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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1881 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 1 October 1881

On Saturday morning the body of a white man was found floating alongside the Garth Castle, at the North Quay, Alfred Docks, Capetown. It was afterwards identified as that of a seaman named Jerry SULLIVAN, who had worked his passage from Algoa Bay in the tog [Ki..ton], and had been missing for the last nine days. Deceased as formerly a fireman on board the S.S. Clifton.

Monday 3 October 1881

DIED at Grahamstown September 28 1881, Sarah Ann, relict of the late R.M. WHITNALL, aged 86 years.

Tuesday 4 October 1881

MARRIED in Grahamstown this morning, 4th October 1881, by the Rev L. Nuttall, William MILLER of Burghersdorp to Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. John RICHARDS of this City.

Wednesday 5 October 1881

Early on Friday morning (says the Cape Argus) Mr. Peter Hofstede HIDDINGH, of Hope House, Hope-street, succumbed to a sharp attack of bronchitis, which carried him off at the comparatively early age of sixty-three years and four months. The deceased gentleman was the youngest son of the late Judge Willem HIDDINGH, who arrived in the colony from Holland in the year 1803, to occupy a bench in the late Court of Justice. He was born in Capetown on 24th May 1818, and with the exception of a trip to Europe in 1839, has resided here all his life. As a youth he was a student at the South African College, and on completing his education left school and entered the firm of Messrs DICKSON and BERNIE as a clerk, where he remained some five or six years. After his return from Europe he embarked in business as a wine merchant, and continued in that capacity until the death of the late Mr. Jonas VAN DER POEL placed him in possession of an adequate competency, upon which he retired from mercantile pursuits. He was of a retiring disposition and took no part whatever in politics or public affairs, although he was credited with being a thorough business man and a keen observer. It is understood that he leaves a handsome fortune, estimated approximately at between £300,000 and £400,000. Mr. HIDDINGH leaves a widow, three daughters and four sons.

Monday 10 October 1881

On Tuesday a native wedding took place at Fort Beaufort. A young Fingo from Taberer’s Station led to the altar a daughter of [Hoby] CHANA, one, says the Advocate, of our most respectable natives on the commonage. We can assert without exaggeration that it was one of the most fashionable marriages that has taken place in this town for many years. The Rev Mr. VAN ROOYEN, of Blinkwater, tied the knot, and a large company sat down to breakfast at the residence of the bride’s father. That there were no lack of eatables we may mention that two fat oxen were slaughtered for the occasion.

Tuesday 11 October 1881

Mr. Charles E. GARDNER of this town, who has just returned from a trip to England, has been licenced to practise as a Chemist and Druggist in the Colony. Mr. GARDNER is the seventh or eighth colonist educated in Grahamstown who has during the last few years entered some branch of the medical profession.

An inquiry was held last week in Capetown, before J. CAMPBELL Esq. R.M., to inquire into the circumstances connected with the death of Margaret Stuart Scott SOLOMAN and Martha BURTON, at Sea Point, on the 26th ultimo. The following evidence as given by the Cape Times was taken:-
Saul SOLOMON deposed: I am six and a half years of age. I remember going out for a walk on the 21st September with my little sister Margaret and my brother George, aged three years, and Ethel CROWDER, aged five years. We were all in the charge of Martha BURTON, the governess. We went to pick flowers. We left Miss BURTON sitting under a fir tree near the reservoir reading while we were picking flowers. We all saw the reservoir and walked once round it. Maggie climbed up a steep bank and fell backwards into the reservoir. I am sure I saw her fall in. I leant over to reach her arm but could not. Maggie did not call out or cry. I went to call Miss BURTON, and et her coming to take us home, and I told her Maggie was in the deep pond drowning, upon which she ran up and stretched out her parasol for Maggie to take hold of the parasol and she would be saved. Miss BURTON then took off her hat, threw down the parasol and jumped in and caught hold of Maggie, who sank down. Miss BURTON then turned on her back and began to sink. She did not say anything and we all ran home and did not speak to anyone on the road. I am sure none of us were walking on the parapet.
Hans HENDRICK deposed: I am a gardener at Mr. Saul SOLOMON’s Sea Point, and was present when Mr. SOLOMON’s little son came and reported that Maggie and Miss BURTON were drowned in the reservoir at Sea Point. I immediately proceeded there with William, the assistant gardener. On reaching the spot, we saw no person in the water or near the spot. A hat and parasol were lying near the reservoir. The water was about two and a half feet below the coping. Mr. DE WAHL came there with his men and Carl STEVENS with a line and three large [???] hooks attached, dragged for the bodies and succeeded in getting the body of Miss BURTON. Richard SOLOMON, who was also there, dived several times but did not succeed in getting the body of Maggie. The body was afterwards recovered by STEVENS. The bodies were taken to Mr. MUNK’s Hotel, which is near the reservoir, and in the evening were removed to Mr. SOLOMON’s house. I identified the bodies when taken out of the reservoir.
Johannes M. MANIKUS deposed: I am a medical practitioner in Capetown. On the 26th September I was called to examine the bodies of a girl of about six or seven years of age and an adult woman at the Wentworth Hotel, which is close to the reservoir. From the appearance I should say the cause of death was drowning. The bodies were undressed. I tried to restore life by all possible means but was unsuccessful.
Richard Stuart SOLOMON deposed: I reside at Sea Point and know the situation of the reservoir, which is visible any distance off. I don’t know upon whose property it is situated. It is fed from Camp’s Bay, and it is for the use of the inhabitants of Sea Point. It is about sixteen feet deep and masoned. I think on the day in question the water was about three to four feet from the coping. All round the reservoir the ground is perfectly level for several feet. It was formerly fenced in, but the fencing was allowed to decay. A water company was to have been formed, but whether such has been carried out I don’t know. I went to the reservoir on the 26th Sept. and dived several times to find the body of Maggie, but did not succeed. I could not see more than two feet, as the water was discoloured. Some other parties dived also, but without success.
John Henry MUNKS deposed: I keep the Wentworth Hotel at Sea Point, which is near the reservoir. On the afternoon of the 26th September, hearing that some persons had been drowned in the reservoir, I took a ladder, a long rake and a rope with me. On reaching the spot, and when in the act of commencing to drag, Charles STEVENS came up with his hooks and line and recovered the body of Miss BURTON. I felt her pulse, but found no pulse.. We then cut open the back of her clothing and by rubbing and other means attempted to restore animation, but without success. We conveyed her to my house, and on the way we met Drs. MANIKUS and WEBB, who followed us to the house, and under their direction the body was placed between blankets and bottles of hot water were applied outside the blankets all over the surface of the body. This treatment was continued for about three quarters of an hour, when the doctors declared it was useless continuing it any longer. While we were engaged in the treatment the body of Maggie was brought down, but as she had been so long under the water it was useless trying any treatment to restore life to the child.
A verdict of Accidental Drowning was given.

