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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1866 - 2 - April to June

Tuesday 3 April 1866

DIED on Friday 30th March, Maria, beloved wife of George CLACK, of Sweet Kloof Farm, Sidbury, aged 50 years. She bore her lingering illness with calm and patient resignation, and has left a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.

DIED at his residence, Nanaga, on the 31st March, Mr. Robert NEWCOMBE, after a short illness, at the age of 50 years and 7 months.

Friday 6 April 1866

BIRTH on the 27th March 1866 at New Hawstead, district of Queenstown, the wife of Mr. Thomas PRICE of a son.

DIED at Aliwal North on Wednesday the 28th ultimo, of ulcerated sore throat, John Houlton, eldest son of John and Sarah OXER.

DIED at Somerset East, Mary, the beloved wife of James BOTTON senior, born SULLIVAN, on Sunday the 1st April 1866, aged 53 years, All friends will please accept this notice.

Monday 9 April 1866

MARRIED at Grahamstown by the Rev R Johnston, by Special Licence, on the 7th April 1866, John Archibald MUIRE to Susan Mary FRENCH, both of Grahamstown.

Wednesday 11 April 1866

BIRTH on the 9th instant at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. John W. GEORGE of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday March 31st, at the residence of Mr. W. ROBERTS, Market-square, Amelia Sophia, third daughter of the late George and Ann LEE of Grahamstown, Aged 21 years and 5 months.

DIED on Tuesday March 27 1866, aged 42 years and 5 months, Elizabeth GREEN, born SEATON, the beloved wife of L. GREEN, leaving a bereaved husband and eight children to mourn their never to be made up loss on earth. As a wife, her memory will ever be held sacred by her bereaved husband; as a mother, her children her rising up to call blessed. Foe upwards of 21 years she lived a consistent member of the Wesleyan Society.
“And is it such, it is, where thou art gone,
Adieus and farewells are a sound unknown,
May I but meet thee on that peaceful shore,
The parting word shall pass my lips no more.”
Friends at a distance will please accept this token of affection.

Monday 16 April 1866

BIRTH on the 14th April 1866 at Oatlands, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. R.W. NELSON of a son.

DIED on Wednesday last, 11th instant, at the residence of Mr. J. STANDEN, Maria, the beloved wife of John HUGHES of Somerset East, deeply lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Grahamstown, April 13 1866

DIED at Peddie on the 13th April 1866, Arthur Samuel Abel, second son of the late Mr. Samuel TAINTON.

Wednesday 18 April 1866

MARRIED at Woodlands on the 4th instant, by the Rev S.H. Green, Saul White, third son of Mr. John DELL, to Christina, fourth daughter of Mr. William McCLUCKY

Friday 20 April 1866

BIRTH on the 9th instant at Groot-Fontein, near Sidbury, the wife of Mr. William AUSTIN of a daughter.

MARRIED at the Episcopalian Church, Mossel Bay, on the 29th March 1866, by the Rev T. Sheard, Frederick Eusebius, eldest son of F.T. PAINTER Esq JP, of Prospect district, Riversdale, to Emily Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. H. PAXTON of Seven Fountains, Albany.

Monday 23 April 1866

MARRIED at Salem, April 18, by the Rev John Smith, Thomas Frederic, eldest son of Mr. Thomas BERRINGTON, Sidbury Park, to Esther Ann, second daughter of the late Mr. Geo. WEDDERBURN and step daughter of Mr. P. AMM, Lindale.

BIRTH on the 20th inst, the wife of P. MacOWAN Esq, West hill Grahamstown, of a son.

DIED on Thursday the 19th inst at the residence of her son, Joseph GREEN, Beaufort-street, Mrs. Ann BOWLES, aged 78 years and 3 months, relict of the late John GREEN, who came to this country with the settlers in 1820, they belonged to the party of which Mr. MENZIES was the Head.

Friday 4 May 1866

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 29th April 1866, the wife of Mr. C. JAY of a son.

BIRTH at Aliwal North, April 29th, the wife of the Rev W. ROSSITER of a son.

