Grahamstown Journal 1868 - 4 - October to December
Monday 5 October 1868
DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday the 3rd inst, William McKillop JAFFRAY. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, from Hamilton’s Avenue, at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend, as no special invitations have been issued.
DIED at T’Sumo Post on the morning of the 1st September 1868, Mr. James McGLASHAN. Aged 35 years. Deceased was a native of Dundee, Forfarshire, Served 10 years in HM Scots Fusilier Guards. Was at that ill-managed Crimean campaign, where disease was engendered, which has carried him off. Friends will please accept this notice.
Alice, 20th September 1868.
Monday 12 October 1868
BIRTH on the 10th October 1868, at West-street, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. A.E. NELSON of a daughter.
DIED from diphtheria on Monday the 5th October 1868, after a short but painful illness, Minnie Mee, the beloved infant daughter of Marian and Peter POTE. Aged 17 months.
Wednesday 14 October 1868
DIED at Grahamstown after only two days illness, of Bronchitis, Frederick William, only and beloved son of Thomas F. and A.M. HILL of Salem. Age 1 year 3 months.
October 13th 1868.
Monday 19 October 1868
BIRTH at Vlackfontein, Knee Halter’s Neck, district of Albert, on the 24th September 1868, Mrs. J. ANDREWS of a son.
MARRIED on the 13th instant by the Rev Mr Morgan, at the Scotch Church, Capetown, Mr. James DALLAS of Namaqualand to Miss Annie RYAN of King Williamstown. No cards.
Friday 23 October 1868
BIRTH at Cradock on the 15th October 1868, the wife of D.T.W. CAWOOD Esq of a son.
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on the 15th October 1868, by the Very Rev the Dean, James, son of the late Mr. James EVERLEY, of Waterloo Place, to Lavinia, second daughter of the late Mr. E. LEE of Grahamstown, No cards.
DIED through a fearful accident of the capsizing of a wagon near Fort Beaufort, on the morning of the 12th October 1868, Mr. Alexander Sterley REYNOLDS, the esteemed youngest son of Mrs S. REYNOLDS Senr. Aged 22 years. Also his wife, wedded only three months hence, Elizabeth Emily, eldest and most beloved daughter of Mr. Wm. and Elizabeth WICKS. Aged 21 years. Both leaving numerous relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends will please accept this notice.
Peddie, October 15th 1868
Monday 26 October 1868
BIRTH on the 24th inst, at Somerset-street, Mrs. R.S. SMITH of a daughter.
Wednesday 28 October 1868
BIRTH at Bloemfontein on the 18th October 1868, Mrs. R. INNES of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 26th inst, the wife of Mr. Alfred WEBB of a son.
Friday 30 October 1868
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 28th inst, Mrs. J.C. OGILVIE of a daughter
MARRIED on Tuesday the 13th inst, by the Rev Dr Richards, Chas. T. HAGELTHORN, third son of Högädie Herr C.F. HAGELTHORN, and nephew to the late Lord Bishop of Uppsala, Sweden, to Julia, second daughter of Mr. P. HEALY of this city.
Monday 2 November 1868
MARRIED by Special Licence, 31st October, by the Rev R. Johnstone, W.E. STANTON to Naomi, youngest daughter of R. WEBBER Esq, Cross-street, Settler’s Hill.
The following account of the circumstances attending the death of Capt. DAVIE is extracted from a letter of one of the passengers, which came to hand yesterday:-
“Our last three days were melancholy ones, as the Captain during that time took ill and died. His indisposition was at first manifest on the Monday, but none of the passengers though it was anything serious. It was believed to be nothing more than an ordinary bilious attack. Subsequently it was said to be the Mauritius fever. On the Wednesday it was perceived that, whatever the character of the attack, the disease had evidently gone to the head; for one of the passengers on entering the saloon found him lying there with his feet on the table. The next day he told that passenger that he thought he was lying in his own cabin. On Thursday he was evidently worse, but still he moved about the ship, and got up on deck. In the middle of that day, two hours before the usual dinner-time, he sat down at the head of the table, telling the steward to bring on the dinner. On the evening of the same day he went on deck, enquiring for the doctor, and evidently in a state of great bewilderment went into the smoking saloon before dark and asked “What sort of candles are these you have here?” Of course there were no candles whatever. About ten o’clock at night he sat down at the saloon table, and one of the passengers asking him when he was going to turn in, he replied “Ah, it will very soon be a turn in with me”. But still none of the passengers thought his case a very serious one. Judge then of our surprise when the next morning we were informed that he was actually dead. A few minutes afterwards we heard the footsteps of the men who were conveying his body on deck. His remains were placed in the smoking room, and being near England, they were taken home and delivered to his friends fir interment in his native soil. I need not say what a gloom this cast over the ship’s company, intensified by the fact that at the time the weather was gloomy and increasing in violence, the glass gradually going down. His last hours were very painful, the disease having reached the head and his struggles requiring considerable effort to save him from self-injury. He was at the time of his death in the full prime of manhood, his age being 39. He bore the character of an excellent officer, and was in all respects a well constituted gentlemanly man. His death at last was extremely sudden, and from what I hear, he had a strong presentiment on the outward voyage that he would never return home alive.”