Wednesday 12 October 1881

MARRIED October 5 1881 at Honing Krantz by the Rev E. Gedye, Robert WILKIE, late of Newport, Isle of Wight, to Emily Jane, eldest daughter of R.J. MASKELL, district of Cradock, Cape Colony.

Although the weather was rather threatening on Saturday a large concourse of friends and relatives assembled at St.Mary’s Church, says the Telegraph, on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. James MACALISTER (MACKIE, DUNN & Co) and Miss KIRKWOOD, only daughter of Mr. Jas. Somers KIRKWOOD, one of our oldest and most respected residents. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A.T. WIRGMAN MA, assisted by Rev. A. GRANT, the service being choral. The bridesmaids were eight in number and were as follows, viz: Misses CHABAUD (first bridesmaid), CASTENS, SOLOMON, CHRISTIAN, RESTALL, Helen CHABAUD, D. STEWART and T. WALLACE. The groomsmen were Messrs L.D. DON (of Oriental Bank), J.C. KIRKWOOD, A.C. STEWART Jun and E.H. KIRKWOOD. The bride was attired in a dress of rich satin of a creamy hue, trimmed with Brussels lace and with festoons of orange blossoms – wreaths and veil corresponding. The dresses of the bridesmaids were also much admired. They were of white Swiss muslin trimmed with satin and lace. Jackets of white satin. Wreaths and veils to correspond. Three of the bridesmaids were distinguished by violets and three by daisies; the two younger ones, viz Miss STEWART and Miss WALLACE, being in white, trimmed with white satin, snowdrops wreaths and veils. Each bridesmaid bore a handsome bouquet to correspond. The breakfast was given at Mrs. CHABAUD’s, and in the evening a dance took place which, owing to its being Saturday night, terminated just as the midnight hour struck. The bride and bridegroom have our heartiest good wishes. May they enjoy many years of each other’s society, and may happiness and prosperity attend them through life.

Tuesday 18 October 1881

MARRIED at Heald Town on Wednesday October 12, by the father of the bride, Charles Maynard MALLETT of Queenstown, eldest son of Mr. C. MALLETT of Fort Beaufort, to Emma Eliza, youngest daughter of the Rev George CHAPMAN, Governor of the Heald Town Training Institution.

Wednesday 19 October 1881

BIRTH at Hope Cottage, Grahamstown on the 17th inst, the wife of G. ROWLEY of a daughter.

The Mercury regrets to hear of the accidental death of Mr. William H. WHITNALL of the colonial commissariat department. It appears that he was going from Lady Grey to Aliwal North, and after leaving the roadside hotels the night closed in very darkly and in passing along a road which skirts a very precipitous hill, his horse slipped, pitching its rider down the face of the slope, where he was found dead the next morning. It is evident that he must have lain there perfectly conscious for some time, severely bruised and unable to walk, but no bones being broken. In this condition he lighted a pipe and smoked it half through, and apparently feeling faint he laid it down and attempted to crawl away for water. This effort must have brought on unconsciousness, in which condition life passed away. Mr. WHITNALL made a great many friends by his geniality and kindness to all with whom he was brought in contact. The mother of the deceased gentleman died in Grahamstown a short time ago.

