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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1875 - 3 - July to September

Friday 2 July 1875

BIRTH on Wednesday 30th June, at Bishopbourne, the wife of A.C. TAWES Esq, 32nd L.I., of a son.

BIRTH at Eyslo, near Alice, on the 26th June, Mrs. Carey SLATER of a son.

DIED at Lynedoch on Thursday June 24th, aged 60 years, Elizabeth Ann, relict of the late Mr. Daniel MAHONEY. Friends will please accept this notice.

Marthinus ROOL, the criminal condemned to death for the murder of Mrs. SOUTER, was executed within the walls of the Uitenhage prison at half past eight on Saturday morning. Prior to the fatal noose being adjusted he spoke to his fellow prisoners admitting his guilt, and exhorting them to take warning by his bad example. He ascribed his fate entirely to brandy-drinking.

Monday 5 July 1875

This morning a man named REYNOLDS, in the employ of Mr. POPE, was engaged in sawing a piece of wood when he was observed to fall over. Medical aid was at once sought, but was of no avail, death being instantaneous. Deceased was subject to occasional attacks of fits. – P.E. Advocate.

Monday 12 July 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th July, the wife of W.O. WEBB of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on July 10th, Mrs. W.C. M.[obscured] of a son.

MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral, on the 7th instant, by the Very Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, Martha Elizabeth Wedderburn, eldest daughter of Mr. S.D. LONG of this city to George, third son of Mr. W.E. KING of Salem.

DIED on the 15th July at “Wellfound”, near Graaff-Reinet, Mr. David HOBSON, in his 79th year. Deceased arrived with the British Settlers in 1820. Friends will kindly accept this notice.

Friday 16 July 1875

BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman’s River, on 7th July 1875, the wife of Mr. H.S. DENTON of a daughter.

BIRTH on Wednesday the 14th inst, at No.7 Somerset Street, Mrs. A. D..[obscured] of a son.

BIRTH on the 15th July 1875, the wife of Mr. J.W. ASHBURNHAM of a son.

Monday 19 July 1875

DIED at Bishopsbourne on the 16th instant, Lancelot Arthur, infant son of Arthur TAWKE Esq, Lieut 32nd Light Infantry, aged 17 days.

Monday 26 July 1875

MARRIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday 21st July, by the Rev J. O’Connell, Frederick Willoughby, younger son of the late Rowland Hacker HEATHCOTE Esq of Grahamstown, to Jane, only daughter of Capt. C. [?]. MARSHALL, Inspector of the Griqualand West Mounted Police.

Friday 30 July 1875

DEATH at Oatlands Park on the 30th July 1875, after a short illness, Lady CURRIE, relict of the late Sir Walter CURRIE, deeply lamented by a wide circle of friends.
Grahamstown, 30th July 1875.

Monday 2 August 1875

BIRTH at Aliwal North on the 24th July, the wife of Mr. A. BRITTAIN of a son.

DIED at Hope Farm near Southwell, from inflammation of the lungs, on 1st August 1875, Catherine, the beloved infant daughter of William and Margaret WESSON, aged 11 months and 15 days.

Friday 6 August 1875

MARRIED at the residence of Mr. S.J.W. DU TOIT, Rustenberg, South African Republic, by the Rev G.W. Smits, on Wednesday 21st July 1875, Ernest John, second son of George LEPPAN Esq, Teafontein, Albany, to Louisa, only child of the late Mr. Jno. George DU TOIT.

DIED at Belle Vue, near Cuylerville, on the 22nd July 1875, after a painful illness of three days, Louis Sanderson, aged 12 years 5 months and 7 days, eldest and beloved son of George and Sarah Elizabeth CLAYTON.
The parents of the deceased take this opportunity of tendering their sincere thanks to all those friends who so kindly assisted them during their sad affliction.

DIED at Salem August 2nd 1875, John HEWSON Senr, formerly of Grahamstown, in the 74th year of his age, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude.

Monday 9 August 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 7th August, the wife of Mr. D.C. BOWKER of a son.

MARRIED on the 4th August at “The Elizabeth Farm”, near Bedford, by the Rev E. Soloman, William Henry David WEBBER, of Bedford, to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Francis KING Esq. J.P.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday 2nd August 1875, after a short illness, Catherine, the beloved wife of Ralph POLLETT, in the 45th year of her age, leaving six children to mourn their maternal loss.