Friday 13 November 1868
DIED at his Father’s residence, Grahamstown, on the 9th inst, John MURRAY, aged 36 years. The Mother and Brothers of the deceased acknowledge gratefully the assistance rendered by kind Friends and Public.
ANDREWS – At Vlackfontein, Knee Halter’s Neck, district of Albert, on the 24th September, Mrs. J. ANDREWS of a son.
CAWOOD – At Cradock, on the 15th ult, the wife of Mr. D.T.W. CAWOOD of a son.
INNES – At Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 18th ult, the wife of Mr. R.INNES of a son.
OGILVIE - At Grahamstown, on the 28th ult, the wife of Mr. J.C. OGILVIE of a daughter.
SMITH – At Grahamstown, on the 24th ult, the wife of Mr. R.S. SMITH of a daughter.
WEBB – At Grahamstown, on the 26th ult, the wife of Mr. Alfred WEBB of a son.
DALLAS – RYAN At Capetown on the 13th ult, by the Rev Mr. Morgan at the Scotch Church, Mr. James DALLAS, of Namaqualand, to Miss Annie RYAN, of King Williamstown.
EVERLEY – LEE At Grahamstown on the 15th ult, by the Very Rev the Dean, at St.George’s Cathedral, James, son of the late Mr. James EVERLEY, of Waterloo Place, to Lavinia, second daughter of the late Mr. E. LEE, of Grahamstown.
HAGELTHORN – HEALY At Grahamstown on the 13th ult, by the Rev Dr Ricards, Chas. T. HAGELTHORN Esq, and nephew to the late Lord Bishop of Uppsala, Sweden, to Julia, second daughter of Mr. P. HEALY of this city.
HILL – At Grahamstown on the 13th ult, after only two days illness of bronchitis, Frederick William, only and beloved son of Thomas F. and A.M. HILL of Salem. Aged 1 year and 3 months.
REYNOLDS – Through a fearful accident of the capsizing of a wagon near Fort Beaufort, on the morning of the 12th ult, Mr. Alexander Sterley REYNOLDS, youngest son of Mrs. S. REYNOLDS Sen. Aged 22 years. Also his wife, wedded only three months, Elizabeth Emily, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. and Elizabeth WICKS. Aged 21 years.
WILSON – At the Wesleyan Mission House, Fort Beaufort, on the 10th inst, Jane Maria, the beloved daughter and eldest child of the Rev John WILSON, Wesleyan Minister. Aged 19 years and 11 months.
Wednesday 18 November 1868
BIRTH on the 8th instant, at Clifton, Baviaan’s River, the wife of C.H. MORGAN of a daughter.
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 4th November 1868, Catharine Moffat, beloved wife of Mr. J.D. YOUNG, after a brief but severe illness if 16 days – borne in a true and Christian spirit – at the age of 26 years, 1 month and 1 day. Deeply regretted by her relatives and friends, leaving a sorrowing husband to mourn his loss. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Friday 20 November 1868
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Stephen TROLLIP of Queenstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are required to file their claims at the office of the second undersigned in Queenstown, within six weeks from this date. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their Debts to Mr. E.C. NICHOLLS, at the Stores of Messrs. S. TROLLIP & Co, Queenstown, or to the second undersigned, within the same period.
Executors Dative
Queenstown, November 9 1868.
Monday 23 November 1868
BIRTH at Woest Hill on the 19th inst, the wife of Captain CROMPTON, 11th Regiment, of a daughter.
DIED on the 13th November 1868, Tamzin PALMER, aged 44 years and 29 days, the beloved wife of Walter PALMER, of farm “Woodlands”, District of Peddie, leaving a sorrowing husband and seven young children to mourn their irreparable loss. “She is not dead but sleepeth”. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 30 November 1868
DIED on Sunday the 29th November 1868, at her residence, Somerset-street, Grahamstown, Ann, the beloved wife of Joseph TAYLOR. Aged 44 years and 4 months.
Monday 7 December 1868
BIRTH yesterday, the wife of Mr. Frederik HOLLAND of a daughter.
