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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1867 - 2 - April to June

Monday 1 April 1867

Espag’s Drift
J. O’GRADY, thanking the public for their liberal support at his late premises, the Separation Hotel, begs to announce his removal to Carlisle Bridge. Being the only Hotel in that neighbourhood, and fitted up with every convenience to ensure the comfort of travellers, he trusts that by attention and moderate charges he may meet with public encouragement.

Wednesday 3 April 1867

DIED at Grahamstown on the 30th March, Percy Henry, infant son of John and Amelia TAYLOR, aged 13 months and 10 days.

Friday 12 April 1867

DIED suddenly at the farm Glenstone, March 27th, Mr. W.A. MORGAN, leaving a wife and young family, with a large circle of relatives and friends, to mourn their sad and painful bereavement.

DIED on Sunday evening, 7th inst, at his residence in Beaufort-street, after a short illness of six days, Mr. Thomas EDWARDS, aged 78 years, leaving a numerous circle of friends to deplore their loss.

George RANDALL hereby gives notice that he has given his wife, Mrs. RANDALL, a Power of Attorney to receive money, sign notes and generally to transact business for him during his absence at Van Staaden’s River.
Grahamstown, 10th April 1867

The Undersigned, who intends leaving the Colony, requests that all claims against him be sent in within one month from date, for settlement.
John TALBOT Junr.



BERRINGTON – At Salem, on the 8th ult, the wife of Mr. F.T. BERRINGTON of a daughter.
CUMMING – At Grahamstown, on the 14th ult, the wife of Dr. CUMMING MD of a daughter.
DINGLE – At Grahamstown, on the 20th ult, the wife of Mr. J.H. DINGLE of a son.
PAVITT – At Bathurst, on the 14th ult, the wife of Mr. R. PAVITT, schoolmaster, Bathurst, of a daughter.
RICHARDS – At Grahamstown, on the 17th ult, the wife of Mr. J. RICHARDS Jr, Oatlands Road, of a daughter.
SMITH – At Grahamstown, on the 19th ult, the wife of Mr. W.A. SMITH, Bathurst-street, of a son.


GREEN – THORNHILL At Cradock on the 12th ult, by the father of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev G. Chapman, John Edward, second son of the Rev G.H. GREEN, Wesleyan Minister, to Frances Taylor, third daughter of C.M. THORNHILL Esq of Eerste Verlies, Cradock.


ABBOTT – At Grahamstown on the 9th ult, Walter Wilson, son of Mr. ABBOTT, builder of this city; aged 8 years; of croup.
FULLER – At Rockwood, Bedford, on the 17th ult, Blanche, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FULLER.
HOWARTH – At Grahamstown on the 22nd ult, from inflammation of the lungs, William Henry, only son of Mr. and Mrs, HOWARTH, Scott’s Avenue.
STREET – At Assegai River, division of Albany, on the 18th ult, Hilda Sarah, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. STREET.
SMITH – At Grahamstown, on the 12th ult, Mr. Jno. Eli SMITH, late of Queenstown, aged 33 years; of consumption.
TAYLOR – At Grahamstown, on the 30th ult, Percy Henry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. TAYLOR, Bathurst-street.
WILLIAMS – At Loufontein, Orange Free State, on the 11th ult, Mr. Charles WILLIAMS, aged 54 years.

BIRTH at East London on the 6th instant, the wife of Thos. S. BRERETON, DACG, of a daughter.

Monday 15 April 1867

DIED at the residence of his son, 28 African-street, Grahamstown, on the 13th April 1867, Mr. George WATSON, in the 81st year of his age. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.

DIED at Adelaide on Monday the 8th April 1867, Ida, the beloved infant of Stephen and Sarah WEBBER, aged 8 days.