Wednesday 9 May 1866

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company
In the Insolvent Estate of Mary LEARY and Elizabeth LEARY of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 16th day of May next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, at his office, High-street, Grahamstown, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
John CROXFORD, Secretary
Sole Trustee

In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas Norman JACKINS of the District of Albany
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 23rd May 1866 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

In the Insolvent Estate of George EMSLIE of Klipfontein, Division of Albany, farmer
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Albany at his office at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 6th day of June 1866 at 10 o’clock precisely for the proof of Debts and for the purpose of taking into consideration an offer of composition of Five Shilling in the Pound, made by the Insolvent at his third Meeting of Creditors.
Sole Trustee
23rd April 1866

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Intestate Estate of the late Henry CRUMP
The Undersigned having been duly appointed Executor Dative to the above Estate hereby call upon all persons claiming to be creditors upon the same to lodge particulars of their claims with the undersigned at the office of the Grahamstown Fire and Marine Insurance and Trust Company, in High-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted thereto are likewise called upon to pay within the same period.
Exors. Dative
March 20th 1866

Friday 11 May 1866

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel on Tuesday 1st May by the Rev W Holford, Edward James, second son of the late James PITT to Clara Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr. T. HUMPHRIES of this city.
May 11 1866
[see possible correction of groom’s middle name in notice for May 18th]

DIED at Smithfield, Orange Free State, May 6 1866, Hannah, beloved wife of Mr. Job HARVEY, and fourth daughter of the late Mr. W. SARGEANT, Grahamstown. Distant friends will please accept this notice.
11th May 1866

Monday 14 May 1866

DIED from ulcerated sore throat on the 30th ultimo, Isabella Emily Graham, third daughter of William and Emma Sophia WATSON, aged 5 years 6 months and 3 days, deeply regretted by her parents and friends.

Wednesday 16 May 1866

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company
In the Insolvent Estate of Francis E. SHORT, of the Division of Albany, Farmer
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 6th June 1866 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
John CROXFORD, Secretary
Sole Trustee
2nd may 1866

In the Court of the Eastern Districts, Cape of Good Hope
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry HEATH
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted, or otherwise concerned in the said matter, that the undersigned has been duly appointed Provisional Trustee, and requests that all debts due to the Estate may be paid to him without further delay.
Pro. Trustee
15 May 1866

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Onslow PECHEE of Albany
The Third Account of Liquidation and Plan of Distribution of the above Estate, with Vouchers corresponding, has been duly exhibited at the Resident Magistrate’s Office, will remain at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court for inspection by Creditors during 28 days, reckoned from this date; after which the said Honorable Court will be moved to confirm the Accounts and to order Distribution.
F. LUCAS, for the Trustee.

Friday 18 May 1866

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Tuesday 1st May by the Rev W Holford, Edward Thomas, second son of the late James PITT to Clara Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr. T. HUMPHRIES of this city.
May 11 1866

DIED from ulcerated sore throat, on the 9th instant, Sarah Jane, only and beloved daughter of Alfred and Ellen Jane NUDMAN at the early age of 18 months and 9 days.
The saints who die of Christ possesst
Enter into immediate rest,
For them no further test remains
Of purging fires and torturing pains.

Monday 21 May 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 18th instant, Mrs. J.M. GIBSON of a daughter.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Insolvent Estate of Peter Fraser GATONBY of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office at Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 6th June 1866 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Report of the Trustees, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustees for the management of the Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their respective Debts to the Undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted for the recovery thereof.
Joint Trustees
Grahamstown, 24th April 1866

Friday 25 May 1866

BIRTH on the 29th March at Church-road, Islington, London, the wife of Mr. C. NIXDORFF of a son.

Monday 28 May 1866

BIRTH on the 24th instant, Mrs. John ANDREWS of a son.

BIRTH on the 26th instant, Mrs. J. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.

DIED on the 26th instant, infant daughter of John and Elizabeth WEDDERBURN

DIED May 24th at Assegai Bush Farm, John Miller COOKE, late of Hill Top, Tenbury, Herefordshire, aged 26 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th inst, Francis Henry COLE, aged 54 years.
May 28 1866.

Wednesday 30 May 1866

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th instant, Keith WILKINSON, aged 36 years and 3 months.

Friday 1 June 1866

DIED (suddenly) on Friday evening, the 25th inst, at his Residence, Keith WILKINSON, for many years Superintendent of the Albany General Hospital, at the early age of 36 years, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. He leaves a widow and five young children to lament their untimely loss.

Monday 4 June 1866

MARRIED May 30th at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Very Rev the Dean, Richard Featherstone HURNDALL to Charlotte Martha, fifth daughter of the late Hon’ble Joseph CAWOOD.

BIRTH at the Commercial Hotel, on the 3rd June, Mrs. James WOOD of a son.

The Funeral of the late Mr. E.R. KING will proceed from his residence, Artificers’ Square, tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. Friends are respectfully requested to attend.