Grahamstown, 7th December 1868
BIRTH at Grahamstown, 4th December, the wife of Arthur DOUGLASS of a daughter.
Wednesday 9 December 1868
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 8th instant, Mrs. Joseph GREEN of a daughter.
Grahamstown, 8th December 1868.
MARRIED at Kuruman on Wednesday 18th November, by the Rev John Smith Moffat, Herbert William JARVIS to Emma More HOPE, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. HOPE
Direct Importer
Receives monthly Prime Yorkshire, Wiltshire and Strasburg Bacon; Yorkshire and Wiltshire Hams; Cumberland Lard; Best German Sausages (in tinfoil); Stilton Sweet Milk, Wiltshire, Edam, Single and Doubled Glo’ster, Cheshire and Cheddar Cheese; Teas in every variety; Prime ken tans Sussex Hops.
Also a Large and Varied Assortment of Boots, Brushes and Blankets.
Terms: cash or Approved Bill at Three Months.
Friday 11 December 1868
DIED at Alexandria on the 3rd Dec 1868 from Diptheria, Edith Annie, the only daughter of S.T. ENGLISH. Aged 3 years and 10 months.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. S.H. ROBERTS of a daughter.
Grahamstown, Dec 11 1868.
Monday 14 December 1868
DIED on the 10th instant, Wm. John Blackburn WALL, aged 61 years, son of the late A.W. WALL Esq of Long Acre, London. Deceased came out to this Colony in 1820, and leaves a family of 17 children to mourn their loss.
CROMPTON – At Woest Hill on the 19th ult, the wife of Captain CROMPTON, 2-11th Regiment, of a daughter.
DOUGLASS – At Grahamstown, on the 4th inst, the wife of Mr. Arthur DOUGLASS of a daughter.
GREEN – At Grahamstown, on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr. Joseph GREEN of a daughter.
HOLLAND – At Grahamstown, on the 6th inst, the wife of Mr. Frederick HOLLAND of a daughter.
MORGAN – At Clifton, Baviaan’s River, on the 8th ult, the wife of Mr. C.H. MORGAN of a daughter.
ROBERTS – At Grahamstown, on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. S.H. ROBERTS of a daughter.
JARVIS – HOPE At Kuruman on the 18th ult, by the Rev John Smith Moffat, Herbert William JARVIS to Emma More HOPE, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. HOPE.
ENGLISH – At Alexandria, on the 3rd inst, from diphtheria, Edith Annie, only daughter of Mr. S.T. ENGLISH. Aged 3 years and 10 months.
MURRAY – At Grahamstown, at his father’s residence, on the 9th ult, John MURRAY, aged 36 years.
PALMER – At Woodlands, district of Peddie, on the 13th ult, Tamzin PALMER, beloved wife of Mr. Walter PALMER. Aged 44 years and 29 days.
TAYLOR – At Grahamstown, on the 29th ult, Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Joseph TAYLOR. Aged 44 years and 4 months.
YOUNG – At Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 4th ult, Catherine Moffat, beloved wife of Mr. J.D. YOUNG, after a brief but severe illness of 16 days. Aged 26 years, 1 month and 1 day.
Monday 21 December 1868
BIRTH at Sunnyside on the 17th inst, Mrs. E.R. CARLISLE of a son.
MARRIED on the 19th December at the farm “Mimosa Vale” by the Rev R. Johnston, of Trinity Church, E. Allen REED, late of Charlotte Town, P.E.I. and Birmingham, England, to Frances, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Samuel MASSEY, Kareiga.
Wednesday 23 December 1868
BIRTH at The Grove, Grahamstown on the 21st instant, Mrs. J.D. BARRY of a daughter.
Thursday 24 December 1868
DIED on Monday the 21st December 1868 at his residence, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, Henry John, the youngest son of William BERRY; aged 4 years and 2 months. He was his father’s pet son.
(From London)
Chronometer, Watch and Clockmaker & Jeweller
No. 13 Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, next door to Mr. L. GREEN.
(Six Years with Mr. H.C. GALPIN)
C.A. BARKER having commenced business as above, intimates that he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with punctuality, and at reasonable charges. Every description of English and Foreign Watches, Clocks, Musical Boxes, Jewellery &c &c cleaned and repaired. Electro-plating, Gilding and Engraving on the shortest notice.
Monday 28 December 1868
DIED at Cradock on Monday the 21st December 1868, Sarah, the beloved wife of Charles SCANLEN Esq M.L.A, in the 43rd year of her age.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of James GRAY of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be creditors in this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master of the Supreme Court has appointed the Third Meeting of Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday 7th January 1869, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their respective Debts to the undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted for the recovery thereof
Sole Trustee
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