The Herald very much regret to relate that towards the end of Monday’s races a very sad accident occurred on the course. Mr. T.W. TITTERTON, of Kragga Kama, who with Mr. WHITE had acted as starter, despatching the horses for the Grand Stand Handicap, had ridden back, it is supposed with the intention of witnessing the finish. Just as he was entering the course beyond the judge’s box the horses had finished the race, and one of them, Mischief, ridden by Mr. MAYNIER, ran against Mr. TITTERTON’s horse. Mr. TITTERTON fell to the ground, and was carried to the steward’s room, where he was immediately attended by Drs. EDWARDS, BUDLER and EINSOR, who found that he was suffering from concussion of the brain. The expressions of sympathy and regret were universal, and the greatest attention was paid to the unfortunate gentleman, who was unconscious up to the close of the races. On enquiry in the night we learnt that Mr. TITTERTON was still dangerously ill. [We hear this (Tuesday) morning that Mr. TITTERTON is sinking fast and but little hope is entertained of his recovery.]

Thursday 20 October 1881

In the Insolvent Estate of William Hancorn SMITH of Assegai River, Farmer
Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Distribution Account in the above Insolvent Estate will lie for inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate for Albany for a term of fourteen days from this day’s date; after the expiration of which, should no objection be made thereto, the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order the distribution thereof.
Sole Trustee and Sec
Grahamstown Fire and Marine Insurance and Trust Co.
Grahamstown, 20th October 1881

In the Insolvent Estate of James Percy THOMAS
The Administration and Distribution Account in the above Insolvent Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Resident Magistrate for Albany for the space of seven days from the 20th October 1881, after which the Supreme Court will be moved in due course to confirm the same.
W.B. SHAW, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 20th Oct 1881

On Saturday evening, says the Cape Times, at about nine o’clock, a disturbance took place at the Ship Inn, in Waterkant-street, Capetown, between Italian sailors and some civilians. Mr. MACLEAN, who is employed at the Philadelphia Hotel, went to the Ship Inn to see if any of his lodgers were there, but seeing none returned back. The sailors having drawn their knives, the civilians ran off, and shortly afterwards a number of Italian sailors rushed into the Philadelphia Hotel in Bree-street, and commenced searching about for their late enemies. The proprietor, named HICKEY, and his assistant, Alexander MACLEAN, told them that there was no one in the house, upon which MACLEAN received a blow on the left eye, and the sailors made a rush at HICKEY, and stabbed him in the side. MACLEAN went out on to the stoop, where he also received a stab in the left side. The Italians then left. Information was at once given to the police, and the two wounded men were taken to DR. ROSS, who dressed their wounds. HICKEY had received an incised wound in the abdomen. He was at once removed to the Somerset Hospital in a cab, but expired within ten minutes of his arrival there. MACLEAN had also received a stab in the abdomen – a punctured wound half an inch deep and half an inch wide in the loin. All as if caused by a cutting instrument. MACLEAN was taken to his house and is doing well. The police, who are on the alert, have the names of three men who were present when the stabbing took place, and one of whom saw the man, whom he can identify, stab HICKEY. A number of the police were on duty on Sunday at the docks, but up to late in the evening no one had been arrested.

Friday 21 October 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 20th October 1881, the wife of Mr. W. HOLLAND of a daughter.

A most savage attack was made on Mr. SIDWELL, the rector of the Albert Academy, Burghersdorp, on Saturday last. He was returning home about ten at night when a drunken Englishman suddenly found him and threw a large stone at his head, which Mr. SIDWELL was fortunate to ward off with his arm. Mr. SIDWELL’s arm and side were much hurt, although not seriously. The ruffian was subsequently captured and lodged in prison. When brought up for trial he admitted having thrown the stone at Mr. SIDWELL in mistake for another. He was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment with hard labour.

(From a Correspondent)
On Wednesday the 12th October, at Healdtown, Miss Emma CHAPMAN, youngest daughter of the Rev Geo. CHAPMAN, Governor of the Healdtown Institution, was married to Mr. Maynard MALLETT, of Queenstown, eldest son of C. MALLETT Esq of Fort Beaufort. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride. The bride was attired in a lovely dress of cream cashmere and satin trimmed with natural orange blossoms, and looked very charming. The bridesmaids, sisters of the bride and sisters of the bridegroom, wore pale blue dresses trimmed with white and pink rosebuds, and were greatly admired. We noticed also the little flower girl, Miss Constance COOK, niece of the bride, who in rose-coloured and cream satin made a decidedly favourable impression. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr. Percy MALLETT.
The wedding, which it was intended should be a very quiet one, only the families of the bride and bridegroom being present, was turned into quite a festival by the combined efforts of the English residents, students and parishioners who voluntarily decorated (and very nicely too) the two large halls of the institution, and suspended flags and festoons of evergreens and flowers in every available spot, the whole presenting quite an elegant appearance.
The organist, R.H. DUGMORE Esq, played with great expression and power as the bride entered the church, and the Wedding March as the ceremony ended. In the evening after the departure of the bride and bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. CHAPMAN gave tea to the native ministers, their wives, the students, and pupil teachers, about 60 in number.
Later on the English Residents were entertained at tea, after which all met in the large hall where an hour was very pleasantly spent [by] the students rendering to the company some very effective vocal music, which had only to be heard to be highly appreciated. Altogether the arrangements were most successful. May every prosperity attend the young couple!

Saturday 22 October 1881

DIED at his residence, Fort Beaufort, on the 15th October 1881, Richard Joseph PAINTER, aged 78 years and 5 days, one of the Settlers of 1820, deeply mourned by his sorrowing family and a large circle of relatives and friends.

