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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1878 - 1 - January to March

Friday 4 January 1878

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown on the 29th December 1877, the wife of Mr. J.P. WINTER of a son.

MARRIED (by special licence) at St. Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth on the 31st December 1877, by the Rev S. Brook, Joseph HARDWICKE Sen of Grahamstown to Sophia Ann Mary, eldest daughter of Thomas Ham MIDDLETON, P.E., late of Snaresbrook, Essex.

MARRIED at Salem on Wednesday 26th December 1877, by the Rev J. Longden, assisted by the Rev G.W. Cross, Alfred William GRIFFITH, jeweller, of Grahamstown, to Elizabeth GARDNER, eldest daughter of Mr. John GARDNER of Salem.

The Watchman says: We have been enabled to gain from an official source the following particulars of the circumstances relating to the murder of the Messrs TAINTON and Mr. Fieldcornet BROWN. Mr. Richard TAINTON, Special Magistrate for natives in the district, was ordered to cooperate with Captain BRABANT in [punishing the kraal] which lately defied the latter officer and was harbouring the three prisoners who had been taken for stock stealing. [Next line illegible]..… an Expedition Force under Captain BRABANT, Capt. BOWKER of the Berlin Volunteer Cavalry, and a party of men from Maclean numbering nearly [obscured] and by his brother John TAINTON, with a party of Native Police, and his own Native Police, making up a total of something like 100 men. When Mr. Richard TAINTON left King Williamstown it was his intention, we believe, to concentrate his forces on a [obscured] farm and there to consult with his con[….]s a plan of procedure with a view to ordering the surrender of the prisoners and the dis[…] of the kraal. For some reason or other, probably from his confidence in his own power to deal with natives, and from his earnest desire to avoid [obscured], Mr. TAINTON moved from this position and went to the kraal either alone or with a native, and arranged to condone the offence upon the payment of a sum of twelve head of cattle. Having done this, he acquainted Captain BRABANT that he had arranged the matter amicably, and that consequently he had sent back his men, as their services were not required. On Monday the 31st December the Government received a communication from Captain BRABANT, complaining of this action on the part of Mr. TAINTON, inasmuch as he was the officer who had received the [task] and should therefore have been consulted before a decision and an arrangement was come to. However, it seems that all the men of the kraal but one paid up their fine, though the cattle sent in were more calves than full grown beasts. Accordingly Mr. TAINTON, who was a most [resolute] man in enforcing a decision that he had given, sent off his brother John and Mr. Fieldcornet BROWN, who had come over from Berlin to assist in hunting up the thieves, to the kraal to demand the remainder of the fine, but they found it necessary to take the spoor of the miscreant and his cattle to a kraal further on. This was at sunrise on Monday morning. The party found the people very excited, and engaged in dancing the war dance, and their manner generally very defiant. The cattle were not given up, but Mr. TAINTON was told that he might get them out of the kraal, or something to that effect. He thought it prudent to retire, warning the people that he should go back and acquaint his brother, the Magistrate, with their conduct. The party returned to the farm house, which was their temporary headquarters, reported the circumstances, and then had breakfast. Sunday night had been very wet, and as they had all been on patrol, their clothes were damp and they all were more or less weary. The reports are somewhat different here, some saying that the three Europeans were all resting in a hut whilst some of their clothing was being dried on the surrounding bush and again that they were resting under a bush. The Native Policemen were also resting, some awake, others asleep. One statement is that the sleepers were [awakened] by the sound of the war cry, and that Mr. John TAINTON and Mr. BROWN made for their arms, while the Special Magistrate went towards the oncoming savages, waving them back with his hand, and asking them if they knew whom they had come to attack. He had ordered his own men not to fire a shot, but it is said that a policeman’s gun was fired, and that then the [naked] barbarians came rushing on with fury and the work of destruction began. Another statement is that the savages were seen emerging from a gorge within a very short [range] by some of the police, who immediately rushed to Mr. Richard TAINTON’s and told him that the “wild Kaffirs” were upon them and that without further intimation a volley was fired into the little party. There seems to be [obscured] Mr. Richard TAINTON having [obscured] any one of his people firing, though having, all told, a party of [sixty] men armed with rifles and [obscured] and being opposed only by one [obscured] with one gun in his hands, it is [obscured] he tried to the last to prevent hostilities. [Line obscured] in restraining him from using his weapon if necessary, but the very […]ness with which he sought to avoid a conflict
[the rest of the paragraph too worn away to read]

Wednesday 9 January 1878

DIED on the 31st December at his residence at Bolton, in the Division of Bathurst, William BRUCE, formerly Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, London, aged 82 years and 4 months. Deceased was much beloved by a large circle of friends and his death is deeply deplored by his family and acquaintances.

