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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1878 - 2 - April to June

Friday 5 April 1878

DIED suddenly at the residence of her son, Mr. G. ELLIOTT, King Williamstown, on Saturday 16th March 1878, Sarah, relict of the late Mr. Mark ELLIOTT of Lower Albany, aged 79 years 2 months and one day. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820 and was universally respected by all who knew her. The family of the deceased desire to offer their sincere thanks to all kind friends for their sympathy on this sad occasion. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Monday 8 April 1878

MARRIED at Alice by the Rev D.D. Young, on the 3rd April 1878, the Rev F.G. CHRISTMANN, of Griqualand East, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of R. LEVEY Esq, Alice.

DIED at Seven Fountains on the 4th April 1878, Amelia, the beloved wife of W.K. EMSLIE, aged 56 years 11 months and 13 days.
“She is not dead but sleepeth”
“Oh sing to me of Heaven
When I am called to die,
Sing, sing of holy [ecstasy]
To waft my soul on high”

Wednesday 10 April 1878

The death is recorded of Mr. Sydney MAY, acting headmaster of the Diocesan Grammar School in King Williamstown. Overwork seems to have led to his death, and the bereavement of a young wife to whom he had been married only fifteen weeks.

The Richmond Era reports: The marriage of M.J. JACKSON Esq, our C.C. & R.M., to Miss BRINK, daughter of J.B.O. BRINK Esq, MLA, took place in the Dutch Reformed Church before a very large congregation on Thursday evening last, the officiating clergyman being the Rev Mr. Martin [obscured], Victoria West.

Friday 12 April 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown, April 11th, the wife of Henry M. HILL Esq, of Salem, of a son.

Monday 15 April 1878

In the Estate of the late Charles MACLEAN of Grant’s valley, Kareiga Mouth
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed to the Office of Executors Dative of the above Estate. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to send them to the first undersigned on or before the 30th April 1878, and all persons indebted are called upon to pay the amount of their Debts on or before the above date or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Executors dative

DIED on the 4th April 1878, of Consumption, at Klipfontein, Graaff-Reinet, Edith Patience EDWARDS (born LEPPAN) beloved wife of Walter J.L. EDWARDS, son of Rev Jno. EDWARDS of this town, aged 32 years 7 months and 19 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Burghersdorp on Wednesday the 10th instant, Jessie, the beloved wife of Mr. W.G. HISCOCK, fourth daughter of Mr. John WEBB of Grahamstown. Aged 24 years and 3 months.

DIED at Alicedale on the 11th inst, the beloved wife of James COOK, aged 32 years and 11 months.

The East London Despatch says: On Monday afternoon last the body of a man named William DUCE was picked up in the river. The deceased came out to the colony as a recruit for the F.A.M. Police and was now a convict constable.

Thursday 18 April 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 15th instant, the wife of Mr. M. ANDREWS of a daughter.

DIED on Monday the 15th inst, at the residence of Mr. John Edwin WOOD, Fair View House, West Hill, Grahamstown, Martha, the beloved wife of C.H. CALDECOTT.
Grahamstown, 17th April 1878

We regret to record the death at the residence of J.E.WOOD Esq, on Tuesday last, of Mrs. CALDECOTT, the wife of C.H. CALDECOTT Esq, a respected ex-mayor of this city. The deceased lady was the eldest daughter of William WRIGHT Esq, merchant, of Grahamstown, whose widow was the founder of Christ Church, Oatlands. She has suffered a lingering illness in Grahamstown, where she received every attention and the best medical assistance. The funeral yesterday was attended by a large number of the principal inhabitants of the city.

Tuesday 23 April 1878

DIED at Grahamstown on April 10 1878, Fanny SPIERS, the beloved wife of Thomas SPIERS, born April 21 1823 at Chipen Campden, Gloucestershire, England. [sic: should be Chipping Campden] Deeply regretted by all her children.

Friday 26 April 1878

MARRIED at Somerset East on the 17th April, by the Rev Arthur Brigg, Jonathan, second surviving son of John BRENT Esq, Belmont, to Rosena Lucy, third daughter of Edward John HISCOCK, Dierko. No cards.