The First Account of Administration and Distribution in the Insolvent Estate of the late Philip Henry POPE will lie in the Resident Magistrate’s Office for a period of eight days from this date, for inspection of those concerned.
Secretary, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 22nd Oct 1881

Monday 24 October 1881

BIRTH at Maclean on the 21st October 1881, Mrs. E.C. FLETCHER of a son.

DIED at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. D.J. BOWER, Pretoria, Transvaal on the 22nd October 1881, Ernest John, second son of George and Sarah LEPPAN of Teafontein, aged 34 years 5 months and 7 days. Deeply regretted by his loving wife and sorrowing family. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

The Dispatch is sorry to hear of the death of Dr. PETERSEN, of Maclean, which took place last week in that village. His near relatives had been summoned by telegraph several days ago, it being evident that he was fast approaching dissolution. The reverend gentleman had been ailing for a considerable period, and latterly had to undergo a surgical operation in Capetown, since when his health gradually declined. He was under forty years of age and leaves a circle of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.

The observer says: it is with severe regret that we announce the death of Mr. T.W. TITTERTON. He was an industrious, genial, straightforward man, in the prime of life, a good farmer, and a general favourite. He was always ready to aid in any movement for the advancement of his district or of the Colony. He took a lively and intelligent interest in our institutions, and watched our political progress with as much spirit as he could anything affecting the agricultural pursuits and resources of the country. All who knew him accord him the regret due to his manly character, and it was with the deepest sorrow the public heard of the accident, which happened while doing duty as starter on the racecourse on Monday last. After lying unconscious until 12 o’clock on Tuesday night he expired in the 37th year of his age. He was buried on Thursday and was followed to the grave by a very large concourse of persons. He was a gentleman whom we could ill spare. He leaves a widow and four children.

Tuesday 25 October 1881

The Argus: A most determined suicide was committed in Capetown on Wednesday morning by Mr. Jacob BRINK, who had a forage store near the junction of Bree and Church-streets. He was noticed in front of his office about seven o’clock in the morning, when there was nothing in his manner to indicate that he contemplated any such act. About nine o’clock his brother, Mr. John BRINK, entered the office, when an appalling spectacle met his view. In a corner lay the body of his brother, with his throat cut from ear to ear, an open razor lying close by. The walls of the office, the table, and almost everything in the place was bespattered with blood, which ran along the floor in a stream. On the table lay a half sheet of foolscap, sprinkled with blood, on which was written in Dutch:
Heartsore! Heartsore! Oh! Marthinus, don’t send word to the house. Oh! Annie will be frightened to death. Oh! I can’t overcome it.
Your unfortunate uncle
Oh! Annie, don’t curse me, for I cannot overcome it. My heart is too sore! Tell Andries to take care of you as much as he can. I am unhappy! Tell Andries to take care for the baby, Johnny and Jacob. Oh! I cannot write more. My heart is too sore.
Information was speedily given to the police, and in a very short time the Resident Magistrate and two doctors appeared upon the scene, and having viewed the remains, ordered them to be removed to deceased’s late residence, No. 91 Bree-street. Mr. BRINK was a respectable and well-to-do citizen, in his fifty-third year, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely end. He at one time conducted business as a butcher, but subsequently started as a dealer in forage. It is said by his friends that he has lately appeared very despondent, and the letters found on his table carry out the idea.

Thursday 27 October 1881

BIRTH at Seymour, Stockenstrom District, on the 25th inst, the wife of Alexander TWEEDIE Esq of a son.

DIED at Cradock on the 22nd October 1881, Ernest West, second son of Albert and Mary FURMIDGE, aged eight months and three days.
“Gone to bloom in a better world”

Friday 28 October 1881

BIRTH at West Hill on the 25th October, the wife of Mr. J. CROXFORD of a son.

Monday 31 October 1881

We regret to have to record the death of Chief Constable HILLMAN, who died on Saturday morning from congestion of the lungs. Mr. HILLMAN was well and healthy a few days back, and his death will be a heavy shock to many of his friends, because so unexpected. One day last week Mr. HILLMAN went down to the court and caught a cold, and the relapse he then suffered was more severe than the first attack. Deceased was a strong and vigorous man and a most zealous and active officer. Under his brief management as Chief Constable, for he only received his appointment on the retirement of Mr. PARSONS, the police force has done good service. We tender our most sincere sympathies to the family and relations of the deceased. The deceased was buried yesterday, the funeral being a very long one, the numerous attendance testifying to the respect in which he was held. The Magistrate and the Police, the Foresters and Masons, formed the procession, and if the Grand Master had been in town deceased would have been buried with Masonic honours. Capt. SIMPKINS of the Divisional Police is acting Chief Constable.

Thursday 3 November 1881

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. J.J. VROOM, market-gardener, who died last night rather suddenly. Mr. VROOM has worked at his farm in a most successful manner, supplying both Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth markets with fruit and vegetables. The death of such a man is always a loss to the community. We tender our sincere sympathies to the wife and family.

Friday 4 November 1881

We are sorry to learn that there have already been two victims of this fell disease. A child of Mr. PARSONS died yesterday, and of two children of Mr. BOWLES, who have the disease, one succumbed this morning. We understand that the Sanitary Inspector was busily engaged yesterday in inspecting kraals and cesspools in the neighbourhood of Donkin and Market-streets, and unearthed a number of nuisances of the existence of which no one had any idea.