We (Watchman) regret to announce the death on Saturday at East London of Mrs. MACLEAN, relict of the late Col. MACLEAN CH, formerly Lieut-Governor of British Kaffraria and Natal. The late Mrs. MACLEAN was universally esteemed by this community, as also by that of East London, for her urbanity and charity.

The East London Dispatch says:
We have taken considerable pains to get at the true account of this business, and we believe that the following is the correct version. Almost a fortnight ago, after repeated and urgent suggestions on the part of Mr. INNES, Mr. TAINTON was sent into the districts where stock-stealing was rife in order to help in its suppression. His great tact and great courage there produced such results that those not initiated into the determination of the Kafirs began to feel some hope that it might be the beginning of a movement which would effectively suppress stock lifting. The affair of the capture of Moto and his men gave some reason to think that if such measures had been taken a month sooner in conjunction with a fearless policy in other ways, there might have been some hope of a good result. On one occasion Mr. TAINTON’s handful of police came upon a band of armed Kafirs, who refused to allow their kraals to be searched. Mr. TAINTON stepped forward unarmed with only two of his men, told them who he was, and that as a magistrate he demanded that they should allow him to proceed with his work. This was done with no further difficulty. Conduct like this procured him confidence where before he had met with ignorant and hasty condemnation. Soon after this Captain BRABANT, with about 11 men, met with rebuff and insult at the Kwelegha, the climax of which was that the leader of the hostile band of large numbers of Kafirs shook his assegai to his face, and in English called him a coward and dared him to fire. Captain BRABANT wisely withdrew to get reinforcements, with which he returned with orders to punish those daring fellows. Mr. TAINTON was ordered with his “faithful” policemen to meet him there. Mr. TAINTON seems to have been quite uncertain whether Government intended decisive action. When he was in this town not long before his death he stated that on asking what was the wish of Government if resistance was offered him, the only answer he could get was to “do the best that he could”, an answer characteristic of the shameless shuttle which has been the bane of all Government instructions to magistrates among the natives. To proceed, however, with the narrative, Capt. BRABANT reached those Kafir hordes with 170 men and is prepared at once to teach them that Government officials are not to be insulted with impunity, and to uphold the dignity of that law about which the Governor and Mr. BROWNLEE are so careful to instruct the farmers. Mr. TAINTON however is doubtful whether the Government would wish force to be used, and while the discussion id [proceeding] up comes NORTON with an express from Government saying that the bushmen had agreed to pay the fine and Capt. BRABANT is to leave the matter in Mr. TAINTON’s hands. Left in Mr. TAINTON’s hands with no [authorised] forces to support him, we soon see the tragic result.

Friday 11 January 1878

MARRIED on the 20th December at Sidbury by the Rev. J. Longden, Ritchie LAWRIE Esq of Bedford, son of the late Robert LAWRIE Esq of Fort Beaufort, to Charlotte Elizabeth, second daughter of Joseph GUSH Esq, MLA, of Albany. No cards.

DIED at Kleinemonde on the 2nd January 1878, of Bronchitis, after a short illness of two days, Walter Ernest, the beloved son of Walter CLAYTON and Annie WHITTAL, aged 1 year 6 months and 21 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Sleep on dear child, thy troubles o’er,
On earth we shall not see thee more,
In heaven we hope to meet again,
Free from sorrow, death and pain.

BIRTH at King Williamstown on the 9th January 1878, the wife of E.C. FLETCHER of a daughter.

An old inhabitant of Grahamstown passed away this morning when Mr. John TALBOT, who came out with the British Settlers in 1820, breathed his last. He was the son of the late John Stuart TALBOT of Westminster, and it would appear that the now deceased gentleman was clearly connected with the TALBOT (Shrewsbury) family in England, and some enquiries are yet pending which may establish the connection. Mr. TALBOT has long been an invalid, and confined to his room, but still his death has taken place with suddenness. He was greatly respected by all who have ever known him in this city.

Monday 14 January 1878

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 11th inst, Mr. John TALBOT, son of the late John Stuart TALBOT of Westminster, one of the British Settlers of 1820.

Friday 18 January 1878

The Independent of Kimberley says: Another well accident occurred on Tuesday evening, by which a promising young man of about 17 years of age lost his life. It appears that he and another lad of about the same age were engaged deepening a well, and the night before had put in and exploded a blast, and left the well for 24 hours to clear of the foul air occasioned by the burnt powder. On the evening in question the lads went into the well, intending to clear out the debris and go on deepening: but one of them noticed the foul smell, and proposed reascending. This was agreed to, and one went out and let down the bucket for the other, who got in and had almost arrived at the top when a faint came over him, and he let go his hold and was precipitated to the bottom and his head so badly hurt that death must have been instantaneous. The young man’s name was Wm. FENNEL, stepson of Mr.W. MILLS.

