Grahamstown Journal 1865 - 3 - July to September
Monday 3 July 1865
DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday June 28th 1865, Frank Joseph, youngest son of J.W. and M.A. WILLIAMS
Friday 7 July 1865
BIRTH on the 2nd July at Oatlands, Grahamstown, the wife of Lieut. C.H. MARILLIER, Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a son.
BIRTH this afternoon, Mrs. Jos. GREEN of a son
Grahamstown 5th July 1865
MARRIED at St.George's Cathedral on the 5th July 1865 by the Rev R.G. Hutt, George, eldest son of Mr. Charles SLATER, of Eden Grove, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. J. EVENS, Oatlands. No cards
MARRIED at Pavet, Queenstown District, on Friday 23rd June 1865, by the Rev W. Murray, Mr. Thomas PRICE, third son of the late Geo. PRICE Esq, to Miss Jane HOUSE, third daughter of the late Mr. Thomas HOUSE of London, and niece of James ARNOLD Esq, FC. No cards.
DIED at Fort Beaufort, Richard JEANES, aged 13 months, second son of John JEANES Jun, late of this city.
2nd July 1865
DIED of Apoplexy in the forenoon of Saturday 1st July, Henry CRUMP Esq, at the early age of 38 years.
Wednesday 12 July 1865
DIED at Hounslow at the residence of Mr. W. HYDE, Ann LEE, widow of the late Fredk. LEE, in the 53rd year of her age. Deeply lamented by her immediate relations and friends.
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 6 July 1865, Mrs. G. ORSMOND, aged 41 years and 11 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Friday 14 July 1865
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday the 9th inst, Mrs. F.J. MILLS of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown, July 13th, the wife of T.F. HILL of a daughter
DIED at his residence, after an illness of three weeks borne with Christian fortitude, John Allen Ballentyne, aged 21 years, eldest son of Mr. James Benjamin SIMMONS, Field-cornet. Deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends.
British Kaffraria, near Alice
8th July 1865
Monday 17 July 1865
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, in the Baptist Chapel, Hill-street by the Rev Alexander Hay, Richard, the eldest son of Job HARVEY Esq, Landrost of Smithfield, to Emma, the second daughter of Mr. C. ORSMOND of this city. No cards.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th July, after an illness of only two days, Frederick George, the beloved son of Jas. and Ann COGAN; aged 5 years 10 months and 8 days.
Wednesday 19 July 1865
BIRTH at Morley Mission Station on the 26th May 1865, the wife of the Rev R.B. RAYNER of a daughter.
DIED of Paralysis on the 17th inst, Mr. Gregory WILLMORE (late Commissariat Storekeeper, Grahamstown) after lingering six days, unable to speak, if conscious, he departed this life leaving a disconsolate widow and eleven children, also a large circle of friends by whom he was greatly esteemed, to mourn his unexpected removal at the age of 57 years and 8 months.
July 19th 1865
Friday 21 July 1865
BIRTH on Tuesday the 18th instant, at Fair View House, West Hill, Mrs. Joseph GADD of a daughter.
DIED on the 12th July 1865, at Grasslands, at the residence of H. OGILVIE Esq, Frederick William CARLISLE Esq of Belmont, second son of the late John CARLISLE Esq. Aged 28 years and 11 months.
Wednesday 26 July 1865
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William COWIE of Alexandria
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth, at his Office, on Wednesday the 16th August 1865 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees' Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 1st September next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th inst, the wife of Assis. Com. General STANDEN of a daughter.
In the Assigned Estate of John ORSMOND of Grahamstown, Wagonmaker
Notice to Creditors
All Persons having Claims on the above Estate are requested to file them with the Assignees on or before the Eighth Day of August 1865, at the Office of the first undersigned, in Church-square in Grahamstown.
Grahamstown, 18th July 1865.
Friday 28 July 1865
MARRIED on the 15th inst at Tarkastad, district of Cradock, by the Rev J.G.S. DeVilliers, Adolph Constantin BREUER Esq, of Hendeneck, to Elizabeth Wilberfoss STOW, second daughter of the late George STOW Esq of Nuneaton, Warwickshire. No cards.