Saturday 5 November 1881

The death of Mr. J.J. VROOM has thrown the whole responsibility of carrying on the farm and market-garden on to the shoulders of his son, who cannot be more than 16 or 17 years of age. Young VROOM, however, has plenty of energy and intelligence and no doubt he will be equal to the responsibility.

We are requested to state that the Odd Fellows were not alone at the funeral of the late Mr. VROOM, as stated in yesterday’s Star. The body was placed in the Foresters Hall on Thursday evening, mournfully appropriate in its drapery from the previous funeral on Sunday of another Forester. On Friday morning both Societies met at the Hall, and by request Mr. DUNN of the Odd Fellows acted as marshall of the funeral cortege to the cemetery. At the grave after the Church Service the Foresters’ [funeral oration] was read by a Forester on behalf of both Societies. As there was about an equal number of both Societies, every observer must have noticed these facts.

A man, by name Andries VAN GRENNEN, of the farm Warmwater, near Calitzdorp, destroyed himself by blowing out his brains with a Westley Richards carbine, on the 25th instant, whilst in a state of mental aberration, in a house occupied by his stepson, Peter DOUGLAS, on the farm Jan Fourie’s Kraal, while the inmates were absent. When found he was in a sitting posture on a couch, with his toe still on the trigger, and the gun resting on his right arm, the ball having entered under the chin and made its exit on the top of his head. The deceased and his wife lived a very unhappy life: they lived apart for a long time. Latterly he sold his lot of ground, which he subsequently regretted, and tried to cancel the sale, but the purchaser being inexorable, he became much depressed in consequence. He was observed to be in a desponding state of mind for some time, although nothing was shown in his manner that indicated any rash act; but no doubt the parting with his ground, coupled with the isolated life he led are the reasons which led the unhappy man in the prime of his life to destroy himself.

Monday 7 November 1881

The Despatch regrets to hear of the death of Mr. P.McGRATH, at Mount Ruth Farm, near Fort Jackson, on the 31st ult. Deceased came out to the Colony in1848 and was one of the first grantees in this division, where he carried on farming operations with considerable success.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. BOWLES is now attacked with this disease, and that the child that was slightly better on Saturday is not so well today. We trust that efforts will be made to stamp out the disease and clean up the source whence it arises, viz. the kraals and overflowing cesspools in that neighbourhood.

Thursday 10 November 1881

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Thomas Carr JACKSON, of Grahamstown, that he did on the 25th day of August 1881 commit the crime of Forgery.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Thomas Carr JACKSON, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 10th day of November 1881
R.M. for Albany
Description of the said Thomas Carr JACKSON:-
Height, about 5 ft 8 in; age, about 22; fresh complexion, small beard with very slight moustache; hair and beard rather dark. Lately a partner of the Firm JACKSON, BARNSLEY & Co, Boot and Shoe Dealers.

This morning the evidence of Mr. David KETTLE was taken in the matter of alleged forgery by Thomas Carr JACKSON, of the late firm of JACKSON & Co, boot and shoe makers of this city. Mr. KETTLE deposed that a signature purporting to be his as endorser of a note for £100 was a forgery, and that it was the handwriting of Thomas Carr JACKSON. A warrant was issued for the apprehension of the accused, who is accused of having forged Mr. KETTLE’s name to bills to the amount of £1000, besides a power of attorney to [pass] a mortgage bond on certain property. Mr. KETTLE, who is 73 years of age, appeared very greatly distressed, and gave his evidence with much difficulty, the [case?] being one of an extremely distressing character.

Friday 12 November 1881

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas information hath been laid before me, Charles Hugh HUNTLEY, Resident Magistrate for the District of Albany, upon the oath of John HAYES, that Samuel BROAD did on the 5th day of November 1881 commit the crime of Theft.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Samuel BROAD, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 11th day of November 1881
Resident Magistrate
About 23 years of age; complexion light; bare face, with slight moustache; height, about six feet; brown hair. Had on when last seen a pair of dark grey riding breeches, with pearl buttons at knees; Wellington riding boots, with buckles at side; dark brown coat and vest; hard black felt hat.

Mr. Thomas R. BUSTIN was knocked down and trampled to death by a furious ostrich on the 2nd inst, at a farm near Victoria West. The district surgeon states that he found the deceased face covered with blood and sand, the nose cut and broken. Numerous bruises on the face, one a very large and severe one on the left temple. There were several bruises on the head, and two large cuts, one behind the right ear. On the neck, back and shoulders were a great many bruises, and there were also several on the arms, hands and legs. His clothes were much deranged and torn. One small ostrich feather was adhering to his vest. The deceased leaves seven small children, whose mother is also dead. The Messenger thinks Mr. VAN HEERDEN, the owner of the land, blamable for letting a vicious ostrich run loose on the main road.
[see notice for 12 December]

