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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1867 - 1 - January to March

Friday 4 January 1867

BIRTH at Alice on the 29th ult, Mrs. George MURRAY of a daughter.

MARRIED at St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, Cape of Good Hope, on the 20th December 1866, by the Rev Thomas Heuchman, Capt. William Croft NICOLSON CMR, only son of the late Major Gideon NICOLSON, of the Royal Marines, to Rebecca Annie Hancorn, second daughter of the late John Hancorn SMITH Esq, of Melville Park, Assegai Bush, near Grahamstown. No cards.

Monday 7 January 1867

Mr. William MORRISON, a clerk in the store of JONES Brothers, jumped out of a window two storeys high, in a house occupied by Mr. NOAKES at the other side of the river on Friday last, while labouring under a temporary fit of insanity. He is at present under medical treatment in the hospital, having, in his jump, sustained a compound fracture of one foot and a simple one of the other. From the peculiar nature of the injuries sustained it is doubtful whether he will ever again recover the proper use of his limbs.

Friday 18 January 1867

MARRIED on Tuesday 15th January at Bathurst Church by the Rev James Barrow, Henry, the youngest son of Mr. G. HODGKINSON, to Rachel, the third daughter of the late Mr. Wm. BARTLETT of Standerwig.

Monday 21 January 1867

DIED of consumption on the 16th January 1867, at the residence of Mrs. SMITH, Beaufort-street, Isabella Sarah, wife of Thomas GILPIN, aged 22 years.

DIED on the 19th January 1867, at the residence of her brother Mr. J. CARNEY, Susannah, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph GLASS, aged 41 years and 4 months, leaving a husband and ten children, with a large circle of relations and friends to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and affectionate mother and friend.

Wednesday 23 January 1867

Information reached town yesterday morning of the sudden death of W.H. MATTHEWS Esq of Salem. This event is entitled, from the position and character of the deceased, to more than an ordinary notification. It is not sufficient to say that he was one of the British emigrants of 1820 and that he died as he had lived, at peace with his Maker and all mankind. It is due to his memory, on the contrary, to remark that besides all this he was an eminently useful man in his day and generation, and that he was amongst the very few of the British settlers who never quitted the “Location” on which he was first placed, now nearly forty-seven ears ago. To the village of Salem the deceased might almost be said to be an Institution. It was there he established the first school that sprang up among his fellow emigrants. It was there, under his tuition, that many of the most intelligent and enterprising men in our community received that sound instruction which made them in after life what they now are – and which has given Salem its celebrity up to the present day for its academic advantages. But the subject of this brief memoir was not alone distinguished as a teacher of youth, but was in every sense of the word a patriotic benefactor to his country, willing in every way to benefit those around him and to advance the public good. His perfect freedom from all ostentation, and retiring disposition, sheltered him to a large extent from public observation – but to those who knew him best, his services as a Justice of the Peace, as a sound adviser, as a staunch friend, and as a warm sympathiser in every case of distress, will ever be held in grateful remembrance. It may be fairly doubted whether his services as JP, rendered gratuitously for many years, have not been fully equal to many who, in like position, have been in receipt of handsome salaries. It must be added to this, as a crowning trait of character, that his life was strictly regulated by religious principle. He was eminently upright in all his conduct, his invariable aim being to maintain a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men. His demise, though not altogether unexpected, was sudden. He had obtained the ripe age of 74 years, and had exhibited for some time past such a degree of feebleness as to indicate that his race was well nigh run. But on the morning of yesterday he rose at his usual early hour, and was moving about his room; on being called, however, to breakfast, he was found in his chair dead, with an open Bible before him. It is superfluous to add that his memory will be cherished and his name held in grateful remembrance by the large circle of attached friends and others, by whom he was so well known in this and the surrounding districts. The funeral, which took place this morning, was attended by the inhabitants of the district.

Friday 25 January 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th instant, Mrs. B.B. PERRIN of a son.

DIED suddenly at his residence, Salem, on Tuesday morning, the 22nd instant, W.H. MATTHEWS JP, aged 73 years and 4 months.

Monday 28 January 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th instant, Mrs. C.C.. PERRING of a son.

BIRTH at the Parsonage, Peddie, on Thursday morning the 24th instant, Mrs. Edward Y. BROOKS of a daughter.