DIED suddenly on Friday evening, the 6th last, Mr. William OGILVIE of this city, aged 55 years.

An inquest was held on Wednesday before E. PHILPOTT Esq, C.C. and R.M., touching the death of John HAWKINGS. The deceased was a very old man, and it is said that he was present at the taking of the Cape in 1800, when he was a boy of fourteen in the Navy, and he was thus eighty-three years of age. He was latterly very much addicted to drink, and had been living by begging and one hardly knows how. On Tuesday morning about ten o’clock, Mr. GLOVER, a shopkeeper in Princes-street, saw him pass his shop, in the direction of an unoccupied house, and shortly afterwards one of his children told him poor old Jack was dead, and on his going to the spot he found such was the case. The District Surgeon having seen the body, stated that death resulted from natural causes. – E.P. Herald.

Another notable citizen, for many years intimately identified with this city, has suddenly been called away to his [obscured] home. On Friday evening last Mr. William OGILVIE, who appeared to be in his usual health during the day, was suddenly taken ill while on his way to West-hill on a visit to Mr. Solicitor-General DE WET. When in the neighbourhood of the Wesleyan Chapel, the deceased felt a dizziness that caused him to take refuge in a neighbouring cottage, which proved to be that of his [obscured], Mr. H. PHILPOTT. On entering he asked for a chair, stating that he felt unwell, but he had hardly taken his seat before he complained of being worse. Mr. PHILPOT, seeing that he required help, [obscured] the deceased gentleman to the sofa, when he almost immediately died, without a struggle, [obscured]. The news was quite a shock to the community, Mr. OGILVIE having been a prominent member of most of the commercial institutions of the city and, moreover, being one of the oldest businessmen in Grahamstown, was well known to almost every resident. The family have our heartfelt sympathy in their [real] and unexpected bereavement. Mr. OGILVIE was Chairman of the Union Insurance Company, a Director in the Eastern province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company, and President of the newly organised City [obscured]. In all these capacities his [obscured] experience will be missed. He was also, until very recently, one of the most active Wardens of Saint Bartholomew’s Church, but resigned that office some four months since. Under the new Act the [obscured] inquest was held on this case by the Resident Magistrate, when the evidence adduced was substantially in accordance with the foregoing. At first it was supposed the cause of death was aneurism, but a subsequent examination proved it to have been apoplexy. This morning the funeral was held when, notwithstanding a most boisterous squally morning, a respectable company paid their last respects to the memory of the deceased. The pall-bearers were Messrs. C.H. HUNTLEY C.C. and R.M., J.P. DE WET, Solicitor-General, W. GILBERT, T.E. MINTO, J.W. ASHBURNHAM and R. VENNING.

Monday 16 August 1875

MARRIED at Eland’s Post on the 5th August 1875, by the Rev J. Sturt, James Quick GRENFELL, of Poplar Grove, District of Queenstown, to Emma Louisa, fourth daughter of Mr. John BROOKS, Grahamstown.

DIED at the residence of Mr. J.J.H. STONE, Cross Street, on the 13th inst, Mr. Charles FULLER, aged 75 years.
August 13th 1875

DIED at Queenstown on the 9th Aug, after a severe and painful illness, Janet Hannah Dorathea, the beloved wife of Mr. E. CROUCH, aged 38 years and 7 months, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED suddenly at Grassridge, the residence of his son, Cradock district, on the 10th instant, Mr. James COLLETT, in the 77th year of his age. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

On the 7th of this month, at midnight, passed away the eventful life of the late Sebastian VAN REENEN Esq, of Klein Constantia. Few men have borne with greater constancy and unshaken fortitude the pains and penalties of long continued sickness than this most estimable gentleman, who for years has been a martyr to most excruciating sufferings, and borne them with Christian meekness and courage. As the representative of one of our oldest Cape families, as the proprietor of a celebrated wine farm, the name of the deceased has long been in our mouths as familiar as household words; but a special interest attaches to his history, in the fact that he has always been the first to introduce all the recent improvements into the cultivation and preparation of the grapes, and has spared neither money nor pains in bringing the product of his industry to the highest perfection. He leaves behind him the legacy of a most honorable name to his descendants, and as a man of honour and of spotless integrity will long be remembered by those who had the pleasure and privilege of his personal friendship or acquaintance. We well should have spared a better man. – Argus, Aug 10.