Tuesday 15 November 1881

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas information hath been laid before me, R.C. FERRIS JP, for the District of Albany, upon the oath of Ernest Herbert COCKCROFT, that Samuel BROAD and one HERBERT, whose Christian name is to the deponent unknown, did on the 5th day of November last past commit the crime of Theft of two Horses, together with Saddles and Bridles.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Samuel BROAD and HERBERT, or cause them to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 14th day of November 1881
Resident Magistrate
Description of Samuel BROAD
About 23 years of age; complexion light; bare face, with slight moustache; height, about six feet; brown hair. Had on when last seen a pair of dark grey riding breeches, with pearl buttons at knees; Wellington riding boots, with buckles at side; dark brown coat and vest; hard black felt hat.
Description of HERBERT
Height, 5 ft 7 in; hair, black; shaved on chin, slight moustache; was dressed in plain jacket, and thick cord tight riding breeches, and long riding boots; hat, drab, hard felt; age about 21 years.
Description of Horses
4. One red schimmel gelding, about 14½ hands high, with wort on left shoulder; rather low in condition; shod all round; age, about six years; raised bumps caused by saddle on each side of the back.
5. One brown horse marked C.F. on left hip, brand on left fore-hoof; about 15 hands high; tail cut square below the hocks; age, six years.

Wednesday 16 November 1881

MARRIED at Cradock on Thursday 10th November 1881 by the Rev. W.C. Wallis, Alfred METCALFE, Attorney at Law, to Eleanor Sophia, fifth daughter of G.D. GREAVEs Esq of Cradock.

MARRIED at Seymour on 26th Oct 1881 by the Rev. W.C. Shaw, Rector of Trinity Church, Christoffel Jacobus, eldest son of H. GOOSEN Esq of Groen Nek, Tarka, to Henrietta Ann, eldest daughter of W.T.L. EMETT, of Eland’s Post.

Friday 18 November 1881

BIRTH at Dordrecht on Saturday 12th November inst, the wife of Mr. J.L. BRADFIED MLA of a daughter.

An accident of a painful character, resulting in the loss of five lives, took place at Paternoster on Sunday the 6th inst. The Messrs. Arthur and Samuel PHELPS, of Vredenburg, in company with the foreman of Mr. VAN ROSENVELD’s fishery (an Italian) and four fishermen, went out in a boat belonging to Mr. VAN ROSENVELD for the purpose of catching Hottentot fish. All went well until the party were about to return home, when a violent south-east wind sprang up, and in one of the squalls the boat capsized, and the whole party was thrown into the water. Two of the fishermen, who clung to the boat, were taken from it by another boat, but the remainder of the party were drowned. Those who are lost are Mr. Samuel PHELPS, who leaves a widow and five young children; Mr. Arthur PHELPS, unmarried; August OESTREICH, a well-known fisherman, who leaves a widow and several children; Piet GALLIE, a boy about 10, and the foreman of Mr. VAN ROSENVELD, both single men. The boat sank in deep water on an attempt being made to right her, and up to Tuesday none of the bodies had been recovered. As soon as the accident was seen from Small Paternoster, boats were put off and all done that could be thought of to save life, but without avail; only two out of the seven having been rescued. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs. PHELPS, who by the death of her husband and brother-in-law is left without a single relative in South Africa. The Messrs. PHELPS were much liked, and were known as two energetic and pushing young men. The week prior to their death they were engaged in putting their steam threshing machines in order for the approaching season. A general feeling of regret is felt at their loss, and their places will be hard to fill up.

The Graaff-Reinet herald regrets to say that the widow COETZEE of that town received a telegram from Murraysburg last Saturday to the effect that her son, Willie, had met with a nasty gun accident in the country that day, whilst out in the veld with some companions, viz. D. GROBBELAAR and David PIENAAR. It appears that in some unaccountable way PIENAAR’s gun went off, the ball taking effect in the fleshy party [sic] of COETZEE’s thigh, making a nasty wound. Medical aid was obtained from Murraysburg, and it was reported that, though the wound was a serious flesh one, there is not much danger.

Saturday 19 November 1881

BIRTH at Doornberg on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr. D.R. TROLLIP of a daughter.

Monday 21 November 1881

A man named James WOLHEAD, of Prince Albert, went into his garden in the afternoon to enjoy the shade. He lay down but was awakened by a sting in the hand. He awoke and saw that he had been bitten by a cobra. He made a blow at the snake with the wounded hand and was bitten a second time. He died the following morning, no medical assistance being at hand.

Tuesday 22 November 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of Dr. J.B. GREATHEAD of a son.

BIRTH at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown on the [20]th November 1881, the wife of Mr. James M. GIBSON of a son.

MARRIED at St.Saviour’s Church, Kokstad, on November 9th, by the Rev. H. Davis, Armine Vivash, second son of the late Abel MELLOR Esq, H.E.I.C.C.S, of Cardington Hall, Bedfordshire, England, to Adelaide Cordelia Jane, eldest daughter of Thomas PHILLIPS Esq of Grahamstown.