Monday 21 January 1878

The Undersigned begs to inform the Public that he has now removed his Auction Business from Church Square, the old depot, to those very large, commodious and spacious buildings occupied by Messrs. BLACK & DARVALL
Where he trusts to be able to continue his business operations with the Public as usual. The new premises are very roomy, and afford immense convenience for Storing Goods and accommodating buyers. Inside sales will in future be conducted within the buildings, to avoid those intolerable street exhibitions, where the Public are generally subject to all sorts of disagreeable changes of climate and atmosphere.
Peter POTE, Auctioneer

Monday 28 January 1878

DIED on the 20th December, at London, after a long and painful illness, henry BENJAMIN, late of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 24th January 1878 after a lingering illness of 17 years, Susanna, beloved wife of Mr. W.T. LLOYD, Diamond Fields, and fifth daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Taylor JAMES of this city, aged 45 years and 7 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Wednesday 30 January 1878

BIRTH on Friday January 25 1878, the wife of Mr. B.B. ATTWELL of a daughter.

Friday 1 February 1878

BIRTH at Fern Rocks on the 12th January, the wife of Mr. D.R. TROLLIP of a son.

An inquest has been held at Capetown on the body of Solomon REUBEN, a Jew, of middle age, who was found early in the morning suspended from the hand rails of the bridge facing the Avenue entrance to Government House.

Monday 4 February 1878

DIED on the 16th December last, at 58 Southam-street, London, Francis READER, aged 53.

Friday 8 February 1878

Private W. PIKE, the Albany Volunteer who was wounded in the Kabousie fight, has returned to Grahamstown, and appeared upon the morning market.

Isaac Charl Johs. BOSMAN of Murraysburg, road contractor, assets £106:5s, liabilities £188:10s, deficiency £82:5s

Monday 11 February 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th February 1878, the wife of Mr. W. WOODLAND of a son.

MARRIED at East London on the 3rd inst, by the Rev A. Maggs, William M. Earle WELBY to Jessie, fourth daughter of the late Fred’k LUCAS Esq of Grahamstown.

Friday 15 February 1878

BIRTH on the 11th February at Ann Shaw, Middle Drift, the wife of the Rev. Ben IMPEY of a son.

DIED at King Williamstown of typhoid fever, on the morning of the 6th inst, Eugene Whaley JEFFREY, fifth son of Mary and Edmund JEFFREY, aged 10 years and 8 months. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

On Tuesday last Mr. ROBEY, the well-known proprietor of the hotel at Manley’s Flats, was thrown from his horse while jumping a bank just beyond Storm’s Hill, his arm was broken, and as the horse rolled over him, it is a matter for satisfaction that his injuries were not more serious. He was fortunately not alone, and by sending on his companion he received the prompt attentions of Mr. VAN DEN BENCK of the Masonic, and of Dr. ATHERSTONE, and is doing well.

Monday 18 February 1878

MARRIED by Special Licence on Wednesday 13th inst, in the Dutch Reformed Church, Adelaide, by the Rev W. Stegmann, Hendrik Stephanus DE BEER, of Cheviotfells, Glen Lynden, youngest son of the late Lodewyk DE BEER, to Cosie BOTHA, youngest daughter of the late Jacobus BOTHA of Moordenaars Kraal, district of Uitenhage.

DIED on the 16th instant, at the early age of 28 years and 7 months, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Alfred S. SMITH, and daughter of John and M.A. WEBBER. The bereaved tender their sincere thanks to the many friends who showed their sympathy during her short illness; also to the friends of all denominations who followed her remains to the grave, regardless of the inclemency of the weather.

Wednesday 20 February 1878

Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE has removed from Beaufort-street to the corner of Somerset-street and Prince Alfred-street, just above the residence of the late Dr. DAVIS.

DIED at Carnarvondale, Bushman’s River, on Sunday 17th inst, John Oliver, eldest son of S. Carey and Alicia Pannell SLATER, aged 2 years and 8 months.

Wednesday 27 February 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on February 22 1878, the wife of Mr. C.H. HILL of Salem of a daughter.

DIED at Maclean on the 16th Feb, William George, second son of George and Evelina GAYLARD at Komgha, in his twentieth year. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday 4 March 1878

MARRIED on the 2nd inst at the Baptist Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev G.W. Cross, Henry HEEBES to Ada, eldest daughter of J. BRISLIN Esq of this City.

DIED at Clumber, District Bathurst, on Monday the 25th February, Martha, the beloved wife of Richard BRADFIELD Sen, aged 58 years and 1 month. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

We regret to have to report the death of the infant son of the Rev W.H. PRICE, which occurred on Saturday night last, after a brief illness, from croup. Much sympathy is felt for the afflicted parents in this loss of their only child.