BIRTH, West Hill, Grahamstown, Mrs. DENYSSEN of a daughter.
January 28 1867

Wednesday 30 January 1867

MARRIED on the 14th November 1866 at St.John’s, Isleworth by the Rev Canon Woodrooffe, the Rev Henry Reade WOODROOFFE, Curate of Ryton, Durham, to Elizabeth Marion, eldest daughter of William Cormtry OAK Esq of King Williamstown.

Friday 1 February 1867

BIRTH on the 29th January, the Lady of Colonel HAMILTON RE of a son.

BIRTH on the 27th January 1867, at St.Bartholomew’s Rectory, the wife of J.W. ASHBURNHAM Esq of a daughter.

DIED at Spring Vale on the 30th instant, Jane Emslie, fourth daughter and most affectionate and beloved child of Mr. and Mrs. John WILMOT, aged 19 years and 8 months.

Wednesday 6 February 1867

BIRTH at Keiskama Hoek on the 31st January 1867, the wife of Mr. Wm. SIMPSON Jun of a son.

We regret to have occasion to record the death of Mr. Richard WALKER, so long known in this province as a zealous assistant missionary of the Wesleyan Society. For many years past Mr. WALKER was in charge of the mission station at Farmerfield, and during that time he frequently preached to the English congregations at Salem, Barville Park and Port Alfred. The scene of his earliest missionary labours was, we believe, Wesleyville, the first mission established in Kaffirland by the Rev. Mr. SHAW. Thence he moved to D’Urban, in the Peddie circuit, thence to Newtondale, and finally to Farmerfield. Mr. WALKER was a man of much vivacity and shrewdness, and of cheerful disposition. His missionary addresses were alive with anecdote and quaint remark. Mr. SHAW in his Story of My Mission, says of him “He was one of the British settlers and a local preacher before he left England in 1820. He has been long and usefully employed on our South African Mission.” A large circle of relatives and friends will lament the loss caused by the death of Mr. WALKER, which took place at Wolf-Craig, the residence of his son-in-law Mr. PENNY.

Friday 8 February 1867

King Williamstown
Serious Fire
House Burned Down
King Williamstown, February 8
Fire at the Perie this morning. HAYNE’s dwelling house destroyed. Insured for £284 in the Union. Fire supposed to have originated by sparks from kitchen chimney falling upon roof, which was thatched. Weather excessively hot. 108 in shade.

Monday 11 February 1867

BIRTH on Thursday the 7th in Hill-street, the wife of Mr. C.H. CALDECOTT Jun of a son.

DIED at Frankfort, near King Williamstown, on Friday evening the 1st Feb 1867, at the residence of Mr. A.E. MURRAY, Louisa Ann ASHCRAFT, widow of the Rev John PEARS, late minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of Somerset East.

Wednesday 13 February 1867

MARRIED on Feb 7th at East London by the Rev W. Wallis, Acting Military Chaplain, Captain Ernest Archibald BERGER HM 10th Regt, second son of Lewis C. BERGER Esq of Lower Clapton, Middlesex, to Margaret Catherine, only daughter of the late Thomas BRERETON Esq, Resident Magistrate of Bathurless, Nenagh, County Tipperary.

DIED on 5th Feb, Richard WALKER of Farmerfield, aged 76 years. His end was peace.

Friday 15 February 1867

DIED on the 15th inst at the residence of her nephew, Mr. Charles ORSMOND, Miss Elenor KIDWELL, in her 88th year.

DIED December 23 1866, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Wm. PURDON, Ann, the beloved wife of the late Thomas H. TARR, one of the Settlers of 1820, who came to this Colony with the Nottingham Party. “Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord.”

Monday 18 February 1867

BIRTH on the 17th inst at West-hill, Grahamstown, the wife to T.A.G. SATCHWELL Esq, Military Store Staff, of a son.

DIED on Saturday 16th instant, at the residence of Mr. F.C. BATE, West-Hill, Grahamstown, Rosa, relict of the late William WRIGHT Esq of Grahamstown, aged 74 years and 2 months.

DIED at Wheatlands on the 9th Feb, happy through her trust in Christ, Emma BEVANS, the beloved partner of Daniel James ROBERTS, aged 23 years and 5 months, leaving a husband and child and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss. She was a faithful wife, a dutiful mother and a firm and warm hearted friend.

Wednesday 20 February 1867

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 9th February 1867, the wife of Mr. J.B. WEAKLEY of a son.