Wednesday 18 August 1875

One day last week a carpenter named John POWELL,) better known in these parts by the soubriquet of “Jack the Devil”) left Dordrecht on horseback for his home in the Waschbank. He had perhaps imbibed rather too freely, and was somewhat jolly. About six miles from town, the horse which he was riding trod in a hole, stumbled, and unseated POWELL, whose foot, unfortunately, remained in the stirrup iron and he was dragged along the ground some distance, sustaining a fracture of several of his ribs, besides other injuries. When POWELL came to his senses he found himself on top of a hill, and his horse close by. He made an effort to rise, but was unable to do so, and had to remain there the whole night. The next day he contrived by means of sliding and pushing himself along, for he was still unable to get on his legs, to descend the hill and get to a muddy pool of water, where he quenched his thirst, and where he had to remain the two succeeding nights without shelter or cover. This in itself, at this season, and in this division, would have been enough to kill an ordinary man; but POWELL is no ordinary man – he has an iron constitution. He was found, after passing three days and nights in the veldt, by Mr. Barend KRUGER, who kindly placed him in a cart and brought him into Dordrecht, where he is now in the gaol hospital under the treatment of Dr. [FULAS] and progressing favourably. – Dordrecht Guardian, Aug 14.

Friday 20 August 1875

DIED at his residence, Sunny Side, Dagga Boer’s Neck, on the 18th August, William TROLLIP Senr, aged 70 years 4 months and 7 days, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude. Friends will please accept this notice.
Dagga Boer’s Neck, August 18th 1875.

DIED at his farm, Bracefield, Upper Bushman’s River, on the morning of Thursday 5th August, William WATSON, aged 54 years 10 months and 28 days, deeply and deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintance.
“The righteous hath hope in his death”.

