Grahamstown Journal 1866 - 4 - October to December
Wednesday 3 October 1866
DIED at Adelaide on the 27th Sept, after a severe illness of five weeks, Alfred James TROLLIP, third son of Benjamin TROLLIP, aged 35 years and 10 months, leaving a widow and six children to lament their loss.
The Late Tragedy
The following extracts from the late Mr. APSEY’s private diary will show that he was suffering from temporary insanity.
August 21: My mind is saddened through ill health, finding things going so much against me, that my wish to leave this world, were it not for my noble wife and six noble and dear children. I trust in God that he will give me strength to withstand all my cares and troubles. My shattered frame will send me sorrowing.
Sunday 26: Self at my lodgings. Shaking and in a sad state of mind. My poor wife and family. If I leave this world I must take my dear children with me to the next world. I’m an unstrung man. My God, my God, I do call upon thee for help. My soul is faint of my life, and what can I do? My weary limbs are not for me to bear. My day is drawing near.
September 26 (the day of his decease); This day seems as if it must be my last day. If I could have but my dear children with me, happy would I be; but a God is the ruler of all above and below; but a very loving wife, may God be good to her, shield and guide her. Oh! I do faint: I fell so ill this day. My poor dear wife, you are a widow woman..
Friday 5 October 1866
DIED on the 30th September at Cullendale, near Bedford, the residence of her brother Mr. W.H. HOCKLY, Frances C. ROSS, widow of the late Rev. William ROSS, of Sekatlong, aged 46 years.
Wednesday 10 October 1866
Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance and Trust Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of John L. BRADFIELD of Queenstown
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 24th October 1866 at 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
September 19 1866
Begs to announce that she is desirous of receiving Daily Scholars for Instruction in the usual branches of English Education – Music, French and Drawing.
Mrs. T has vacancy for Two Young Ladies as Boarders.
Families resident in the Country would find a comfortable home for their Daughters.
Address: Hill-street, opposite the hospital.
Friday 12 October 1866
DIED at Riet Fonteyn, district of Cradock, on Thursday 30th August 1866, Elizabeth Sarah, beloved wife of George William PRICE, aged 27 years, leaving a husband and four young children to mourn their loss.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of George COLDRIDGE of Queenstown
The Liquidation and Distribution Account of the above Insolvent Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court for a term of fourteen days from this day’s date; after which the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
J.E. WOOD, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 6th October 1866
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles May COLDRIDGE of Queenstown
The Liquidation and Distribution Account of the above Insolvent Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Office of the master of the Supreme Court for a term of fourteen days from this day’s date; after which the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
J.E. WOOD, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 6th October 1866
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas Norman JACKENS of Grahamstown
The Liquidation and Distribution Account of the above Insolvent Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court for a term of fourteen days from this day’s date; after which the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
R.S. SMITH, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 6th October 1866
Friday 19 October 1866
BIRTH at Henry-street, Oatlands on the 8th October, the wife of Mr. John WALKER of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday October 12th, Mortimer Woolcott, youngest son of Henry and Ann ROBERTS. Aged 3 years and 2 months.
DIED at Bedford on Saturday the 13th October, about 11 o’clock pm, the beloved wife of A. DANCKWERTS MD, Ida Sophia Cuise [sic – should be Louise?], born WILMANS; aged 41 years and 9 months.
DIED on the farm “Procter’s Fontein”, near Sidbury, on the 14th instant, Eleanor Emily, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RIPPON, at the age of 10 years and 3 months
Wednesday 24 October 1866
DIED at the residence of W.R. THOMSON Esq on Tuesday the 23rd October, after a short illness of three days, Margaret, widow of the late Assistant-Commissary-General Robert JOHNSTONE. The funeral will take place on Friday the 26th instant at four o’clock precisely.
24th October.
Monday 29 October 1866
BIRTH at Settler’s Hill on Friday 26th October, the wife of Mr. John LOCKE of a son.
BIRTH at West Hill on the 27th October 1866, the wife of Mr. Thos. HOLLAND of a son.
DIED on the 14th instant, at Sunday’s River, after a severe illness, Rebecca, beloved wife of E. TUNBRIDGE, Addo Drift, Sunday’s River, aged 53 years.
DIED on Saturday October 27 at his residence, Settler’s Hill, Grahamstown, Mr. Charles POULTON, aged 51 years. Deceased suffered a long and painful illness.
