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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1878 - 4 - October to December

Monday 7 October 1878

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd October by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, at the residence of Mrs. LOCKE Sen, William Henry David WEBBER, youngest son of C.P. WEBBER, to Emily Locke NELSON, eldest daughter of Charles Horatio NELSON of Crediton, Devon, England.

DIED on the 18th September at Clarkebury, Tembuland, after one day’s illness, Clayton, son of the Rev P. HARGREAVES, aged 2 years and 1 month

It is with deep regret we (Fort Beaufort Advocate) have to record the unexpected death of Mr. Alexander FERGUSON of the Yellowwoods Hotel, who suddenly expired after a couple of days’ Illness.

WEDDING – On Wednesday last Mr. J.W. PARKER of Tarkastad was united to Miss Alice E.J. THORNHILL, fourth daughter of an old and respected resident of the Cradock district, Mr. C.M. THORNHILL. The wedding was one of the [prettiest] ever in Cradock.

We (E.L. Despatch) regret to state that on the evening previous to the departure of the Cour[...] from Natal, the chief officer Mr. R.W. GRINDLAY was seized with inflammation of the bowels and died in about an hour. The body was taken on shore in the Company’s tender Fox for interment. The deceased was a native of Liverpool and about 32 years of age.

An inquest has been held at King Williamstown on the body of Hans VAN RIEBECK, who shot himself in a boarding-house on Monday last. The deceased occupied a good position in the German army, and was (the Watchman is told) the first to bring the news of Napoleon’s capture at Sedan to Metz; he was then attached to the staff at Sedan. He is said to have been latterly of intemperate habits.

Monday 14 October 1878

BIRTH at Oatlands on Tuesday 8th last, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son
Grahamstown 9th October 1878

MARRIED on the 9th October at the Shrewsbury Chapel, District of Peddie, by the Rev J. Priestley, Geo. LLOYD of Longridge, to Emily Jane, second daughter of Mr. G.H. DUELL [sic, should be DELL] of Maitland. No cards.

DIED at Kuruman on 30th September, at the residence of her sons, Mrs. John CHAPMAN Sen in the 70th year of her age.

Monday 21 October 1878

BIRTH on the 16th inst, the wife of Mr. Arthur JUDD of a daughter.

DIED on the 10th inst at Belmont, District of Graaff-Reinet, deeply regretted by his numerous friends, John BRENT Esq, aged 54 years. The bereaved family wish especially to thank Mr. W.H. BERRINGTON and Mr. John MACNAUGHTON for their invaluable services on the mournful occasion.
Oct 14 1878

Wednesday 23 October 1878

The P.E. Telegraph says: One day last week an interesting little girl of six years of age, daughter of Mr. HILDEBRAND, a substantial farmer between George and Mossel Bay, strayed away from the house and came in contact with a large puff-adder, which bit her, twisting itself round her leg. It was with the greatest difficulty she freed herself from the horrid creature and ran home. Everything that could be done at the time was done, but all of no avail. The poor child died a few hours after.

A SUICIDE of a horrible nature took place at Mount Coke on Sunday afternoon. We (Watchman) have the particulars from Mr. REEVES, who has the hotel at that station. He was in town attending Circuit when the melancholy affair took place, and the deceased was in his employ as journeyman wagonmaker. It appears that John HENDRY (or HENRY), the eldest son of the late J. HENDRY Sen, went out on Sunday last before 4 o’clock for a walk, taking his little child with him. His wife was down with fever and dysentery. Upon his return he went into the room next to the sick woman, quietly set his child down upon the bed, and then blew his brains out with a carbine. His skull was smashed to atoms; and those who saw the painful sight say that it was most sickening. So revolting are the details that we do not care to write them. No reason as yet can be assigned for the deed. He leaves a wife and three children; the former is in a very precarious condition.

Friday 25 October 1878

BIRTH at Bedford on Saturday the 19th October 1878, the wife of Mr. Ritchie LAWRIE of a daughter.

MARRIED at Panmure October 22 1878, by the Rev Chas. Pittman, John Dean TINLEY Esq, E.L. & Q Railway, eldest son of T. TINLEY Esq, C.C. and R.M, Swellendam, to Bessie, fifth daughter of the late B.M. SHEPPERSON Esq of Grahamstown. [sic - groom should be TILNEY]

Monday 28 October 1878

MARRIED at the Presbyterian Church, Somerset East, on the 10th October by the Rev J.H. Hofmayer, John Henry KING, fourth son of Francis KING Esq JP of Elizabeth Farm, Bedford, to Jessie Munro PRINGLE, daughter of Thomas PRINGLE Esq of Somerset East.

