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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1866 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 3 January 1866

DIED on Sunday morning, 31st December 1865, Elizabeth Maria, daughter of Mr. Justice DENYSSEN, aged 3 years.
West Hill, Grahamstown.

Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist (from London)
No.77 Beaufort-street (opposite Dr. ATHERSTONE’s residence)
Artificial Teeth on the most approved principle, supplied on the shortest notice; artificial pallets &c. Teeth stopped, sealed or extracted with improved instruments, and with the greatest ease. Consultations free at any hour.

Friday 5 January 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th January 1866, the wife of Montagu A. ARMSTRONG Jr. Esq. of a son.

MARRIED at Burghersdorp on the 25th December 1865, by the Rev W Cormack, the Rev John THORNE, Wesleyan Minister, to Miss Elizabeth SMITH. No cards.

MARRIED on the 3rd instant at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev T Guard, the Rev J.R. SAWTELL to Fanny Louisa DAVIES, daughter of the Rev W.J. DAVIES, Wesleyan Minister, Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED this morning, Johannes Christoffel, infant son of Mr. Justice DENYSSEN
West Hill, Grahamstown
January 5 1866

DIED on Thursday January 4th 1866 at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. SKEA, West Hill, Grahamstown, John ROWLES, aged 75 years. Deceased came to this colony with the Settlers of 1820. The funeral will move from the above place tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) at three o’clock.

Monday 8 January 1866

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing under the style of C. & J. WEBB is dissolved this day, January 8th; and all parties indebted to the said firm are requested to pay their Accounts forthwith to Charles WEBB Junior, Market-square. All persons having claims against the said Firm are requested to send the same to Charles WEBB Junior.
Charles WEBB Junr.
Jonathan WEBB
Grahamstown, January 8 1866

Charles WEBB Jun
Begs to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally that he has taken over the business hitherto carried on by C. & J. WEBB, and trusts by assiduity and attention to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on the said firm.
Charles WEBB Junr
Grahamstown, January 8 1866

Mrs. FEATHERSTONE’s School for little girls exclusively, from 5 to 10 years of age, will re-open January 22nd.
No.9 Market-square
Jan 2nd 1866

BIRTH at Thaba Nchu on the 17th December, the wife of the Rev James SCOTT of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 3rd instant at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev T Guard, the Rev J.R. SAWTELL to Fanny Louisa, daughter of the Rev W.J. DAVIS, Wesleyan Minister, Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown after a long illness, on Friday January 5th 1866, at a quarter past 7pm, Robert George HALL, aged 38 years. Deceased leaves a disconsolate widow and numerous relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

MACKIE, DUNN & Co beg to intimate that they have removed to the more commodious Premises lately occupied by Messrs MACDONALD & Co.
Port Elizabeth, November 28 1865

Friday 12 January 1866

BIRTH January 8 at King Williamstown, the wife of Elliot MACNAGHTEN Esq. JP of a daughter.

Monday 15 January 1866

BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 2nd January, the wife of Mr. Chas. SHEPPARD of a son.

DIED of Rheumatic Fever at Nurney Hill, district of Fort Peddie, on the 10th January 1866, Edward, the fifth son of James and Elizabeth USHER, aged 16 years 3 months and 7 days. The general sympathy shown by friends on the painful occasion is greatfully [sic] acknowledged.

Friday 19 January 1866

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 16th inst, by Special Licence, by the Rev W. Sargeant, Charles Henry CALDECOTT Junr to Elizabeth Booth WILLIAMS, eldest daughter of Jesse WILLIAMS Esq and granddaughter of the late William BOOTH Esq, Camberwell, England. No cards.

DIED on the 18th instant, Johannes DE SMIDT Esq. A.C.G, aged 71 years.

Wednesday 24 January 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd instant, the wife of Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General BRERETON of a son.

Wednesday 31 January 1866

DIED at Fraserburg, Beaufort West, on the 11th January, Alice Josephine, daughter of Robert and Alice HEMMING.

Friday 2 February 1866

MARRIED at Dordrecht, division of Aliwal North, on the 24th January 1866 by the Rev E.J. De Beer, Spencer Frederic, eldest son of the late S.H. FLEISCHER of Cradock, to Sophia, eldest daughter of Charles PARKES Esq of Dordrecht. No cards.