Thursday 24 November 1881

A boating calamity, as deplorable as any that has ever been recorded to our columns (Cape Argus) took place on Saturday afternoon at Prince’s Vley, an open sheet of water on the Wynberg Flats, lying about two miles to the eastward of Rathfelder’s Hotel. On Saturday morning a large party went down for a picnic, arriving on the spot about ten o’clock. After luncheon a sail on the vley was proposed, and ultimately a boat put off, containing Liet. PICOT, 99th Regiment, Mr. Murrell EBDEN, son of Dr. EBDEN of Rondebosch, Mr. Fred. DE PASS, son of Mr. David De PASS, of Westbourne Terrace, London – this gentleman only arrived in the Trojan and was to have left for Kimberley this morning – Mr. STRADLING, Mr. DAVIS, clerk at Messrs. JONES, CORNETT & BALL’s, Master Jas. DE VILLIERS, son of Mr. Paul DE VILLIERS, a little fellow of about 12 years of age, and two sons of Mr. M.L. BENSUSAN, of whom the elder “Jack” was about 17 years of age, and the younger, Ernest, not more than ten. The wind was blowing strong from the south-east, and waves are described as having been as high as though the vley were a part of the ocean. After sailing about for some time, the whole party being exceedingly in high spirits, the jib halyard was found to have given way, and young DE VILLIERS, against the advice of some of his elders, was sent up to the mast to put it right. The elder BENSUSAN, at the same time, stood on the thwarts, holding on by the stays, and nearly the whole party were sitting on the windward side of the boat. The obvious danger of the arrangement did not fail to strike more than one member of the party, particularly Mr. STRADLING, who had no sooner given his opinion as to the probable consequence if a lull should occur, than the wind died suddenly away, the boat heeled over, and all its occupants were precipitated into the water. The advice given by STRADLING, who seems by all accounts to have been almost alone in retaining his presence of mind, was that all should cling to the boat, but only four appear to have done so. EBDEN, a powerful and practised swimmer, who was not encumbered by anything on his feet, shouted that he was all right on coming to the surface, but it was surmised that he must have had a seizure of cramp – the water being very cold – for he was soon heard screaming for help, and presently went down, never to rise again. The younger BENSUSAN was picked up by Lieutenant PICOT, who swam with him for some distance, but let him go after, he says, being twice dragged down by the child in his terrified struggles. PICOT, who was also without boots, then swam ashore, a distance of about 250 yds, landing almost simultaneously with STRADLING, who had experienced considerable difficulty, owing to his being encumbered with heavy topboots and breeches. DE PASS and the elder BENSUSAN, with DE VILLIERS and DAVIS, were both clinging to the boat when STRADLING and PICOT struck out for the shore, the intent of the latter being to procure the assistance of another boat; but upon landing they perceived that only the two latter remained, DE PASS and BENSUSAN having been swept off by the united force of the wind and the waves. Neither of them was seen to rise to the surface again, and it is believed that they must have stuck in the thick mud with which the bottom of the vley is covered.

At a resumed inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of Capt. SHEPHARD at the recent fire in Capetown held by the Resident Magistrate on Saturday morning, the result of the examination of the body made by Dr. W. ROSS was submitted. Dr. ROSS stated that the skull of the deceased was fractured through the right orbit and cheek; that both of his lower limbs were mutilated and fractured as if by a severe accident; and that death must have been instantaneous from injury to the brain.

Monday 28 November 1881

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, O.F.S., on the 22nd November last, the wife of Carl A.F. KRAUSE of a daughter.

The marriage of Mr. AUSTEN and Miss Frances VESALIUS was celebrated this morning in St.George’s Cathedral, Dr. DAVIES and the Very Rev. the Dean officiating. The cathedral was crowded – the majority of those present being ladies – and the service was a very long one. There was a full choir, and in addition to choral music Miss Louise VESALIUS sang the promised solo “In Verdure Clad” with splendid effect. After the service Dr. DAVIES addressed the newly married couple, and then the bridal party passed out of the cathedral through a dense crowd of people, probably the largest assembly that has ever attended at any church in the colony to witness a marriage. Dr. ATHERSTONE gave the bride away. All the members of the company were present, and Misses Eva and Louise were most charming bridesmaids. We wish the happy pair every joy.

A man named William DAY was mortally injured in a row at the Jagersfontein races, and has since died.

Mr. and Mrs. FENTON, well-known residents of Komgha, have had the misfortune to lose another of their children by croup. This, the Dispatch says, makes their sixth child destroyed by that insidious disease.

Tuesday 29 November 1881

DIED at Hilton on Thursday 17th November, Geo. CUMMING Sen, aged 69 years.

DIED at his residence, Sidbury Park, on the 28th Nov. 1881, William Collen BERRINGTON, aged 60 years. Friends will please accept this intimation.

Wednesday 30 November 1881

Yesterday morning at the Baptist Church, Miss Elizabeth LESTER, the eldest daughter of Mr. Oliver LESTER of this city, was married to Mr. W.R. GREEN, fifth son of the late Mr. Joseph GREEN, also of Grahamstown. The service was conducted by the Rev L. NUTTALL. The bridal party was very large, the bride being followed by seven bridesmaids; Miss Clara LESTER, Miss Berta LESTER, Miss Ada LESTER, Miss J. SAMPSON, Miss [ ] SAMPSON, Miss Ivy GREEN and Miss MIDGELY, while the groomsmen were Messrs. James LESTER, C. LESTER, F. WALLACE, R.H. SHERRY, CHAPMAN, E. GREEN and H. GREEN. About 40 persons sat down to the breakfast, and in the evening there was a most successful party at the residence of Mr. LESTER, where dancing was kept up till after 2 in the morning. The happy couple have gone to Port Alfred for the honeymoon, and we wish them every happiness.