DIED on the 2nd June 1866 at Begally, near Grahamstown, the residence of his Uncles, Messrs David and John HANNAY, after a short and severe illness, William, eldest son of William and Rosetta CANNELL. Aged 19 years and 1 month.

Wednesday 6 June 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th June, Mrs. James WEDDERBURN of a son.

DIED on the 2nd June 1866, at Grahamstown, in the 41st year of her age, Susan Ellen, the wife of John Thornhill FISHER.

Friday 8 June 1866



ANDREWS – On the 24th inst, Mrs. John ANDREWS of a son.
GIBSON – At Grahamstown on the 18th inst, Mrs. J.M. GIBSON of a daughter.
NIXDORFF – On the 29th March at Church-road, Islington, the wife of Mr. C. NIXDORFF of a son.
WEDDERBURN – On the 21st inst, Mrs. J. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
WOOD – At Grahamstown on the 3rd June 1866, Mrs. James WOOD of a son.


HURNDALL AND CAWOOD – At St.George’s Church on the 30th May 1866 by the Very Rev. Dean, Richard Featherstone HURNDALL to Charlotte Martha, fifth daughter of the late Hon’ble Joseph CAWOOD.
PITT AND HUMPHRIES - At Commemoration Chapel, May 1st 1866, by the Rev W Holford, Edward Thomas, second son of the late James PITT to Clara Hannah, eldest daughter of T. HUMPHRIES of this city.


COOKE – May 24th 1866 at Assegai Bush Farm, John Miller COOKE, late of Hill Top, Tenbury, Herefordshire, aged 26 years.
COLE – At Grahamstown on the 26th inst, Francis Henry COLE, aged 54 years.
CANNELL – At Begally Farm, near Grahamstown, on the 2nd June 1866, William, eldest son of William and Rosetta CANNELL, aged 19 years and 1 month.
FISHER – June 2nd at Grahamstown, Susan Ellen, wife of John Thornhill FISHER, aged 41 years.
HARVEY – At Smithfield, Orange Free State, May 6th 1866, Hannah, beloved wife of Mr. Job HARVEY and fourth daughter of the late Mr. W. SARGEANT, Grahamstown.
NUDMAN – On the 9th inst, Sarah Jane, only daughter of Alfred and Ellen Jane NUDMAN, at the early age of 18 months and 9 days.
WATSON – On the 30th ultimo, Isabella Emily Graham, third daughter of William and Emma Sophia WATSON, aged 5 years 6 months and 3 days.
WEDDERBURN – On the 26th inst, infant daughter of Mr. John and Elizabeth WEDDERBURN.
WILKINSON – At Grahamstown, on the 25th May 1866, Keith WILKINSON, aged 36 years and 3 months.

Monday 11 June 1866

Graaff-Reinet Board of Executors
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Joseph McCABE Esq
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims at the office of either of the undersigned, within six weeks from the 15th instant; and those indebted to pay their Debts to the Graaff-Reinet Board of Executors or to the second undersigned, at his office in Grahamstown, within the said period.
Sec. G.R. Board of Executors
Graaff-Reinet, June 8 1866
Executor Dative
Grahamstown, June 11 1866

Mr. N. MEYER has arrived in Port Elizabeth from London. He intends to settle in the Free State; but before departing for that territory has been subpoenaed to give evidence on certain matters arising out of his insolvent estate. – Fort Beaufort Advocate.

Monday 18 June 1866

DIED at Aliwal North on the night of Saturday the 2nd inst, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Ann NORDEN, the wife of Mark NORDEN, aged 76 years.

Friday 22 June 1866

MARRIED on the 19th inst at Grahamstown by the Rev Alexander Hay, Nathaniel Thomas SMITH, third son of W.C. SMITH, to Mary Martha Pudsey HOGGAR, only daughter of the late Robert Syer HOGGAR. No cards,

DIED at the Parsonage, Somerset East, on the morning of Monday the 18th June, the Rev John PEARS MA, in his 76th year, and for nearly 25 years minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of that town.

Monday 25 June 1866

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 20th June 1866, Mrs. George IMPEY Jun of a daughter.

DIED on the 20th instant, Ethel Charlotte Isabel, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GADD, Victoria. Aged 11 months.

Wednesday 27 June 1866

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown on the 21st instant by the Rev T. Guard, George BATES of Warwick, Warwickshire to Sabina Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. BONE of this city. No cards.

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