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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1866 - 3 - July to September

Monday 2 July 1866

In the Estate of Francis Henry COLE of Grahamstown, deceased, and surviving spouse Johanna Hendricka COLE
Notice is hereby given that all Claims against this Estate are required to be filed with the second undersigned at the Post Office, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted to the same to pay their respective debts within the same time, at the same place.
Executors Testamentary
Grahamstown, June 30 1866

Wednesday 4 July 1866

BIRTH at St.John’s River on the 22nd May 1866, the wife of Mr. F.J. HUGHES of a son.

DIED at St.John’s River on the 27th May 1866, the infant son of Mr. F.J. HUGHES.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd July by the Rev R. Johnson, Mr. John HALADAY to Mrs. Mary Ann WIGGELL, both of this city. No cards.

From 23 Hill-street, to part of the Western House, lately the Clothing Depot, opposite the F.C.&A. Bank,
Watchmaker and Jeweller
1st July 1866

In the Insolvent Estate of Peter Fraser GATONBY
Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Creditors in this Estate will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Albany, at his office in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 8th day of August 1866, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of deciding on an offer made by the Insolvent at the Third Meeting of Creditors, to pay, on being reinvested with his Estate, a sum of £250, to be paid in 6 and 12 months, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, secured by Life Policy for £500, for the benefit of the concurrent Creditors, he undertaking to satisfy his preferent Creditors.

We much regret to announce the melancholy death of Mr. C.L. DREYER, field-cornet, who was found dead this morning early in a back room of his premises. Mr. DREYER had been absent from home since Saturday, and every enquiry by his family failed to elicit his whereabouts. He had been suffering mentally for some time past, and was subject to fits of an epileptic or apoplectic nature; and it is supposed that he had been attacked by one of these fits in some place where no help was at hand, and ultimately recovered consciousness and strength so far as to enable him to reach his home some time in the night. There were no marks of violence about him, nor were his clothes discoloured or disordered in any way, the hands only being slightly clenched, as if struggling in a fit. The sad occurrence has thrown quite a gloom over the place; and much sympathy is felt for his widow and young family in their affliction. – Fort Beaufort Advertiser.

Wednesday 11 July 1866

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on the 10th July 1866, by the Ven. Archdeacon Merriman MA, Langford S.R. BROWNE Esq, Head Master of St.Andrews Grammar School, fourth son of T.B. BROWNE Esq of Mellington Hall, Montgomeryshire, to Emma, youngest daughter of Robert HOLLAND Esq of this city.

Friday 13 July 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 10th July 1866, Mrs. VON WISSELL of a son.

MARRIED on Tuesday the 10th July in the Roman Catholic Chapel, King Williamstown, by the Rev J. O’Neil, Edward KELLY to Annie Catherine O’FLINN, second daughter of the late Edward O’FLINN of Colesberg.

DIED suddenly of disease of the heart, at Blindfontein, near Philipolis, Orange Free State, Mr. W.J. DODDS, aged 31 years.

DIED at Tarkastaad on the 2nd July, at the age of 67 years, the widow of the late W. ELLIOTT, deeply regretted by all who had an opportunity of ascertaining her many excellent qualities. The deceased came out with the Settlers of ’20, and was for many years a resident of Grahamstown, and a devout attendant at the Wesleyan Chapel. Many of the present congregation must have known her, and will regret to hear of her death.

Friday 20 July 1866

Fire at Fort Beaufort
A telegram was received this morning by the Secretary of the Frontier Fire Insurance Company from the agent at Fort Beaufort, stating that the residence of Mr. Jas. SCOTT, situated about a mile from the town, was last night burnt to the ground, and most of the furniture destroyed. It is supposed that but little has been saved – and hence the fire must have been far advanced before it was discovered. The property is insured in the Frontier Fire Insurance Company for £1,200 and the furniture &c for £500 in the same company.

Wednesday 25 July 1866

MARRIED at East London on the 17th July 1866 by the Rev W Wallis, James GATER to Margaret McGARR. No cards.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Trust Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Andrew DEVELING of Alice, Division of Victoria East, Hotel keeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 22nd August 1866 at 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Trust Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Lourens Jacobus ERASMUS of Victoria East
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 22nd August 1866 at 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees

Friday 27 July 1866

MARRIED in Ebenezer Baptist Chapel, Hill-street, Grahamstown, on Thursday 26th July by the Rev Alexander Hay, Thomas Henry GROCOTT, late of Liverpool, to Eliza Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John MILLER of this city.

