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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1877 - 4 - October to December

Wednesday 3 October 1877

DIED at the residence of her son, Kloof Lodge, Kloof Road, Capetown on the 24th ult, Mrs. BRUTON, aged 82 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd October 1877, John Bowed LOWDEN, aged 20 years and 5 months.
The Funeral of the late Mr. John Bowes LOWDEN will leave the residence of his father in Bathurst-street tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker

An obituary notice of today records the death of another of the original British Settlers of 1820. The subject of this notice, Mrs. BRUTON, was well-known on this Frontier, as well as in Capetown, having resided for some years at Somerset East; and it may be confidently affirmed that she was not more generally known than respected. She had reached the age of 82 years, her decease taking place on the very day she attained this ripe and venerable age.

Friday 5 October 1877

DIED on Monday October 1st, at Oatlands, Grahamstown, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Daniel ROBERTS, in her 69th year.

Monday 8 October 1877

KILLED in Action at the Ibeka on the 29th September 1877, Edmond Charles, eldest son of Mr. William WALLER of this city, aged 20 years.

The sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Walter GREENSLADE of the firm of GREENSLADE Brothers of Aliwal North is announced. Deceased was only 25 years of age.

Wednesday 10 October 1877

The Colesberg Advertiser says: The friends of Mr. Robert SHAW of Philipstown were somewhat at a loss to account for his apparent absence from that village on Saturday last, but concluded that he had accompanied a friend who had left for the country. On Tuesday, however, it was found that Mr. SHAW had taken a far longer journey, his dead body having been found in a well, into which he had probably fallen on Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

Monday 15 October 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th October 1877, the wife of Mr. Thos. HOLLAND of a son.

DIED at Adelaide on Wednesday 3rd October at 11pm, Dr. William BROWN, in his 45th year.

The following shocking occurrence is reported in the Alice Times to hand today by a correspondent writing from Greytown, [Toolen’s] River. “A sad occurrence has happened on this station. On a wet night a man named POLLOCK took into his tent a tin of smiths’ coals alight. The wet outside caused the canvas to contract and stopped the fumes from escaping, thereby causing the deaths of Mrs. POLLOCK and three children. It is thought the man will recover.

Wednesday 17 October 1877

We very much regret to record the death of Dr. DE MORGAN of Aliwal North, a letter from whom appeared in our columns only so lately as last Friday. We learn that DR. DE MORGAN was thrown to the ground while mounting his horse at Aliwal on Saturday afternoon last, and only lived for three hours afterwards. We beg to express our sympathy for the bereaved widow and family of five young children.

Friday 19 October 1877

DIED at Howison’s Poort, Mr. James DAVIES of Clumber, aged 36 years and 2 months, leaving a widow and eight children to deplore his loss. The family desire to render their thanks to Mr. James M. GIBSON and all friends for their kindness.

A correspondent at Bathurst writes: We have had a very distressing accident happen here to a young man named William DIXON. He was ploughing, and was about turning his oxen, and was using his whip, when the end flew off, and catching him on his right eye, knocked it out, quite smashing it and destroying the sight.

On Sunday morning last Mr. James DAVIES and Mr. Albert T. DAVIES, of Clumber, were outspanned in Howison’s Poort, being en route from Port Elizabeth with a wagon. The younger man left Mr. James DAVIES, who had been sick during the whole journey, in the tent, and was away only about half an hour. On returning he found his brother lying dead in the tent. Deceased was well known in Albany and leaves a large family to mourn his loss. There is no doubt that he suffered from internal disease.

Monday 22 October 1877

DIED: Nina Fanny, the beloved wife of Mr. Geo. RANDALL, of this city, on the 20th October 1877, aged 46.
The Funeral will leave from her late residence, Somerset-street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Another horrible crime is reported, this time from Port Elizabeth. The P.E. Telegraph says: A man named Thos. COON has been arrested on suspicion of having murdered his wife early yesterday (Thursday) morning. Deceased was a hard-working woman who, with her husband and children, lived in this valley. Yesterday morning early her body was found frightfully disfigured. The head had been beaten with a weapon supposed to have been a hammer, as one was found in the house where the parties resided. The body had likewise been cut. The pair had for some time lived an unhappy life, and COON has previously been punished for savage assaults upon the unfortunate creature. He was well known as a man of ungovernable temper when under the influence of drink, which was frequently the case, and it was a not unusual remark among those who knew COON and his wife that some day or other he would be her death.

Wednesday 24 October 1877

The death is announced of Mr. J.H. HOFMEYR Esq. LLD, in his 82nd year, at Vredenburg, Wynberg. Deceased was one of the originators of the first Dutch newspaper at Capetown, De Zuid Afrikaan, and of the Protecteur Assurance Company.

Monday 29 October 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th October, the wife of Mr. Advocate BROWN of a son.