Left the Fields en route for Grahamstown via Bloemfontein, at 11am on the 4th instant, per GEERING and WOLHUNTER’s well-known passenger cart. In the language of local oratory, I use the word cart ‘advisedly’, because the elephantine bus, expressly bought to run from Kimberley to the capital of the Free State, but now ‘needing repair’, was substituted on this occasion by a three-seated two-wheeler. As we bowled along, three in each seat, packed with herring tightness, the dust rose in a pillar of cloud, which came between us and the wonderful town of Kimberley, but left unimpeded the view of Old de Beer’s, with its yellow mounds partly relieved by a dozen camel-thorns and two or three rather pretty suburban villas, among which the brick residence of the Lieut.-Governor is most conspicuous. In less than half-an-hour we reach the ‘Pan’, the familiar name by which Du Toit’s Pan is known, and within a stone’s cast is Buitfontein; and there is the very house, the former homestead of the farm, in the plaster of which were found diamonds of the story, which is not, as too many have supposed, to be classed amongst the apocryphal wonders of the Diamond Fields.
Notwithstanding the ‘scrooged’ condition of the passengers, whose seats suggested such sharp comforts as the apex of a triangle or ‘the pinnacle of the Temple’ might be supposed to furnish, WOLHUNTER made an attempt to impose upon us a tenth associate, and it was only after strong remonstrance that he ordered the ‘big bus’, standing a few hundred yards off, to be inspanned; and then, with additions to our number, making twelve in all, we at last fairly entered upon our seven days trot for the city. In an hour or two the road took us through a country in which there was the refreshing spectacle of considerable bush, chiefly camel-thorn, which here attains great density of trunk and foliage, with a height of about thirty foot. Of a very dark green, and therefore sombre hue, the camel-thorn is not the most cheerful of trees, but its close neighbourhood to a bleak, bare, and dusty country gives it a high relative attractiveness, which made it to us “A thing of beauty and a joy for ever”. Running through these groves, for they are nothing less, we observed, suspended from some branches, nests varying from the size of a large pumpkin to that of a fat six-foot man, which were in each case peopled with a large colony of twittering birds, not unlike the canary.
At 3.30pm dined at the house of Farmer SWAARTZ, and at 6pm, pulled up for the night at Mrs KOLLE’s in Boshoff. Boshoff possesses a good hotel and an abundant water supply, treasures which cannot be predicated of every South African village. It can boast of something more. The Dutch seem to retain their ancestors’ love of liberty and religious sentiment. The former crops out in a perpetual movement towards the untramelled interior, while the latter finds outward expression in the creation of noble churches. Distant and small as Boshoff is, its church, built for some £18.000, may be fairly classed with the sister building at Cradock, to which it is only inferior in being less costly and pretentious. Roughly measured, it is about 120 feet by 60 feet, with a steeple of proportionate height, from which a handsome clock, in liquid tones, sounds the hour of the day and night. But if Boshoff is religious, it is also superstitious. The story runs that not long since, a man died and was buried. Suspicion then arose that he had been poisoned, but there was no doctor in the village to dissect or analyse, and for some time the authorities were in much perplexity. Partial relief at length came from a man - let us call him ROBINSON - who [offered] for the small consideration of £5. to take out and bottle up the entrails. ROBINSON duly received the reward of good and faithful service and in due course the bottle found its way to Bloemfontein, the seat of learning and science. Analysis followed, with a result not prejudicial to the good name of Boshoff, and the bottle was finally buried where the analysis had taken place. Thus was achieved a result satisfactory to all parties except the ghost of the unfortunate deceased, which every night haunts the dissector with the wailing cry;- ‘ROBINSON! Waar’s mij daarm!’ (‘ROBINSON where’s my entrail!’) Boshoff is a village of between two and three hundred inhabitants, who dwell chiefly in the flat roofed houses so characteristic of the Dutch. At 8pm there rings a bell, the signal for the coloured people to ‘dance the [glim]’, and from that moment the sound of the accordion, sackbut, psaltery and jews-harp, so far as it depends upon native agency, ceases in the streets, and silence reigns supreme. To say that thus is presented a great contrast to the sounds of coloured origin, to be heard at Kimberley, the city of noises, is only to state a truism; and therefore I refrain from uttering it.
A cup of coffee at 6am, and off at half-past. As day beaks, a tree-less waste of boundless [obscured] opens to view. Grass on the right hand, grass on the left hand, with here and there a slight depression in which the drainage of the locality has formed a vley. Spring-bucks soon appear in twos and threes, and then a score, startled with our rattle, cross the road in Indian file, first trotting, nose to ground, and then breaking into a gallop, which culminates in the beautiful suspended leap from which the graceful creature derives its name. The number of these animals increases with our progress, until the near horizon for hundreds of yards has the appearance of being thickly dotted with ant-heaps and it can hardly be an exaggeration to say that two thousand animals are in sight at one time. Having breakfasted at VAN DER MERWE’s farm at 8am, and crossed the Mud River at OERTEL’s wool-washery at noon, and dined at BARBER’s Pan at half-past three, as well as exchanged horses at each of these places, with a great flourish of trumpets we dashed up to the Masonic at Bloemfontein at six o’clock. A nice dinner and a comfortable bed were the end of the second day.