DIED at Somerset East on the 10th February 1867, after a lingering illness, Robert HORNE. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820, aged 68 years. Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.

DIED at Port Elizabeth at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. James GRADY, on Friday February 15th, Patrick KEOGH, aged 75 years. The deceased came to this colony in the Weymouth in 1819 or 1820.

Friday 22 February 1867

DIED of Ulcerated Sore Throat, on the morning of the 22nd, Harrietta Porter Rhodes, only daughter of John and Margaret CROXFORD; aged two years and six months.

Monday 25 February 1867

BIRTH at Wilson’s Party, Albany on the 20th February 1867, the wife of Mr. C. PURDON of a daughter.

Wednesday 27 February 1867

MARRIED at Wesley Chapel Capetown by the Rev Samuel Hardey, Mr. John W. WELLS to Annie, youngest daughter of R.L. ATTWELL Esq. No cards.
February 21 1867.

Charles PORTER
Builder &c
Cathcart-Street (near the residence of Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON)
Doors, Windows, Sashes, Venetian Blinds and every description of Joiner’s Work made to order, and forwarded to any part of the colony.

Friday 1 March 1867

MARRIED at Sidbury on Wednesday the 27th February by the Rev J Smith, Wesleyan Missionary, of Salem, John Edward, eldest son of John SLATER Esq of Bushman’s River to Margaret, eldest daughter of Joseph GUSH Esq of Woodbury. No cards.

The Executors of the above Estate have instructed the undersigned to sell in front of his late residence on Thursday the 7th March, at noon, the whole of his Scaffolding and Masons’ Tools, 150 loads of Stone, at the Quarry, near the Cape Corps Camp, 1 set of Quarrymen’s Tools &c

Harrismith, Feb 16th 1867
It again devolves on me to record the deaths of two of our oldest inhabitants, and that under circumstances of a most awful kind. The circumstances are as follows: Last Sunday (the 10th), about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the neighbourhood was visited by a thunderstorm, when the house of Mr. Carl PAPENFUS was struck by lightning and the father and eldest daughter killed:
They were sitting about nine feet apart, and the lightning coming through the roof, split on a beam, and killed them both dead on the spot. They were buried on the following Tuesday and I believe that the funeral was the most numerously attended that has ever been seen here. Upon my word, Mr. Editor, so many accidents have occurred in the State of the same kind, I wonder the Government does not put lightning conductors on the powder magazines; but this, I believe, is a warning to our neighbourhood.

Friday 8 March 1867

DIED on Sunday 3rd March of Scarlatina and White Sore Throat, William Edwin, youngest son of Mr. E.E. WELLMAN, aged 5 years 10 months and 14 days. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

From 19 High-street to part of the Western House (lately the Clothing Department) opposite the Frontier Commercial and Agricultural Bank
Importers of Cutlery, Tools, Ironmongery, Electro-plate and Metal Wares, Combs, Brushes &c.

Monday 11 March 1867

BIRTH on the 9th March, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a daughter.

Petrus Hendrik TERBLANZ, a labourer, lately residing at Baviaan’s Krantz, in the division of Fort Beaufort, was charged with the crime of incest; In that, on or about the 4th January 1866, and at Baviaan’s Krantz aforesaid, the said Petrus Hendrik TERBLANZ did wrongfully and unlawfully solicit Martha Jacoba TERBLANZ, his daughter, to suffer him to have carnal and criminal connection with her; and her, the said Martha Jacoba TERBLANZ then and there, wrongfully and unlawfully did carnally know: and thus he, the said Petrus Hendrik TERBLANZ, did commit the crime of incest.

Wednesday 20 March 1867

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 20th instant, the wife of Mr. J.H. DINGLE of a son.

BIRTH on the 19th March, the wife of Mr. W.A. SMITH, Bathurst-street, of a son.

BIRTH at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown on the 17th March 1867, the wife of Mr. John RICHARDS Jr of a daughter.

BIRTH at Salem on the 8th March 1867, the wife of Mr. T.F. BERRINGTON of a daughter.

Friday 22 March 1867

DIED on the 22nd March after a few days illness, of inflammation of the lungs, William Henry, only son of William and Catherine HOWARTH, aged one year and seven months.

DIED at Rockwood on Sunday afternoon, March 17th 1867, Blanch, the beloved child of William and Helen FULLER, aged 3 months and 26 days.

DIED at Assegai River on the 18th inst, Hilda Sarah, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. STREET.

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