the axle broken at Appies Drie. Nothing serious resulted, beyond a little inconvenience to the passengers who had to wait until another cart was procured.

ACCIDENT. – A nasty accident happened to Mrs. McCALLUM, one of the passengers by the King William’s Town post cart on Wednesday. By some means the cart capsized near Halls, and the Shet [sic] unfortunate lady was thrown out sustained several injuries, and was at once brought in for medical aid. It is not yet known whether the arm is broken or the shoulder blade dislocated.

Cape Town.
Briton arrived.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:-
S. HUNTLEY and two children, Rev. Mr. SHARLEY, Messrs. J.C. TURNER, ADNA, EDWARDS, and QUICK.
Mr. BERRANGE, the chairman of the Commercial Bank, left yesterday for the Transvaal to make arrangements for the establishment of the new Bank at Pretoria.
Mr. E. LANDSBERG was yesterday elected a director of the Mutual Life Assurance Company in the place of Mr. C. BELL.
The Chief Justice continues to improve in health.
Mr. J. NEL, of Fort Beaufort district, who loaded for Burghersdorp at the Stores of Messrs. DEARE and DEITZ, in Port Elizabeth, on the 4th June last, is requested to call on, or send his address to Mr. J. RICHARDS, Fort Beaufort.

Saturday, September 13, 1873.


An old lady well known in Fort Beaufort and throughout the frontier, departed this life on Tuesday, at the residence of her daughter Mrs. G.W. CLARKE at the advanced age of 91 years. Up to very recently, the old lady was active, and full use of her faculties. She and her deceased husband were among the British Settlers of 1820.

We very much regret to have to record the death of Mr. SIMS of the Winterberg, who expired after a short illness on Friday last. Mr. SIMS was well known in this district, having formerly been a member of the divisional Council for Winterberg. Within a day or two after Mr. SIMS’ death, Mrs. SIMS expired most unexpectedly. We sympathise with the bereaved family.

We regret very much to hear of the death of J.S. MACKAY, Esq, which took place, from congestion of the lungs, on Wednesday morning. The deceased gentleman for many years carried on an extensive grocery business in Bathurst-street, but fell into difficulties, since which time he has carried on a brokerage and general agency. To the bereaved family we tender our sincere sympathy. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. - Penny Mail.

THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MR. H. LYNAR. – This estate is proved to be worth £17,000, as we originally stated.

EXECUTION AT CLANWILLIAM. – The gallows has a wonderful effect in extorting confessions. By the mail, news has reached us (Port Elizabeth Telegraph) of the execution of Galant DALMAG for the murder of Sophia LENNOX and Mrs. LA CROIX. He held out until just before his death, when he confessed the murder to the attendant minister in goal, fully exonerating his brother – a supposed particeps criminis. Not satisfied with this, he was asked three times under the gallows if he were guilty, each time responding “yes.” The last scene of all then took place. A crowd were on the prison walls.


We regret to announce the death, at East London on Saturday last, of Mr. F. LUCAS, secretary of the Divisional Council. – Watchman.

We regret very much to hear of the death last evening of Mr. G. MARSH, for many years resident of the Market square of this city.

We very much regret to have to record the death of a young man named Robert MCKAY, aged 23 years and six months. Deceased was a son of the late Mr George MCKAY who died about six weeks ago and a nephew of Mr. Donald MCKAY, of “Argyle farm,” near this town. – Watchman.

APPOINTMENT. – Joseph FLACK, Esquire to be office assistant in the Department of the Chief Inspector of Public Works. Appointment to be dated September 1, 1873.
THERE were no fewer than fourteen notices relating to destitute children in last Tuesday’s Government Gazette.

A GERMAN family in King Williamstown has had a very narrow escape from death, a servant having by mistake used arsenic instead of soda when making some dumplings.

LOCUSTS. – We hear that the locusts are to be found in immense swarms between this and Middleburg. On Sunday last, they swept off the whole of the crops at Schoombie’s, N. VAN HEERDEN’S, and JANSON’S. In the poort, they covered the ground to a depth of several inches. – Register.

“INTERESTING.” – The Uitenhage Times says: Both our medical men are hors de combat. It will be interesting to watch the effect upon the public health.
Four goats were stolen from Mr. W. AYLIFF on Monday night. They were traced to the native location at Appies Drie and there the trace was lost.

CAPE MONTHLY MAGAZINE. – The number for the current month has been published. Its contents are:
The Old Peach Tree Stump – A reminiscence of the war of 1835, by Hon. C. BROWNLEE.
Mabel’s story.
Scientific Reasons for the study of Bushman Language, by Dr. BLEEK.
A Dagger Scene in the Old Political Council.
George Eliot – as a poet.
The Lion and the Elephant.
Coal in Basutoland – with two lithographic illustrations.
Missions and Missionaries.
Lord Elgin – second notice. Localities – No. 2 – The Old Familiar Faces and Places.
A Literary Relic.
Stone implements.