Half-past ten, on the morning of the 8th, found us once more ready to begin the irrepressible trot. I have ‘done’ the lions of the city under the skilful pilotage of Mr Thomas WHITE; I have seen the churches and chapels which are, the debris of bridges which were but are not, and the public buildings which are to be at a cost of £20,000; in fact, I have seen everybody and everything save the good old President, for whom all have a kindly word, but upon whom it is too early to call, and I am once more ready to mount. Indeed, we are all ready. In fact, there is one too many ready. A strange sparrow has intruded into the swallow’s nest. A new man has taken his seat, and one of our number – a fellow of infinite determination – refuses to mount till ‘tother is ousted. Stranger, like Barkis, is willing, but wants agent to order him out. Agent hangs fire in back premises. Stranger thereupon keeps possession. Passenger won’t mount. Appreciative public look on. Our faithful Jacob, holding the ribbons, poises the whip, but hesitates to say ‘gee up’. It is literally ‘no go’. Agent then turns up and addresses stranger, with a voice of halting severity, - ‘You must get down, Sir’. To which stranger, in a tone replete in prosecutions with the utmost severity of the law, responds:- “You say I must get down, do you?’ Agent, after a pause, as of one who has taken note of all the consequences, “Yes”. Stranger – ‘You say I must get down after having unconditionally taken my money for a seat to Port Elizabeth?’ Agent – ‘If you had paid the other £4. as I suggested, you would have secured your seat.’ Stranger – ‘You have taken my money unconditionally; you order me to get down, do you?’ Agent – ‘Yes’. Stranger – ‘Then I get down under protest, and hold you responsible for all damages’. Upon which stranger dismounts with the air of one who rather likes the prospect. Determined passenger takes his seat, driver tickles off leader and says ‘gee-up’, and public disperses much gratified. We are off and, after two or three exchanges, arrive at 4pm at Reddersburg, where we stay for the night.
Can any good thing be found in a Dutch village of the ordinary South African type? If so, I should like to know what, as I walked through and through a fairly representative place like Reddersburg without being able to find it. The village possesses one ‘winkel’ and about fifty houses, all of them of the orthodox flat-roofed sort, but about half of them shut up until the season of Nachtmaal. There are no trees, and less water-scenery than even the Kowie River presents at Grahamstown. The surroundings are not more inviting than those of an ordinary sheep farm.
From Reddersburg to Aliwal North via Smithfield is a long day’s work of about thirteen hours and at 4am we once more seated ourselves in the cart. Smithfield was reached at noon, which is good time, and here, where WOLHUTR and GEERING hand us over to GRIFFIN, occurred the first delay, the cart for Aliwal North having not yet arrived. At 3 o’clock, JEPHCOTT (the agent) decided to send us on in an extemporised concern, in which we had hardly turned the corner of Smithfield when we met GRIFFIN’s cart, in which was GRIFFIN himself, tearing madly along the road. In a quarter of an hour transfer affected, and we were fairly off for Aliwal North. Crossed the steep drift of the Caledon without accident; also that of the Orange River, and at half-past 10 reached Aliwal, where we found the hotel filled with HARVEY’s dispersing audience. Unable to accommodate all our number, GRIFFIN got beds for us at SCOTT’s and of Mrs SCOTT’s motherly attention it is impossible to speak too highly.
Queenstown is 120 miles from Aliwal by the postal route. It took us from 5am to half-past 10pm to accomplish the distance. FLEISCHER has the line between the two places and we found that his cattle are still worthy of their high reputation. Well groomed and fed, carefully driven, and admirably matched, the owner is manifestly one who takes a pride in his horses. Here, we are drawn by four greys – now, we are flying behind four chestnuts – again, in the heavy hilly country, our team has been enlarged to six, of which two are greys, two roans, and the other two dark brown poneys, each with a bles, or white face. Our Irish friend might well say that ‘they are as fine horses as ever stepped’. Sunday, the 8th, was a cold windy day all over the Province, and as we drove across the Stormberg hills the wind pierced some of us to the marrow. Dordrecht looked bleak and cold indeed, but the cheerful aspect of Mrs STONE and her dining-table amply compensated us for such and all other sufferings. As we got into the hills the rain began to fall, and by the time we reached the toll, about nine miles from Queenstown, the wind still blowing in bitter gusts, we were ready for anything hot from a cup of tea to a glass of negus. But nothing hot could we get. There was a fire and twenty minutes to spare; but we had to be content with the cold consolation that the 'post-cart passengers never take anything here'. However, Queenstown is just a-head, and those nineteen hours' ride through the bleakest part of South Africa on one of the coldest and most boisterous days will be rewarded with all the comforts, and warmth, and attention, for which LONG's Hotel is so justly celebrated. Oh! that cold, windy, hungry, nine miles. Trot, trot, trot, we go, through slush and wind, through treeless waste. The very moonlight seemed to aid in freezing us. The wind worked its way and seemed to get behind the thickest coat. But here is BOWKER's Kop, and there at last is Queenstown. This is the post-office; and that - hurrah - is LONG’s cheerful, hospitable, liberal and much-to-be-desired hotel! There stands LONG himself, the very picture of a welcome keeping up its warmth by the aid of a great coat. A [manful] affirmative was given to the request for accommodation and supper, but when we asked for some warm concomitant, say a cup of tea or coffee, it was as though Bumble himself were again responding to poor Oliver’s request for more gruel. “Tea! At this time of night!”