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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1873 4 October - December

Saturday, October 4, 1873.

In the Intestate Estate of the late Cornelis Gerhardus Johannes HALGREEN and surviving spouse.
Notice is hereby given that on
And on
Fort Beaufort,
Will be sold the following Assets on the above Estate, viz.
3 Cows and Calves
50 Goats
90 Sheep (about)
Executor Dative.
Fort Beaufort, Sept, 30, 1873.


OUTRAGE. – On Monday morning, Mr. C.F. ROOS, who with his family, had temporarily vacated his residence in this town in order to prepare it for the occupation of Mr. Justice DWYER during the session of the Circuit Court, that some blackguards, we can call them by no milder terms, had broken several of the windows in the frontage, and strewn rotten eggs on the front stoep. Unfortunately the perpetrators of this outrage have not been discovered. – Colesberg A.

A Letter from Eland’s River, or Gatberg, states that Mr. ORPEN has arrived there and hoisted the British flag. This was done on the 28th August, in the presence of the Chiefs LEHANA, ZIBI, PUBENQUA, and their followers. The police escort fired a salute and three cheers were given for the Queen.

Trekking. – Several Boer treks from the Cradock and other divisions, passed through Aliwal North during the week en route for the Transvaal. Trekking on a large scale, we heard from one of these, is contemplated from the colony to the “land of promise.”

SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. – We are informed that Mr. Hendrik RABE, of Darling, who has been totally blind for upwards of nineteen years, has been successfully operated upon by Dr. C. BICCARD, of Cape Town, and has now the perfect use of his eyes.

HUMANSDORP. – We learn that a respectable inhabitant of Humansdorp has been committed for trial by the Resident Magistrate, charged with the recent robbery of money from Mr. LAKELAND. Our correspondent says that a boy who was searching for eggs in the fence of the accused person found the missing bag of money there, with only three sovereigns abstracted. – Uitenhage Times.

It is with very deep and sincere regret that we have to announce the death, yesterday afternoon, of John A. VAN DER BYL, of Fairfield, Caledon, and late member off the Legislative Council. Only about six weeks ago Mr. VAN DER BYL, with his brother Laurence VAN DER BYL, Esq., of Eerste River, his brother-in-law, P. MAYBURGH, Esq., of Elsenburgh, Stellenbosch, with three other gentlemen, left Capetown for a pleasure trip to the Diamondfields, the Transvaal Republic, and thence round by way of Natal. They reached Table Bay by the steamer Elizabeth Martin last on Friday night, and landed on Saturday morning, when everyone was deeply grieved to learn that Mr. John VAN DER BYL was apparently in the last stage of the disease of dysentery. It attacked him seriously first, soon after the party left the Diamond fields, on their way to the Transvaal; it came on afterwards in intermittent fits on the way down from Natal; and though on arrival here the patient was brought out to the residence of his brother Mr. Adriaan VAN DER BYL, at Roodebloem, and every attention was given him that Medical skill could bestow, it was felt throughout that there was no chance of recovery. On Sunday the members of his family, who had been telegraphed for, were all gathered around him, and in the calmest and most self-possessed manner, he gave his final directions for the direction and disposal of his worldly affairs. Gradually he lingered in the same composure through the night, and yesterday morning he was attended upon by the Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON, and yesterday afternoon at a quarter to four he died in perfect peace. Mr. John VAN DER BYL, was only forty-eight years of age, and looked very much younger than that. Originally trained to business in the firm of HAMILTON ROSS & Co., he afterwards turned his attention to farming, on which he achieved a success equalled by few and surpassed by none that we could mention in the Western Province. His estate ‘Fairfield” in Caledon was a perfect model of what a colonial country gentlemen’s estate should be, alike in its agricultural arrangements and its princely hospitality; while of its importance and productiveness, as well of the other farms possessed by Mr. VAN DER BYL in the Strandveld, it may be sufficient to mention that the wool-clip of last year alone realized over £4,000. – Argus.

One by one the old patriarchs of our colonial community are departing, and on Sunday last one of the most venerable of the John B. EBDEN, Esq., died at the ripe old age of eighty-seven. Only three weeks ago the old gentleman seemed still comparatively hale and well, smoked his cigar, and walked about with remarkable firmness of step and perfect possession of all his mental faculties. And one of the last things he watched, and the reports of which he read with most marked interest, was the reception given by the politicians of Grahamstown to Mr. MOLTENO, now Premier of the Colony, but who commenced his colonial career, so far back as 1831, in the capacity of clerk in Mr. EBDEN’S mercantile business in Capetown. Gradually, however, and gently the disease of old age – for it was nothing more – began to take effect, and on Sunday at noon terminated in a calm, peaceful and venerable death. Mr. EBDEN has been a colonist of some seventy years standing; and by himself individually, as by many members of his family, made a most marked impression on the progress and prosperity of the country. As a merchant first; then as a member of the old Legislative Council; then in 1838 as the founder of the Cape of Good Hope Bank – which has proved the most successful financial institution in the Colony, and of which he was chairman from the day of its establishment to the day of his death; then as an almost unanimously elected member of the first Legislative Council under the new Constitutional system; later still as President of the Chamber of Commerce; and always as a friend of kindliest feeling and most perfect courtesy of demeanour towards all with whom he came in contact – in all these capacities he was one of the most remarkable typical colonial men of our time. – Argus.

Terrible “Tribal War.” –Forty old men, Women, and Children Killed and Eaten.
The special correspondent of the “Melbourne Argus” at Fiji, writing on the 10th of April, states that three weeks ago the Wai Kalou and other mountain people (in satisfaction of an ancient grudge which arose from the murder of some people who fled to a town for protection some six years back), taking advantage of the absence of the fighting men, attacked two of the towns in the Soloira district and killed and ate forty old men, women and children. The Soloira people are lotu (Christian) and allies of Bau. So also were the Viria people, but in this revolt they have ‘thrown off the cloth” and rejoined the heathen with upwards of twenty other lotu towns.
The safety of the kingdom is seriously imperilled by this revolt, and the king who has acted with unusual rapidity for a Fijian, determined at once to crush it at all hazards. The fighting men remaining at his disposal were collected as quickly as possible and his Majesty knowing the crisis to be serious decided in spite of the growing infirmities of old age to take the command in person and strike such a blow as should long be remembered by the cannibal hordes of these districts. The scene of this disturbance is in the Rewa district, and is within fifty miles from the east coast of Viti Levu; and though the affair is a purely Fijian quarrel, its results will, say the “Argus,” very seriously affect the white settlers in the Rewa district and perhaps other parts of the island.


A TREAT. – On Thursday evening next the Rev. Mr. FISH has promised to deliver a lecture upon ‘Science,” in the Benefit Hall. We anticipate a full house. Mr. FISH as an entertaining and instructive lecturer stands in high repute. Some excellent Music will embrace the pleasures of the evening. Those who wish for a treat will attend.