Capetown, Sunday a.m.
Northam arrived, Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mr. and Mrs. STEWART, Governess and 6 children, Mr. M. GUMPLESON, Mr. DEAL, Mr. JACKSON, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. KEMP, Mr. and Mrs. NICHOLSON, Mr. FONTAINE, Mr. FRANKISH, Mr. spring, Mr. KROUSSE, and Mr. REGALA.
Cape Town, Wednesday.
A number of immigrants arrive by the “Lord of the Isle,” from St. Helena, last Sunday. The “Edinburg Castle,” leaves for England this afternoon. The new Roman Catholic Bishop of Cape Town positively comes out by next mail steamer. The “Annie S,” arrived yesterday from East London, also the “Ripple” from Mossel Bay.

A YOUNG Englishwoman, lately come out from home, desires to enter a family, where she would make herself generally useful in assisting the Mistress of the house in any capacity except that of Governess. Moderate salary.
Address F.M.B. Post Office, Alice.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, Mary URRY, relict of the late James URRY, on Saturday, 6th September, being the anniversary of her 91st birthday. Mrs. CLARKE thanks the friends who were so kind to her late mother during her painful illness, and for their sympathy in time of her bereavement.

DIED, - At Maccassar Fontein, Colesberg, on the 6th September, 1873, Henry George, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. S.J. WEBB (late of Fort Beaufort), aged 4 months and 21 days.

Saturday, September 20, 1873.


FAT MEAT. – Notwithstanding the drought, the butchers in Fort Beaufort have killed during the past week, the fattest beef we have seen for many years in this place, proverbial as it is for good meat.

MR. HOELTZER, we understand, will be prepared to commence the planting of the poles along the lime [line] to Cradock, in a few days.

A FARMER of the name PLESSIS of this district, travelling to the fields, met with his death in jumping on to the disselboom, his foot slipped and he was crushed under the wagon wheel. – B. Gazette.

We regret to learn that the Colesberg Herald has ceased to exist. Mr. HEPPEL, the proprietor having sold the whole of his plant to a firm at Kimberley, Griqualand West.

The Rev. George PERKS, M.A., has been elected President of the Wesleyan Conference.

TOOLEY STREET. – The Literary Society of Wodehouse has decided, almost unanimously that marriage with a deceased wife’s sister should be legalised. After this the Legislature will hardly dare throw the Bill out when next introduced.

NOTICE. – As certain persons who have a number of initials on each side of their surname (as a chest has handles) have expressed a desire to horsewhip the Editor of this paper, this is to inform them that the Editor will be at their service every morning during next week in his den. Gentlemen wishing to make private arrangements can be accommodated, and the big dog will be tied up when the visitors aforesaid are expected. – Uitenhage Times.

A youthful couple were married in the D.R. Church at Swellendam the other day. The “happy man” was 76 years of age and the fair wearer of orange blossoms three years younger.

We regret to hear that Mrs. MCDIARMID, wife of the Rev. A. MCDIARMID, of Macfarlane, Alice, died Sunday last.

GRAHAMSTOWN. – Messrs. GRAINGER and son, gun and rifle makers of that city, have manufactured a breech-loading rifle capable of throwing a large explosive shell 1,000 yards. It is said to be an improvement on the latest inventions. The weapon has been made for Commandant BOWKER, F.A.M.P.

GRAFF-REINET. - George PAWCETT, alias George WATSON, was sentenced to death by Judge DWYER on Tuesday last for murdering Felix MIDDELTON, Vlieplaats, near Murraysburg, in June last.

Cape Town, Saturday.
‘Syria” arrived at 2 p.m. Passengers for Algoa Bay:
The Roman Catholic Bishop LEONARD and party are passengers per ‘Syria.’
Capetown, Sept.16
Walmer Castle, Howison Commander, 23rd August from Dartmouth, brings 108 passengers for different ports.
For Algoa Bay. – Messrs PALMER, STEINMANS, DOBSON, ALBRAHAM, ARMSTRONG, Mr. and Miss BENNING, Mr. RUSSEL, Mr. HICKS, Mr and Mrs LAWES, Miss GETERS, Mr. and Miss GOOD and family, Messrs WALKER, BARRY, WISE, BENNETT, CREW, BROWN and son, Mr. SCHERMIRAGE and 3 children, Messrs J. COX, ROWLEY, CLARKE, FOWLER, HOWARD, Miss DALLEY, Miss OAKLEY, Messrs WALKER, EASYWOOD, WELLS, WILSON, MITCHELL, Miss KING and child, Miss GOODCHILD, Mrs. DOWSETT and two children, Mr. BODELL and son.
For East London:

Capetown, Thursday
The Governor will start on his proposed Tour to George, and the Knysna, on the 22nd instant: His Excellency will be accompanied by lady BARKLY and Miss BARKLY, and by Captain STOPFORD, A.D.G. He will proceed via Bredasdorp, and Malagas, to Riversdale, and thence to George, via Mossel Bay, which will be his head quarters, whilst visiting the surrounding country. After going as far as Pletenbburgs Bay, and returning by the Alfred Pass, Longkloof, &c, His Excellency will visit Oudtshoorn, the Cango Caves, and Meirings Port, arriving in Swellendam on his homeward route in time to take part in the ceremony of opening the Tradouw Pass, which will be completed for traffic the third week in October, and reaching Capetown at the end of the month.

