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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1869 - 2 - April to June

Monday 5 April 1869

MARRIED at Orange Fountain, Witteburgen Native Reserve, by the Rev David Ross MA, on the 23rd instant, John James ROY Esq M.R.C.S and L.S.A, only son of Daniel ROY Esq of Montague House, Hammersmith, England, to Hannah Eliza, second daughter of John AUSTEN Esq JP, Superintendent, Native Reserve, Aliwal North. No cards.
Orange Fountain
27th March 1869

DIED at Carl’s Rust yesterday, after a few days illness, Christiana, the beloved wife of C.F. POHL. Aged 62 years and 6 months.

DIED at Riebeek East, on Tuesday the 30th March 1869, Mr. Emanuel Andries PIETERSEN Sen, aged 63 years 4 months and 9 days. We beg to tender our sincere thanks to the Rev Dr. ROUY for his kind assistance during his illness.

Friday 9 April 1869

BIRTH on the 5th April 1869, at Buffalo Kloof, F.A. and M. Police Post, the wife of F.W.K. WYLDE Esq of a daughter.

DIED at Committee’s, Fish River, from the kick of a horse, on the 16th March 1869, Thomas ENSELL, aged 16 years 5 months and 11 days. He only survived twenty four hours after he received the kick.

Monday 12 April 1869

MARRIED on the 23rd March 1869, at Adelaide, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, by the Rev G.W. STEGMANN (father of the bride), William R. KENNERLEY, of Somerset East, Attorney of the Supreme Court, to Helen McGregor, second daughter of the Rev G.W. STEGMANN. No cards.

DIED at Bedford on Wednesday the 24th of March 1869, of Bronchitis, Jan Godlieb, youngest son of Gerard Ewout OVERBEEK and Catherine Ann BRINK, after a short illness of one day, aged one year, eight months and twelve days.

DIED at Cradock on the 31st March 1869, Daniel POTGIETER Sen, aged 85 years 3 months and 6 days, leaving his disconsolate widow, to whom he had been united 61 years, several children and grand-children, and numerous relatives and friends, to deplore his loss.

Wednesday 14 April 1869

BIRTH April 13, at Grahamstown, the wife of Colonel ELMHIRST, D.Q.M.G, of a son.

Friday 16 April 1869

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 15th April 1869, the wife of C.D. GRIFFITH, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Albany, of a son.

Monday 19 April 1869

BIRTH on the 17th April at Fort England, Grahamstown, the wife of Colonel JENNER, 11th Regiment, of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday the 16th April 1869, the wife of Mr. Thomas R. CLACK of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th April 1869, Amy Kate, daughter of John and Ellen DAVIES. Aged 10 (ten) months and 8 days.

DIED at Alexandria on the 28th March last, Louis Antoine, son of Tindal and Sarah PULLEN. Aged 2 years 9 months and 16 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
17th April 1869.

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William FINN of Bathurst, Hotel-keeper
All Persons claiming to be creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, on Wednesday 28th April 1869, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that day, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of John INGLETHORPE
Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident magistrate at Eland’s Post, Stockenstrom, on Monday next, 26th April, for the proof of Debts.
Joint Trustees

Wednesday 21 April 1869

Mr. ULLMAN of “Brandspruit”, in this division, died on the evening of the 10th inst, at the age of between 80 and 90 years. Deceased was one of Napoleon’s veterans and served at Martinique, where he was captured by the English. After passing several years in prison, he joined the Royal African Corps and was sent to this country, wherein he became a settler. Mr. ULLMAN retained his faculties to the last, and was fond of relating his experience by sea and land. He was one of the pioneers in the Aliwal district, having settled on his farm some 17 years ago. We believe he left a large fortune. – Frontier Mail

Friday 23 April 1869

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 21st instant, the wife of Mr. Wm. WEBB of a son.

In the Estate of Thomas INGRAM, Insolvent
Will be put up for Sale by Public Auction
On Friday the 14th May next
A House situated in Barrack-street, now in the occupation of Insolvent, with a Large Garden, well stocked with Choice Fruit Trees; both House and Garden are in excellent condition. For further particulars apply to the undersigned
Fred’k LUCAS, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 2nd April 1869

Monday 26 April 1869

MARRIED on the 22nd April 1869, by the Venerable Archdeacon Kitton, at the residence of James McCARTHY Esq, Keiskamma, Richard J. WILLIAMS, eldest son of Mr. R. WILLIAMS of Weymouth, Dorsetshire, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. F. BARNARD of the manor Farm, Wantage, Berkshire.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 25th April 1869, Jessie Emma, daughter of John and Ellen DAVIES. Aged 10 years and 7 months.

Wednesday 5 May 1869

DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th May 1869, Margaret Ellen, daughter of John and Ellen DAVIES. Aged 2 years and 8 months.

Friday 7 May 1869

BIRTH at Seymour, Stockenstrom, on the 25th ult, Mrs. M.E. SMIT of a daughter.

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 6th May 1869, the wife of Mr. R.W. NELSON of a daughter.