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel at Annshaw, on the 19th inst, by the Rev Robert Lamplough, Frederick Parker (son of the late Rev F.P. GLADWIN) to Margaret Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rev W.H. GARNER. No cards.
Friday 4 August 1865
DIED on the 28th July at his son's residence, Ever Green, Chumie, Mr. A. CAIRNS, in his 78th year. His last affliction was long and trying, but was borne with Christian patience. Full of years, deeply and widely esteemed, this good and faithful servant fell asleep in Jesus. Deceased came to this colony with MOODIE's Party. Friends at a distance will accept of this intimation.
Friday 11 August 1865
DIED at Haas Fontein on Tuesday August 1st 1865, Mrs. Christian Albreck HESSELMAN. Aged 59 years and 8 months, leaving a wife and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
Friday 18 August 1865
Divisional Council of Albany
Notice is hereby given that Messrs. E.J. and G. WILMOT, owners of one third of the Farm "Joubert's Kraal", and Messrs. T. and O.T. GOOSEN, joint proprietors of the Farm "Kalmoes Fontein", having applied under the 72nd Section of the Land Beacon's Act for fresh grants of their respective properties, upon amended diagrams, the several proprietors adjoining these farms, if satisfied with the Beacons thereof, are requested to signify their consent to the undersigned on or before Thursday the 7th September next.
J. CALDER, Secretary
Divisional Council Office, Grahamstown
August 12, 1865
Friday 25 August 1865
BIRTH at Government House, Grahamstown on Thursday the 24th August, Lady DOUGLAS of a daughter.
Monday 28 August 1865
BIRTH at Oatlands this morning, Mrs. J.P. COLLYER of a daughter
Grahamstown, Aug 25 1865
DIED at Somerset East on the 25th August 1865, Helen Maria, wife of Hougham HUDSON Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Albany, aged 38 years.
Monday 4 September 1865
BIRTH on Sunday the 3rd inst, at Westbourne House, West-hill, the wife of Mr. J. Bowers JANION of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 31st August, the wife of Mr. A.R. GOOCH of a daughter.
DIED from a third paralytic stroke, Stephen, fourth son of Mr. John ANTHEINE Senr, at St.Helier's, Jersey, aged 44 years and 21 days. Friends will please accept this.
DIED at Queenstown on the 24th August, aged 27 years, Sarah Mortimer, the beloved wife of Mr. Daniel BRADFIELD, and eldest daughter of Mr. E.M. TURVEY, late of Table Farm. Deeply lamented by a large circle of friends, leaving a disconsolate husband and six children to mourn their irreparable loss. Her end was peace. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Wednesday 6 September 1865
BIRTH at Glen Brook, district of Queenstown, on the 16th August, the wife of Mr. W. JACKINS of a son.
Monday 11 September 1865
BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman's River, on the 8th September 1865, Mrs. H.S. DENTON of a son.
Wednesday 13 September 1865
A correspondent at Worcester writes on the 2nd instant: "Last night a sad accident happened at Newman Villa, the residence of Mr. J.D. LINDSAY JP. After the family and servants had retired to rest, Mrs. HICKEY remained up to make a cup of coffee for a friend, during which time her clothes must have taken fire unperceived, and must have been burning slowly for at least a quarter of an hour; and alas! detected too late, for the startling discovery made her rush instantly from the place where she was sitting, when the fire was fanned into an inextinguishable flame, till almost every particle of clothing she had on was burnt on her body, and in about five minutes afterwards she expired. Up to the moment of her death she was perfectly conscious". Advertiser & Mail.
Builder & Undertaker, 17 Somerset-st Grahamstown
Conducted now in Trinity Church School Room by Mr. TUDHOPE. The Course of Instruction includes all those branches necessary to qualify Lads for the intelligent discharge of the Duties of Life. For particulars send for Circular.
Attorney of the Supreme and Circuit Courts, Notary Public and General Agent, Aliwal North
Architect and Government Land Surveyor. Generally in town on Monday, at his Office, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown.
