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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1875 - 2 - April to June

Friday 2 April 1875

MARRIED in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, on the 31st March 1875, by the Rev Mr. Packman, Tom Campbell, eldest son of Mr. Thomas STUBBS of Whittlesea, to Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of the late Mr. John ROBEY, Manley’s Flat.
Grahamstown, March 31st 1875

MARRIED on March 31st at the Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev Doctor Williams, Dean, Emily Lucy Stringfellow, youngest daughter of the late John Hancorn SMITH, Melville Park, Assegai Bush, to George, third son of Charles HARDING, Birmingham, England.

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday last, 31st March [sic], at the residence of her brother-in-law Mr. W. PAGE Senr, after a long and protracted illness, Caroline, the beloved wife of William HOWARTH (of the Farm “Sweet Kloof” Sidbury) leaving a husband and five children to mourn her irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

We regret to announce the death on Wednesday last of Mrs. Claude EDDIE, second daughter of Mr. William PARSONS, Chief Constable of the Grahamstown Police, and wife of Mr. Claude EDDIE of this city. The deceased young lady had only recently returned from a visit to England and Madeira: the voyage, it was though probable, would have had a beneficial effect in relieving the pulmonary affliction under which she had been for some time suffering. Her funeral, attended by a large number of friends, took place this afternoon.

A son of Mr. David SAMPSON of Bathurst-street met with a lamentable accident yesterday. It appears that Mr. Joseph SAMPSON, who is a cashier in the employ of Messrs BIRCH and COPELAND, was standing close to Mr. James CLOUGH in their counting house yesterday afternoon, and Mr. CLOUGH, who had a steel pen upon a long holder carried in his mouth at the time, had stopped for some purpose, when, in standing up again sharply, the pen caught the right eye of the unfortunate young gentleman, entering the ball and cutting through the pupil. Dr. THORNE rendered immediate assistance but it is feared that the sight of the eye is irreparably lost. Much sympathy is felt for the sufferer, who is esteemed by his employer, and much liked for his pleasant and courteous manners.

Monday 5 April 1875

On Sunday morning the Rev. and Venerable Abraham FAURE DD departed this life at the advanced age of seventy-nine years and eight months. This very estimable gentleman commenced his professional career in the Colony, if we remember rightly, as Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in Graaff-Reinet whence, nearly fifty years ago, he received a call to the Ministry of the Church in Capetown, and to a professorship of Dutch and classics in the South African College, then recently established. Dr FAURE subsequently was appointed at different times as Moderator, and Scribe, and Actuarius of the Dutch Reformed Synod; and in the last mentioned capacity of Actuarius was distinguished for his remarkable business aptitude, and the skill and prudence with which he conducted the affairs of the Church during a long period of years, until he resigned the position to the present holder, the Rev Andrew MURRAY. Some six years ago Dr FAURE was afflicted with a seizure of paralysis which quite incapacitated him for public duty: and during that long interval he has been confined to his couch with debilitated frame, but with a mind uniformly vigorous, resigned, and even cheerful throughout. – Argus of March 30.

We regret to have to record the death last evening of Mr. E.H. NORTON, for many years Secretary to the Port Elizabeth Boating Company. He had been ailing for a fortnight, and never thoroughly recovered from an attack of fever contracted some months ago.

Wednesday 7 April 1875

DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st March 1875, Lavinia EDDIE, the beloved wife of C.N. deRiberac EDDIE, aged 23 years. R.I.P.

On Monday a gravedigger at Preston named Robert TAYLOR was engaged in removing the woodwork shoring up the sides of a recently opened grave when the earth showed symptoms of giving way. Perceiving the jeopardy in which he was placed, he raised the most heart-rending cries for help: but before aid could come he was suddenly buried beneath the soil. It was two hours before he could be extricated, and it was then found that he had been crushed to death upon the coffin.

Friday 9 April 1875

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday 7th April 1875, by the Rev W. Tyson, assisted by the Rev R. Johnston, John William, eldest son of Mr. John CHAPMAN, of Kuruman, to Charlotte Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James DOLD.