G.J. VAN GASS, ESQ. – It was rumoured in Town on Tuesday afternoon that this gentleman had died that morning. We are happy to be able to contradict the rumour; in fact we believe that favourable symptoms have shown themselves, and that hopes are now entertained of Mr. VAN GASS’s recovery. – Representative.

SAD ACCIDENT. – Our Maclean correspondent writes: - On Friday morning early a sad accident befell a Dutchman named RAUTENBACH. He was coming home from King William’s Town, and had occasion to jump off the front of his wagon this side of Maclean when his coat got fast to a spike in a case on the wagon and swung him round under the wheel. One arm is smashed so completely that amputation will be necessary to save his life, and one foot is seriously bruised. The poor fellow who is 63 years of age although surrounded by his country men and relatives was left in Maclean without any medical attendance until Saturday mid-day when he was forwarded to the King William’s Town hospital. – Gazette.

£1,500 subscribed for new road. Two miles completed, about twenty marked out.
Dean DONOVAN, of Maritzburg, accused of tampering with the Marriage register of St. Peter’s Cathedral has been committed for trial but admitted to bail,
Rev. Dr. HEYNS died this morning.
Thomas ANSDELL, Esq., of the firm Searight & Co., died Saturday afternoon.
The Natal Star, from Rangoon to Table Bay, put into Simon’s Bay on Saturday, to land the Captain’s wife who has since died.

Thursday noon.
The nominations for the Council closed yesterday, and the following is a list of the candidates;

The man charged with the murder of the Officer on board the Spanish Steamer Juar is to be delivered to the Officer commanding the War Vessel belonging to Spain at present in Simons Bay. He will be tried at Cadiz.

No fresh cases of small pox have come to light. The patients at the Lezaretto are doing well and rapidly recovering.

A LOUISVILLE man has been troubled by a visit from the ghost of his first wife. He did not see the ghost’s face, but he knows it must have been her, because she marched straight to the pantry and went for the wedding-cake the perfidious man had prepared for his second marriage.

Saturday, October 11, 1873.

CIRCUIT COURT. (Extracts.)

His Honor Mr. Justice DWYER, accompanied by Mrs. DWYER, and two children, and Mr. FIELDEN, Registrar, arrived in Fort Beaufort on Monday Afternoon about four p.m. having left Bedford the same morning. Advocates, JOHNSON, BROWN, and STOCKENSTROM, preceded his lordship, Mr. Advocate DE WET arriving after. The Calendar, it will be seen, was an unusually heavy one; but with one or two exceptions, the cases were of the usual kind, thefts of stock, or receiving stolen goods, and assaults.
TUESDAY, 7th October.
The Court opened this morning. The Barristers on Circuit were Advocates STOCKENSTROM, BROWN, JOHNSON, and DE WET.
Joe pleaded guilty to housebreaking and theft. (Previous conviction proved.)
Sentence: three years.
Culpable Homicide.
SPEELMAN MICHAELIS: charged with culpable homicide, by causing the death of his wife.
Plea: not guilty.
Witnesses deposed to the manner in which prisoner had inflicted wounds on deceased. After a short consultation the jury returned a verdict of guilty of aggravated assault.
Sentence: 5 years hard labour.
The case of Stoffel NEL was, on the application of prisoner, he being unfit to appear, postponed until the next circuit.
Jack JANTJIE (Extract) charged with stealing sixteen goats from farmers in the Stockenstrom district. He pleaded not guilty. Evidence was led to bring home the theft to the Prisoner. A verdict of guilty was returned and he was sentenced to five years hard labour.
SWAARTBOY stood charged with stealing six sheep, six sheepskins, and thirty pounds of fat, the property of his master David McMASTER. One of the witnesses for the crown admitted that a number of his master’s sheep had died of poverty. On the whole the evidence adduced was weak in tracing the theft home. The jury acquitted the prisoner, a verdict which his Lordship said was proper.
James HAGE lately inspector of roads, was charged with stealing two horses, to which he pleaded not guilty. Mr. CHALMERS, the prosecutor disposed to hearing a footstep in his yard. Looking out his window he saw a person going into his stable. On going out he found prisoner in the stable, holding a horse by the reim. Prisoner had a stick and attempted to strike prosecutor, after which he ran away. He was arrested the following day. His Lordship referred to inconsistencies between the prosecutor’s evidence and that given at the preliminary examination. Witness said he distinctly told the magistrate what he had now said, and if it was not down it was a mistake. The Judge said it was a gross omission on the part of the magistrate if what witness said was correct. In this case the most important part of the evidence is omitted, and yet the witness who had some experience and was not like an ignorant Kaffir, signed his deposition as correct. The jury were told that under such circumstances there was hardly anything to convict the prisoner of theft. He might have gone into the stable to sleep, but that was not the question. The jury acquitted prisoner, who intimated that he would sue prosecutor for £1,000. (Laughter)
Frans KOKO pleaded guilty to stealing four sheep and four lambs. He said he had no reason to steal. Sentenced to three years hard labour.
KALKOON pleaded guilty to stealing a horse belonging to Cobb & co, and was sentenced to 2 years hard labor.
HENDRIK pleaded not guilty to stealing fifty three sheep, property of john OLILVIE, and three goats, one cloak, two rings, property of JANUARY. Sentence 5 years.
Hendrik KLASS pleaded guilty to a violent assault on his wife. He was sentenced to I year hard labor.
Culpable Homicide.
STOFFEL was charged with causing the death of JAMES, by striking him with a bottle. He pleaded guilty, but did not mean to kill, and also that he was first assaulted.
Sentence: 1 year hard labor.


ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. – (Extract) We regret to say that the Rev. Mr. HENCHMAN, who has for some time past been seriously ill, is still very unwell.

DEATH OF A WELL KNOWN CHIEF. – We learn from the interior that the Chief SECHELE of Bakuna country is dead.

REQUISITIONS are in course of signature in Graham’s Town to Mr. CLOUGH, the old member, and Mr. Anthony MATTHEWS, to represent the city. Both gentlemen will accept.

Mr. John RORKE has been appointed librarian and secretary of the Griqualand West Public Library at a salary of £250.

Dr. LE SUEUR, District Surgeon of Port Elizabeth, has commenced to vaccinate the natives of the location at Port Elizabeth as a precautionary measure against the appearance of small-pox.

The Free Press reports the death of Mrs. W. HARTLEY, one of the few survivors of the 1820 settlers – The deceased lady, who for many years resided in this city, was a sister of the Hon. S. CAWOOD.

Cape Town, Friday.
R.M. ST. Danube arrived at 11 last night.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:-
For East London:
Capt. HARDING, Lieut. HAMNIARS, Mrs. And Miss CARPENTER, 93 rank and file, one woman and two children.

Cholera has broken out at Havre.
The bank forgers have been sentenced to penal servitude for life.
80 ships have been driven on shore at Nova Scotia.


Mr. VAN GASS, of Queen’s Town, we regret to learn, expired a couple of days ago.