Grocery Establishment, Queen-street, Port Elizabeth. Caldecott's celebrated snuff always on hand.
Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate's Court, Auctioneer and General Agent, Alexandria. Estates administered; Insolvent Schedules drawn out, and Proof of Debts framed; Accounts collected and proceeds remitted immediately on receipt; Wills, Memorials, Leases and other documents correctly prepared.
Wholesale and Retail Store, Dealer in Wines and Spirituous Liquors, 47 and 48 Cathcart-street, King Williamstown.
Pianoforte and Music Warehouse, Main-street, Port Elizabeth, has always on hand Pianofortes and Harmoniums, by the best London and Continental Makers; also Violins, Flutinas, Guitars, Cornopeans and Concertinas &c of the best make and tone. New Music by each mail Steamer. Pianos, Harmoniums and other description of Musical Instruments Tuned, Repaired and Regulated. Country orders punctually attended to.
Stone Cutter &c begs to acquaint the Inhabitants of Grahamstown and surrounding districts that he has now received a supply of Tomb Stones, which he will be happy to furnish, lettered in the first style, on the shortest notice, on reasonable terms. Stones carefully cased and forwarded. Orders received by Samuel McARTHUR, Builder, Grahamstown.
Queen-st, Port Elizabeth, Jan'y 1865.
Pastry Cook, Confectioner and General Dealer, 81 High-street, Grahamstown. Confectionary, Groceries, Oilman's Stores, Fine Flour &c always on hand, and being imported by him direct, are for sale at reasonable current rates, either Wholesale or Retail.
Wedding Cakes &c made to order.
Bread &c sent round daily by Cart.
Auctioneer &c, Law and General Agent, Smithfield, Orange Free State.
No.7 Market-square, Grahamstown. General Agent and Collector.
Saddler and Harness Maker, High-street, Grahamstown. All goods imported direct. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles made to order, at reasonable rates; best quality; lowest prices.
Bread and Biscuit Maker and Confectioner, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown. Groceries of all descriptions.
Wagon and Cart Builder, Market Square, Adelaide. Repairs to Wagons, Carts &c done upon the shortest notice. Horses shod &c.
Enrolled Agent in the Magistrate's Court, Alice, General Agent. Memorials, Leases and other documents carefully prepared; Accounts Collects and Proceeds Remitted immediately on receipt.
Shipping and Forwarding Agent, Main-street, Port Elizabeth.
Waterloo House, Fort Beaufort. Wanted to Purchase, Grease Wool, Wheat, Mealies and Timber, of good quality, at fair market prices.
The Travellers' Rest, Kowie Road, Bathurst by W. FINN.
Late RANDELL BROTHERS, Carriage Builders, Smith-street and Market-square, King Williamstown. Manufacturers of the Albany and Kaffrarian Prize Spiders.
A. and H. RIDLEY
Watchmakers & Jewellers, Cathcart Road, Queenstown. A large and choice selection of Jewellery and Watches always on hand. Every kind of work sent by post.
Collector and General Agent, Queenstown. Accounts collected and Agency transacted with every possible dispatch. Proceeds remitted immediately upon receipt.
Bloemfontein. Good Accommodation for Travellers, Forage for Horses. Best Wines, Ale and Spirits always on hand. NB A Billiard Table on the premises.
Blacksmiths, Farriers and Wagonmakers, Robinson Road, Queenstown, make and repair every description of Cart, Buggy, Carriage, Spider, Wagon &c. Repair Agricultural Implements in the most improved manner. All articles manufactured on the premises bear the Maker's name and address, without which none are genuine.
Shipping, Landing and General Agent &c, Port Alfred.
Transfer and General Agent, Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate's Court and Sworn Government Appraiser, Seymour, Stockenstrom.
Monday 18 September 1865
BIRTH on the 17th instant, the lady of Colonel HAMILTON R.E. of a daughter.
Wednesday 20 September 1865
BIRTH on the 20th instant, the wife of Mr. Wm. WEBB of a daughter.
Friday 22 September 1865
The Funeral of the late Mr. E.T. TAYLOR will move from his residence in Church-square tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock precisely. Friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.
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