DIED on the 27th October 1866, at West Hill, Grahamstown, the beloved wife of Mr. E.F. KIGHTLEY, after a short but severe illness, aged 47 years, leaving her husband an a large family of young children to deplore their loss. Her end was peace.
Monday 5 November 1866
DIED on the 4th November 1866, at Chapel-street, Grahamstown, the beloved wife of Robert CAMPBELL, after a short but severe illness, aged 27 years and 6 months, leaving her husband and two young children to deplore their sorrowful loss.
Wednesday 7 November 1866
BIRTH on the 6th instant, at Grahamstown, the wife of Wm. WEDDERBURN Jun of a son.
A terrific thunderstorm, accompanied by wind and rain, burst over King Williamstown on Wednesday evening. The peals of thunder were something fearful and the flashes of lightning extremely vivid. Several accidents occurred, but none of them of a serious nature. We hear that the wall of the Civil Hospital was struck by the electric fluid in two places, and one of Mr. D. THOMAS’ chimneys shattered. Ries mill had a narrow escape and so too did the Masonic Lodge and other buildings. ~ K.W.T. Gazette
During the storm of Wednesday night the farm house, Latham, belonging to Mr. R.H. SOUTHEY, was struck by lightning. The electric fluid struck the gable of the house, passed down the centre of the wall, destroying a window in the gable, and smashing the glass to pieces. Thence it entered a bedroom, passing through a canvas ceiling, and through the dimity covering of the bedstead, and yet, strange to say, without setting fire to either. Pursuing its progress, it passed to the front room, in which were the brothers DE VILLIERS. These were knocked down and stunned, but not otherwise hurt. It then found its way to the kitchen, where Mrs. DE VILLIERS was preparing supper. A little boy who was with her was knocked down; while she herself states that she merely experienced a sensation as though a puff of hot wind had passed by her. From the kitchen the lightning found egress, doing no other damage than that we have detailed ~ Free Press.
Friday 9 November 1866
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, Mrs. John WEBB of a son
November 7th 1866
DIED on the 8th November 1866, Mrs. Elizabeth JACKSON, widow of Mr. Joseph JACKSON, late of New-street, in this city, aged 57 years.
Monday 12 November 1866
DIED at the residence of Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, on Sunday 4th November, of diphtheria, Alice Louisa, aged 19 months, youngest daughter of Mrs. L.C. FRANK.
A sad case of real distress has caused much sympathy during the last week. Some three months ago a mason, named Thos. SMITH, a Scotchman, arrived here from the Bay in search of employment. They obtained occupation of a room belonging to Mrs. KRUSE, and the husband failing to get employment in town, went to search for it in the country amongst the farmers. The wife and two children were left behind without any provision for their support, and she being in a very delicate state of health, and suffering from cold after he journey, was unable to do anything. Dr. ARENHOLD attended her with most unwearied kindness ever since her arrival, even three or four times a day occasionally. She was seized with severe whooping-cough, and about three weeks since gave birth to a child, being then in a very weak state. Inflammation of the lungs set in, and the poor woman died last Monday, leaving her children to the care of strangers. She was buried on Wednesday, and the same day her infant died. The kindness of Mr. and Mrs. BEUNDERMAN, and the Mrs. Widow KRUSE, deserves especially to be mentioned; for they provided for the wants of this destitute family from first to last, and one of the children is still in the care of Mr. BEUNDERMAN. Mr. and Mrs. CHARLTON have taken care of the other child, and during the last week or two have been attentive to the wants of the poor mother. It is not known in what part of the district the husband may be, as he has not been heard of. It is supposed he went to the Camdeboo. Perhaps this notice may make him acquainted with the melancholy circumstances which have occurred during his absence. ~ Graaff-Reinet Herald.
Friday 16 November 1866
DIED in Grahamstown, 11th November 1866, Percival Edward, the beloved son of George and Elizabeth Ann FRANCIS, aged 2 years 4 months and 15 days.
Monday 19 November 1866
MARRIED on the 14th November 1866, at St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. the Dean, Mr. Joseph Nicholas WEBB of East London, to Annie, second daughter of Mr. G. STEAD of this city.
MARRIED at Cradock on Thursday the 15th November 1866 by the Rev George Chapman, James THACKWRAY Esq of Cradock to Mary Jane, daughter of William VICARY Esq of the same place. No cards.
Monday 26 November 1866
DIED at Peddie November 23rd, in the 50th year of his age, James MACK Esq, District Surgeon. The friend of all; he was beloved by many. His end was peace.