The man WATSON, who was sentenced to death at the last Circuit Court held at Graaff-Reinet for the murder of Middleton, at Vlei Plaats, has had his sentence commuted to imprisonment for life.

INDICATIONS of coal have been found on the banks of the Reit and Modde Rivers. The whole of Griqualand West appears to rest upon carboniferous strata.

DIED, at Fildesby, Klu Klu, on Saturday, the 27th September, Emily STOKES, aged 4 years and 8 months – daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.F. STOKES.

Saturday, October 18, 1873.


ON DIT. – Mr. R.W. NELSON, the alleged sub-editor of the “Easter Star,” is to contest the representation of East London in the house of Assembly. Should this prove to be true, Mr SPRIGG had better be on the look out. – Communicated to the Watchman.

A horrible case of blood poisoning is reported from Mossel Bay. A highly respected and well to do farmer named MEYAR, in attending upon a horse suffering from the glanders, by some means or other got inoculated with the virus, and [despite] all that medical skill could compass died from the effects.

MURDER. – A most vile murder has been committed at Kimberly on a German named PLOTZ, who was found with a gash in his forehead, enough to produce instantaneous death. A rope was round his neck, and his head and body were covered with bruises. Deceased’s wife, and one NIEHL have been arrested. The pair have been living in adultery together, and deceased has accused his wife of poisoning his wine. Two other men are in gaol on suspicion.

ESTATE FOR SALE. – In our front page to-day, Messrs ARMSTRONG and ZIERVOGEL Auctioneers, Cradock, advertise for sale Mr. PRINGLE’s well known farm “White Bank.”

ALICE. – We understand that the arrangements have been completed for the removal of the Dutch Reformed Church from Aberdeen to Alice. Property will rise in value in this town now.

A CHEAP MEAT COMPANY is to be started at Somerset.

CETYWAYO has given 400 farms to the British Government, including the land in dispute with the Transvaal.

Re SCHEWEIZER. – THE NEXT ACT. – The insolvent, as had been anticipated, made tracks through the Free State to Natal. His trustee had exactly anticipated this movement, and as a logical sequence, had the necessary affidavits all ready at Natal for the purpose of securing the arrest of Mr. SCHEWEIZER. The plans which were organized have succeeded, and Mr. SCHEWEIZER may be expected in Port Elizabeth to-day as a passenger by the Elizabeth Martin.

Cape Town,
October 15, 1873.
Tuesday – “Asiatic” arrived at six a.m.
Passengers for Port Elizabeth:

Saturday, October 25, 1873.


COLONIAL-SMOKING in the streets of Beaufort West is punished (“leniently,” as the local paper has it), by fourteen days hard labour.

RAILWAY ACCIDENT! – On the occasion of the trial trip yesterday the inevitable dog, which always appears on such occasions, was run over by the train and cut in two. – Herald.

SERVE HIM RIGHT. – A diamond-buyer was last evening subjected to a severe flagellation for attempting to desecrate the sacredness of another buyer’s home. The screams of the lady brought a number of gentlemen to the spot, and the delinquent was dragged out and a good horsewhipping administered, besides we believe a fair share of kicks. Altogether, however, he may consider himself lucky if he escapes with a few contusions and the loss of a couple of teeth and a suit of new clothes. – Diamond News.

ELOPEMENT. – The Colesberg paper reports: - On the 27th September a man named DE VREE ran away from Philipstown with a with a married woman named Elizabeth LAWRENCE, who left her husband and a child of one year and eleven months old, to follow the fortunes of her paramour. Mr. LAWRENCE says, in his indignation, “A beast like she is not worthy to be called a mother, she is just worth being pulled to pieces by four horses.” Of the gay Lothario he writes; “He is a married man and his wife in Pretoria.” In order that no mistake may be made, Mr. LAWRENCE describes the run-away couple as follows: - “He; a tall man with a lame leg, a mark on his nose, moustache, and wears a Don’t care hat. Drinks French brandy. She: Rather thin looking, wears loose hair and a blue dress.” In the hurry of leaving Mr. LAWRENCE found she could not get her own hat, her husband being at home, so she left with a hat belonging to another married woman, and, says Mr. LAWRENCE “she also stole my last money.” Our correspondent further remarks with reference to DE VREE:
“He calls himself a gentleman, but he acts like a blackguard which seems to us not more forcible than truthful. He purchased a blue silk dress for his Dulcinea, which LAWRENCE says he forgot to pay for.” Finally, the unhappy pair were last heard of by the deserted husband as temporary lodgers at Mr. YOUNG’s hotel, Colesburg.

A UITENHAGE CELEBRITY died on Tuesday morning, Mr. MacBEAN. Although Mr. MacBEAN has been for many years in indignant circumstances, being very old and infirm, he was a man of education, and his efforts as an artist and an author are more or less familiar to the public. We believe he has left numerous specimens of both, and undoubtedly many will be glad to get possession of some of them as souvenirs of the eccentric old gentleman who lived and died among us. – Uitenhage Times.

“African,” arrived at noon. Passengers for Algoa Bay -
Mr. and Mrs. PARKER and child, Miss TEPPAN, Mr. KOLLIN, Mr. BELL and daughter, Mr. NAPIER, Mr. G. MEYER, Dr. and Mrs. DYER and infant, Master DYER, Mr. and Mrs. DAMANT, Mr. LEE, Miss CHRISTIAN, Miss MUNTZ, Mr. KIPPON, Captain and Mrs. CAITHNESS, Mrs. RULLEY and child, Mr. WHITE, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. DAWE.
Capt. MILLS, Under Colonial Secretary, had considerably improved in health in his voyage to England in the “Anglian.”
The “African” on coming into dock yesterday, ran into the U.S.S.” Namaqua” and completely smashed in her Bulwarks, the “Namaqua” had grounded at Port Nolloth and had returned in ballast to go on the slip.
A Japanese troup of jugglers, rope walkers, and Athletes have come out in the “African,” and after performing in Cape Town, will make a tour of the Colony.
By the “Walmer Castle,” a thorough-bred horse named Student, formerly the property of Mr. MERRY, was imported by Mr. J. HOFMEYER.
Two thoroughbred mares arrived yesterday by the “African,” for Mr. VAN DER BYL.

Saturday, November 1, 1873.


THE MURDER AT THE FIELDS. – The two Dwingers have been discharged from custody, and Mrs. PLOTZ, wife of the murdered man, and MEHL, have been committed. Mrs. PLOTZ is a native of Breslau and is 37 years old. MEHL is a native of Silesia and is 44 years old.

THE PENNY MAIL remarks on elections, that the country has no need of Mr. R.J. PAINTER in the Legislative Council and would be better without him.

The Good Templars Lodge at Queenstown now numbers 85 members. At the last meeting twenty-two were initiated, of whom mine were ladies.

A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE has been formed at King Williamstown.

The citizens of Dordrecht have ordered from England a handsome silver claret cup to be presented to James AYLIFF, Esq. late C.C. and R.M. of that place.