Wednesday 30 October 1878

The East London Dispatch reports: Yesterday at the Wesleyan Church Miss SHEPPERSON of this town was married to Mr. J.D. TINLEY, Locomotive Superintendent on the East London and Queenstown Railway. The ceremony was performed by the Rev C. PITTMAN, a large number of friends being present. The bride and bridegroom left at noon by train for Dohne. There was a considerable amount of bunting and decoration displayed on the engine and about the railway buildings.

Monday 4 November 1878

BIRTH at Oak Terrace, Grahamstown on 1st November, the wife of Mr. B.E. LEACH of a daughter.

DIED at Berlin on the 31st October 1878, Annie, wife of Bertram Egerton BOWKER, aged 63 years. Relatives and friends please accept this notice.

DIED on Sunday November 3rd 1878, at Grahamstown, Felix James, infant son of Felix James and Amelia CORNUEL, aged 4 months and 22 days.
“And Jesus called a little child unto Him”

Wednesday 6 November 1878

BIRTH at Cassel Cottage, West Hill, Grahamstown on Sunday the 3rd Nov 1878, the wife of J. GAU Esq of a son.

It was with deep regret, and with the warmest feelings of sympathy for the family, that we (Watchman) heard of the very unexpected death of Mrs. Bertram BOWKER of Pembroke.

The Friend has the following:- On Sunday evening last a dreadful accident happened near Clocolann in the Conquered Territory. It appears that Mr. Piet DE JAGER, who lives on Mr. C. RABIN’s farm, was absent from home. Mrs DE JAGER, as she was alone, went about sunset to a neighbour’s to get someone to sleep with her and her family, who were living in a canvas tent. While she was away the wind sprung up and threatened to rain. Upon her return she was horrified to find that the tent was burnt to the ground, and that two of the children had perished in the flames, and a third was so severely burnt that little hope is held out of its recovery.

Wednesday 13 November 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Monday 12th Nov [sic], the wife of Mr. J.O. STEPHEN of a daughter.

We regret to announce the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry WOOD.

We regret very much to hear of the death of Mrs. Thomas SHEFFIELD, which sad event occurred yesterday morning. Two young children are left without a mother.

The Watchman reports:- Yesterday a Swiss-Frenchman named Jean HUGH was drowned in the Buffalo whilst bathing in a deep part of the river near Dorden’s Mill. It is said that deceased was slightly intoxicated and was not able to swim, and so, when he went out of his depth, he could not get back to the bank. Several people were in sight at the time of the occurrence, but not near enough to render assistance.

Friday 15 November 1878

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Monday 11th November, Richard, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry WOOD.

DIED at Somerset-street, Grahamstown, on the morning of Tuesday 12th November, Georgina, the beloved wife of Thomas SHEFFIELD, in the 30th year of her age. Also on Friday evening, November 8th, the infant son of the above.

Friday 22 November 1878

BIRTH at Market-square, Grahamstown, on Saturday 16th November 1878, the wife of Mr. Edward KING of a daughter.

DIED on Sunday November 10th 1878 at Champagne, Edith, youngest daughter of John Mitford and Georgina Louisa BOWKER, aged 14 months and 22 days. Relatives and friends please accept this notice.

Friday 29 November 1878

BIRTH at Market-square, Grahamstown, on the 28th instant, the wife of Albert E. NELSON of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th November 1878, the wife of Mr. T. HOLLAND of a daughter.

DIED at Salem Park on the 24th inst, Charlotte Louise, the beloved daughter of James and Charlotte WEDDERBURN, aged [2] years and 8 months.

Wednesday 4 December 1878

The following telegram has been received by the Civil Commissioner from the Governor’s Private Secretary, Maritzburg:- “His Excellency has directed me to desire you kindly to express to Mrs. AYLIFF and her daughter his deep sympathy with them in their great loss.”

By a telegram which reached us recently from Natal, the sad intelligence is communicated of the death of the Hon. John AYLIFF, Judge of the Native Court in [this Colony]. It had been known to his friends for some time past that his health had become [irreparably] impaired.
[The rest of the paragraph is too faint to read]

Friday 6 December 1878

The death is announced on the 20th October at Great College Street, Westminster of George FRERE Esq, late Judge in the Mixed Court established at the Cape of Good Hope for the suppression on the Slave Trade, aged 65.