Monday 3 December 1866
DIED at her residence, New-street, on 30th November, aged 53 years and 10 days, Deborah, the beloved wife of Mr. John GLASS, leaving a disconsolate family and a numerous circle of relatives and friends to deplore their loss. “She is not lost, but gone before.” The bereaved family would embrace this opportunity of thanking those kind friends who attended and endeavoured to alleviate pain during her short but severe illness.
DIED at Steen Bok Vlakte, Cradock, 29th November 1866, Henry, the beloved son of James Edward and Mary Parr HOWSE, aged 6 years and 12 days. Friends will please accept this notice. [age given as 3 in notice of 12 December]
DIED November 30th at Grahamstown, Helen Louisa, the daughter of Lieut. C.H. BOILEAU ADC, aged two months.
(Communicated to Cradock Register)
On Saturday forenoon the inhabitants of Cradock were called upon to deeply sympathize with two unfortunate sufferers, a mother and her daughter, named BOARD, who were burnt to death under the following circumstances. From what we could gather from the few incoherent remarks which fell from the mother the first few moments after the fire had burnt their clothes to ashes and charred their bodies all over, it seems that they were about to bake some bread in a baking-pot and were lighting a fire. The mother went into the yard to collect some small wood. On her return to the kitchen door, she heard her daughter screaming and found her clothes in flames. She ran and fetched a blanket and wrapped it round her daughter, but unfortunately it was lined with voerchitz, which also caught fire, and the next moment the mother found herself enveloped in flames. In her agony she rushed across the street to a neighbour, seeking for help. The wind was blowing fresh at the time, and increased the flames around the burning woman. The neighbour was so terrified that she saw no chance of saving her, and, in her fright, rushed into the yard, screaming for help and wringing her hands in despair, and sent a Kaffir maid to throw water over the burning woman. Meanwhile the poor unfortunate could not forget the instinct of a mother, and kept up her wail that her poor daughter Louisa was burning to death! In the meantime some Kafir maids had thrown water over the unfortunate girl, but not until she was completely charred. The screams for help soon brought the neighbours together, and there such a sight presented itself as I hope never again to witness, of two unfortunate women, a mother, aged forty five, and her daughter of nineteen, with clothing burnt to cinders and their flesh dropping off in pieces. Every assistance was immediately rendered, by covering the poor creatures in rags steeped in linseed oil, and afterwards limewater and oil, and everyone vying with each other in their endeavours to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunates. When the doctor arrived he did all that skill and humanity could suggest, but from the moment he came he was doubtful of their recovery.
They both lingered on in dreadful agony until, at 5 o’clock, the daughter expired, the knowledge of which was carefully kept from the dying mother, who quietly breathed her last about an hour after. Both retained their consciousness till the last, and expired so calmly that it was difficult to say the exact moment they were delivered from their terrible sufferings.
The necessary steps were immediately taken for their decent interment, and information sent off to the husband and father, who is engaged in his trade at the vicinity of Lady Grey. On Sunday afternoon the remains of the departed were borne to their last home, followed by all the working classes and a few gentlemen, to the number on ninety seven in all.
On Monday a subscription list was set on foot for the purpose of defraying funeral expenses &c, and Cradock, with its usual liberality, most generously responded by a very creditable amount being subscribed.
I cannot close without noticing the warm-hearted and praiseworthy conduct of everyone who could be of assistance to the sufferers, and beg particularly to mention the names of Mrs. SHROSBREE, Mrs. SKINNER and Widow SMITH.
Wednesday 5 December 1866
DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th December, after many years of intense suffering, John KINGSLEY, for twenty years Veterinary Surgeon of the Cape Mounted Riflemen. Aged 65 years. The funeral will move from the residence of deceased at three o’clock on Friday afternoon.
W. PAXTON, Undertaker.
Friday 7 December 1866
DIED on the 7th instant, at 1am, Helena Gertinda, beloved wife of Mr. C.J. LITTLEWORT, aged 26 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday the 8th) at the Cathedral at 4pm. Friends will kindly accept this intimation as an invitation.
Monday 10 December 1866
MARRIED at Harefield on Tuesday 4th December by the Rev John Edwards, Benjamin Mitchell WEBBER, of Glen Lynden, to Melliceus Ann, eldest daughter of Wm. NASH Esq. No cards.