WODEHOUSE. – Mr. MERRIMAN, Mr. GAU, and Mr. BRADFIELD, are mentioned as probable candidates for Wodehouse in the Assembly.

FISH RIVER BRIDGE. – We are glad to learn that this bridge is to be commenced at once, the order having been sent to England for the iron work. It will be constructed under the superintendence of Mr. NEWERY, and Mr. A.J. DE SMIDT, of the public works department, in the same manner as the Buffalo Bridge has been erected. – Gazette.

NAMAGUALAND. – Mr. G.A. VON LUDWIG has received and accepted a requisition to stand as a candidate for the House of Assembly at the ensuing election. Requisitions are in course of signature for Mr. St. George BOYES and Mr. Surveyor WATERMEYER. Messrs. S. VAN NIEKERK and R. TORBET are also spoken of as candidates.

THE ANTONI-SPALDING DIAMOND. – By the mail from England, Mr. R. SPALDING received intelligence that his monster diamond of 288½ carats, was in the hands of the cutters, who guaranteed that £18,000 should be realised for it, and that in the event of the cutting proving unsatisfactory, the same amount should be paid to the owner. This is we think, the highest price ever guaranteed to a digger for a single diamond. – Diamond Field.

For the following summary of the Gold News we are indebted to our contemporary the Volkstem.
“From advices received by Government we learn that on the 22nd ult. There were not 25 lbs of meal in the camp. Appeals have been made to Government to send up supplies, and we understand that it has been decided to forward a quantity of meal to be disposed of on certain conditions. The contractor for the road to Delagoa Bay had begun operations and it was expected that the road would be opened at Christmas.”
By yesterday’s post letters were received that the new rush at Pilgrim’s Rest has turned out the richest part of the diggings yet, and that all the diggers have gone there. Macmac is quite deserted.

“Rumour having been spread that the gold nuggets brought by His Honour the President, were not genuine, two experienced Australian Diggers of the party that came up by last Transport wagon examined them yesterday. They have declared them as undoubtedly genuine, in fact, the purposely came to our office to testify to the genuineness of the nuggets, and to dispel whatever damaging reports may be in circulation about them. The names of the two diggers are John WILLIAMS and William GROSSER. The whole party leaves this morning for the fields by a bullock wagon which they hired for £5 a head, with the right of each man carrying with him 200 lbs. weight of luggage. The party is well supplied with necessaries, and we have no doubt that they will be an acquisition to the digging community. We wish them every success.”

A Correspondent of Volkstem writes:- “On Monday last a notice appeared in Commissioner’s Camp that William TRAFFORD, miner, had reported the discovery of payable gold in the creek known as the “Pilgrim Rest,” 14 miles north of this place, emptying into the “Blijde” river, and claimed a discovery claim. This new place is located on a farm which was purchased last April by Mr. GUZMAN of Pretoria. I have visited the rush, but I found that very little mining had been done, though the creek was pegged out for some five miles. I saw excellent prospects of course gold which had been obtained from claims above the prospectors, but the richness of the creek has yet to be ascertained whether payable or not. Plenty of water and immense boulders of quartz, iron-stone, and granite. The Gold Commissioner has visited the place, and issued licenses.”

(Reuter’s Telegram,)
Paris, Wednesday.
The “Journal de Paris” says the English Traveller, Mr. STORNES, arrived here to-day bringing news of Dr. LIVINGSTONE up to the commencement of last July. The doctor was in perfect health.


Edward PHILLPOTT, Esq., Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of fort Beaufort, has been gazetted as an additional Polling Officer for this district.

Charles PIERS, Esq., late Postmaster General, has been appointed Civil Commissioner of the Cape division and Magistrate of Wynberg.

G.W. AITCHISON, Esq., C.C. & R.M., of Tulbagh, has been appointed Postmaster General.

A Native was run over by a wagon near Botha’s hill this week, and killed on the spot.

At a native dance in Uitenhage division, a Kafir named BOOY BILL stabbed one of the dancers, who dropped down a corpse.

A REQUISITION to Mr. John STONIER, the well-known tailor of Capetown to represent that city in the Assembly, is now in the course of signature.

Mr. DISTIN of Cradock, is endeavouring to form a Joint Stock Company to import a traction engine for employment in that district.

ACCIDENT TO A WAGON IN QUEEN’S ROAD. – A wagon, the property of Mr. HUMPHRIES, of Alice, and chartered by Messrs. RAYAL & KING, and Messrs. HOWSE, REYNOLDS & Co., was upset in Queen’s Road on Friday afternoon, when near the foot of the hill. No one was injured, and damage to goods not considerable. – Journal.

Cape Town.
At the Police Court three young women were brought up on a charge of forgery. – It appears a letter containing a cheque for £200 was sent to a Mrs. S. KEMP, but instead of being delivered to her it came into the possession of another Mrs. KEMP, who it is alleged, fraudulently endorsed it and obtained the money from the Standard Bank. After preliminary depositions had been taken the accused were remanded until Friday.
The candidates for Assembly in Capetown are Messrs. FAIRBRIDGE, SOLOMON, STIGANT, GOODLIFFE, BAM and STONIER.

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 28th October, the Wife of Mr. Robert A. WARD, of a Daughter.

Saturday, November 8, 1873.


YELLOW FEVER. – H.M.S. Challenge arrived at Simon’s Bay on Tuesday from Bahai, having yellow fever on board.

The estate of Charles LILFORD has been placed under sequestration by Order dated 23rd October. The assets are £1,736 14s 7d: liabilities £3,740 17s 3d: deficiency £2,364 10s 8d.

LINECAR PRICE REDIVIVUS. – Linecar PRICE has turned up in Cape Town under the name Hon. W. Stuart LINNECAR-DARNLEY. He advertises an entertainment under the patronage of the Crown Lands commissioner, the Premier and Dean CLARKE. The entertainment is to be “popular,” and is to be given “D.V.” The Volksblad, to whom the man of many names applied, refused to take his advertisement, but agreed to announce the “performance” gratis in its local columns – Which, by the way, would amount to the same thing, for both parties. Our contemporary thus “prepared for the worst” in time. – Argus.

SANDY THE PIPER IN A NEW CHARACTER. – At the Port Elizabeth Magistrate’s Court on Monday last, Alexander MaCLEAN (Sandy the Piper) was charged with disturbing the peace on Sunday by singing and playing some instrument. The constable said he was playing an instrument and singing all sorts of songs in the street while afternoon service was going on. Sandy said it was no such thing – he was singing psalms, and occasionally accompanying himself on a fife. The constable repeated they were songs. Fined 10s, or fourteen days hard labour.

The Nebraska Indians are allowed to ride free on all trains they can jump on while the latter is in motion. The tribe is being reduced very rapidly.