The Watchman reports:- On Sunday afternoon last, between four and five o’clock, a most cold-blooded and cruel murder took place on a German’s farm between Frankfort and Peelton. It appears that the farmer, named LINDRAMANN, had been of late losing sheep, and had noticed a couple of native lads of about 17 or 18 years of age idling about his lands. On Sunday morning last the family went to chapel, leaving a little girl to herd the sheep, and when her father returned she reported to him that the Kafir boys had been about again. His suspicions were immediately aroused as to these fellows being implicated in the theft of his sheep, and it appears from the evidence taken before the Magistrate yesterday that he was not wrong, since they acknowledge to have taken two, one of which they sold to a transport-elder for five shillings, and it was their intention to possess themselves of more. During the afternoon LINDRAMANN’s son, a child of ten years of age (he would have been ten had he been permitted to live until the 10th of this month) took his sister’s place, and looked after the sheep until about the time we have mentioned above, when he was pounced upon by these two native lads, one of whom felled him to the ground with a blow from a kerrin on the side of the head. They then took his braces and strangled him, and in order to make sure of the inability of the victim to tell tales, cut through the gullet with a knife, pushing it upward to the root of the tongue. They then drove the flock of sheep into the adjacent bush. Whilst doing this, a neighbour’s child, who was also herding sheep, gave notice to his father that the Kafirs were driving off LINDRAMANN’s flock, and RISTO conveyed the intelligence to his neighbour. Seizing his gun and calling his dogs, LINDRAMANN made off in pursuit, the dogs taking up the spoor, but having followed for about a mile he gave up the chase and came back looking for his child, and found him weltering in his blood. The dreadful tidings have been conveyed to the Magistrate, Field-Cornet LANDREY was communicated with, and on Tuesday morning that zealous and energetic officer brought the prisoners into town. They fully confess their guilt, and gave the Field-Cornet complete details as to the perpetration of the deed. We are sorry to say that the lads have both received Christian teaching. It seems terrible to think that the temptation to steal should have impelled to so brutal an act as taking the life of a helpless child.

Wednesday 11 December 1878

DIED on board the RMS Danube on Tuesday morning the 3rd December, at the outer anchorage, Port Natal, the Honorable John AYLIFF, Judge of the Native High Court, eldest son of the late Reverend John AYLIFF, aged 57 years. Deeply regretted.

The Colesberg Advertiser announces the death of Jacobus Johs. OOSTHUIZEN of P[....], Harlem. The deceased gentleman had been confined to his bed for upwards of three months by an attack of inflammation of the lungs, and bore his illness with exemplary patience and Christian fortitude.

Friday 13 December 1878

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on the 11th December by the Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, Herbert C. EVENS, son of C.J. EVENS Esq of Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, to Mary Edith, youngest daughter of Mr. Walter SMITH of Seven Oaks.

DEPARTED this life at Riebeck on the [3rd] December 1878, in his 29th year, Johan Paul Werndley ROUX, C.M. and M.B. of the University of Edinburgh, beloved son of the Rev Dr A. ROUX.

Friday 20 December 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown December 15th, the wife of W.S. COCKCROFT of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 16th December at Grahamstown by the Rev G.W. Cross, Baptist Minister Charles W. WEBBER, of the Kareiga, to Mary Jane WAKEFORD of Grahamstown.

MARRIED on the 31st October 1878, at Pretoria, Transvaal, Charles B.C. ROBERTS, son of Henry ROBERTS of Penderry, Cape Colony to Amy R. KIDWELL, youngest daughter of Charles J. KIDWELL of Hazeldean, Transvaal.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th December 1878, William Cruickshank EDDIE MA MRCS, late surgeon Cape Mounted Rifles, aged 74 years.

Tuesday 24 December 1878

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. B. HOOLE of a son.

The Alice Times reports that the funeral of the late Mr. J. SCOTT, who was murdered on the 12th instant, was one of the largest yet seen in the village. The deceased was a very active member of the Good Templars.

Friday 27 December 1878

We regret to have to record the death of the Rev Father FAYOLLE R.C.P, which took place yesterday. The lamented gentleman celebrated Mass last Sunday, apparently in good health, but early this week he was attacked by fever, from which he never rallied. Father FAYOLLE has been on the Fields only a few months, but during that time he endeared himself to his flock by his mildness and urbanity. His decease at the age of 25 is indeed a melancholy event. – Independent

Tuesday 31 December 1878

DEPARTED this life at Belvedere, on the 22nd December 1878, Caroline DUTHIE, relict of the late Thomas Henry DUTHIE, aged 65 years. Deeply regretted.

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