DIED at the residence of Joseph WALKER Esq, of Green Fountain, near Port Alfred, on the 6th day of April, in the 78th year of her age, Mary, widow of the late Charles EVANS Esq, one of the Settlers of 1820 (COCK’s Party). Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED on the 30th March, of fever, at the Diamond Fields, Fanny, wife of William WHITNALL and daughter of Mrs. James POWELL of this city. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.

We (Watchman) deeply regret to find recorded among our obituary notices today the death at Clarkebury, on the 2nd instant, of Mr. H. MORTIMER, one of the oldest and best known Transkeian traders. The deceased formerly belonged to the 75th Regiment (Royal Tigers) and, after leaving the service, was for several years in the employ of Messrs. C. and H. MAYNARD of Grahamstown, so conducting himself while in that position as to secure by his integrity the full and entire confidence of his employers. He subsequently entered into business as a Kafir trader, and suffered severe losses during the wars. In later years he removed to the Transkei, and by care and industry, and honest dealing, secured for himself and family a competency. He was of a thoroughly independent spirit, and universally esteemed, for his upright, straightforward, honest character, and kindliness of disposition.

Monday 12 April 1875

MARRIE on the 7th April ay Lynedoch by the Rev J.H. Scott, the Rev G.H. GREEN to Anne Elizabeth, daughter of the late Daniel MAHONEY Esq.

The Royal Standard was hoisted on Saturday last (10th April), on the Hon. Samuel CAWOOD’s flagstaff, to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the landing of the British Settlers in Algoa Bay, and not, as has been erroneously surmised, in honour of Mr. Saul SOLOMON “having a son born”, as the telegram expressed the event, nor is it correct that the said flagstaff broke short off, 5ft from the top, from the weight of the intelligence. The accident occurred through a flaw in the mast.

On Sunday last as Mr. COETZER, a Dutch farmer residing along Brak River, was riding up under the hill, Doornberg, he came suddenly upon a troop of baboons drinking at a dam. The troop took fright and ran, with the exception of five larger ones of the masculine persuasion. These creatures without the slightest provocation advanced boldly towards Mr. COETZER and showed fight. He tried to pelt them off with stones, but he soon found them too much for him, and jumping on his horse rode for his life, with the baboons at his heels (or rather his horses). They chased him pell-mell for about 3 miles, and when he neared the homestead of Mr. Overton TROLLIP, four of the brutes decamped, but one tremendous fellow actually chased him to the door of the house. Mr. COETZER entered the front door, calling to Mr. TROLLIP to bring the gun, and the baboon entered the kitchen door, upset the water pails, and out again like lightning upon the roof. Just as he was alighting from the roof Mr. TROLLIP came out with the gun and wounded him mortally: but he still continued on his mad career and it was not till he had received seven bullets that he was placed hors de combat. – Cradock Register.

A sad accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon in Main-street. Mr. WOLFE, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. A.C. STEWART & Co, was exhibiting some rifles to a purchaser, and for the purpose of illustrating their action, intended to load one of them with a “dummy”, i.e. a perfectly harmless cartridge, of which there were several on the shelf behind him. Most unfortunately, a ball cartridge had, by inadvertence, become mixed with the dummies, and not looking or selecting the right one, Mr. WOLFE loaded the gun with ball. When he pulled the trigger, the fact became only too apparent that the ball cartridge had been used. A young girl, daughter of Mr. SHACKLEY, was passing along the street at the time with a baby in her arms. The ball inflicted a severe wound in her thigh, passing though the baby’s dress, ricocheting on the pavement, and lodging in Messrs. HORWOOD, WHILEY & Co.’s store. No sooner was the result of the accident known than a cab was at once procured, and the girl taken to the hospital, where the best surgical attendance was at once put into practice, with, we hope, favourable results. The escape of the infant is most providential, and it is to be hoped that a lesson will be learned of the risk attending firearms and ammunition in a populous part of the town. – P.E. Telegraph.

Friday 16 April 1875

BIRTH at Queenstown on Wednesday April 7th, the wife of Mr. Ebenezer PARKER of a daughter.