Wednesday 17 April 1867

DIED this morning, Arthur Frederick, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. HOLLAND, aged six months.
17th April 1867

Friday 19 April 1867

DIED at her residence in Grahamstown, on the 15th April 1867, Ann INGRAM, born WHEELER; aged 59 years and seven months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED on Monday the 15th April 1867, after a few days’ illness, Harriet, the beloved partner of Henry GRAY; aged 74 years and 1 month. Her end was peace. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820 and came to this colony in the good ship Zoriasta [sic]. Relations and friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Monday 22 April 1867

DROWNED whilst bathing Mr. J.H. BOSCH’s dam, Riebeck, on the morning of the 17th April, Mr. James SAUNDERSON, aged 45 years 9 months and 7 days, leaving a wife and family of 6 children to lament their sad loss.

All parties indebted to Mr. Ambrose WEBB, Clothier, late of Grahamstown, are requested to pay their accounts at my office, Hamilton’s Cottage, Church-square, during the present month, to prevent legal proceedings.
April 3rd 1867

Wednesday 24 April 1867

BIRTH on Sunday the 21st instant, the lady of Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK of a son.

MARRIED on the 13th March in St. Peter’s Church, Cradock, by the Rev M. Norton, Richard John King KNOWLES, second son of Henry KNOWLES Esq, Grahamstown, to Lucy Louisa, seventh daughter of the late John WHITE Esq, Cradock.

DIED at Grahamstown, 19th April 1867, after a protracted illness, Mr. Benjamin TROLLIP, aged 63 years and 4 months. Deceased was fourth son of the late Mr. Joseph TROLLIP, and came to the colony with the British Settlers of 1820. He has left a widow and a numerous family to mourn over the loss of an affectionate husband and parent, and a large circle of sorrowing relations and friends. Friends at a distance are requested to accept this notice.

Friday 26 April 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown this morning, April 26, the wife of Mr. Peter POTE of a daughter.

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel Queenstown on Tuesday 22nd April [sic] by the father of the bridegroom, Herbert, second son of the Rev H.H. DUGMORE, Wesleyan Minister, to Emma Millicent, eldest daughter of John WEAKLEY Esq. No cards.

DIED at East London, April 23 1867, Walter George, only son of John George and Margaret GLOUGH, aged six months.

Monday 29 April 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday the 28th instant, the wife of Mr. T.B. GLANVILLE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Zwaak Fontein, near Bedford, on the 27th instant, the wife of Mr. J.C. LEPPAN of a daughter.

DIED at Cape Coast Castle, Western Africa, on the 30th November 1866, in the 30th year of his age, Ephraim CASELY, formerly of Grahamstown, third son of John and Mary CASELY of Budleigh Salterton, Devon.

DIED suddenly at the Lovedale Seminary on the 18th instant, David Baird, youngest son of the Rev E.D. HEPBURN, aged 15 years 1 month and 9 days.

Wednesday 1 May 1867

DIED at Grahamstown, April 27th 1867, after a severe illness, Jessie, the beloved wife of Henry James REDHEAD, and fourth daughter of John and Celia Jane HILL, aged 22 years and 2 months. DIED also at the same residence, April 28th 1867, George Valantine EASTLAND, aged 16 years and 8 months, deeply regretted b all who knew them. “Our loss is their eternal gain”.

Monday 6 May 1867

DIED on the 29th April, Francis George, only child of George and Sabina BATE; aged three weeks.

DIED on the 23rd April, at the farm “Lismore”, on his way from Bloemfontein to Grahamstown, Thomas Rundle, aged 28 years and 11 months, only son of Thomas and Matilda BONE of this city.