MARRIED at the farm “Sharon”, Division of Queenstown, by the Rev H.H. Dugmore, on the 28th June 1866, George BARNES Junr of Hopefield, Division of Queenstown, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr. George TARR of Lower Albany.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 24th July 1866, Mr. James COWIE, aged 76 years. Deceased was one of the Original Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.

DIED at the residence of Mr. A.N. IRVINE, Brass Founder, Beaufort Street, Wm. TEMPELTON, of Consumption, on the 24th July 1866, a native of Scotland, aged 24 years and 4 days, deeply regretted by all his friends. He died as he had lived, a humble and sincere Christian.

DIED at Oatlands on the 25th July, Erilda Maud, aged 10 months, beloved and only daughter of David CAWOOD and Emma Frances GRADWELL.

Monday 30 July 1866

BIRTH at Clifton, Baviaan’s River, on the 26th July, the wife of Mr. Chas. H. MORGAN of a daughter.

DIED at Lombard Post, Southwell on Friday the 27th July, Hannah, the beloved wife of Benjamin KEETON, aged 74 years. Deceased came to this colony with the British Settlers of 1820 and resided uninterruptedly in Lower Albany ever since her arrival there – forty six years ago. It is only a just tribute to her memory to record that she was as respected by all who knew her as she was loved and venerated by her own family circle. Her death was as tranquil as her life had been unostentatious, leaving a large number of relatives and friends to lament the loss of an inestimable wife, parent and neighbour.

Friday 3 August 1866

BIRTH at Glenstone Farm, Howison’s Poort, on the 29th July, the wife of Mr. W.A. MORGAN of a son.

Monday 6 August 1866

DIED on the 4th inst of Croup, at the residence of J.B. HELLIER Esq, West Hill, Charles Frederick Trenbath, son of J. Bowers and H.M. JANION, aged 10 months.

DIED at Constitution Hill, near Grahamstown, Rebecca CLARKE, aged 46 years, daughter of Samuel and Amelia CLARKE of the City of London and Kent (Merchant), deeply regretted by all her friends.

Wednesday 15 August 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday 12th August, Mrs. George PAGE of a son.



MORGAN – At Glenstone Farm, Howison’s Poort, on July 29, the wife of Mr. W.A. MORGAN of a son.
MORGAN – At Clifton, Baviaan’s River, on July 26, the wife of Mr. Charles H. MORGAN of a daughter.
VON WISSELL – At Grahamstown, July 10, Mrs. VON WISSEL of a son.


BROWN – HOLLAND At St.George’s Cathedral on July 10, by the Ven. Archdeacon Merriman MA, Langford S.B. BROWNE Esq to Emma, youngest daughter of Robert HOLLAND Esq of this city.
BARNES – TARR At the farm “Sharon”, division of Queenstown, by the Rev H.H. Dugmore, on June 26, George BARNES Jun to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr. George TARR of Lower Albany.
GROCOTT – MILLER At Grahamstown by the Rev A. Hay, Thomas Henry GROCOTT to Eliza Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John MILLER of this city.
GARTER – GARR At East London on July 17, by the Rev W. Willis, James GARTER to Margaret GARR.
KELLY – O’FLINN At King Williamstown by the Rev J. O’Neil, Edward KELLY to Annie Catherine, second daughter of the late Edward O’FLINN of Colesberg.


COWIE – At Port Elizabeth, July 24, Mr. James COWIE, aged 76 years.
CAWOOD – At Oatlands, on July 25, Erilda Margaret, only daughter of David CAWOOD and Emma Frances GRADWELL, aged 10 months.
CLARKE – Constitution Hill, Grahamstown, Rebecca CLARKE, daughter of Samuel and Amelia CLARKE, of the City of London, aged 46 years.
DODDS – At Blindfontein, near Phillipolis, Orange Free State, Mr W.J. DOODS [sic] aged 31 years.
ELLIOTT – At Tarkastad, on July 2, the widow of the late W. ELLIOTT, aged 76 years.
JANION – At West Hill, on July 4, Charles Frederick William, son of J. Bowers and H.M. JANION, aged 10 months.
KEETON – At Lombard’s Post, Southwell on July 27, Harriet, the beloved wife of Benjamin KEETON, aged 74 years.
TEMPLETON – At Grahamstown, on July 24, of consumption, Wm. TEMPLETON, aged 34 years and 4 days.

Friday 17 August 1866

BIRTH at Danassaway’s Poort, District of Bethulie, Orange Free State, on the 6th August 1866, Mrs. Edward HARVEY of a son.

DIED suddenly at Alice on Sunday morning, August 12 1866, Alfred Andrew, fourth son of Mr. George MURRAY, aged four years and eight months.