The Richmond Era reports a somewhat remarkable case tried in the Magistrate’s Court of that town. According to our contemporary it seems that Divine Service is conducted by the clergymen of the Church of England in the Court House, there being no Church in Richmond. The custom has been for those attending at these services to occupy any seats which may be vacant. The Magistrate, however, claimed the front seat, and affixed an official notice to the seat to that effect. A Sunday or two since a Mr. and Mrs. KIDD went into this seat, and accidentally, as it would appear, knocked this paper off. Mrs. KIDD picked up this paper and on learning its purport, she and her husband at once left the seat, and sought another. For this trifling matter the magistrate issued a summons against Mr. KIDD, and fined him one pound, with the alternative of being sent to prison for seven days. The fine was paid and the majesty of the law vindicated, but we scarcely think either the Magistrate or the law he is appointed to administer get much honour from the transaction. We have perused the report of the case as given by the Era, and are of the opinion that a more paltry, petty case never occupied a Court of Law, we will not say Justice. The defendant was declared to be guilty on the evidence of a couple of children, son and daughter of a man either now or very recently in the service of the court. From the fact that Mr. and Mrs. KIDD left the seat immediately on reading the paper we must conclude its removal was done in ignorance, and if that be the case, Mr. JACKSON, the Magistrate, has certainly strained his power to inflict a fine. – Penny Mail.

Cape Town.
The Anglican, with dates to the 6th of October, arrived this morning.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
For East London: Mr. SCHMIDT.


TREKKING. – Several thousands of sheep have passed through this town within a fortnight.

George Edward LEPPAN, of Somerset East.

SNUFFED OUT. – An energetic touter having regard to his clients interests, accosting elderly gentleman about recording his vote on Wednesday, “Good morning, sir, I suppose you will give me one vote to P***t*r.” Voter, indignantly – “No, when I vote it will be for a gentleman. Do you think I am mad.” Immense cheering by the crowd, to the utter discomfiture of touter.

MURDER. – A native has been apprehended on a charge of murder. Several natives were indulging in jokes beyond the river near the mill. From jokes they proceeded to blows, resulting in the death of one man.

BIRTH on the 6th inst, Mrs. SOLOMON of a son.

Saturday, November 15, 1873.


SUDDEN DEATH. – We deeply regret to have to record the sudden and melancholy death on Saturday night last, of Mr. R.A. MILLER, of this town. Mr. MILLER was a resident of many years, and enjoyed the respect of his town’s men. Unfortunately for some time past he had fallen into pecuniary embarrassments, against which he long struggled manfully, but at length his courage failed. Fresh troubles coming on him suddenly during the week preceding his death, he was prostrated and after a brief struggle succumbed to death. Much sympathy is felt for the wife and family of the deceased, who was in the prime of manhood. The funeral took place on Sunday, and was one of the largest we have seen in the place.

CART ACCIDENT. – On Saturday a Mrs. ADAMS met with a serious accident near the Winterberg hotel. She was on a cart driven by her husband. When turning the hill beyond Koonap drift the horses bolted, and upset the vehicle, which rolled over several times. Mrs. ADAMS sustained a fracture of the thigh bone.

A JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER, named James MILLER, whilst proceeding from Cape Town to the Diamond Fields, was seized with an apoplectic fit when in Bain’s Kloof, and falling off the wagon expired almost immediately.

Henry Ward BEECHER, it is said, gets from all sources, an income of £10,000 a year.

BEAUFORT – RETRIBUTION. – Vigilant PLAATJES, who was charged at the last Circuit Court with biting his son to death and not brought to trial through his decrepitude, died suddenly on Monday afternoon. The district Surgeon saw him at twelve o’clock; he got his food shortly afterwards and at three o’clock was found dead. On a post mortem being made it was found that the prominent tooth which went so deeply into his little boy got loose and went down his windpipe, causing almost instantaneous death.

UITENHAGE. – The servant of Mr. MOSEL, who was so cruelly beaten a fortnight ago, has died of his injuries. His murderers are at large.

GRAHAMSTOWN. – Dr. DAVIS, formerly of Cradock, recently of the city, is dead. He breathed his last at his residence in Grahamstown on the 3rd November, after a long and illness, aged 52 years, leaving a bereaved and sorrowing widow and large family to mourn his untimely death. He was an M.D. and M.R.C.S.; well and favourably known in the earlier part of his professional career.

Accident. A very unfortunate accident happened to Dr. ATHERSTONE yesterday. While driving in his carriage down Hill-street, his horses took fright and dashed off with great violence. Doctor ATHERSTONE was thrown out and much cut about the head. The coachman was also injured. On turning round the Beaufort-street corner the carriage was broken to pieces, the horses bolted with the harness and pole. In their course they knocked down a little girl, the daughter of Mr. R. MURRAY, breaking her leg and otherwise injuring it. It is hoped that Dr. ATHERSTONE will speedily recover.

SUDDEN DEATH. - Seldom a week passes but we have a record of sudden death. A man named Charles BROWN, a boatman died very suddenly on Wednesday morning early. We understand he suddenly put his hand to his breast and said “Oh, I am dying.” He took hold of his wife and child who happened to be present, and expired. – Telegraph.

DEATH THROUGH DRINKING. – On Tuesday morning last Frederick WILLIAMS better known as “Charlie,” was found dead on the roadside near Hex River, about two and a half hours’ ride from Worcester. Twenty years ago the deceased deserted from the 73rd Regiment in Cape Town, and has ever since led a vagabond life, obtaining a living by the sale of rudely drawn and gaudily painted forms of genealogical trees. He was generally thought to be harmless, but his drunken habits and noisy manner of crying his papers for sale caused him to be made acquainted with the inside of nearly every goal in the Western Province. – Standard.

A QUESTION. – The Free Press very pertinently asks Mr. Samuel LOXTON to answer at his earliest convenience the following question: “How much did he get; or how much was he promised, for his vote against the Responsible Government Bill?” A correct answer would be very interesting to the public and would let them see how that a taste of the loaves and fishes is sweet even to that disinterested politician, Samuel LOXTON, Esq.

THE OLDEST BRITISH SETTLER. – It is a notable circumstance, - one deserving of more than an ordinary passing comment, that the oldest of the British Settlers now living, Mr. COCKCROFT, of Myrtle Grove near Bathurst, who has attained the great age of 93 years, recorded his vote at Clumber, on Wednesday last. The venerable colonist, who has always been remarkable for his sturdy independence of character and indomitable pluck and perseverance insisted upon been conveyed to the Polling Station, a distance of several miles from his place of residence, expressing his anxious desire to vote once more for a friend of more than fifty years standing. He recorded the whole of his ten votes for Mr. GODLONTON. – Journal.

BIRTH. – AT Fort Beaufort on 1st inst. The wife of Mr. HAGLETHORN, of a Son.

DIED. – At Fort Beaufort on the 9th Nov. 1873, John MacDONALD, formerly Light Company 75th Regt. Deceased came to the Colony with the 75th Regt. in 1830.
A good man has gone to his rest.