MARRIED at Port Alfred on April 10th 1878 at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev W.E. Kelly, assisted by the Rev G.W. Cross, Baptist Ministers, Thomas Reuben HUBBARD, late of Somerset East, to Fanny Lydia, second daughter of Benjamin HOCKEY Esq.

A most determined case of suicide has been committed by a young man named William PATMORE placing a gun, loaded with ball, in his mouth, and blowing out his brains. When found he was lying on his back with his coat off, and one shoe on. A piece of string was fastened to the trigger of the gun, and to the toes of the shoeless foot. By this means he is supposed to have committed the rash act.

The Uitenhage Times reports: An accident occurred recently at the farm Dantjes Kraal, by which three persons lost their lives. It appears, from information we have received from a correspondent, that Hendrik COOK’s sister and two Hottentot girls went to a stone dam to bathe. The dam was full, and getting out of their depth they sank in the mud. One Hottentot had not been found when our correspondent wrote. The other two bodies were found “fast in each other’s arms in the mud.”

Monday 29 April 1878

BIRTH at Bishopsbourne on Wednesday 24th April, the wife of Mr. A. DOUGLASS of a son.

DIED at his residence, Market-square, Grahamstown on 29th April 1878, Mr. J.C. HOOLE, aged 61 years and 11 months. Deeply beloved and regretted.
The Funeral of the late Mr. J.C. HOOLE will move from his residence, Market-square, tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock precisely. Friends are invited to attend. No special invitations issued.

Friday 3 May 1878

BIRTH at the Hope on April 26th 1878, the wife of Wm. WAKEFORD of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on 26th April 1878, Mary, second daughter of Henry and Louisa KNOWLES.

The Cape Mercury reports: The Rev. R.S. LESLIE is dead, and by his death the Free Church of Scotland loses an able and devoted missionary and a select circle is deprived of a most estimable and valued friend. He was a missionary in the [Grulokas] and resided at the Tatura, the station the Rev Tyo SOGA founded and died at. He died at the residence of the Rev Mr CUMMING, at Umgwali, the station established by the Rev SOGA after the cattle killing mania. The cause of death was dysentery, from which he suffered rather more than a fortnight.

Friday 10 May 1878

MARRIED at King Williamstown on the 6th May by the Most Rev J.D. Ricards DD, Roman Catholic Bishop, assisted by the Rev J. Fagan, C.N. De Riberac EDDIE Esq to Marian Cecilia MULLINS, youngest daughter of P. MULLINS Esq.

Monday 13 May 1878

DIED at Fort England, Grahamstown, on the 12th May 1878, Frances Sophia WRIGHT (born ROMAN), the wife of William WRIGHT

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown on the evening of the 12th inst, Alice Winifred, second daughter of Benjamin Booth and Cordelia ATTWELL, aged 3 years and 23 days.

DIED at Market-square, Grahamstown, on Monday May 6th 1878, Nina Emily Maria, only daughter of Charles J and Elizabeth ROBERTS. Aged 3 years.

We learn with much regret that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. ATTWELL, a child about two years of age, died of scarlet fever on Sunday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. H. KENNELLY have also lost their daughter, an only child, from the same disease. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents.

Our readers (says the Empire) will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. DARTS, the wife of the Rev Mr. DARTS, well known at the Cape. The sad event took place on Friday last at the residence of Mr. DAVIS, Finsbury Park, London. The deceased lady, we believe, had been prostrated by illness for some months prior to her death.

Friday 17 May 1878

BIRTH at Sho Shong on Monday 22nd April 1878, the wife of Mr. Alfred Charles CLARK of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday 14th May 1878, the wife of Mr. Benjamin SMITH of a daughter.

DIED on the 8th May 1878, James Cotterell, beloved child and oldest son of Oliver and Lydia HOOLE of Oudtshoorn

DIED at Collingham on the 16th inst, in the 67th year of her age, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. William WENTWORTH. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

The death of Mr. LETTS, the goldseeker, is reported by the Alice Times. The funeral took place last week, the remains of the deceased being buried with Masonic honours.

We (Volkstrom) regret very much to announce the death of this gallant Captain, which occurred at Fort W[...]ber last week. Our readers will remember that some two weeks ago he was slightly wounded, and the wound has proved fatal. We lose in Capt. VAN DEVENTER a gentleman who is universally respected, and was as brave as he was gentle.

