Grahamstown Journal 1869 - 1 - January to March
Friday 1 January 1869
Fatal Accident
We regret to have to chronicle a sad and fatal accident that occurred in the vicinity of the Komgha yesterday. A son of Mr. Joseph WEBB, a young man about twenty years of age, was engaged in taking out a bee’s nest, when he fell over a Krantz and was killed. The father of the unfortunate youth only left the farm that morning and the tidings of his death arrived in town before he was off-saddled. It may be imagined how distressing such a communication must have been. – KWT Gazette
Monday 4 January 1869
MARRIED at Maclean on the 14th inst by the Rev W.G. Stegmann, Mr. James M. ATTWELL to Alettha Elizabeth, daughter of P.R. ERASMUS Esq, Gwelegha, British Kaffraria. No cards.
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday January 4 1869, Ann, the beloved wife of W. RAVENELL, aged 70 years and 8 months, deeply regretted by her family and a large circle of friends. As she lived so she died, a meek and humble follower of those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 4 o’clock. All friends are kindly invited.
Friday 8 January 1869
BIRTH at Peach Grove, district of Middelburg, on the 30th December, the wife of Mr. Overton TROLLIP of a son.
DEATH by drowning at Queenstown, on the 21st December 1868, Percy James, eldest son of Mr. J.B. WEAKLEY, aged 22 months and 12 days.
Monday 11 January 1869
BIRTH at West-hill, Grahamstown on Sunday the 10th January 1869, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a son.
Wednesday 13 January 1869
BIRTH on the 9th instant, Mrs. J.R. NORTON of a daughter.
Friday 15 January 1869
DIED at Umtinto, from the effects of a wound occasioned by the accidental discharge of his gun, on the 2nd January 1869, Henry Colton WEBSTER, aged 27 years.
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between James FORDRED, Henry ATKIN and Charles Ross GOWIE, General merchants, trading at No. 35 Finsbury Circus, in the City of London, under the style of FORDRED & ATKIN, at High-street, Grahamstown, in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, under the style of GOWIE, FORDRED & ATKIN, and at Bathurst-street, Grahamstown aforesaid, under the style of GOWIE & Co, has been dissolved by mutual consent as of and from the 12th day of October 1868. The said Charles Ross GOWIE is empowered to receive all moneys on behalf of the late Firm.
Dated this 24th day of November 1868
Harry S. CALDECOTT, as Attorney for Charles Ross GOWIE
Monday 18 January 1869
BIRTH at Oatlands on the 18th inst, the wife of Mr. J.H. DINGLE of a daughter.
DIED from the bite of a snake on the 9th January, Sarah FORRESTER, aged 9 years and four months, daughter of John FORRESTER of the Peddie district.
DIED on Monday Jan 11 1869, at his residence, Farm 156, Mr. Ralph MANLEY, aged 63 years. Deceased came to this country with the Settlers in 1820.
DIED on the 14th instant, William Joseph, youngest child of John AUSTIN and Dorothea Maria AUSTIN. Deceased survived his mother three months and 28 days – the period of his age. Friends at a distance will lease accept this notice.
Alfred’s Drift, Komga
January 1869.
David PRETORIUS, a labourer, lately residing at Upsher, in the division of Stockenstroom, was chaped [sic] with the crime of incest; 1st, in that, upon the 10th June last, and at or near Fort Armstrong, he did wrongfully and unlawfully solicit Elizabeth JAGERS, then and there being his step-daughter, to suffer him &c, and did carnally know; and thus did commit the crime of incest. Secondly, as also, in that, upon the 17th June aforesaid, he did repeat the said offence.
Prisoner pleaded not guilty to both offences.
The facts were proved by Elizabeth JAGERS, daughter of Elizabeth PRETORIUS, the wife of prisoner, and corroborative evidence was given by Dr. BROWN and other persons. The Rev J. REED proved the marriage of prisoner to the girl’s mother.
The jury (Mr, James WOOD, foreman) pronounced the prisoner guilty, and he was sentenced to receive 50 lashes and to be imprisoned for two years with hard labour. His Lordship told him that if the girl had been his own daughter, the punishment under the Roman-Dutch law was death.