BIRTH at Adelaide on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. W.B. SHAW of a daughter.

Monday 19 April 1875

The Funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel ROBERTS will move from her late residence, Hill-street, tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at half past four o’clock precisely. All Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
W. PAXTON, Undertaker

DIED this morning, April 19th, aged 58 years, Hannah Maria, the beloved wife of Mr. Samuel ROBERTS of this city.

We regret to announce the death, from congestion of the lungs, of Mrs. Samuel ROBERTS, which occurred this morning. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at half past four o’clock.

BIRTH at Oatlands this morning, the wife of Mr. B.B. ATTWELL of a daughter
April 19th 1875

Friday 23 April 1875

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 20th inst, by the Rev W. Tyson, the Rev Jno. EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister, to Caroline LANGFORD, widow of the late Thos. LANGFORD Esq.

A FATAL ACCIDENT occurred at Alexandria, April 17th, which caused the death of Mr. Cornelius VAN DER MARRELL. He was cutting sneezewood poles for the telegraph, when he met with the accident, in the Government Bush at Groot Vley, near Mr. CANNON’s farm.

In the Estate of Peter Clarke DANIELL
The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in this Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Resident Magistrate for fourteen days from the 24th inst, after which, if no objection is lodged against the account, it will be [acted] upon.
Charles POTE
Fred. P. I’ONS

Friday 30 April 1875

DIED on the 24th April 1875 at the residence of Mr. Thomas WAKEFORD, Bowden Mission Station, Deborah CYRUS, relict of the late Samuel CYRUS of Grahamstown, one of the British Settlers of 1820, Salem Party, aged 82 years and 7 months.

We have this week to record a very sad case of drowning. On Sunday last Mr.David MARAIS, eldest son of Mr. W. MARAIS MDC, discovered that a valuable imported ram belonging to him had got into a dam on the farm. It appears that he took two servants with him to fetch the sheep out, but, as they could not swim, or were afraid to go into the water, he waded in himself. When he had proceeded a little distance, the servants standing on the bank saw him disappear suddenly. They were either too terrified or unable to succour the drowning man, and all they can state is that he rose once and then sank to rise no more. It appears that there is a deep ditch in the dam, and Mr. MARAIS must have lost his footing by falling into it. This is the only way the accident can be accounted for. The body was recovered about 10am on Monday. The occurrence has cast quite a gloom over the neighbourhood. – Richmond Era of April 24.

News of a terrible accident reached us from Philipstown. It appears that a man named ACKERMAN, with his son aged 14, was engaged in sinking a well in that town. During the progress of the work they had occasion to blast the rock, and had placed a charge of powder in the bottom of the well and lighted the fuse. The powder, however, did not explode, and after some time ACKERMAN and his son went down to see about it. They decided to open the hole in which the powder was, and recharge it. The son accordingly took the drill and the father the hammer, and they commenced. Before many minutes were over the charge exploded, sending the drill into the boy’s chin and literally cutting his face in two. The father had his arm, leg and hand broken, and was so injured that he has since died. The son, according to latest accounts, was still living, but no hope was entertained of his recovery. – Richmond Era of April 24.

Monday 3 May 1875

BIRTH at Eden Grove, Grahamstown on the 2nd May, the wife of Mr. Advocate BROWN of a son.

The Undersigned has this day cancelled the general Power of Attorney granted by him in favour of his son, William Oliver WEBB, and executed a General Power of Attorney this day in favour of his son, Christopher Shaw WEBB. The cancellation of the first Power is in consequence of the said William Oliver WEBB commencing business on his own account.
Grahamstown, May 3rd 1875.

Wednesday 5 May 1875

MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral by the Bishop of Grahamstown, on the 29th April, Edward, third son of the late George SMITH Esq, Warren House, Roystone, Hertfordshire, England, to Mary Elizabeth, third daughter of John ATHERSTONE Esq, Kruis Fontein, Albany.

Friday 7 May 1875

BIRTH at Shadwell, Zuurberg, on the 23rd April, the wife of Mr. Samuel WEBSTER of a son.