Mr. Charles REED, one of the twin sons of Mr. George REED, was travelling with a wagon load of wool on the Cape road, Port Elizabeth, and being about to jump on the wagon while the vehicle was in motion, he caught hold of the rein which secured the wool bales, in order to aid his ascent. The rein gave way, and Mr. REED falling between the after oxen and the [obscured], the wagon wheel went over his chest, breaking the [obscured] and fracturing several ribs. He died in the hospital.

Monday 20 May 1878

BIRTH at Market square, Grahamstown this (Monday) morning, 20th May 1878, the wife of Mr. Peter POTE of a son.

Thursday 23 May 1878

DIED at Grahamstown on May 19th, Arthur George LEVING, aged 6 years and 3 months.

DIED at Grahamstown of Diptheria on the 21st May 1878, Samuel Thomas, the beloved son of George Gordon and Martha Maria HAYES, aged 2 years and 11 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
There’s a beautiful land on high
Where we shall no more weep or sigh,
Our Sammy is there,
We must all prepare
To meet him beyond the sky.
His troubles are o’er,
He’ll be in pain no more
Now he’s gone to that beautiful shore.

Monday 27 May 1878

DIED of Heart Disease at the Grove, Grahamstown, on May 21st 1878, William SHAW, aged 21 years, eldest son of Matthew Ben and Annie SHAW, Shawbury, St.John’s Territory, Transkei, and grandson of the late Rev William SHAW.

We learn with very great regret the tidings of the death of Mr. Thomas Burt GLANVILLE, so well known and so much respected in this colony. He died at Woking in Surrey on 1st May, and from the brief intelligence that has in various ways reached us, it is probable that the immediate cause of death was heart disease. Circumstances today do not admit of our doing justice to his memory in the columns of this Journal, which was for many years edited by him with conspicuous ability. We can but express our sense of the loss which South Africa sustains in the death of a public servant, thoroughly acquainted with our affairs and well able to defend the views and interests of the colony at home. There are very few men who to so much mental power, wit and intelligence, joined the quality of being so generally beloved; and it will be some consolation to his bereaved relatives, both in this country and in England, to feel that Mr. GLANVILLE will be mourned as widely as he was known.

The Fort Beaufort Advertiser gives the following particulars: About four o’clock on Wednesday morning an express arrived from Leuwfontein, bringing news that a Dutch farmer named SCHOLTZ, living about two miles this side of Jones’ Hotel, had been shot by the Kafirs, and requesting despatch of reinforcements. The particulars of this tragic affair appear to be that shortly after seven o’clock on Tuesday evening SCHOLTZ, who had just finished his supper with his family, went to the kraal as usual to see that everything was right. He had gone half way round when a shot was fired. The servants on the place started to Jones’ for assistance. Messengers were then sent off from there to Koonap and Leuwfontein, where mounted volunteers are stationed. Mr. JONES, who arrived in town last evening, informed us that as soon as he heard from SCHOLTZ’s servants what had occurred, he started off, and on reaching the kraal where the shot had been fired he found SCOLTZ lying on his face with his hands underneath. A bullet had entered the left side, passed through the bowels and through the left hand, shattering the middle finger. Mrs SCHOLTZ and her six children, “young girls”, were found in the bush, where they had run for safety. It seems that there were two Kafirs at the kraal. Their spoors were traced some distance next morning. Later news was brought in concerning SCHOLTZ’s murderers. From the footmarks it appears that one of them had on a pair of veldschoon, the other was barefooted. Lieut. HARCOURT, in charge of a detachment at Koonap, apprehended two men who were leisurely walking along the Koonap road. Their footmarks corresponded with those at SCHOLTZ’s kraal. One man had a double barrelled gun, and one barrel bore traces of having recently been fired off. The suspected parties are in custody.