Monday 25 January 1869
DIED at “Newton Farm”, Lower Albany, on the 10th January 1869, Lydia, the beloved wife of Mr. John WELSH, in her 24th year; leaving a husband and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of James GRAY of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be creditors in this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master of the Supreme Court has appointed the Third Meeting of Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 3rd day of February 1869, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their respective Debts to the undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted for the recovery thereof
Sole Trustee
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William George ARMSTRONG, of Grahamstown, Merchant
All Persons claiming to be creditors in this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master of the Supreme Court has appointed the Third Meeting of Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 3rd day of February 1869, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay their respective Debts to the undersigned before the said 3rd February 1869, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Samuel McARTHUR, of Grahamstown, Master Builder (2nd Surrender)
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 10th day of February 1869, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of authorizing the abandonment of the following Properties purchased by the Insolvent prior to his Insolvency; viz 1st, an Erf of Ground situate in Market-street, Grahamstown, purchased from R. PAINTER; second, an Erf of Ground situate in Hope’s Garden, Grahamstown, purchased from J. JEAN’s Estate; third, Two Erven of Ground situate in Prince Alfred Road, Grahamstown, purchased from the Assignees of the Estate of John CARNEY.
Joint Trustees
11th January 1869
Wednesday 27 January 1869
DIED on the11th January at Lushington Valley, through the fall from a wagon, Mr. Thomas GLASS, at the age of 55 years; deeply lamented by his sorrowing widow and a large circle of relations and friends. “In the midst of life we are in death”.
Grahamstown, January 27th 1869
Friday 29 January 1869
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th January 1869, the wife of Mr. W. RAMSBOTTOM, of Junction Farm, Peddie, of a son.
DIED at Middlewater, in the division of Colesberg, on the 19th inst, of typhoid fever, Martha, fourth daughter of John and Mary Jane NORVAL, of Roode Poort, Orange Free State. Aged 22 years. Friends and relatives at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on Saturday the 9th January 1869, Reze RYNHOUD, beloved wife of Mr. John POULTON, aged 52 years and 6 months; leaving a sorrowing husband and four children to mourn their loss. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 1 February 1869
An accident occurred at Konqo’s Kraal, about the 14th ult, 35 miles from Alexandria. Mr. John OOSTHUISEN was thrashing corn with the machine, and asked his wife to bring him some water to drink. In doing so she came too near the works, and the wind blew her dress, which unhappily was caught by the connecting rod. In a moment she was drawn under and her back broken. The machine was stopped before it had drawn in the upper part of her body. She died a few moments after being released.
Wednesday 3 February 1869
DIED at Sidbury on the 29th January, Mr. Nicholas LAKE; aged 68 years and 3 months.
Friday 5 February 1869
DIED February 2nd from sun-stroke, Percy Macpherson DAVIES, third son of Dr. DAVIES. Aged 6 years.
MARRIED on the 19th January 1869, at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, by the Rev J. Ludorf, Edward William PITT, of Rouxville, to Sarah Susannah HINDS, eldest daughter of Mr. T.C. HINDS, of Potchefstroom. No cards.
Begs to inform Parents and Guardians that she is opening a First Class Educational Establishment for Young Ladies at Bathurst.
Terms for Boarders, including instruction in the English and French languages, £40 per annum.
J. WOOD Esq, Bathurst
Mrs. PEARSON, Port Alfred
F. THOMPSON Esq, Grahamstown
BROWNING Esq, Port Elizabeth
ANSDELL Esq, Strand-st, Capetown
J.B. AURET Esq, Victoria West
Accomplishments upon the usual terms.
Wednesday 10 February 1869
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, February 8th, by the Rev Dr Williams, John Norton Cooper DONOVAN to Elizabeth Rose GOODWIN.
DIED of Diphtheria, February 6th, Harry JARVIS, fourth son of T.J. EASTON. Aged 7 years and 9 days.
Wednesday 17 February 1869
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 16th inst, William Forton GATONBY, aged 28 years, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. GATONBY, Grahamstown. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.