MARRIED on the 31st inst, at Bowden, by the Rev W Impey, Rev W. HUNTER, Wesleyan Missionary, Buntingville, to Louisa Maria, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. George BARNES. No cards.

Monday 5 February 1866

BIRTH on Friday February 2, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a daughter.

Wednesday 7 February 1866



BRERETON – At Grahamstown on the 23rd January, the wife of Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General BRERETON of a son.
LOCKE – At Grahamstown on Friday the 2nd February, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a daughter.
RICHARDS – At Roseneath on Friday the 26th January, the wife of Mr. W.A. RICHARDS of a daughter.
SCOTT – At Thaba Nchu on the 17th Dec, the wife of the Rev James SCOTT of a daughter.
SHEPPARD – At Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 22nd January, the wife of Mr. Chas. SHEPPARD of a son.


CALDECOTT – WILLIAMS At Fort Beaufort on the 16th January 1866, by special licence, by the Rev W Sargeant, Charles Henry CALDECOTT Jun to Elizabeth Booth WILLIAMS, eldest daughter of Jesse WILLIAMS Esq and granddaughter of the late William BOOTH Esq of Camberwell, England.
FLEISCHER – PARKES At Dordrecht, division of Aliwal North on the 24th January by the Rev E.J. De Beer, Spencer Frederick, eldest son of the late S.H. FLEISCHER of Cradock, to Sophia, eldest daughter of Charles PARKES Esq, Dordrecht.
HUNTER – BARNES On the 13th inst at Bouden by Rev W Impey, the Rev W, HUNTER, Wesleyan Missionary, Buntingville, to Louisa Maria, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. George BARNES.


COLEMAN – At Smithfield on the 16th December, Henry Sheppard Woodford, infant son of Mr. Thomas and Mary COLEMAN, aged 6 months.
DE SMIDT – On the 14th instant, Johannes DE SMIDT Esq ACG, aged 71 years.
HEMMING – At Fraserburg, Beaufort West, on the 11th January 1866, Alice Josephine, daughter of Robert and Alice HEMMING.
HALL – At Grahamstown on Friday Jan 5 1866, at a quarter past seven, Robert George HALL, aged 38 years.
USHER – At Nurney Hill, district of Peddie, on the 10th January 1866, Edward, the fifth son of James and Elizabeth USHER, aged 16 years, 3 months and 7 days.

Friday 9 February 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 8th Feb 1866, the wife of Edward BOOTH Esq of a son.

DIED on the 27th February [sic] 1866 at the Kowie, Thomas KINGSLEY Esq, aged 54 years. The funeral will move from the residence of the deceased at 3 o’clock. (see following issue)

Monday 12 February 1866

DIED on Sunday morning the 11th February 1866 at the residence of her son-in-law (Joseph GREEN), Mrs John PITT; aged 65 years and 2 months.

DIED on the 7th February 1866 at the Kowie, Thomas KINGSLEY Esq, aged 54 years.

Friday 16 February 1866

DIED at Aliwal North on Friday the 2nd instant, Mr. Edward SOLOMAN, in the 51st year of his age. Deceased leaves a widow and daughter and a numerous circle of friends to deplore their loss.

Monday 19 February 1866

MARRIED on Tuesday the 13th Feb 1866 at Christ’s Church, Adelaide, by the Rev M Norton, Mr. John WILLS to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. H. ORCHARD of Adelaide. No cards.

Wednesday 28 February 1866

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 25th inst, the wife of Mr. J.H. DINGLE of a son.

BIRTH on the 27th February at Grahamstown, near Fort England, the wife of E.H. DRAKE Esq, 5th Fusiliers, of a daughter.

MARRIED at East London on Wednesday the 21st February by the Rev W Wallis, Mr. John George CLOUGH of Grahamstown to Margaret HARRIS, stepdaughter of Walter OGILVIE Esq of Echo Vale, near East London.

Wednesday 7 March 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th March 1866, Mrs. E.P. SHINGER of a son.

Friday 9 March 1866

BIRTH on Sunday the 4th March, the wife of Mr. T.B. GLANVILLE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Line Drift on 28th February, the wife of Mr. Ben. M. THACKWRAY of a son.

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 6th instant by the Rev W.H.L. Johnson MA, Military Chaplain, Henry H. MERCER, Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, youngest son of the Rev T.W. MERCER MA, Vicar of Northallerton, Yorkshire, to Ellen M. SMYTHE, eldest daughter of Assistant-Commissary-General BENNETT. No cards.