Wednesday 29 May 1878

The following is an extract from a letter from Commandant SCHERMBRUCKER: “I left Isidengo Camp accompanied by Capt. SPILLMAN and thirty men to the True Blues. At half past 12 o’clock we met the enemy at Buffalo Poort and a very hot fight ensued. The enemy numbered about 500 strong, so that we rapidly spent our ammunition; and it was only when he last cartridge had been spent that Capt. SPILLMAN’s noble troop retired to remount their horses. It was just at that moment when Joseph DICKS mounted that an enemy’s bullet hit him right through the breast, and whilst [obscured] another bullet went into his head. Death ensued instantaneously. I had the body brought into camp and it was buried with full military honours at Isidengo this afternoon at 4 o’clock. An officer of the corps read the prayers over the grave, and we buried him alongside of another brave man – young HELLIER, who was shot in action in the same range of bush. The grave will be fenced in and decently kept.

The mournful event of the death of Mr. Thomas Burt GLANVILLE, which was recorded in our last issue, cannot fail to be regarded as a public calamity; and in no community will it be more keenly felt than in Grahamstown, where many years of the most vigorous part of his life were spent, and where he gained the well earned reputation as a brilliant writer, and as a wise and sagacious politician, by which his name and memory must ever be distinguished.
It was in the year 1865 that he first became associated with this journal, and while it worthily occupied the high and influential position to which it had been guided by the skill and talent of the Father of the Eastern Press, Mr. GLANVILLE’s connection with it became noticeable by the cheerful, genial style which ever marked the production of his pen. Following the line on which he found it, the Journal, under his management, continued a course of honest, judicious devotion to Eastern province interests. No political or social occurrences escaped attention. The active and vigilant Editor was ever ready with the appropriate suggestion, and the opportune advice given in that animated strain, that singular felicity of language, which were so peculiarly his own.
The Journal has had a long – it would only be affectation if we did not add – a serviceable career. It has never shrunk from or evaded duty, and every honest witness must testify that it lost no prestige, it suffered no diminution of public favour, while controlled and directed by him whose loss we now deplore; and if in the future it can be conducted as he conducted it, if its opinions can be expressed as forcibly as under his facile pen they were expressed, we may safely hope that its coming time will not be utterly unworthy of its past history.
We do not intend to ignore the fact that there were some who did find fault with his writings, nor do we mean to say that those who withheld the merit of praise, given so ungrudgingly by the majority of his readers, were moved by any unworthy motives. There were thoroughly honest men who did not hesitate to say that his politics were colourless and his opinions not sufficiently pronounced; but looking back now upon events which he was dealing with, as they were transpiring ere their final issues were ascertained, it will be difficult to point to any instances in which his judgement was at fault, while we can observe many which prove that his hesitancy was prudent. With regard to the very uncertainty which was complained of, nothing is easier than to fall in with popular views, nothing more natural than to adopt commonly accepted impressions; it is the truest wisdom to pause while there is uncertainty, and to be positive only when the evidence is clear and the arguments conclusive, and so we are bold enough to say that if the mission of Thomas Burt GLANVILLE is fairly considered in its relation to the Chronicles of the colony and the important facts they record, it will be found that he hesitated only when it was folly to be oracular; and that when he was decided in his opinions he expressed the opinions of a sagacious, as well as a prudent man.
This sagacity to which we are referring was always a prominent feature in his character. Never was there a safer adviser, or one who more conspicuously possessed the faculty of directing the course which should be taken under embarrassing circumstances. He was invaluable as a member of a committee. If conditions were perplexing, opinions conflicting and parties antagonistic, a few words from him removed difficulties, reconciled views that were diverse, and men that were hostile, and speedily carried harmonious and judicious resolutions. And all this he would effect with unvarying kindness; he inflicted no wounds, he delighted in giving pleasure, and hundreds in the Colony hear pleasant and agreeable recollections of the associations which it as their good fortune to have with him while he lived in their midst. It is no wonder that he should have been chosen as a member of the Colonial Parliament. He was first elected to the House of Assembly as one of the representatives for the district of Victoria East, and held that position for two years. This was at a time when the Sessions of the Legislature were protracted, and required a very much longer attendance at Capetown than could reasonably be expected from a business man. The imperative call of his duties here required him to resign his seat, and it was not until some years later that upon the urgent and pressing requisition of his fellow citizens he was induced to enter the House of Assembly again as a member for this City. He was now forced to take part in the great battle of Responsible Government, which in those days shook colonial society to its very centre. Though systematically opposing that change, it was obvious to him that its occurrence was inevitable, and that the passing of the measure was only a question of time; hence, while steadily voting with his party, he took the opportunity of making suggestions which proved to be useful. For instance, we believe it was he who recommended that in the arrangement of the Executive offices, that of Secretary for native Affairs should be created; and subsequent events have shown that our colonial relations needed the constitution of that office.
