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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1865 - 4 - October to December

Monday 2 October 1865

DIED at King Williamstown on Thursday night the 21st September 1865, Peter FEAGAN, late of Fort White, aged 47 years; deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 30th September, the wife of Charles L. FANNER of a daughter.

Friday 6 October 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown 5th October 1865, Mrs DENYSSEN of a son.

BIRTH at Bathurst-street, Grahamstown on 2nd inst, the wife of Mr. J.S. MACKAY of a son.

DIED at the Bonkolo, division of Queenstown, on Monday 25th September 1865, Arthur Walter, only son of Walter John and Mary Clifford BRADFIELD, aged 1 year and 1 month.

DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday 23rd September, Mrs. Judith DIXON, the wife of J.H. DIXON, aged 67 years and 9 months.

DIED on Thursday the 5th inst at his residence in High-street, Grahamstown, R. Johnson DUTTON Esq, late Clerk of the Peace for the divisions of Albany and Bathurst. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Monday 9 October 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown, September 21st, Mrs. STIER of a daughter.

DIED at Somerset East on the 7th October 1865, after a protracted illness, Susannah BRANT, relict of the late John Hassall HOWARD, aged 69 years and 4 months. Deceased was one of the original Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance are desired to accept this notice.

Friday 13 October 1865

BIRTH at Fynn's Kloof on the 13th October 1865, Mrs. Edmund R. CARLISLE of a daughter.

Monday 16 October 1865

BIRTH on the 15th inst, Mrs. HUNTLEY of a daughter.

We (Somerset Courant, Oct 14) are informed that a frightful storm bust over Pearston yesterday. Mr. W. MEINTJES, son of J.S. MEINTJES, who was walking up opposite Mr. CARSTEN's store, was instantly killed by the electric fluid. Such a storm was never before witnessed by any of the inhabitants. The rain descended in torrents.

A melancholy accident occurred on Thursday morning on board the transport vessel Windsor Castle, to an able seaman by the name of PINCH, who, whilst engaged in the rigging, unfortunately missed his footing and was precipitated with considerable force on the deck below, his head coming into violent contact with the corner of the cook's galley, dashing out his brains, and killing him on the spot.

News reached Capetown on the 3rd inst that Mr. Stephanus DU TOIT, of Wagonmaker's Valley, had, in a very deliberate manner, shot himself through the head. What could have incited him to the act is utterly unknown. He was a man of acknowledged wealth, an elder of the Dutch Reformed Church at Wellington, and universally held in high esteem. He leaves a widow and several children. – Advertiser and mail.

Friday 20 October 1865

MARRIED on the 16th October 1865 by the Rev P.W. Copeman, at St. Peter's Church, Sidbury, Mr. Richard PAVITT to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of George CLACK Esq, Sweetkloof farm.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 13th October 1865, by the Rev J. Rossiter, Clergyman of Aliwal North, Mr. Job HARVEY, Landrost of Caledon River District, Orange Free State, to Hannah, daughter of the late Mr. W. SARGEANT of Grahamstown.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, Mrs. James HOGG of a son.

BIRTH at Seymour, Stockenstrom on the 16th October, Mrs. M.E. SMIDT of a son.

Wednesday 25 October 1865

MARRIED at St. Edmund's Church, Salisbury on the 4th August, by special licence, the Rev Robert Wilberforce STARR of Dumbarton, N.B, to Lydia Jefferd DAVIS, daughter of T.J. DAVIS Esq of Salisbury and niece of the Rev W.J. DAVIS of Grahamstown, South Africa.

Monday 30 October 1865

DIED at Adelaide on Friday the 27th October, Edith Jane, the infant daughter of John and Sophia MIDGLEY, aged three weeks. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday 3 November 1865

DIED at the residence of his father, Fort Beaufort, on Saturday morning October 28 1865, Martin Johannes MEURANT, second son of L.H. MEURANT Esq, C.C.& R.M, Fort Beaufort, aged 28 years. The parents and widow of the deceased request the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort to accept their grateful thanks for the kindness and sympathy shewn during his severe illness, and for the respect paid to his remains by the large concourse who followed the corpse to the grave.
Fort Beaufort
October 31 1865

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday morning the 29th Oct, Mrs. M.A. RAY (widow). Aged 57 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Wednesday 8 November 1865

In the Estate of the late Frederick William CARLISLE
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims within Six Weeks from this date, at the Office of Mr. S. CARLISLE, Grahamstown; and those indebted thereto to pay their debts within the same period.
R. CARLISLE, Executive Dative
November 7 1865

Monday 13 November 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th November, the wife of Mr. W.G. FEATHERSTONE of twin daughters.

Friday 17 November 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the morning of the 14th instant, the wife of Mr. W. RAMSBOTTOM of a son.
Grahamstown, November 17 1865

Monday 20 November 1865

Saddler and Harness Maker
41 New-street, Grahamstown
P.J. O'G begs respectfully to inform the public generally that he manufactures Cart, Gig and Carriage Harness and all classes of Saddlery in the neatest style and lowest possible prices. All made on the establishment.

DIED on Friday November 17 1865, Mr. Joseph JACKSON, aged 61.

Wednesday 22 November 1865

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 21st November 1865, at the Commemoration Chapel by the Rev J. Edwards, Herbert Henry Coles BAKER of King Williamstown to Ruth, third daughter of the Hon. Samuel CAWOOD Esq, MLC. No cards.