ARSON. – Some rascal attempted one night this week to set fire to the house occupied by Miss FAGAN. About midnight flames were seen issuing from the veranda. They were speedily quenched by a party who happened to be passing. Matches were found in the thatch.

TELEGRAPH. – The telegraph has been completed to Bedford.

A box of goldware, valued at £200, has been stolen from Mr. J.W. CLOSE’S store at Middleburg in broad daylight. No clue to the thieves has been discovered.

Saturday, November 22, 1873.


We regret to learn that Mr. NIGHTINGALE, R.M. & C.C. of Alice, has been very seriously indisposed during the past week. He is now much better, but for a time the symptoms under which he labored were somewhat alarming.

OBITUARY. – We regret to announce the death at the farm of his brothers – Messrs D.E. BELL and S.C. BELL – on Wednesday night last of John C. BELL, Esq., late C.C. & R.M. of Stockenstrom. The deceased gentleman was in his 42nd year. The funeral, which was numerously attended by townspeople, took place on Friday afternoon. – Representative.

A Club has been formed in Fort Beaufort. The new Billiard Table, &c., ordered especially for the use of the members has arrived. Very convenient premises have been secured for Club purposes from Mr. R. WARD.

Messrs. P. GOOLD, J.M. PEACOCK, and C.A. SMITH have received requisitions to and for the House of Assembly.

Mr. Edward. John PHILPOTT has been appointed Registrar to Mr. Justice DWYER, without prejudice to his standing in the Civil Service.

FAITHFUL UNDER DIFFICULTIES. – Some time ago a man named KOETZEE got at Nazareth in the Transvaal 12 month’s imprisonment with hard labour in chains for firing at a Kafir. One morning after that he was missed from the prison. In the course of the following day the landdrost received a letter from him as follows, as nearly as it can be rendered into English:-
“Sir I have to state that I have committed myself. My good old landdrost, I cannot let my wife and children perish of hunger. The mill is broken; and what are they to live from? My good old Landdrost, don’t take any trouble to apprehend me. I swear to you by our God that if I don’t die I will make my appearance in Nazareth next Sunday as a faithful man. But I hope you my good old landdrost will not punish me. I would come sooner but I cannot repair the mill in less time. And don’t punish the constable, my good old landdrost. Trust me and when I return, please my chains be taken off as you promised me after the President’s departure, for it is hard for flesh and blood to be thus dealt with. Trust me my old landdrost. I hope Mr. YZEL will say a good word me. Further your faithful subject J.M.H. KOTZEE.”
True to his word KOETZEE returned to prison on the promised day and sent word of his arrival. He had repaired the mill and so altered his chains that they were no longer much impediment to his movements. The landdrost could not find it in his heart to punish him, but he told him in as solemn words as he could command that he not ever leave again to repair his mill.

The Government Gazette of the 7th inst. contains a Circular Despatch from Earl KIMBERLY reporting the results of Dr. Gavin MILROY’S investigations with regard to the treatment of leprosy.

THE GOLD FIELDS. – A lady residing in the city yesterday received a letter from her husband who is at the Leydenburg Gold-fields, in which it was stated that a nugget had been found weighing 4 lbs. The Volkstem evidently had heard something of this nugget, but refrains from publishing the report until better informed. – Natal Times.

The sentence of death passed upon FAWCETT, for the murder of MIDDLETON near Graaff Reinet has been commuted by his Excellency the Governor to transportation for life.

DIAMONDS IN THE COLONY. – Mr. R.J. DU PREEZ, of Olivenfontein, advertises in the Dutch language that he has discovered between Philipstown and Sterkfontein what he believes to be a very rich diamond mine, and notifies to the Government and public that he is prepared to point out the locality if a reward to himself and a share to the proprietor of the farm is guaranteed in the event of his discovery being genuine, - Colesburg Advertiser.

MEASLES are just now very prevalent at Graaff-Reinet. As yet there have been no fatal cases.

It is said that three thousand emigrants may be expected to arrive in the Colony by the end of the year.

Cape Town.
November 16.
The Teuton, arrived at seven p.m. yesterday
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
The Edinburgh Castle arrived early this morning with a number of Passengers for Algoa Bay.
The European arrived early this morning with a number of passengers for Algoa Bay.

Saturday, November 29, 1873.


MR. JOHN CAMBELL, R.M., of Cape Town, and Mr. HUGBO, Clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Worcester, have been appointed as Commissioners to proceed to fort Beaufort. These gentlemen arrived in Port Elizabeth by the Teuton.

ALICE. – The Baptists in the vicinity of Alice are shortly expecting the arrival of their old and respected friend the Rev. R.H. BROTHERTON, who intended to leave Dartmouth about 23rd Nov. He is to have several preaching Stations, but will most likely reside in Alice.

CART ACCIDENT. – Another serious accident has occurred in the Winterberg through the upsetting of a cart. A farmer named NEL was travelling with his wife, daughter, and a servant, in the vicinity of Port Retief, when the cart capsized and all the occupants were thrown out. The servant’s arm was broken, the rest getting off with a few bruises. The maimed servant was brought to Mr. J. SWEETNAM’s, and her arm set by Mr. McDONALD. She is now doing well.

“EVEN-HANDED JUSTICE.” – The Standard and Mail referring to the first criminal session in Capetown says:
Matt ENGMAN slays Peter MUSGRAVE, stabs him three times back and front, and receives eighteen months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
James BRISTOWE steals a pannier, brooch, nightgown, &c., and receives the like award.
Edward JOHNSON stabs Alfred BROWN, WHO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Doctor’s evidence, and we presume in consequence of the injuries inflicted, is “in a very weak condition, and in great danger of going into a decline,” and is imprisoned with hard labour for twelve months.
Frisky GEORGE steals fowls, bradawls, gimlets, nails, tin bath, &c., &c., and is imprisoned for five years with hard labour, and in addition fifty lashes. Now it is not the sentence of the last named, an incorrigible pilferer apparently, who doubles deserves the trouncing he has received at the hands of justice, that surprises us; but putting it side by side with those of ENGMAN and JOHNSON it does seem that these two malefactors got off remarkable cheap. The use of the knife is becoming very common in Capetown.

TROOPS FOR NATAL. – H.M.S. Rattlesnake, now in Table Bay, takes 300 men, drafted from the 86th Regiment, to Natal.

INSPECTOR GRANT, with 100 men of F.A.M. Police is now stationed at Umgwali, near Clarkebury. The presence of this force is said to have produced a good effect on the natives in that vicinity.

INSOLVENCY declared, 13th November:
Petrus F. FRANKEN, of Grahamstown.

THE LATE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES AT THE CAPE. – The Observer thus alludes to our late Commander of the forces at the Cape:-
We regret deeply to notice the death of Lieutenant General Charles HAY, the officer who supported Sir J. WHITWORTH in introducing small-bore rifles, and for nearly fifteen years as head of the Hythe School of Musketry trained the soldiers and the officers of Volunteers. Day after day for years he stood on that bleak shingle watching everything that was going on, ruling all concerned by unfailing decision, energy, and personal ability in the use of his weapons. He wanted to make England a nation of marksmen, and if he did quite succeed, he left us with 300,000 civilians among our population who on the day of need could stand side by side with any infantry of the Line.