He was by no means a frequent speaker in the House; he spoke only when he had something to say, and he possessed the rare art of leaving off when he had said it. Essentially an impromptu speaker, he excelled in the talent of being able to take all the salient points of a question, and state them in clear, forcible, often eloquent terms. Skilful in debate, few men could more readily collect the arguments of an opponent, and more effectually answer them. It was never his lot to address an impatient audience. He was never a bore. On the contrary, he had an exhaustless fund of anecdote, a keen and refined sense of humour, and thus was able to enliven his addresses with the most charming sallies of wit, by means of which, when in the vein, he could with the utmost facility throw his hearers into uncontrollable laughter.
A very significant proof of the impression he had made in the House of Assembly was given by the invitation he received from Mr. MOLTENO to join the first Colonial Ministry, with the offer of the Portfolio for Native Affairs. When this transpired his friends eagerly desired that he should accept the overtures of the Premier elect. It was hoped that with a seat in the Cabinet he would obtain a wider field of usefulness, , for the exercise of his peculiar powers; and we make no doubt whatever that if he had responded to that call, his influence would have been felt in shaping the destinies of the Colony, as it was in every position in which it was exercised. But the imperious demands of the business of the firm with which he was connected, which under his enterprise had now become extended to the Diamond Fields, forced him to decline the proffered honour, and soon after to give up the representation of the City in Parliament.
He was now able to give closer attention to the new and important engagements which he had undertaken at the Fields. He had been one of the earliest to visit this newly developed source of wealth. He saw at a glance that the discovery of diamonds would give an impetus to the commerce of South Africa, such as had never yet been experienced, and therefore lost no time in planting there a branch of his firm, and establishing the Diamond News, both of which projects under his fostering care rapidly grew, and by their results more than answered his expectations, and demonstrated his shrewdness and sagacity.
It was in the year 1873 that he yielded to the yearning anxiety to visit England, which is so common in those who leave the Mother Country in early life. Though he had become a genuine colonist, he was a true son of old England. His native land had held a charm for him which he could not resist, and as soon as favouring conditions permitted he took leave of us to go back to the home of his childhood. The keen enjoyment and the rich delight which this visit gave him were well described in a series of deeply interesting letters written by him, and from time to time published in these columns. He had not been there long ere he was fixed in London, and hard at work. His partners had resolved upon another enterprise; the Empire newspaper was established, and again he occupied the Editor’s sanctum, with his usual and customary success – a want long felt was admirably met, and a journal was published in London for the use of colonists, by colonists. European subjects were handled as it were from a colonial point of view, and the same buoyant style which had enlivened the pages of the Journal, gratified the supporters of the Empire, which has so far followed a satisfactory course, and has enjoyed much public favour.
The duties of conducting a newspaper – always harassing and laborious – were at length too severe for a man whose health needed lighter and less irregular work, so that he was led to accept the office of Emigration Commissioner, in succession to his friend Mr. FULLER. His occupation now involved much responsibility, and the uniform business of a Colonial department, but it was at least free from worry and hard labour. His large experience, attractive manners and kind heart rendered him specially adapted for his post. He was constantly in communication with those wanting information respecting “The Cape”. Intending emigrants sought his advice, and his rooms were a convenient resort to Colonists visiting England. He was always actively engaged in collecting emigrants for the Colony, under the Government scheme, or recruits for the Police Force, and making arrangements for their voyage; he seemed happy in his work, a long career of public usefulness in that special department seemed to be opening for him, his looks were those of a man in his prime, and his friends reasonably expected for him many years of good service, and might have hoped that he would enjoy in the evening of life a long and vigorous old age, when they were startled first by the intelligence of his illness, and then, saddest of all, by the news of his death.
And thus has passed away a marked and [typical] man, one whose broad generous sympathies lifted him above all that was mean or selfish; whose gentleness of manner, considerateness of behaviour, and goodness of heart, won for him in his life “troops of friends”, and who now in his death leaves a memory which will be loved and cherished by all who knew him.