Wednesday 6 March 1878

We (Advocate) regret to report the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. PEARCE, wife of Mr. T. PEARCE, which occurred on Thursday morning last. The deceased has not been in first rate health for some time, having complained of weakness of the heart. On the evening preceding her demise she and her husband retired to rest as usual, and in the morning t was discovered that she was dead, having apparently passed away so quietly as not to have aroused the attention of her husband, who, for some time after he awoke, was under the impression that she was only sleeping a little longer than usual, although she must have been dead some time. An inquest was held according to law, and death was found to be the result of natural causes. Mrs. PEARCE has numerous relatives in Grahamstown, Adelaide, Bedford and other parts of the frontier. Her maiden name was WIENAND

Monday 11 March 1878

BIRTH on Thursday February 28th, at Daggaboer Nek, the wife of Mr. L.H. TROLLIP of a daughter.

DIED at Capetown on the 10th inst, Louis John, eldest son of Joseph LAWRANCE of this City, aged 33 years.

We regret to hear this morning of the death at Capetown of Mr. Louis J. LAWRANCE, eldest son of our townsman Mr. Joseph LAWRANCE. He was on his way from the Diamond Fields to England on a health visit, and his death is very unexpected, causing great sympathy for the bereaved widow and child who mourn his loss.

Mr. Joseph LAWRANCE’s usual commission sale has been postponed till Friday next, the 15th inst.

Friday 15 March 1878

Mr. Joseph LAWRANCE’s commission sale is unavoidably postponed till Tuesday next, the 19th inst.

At Dohne Toll a Fingo boy in the service of Captain [BLAND] was cleaning a carbine, and being ignorant that it was loaded, accidentally discharged the same, the bullet passing through the stomach of Private O’DOOLEY, of the Graaff-Reinet Volunteers, who died in a few hours. Deceased had not very long been married.

We learn that it was Mr. F. HILLIER, and not his brother Mr. A.P. HILLIER, who was killed during a fight with Gaikas on Monday in the Perie Bush. We are especially sorry to see it stated in the Cape Mercury that it is thought Mr. HILLIER was shot by one of CARRINGTON’s Horse. It appears that 130 head of cattle were [obscured] in this fight and a great deal of damage inflicted on the enemy.

A correspondent from Cradock states as follows: A telegram has just reached E. GILFILLAN Esq informing him of the death of his brother Mr. George GILFILLAN, who was struck dead by lightning last night (March 13) at the front, where he was commanding a Hottentot levy. Mr. George GILFILLAN was a Government Surveyor, and by his lamented death leaves a widow and five children. The sad event occurred at the camp of the Cradock Volunteers, near Thomas River.

The acting stationmaster of Panmure, by name George ALLEN, was killed on Tuesday. There were five special trains from Panmure and he had to go as guard with one of them. When the train was between Cambridge and Amalinda he was walking along the footboard inquiring if there were any passengers for the latter place; in getting from one carriage to another he missed his footing and fell on the rails. Three carriages and a brake van passed over his body, cutting it in pieces. Death was of course instantaneous.

Monday 18 March 1878

We (Guide) have been requested to state upon good authority that Mr. HILLIER was not accidentally shot by a member of the European Forces engaged against the rebels on Monday last. According to appearances the young man received his death wound from an enemy concealed up a tree. At this time the Light Horse was engaged at a considerable distance away from this Rover.

We regret to learn that Mr. R.M. BRUCE of Salem, who went to the front with BOWKER’s Rovers, has died of a fever in the hospital at King Williamstown.

The Guide says: J. HULL, who was wounded in the engagement, on his own farm, East London Division, with the rebels on Tuesday last, died early on Thursday morning.

Wednesday 20 March 1878

The death is announced of Mr. Alexander HENDERSON, late Civil Commissioner of Murraysburg. He had been associated with Murraysburg ever since its establishment as a magistracy in 18[55].

The Free Press says: A few more mournful particulars have come to hand relative to the sudden death of this gentleman. He was riding on patrol about 6 o’clock in the evening, when the lightning struck him on the head and passed down his body, inflicting such severe injuries that his death must have been instantaneous. His helmet was split into five pieces, and he was lifted off his horse and fell several yards away. The horse was killed. One or two others riding in the troop felt the stroke. Captain HARVEY was thrown forward on his horse and one of the men had his hand injured. We are glad to hear Mr. GILFILLAN’s life was insured for £1,000. He leaves a wife and 5 little children.

Monday 25 March 1878

DIED on Saturday the 16th instant, Mr. William A. SHAW, of the Ghie, third son of the Rev Barnabas SHAW. He was Sergeant in the Albany Mounted Volunteers and was shot by accident while on night duty in the Perie Bush.

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