DIED at Cradock on Tuesday the 23rd October 1877, Isabella Thompson, widow of the late Edmund BRADFIELD, aged 57 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Alexandria of Diphtheria, on the 25th inst, Jessie Mary Flora, the adopted child from infancy of William and Jessie M. CAMPBELL, and youngest daughter of Captain W.H. GIBBON, aged 8 years 7 months and 5 days. Truly beloved and deeply deeply lamented.
Alexandria, 26th October 1877

The painful illness from which Dr. DUNSTERVILLE of Port Elizabeth has so long suffered, terminated fatally on Tuesday last.

The P.E. telegraph says this funeral was one of the largest ever witnessed in Port Elizabeth. At the special request of the deceased, frequently expressed on his death bed, he was buried with Masonic honours. The worthy doctor had during the greater part of his life been a member of the Masonic fraternity, and entertained a very high respect for the Order. He was the immediate past master of the Lodge of Good Will 741, and a member of the R.A. Chapter connected with that Lodge. His funeral was attended by the Foresters of Prince Alfred’s Court. All the shops and stores closed their shutters during the funeral.

Wednesday 31 October 1877

DIED on the 23rd inst at his residence at Kimberley, Diamond-fields, A.B. RANDALL Esq at the early age of 29 years and 6 months. RIP. Indian papers please copy.

Friday 2 November 1877

Desires to return her sincere thanks to __ STEWART Esq C.C. and R.M, Dr. CHIAPPINI, and the inhabitants of Bedford, for the great kindness and sympathy extended to her by them on the occasion of the sudden death of her beloved son, Alfred LOCKHART, which sad event occurred at Bedford on Sunday 8th October last.
The great and unexpected kindness which she thus experienced on that occasion is the more grateful to her feelings owing to the fact that she arrived in that town a traveller; a stranger, and in great affliction.
Colesberg, October 19 1877

Monday 5 November 1877

It is with regret we (Alice Times) heard yesterday that Mr. Surveyor ATMORE, of Seymour, was found dead the other day on the Katberg near Hex’s Hotel. From what we can learn of this sad death it appears Mr. ATMORE, in company with his servant, was travelling from Dordrecht to Seymour, and that, whilst crossing the Katberg mountains, night overtook them, and owing to the extreme cold and exposure the deceased perished. Mr. ATMORE was well known and respected by many. To all the gentleman’s friends we tender our most sincere condolences.

Monday 12 November 1877

BIRTH at Cradock on 1st November, the wife of Mr. Jeremiah WOODLAND of a daughter.

DIED on the 1st Nov at King Williamstown, of gastric fever, Miss A. ROSSER, sister of the late Col. ROSSER.

Wednesday 14 November 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th last, the wife of M.J. RORKE of a son.

A FATAL ACCIDENT is reported from Worcester. Mr. SPAWATER, a storekeeper on the railway works, was thrown out of his cart, entangled in the reins, and dragged for three quarters of a mile. He was able to crawl to a neighbouring farm, but in a day or two he died from his injuries.

Friday 16 November 1877

DIED at Jager’s Drift on Saturday the 10th November 1877, Elsie Elizabeth Coendrina Frederika, the beloved wife of Cornelis KROG of Brakfontein, Division of Alexandria (born SCHEEPERS), aged 43 years and 2 months, deeply regretted by all friends.

Wednesday 21 November 1877

Whereas it has been reported to me that “John BRANN”, aged about 10 years, has been found in a state of destitution, and who states that his father and mother, named William Charles BRANN and Sarah Maria BRANN, are both dead, and that they kept a Confectioner’s shop at No.6 Plein-street, Capetown, notice is hereby given that if the said John BRANN be not claimed within six weeks by some relative or friend willing and able to support him, he will be indentured to some fit and proper person according to law.
Resident Magistrate
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Grahamstown, 19th Nov 1877

DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th October 1877, Harriet JONES, born GODFREY, the beloved wife of Charles Jenkin JONES, aged 53 years and 6 months.

Friday 23 November 1877

DIED on Friday the 16th November 1877, at “Welcome Valley”, district of Queenstown, Charles MILLER, youngest son of the late Thomas MILLER, formerly of Morgan’s Party, aged 47 years 3 months and 19 days; leaving a wife and 9 young children to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Monday 26 November 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday the 25th inst, Mrs. J.G. CLOUGH of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 21st November 1877, at St.George’s Grahamstown by the Very Rev F.H. Williams DD, Dean, Peter Paul Couch, second son of Mr. James PRAED of Riebeck, to Louisa Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. B. ARNOLD of Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England.

DEPARTED this life at Bedford, on Wednesday 21st November 1877, after a short illness, aged 46 years, G.E. O. BRINK, leaving a widow and large family, with numerous kind friends, to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Bedford, 22nd Nov 1877.

Friday 30 November 1877

The Bedford correspondent of the Somerset Courant writes: I regret to announce the death of Mr. BRINK, which took place on Tuesday last at his residence here. Associated as he was with all our local institutions, his loss is a public one, and much sympathy is felt for his bereaved wife and family by all classes, who held him in high esteem for his generous and kindly disposition. The funeral, which took place on Wednesday, was largely attended, and as a mark of respect places of business were closed, and the Volunteer Corps (of which he was an honorary member) marched in uniform. Service was conducted in the house by the Rev E. SOLOMON, and at the burial ground by the Rev. Mr. ALDRED, of Adelaide, Episcopal Church.