MARRIED at Grahamstown by the Rev A. Hay, by Special Licence, on the 8th March 1866, William COMELY of Grahamstown to Elizabeth DAVIES, widow of the late W.C. DAVIES, late of Fort Peddie.



DINGLE – Birth, at Oatlands on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr. J.H. DINGLE of a son.
DRAKE – Birth, at Grahamstown on the 21st February 1866, the wife of E.H. DRAKE, 5th Fusiliers, of a daughter.
SHINGLER – Birth, at Grahamstown on the 5th March 1866, Mrs. E.P. SHINGLER of a son.
THACKWRAY – Birth, at Line Drift on the 28th February, the wife of Mr. B.M. THACKWRAY of a son.


WILLS – ORCHARD Married on Tuesday the 13th February 1866, at Christ’s Church, Adelaide, by the Rev W Norton, Mr. John WILLS to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. H. ORCHARD of Adelaide.
CLOUGH – OGILVIE Married at East London on Wednesday 21st February 1866 by the Rev W Wallis, John George CLOUGH of Grahamstown to Margaret HARRIES, stepdaughter of Walter OGILVIE Esq of Echo Vale, near East London.
MERCER – BENNETT Married at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 6th inst by the Rev W.H.L. Johnson MA, Military Chaplain, Henry H. MERCER, Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, youngest son of the Rev T.W. MERCER MA, Vicar of Northallerton, Yorkshire, to Ellen M. SMYTHE, eldest daughter of Assistant-Commissary-General BENNETT.
COMELY – DAVIES Married at Grahamstown by the Rev A. Hay, by Special Licence, on the 8th March 1866, William COMELY of Grahamstown to Elizabeth DAVIES, widow of the late W.C. DAVIES, late of Fort Peddie.


KINGSLEY – Died on the 7th February 1866 at the Kowie, Thomas KINGSLEY Esq, aged 54 years.
PITT – Died on Sunday morning, the 11th February 1866, at the residence of her son-in-law (Joseph GREEN), Mrs. John PITT, aged 65 years and 2 months.
SOLOMON – Died at Aliwal North on Friday the 2nd inst, Mr. Edward SOLOMON, in the 51st year of his age.

Monday 12 March 1866

DIED at Grahamstown on the 10th March, through eating prickly pears, Henry John, the beloved son of George and Sarah WINTER, aged 7 years 4 months and 10 days.

Monday 19 March 1866

DIED at Pembroke, near King Williamstown, on the 15th March 1866, Hester Caroline, beloved wife of R. CARLISLE. Aged 26 years and 11 months.

DIED at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. STEAD, on Sunday morning the 18th March 1866, Mr. J. F. GATONBY, aged 56 years (lately arrived from England)

Wednesday 21 March 1866

DIED at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. G. STEAD, on the 18th March 1866, Thomas Fraser GATONBY, aged 55 years. The deceased had lately arrived from England in search of health. He bore his lingering illness with patient resignation, and has left a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.

Friday 23 March 1866

BIRTH on the 2nd Feb at Cambridge-street, Hyde-park, the wife of Major PUCKLE, Mysore Commission, of a son.

DIED at King Williamstown on Saturday the 17th instant, Annie Shaw, infant daughter of Charles and Sarah Ann KIDD, aged 3 months and 4 days.

Monday 26 March 1866

Saddler &c, 51 Bathurst-street, Grahamstown
Twelve Years Manufacturing Partner of CRIGHTON & VERRY of Capetowm.
In reference to the above, JV begs to inform those Gentlemen who have patronized the above Firm (whose saddles have given such universal satisfaction throughout the Colony) that he is now making at his place of business Saddles of a very superior description, and any orders he may be favored with will meet with strict attention, so as to give that satisfaction which has gained for the Firm CRIGHTON and VERRY such reputation.

DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 11th March, Thomas C. CRUICKSHANK Esq, late of the General Post Office, Aberdeen, NB. Aged 23 years.

Wednesday 28 March 1866

MARRIED on the 28th inst at West Hill Chapel by the Rev William Impey, William MILLER, late of Grahamstown, now of British Kaffraria, to Fanny PLAAT, eldest daughter of Percival PLAAT, late of Grahamstown. No cards.

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