A COLD BLOODED MURDER has been committed at Pretoria in camp by a soldier, named BOOTH, on Acting Sergeant-Major NEWMAN. BOOTH deliberately shot NEWMAN dead in his tent. He said he was sorry he could not have shot Colonel, Adjutant and some others as well. No reason is known for the foul deed, and BOOTH is committed for trial for murder.

Friday 31 May 1878

In the Estate of the late James Cotterell HOOLE
All persons claiming to be creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims at the office of Messrs. HOOLE & Co, Church-square, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay their accounts within the same period.
Dated at Grahamstown this 23rd day of May 1878
Isabella B. HOOLE, Executrix
E.B.C. HOOLE, Executor Testamentary

BIRTH at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. G.J. HILL of a daughter.

We are sorry to learn that a member of Capt. SAMPSON’s troop, Trooper HORNE, has succumbed to dysentery at the Albany Hospital. He was brought into town the other day suffering badly from an attack, and it has proved too much for him. He will be buried tomorrow, and the Volunteers will attend the funeral.

Monday 3 June 1878

DIED suddenly at Kimberley, Diamond Fields, on Sunday June 2nd 1878, John Hunt VENABLES, second son of the late John VENABLES. Friends will please accept this notice.

Information was received here of the murder at Daniel’s Kull of Field-cornet BURGESS, his wife, and family.

On Saturday afternoon the funeral of Trooper HORNE, whose death from dysentery in the Albany Hospital was recorded in our last, took place at the Wesleyan cemetery. The Volunteers (in uniform) attended the funeral in large numbers, and the scene was a striking one as the long procession moved down the streets of the city, the Band playing the Dead March in “Saul”. The coffin, wrapped in a flag, was borne on one of the artillery guns. The ceremony at the grave was conducted by the Rev W.H. PRICE and at the close a firing party of the First City under Sergeant GUEST discharged three volleys over the grave of the deceased Volunteer. Amongst the officers who followed we noticed Commandant MINTO, Captain REYNOLDS, Captain NELSON, Lieut. Claude EDDIE, Lieut. CLOUGH, Lieut. DODD, Lieut. MACPHERSON &c. there was the usual crowd which is attracted to Volunteer demonstrations in the city.

Wednesday 5 June 1878

On the 22nd inst one Stephen GROBLER, a Dutch farmer residing at Rietpoort, in the district of Winburg, Free State, left home to visit his neighbours in good health and spirits on his fiftieth birthday, and took his gun with him. In the evening, shortly after sunset, a Kafir saw a horse coming helter skelter across the flat without a rider, and captured the terrified animal, bringing it to his master. Next morning GROBLER was found lying on his face, with one leg under him, and his neck broken.

Friday 7 June 1878

MARRIED by Special Licence at Bloemfontein on Monday 27th May, Eduard CONRADI of Kimberley to Frances, eldest daughter of the late A.E. VICKERS Esq of Grahamstown.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 3rd June 1878, in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Alice, by the Rev E.Y. Brooks, John Kenneth MACLEAN, Inspector F.A.M.P., third son of the late Colonel MACLEAN CB, to Jessie, second daughter of William McGLASHAN Esq of Alice.

DIED at Carlaessanleg, Rouxville O.F.S. on May 25th, Walter, third son of Richard N. and Mary Ann FORRESTER, aged 18 years 4 months and 17 days.

A man named CHRISTIE was found in a sitting posture in the street in King Williamstown the other day, quite dead. The cause is said to have been excessive drinking and exposure.

Tuesday 11 June 1878

We regret to record the death this morning, at the residence of Jonathan AYLIFF Esq, of the Rev Mr MACDONALD, who arrived a little time since from England in search of health.

The Cape Mercury reports: The Rev John ROSS MA, one of the oldest missionaries in this country, died in town yesterday morning and will be buried at the Perie Mission Station tomorrow.