Mr. Charles BARRY has received per Windsor Castle, two very fine Sturgeon rams, and fifteen Rambouillet ewes.

Friday, 19th Sept.
Mr. KIFT is progressing very favourably at the Hospital.

Saturday, September 27, 1873.


We regret to learn that the snow storm on the Katberg reported last week, was the occasion of severe loses to transport riders under the mountain, and to farmers on the Bontebok flats. Mr. S. MILES, we hear lost 30 oxen, Mr. SLATER 16, and several others carriers more or less. We learn that several farmers on the Bontebok flats have sustained serious losses, amounting to several thousand sheep.

A GOOD FIND AT DELPORT’S HOPE. – A perfectly white glassy stone, weighing seventy-three carats, has just been found at Delport’s Hope by Mr. Jeremiah HONEY. The stone was purchased by Mr. J.C.B. FINLASON, and resold by him at a handsome profit at £10,000.

Messrs. SAUER and DOWLING are the only declared candidates for Aliwal North in the Assembly.

LOSSES OF STOCK. – A private letter to hand this morning says:
“I have just heard that a farmer named DE KLERK, residing between Graham’s Town and Cradock, lost 2,500 sheep out of a flock of 6,000, and would take a shilling each for the remaining 500. Another farmer has lost his all.” – Herald.

The Rev. J.W. SLOAN, B.A., has been appointed to the incumbency of Richmond.

ADAM KOK, - We learn that the Griqua Chief Adam KOK is severely afflicted with a chest disease, probably asthma, and that he consequently feels himself almost unable to rule his people. It is probable there will be a change in the chieftanship ere long. – Colesberg Advertiser.

MR. JOHN WALKER is amongst the passengers by the Windsor Castle.

THE Rev. Dr. CAMERON has resigned his seat in the University Council consequent on his appointment as Registrar, and he is succeeded by the Rev. G.C. CHILDE, Professor of Mathematics on the South African College. Dr. CAMERON, it will be rembered, [sic] was placed on the University Council to represent the South African College, and the Rev. Mr. CHILDE succeeds him for the same reason.

It is said that one of the nuns brought out by Bishop Leonard is a teacher for the deaf and dumb, and we hear it is intended shortly to open a class at the Roman Catholic Convent for the instruction of persons afflicted in that way. We presume there are some such about Cape Town, though their number cannot be very large.

MR. ZIERVOGEL, the newly appointed manager of the Pretoria Branch of the Cape Commercial Bank, has arrived at Pretoria.

DEATH OF C.F. BEYERS, ESQ, “OUDE BAAS.” – It is with very sincere and deep regret that we in common with everybody else, heard on Thursday morning of the death of the Oude Bass,” Christian F. BEYERS Esq, of Muller’s Vlei which took place suddenly in the course of the previous night. He had been ailing somewhat for a fortnight before with symptoms of heart Disease; but during Wednesday night a sense of suffocation came or followed by faintness and quickly issuing in death. Mr. BEYERS or “Oude Baas,” as he was universally called in terms combining familiarity, friendship, and respect, one of the most interesting and remarkable men in South Africa. A perfect gentleman in speech and action, and feeling, he was at the same time the truest type we know in South Africa of the fide old Africander yeomen of the days now fast passing away. – Argus.

Cape Town, Sunday.
The American arrived at noon, dates to the 25th August.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mr and Mrs PETTET, Dr. DUNSTERVILLE, Mr. DUNSTERVILLE, Mr. H. SOLOMON, Mrs. KAPPAPORT five children and servant, Mr. W. CATHRINE, Mr. STEVENS.
For East London: Miss JEFREY.

The Commodore of the Cape Station Wounded.
7000 Native Troops to be raised.

Simon’s Town, Saturday.
1 p.m. – Rattlesnake arrived. Commodore wounded by treacherous natives near Cape Coast – not Ashantees.
Boat surveying a river. Fired on from ambush, 14th August. Twenty wounded.
One seaman and Krooman killed.
Commodore much better and wounded doing well.
Native towns on the coast destroyed completely by shot and shell.

Captain SARTORIOUS, son of Admiral Sir G. SARTORIOUS, and 3rd squadron officer 6th Bengal Cavalry, has been appointed aide-de-camp to Captain GLOVER who has been directed by Lord KIMBERLEY to raise a force of 7,000 black troops for service against the Ashantees.
Three non-commissioned R.M. Officers are on their way to the West Coast with a Gatling, or Mitrailleuss.


The Gold Fields are going ahead. Nuggets of 1½ lb and 2 lbs, are said to have been found.

QUEENSTOWN AND THE ASSEMBLY. – The Representative mentions the following gentlemen as likely to be out forward as candidates for the House of Assembly:-
Messrs LOXTON, W.S. RIDGAY, J.P. BERTRAM’ D, S. BARRABLE (editor Free Press), J.G. SPRIGG.

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