BIRTH at Kimberley on the 28th April 1875, the wife of Mr. R.D. CUMMING, Law Agent &c, of a daughter.

We hear that Mr. G.H. CHABAUD of this town, while en route to Grahamstown in order to attend the BENJAMIN trial, met with a gun accident. The piece burst in his hand, injuring it, but not seriously. – Herald.

A YOUNG MAN NAMED FERGUSON, while attempting to cross the Great Kei on horseback, on the 20th April, in the neighbourhood of Capt. BLYTHE’s district, unfortunately was drowned, the river being very swollen in consequence of the recent rains. He was warned not to make the attempt but, persisting, met with his untimely end. We understand that he had but recently arrived from England. – Free Press of May 3rd.

Monday 10 May 1875

DIED on Saturday 1st May 1875 on the farm “Hopewell”, after a long and painful illness, caused by rheumatism, Catherine Agnes, the beloved daughter of Robert and Mary Ann POTE, aged 20 years one month and 13 days. She is gone to be numbered with the saints in glory everlasting.

DIED at Ebenezer, district of Jansenville, on the 4th instant, Sarah Maria, the beloved wife of S.B. HOBSON, aged 40 years and six months, leaving a husband and seven children to mourn their irreparable loss.
May 7th 1875.

The death of this lady is announced in today’s issue. The Somerset Courant, in noticing this sad event, says “The deceased lady was the eldest daughter of the Rev John EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister, now of Salem in Lower Albany, and for many years previously pastor of the Wesleyan Church in Somerset. She had been married to Mr. HOBSON for about 20 years, and leaves a family of six or seven children to deplore the early loss of as kind and faithful a mother as ever breathed in this or any other country under heaven.”

Tuesday 18 May 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 15th May 1875, the wife of Mr. Henry HAYTER of a daughter.

Friday 21 May 1875

BIRTH at Klip Vontein on the 15th May 1875, Mrs. F.J. GOWAR Sen. of a son.

DIED on the 30th March, at Gibraltar, Capt. Charles Henry MARILLIER, late Cape Mounted Rifleman, and formerly Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, aged 40 years.

Friday 28 May 1875

BIRTH at Alexandria, Sunday 23rd May, the wife of the Rev W. OATES of a son.

DIED at the farm Velberg, Albania, on Friday the 14th instant, Eliza Jane, third daughter of W.F. DUGMORE Esq, aged 22 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

South Africa has suffered a serious loss in the death of Thos. BAINES F.R.G.S., who expired on the 8th inst at the Berea, where he had for about three weeks been ill from an attack of dysentery. Mr. BAINES had gained for himself a widespread reputation as an able and intelligent traveller and has done more than perhaps any other man to give accuracy to the maps of South Africa. He took a warm interest in the Matabele Gold Fields, and had just established a company in Port Elizabeth to work the rich reefs to the far north. He was waiting the completion of his crushing machinery when sickness and death came upon him. – Natal Colonist.

Monday 31 May 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th May, the wife of Mr. John W. GEORGE of a son.

MARRIED at Trinity Church on the 28th inst, by the Rev R. Johnston, Leo Africanus WHITFIELD, of Fort White, to Sarah Ann, second daughter of Mr. H. WEBSTER of this city.

With regret we announce the death, after a protracted and painful illness, of Mr. George Morley SHEPSTONE, interpreter in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, which event occurred on Saturday morning last. Mr. SHEPSTONE had for some years occupied appointments under Government, his last previous office being clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Herschel. About four months ago he was appointed to succeed the late Mr. EDYE as interpreter and Superintendent of Natives, but he never entered upon the duties of his office. He arrived in Grahamstown in such a condition of health as at once to preclude any possibility of attention to work. He has thus lingered until Saturday, when death relived him of his sufferings. A post-mortem examination reveals that death was caused by cancer in the intestines. His remains were interred yesterday in the Wesleyan Cemetery and were followed to the grave by the Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, the clerks and other officials attached to the Eastern District’s and Magistrate’s Courts, and a large number of members of the legal profession, and personal and family friends. The service was conducted by the Rev W. TYSON and the Rev W. IMPEY. The whole of the Police on the Grahamstown establishment, in uniform, headed the procession. The arrangements were carried out by Mr. WILL with his usual skilful care and attention. Mr. SHEPSTONE, who was brother to Mr. Theophilus SHEPSTONE, Secretary for Native Affairs in Natal, and son of the late Rev Theo. SHEPSTONE of Kamastone, was in his 46th year. He leaves a wife and three children, together with a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