Monday 20 August 1866

MARRIED at Russell Park on the 9th August, by the Rev J. Edwards, Wesleyan Minister of Somerset East, F.J. GOWAR Esq, second son of F.J. GOWAR Esq, of Bushman’s River, to Mary Ann POTE, third daughter of R.J. POTE Esq of Hopewell Farm. No cards.

DIED at Kaga’s Drift, (the residence of his son-in-law Mr. W. SAMPSON) on the 14th instant, Mr. Joseph CAMPBELL, at the age of 75. Deceased came to this colony with a small party of Mechanics from Londonderry (Ireland) in 1818, and was well known as “old Mr. CAMPBELL, the Carpenter”, having resided for some years in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Bedford, 18th August 1866

Wednesday 22 August 1866

DIED on the 19th July at the residence of her son, Joseph HANCOCK, Umzimculu, Natal, Mrs Ann HANCOCK, aged 76, widow of the late Mr. James HANCOCK, of Port Elizabeth, and one of the Settlers of 1820. Both were, from an early age, members of the Wesleyan Church, and at its first introduction into Port Elizabeth: as well, also, at the introduction of the first Sabbath School at that place. Her death was as her life – an embodiment of the power of Christ to save.

Friday 24 August 1866

MARRIED on Wednesday the 22nd August 1866 in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev W.J. Davis, Weslin John QUAIL, eldest son of the late James QUAIL of Liverpool, to Eliza Jane, second daughter of Mr. E.H. MARSHALL of this city.

DIED on the 22nd instant, of acute bronchitis, Clarence Thomas Dix, the beloved and only son of Charles HARPER of Alice, aged nineteen months and thirteen days.
August 1866

Yesterday considerable excitement prevailed in fashionable circles, arising from the celebration of the nuptials of Major George CARDEN, of the 2nd-5th Fusiliers, to Mary Gertrude, second daughter of Henry BLAINE Esq of this city. The union was solemnised at the Cathedral, by the Ven. Archdeacon Merriman. The fair bride was attended by Misses MERRIMAN, LUCAS, KROHN, BLAINE (2), ATHERSTONE, IMPEY and MATURIN, who were attired in white and blue, and lace veils; and the gallant bridegroom by Dr. CLOSE of the 5th, B. BLAINE Esq, W.R. THOMPSON Esq Jun, Lieut. SPRING 5th Regt, Lieut. BROME and several other officers. The Cathedral was crowded with spectators. A selection of Mendelssohn’s bridal music was played on the organ by Mr. FRANKLIN before and after the ceremony.
A very large breakfast party assembled at Sir Walter CURRIE’s residence; Sir R.P. DOUGLAS, Sir Walter CURRIE, the Dean, the Archdeacon and others proposed the customary healths. An equally numerous assembly graced Sir Walter’s mansion in the evening. Dancing was continued until a late hour. The band of the 2nd-5th was in attendance.
We do not remember any marriage which occasioned more excitement in this city. Flags were exhibited at Oatlands and at Messrs. BLAINE’s store, and the rolling of carriages along the streets was almost ceaseless throughout the day.
Mr. Joseph GREEN provided the breakfast and refreshments and exerted himself, we are informed, with even more than his usual success.
The happy bride and bridegroom left in the afternoon for a temporary sojourn at Orange Grove; and in a few days will leave for St. Helena, the Major having the command of the left wing of the 2nd-5th, now stationed there.

Monday 27 August 1866

BIRTH at Grahamstown, 25th August 1866, Mrs. G.H. FLETCHER of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence at Cradock on the 24th August by the Rev G. Chapman, George BACKHOUSE to Mary Eliza Crooks, fourth daughter of Edmund BRADFIELD Esq of Cradock. No cards.

Friday 31 August 1866

MARRIED at Boshoff by the Rev H.W. Brandt, Caroline, eldest daughter of Gad JEFFRIES to David SCOTT of Luchars, Fifeshire, Scotland.
August 20 1866

DIED at the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. KING, Market-square, after a painful illness of fifteen months, which she bore with exemplary patience and Christian fortitude, Mrs. Thomas FRANCIS, aged 52 years. Friends will please accept this notice.
August 28 1866

Wednesday 5 September 1866

BIRTH at West-hill, Grahamstown, on Friday the 31st ultimo, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.

DIED at Queen’s Park at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Joseph HULLEY, Mrs. Dolly JACKSON, relict of the late Samuel JACKSON, aged 81 years and 6 months, leaving a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Deceased came to the Colony with the Settlers of 1820.

