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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1879 - 1 - January to March

Monday 6 January 1879

DIED on December 28th at the Grahamstown Asylum, Fort England, James GRAHAM, aged 74. Came to the Colony with the 27th Regt in 1827, served in action under Captain [SMITH] at Natal, and afterwards in the Kafir war of 1846 on the Frontier.

Friday 10 January 1879

From the facts given in the Representative it seems that Mr. T.G. FORDHAM, Town Clerk, early in the morning of the 1st inst, saw a European lying under a mimosa bush at the back of STUART’s smithshop. He was very much cut about the head, face and hands, and was quite unconscious. Mr. FORDHAM at once went for the District Surgeon. Death slowly ensued. The deceased was one of those unfortunate loafers who haunt the canteens and low resorts of every colonial town. The appearance of the unfortunate victim indicated a condition of extreme poverty, his clothing only consisting of a grey cloth volunteer padded jacket, with black braid, tweed trousers, dark blue cloth waistcoat and a pair of dilapidated boots. It is thought that he was sleeping under the bush when he was attacked suddenly by natives – with the intent to rob him, as the pockets were turned inside out and empty. On awaking he tried to defend himself but was overpowered. No culprits yet in custody.

Wednesday 22 January 1879

The E.P. Herald records the death of Mrs. Elizabeth ROBSON at the advanced age of 91 years. Deceased was the relict of the late Rev Adam ROBSON, well known as having been many years pastor of the Native Church connected with the London Missionary Society.

Friday 24 January 1879

I the undersigned hereby tender a sincere and humble apology to Mrs. Franz TRIEGAARDT (born Selina WESSELS) for having inadvertently, and without any intention to damage her good name, circulated a report, which I had myself heard from others, that she had deserted her husband and taken up with another man. I find that the said report is so false and unfounded as it is disgraceful and scandalous, and I express my sincere regret for having caused pain to an irreproachable lady and her relatives, and promise to do my utmost to protect her character from further scandal.
Varkeu’s Kull, January 1879
Witnesses: James ALCOTT, R.H. ALCOTT

BIRTH on Thursday Jan 23, the wife of the Rev Robert J. MULLINS of a daughter.

DIED of Typhus Fever at Shadwell, Zuurberg, on the 13th January 1879. Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Samuel WEBBER, aged 26 years. Friends will please accept this intimation.

Monday 27 January 1879

BIRTH on the [19]th January, at Capetown, the wife of the Rev H. Martyn FOOT of a daughter.

BIRTH on Sunday January 26th 1879, at Wychling Cottage, Prince Alfred Road, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Reginald H. RICHMOND of a daughter.

Wednesday 29 January 1879

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 26 January 1879, Ann, relict of the late Richard CROUCH Sen, British Settler of 1820, aged 78 years and 10 months. Friends at a distance please to accept this notice.

A young man named RYNEVELD, an overseer in the employ of Messrs LEWIS & MARKS, was killed in one of his employers’ claims in the Kimberley mine by the sudden falling of a block of ground.

We (Guide) regret to hear of the very sudden death of Mr. TURNER, of Frankfort, caused, it is said, by his falling upon a piece of glass, which cut the skin right through and opened a main artery, thereby producing haemorrhage under which Mr. TURNER sank.

The sudden death of Mrs. CAMPBELL, the wife of Mr. J.N. CAMPBELL, formerly of the London Missionary Society’s Mission at Graaff-Reinet, is announced.

BIRTH on the 18th inst, the wife of Mr. John W. GEORGE of a son.
Grahamstown, Jan 20th

Friday 31 January 1879

DIED at Colesberg on Saturday 25 January 1879, after an illness of only three days, Louisa Roisa ROBINSON, widow of the late Mr. Thomas PLEWMAN, aged 65 years.

The Colesberg Advertiser records the death of an old resident, Mr. Joseph MORISON, who died on the 16th inst. He was the son of the Rev Mr MORISON of Millcoat, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was born August 9th 1827, educated at King’s College, Aberdeen, and passed as A.M. He came to this colony in 1853.

The death of Mr. P.A. KIRSTEN, an ardent Freemason, is returned at Pretoria. Mr. KIRSTEN was W∴M∴ of a Masonic Lodge in Capetown under the English Constitution, and also of one under the Dutch Constitution. He was twice elected W∴M∴ of the Aurora Lodge at Pretoria.

Monday 3 February 1879

BIRTH on Friday 31st January 1879, the wife of Mr. J. LAWRANCE of a daughter.

BIRTH at 70 Mornington-road, Regent’s Park, London on 27th December, the wife of Mr. J.E. HAMILTON, Grahamstown, of a son.

We (Tarkastad Chronicle) regret to hear of the death of the youngest daughter of George WHITEHEAD Esq, of Hill and Dale, which took place on Sunday night from scarlatina. Four others of his family are down with the same disease.

Wednesday 5 February 1879

The wife of Mr. WILKS, an Engineer on the Cradock line, died after a short illness last Friday. She was the daughter of Mr. PHILPS of Cradock, and had been one month married.