Wednesday 12 May 1869

In the Estate of the late Emma LONG, and surviving spouse Jeremiah LONG of Eshcol, in the division of Albany.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to this Estate that they are required to pay the amount of their several debts to Mr. Attorney AYLIFF within six weeks from the date hereof; and all persons being Creditors of this Estate are also required to lodge their accounts within six weeks from this date at the Office of Mr. Attorney AYLIFF, No.14 High-street, Grahamstown.
Jeremiah LONG
Executor Testamentary
Grahamstown, 12th May 1869

Friday 21 May 1869

DIED from Diphtheria at Proctor’s Fontein on the 18th instant, Henry Thomas, second and beloved son of Thomas N. and Eliza JACKINS. Aged 3 years 9 months and 12 days.
Proctor’s Fontein
20th May 1869

Wednesday 26 May 1869

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of Mr. W.M. GRAY, of Southwell, of twin sons.

MARRIED on the 6th inst at Nooitgedacht, district of Bloemfontein, by the Rev J.G. Morrow, Wesleyan Minister, Edmund Dennis, son of E. BRADFIELD Esq, of Cradock, to Harriet, fourth daughter of Thomas HOLMES Esq, of Nooitgedacht. No cards.

DIED at King Williamstown, at the residence of her father, the Rev J. BROWNLEE, Janet Maria CUMMING, the beloved wife of T.A. CUMMING, leaving a husband and six children and many friends to mourn their loss.

It will be seen from our report of the Magistrate’s Court that Mr. Jonathan STANDEN, late manager of the Frontier Bank, of this city, was this morning arrested on the charge, preferred by the representatives of the Bank, of fraud and embezzlement. Mr. STANDEN, on appearing before Mr. TILLARD, now acting for Mr. GRIFFITH, was admitted to bail, on his own recognizance of £1,000, and two sureties in £500 each. Mr. STANDEN is to appear in court tomorrow morning.

Friday 28 May 1869

BIRTH at Thaba ‘Nchu, Wesleyan Mission Station, on the 10th May, the wife of the Rev James SCOTT of twin sons.

BIRTH on Market-square, Friday 28th May, the wife of Mr. Peter POTE of a daughter.

Monday 31 May 1869

DIED at the Kareiga, May 23rd 1869, Richard Henry, third son of Joseph and Mary Ann BOWLES. Aged 4 years 11 months and 14 days.

Wednesday 2 June 1869

On Monday last a servant of Mr. Wm. WEBB’s was in the act of shooting a buck, at his master’s farm, Eland’s Kloof, near this city, when the double-barrelled gun he was firing burst, with disastrous effect. One of his thumbs was blown away, and the first finger was seriously injured. The sufferer is a Capetown man, named ARDORSE. He now lies at the Hospital. It was at first thought that the hand would require amputation; but by skilful surgical aid he is now in a fair way of recovery without this operation being performed.

Friday 4 June 1869

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd instant, by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, Robert STANTON, second son of Mr. R. STANTON, to Emily Ann, only daughter of the late Mr. D. MITCHLEY.
2nd June 1869

DIED at Seven Fountains on Sunday 30th May 1869, after a long and painful illness, Ebenezer SMITH, aged 45 years.

Friday 11 June 1869

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Tuesday 8th June, the wife of Mr. Sidney GRANVILLE of a daughter.

Monday 14 June 1869

DIED at Grahamstown yesterday, the 13th instant, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, Elizabeth KERR, wife of William KERR, saddler, aged 48 years. Friends will please accept this notice.

Friday 18 June 1869

MARRIED on the 15th June 1869, by the Rev Thomas William Green, Holt OKES, Clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Peddie, eldest son of the late Thomas Holt Edward OKES, Government Land Surveyor, and grandson of the late Reverend Holt OKES DD and Colonel H. HART, to Frances Eleanor, second daughter of Joseph STIRK Esq JP. No cards.

Wednesday 23 June 1869

BIRTH at Chapel-street on 22nd June, the wife of Mr. Robert CAMPBELL of a son.

DIED at Howard’s Party, near Grahamstown, on Sunday the 20th June 1869, Clement James, second child of Charles and Elizabeth Jane HARPER, aged two years and eight months.

Friday 25 June 1869

DIED on Thursday the 24th instant, Harry Ernest, infant son of William and Susan WEBB, aged two months.

DIED at Alice on the 17th June 1869, of Diphtheria, at the residence of her uncle, W.F. LIDDLE, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Victoria East, Harriott Helen EAGLE. Aged 11 years and 9 months.

Mr. SURMON, of the Public Library, sustained an accidental fall yesterday, which fortunately was less serious in character than was at first supposed. He was returning from market, when his horse took the liberty of indulging in a “buck”, and Mr. SURMON was suddenly thrown over its neck and head. He was for some time insensible, which Dr. DAVIS attributes to a concussion of the brain; but we are glad to hear today that he is very much better, with every probability of shortly resuming the discharge of his duties at the Library.


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