Wednesday 12 December 1866
BIRTH at Alexandria on the 5th Dec 1866, Mrs. S.T. ENGLISH of a son.
BIRTH on the 10th instant at Grahamstown, the wife of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, Master and Registrar Eastern Districts Court, of a son.
THACKWRAY – VICARY At Cradock on Thursday the 15th November 1866 by the Rev George Chapman, James THACKWRAY Esq of Cradock to Mary Jane, daughter of William VICARY Esq of the same place.
WEBB – STEAD On the 14th November 1866, at St.George’s Cathedral by the Very Rev. the Dean, Mr. Joseph Nicholas WEBB of East London, to Annie, second daughter of Mr. G. STEAD of this city.
WEBBER – NASH At Harefield on Tuesday 4th December by the Rev John Edwards, Benjamin Mitchell WEBBER, of Glen Lynden, to Melliceus Ann, eldest daughter of Wm. NASH Esq.
BOILEAU – At Grahamstown, November 30, Helen Louisa, the daughter of Lieut. C.H. BOILEAU ADC, aged two months.
FRANCIS – At Grahamstown, November 11, Percival Edward, the beloved son of George and Elizabeth Ann FRANCIS, aged 2 years 4 months and 15 days.
GLASS – At Grahamstown, Nov 30, Deborah, the beloved wife of Mr. John GLASS, aged 53 years and 10 days.
HOWSE – At Steen Bok Vlakte, Cradock, Nov 29, Henry, the beloved son of James Edward and Mary Parr HOWSE, aged 3 years and 12 days. [age given as 6 in notice of 3 December]
KINGSLEY – At Grahamstown, December 5, after many years of intense suffering, J. KINGSLEY, for twenty years Veterinary Surgeon of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, aged 65 years.
LITTLEWORT – At Grahamstown Dec 7, Helena Gertruida, beloved wife of Mr. C.J. LITTLEWORT, aged 26 years.
MACK – At Peddie, November 23, James MACK Esq, District Surgeon, aged 50 years.
ORSMOND – At Whittlesea, the eldest daughter of Mr. ORSMOND of the firm of LAWRANCE & ORSMOND.
Friday 14 December 1866
BIRTH on the 13th instant. Mrs. R.E. RUSHBY, Prince Alfred Road, of a daughter.
DIED on the 10th December 1866, at the residence of Mr. Thomas PITT, Whittlesea, of consumption, Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles ORSMOND of this city.
DIED at Ebenezer, near Graaff-Reinet, on the 5th December 1866, Susannah, the beloved wife of W.E. HOBSON Sr. Esq, JP, after a painful illness, aged 61 years. She has left a sorrowing partner, and a large family of children and grandchildren to mourn their loss. Deceased came to this colony with the Salem party pf Settlers in 1820.
Monday 17 December 1866
DIED at Cradock December 13th 1866, Edith Maud Mary, the beloved daughter of Mr. J.G. DAVEY. Aged 2 years 1 month and 13 days.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Edward HANCOCK of Grahamstown
The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above-named Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, for a period of fourteen days from Monday 5th instant, and thereafter for the same period at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court, Capetown, after which the Hon. the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
R. BERTRAM, Sole Trustee
December 17 1866
Friday 21 December 1866
MARRIED at the residence of the Bride’s father, on the 19th inst, by the Rev Robert Johnston of Trinity Church, the Rev John A. CHALMERS, of the United Presbyterian Church, to Margaret Ann, only daughter of F. TUDHOPE Esq, Grahamstown.
Friday 28 December 1866
In the Estate of Joseph MANSFIELD, Insolvent
A Liquidation Account, and of Distribution, now lies open for inspection of Creditors and persons concerned at the Resident Magistrate’s office, where it will remain for ten days, pursuant to the 108th Section of the Insolvent Ordinance.
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee
December 27 1866
In the Estate of Charles COXON, Insolvent
Notice to Creditors
The Third Meeting of Creditors, advertised to be holden before the Resident Magistrate at Port Elizabeth, has, by permission of the Supreme Court, been removed to Grahamstown, and will be held on Wednesday 9th January next at 10 o’clock.
Sole Trustees
December 26 1866
Monday 31 December 1866
MARRIED on Thursday the 20th inst at St.George’s Cathedral by the Ven. Archdeacon Thomas MA, Alfred George JONES Esq, son of William Champion JONES Esq of Hyde Park, London, to Susanna Amelia Strivens DYASON, daughter of the late George DYASON Esq. No cards.
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