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between the undersigned, under the style or firm of JANION, PORTER & Co has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
J. Bowers JANION
Port Elizabeth
1st May 1867

Wednesday 8 May 1867

All parties indebted to the undersigned for Medicines &c and for Soda-Water and Lemonade due up to the end of December 1866 are respectfully requested to settle the same with Mr. R. READ, at my office, 24 Hill-street, Grahamstown, or with his authorised Collector. Proceedings will be taken against all parties whose accounts are not settled at an early date in accordance with this notice.
(Signed) Wm. Jno. EARLE
17th April 1867

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William THOMPSON of Farm 107 in the Division of East London, Farmer.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 22nd May 1867 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the above period, at the office of the Union Fire and Marine Assurance Company, in Grahamstown, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Robert D’OYLY, lately of Grahamstown, Storekeeper
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 22nd May 1867 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the above period, at the office of the Union Fire and Marine Assurance Company, in Grahamstown, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William George FEATHERSTONE of Grahamstown, Carrier
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 22nd May 1867 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the above period, at the office of the Union Fire and Marine Assurance Company, in Grahamstown, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late John Smithson WRIGHT
All Persons having any claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same at the office of the undersigned within six weeks from this date, and all persons indebted thereto are requested to pay the same within the said time.
Jno. Edw. WOOD, Executor Dative
7th May 1867

Estate of Richard WALKER Sen (late of Farmerfield)
The undersigned having been appointed Executors to this Estate request that all persons having claims against the deceased are requested to file the same; and those indebted to pay their liabilities, to either of them, within six weeks from date.
Joseph WALKER of Green Fontein, near Port Alfred
Charles PENNY, Wolf’s Craig, Bathurst
Grahamstown, May 4 1867

Monday 13 May 1867

BIRTH at Harewood, District of Bathurst, on May 7th, the wife of Mr. W.W. SMAILES of a son.

DIED at Kama’s Kraal (District Peddie) on Thursday 2nd May 1867, Eliza Jane, the beloved child of Cornelius and Susanna DOYLE; aged 2 years 9 months and 6 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice. We would also thank those who so earnestly attended her in her last illness.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of George CLARK, of Howard’s Party in the Division of Albany.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 12th day of June 1867, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of finally deciding upon the following offer of composition, made by one Edward CHAPMAN and the Insolvent, respectively, at a Special Meeting held on the 27th March last, and accepted by the Creditors then present, viz: That of Edward CHAPMAN to pay to the Trustee of the said Insolvent Estate the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Sterling, in cash, irrespective of the sum of Three Shillings and Sixpence in the Pound Sterling, to be given by the Insolvent to his Creditors, of which Two Shillings and Sixpence shall be secured by General Conventional Mortgage, to be passed by the said George CLARK in favour of the said Trustee, payable in twelve months, and One Shilling in the Pound in two years, to be secured by the endorsement of the said Edward CHAPMAN, in satisfaction of the claims of the Creditors, upon condition that upon the final acceptance and payment of the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Sterling, the Trustee shall cede, transfer, convey and vest absolutely the whole of the Insolvent Estate, immovable and movable, save and except any moneys in the Trustee’s hands, to and in the said Edward CHAPMAN, and further, upon such payment and granting such Promissory Notes and Mortgage by the Insolvent, to be secured as aforesaid, to release and discharge the said Insolvent from the sequestration of his Estate.
Thos BROOKS, Sole Trustee
In the Insolvent Estate of G. CLARK
April 23rd 1867

Monday 20 May 1867

Robert CUMMING MD intends practising all branches of his profession in this Town and Country. Address: Residence – 36 Somerset-street, late Brigade Office.

DIED on the 19th May 1867 at his farm on the Kareiga, Mr. Samuel MASSEY, aged 45 years. Deeply regretted.

Wednesday 22 May 1867

DIED on Friday morning, the 17th instant, at his residence, Queen-street, Grahamstown, broken down by infirmities, borne for many years with singular patience, James FITZGERALD, aged 75 years. Deceased was one of the few Catholics who came to this Colony in 1820, and continued throughout his life the faithful supporter of the Church of his fathers. He departed this world calmly resigned to the will of God, and fortified by the Holy Sacraments. May he rest in Peace. Amen.

Notice of Removal
Dr. CUMMING has removed from No. 36 Somerset-street to the house lately occupied by H. KINGSMILL Esq in the same street.