Wednesday 12 December 1877

DIED at Kabousie Bridge, King Williamstown district, George Walter MILLER, eldest son of Mr. John MILLER, Bontebok Flats, from a fall off his horse, on Wednesday 5th December 1877, aged 21 years and 9 months.

DIED at Tea Fountain on the 9th December 1877, George Glynne Henry Ernest, infant son of Mr. and Mrs M. RORKE
“Not lost but gone before”

Another victim to the “wars and rumours of wars” which prevail in our midst will be found noticed in our obituary columns. Mr. George MILLER was one of the Bontebok Flat Volunteers in the district of Queenstown, and met his death while on duty in a sudden and unaccountable manner. He, with one or two others of his age, were on escort duty, attending a wagon-load of arms and ammunition from the Kei-road Station to Cathcart. When near the Kabousie bridge, it being dark and the road uncertain, his comrade desired him to await the coming up of the wagon while he (the speaker) went forward to make sure of the next turn in the road. In a few minutes the horse Mr. MILLER rode came trotting up in the darkness to the other one ridden by Mr. John KING, son of the member for Victoria East. He became alarmed; rode back, and at a distance of 200 yards found the unconscious body of his cousin, who died within an hour and a half, having never spoken. There were a few bruises on the face and a blue mark over one eye, the cause of death being dislocation of the neck. The body was taken to the farm, and buried on Friday, attended by a large number of relatives and neighbouring farmers, by whom the deceased was greatly respected and loved. We tender to the bereaved parents our respectful sympathy in their sore and irreparable loss.

Monday 17 December 1877

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 15th December, the wife of Mr. W.B. SHAW, Station Master, Kei Road, of a son.

Cradock Place, near Port Elizabeth, is one of the most memorable spots in the Eastern Province, it being the death place of some who in life played manfully their part in promoting the interests and accelerating the progress of this country, and especially of the locality in which they dwelt. In proof we need only mention the names of Frederick KORSTEN and of his son-in-law John Centlivres CHASE, the notice of whose demise on the 13th instant reached Grahamstown by the last post. It will be generally known that the deceased took [rank] as a British Settler of 1820, that he was proud of being [so associated] and that he was conspicuous amongst them for intelligence and for that startling independence of character so essential to success in the founding of a new settlement. Lord Charles SOMERSET, then Governor of the Colony, soon found, however, to his cost that he had to deal with
“Men who hide their lights.. [illegible]”
And it is interesting in looking back to find amongst the foremost men of that day John C. CHASE, and to know that the result of the legislation was the advent in this city of an Imperial Commission of [Inquiry]. The [obscured] of that political and social liberty of which the colony may now justly [boast] soon followed. And besides this it may not be too much to say of the deceased that no member of the British Settlers of 1820 ever passed through a more chequered or useful [obscured] of public life than the subject of this brief memorial. His [obscured] and his influence were always at the command of his fellow compatriots, while his thorough knowledge of the colony ..[obscured] it is not too much to say was beyond that of any other man of his time, and hence his opinions on public questions may be referred to with profit in the future. In looking at the whole of his public career it may be confidently stated that he was a Patriot, in the best sense of the word, his most intense aspirations being for the prosperity of his adopted country. Whether he is regarded as Secretary to the Lieut Governor; as the Civil Commissioner of extensive divisions of the Colony, or as member of the Legislative Council, he ever aimed to advance the public welfare. No-one ever advanced [obscured] government for the Eastern Province more strenuously than he, of whom it may be truly said that this ruling passion was strong in death.
In social life never was one more genial. The write [avers] this from intimate intercourse amid all the phases of his eventful life since 1819. All who knew him will readily bear testimony to his [moral] habits, his sparkling wit and his cheerful temperament. Nor was his light hid under a bushel. He was, for a colonist, a voluminous writer, and his labours in this respect are highly important, and in reference to them it may be said that “he being dead yet speaketh”. The statistical tables published by him from time to time marking the progress of the Colony are very valuable, and could only be completed by vast labour and the [obscured] of them at patient and diligent research. Though he [obscured] to the advanced age of 82 years, still his death [obscured] accelerated by a [broken] limb, the consequence of an accident with his carriage..[obscured]. For long he bore up against his [obscured] with Christian fortitude, and it is only when he felt his physical powers fast failing him that he [decided] to relinquish his seat in the Legislative Council. [obscured]… but never will there be seen a more fervent love of the country of his adoption than the departed..
Transcriber’s Note: The rest of this paragraph is so worn away as to be practically illegible, but appears to continue in a similar vein.

Friday 28 December 1877

MARRIED on the 20th December at Sidbury by the Rev. J. Longdon, Ritchie LAWRIE Esq of Bedford to Charlotte Elizabeth, second daughter of Joseph GUSH Esq, MLA, Woodbury. No cards.

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