. LONG, who advanced to the scriptural limits of a cup of cold water, was quite right in giving us nothing warmer than a cold knuckle of turkey; it was also in the very best taste when Mrs LONG wondered that we had not “taken something at the Toll” and told us that the passengers from Aliwal always said on their arrival that they wanted nothing. “Tea! Coffee! why the passengers must be mad!” “More gruel! The boy's overfed mum!” “Here's a hungrateful varmint! more gruel!” “A cup of tea!”. Next morning was even more boisterous and cold that the night before and gave augury of very unpleasant experience on the Katberg. Roused at 5, no start was effected till half-past 6, when 'COLLEY' drove up and we went off, 'one of us minus his cup of coffee, LONG, with an economy which would have delighted the '[…ful] soul' of Mistress Gilpin, having made exactly ten cups for the eleven cold and thirsty souls that required them. Away we went, and in three hours time sat down to the generous table of 'mein host' at Whittlesea - consisting of eggs and bacon, good bread and butter, a magnificent turkey (not the cold knuckle), and an abundance of coffee. Humble Whittlesea, rejoicing to see customers, served us without stint, which we were in proper trim for appreciating. I may go further, for I can truthfully say that during our seven days trot, with the single exception of Queenstown, we met with nothing but a hearty welcome at whatever house we touched. Our Whittlesea exchanges carried us nearly to Langfelds, when we got a team of horses, in duty bound to carry us to GREEN's at Balfour. The ascent began soon after we had passed Langfelds - the mountain hiding its head in the rain clouds, and the wind pouring down upon us with terrible force. Monday, the 9th inst., will be long remembered for its windiness all over the Province; and on such a day we proposed to cross the Devil's Bellows and other spots, from their altitude and conformation dangerous even in weather that is […where] the calmest. At HEX's the rain began to fall, and we were advised to tie on our hats, as well as warned on the danger of our enterprise. A mile further on, COLLEY was compelled to hand on the whip - the violence of the rain and wind increasing at every moment. Rain was soon accompanied with snow, and the wind drove the sleet into our faces like so many bits of glass. As we rose higher still, the snow rushed past us with almost lightning speed - not diagonally to the earth, but in a long continuous horizontal streak as though it would never find an abiding place. It was at times with the utmost difficulty that I could keep the wagon whip in my grasp; even when I let it fly to the breeze, it seemed as if a strong man was trying to pull it away. My fingers, encased in thick gloves, were already numbed, and felt absurdly out of proportion to their real dimensions. Looking behind, I saw three passengers sitting on the cart-floor under a water-proof rug. Looking ahead, I saw our team gallantly breasting the hill, but requiring a frequent reminder that the whip was still a power in the world. COLLEY, surmising it might be necessary to turn back, still assayed to go on; and we managed unscathed to pass one particularly ugly cutting. In fact, for the moment, there was almost a lull. And then we came to the Devil's Bellows, which puffed and roared as we approached, in a way calculated to frighten stouter hearts, but which seemed to be exhausted with effort just as we expected to experience its full power. A minute more, and we were safely through; and shortly after pulled up at the toll for a hot cup of coffee. The descent to Balfour, notwithstanding the rain, was comparatively rapid and agreeable, and it was worth all our trouble to receive Mr GREEN's hearty welcome, and partake of the soup and smoking hot dinner prepared for 'the poor creatures' by his kindly forethought. Has the reader ever tasted Mrs GREEN's quince jelly? If not I recommend him to make a trip to enjoy this delight. I must not forget to state that the road over the Katberg is now in first-rate order. 
Left Balfour at ¼ to 5pm and reached Beaufort at half-past 9, where every comfort in Mr. [O'CLARA]'s hotel was put at our disposal. Were detained an hour, owing to a wagon, the belt of whose long-wagon had broken in the narrowest part of the road about two miles from the Blinkwater hotel. Took the horses out, and tried to pull the cart between the wagon and the bank. Tried to manoeuvre the cart through, but without success; and in the end were compelled to bring it to the other side and help its passage over the bank by means of two short [reins]. Having re-inspanned, a smart gallop brought us to Beaufort in about forty minutes.
Left Beaufort at 7am on the 10th and got to Grahamstown at half-past three pm, having had bracing weather and pleasant companionship all the way from the Fields. All of us agreed, without desiring to repeat the experience that we would not on any account have missed the storm on the Katberg.