Friday 4 June 1875

MARRIED at West Hill Chapel on the 2nd June, by the Rev W. Tyson, George Francis, eldest son of Mr. F. BLACKBEARD, to Elizabeth Harriet, third daughter of the late Mr. E.H. MARSHALL of Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown, at the residence of her daughter, on Tuesday 1st June inst, of dropsy, Mrs. Rosina FLANNAGAN, wife of the late John FLANNAGAN, in the 46th year of her age.

On Wednesday last Miss MATHEW, daughter of Mr. T. MATHEW of Adelaide, was united in wedlock to Mr. Charles RHODES, of Grahamstown. The wedding was a very pretty one and attracted a large number of guests, Christ Church (the scene of the service) being crowded with visitors on the auspicious occasion. The Rev J. ALDRED officiated. At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony a novel but pleasing performance was gone through, in which a younger sister of the bride’s was christened, the bride and bridegroom acting, respectively, as Godmother and Godfather to the candidate for baptism. A large party of guests were entertained at breakfast at the house of the bride’s parents, after which the happy couple left town amidst the congratulations and well-wishes of a large circle of friends. – Examiner.

We regret to hear that a son of Mr. H. MANNING, of Charnwood, was accidentally shot on Tuesday. In lifting his gun from the bed it exploded, killing the poor youth on the spot.

Monday 7 June 1875

BIRTH on the 6th June at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. James W. HANCOCK of a son.

The Graaff-Reinet Advertiser regrets to hear that on Sunday the outbuildings on the homestead of Mr. POHL of Doornbosch, with everything in them, including a horse, were destroyed by fire.

Last Wednesday a son of Mr. P. O’BRIEN, a fine lad of 12 years, was buried, having died from the effects of a fall while attempting some gymnastic feat with some other boys. On Friday he got the fall, injuring his spine: paralysis followed, and he died on Monday night. – G.R. Advertiser

Monday 14 June 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Market-square, on Sunday 13th June, Mrs. Peter POTE of a daughter.

MARRIED at St.James’ Church by the Ven Archdeacon White, on the 9th inst, Kate, eldest daughter of Mr. W. MEADWAY to Andries Johannes HARTERNBERG Jun. No cards.

DIED at Alexandria on the 8th inst, Hester Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of the late Conraad Frederic SCHEEPERS Esq, aged 16 years and one month.

We (Daily News) regret to announce the death of the Rev Robert BRIEN, the newly appointed clergyman of the English Church at Stellenbosch. He arrived from his previous charge at Victoria West only a few weeks ago, and succumbed on Thursday to an attack of dysentery which seized him on his journey down, having a wife and three children.

Friday 18 June 1875

DIED at Klukona Mouth on the 11th instant, Joseph MILDENHALL (one of the British Settlers), aged 73 years and 7 months, leaving a disconsolate widow and a numerous circle of relatives to mourn their loss.

The death of Mr. Joseph MILDENHALL is announced in today’s Journal. Our very casual acquaintance with deceased only enables us to state that he possessed many of the sterling qualities for which the British Settlers, of whom he was one, are renowned throughout South Africa.

Friday 25 June 1875

BIRTH at Seymour Stockenstrom on the 23rd June 1875, the wife of Mr. N.H. SMIT of a daughter.

Monday 28 June 1875

The Rev William SARGEANT, Wesleyan Minister of Uitenhage, was married on Tuesday last by the Rev Robert Lamplough to Miss MORRISON. The newly married pair left shortly after on a tour to Graaff-Reinet. - E.P. Herald

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