Friday 24 May 1867

BIRTH at Alice Town on May 21st 1867, the wife of Mr. Charles HARPER of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 18th inst, at Groen Fontein, the wife of Mr. H. CURRIE of a son.

Wednesday 29 May 1867

MARRIED at Somerset East on the 3rd April 1867 by the Rev J Edwards, Rev. J. START, Wesleyan Minister, to Margaret Rydyard WRIGHT, youngest daughter of the late J.C. WRIGHT Esq and granddaughter of C. PENNY Esq Sen of Salem.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th May 1867, the wife of Mr. W. RAMSBOTTOM of a son.

Monday 3 June 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st inst, the wife of Mr. Alfred WEBB of a son.

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, by Special Licence, on the 30th May, by the Rev H.J. Johnson MA, Wm. SUTHERLAND Esq MB to Isabella, youngest daughter of John LESLIE Esq, Aberdeen.

DIED May 21 after years of severe suffering, Amelia Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. Samuel STANGER, aged 56 years.
Grahamstown May 1867

Wednesday 5 June 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th June, the wife of F.J. GOWAR Jun of a son.

DIED at King Williamstown on Monday the 27th May, Martha Louisa Ruth, the beloved wife of the Rev James FISH, aged 26 years.

DIED at Alice on the 31st May 1867, from injuries received from a fall on the previous evening, John NETTLETON, formerly of the 7th Dragoon Guards, and for many years resident at Keiskamma Hoek, in the 70th year of his age, deservedly respected and deeply lamented by all who knew him. The bereaved widow, and all the members of the family, take this opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks to Dr. STUART, Mr. and Mrs. QUINN, and the inhabitants of Alice, for the great kindness shown to them in their heavy affliction.

Monday 10 June 1867

BIRTH at Peddie on Tuesday the 4th inst, the wife of Mr. Sidney SMITH of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 9th June 1867, Mr. Joseph SHORT, a Settler of 1820, in the 83rd year of his age, sincerely regretted by all who knew him. He bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude, and died in the fullest conviction of being received into eternal life. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Wednesday 12 June 1867

BIRTH at St. John’s River on Sunday the 21st April, the wife of F.J. HUGHES of a son.

MARRIED on the 29th May ay Lyndock, Baviaan’s River (the residence of W.D. PRINGLE Esq) by the Rev J Edwards, John RENNIE, third son of the late J. RENNIE, to Allison Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W.M. JAFFRAY Esq of Grahamstown.


An accident occurred on Thursday night which has cast quite a gloom over Alice. Mr. John NETTLETON Senr, formerly Troop Sergeant-Major in the 7th Dragoon Guards, left the Keiskamma Hoek at noon in his spider, taking with him Mrs. NETTLETON and a little girl (an adopted child), expecting to reach Alice before dark. Their own horses, which on every previous occasion had shown themselves to be splendid draught animals, proved on this occasion particularly restive and troublesome. They caused great delay; so much so that they did not reach Fort Hare till 7 o’clock, when it was quite dark. They had proceeded, it was supposed, to near Fort Hare Drift when the horses suddenly stood, and refused to proceed. The party dismounted, Mrs. NETTLETON going out on the right and Mr. NETTLETON on the left of the spider. On Mrs. NETTLETON going a few paces forward she saw the river at a great depth. She screamed “We are on a precipice” and moved towards the spider, when she heard underneath on the left of the horses, heavy groans. She immediately ran to the premises of Mr. QUIN, close at hand, and reported the occurrence. This gentleman, with praiseworthy speed, came to their assistance, when it was discovered that they had kept to the right of the drift straight on to the river, and the left wheels of the spider were within a few inches of the edge of the precipice on the right of the drift, so that when Mr. NETTLETON stepped out of the vehicle he went over the precipice. He was found below, bleeding profusely and quite insensible. He was immediately removed to Mr. QUIN’s and Dr. STUART of the Lovedale Mission Station was speedily in attendance, when it was seen that Mr. NETTLETON had two very severe wounds on the head and one on the shoulder. After probing the wounds Dr. STUART said that little hope of his recovery need be entertained. He never spoke after, and remained insensible, and breathed his last on Friday morning at 5 o’clock. Deceased had just completed his seventieth year.