Monday 22 February 1869
BIRTH at King Williamstown on Sunday the 21st inst, Mrs. G.B. ATTWELL of a daughter.
BIRTH at Market square, Alice, V.E. on the 17th inst, Mrs. George MURRAY of a son.
DIED on the 19th February, at Healdtown, Henry Edwin, infant son of Henry WOOD of Grahamstown; aged 15 months and 18 days.
Friday 26 February 1869
MARRIED at Sorocaba, Brazil, Nov. 1868, Chevalier John Henry ADAMS MD, Surgeon-General of the Brazilian Army, Knight of the Grand Cross, and Commander of the Imperial Order of the Rose, third son of the late Thomas Price ADAMS Esq of Lower Albany, Eastern province, cape of Good Hope, to Dona Angelina, only daughter of the Baron Mugy MORIM, late Embassador at the Court of Lisbon.
Monday 1 March 1869
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th inst, Mrs. H. CALDERWOOD of a daughter.
BIRTH on Sunday 28th February, at West-hill, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Justice COLE of a daughter.
Wednesday 3 March 1869
DIED on the 21st February 1869, Imogene Kate TAYLOR, youngest daughter of the late E.T. TAYLOR Esq, aged six years and five months, from the effects of severe burns received on the 3rd August. The little sufferer endured her long agony with great patience, and sank at last from pure exhaustion.
In the Insolvent Estate of John DELL
Will be sold in front of the office of the Grahamstown Fire and Assurance Company
On Tuesday March 23 1869
At noon
1st: That excellent sheep farm in Fort Beaufort district, near Lieuwfontein, called “Bush Kloof”, or “Merino Farm”, 1,211 Morgen in extent, with commodious Homestead thereon.
2ndly: A Piece of Ground on Market-square, Bathurst, about 2 Morgen in extent.
3rdly: On the spot in Queen-street, the neat little Dwelling House, with extensive Outbuildings, Stabling and Coach-house, lately occupied by Mr. E.H. DELL.
For full particulars and terms of credit, apply to John CROXFORD, Sole Trustee.
Peter POTE, Auctioneer.
Friday 5 March 1869
On Sunday the 21st ult, Mr. John YOUNGER Jun was struck dead by lightning on the farm Zuurfontein, while on a visit to Mr. KLEINHANS. He was about to light his pipe when the lightning struck the house, killed him instantly, and severely injured old Mr. VAN TONDER; but the old man has since rallied. Mr. YOUNGER was 24 years of age, unmarried, and the only brother of Mrs. P. O’BRIEN of this town. – Graaff-Reinet Advertiser.
Monday 8 March 1869
BIRTH at Daggaboer’s Neck on Tuesday 2nd March, Mrs. Edw. FRISBY of a daughter.
DIED at Lambrook Farm, British Kaffraria, on the 4th March 1869, of diphtheria, Edward Albert, second son of Edward and Mary Jane HARDWICHS.
Friday 12 March 1869
DIED at Grahamstown this (Friday) morning, Thomas HOPE, aged 35 years 5 months and 5 days, after a lingering illness of 10 months. Friends in England please accept of this notice. London Times please copy.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 12th March 1869, Clement Walter, only and beloved child of John Walter and Emily Silverstone ESTMENT. Aged two years, five months and eighteen days.
DIED at the farm “Eshcol”, Lower Bushman’s River, on the 11th March 1869, Emma, wife of Mr. Jeremiah LONG, born RICHARDSON, aged 52 years 9 months and 20 days. She leaves a husband, 12 children, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Deceased suffered greatly from a protracted and painful illness, which she bore with much Christian fortitude. Her end was peace. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
The family of the deceased desire sincerely to thank the numerous friends who evidenced such great kindness during her long and painful illness.
Wednesday 17 March 1869
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday 14th inst, the wife of Mr. C.B. WELCH of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 14th March, of diphtheria, Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. T.J. EASTON, aged 5 years 1 month and 9 days.
Friday 19 March 1869
MARRIED on the 18th inst, in Commemoration Chapel, by the Rev W. Sargeant, Charles Joseph, youngest son of Mr. S. ROBERTS, to Elizabeth, fifth daughter of Mr. John HILL, both of this City.