DIED at his residence in New-street, Grahamstown, on Friday evening Nov 17, Mr. Joseph JACKSON of the Prince Albert Hotel, in the 62nd year of his age. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.

Friday 24 November 1865

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev W. Impey, General Superintendent of Missions, George Henry FLETCHER to Mary Jane, second daughter of the late Henry HILL of Salem.
November 16 1865

DIED on the 17th inst at Glen Cliff, District of Bedford, of typhus fever, Mary Ann Abigal, the beloved wife of Mr. David HUME, aged 24 years.

DIED on Thursday the 23rd instant, Ethel Mildred, daughter of R.E. and M.A. RUSHBY, aged 5 months.
Grahamstown, November 23 1865

Monday 27 November 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the morning of the 25th inst, the wife of Mr. A.E. NELSON of a son.
November 27 1865.

DIED of Consumption, November 22nd, at the residence of Doctor SPRANGER, Alice, surrounded by his most intimate friends, William Thomas HEALEY Esq, aged 33 years, son of George HEALEY Esq of Watford, Hertfordshire, England. "His end was peace". Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED of Consumption at Seymour, Stockenstroom, on the morning of Friday the 24th instant, Henry Brougham HOPWOOD, at the age of 34 years and one month. Deeply regretted.

An "Alicetonian" sends us the following notice of the death of the late Mr. HEALEY:
"Sir, We regret to have to record the removal from amongst us, by death, of our well-known and respected friend W.T. HEALEY Esq, who expired this morning at the residence of Dr. SPRANGER, amidst a circle of intimate friends. Mr. H was in a decline, and had visited this colony by medical orders, with a view to get some relief from his sufferings, but although at one time hopes were entertained of at least comparative restoration, the disease gained ground; and although the best medical advice was obtained, nothing could be done for him. His bodily sufferings, which were very severe and protracted, were borne with a patience beautiful to behold. Whilst regretting the loss of our friend, we rejoice in the clear testimony he gave of his preparedness for the change."

Wednesday 29 November 1865

DIED on the 17th inst at Burghersdorp, Rachel, the beloved wife of John MARCUS, aged 29 years and 10 months; leaving her husband and four children to deplore their mournful loss. May her soul rest in peace.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th |November 1865, Catherine Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. F.H. COLE, aged 21 years and 11 months.

Friday 1 December 1865

If Mr. Samuel WILMOT, of Spring Vale, Albany, does not remove certain Cows and Calves left with me, and pay the expenses on the same, they will be sold to pay expenses within six weeks from date.
Craigie Burn
November 25 1865

Friday 8 December 1865

BIRTH at Salem on the morning of Sunday December 3rd, Mrs. S.B. SHAW of a son.

Wednesday 13 December 1865

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th instant, the wife of A. WEBB Esq. of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 7th inst at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev W. Impey, Superintendent-General of Wesleyan Missions, Joseph Overton, eldest son of Joseph TROLLIP, division of Cradock, to Emily, fourth daughter of T.F. KING Esq of this city. No Cards.

DIED on the 9th December at the residence of her son, near Fort England, Frances FORD, aged 91 years.
"May she rest in peace" – Amen.

Friday 15 December 1865

DIED at Port Alfred East on the 10th December 1865, youngest son of Mr. B. HOCKEY, aged 2 years and 3 months.

Monday 18 December 1865

MARRIED on Thursday the 14th inst, at the Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Ven. Archdeacon Merriman, Hopton B. SCOTT, Captain and Brevet Major, 9th Regiment, to Alice Jane, eldest daughter of Henry BLAINE Esq.

Friday 22 December 1865

MARRIED on the 20th instant at the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev J. Richards, Wesleyan Minister, the Rev James FISH to Miss Martha Louisa Ruth, third daughter of the late J. BRUNDRETH Esq of Chorlton, Manchester. No Cards.

DIED at Smithfield on Saturday the 16th inst, Henry Sheppard Woodford, the infant son of Thomas and Mary COLEMAN, aged 4 months.

DIED in Grahamstown, 18th December 1865, Emily, the beloved child of George and Eliza Susannah BAKER, aged 3 years 4 months and 15 days.

Tuesday 26 December 1865

DIED at Pleasant Vale, Chalumna District, British Kaffraria, on the 23rd December 1865, after a painful and lingering illness, borne with Christian resignation and patience, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Henry Warner STAPLES, and relict of the late Charles WRIGHT, aged 38 years. She leaves six children to mourn their irreparable loss.

DIED on the 23rd inst, Ethel Douglas, infant daughter of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, aged 2 months.

Friday 29 December 1865

BIRTH at King Williamstown on Wednesday 13th inst, Mrs. Chas. KIDD of a daughter.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 21st December 1865, in the Wesleyan Chapel, West Hill, by the Rev W Holford, Thomas CAWOOD to fanny, eldest daughter of Mr. John RICHARDS, late of the Commissariat Department.

MARRIED at Aliwal North on Saturday the 16th December by the Rev W Rossiter, W.W. GREATHEAD, eldest son of the late J.H. GREATHEAD Esq, of this city, to Emily, second daughter of H.J. HALSE Esq JP of Aliwal.

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