A Port Elizabeth correspondent writing us by last post reports a dreadful accident which happened on Saturday night. He says: “I have just heard of a sad accident which occurred last night at Emerald Hill. From all I can learn it appears that a party out for the Whitsuntide holidays went shooting in the bush on Saturday night. Among them were Mr. MELROSE, a blacksmith, and Mr. NIXON, an agriculturist and market gardener. NIXON was in the bush and MELROSE somehow or other shot him right in the face with a charge of loopers and buckshot. I am told the poor man died on the spot. Such accidents as these are indeed terrible.”

Friday 14 June 1878

BIRTH on the 12th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of \Mr. F.J. CORNUEL of a son.

BIRTH at “Emslie Cottage” Bloemfontein, O.F.S. on the 3rd inst, the wife of W. JAMES of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 11th June 1878, the Rev henry Francis MACDONALD MA, late of St.Paul’s, Leamington, England, eldest son of the Rev Canon MACDONALD MA of Kersal, Manchester, aged 27 years and 5 months.

We omitted in our last to record the death of Trooper Samuel WHITE, an apprentice from the Penny Mail office, who fell a victim to fever on Saturday last, after serving faithfully at the front.

Monday 17 June 1878

MARRIED at Alice by the Rev Holden on the 12th June 1878, Oliver Percy WEBB of Tarkastad to Mary Jane, second daughter of Mr. R. LEVEY, Alice.

The Zuid Afrikaan reports that Mrs. JOLLY has recently given birth to quadruplets – two sons and two daughters. The newly arrived family are, together with their mother, doing remarkably well. But how about JOLLY père! – East London paper
Of course he cannot help being jolly! – Ed. J.

The death of Mr. P.U. LIEBBRANDT, a well known citizen of Capetown, is recorded.

Wednesday 19 June 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on June 17th, the wife of Mr. S.W. LONG of a daughter.

This afternoon the funeral of a volunteer has taken place, viz that of Mr. Thomas SHAW, a member of the G.V. Rifles, and also of the “Ark of Safety” Lodge. Both the volunteers of the corps and the members of the Lodge followed in uniform and regalia respectively, and a firing party paid the last honours in three volleys across the grave.

This morning a painful act of self destruction was committed at the house of Mr. LONGWITH, Settlers’ Hill, by a respectable man, aged 34 or 35, named HILL, who was in the employ of Mr. P.T. JONES of the boot manufactory, Church-square. It seems that the unfortunate man now deceased came to town from Capetown in March last, having been there in the employ of Mr. [DEMERELICK] for a period of 15 months. He had been corresponding, since his arrival here, with a young person of the other sex, living a few miles from the town of George, and it was known that the correspondence had not been satisfactory to Mr. HILL, and the last letter received is said to have greatly upset his mind. At twenty minutes past four this morning Mr. LONGWITH was aroused by a call from him, and going into his room, was told by him that he had poisoned himself on account of the girl. It was at once discovered that he had taken strychnine. The landlord called Mr. CASSELL, another employee of Mr. JONES, and a doctor was fetched at once, but the man had breathed his last in terrible agony. He is said to have been born in Somersetshire, and brought up at Worcester, England.

Friday 21 June 1878

MARRIED on the 24th May 1878 at Durban, D.J. BOWER of Pretoria to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of G. LEPPAN Esq, Tee Fountain, Grahamstown

Monday 24 June 1878

BIRTH on the 23rd instant at Fort England, the wife of Robert HULLAH Esq, Surgeon-Superintendent of the Grahamstown Asylum, of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 20th instant at St.George’s Cathedral by the Ven. Archdeacon White, Arthur MATTHEWS Esq, Vice Principal of St.Andrew’s College, to Frances Gertrude, eldest daughter of Frederick HOLLAND Esq of Port Elizabeth.

Universal regret is expressed at the decease of this worthy man. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, and was followed by His Excellency Lieut-General THESIGER and staff, together with a large body of the inhabitants, the band of the 1-24th playing appropriate airs, and a strong firing party of the same Regiment preceding the corpse. The pall bearers were J.R. INNES Esq C.C. & R.M., Charles BROWNLEE Esq, Commandant-General GRIFFITH and Dr. CHIAPPINI; the Rev W.B. RAYNER officiated at the grave.

Wednesday 26 June 1878

BIRTH on Tuesday 25th instant, the wife of Mr. Josiah SLATER of a daughter.

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