Early on Saturday morning last the mournful intelligence was rapidly diffused through the city of the sudden decease of Lieutenant Samuel HALAHAN of Her Majesty’s 2nd battalion of the 14th Regiment, and was received by everyone who had enjoyed personal acquaintance with the deceased officer with deep and unfeigned regret. The circumstances attending the unexpected death were as follows: On Friday evening he dined as usual with other officers of the Regiment at the Mess house, Cape Corps Barracks, where a detachment of the 14th are stationed. Between half past nine and ten o’clock he left, apparently well, with the intention of proceeding to his usual quarters. His brother officers had not the slightest reason to anticipate the unfortunate casualty which followed. Whilst nearly come to the Messroom he was seized by apoplexy and [in time] was unable to recover himself. It is the opinion of the medical authorities that death was almost instantaneous, and if assistance had been rendered with the utmost promptitude the result must have been the same. He was not observed, however, until seven o’clock the following morning, when the Sergeant on duty discovered, to his [text rubbed away] the deceased gentleman extended on the ground, with the head partly hidden by a tomato bush growing in a hollow place, into which it had fallen. As an evidence of the sudden character of the death, the body, when picked up, still grasped a stick in one hand and a pair of gloves in the other, precisely as when he was noticed to leave the Mess-house. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Episcopal Burial ground.

Mrs. FISH – We deeply regret to have to announce the decease of the wife of the Rev James FISH, the pastor of the Wesleyan Chapel of King Williamstown.

Mr. S. MASSEY of the Kareiga. This well known and much respected hotel keeper died a few days since, after a lingering illness.

Mrs. ARMSTRONG – We regret to announce the death of Mrs. ARMSTRONG, relict of the late Colonel ARMSTRONG of the Cape Mounted Rifles.

Dr. BENBOW, District Surgeon of Fort Beaufort, O.J. TRUTER Esq of Capetown and Mr. W. HEATHCOTE of King Williamstown are also to be placed in our obituary.

Monday 17 June 1867

BIRTH on the 16th April at the residence of Mrs. FLEMING, 61a Portsdown Gardens, London, the wife of Charles H MAYNARD Esq of a son.

BIRTH at Capetown on the 13th June, the wife of Charles L. FANNER of a daughter.

Wednesday 19 June 1867

MARRIED on the 16th instant, at “The Grove”, Hope’s Garden, by the Rev G.H. Green, Frederic BORRILL, Head Master of the Training School, to Henrietta, eldest daughter of Thomas BROOKS Esq of Grahamstown.
Grahamstown, June 19 1867

Friday 21 June 1867

MARRIED on the 17th June by the Rev T Henchman, Colonial Chaplain, at St. John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, Lieutenant Henry Herbert SKILL, Adjutant 2nd-11th Regiment, fourth son of J. SKILL Esq, of the Bury, Felstead, Essex, to Emma Eliza Fanny, second daughter of Assistant-Commissary-General G.B. BENNETT.

DIED at Grahamstown June 18th, Walter Ernest, youngest son of John and Matilda DUFFIELD. Aged 3 years and 9 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED at Fort Peddie on Sunday morning the 16th inst, Ann, the beloved wife of William DARLING of Buck Kraal, in the 53rd year of her age; deeply lamented by her family. The bereaved husband and all members of the family take this opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks for the great kindness shown and rendered to them in their heavy and sad affliction.

Wednesday 26 June 1867

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th inst, after a long and painful illness, Mr. John QUIN Senr, aged 62 years.

Friday 28 June 1867

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. John W. GEORGE of a daughter.

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