Wednesday 12 September 1866



PAGE – At Grahamstown on the 12th August 1866, Mrs. George PAGE of a son.
HARVEY – At Danassway’s Poort, Orange Free State on the 6th August 1866, Mrs. Edward HARVEY of a son.
FLETCHER – At Grahamstown on the 25th Aug, the wife of Mr. G.H. FLETCHER of a son.
AYLIFF – At Grahamstown on Friday the 31st ult, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.


GOWAR and POTE. At Russell Park by the Rev J. Edwards, Wesleyan Minister of Somerset East, F.J. GOWAR Esq, second son of J.G. GOWAR Esq of Bushman’s River, to Mary Ann POTE, third daughter of R.J. POTE Esq of Hopefield Farm.
QUAIL and MARSHALL. On the 22nd August 1866 by the Rev W.J. Davies, John QUAIL, eldest son of the late James QUAIL of Liverpool, to Eliza Jane, second daughter of Mr. E.H. MARSHALL of this city.
BACKHOUSE and BRADFIELD. By Special Licence at Cradock on the 24th August, by the Rev G. Chapman, George BACKHOUSE to Mary Eliza Crooks, fourth daughter of Edmund BRADFIELD Esq of Cradock.
JEFFRIES and SCOTT. At Boshoff by the Rev H.W. Brandt, Caroline, eldest daughter of Gad JEFFRIES to Davis SCOTT of Luchars, Fifeshire, Scotland, August 20th 1866.


MURRAY – At Alice, August 12th 1866, Alfred Andrew, fourth son of Mr. Geo. MURRAY, aged 4 years and 8 months.
CAMPBELL – At Kaga’s Drift, on the 14th August 1866, Mr. Joseph CAMPBELL at the age of 75 years.
HANCOCK – On the 19th July, at Umzimculu, Natal, Mrs. Ann HANCOCK, aged 79 years; widow of the late Mr. James HANCOCK of Port Elizabeth.
HARPER – On the 22nd August 1866, Clarence Thomas Dix, the beloved and only son of Charles HARPER of Alice, aged 19 months and 13 days.
FRANCIS – At Grahamstown, August 28th 1866, Mrs. Thomas FRANCIS, aged 52 years.
JACKSON – At Queen’s Park, Mrs. Dolly DICKSON, relict of the late Samuel JACKSON, aged 81 years and 6 months.

Friday 14 September 1866

MARRIED on 3rd September 1866 by the Rev J. Edwards at Somerset East, James BOTTON Sen to Mary Charlotte POWER, relict of Edmund POWER of Limerick, Ireland.

MARRIED at Grahamstown by the Rev A Hay, on Thursday September 13th 1866, Thomas Robert CLACK to Ellen, second daughter of the late Mr. George STREETING, Harbledown, near Canterbury, England.

The Funeral of the late Mr. W.H. SURMON will move from the residence of Mr. HOWARTH, Scott’s Avenue (opposite W.R. THOMPSON’s Esq,) tomorrow afternoon at half past two o’clock precisely.
Grahamstown, September 14 1866

BIRTH at Trompetter’s Drift on the 9th September, the wife of Wm. MONTGOMERY, hotel keeper, of a son.

Wednesday 19 September 1866

DIED in Grahamstown on the 13th Sept at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. HOWARTH, Mr. W. SURMON, late Inspector of the Frontier Armed Mounted Police, aged 46 years and 5 months. Deceased leaves a widow and nine children, besides a numerous circle of friends and relatives to mourn their irreparable loss.

Monday 24 September 1866

Ambrose WEBB, in closing his Business in Church-square, hereby calls upon all persons who are indebted to him, far and near, to settle their accounts without delay.
September 19 1866

BIRTH on the 22nd September, at Grahamstown, the wife of Lieut. C.H. BOILEAU ADC of a daughter.

Wednesday 26 September 1866

BIRTH on the 24th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of S. JACOBS Esq, Solicitor-General, of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th inst, Mr. Charles Joseph GRAY, Land Surveyor, after an illness of four days.

Friends are respectfully requested to attend the Funeral of the late Mr. Charles Jos. GRAY, which will leave the Albany General Hospital tomorrow, the 27th instant, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
Alexander WILLS
Undertaker, Grahamstown.

Friday 28 September 1866

BIRTH at Alice on the 15th September, Mrs. Wm. WRIGHT of a son.

DIED at the residence of her Daughter, Mrs. SKEA, 1 Worcester-st, West-hill, Grahamstown, on Thursday 27th Sept, 1866, Sarah ROWLES, in her 80th year. The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) at half past four o’clock.

DIED at the residence of the Rev R Best, Peelton, on the 17th September, Octavia M. MARTIN.

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