Monday 30 August 1875

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 25th August 1875, by the Rev Wm. Impey, Matthew Joseph, fifth son of the late Capt. RORKE to Louisa Ann, second daughter of G. LEPPAN Esq of Tea Fontein.

DIED at Turvey’s Post, Queenstown, on the 6th August, Charlotte, the beloved and third daughter of Edward WAINWRIGHT, formerly of Blaauw Krantz, Bathurst.

DIED at Craigie Burn, district of Somerset, on the 22nd August, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of R.M. BOWKER, aged 55 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 3 September 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 2nd instant, Mrs. J. Ogilvie NORTON of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd instant, Eliza, relict of the late Samuel TILDESLEY, aged 75 years.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. TILDESLEY will move from her late residence, Settler’s Hill, tomorrow (Saturday) at half past three o’clock. Friends of the Deceased are kindly invited to attend. No special invitations.
A. WILL, Undertaker

Friday 10 September 1875

BIRTH at Mitford Park on the 3rd September, the wife of Mr. Miles BOWKER of a son.

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J.W. ABBOTT, Hill-street, on the 2nd inst, Elizabeth YORK in her 81st year.

Monday 13 September 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday 8th September, the wife of Mr. M.B. SHAW of a son.

One witty, jovial friend, the hero of a hundred weddings, the best of best men, Mr. A.E. MARKS, has at last met a most appropriate reward: namely a wife. He was married in Somerset on Wednesday week, to Miss Sophia L. BROWN, third daughter of L. BROWN Esq of Somerset. Mr. David [RAMSDEN] did for Mr. MARKS what Mr. M. has done for so many friends: acted as best man. May the happiness of all the happy couples Mr. MARKS has helped to make happy find its measure excelled by the happiness of the future life of Mr. and Mrs. MARKS. – Uitenhage Times

We (Telegraph) regret to learn, just before going to press, that Mr. J.C. CHASE Sen, when en route last evening from Cradock Place to the public meeting sustained a very severe accident. It appears that upon leaving home in his vehicle, a wrong bridle had been put on the horse, which disquieted the animal, and when opposite Mr. PARTRIDGE’s house the driver went to obtain another bridle, leaving Mr. CHASE and his daughter together with Miss PHILPOTT in the trap. Suddenly the horse bolted and the vehicle was capsized, precipitating the occupants out. Mr. CHASE has sustained a simple fracture of the arm and several bruises. The young belles are severely shaken, but we are glad to hear have sustained no serious injury. Just before going to press, on making inquiry, we learn that Mr. CHASE is doing as well as can be, under the circumstances, expected.

Friday 17 September 1875

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 25th August, Augusta Harriet, born WHILEY, the beloved wife of F.J. MEYER.
Port Elizabeth, 28th August 1875

A fire, fatal in its results, took place on Wednesday evening last, between 8 and 9 o’clock, at a tent near the residence of Mr. LING. The occupant of the tent, a Mr. GOBBET, of Natal, was in it at the time of the fire and must, we suppose, have been fast asleep. Seeing the tent burning, a crowd soon collected, but it was naturally thought that with so easy a thing as a tent to get out of, had there been anyone in, he would have been out before them. After a short time, however, a son of Mr. LING’s perceived that a man was lying on the bed in the tent. The unfortunate fellow was then immediately rescued, but the injuries he had received were such as to result in his death about three hours afterwards, notwithstanding the fact that Dr. MORTON had been called in. The deceased was, we believe, in his 58th year. – Diamond News.

Many of our readers will be glad to hear that the Rev W. CALDECOTT has made arrangements to return permanently to this Colony, where his wide experience in Mauritius, Gibraltar and various English Circuits will make him a very acceptable minister.

Monday 20 September 1875

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 14th inst, the wife of Mr. S.H. ROBERTS of a daughter.

MARRIED at Fort England Chapel on the 15th September, by the Rev Mr. Hornbrook, John CLAYTON of East London district to Mary Ann NUNN, eldest daughter of Mr. John NUNN of Grahamstown.

Friday 24 September 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, Mrs. P. AMM Junr. of a son.

MARRIED at Colesberg on the 15th inst, by Special Licence, by the Rev S.N. De Kock, Rector of Christ Church, Mr. Jas. Wm. MURRAY, of Tanybachfontein, District of Middelburg, to Caroline Frances, youngest daughter of Wm. L. HEATHCOTE Esq of [Vinchgat], Colesberg district.

Monday 27 September 1875

DIED at Northampton on the 23rd June 1875, John EARLY, aged 35 years, fourth son of the late Edward EARLY Sen. of Whitney, Oxfordshire.

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