NEWS has been received from the Gold Coast that the ASHANTEES have been celebrating, with great rejoicings, their successes over the English, and that the king had had sacrificed hundreds of slaves and other unfortunate persons to propitiate his gods.

Two cases of sudden death are reported from Port Elizabeth. One was a Mrs. TODD, who was found dead in her bed on Saturday morning, and the other a person named Rosetta KEYS who died from apoplexy in Brook-street.

GRATITUDE. – The gratitude of this world as a general rule is what our American cousins would call thin. But we have occasional instances that gratitude is not so much at a discount as some people assume. A short time back, Mr. Maurice JOSEPH, of Cape Town, helped a stranger he met on the road to the Diamond-Fields. Time flew by, and the giver had forgotten his kindness, but not so the recipient of it. He arrived in Cape Town a few days back a wealthy man, and his first act was most graceful. He called at the house of Mr. JOSEPH, and laying his fortune of diamonds before him asked him to help himself, for it was through him that they were there. Mr. JOSEPH very properly only accepted a small token of remembrance, and we have no doubt will keep it as a memento that kindness is not always forgotten. – Standard and Mail.

At the Circuit Court on the 10th inst., before Mr. Recorder BARRY, Earnest MEHL and Louise PLOTZ were charged with the murder of the husband of the second prisoner in September last. After a long trial, during which the evidence tended to exculpate the prisoners, a verdict of not guilty was returned and they were discharged. – Diamond News.

The R.M.S. Teuton has brought out a second batch – eighty-three in number – of artizans under contract to the Government.

A WORKING MAN’S LEAGUE is about to be formed in King Williamstown.

Dr. A.H. LATTEY has been appointed District Surgeon of Humansdorp.

BIRTH, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 21st inst. the wife of Mr. J.H. JONES, of a son.

DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, in the 8th Nov. 1878 [sic - 1873], Robert Alexander MILLER, aged 38 years, deeply regretted, by his family, and a large circle of friends.
Mrs. MILLER returns her sincere thanks to those friends who showed their sympathy for herself and family, in her affliction, and for their kindness during the illness of her husband, as well as for the respect shown to his remains by the large attendance at his funeral.

LIST of Persons who kindly contributed towards the Catholic Church on the laying of the foundation Stone in Alice, Nov.19, 1873.
Rt. Rev. Dr. RICARDS
Miss KAY
Thos. QUIN
Convent Grahamstown
Convent Port Elizabeth
Mr. EGAN, K.W. Town

Most men like to see themselves in print. Ladies like to see themselves in silks and velvet.
A YOUNG LADY thinks it is about time that some young fellow proposed, as she has been bridesmaid eight times, and has been tantalised enough.
IT IS a little singular how much valuable time a woman will take up in studying the postmark of a letter to see where it comes from, when she can open the letter and find out at once.
A NEGRO who had learned to read, wishing to have an idea of it to some of his acquaintances who had never seen a book, said, “Reading is de power ob hearin wid de eyes instead ob de ears.”

Saturday, December 6, 1873


MEMORIAL WORK TO FATHER MURPHY. – A small volume containing three sermons by the Right Rev. Bishop RICARDS prefaced by a short biographical sketch of Father Murphy, and an excellent portrait of the deceased gentleman, will shortly be issued from the press.

INDECENCY. – Recently in East London a Kafir was charged with appearing in the streets without proper clothing. The Magistrate (Mr. ORPEN) said he had high legal opinion for it, that a Kafir in his blanket was no more indecently clad that a gentleman who might go to bathe in his dressing gown. He did not see even that a European could be punished if he choose carefully to envelope himself in a blanket and walked the highway.

HENRY WESTERDALE, driver of the postcart between Richmond and Hanover, has been committed for trial on a charge of mailbag robbery.

POISONING. – An occurrence took place on the 19th inst. of a nature that demands our advertising to it. Briefly stated, a lady boarder at Mrs. KENT’S establishment was shortly after partaking of some brawn for breakfast, taken ill, seized with vomiting and remained unwell the whole day. At tea time Mr. VARDY and Mr. and Mrs. KENT also partook of the brawn and before half past 8 were similarly affected to the lady alluded to. Vomiting blood and prostration were the symptoms, and Dr. THOM was sent for. He prescribed ice and soda water and left. Growing worse, Dr. THOM was again sent for, but the message must have been imperfectly understood as he did not attend. Dr. HULL was sent for who called in Dr. DUNSTERVILLE and Dr. LE SUER. They applied such remedies as they judged prudent. About midnight the life of one patient was in a critical state but strong remedies having been applied and the greatest attention rendered, they are in a fair way of recovery. Of course various surmises are extant, some attributing the ill effects to the careless method of preparing the feet. Dr. HULL, took possession of the brawn for analysis, but owing to pressure of professional engagements, was unable to analyse it until too far decomposed for the purpose, and unfortunately this mysterious affair cannot be solved. – Telegraph.

CAPE TOWN, Saturday.
Mr. COLTARD of Prince Albert, has been gazetted Civil Commissioner of Tulbagh. It is said that Mr. George RAINER, clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Malmesbury, will succeed Mr. COLTARD at Prince Albert.
In the Supreme Court on Thursday a difference of opinion arose between the two Judges and of course no judgment could be pronounced.
Tuesday, 3 o’clock.
A Mr. Edward PRITCHARD was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning. He had only been unwell the previous day.
It is reported that gold-bearing quartz has been found in the Cold Bokkveld. Mr. GIBB, the chemist, has extracted a considerable quantity of pure gold from a specimen of it.

Saturday, December 13, 1873.


AN UNPROFITABLE CUSTOMER. – The other day a “young man from the country” named COETZEE, called at the Victoria Hotel for breakfast. It was of course put before him, including a pound of butter which had cost the landlord no less a sum of 6s 6d. After breakfast it was found necessary to charge this luxurious gentleman 8s 6d, as he had devoured the whole pound of butter himself. In the language of the immortal bard – “comment is unnecessary.” – Cradock Register.

A GENTLEMAN SIGNING HIMSELF “J.W.” in the Richmond Era says he has for many years been keeping horses in Richmond Era, says he has for many years been keeping horses in Richmond. He finds that keeping a single pair in stable has cost him £300, exclusive of farriery, &c., which make another £50. He must be a rich man to keep horses at that cost.

OBITUARY. – The Grahamstown papers record the death of Mr. William SAMPSON, father of Mr. David SAMPSON, the well-known farrier and horse breeder. The deceased was in his 68th year, was held in high esteem by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and was well-known in literary circles: under the signature of “Old Quarryman” he contributed several poems to colonial papers, which would well bear reprinting. The late Mr. SAMPSON, in his younger days, was one of the most powerful men in the colony. Requiescat in Pace.