Grahamstown, March 19th 1869.
MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on the 3rd March 1869, by the Rev G.H. Green, William Blake ROBERTS, of British Kaffraria, second son of Mr. D. ROBERTS, Oatlands, to Jane, second daughter of Job HARVEY Esq, Landdrost of Smithfield.
Monday 22 March 1869
MARRIED on the 27th January, at the Church of Our Immaculate Lady of Victories, Clapham, by the Rev Wm. Lombard, C.S.S.R, Stephen MANDY Esq, second son of S.D. MANDY Esq of this city, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Henry Barham HARRIS Esq MD of Preston, Lancashire.
Wednesday 24 March 1869
Mr. Peter POTE submitted to public competition yesterday, by order of the trustee in Mr. DELL’s insolvent estate, the following properties, viz, the farm “Bushkloof”, or “Merino”, 1,211 morgen in extent, which was sold to Mr. ANDERSON, the agent of Captain GALE, for £550. The purchaser, as mortgagee, was prepared, we believe, to advance upon this price considerably, had there been any opposition. The dwelling-house in Queen-street, Grahamstown, realised £320. The plots of land at Bathurst fetched their full present value, although, a few years ago, the successful bids would have been considered ridiculously low.
Owing to the sudden atmospherical changes peculiar to the season, death has been busy in our midst during the past week. On Saturday evening Mr. R. NOWELL expired, after a brief illness of one day, at the age of 53 years. Deceased was a gentleman of unobtrusive habits, and greatly respected by those who knew him. He was an active and zealous member of the Wesleyan Church, and by a systematic distribution of tracts throughout the town, he was the means of accomplishing much good. Of a kindly temperament, and being untrammelled with the cares of business, he was enabled to devote much of his time to the visitation of the sick and to the alleviation of distress amongst the poorer classes. – K.W.T. Gazette.
Since our last issue the “Angel of Death” has made sad havoc in our community, and some five or six individuals, young and old, have been cut down. In our inner page we have recorded the death of a son of Mr. H.T. FULLER, and of two children of Mr. GERBARDY’s from diphtheria. Yesterday the youngest child of Mr. Wm. DIBB was carried to its long home, having succumbed on Saturday to s severe sore throat. A second child of the same parent is lying dangerously ill with diphtheria, and numerous other families are suffering more or less from the same fearfully fatal malady. We believe that some of our military friends have lost children from the same cause during the past week. It is rumoured that two or more children have since died in the German Village. – Watchman.
DIED, Wm. NEWTH, an old man-o’-war’s man, in his 90th year, father-in-law of Mr. J.C. PERKS, of this town. This event took place on Saturday afternoon, at Mr. PERKS’ residence, on the west bank of the Buffalo. The late Mr. NEWTH was one of the few survivors of the battle of Trafalgar, in October 1805, when he served on board the Bellisle. The gallant veteran entered the Royal Marines in the year 1793, and served on board the Caesar from 1798 to1801, when he was transferred to the Braulieu for twelve months. In 1802 he took a berth on board the Bellisle and served until the end of the year 1805, being present in that vessel throughout the Battle of Trafalgar. In 1806 he joined the Attack Brig, and remained with her until 1810; on June 10th of that year he left that vessel for the Revenge, on board of which he served until 1814; after which he served on board the Indiana for a brief period, and was finally transferred to the Impregnable until December 1815, when he was pensioned off. The deceased, during his residence in this colony, has seen a good deal of active service, and, notwithstanding his age, took part in some of the Kafir Wars. He has been in receipt of a pension ever since his discharge in 1816, about 53 years ago, and was respected by all who knew him. We understand his remains will be interred this afternoon at 4 o’clock, with martial honours, Col. BUCHANAN having kindly consented to allow the band of the 1-9th to attend for that purpose. - Watchman
Wednesday 31 March 1869
DIED at his residence, Donkin-street, Grahamstown, March 25th 1869, Mr. William ENNIS, aged 68 years and 9 months. Deceased came to this colony with the Settlers of 1820.
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