MARRIED on the 5th instant at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, Colonel T.E. MINTO, 3rd Regiment Cape Yeomanry, to Katherine Annie, daughter of James BLACK Esq. [see notice for 7 February]

Friday 7 February 1879

BIRTH on Thursday January 23rd 1879, at Rouxville, O.F. State, the wife of R. BRUCE Esq of a son.

We (Tarkastad Chronicle) regret to report the death from blood poisoning on Saturday night last of Mr. Piet COETZER of Mostert’s Hoek.

In the notice of marriage at Trinity Church on Monday last the name of the bride was incorrectly given as Miss Katherine Annie (it should have been Catherine Anne) BLACK. Unfortunately the mistake was not corrected in our outside sheet of today.

Monday 10 February 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on February 9th 1879, the wife of Mr. J.H. CROFT of a son.

DIED on Thursday the 6th instant at Huntley House, Hoofman’s Kloof, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of C.J. SNEYD, aged 48 years. Born PENN.

Wednesday 12 February 1879

At Commemoration Chapel this morning Miss Rosa CAWOOD, youngest daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. S. CAWOOD, was married to Mr. DYER of King Williamstown. The Rev W. TYSON was the officiating minister, and the sisters of the bride acted as her bridesmaids, her father giving her away. The bride wore white satin, with wreath and veil, and the wedding was decidedly pretty. After breakfast at the residence of Mr. CAWOOD the happy couple left en route for Port Elizabeth. We unite with a large circle in wishing them long life with every happiness.

Friday 14 February 1879

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 12th February at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev W. Tyson, Charles, youngest son of the late Frederick DYER Esq of London, to Rosa, youngest daughter of Samuel CAWOOD Esq JP, Grahamstown.

MARRIED on the 13th February 1879, at St.Peter’s Church, Hilton, South Africa, by the Rev R.J. Mullins, assisted by the Rev Dr Ross, Charles Edward, third son of Joseph PERKINS Esq of Laughton, Leicestershire, England to Sybil Mitford, fourth daughter; and at the same time Henry Anderson MORSHEAD RN, youngest son of Admiral MORSHEAD CB, to Anna Maria, youngest daughter of John ATHERSTONE Esq of Kruie Fontein, Grahamstown, South Africa.

DIED at Cradock on Thursday evening, February 13th, Mrs. A.M. GILFILLAN, widow of the late Wm. GILFILLAN Esq, for many years Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Cradock.

Monday 17 February 1879

MARRIED on the 6th February 1879, by Special Licence at the house of the bride’s father, by the Rev J. Rabinowitz, Victor WOLFF, son of Dr.John WOLFF of 41 Bedford-square, London WC, to Julia, second daughter of H.H. SOLOMON Esq of Port Elizabeth.

DIED suddenly at Alicedale on February 13th, John COOK, aged 31 years and 5 months.

It is with great regret that we (Standard & Mail) have to announce that intelligence has reached Capetown that Dr. WOOD, the late Resident Surgeon of the New Somerset Hospital, died at sea, two days after leaving St.Helena. Dr. WOOD was very ill when he left this city, but it was hoped the change of scene, and rest, would have restored him to health.

Many readers will be shocked to learn that Mr. Jno. COOK of Alicedale died suddenly on Thursday last, the 13th. It is said that he received a sunstroke on the 12th.

Wednesday 19 February 1879

The death was announced on Tuesday of Mrs. WEAKLEY, at the ripe old age of 87 years. It will be known to our readers that the deceased was the relict of Mr. Joseph WEAKLEY, one of the most active and enterprising of the British Settlers of 1820. The members of his family are to be met in various parts of the Colony filling positions of great respectability. Her sincere piety and unobtrusive deportment was such as best adorns the sex. Her death was sudden, but without suffering, and her memory will be venerated, not only by her family, but by all who knew her. The funeral, which took place this morning, was largely attended.

Friday 21 February 1879

MARRIED – R.J. KNOWLES Esq JP, Claverly Park, Tunbridge Wells, to Miss BELLAMY, daughter of the Rev BELLAMY DD, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.

MARRIED at Holy Trinity Church, Capetown, on Thursday 13th February 1879, by the Rev Canon Ogilvie, assisted by the Rev Dr Hale, George Alfred James, only son of George WOOD Jun, of Grahamstown, to Florence Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Nicol STENHOUSE of Capetown.

DIED on the 17th February 1879, at the residence of Mr J. HAYTON, Grahamstown, Emma, relict of the late Mr. Joseph WEAKLEY Senr, in her 88th year. Deeply regretted.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Jno. TAYLOR will leave his late residence, Bathurst-street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock precisely. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. No special invitations will be issued.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The Transvaal Argus mentions the marriage of Mr. R.W.J. JOHNSTON Esq, Manager of the Standard Bank at Pretoria, to Miss Mathilde JEPP, daughter of Julius JEPPE Esq.