Mr. J. JEANS, a digger at the Fields, killed a fowl the other day and found eight Diamonds in its gizzard.

SUICIDE AT THE KOWIE. – On Sunday a poor fellow named MULLIGAN, who has for many years been employed as a constable at the station, put an end to his life by shooting himself.

GEORGE LIONEL LEE was sentenced in the Magistrate’s Court at the New Rush, last week, to a fine of £100 or six months’ imprisonment and banishment from the territory, for buying Diamonds from natives without a licence.

Messrs. J. FROST, J.P. BERTRAM, and S. LOXTON, are candidates for the representation of Queenstown in the House of Assembly.

UITENHAGE. –The Times reports that there is a probability of Mr. A.E.B. PLACKETT being nominated for a seat in the House of Assembly.

DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT. – It is a most unfortunate thing for the character and comfort of Grahamstown audiences that young men and boys should by their ridiculous and disgraceful behaviour make themselves conspicuous. Such was the case on Friday evening at the Glass-blowers. After cautioning the miscreants once or twice Mr. WOODROFF very properly turned them out, and one or two resisting, force was used to their deserved discomfort. Not content with this one low fellow of a baser sort after being turned out, returned and to the peril of other persons safety, threw part of a brick into the Hall. To put a stop to these proceedings, arrangements have been made for a policeman to be present each evening while Mr. WOODROFF remains with his entertaining exhibition. – Journal.

ON THE ROAD. – A private letter from a party now en route to the Gold Fields and dated “Mooi River, Monday night,” gives some particulars of the state of affairs there. The writer say that wagons are stopped there and all powder, caps, lead, or guns (except for own use) taken away. Major DURNFORD and Mr. JOICE stop all wagons with such things, all of which are stored in the church. Major DURNFORD gives us the reason for such proceedings that the rebels might seek the road for ammunition. Parties on the road are advised to keep together as much as possible.

Saturday, December 20, 1873.


G. JACKSTAD has been committed for trial on a charge of fraudulently using timber that had been given him for the roof of the Church of England. – Uitenhage Times.

MR. JAMES CAWOOD, one of the original Settlers of 1820, and an old and highly respected citizen, died rather suddenly on Friday last, from a severe attack of diarrhoea, brought on by cold. Deceased was 78 years of age.
[Transcriber’s Note: See Postscript in the following issue]

We regret to record the death, on Monday evening last, of Mr. R.W. WOLFE, formerly Clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Graham’s Town. The deceased was buried in the Kimberley Cemetery with Masonic honours, - D. News.

THE GOLD NUGGET. – The large nugget of gold weighing 18 ounces, bought by W.M. FARMER, Esq., has been sent home by the R.M.S. European, and will on arrival in England be exhibited.

Mr. F.J. VAN ZYL has declined to accept nomination for the representation of Colesberg in the House of Assembly.

Mr. M.J. BOLLEURES having declined the appointment of Justice of the Peace for the District of Somerset East, the Governor has appointed Mr. Daniel DE WET to the Office.

Advocate Office, Saturday.
Syria, 15th Nov. at half past 12 o’ck.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mr. J. HAYTON, 132 adults and 31 children.
Emigrants for Cape Town and Algoa Bay:
100 navvies are to be sent out on 15th December.
Windsor Castle arrived at 2 p.m. with news to the 22nd Nov.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mrs. DEERE and child, Mr. ANSKEL, Messrs. FERMUS, KEYAN, LITTLE, Miss BEZZANT, Mr. HUGGET and a number of others.

The Ashantees have been defeated. On being attacked by Sir Garnet WOOLSEY at the head of about 1000 men, they deserted their camp and ran.


INTERDICT. – An interdict has been served on us by Messrs. MEURANT and NELSON to restrain us from publishing certain three letters from the latter to the former, referred to in a certain case now under investigation. This was quite needless. We had already stated that we should publish no evidence or comment needlessly until the case was decided on.

GANGELIZWE. – There is a rumour from the Transkei that GANGELIZWE has been maltreating another of his wives, as he did KRELI’S daughter. The story goes that this wife took a dish that GANGELIZWE had been drinking out of, to go for water, this so offending his dignity that he followed the woman, knocked her down and jumped on her, and was only prevented from polishing her off altogether by the timely interference of the Rev. Mr. HARGREAVES. We are also informed by a credible authority that there is a strong feeling up amongst the tribe to dispose GANGELZWE from the Chieftainship. – Gazette.

Saturday, December 27, 1873.

To the field-cornets, Constables, Police Officers, and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants.

WHEREAS, from information taken upon oath before me, there are reasonable ground of suspicion against on KIATSMAN of ----------------, that he did on the fifteenth day of December commit the crime of theft.
These are therefore in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said KIATSMAN or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined, and to answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Fort Beaufort, this sixteenth day of December, 1873.
Resident Magistrate.
Description of KIATSMAN.
A German about five feet high and rather stout, about 19 or 20 years of age, has small light whiskers and moustache and stoop slightly. Was last dressed in corduroy.


In consequence of the accident of the R.M.S. Roman, the Captain VYVYAN, has been suspended for six months.

The R.M. S. Syria has brought out £25,000 in gold for the London and South African Bank.

Diamonds of first water have been discovered near the Congo River on the West Coast of Africa.

Mr. H. LONG, the chief mate of the late brig Wild Rose, was found dead in a small ravine near Pannure [Panmure] yesterday, with his body partly immersed in water. Death is supposed to have been caused by exposure.


A paragraph appeared in our last issue announcing the death of Mr. James CAWOOD. It should have been Mr. James “CRAWFORD.” The P.D. is answerable for the misprint.

A FARM-HOUSE in Longkloof, Waschbank, was struck by lightning a short time since. When the lady of the house, a Mrs. STERLEY, recovered from the shock she found her baby lying on the floor uninjured, by the side of a dog which had been struck dead. – Colesberg Advertiser.

HOW WIVES ARE DECEIVED. – The way in which poor harmless wives are deceived by marble-headed husbands are many and dreadful; and among the most dreadful cases of deception is this, we grieve to relate.
An Indiana wife wearing only half a dozen pounds or so of somebody else’s hair upon her head became convinced that life wouldn’t be worth having without the addition of a pound or two to the mass. Acting upon this conviction she soon, by a series of conversations, persuaded her husband that his life wouldn’t be worth having unless the said addition were immediately made. Capitulating gracefully, he sent home two “switches,” from which the fair lady was to make her selection. But mark the wickedness of this abandoned man! Before despatching them he carefully changed the tags upon which the price was marked, putting the twenty-five dollar tag upon the ten-dollar switch and “visa versa.” After a strict and severe examination of the two switches by his trusting wife and all her feminine friends the one marked 25.dol. was naturally enough chosen. And that wretched man, that penurious fiend, exulted over his treacherd [sic] to that gentle, lovely woman.

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