The death of Mr. John TAYLOR, of Bathurst-street, which took place this morning, will cause sincere regret to all who knew him. Mr. TAYLOR had been recovering slowly from a severe illness, caused by the rupture of one of the blood vessels of the head, which had left him much reduced in strength, and when a relapse set in two days ago, with symptoms of paralysis, it was supposed almost from the first that the disease would terminate fatally. Mr. TAYLOR came to this colony from Sunderland about twenty-five years ago. He had not only established a successful business, but was always unobtrusively active in matters which could benefit the town. He was very useful as a director of the old Building Society, and took an active part in the foundation of the present institution, and has been connected with the Savings Bank. As a Town Councillor he was moderate and [obscured], and as a citizen, though honest in the expression of his own opinion, he had the happiness to escape making enemies. His death at the comparatively early age of 48 will truly be regretted by all. Mr. TAYLOR leaves a widow and six children. His eldest son is at present in England studying for the medical profession, and has passed several examinations with great credit. We offer our unfeigned sympathy to the bereaved family of our late esteemed townsman.

Friday 28 February 1879

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday morning, 26th February 1879, John Nevins DANIEL, aged 81 years 3 months and 18 days. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820. Friends and relatives will please accept this intimation.

Monday 3 March 1879

BIRTH at Holmwood Cottage, Grahamstown on Friday February 28th, the wife of Mr. Henry HEDD[..] of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th Feb, of fever, Mary Emily BLACKWELL, aged 14 years 6 months and 20 days.

Monday 10 March 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 3rd March, the wife of Mr. J.M. BOWKER of a daughter.

The E.P. herald gives a kindly notice of the death of Mr. VON RONN, and says: “He was much respected by his fellow merchants for his strict integrity, his unassuming manners, and his business energy and activity. He was one of the few whom all delighted to honour.”

Friday 14 March 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown March 11 1879, the wife of Mr. Thomas F. HILL of Salem of a daughter.

Yesterday evening a little boy of Mr. Robert WHITE’s (son of Mr. Robert WHITE of London) aged two years and a half, was playing alone in the yard at Donkin-street, where a washtub containing suds had been left. The child appears to have sat down on the edge of the tub and, losing his balance, fell backward into the water. He was not found until ten minutes afterwards, and when taken out the little fellow was quite dead.

Wednesday 19 March 1879

We regret to record the sudden death of Mr. John BELLMAN, the energetic proprietor of the hotel in Beaufort Street, at his residence, last night. Deceased was out yesterday, and recorded his vote at the election for the city. We beg to express our sympathy with the family in this distressing bereavement.

Friday 21 March 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, the wife of Hugh Campbell HUNTLEY of a son.

A correspondent sends us the following:-
As the wagons of a Dutchman named SCHEEPERS were returning from Grahamstown to Alexandria, a serious accident happened against the ascent of the hill on the south side, which for a short distance is very steep. It was on Sunday night, and very dark, when the ascent was commenced. Both wagons were laden, and in one tent were Mrs. SCHEEPERS and some children; in the other Mrs. James DOLD, of your town, Mrs. PHILPOTT, wife of the jailer at Alexandria, Master DOLD and Miss SCHEEPERS. On reaching one of the steepest inclines, about 100 yards from the foot of the hill, the wagon in which Mrs. DOLD and party were suddenly rushed with terrible rapidity backwards, a distance of about 70 yards, and overturned – the result of the [obscured] drawing out at the tongue. Master DOLD leaped from the wagon and escaped unhurt. Miss SCHEEPERS attempted to jump out of the tent. In doing so she fell, and the calf of her leg being caught by the wheel, was quite laid open. Mrs. DOLD and Mrs. PHILPOTT were both in the waggon when it overturned. Mrs. DOLD escaped with only a few bruises, but Mrs. PHILPOTT has sustained very serious injuries and is in a critical condition.

Monday 24 March 1879

DIED – Suddenly, of apoplexy, at his residence in Beaufort-street, on Wednesday March 19th, Mr. John BELLMAN, aged 40 years. Esteemed by a large circle of friends, who are requested to accept this intimation.

Jacobus HERHOLD Senr, an old schoolmaster of upwards of 70 years of age, was found dead one day last week near a dam in the neighbourhood of Windpoort, Colesberg, at which farm he had been residing with one of his sons. It appears that he had left a neighbouring farm to return home on foot, being at the time more or less under the influence of liquor, and that he took a bottle of brandy with him. As he did not reach his home a search was instituted, when the corpse was found stark and stiff, and clad only in a thin pair of trowsers and a shirt. There had been heavy rain, accompanied by lightning and thunder during the night, and the probability is that death resulted from exposure.

Wednesday 26 March 1879

DIED at Port Alfred on 21st March 1879, Joseph Benjamin STYLES, aged 39 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

A man named E.C. JOHNSON has been found dead at King Williamstown. Some persons travelling the old Grahamstown road, being arrested by effluvis and looking for the cause, a European’s body was found, clad only in shirt and socks, these articles being marked “E.C. JOHNSON”. It is said that the unfortunate man was only a recent arrival in the colony, was possessed of means, and had taken to hard drinking, resulting in {obscured] and a sad and fatal end.

Monday 31 March 1879

DIED at Sidbury on Monday morning March 24th 1879, the beloved wife of W.J. BRUCE, aged 60 years.

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