Saturday 3 December 1881

BIRTH at West Hill on the 1st inst, the wife of Capt. GIBBS of a son.

DIED at Port Alfred on 30th November 1881, after a long and painful illness, Thomas COCKCROFT Sen. of Shaw Park, District of Bathurst, in the 76th year of his age.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Monday 5 December 1881

DIED at Witney, Oxfordshire, England on the 1st December 1881, Sarah Ann WILSON, relict of the late James HOWSE Esq. Aged 78 years. Deeply regretted.

The many friends of the family of the late James HOWSE Esq will learn with much regret that news, by telegraph, of the death on Thursday last, the 1st instant, of his relict who survived him by some thirty years, reached the city yesterday morning. She had attained the age of 78, and died in Witney, Oxfordshire, beloved by all members of her family and a large circle of friends, among whom none were more attached than British Settlers in this part of the colony, with whom, in 1820, though quite a girl, she first came to the country.

Tuesday 6 December 1881

A shocking and most determined case of suicide occurred on Friday night at 28 Vanderburg-street, Capetown. It appears that about half past eight o’clock a pistol shot was heard in a back room occupied by an old pensioner named Thomas PRITCHARD, and on the room being entered the unfortunate man was found stretched out on the floor, having discharged one of the barrels […obscured..] his head, the bullet entering through the centre of the forehead. Medical assistance was promptly sent, and [ROBERTS] up at No.[24], who arrived on the spot [obscured] after the commital of the fatal act […obscured…] the Resident Magistrate, Mr. CAMPBELL, who, together with the doctor, was present before the unfortunate man breathed his last. He, however, never spoke, but continued gasping heavily for breath until about ten o’clock, when he expired. The other five chambers of the revolver were loaded, and on a table in the room a half empty bottle of laudanum was discovered. PRITCHARD, who is about 65 years of age, and was formerly a gaoler at Mossel Bay, is said to have been a man of quiet and inoffensive habits. He had purchased the house in which he resided, and afterwards made it over to his son, and from the contents of several letters he had written in contemplation of committing suicide, it would seem that he feared his son would turn him out of the home. An old man named JONES occupied another of the back rooms, and a note in pencil was written to him bidding him farewell, and cautioning him to beware of the revolver, as it was loaded. In another letter he requested that he might be placed in the coffin in the clothes in which he died; and in a third letter, bearing a black seal, and addressed to a Mrs. JOHNSTONE, he enclosed a five pound note, with instructions that the children were to have a good dinner on Sunday, with some pontac. There were altogether four letters, each of which clearly indicated the writer’s firm resolve to destroy himself. Previously to the perpetration of the rash act he had placed a sheet an pillow on the floor, and upon these he was found lying when the room was entered. The revolver, together with three boxes of cartridges, was purchased a short time ago. There being no relative present in the house the boxes &c of the deceased were sealed by Mr. CAMPBELL.

Thursday 8 December 1881

DIED at Carmel, Orange Free State, of diphtheria, on Wednesday 16th November, William James Richard, the eldest and beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ATTWELL, aged [7] years and 7 months.
Nipped by the wind’s untimely blast,
Parched by the sun’s director ray,
The momentary glories waste,
The short-lived beauties die away.

On Friday last, shortly before seven pm, three men embarked at the Central Wharf in the boat Meteor for a sale [sic] in Table Bay. They were Mr. Benjamin BRITANY, wharfinger, Mr. Horace RUSSELL, tidewaiter, and a young man recently from the Diamond Fields, named CLARKE. Nothing has since been heard or seen of them, and it is feared that the boat has capsized, and all on board have perished.

Saturday 10 December 1881

A Graaffreinet paper reports the following shocking case of death by burning, which is said to have taken place in the division of Calvinia. A woman whose name in marriage is not given – she is called a daughter of Mr. J.G. NEL – was busy with her household work when her clothes caught fire. Those in the house were so unmanned with alarm that they were unable to afford any sensible assistance. The poor woman is said to have been burnt all her body looked like the trunk of a burnt tree. In this condition she passed ten days of the most terrible agony till death ended her sufferings. She left one child 2 months old.

Monday 12 December 1881

The Graaffreinet Advertiser has the following: A man has been killed by an ostrich in the district of Victoria West while he was travelling on foot. He was not a bishop, nor a member of parliament, nor a divisional councilman, nor a municipal commissioner. He was not even a man that ran a newspaper, or something would have been heard about his death, particularly about the cause of it. His name was BUSTIN; and he has left several young children without any provision save what charity may make for them. Nobody saw him attacked by the ostrich, but his corpse was found in the vicinity of some ostriches, one of which was admitted at the inquest to be a most vicious brute; and as the man had evidently been kicked to death by some bird there was no doubt this particular ostrich had killed him. If the man had been some colonial dignitary, or a farmer, or a shopkeeper, the owner of the bird would have been sued for heavy damages, for surely common-sense law would say that the man who allowed a vicious bird to wander abroad beside the public highway was responsible for his recklessness of the lives of others.
[see notice for 12 November]

Tuesday 13 December 1881

The undermentioned Convict having made his escape, all persons are hereby required to use their utmost endeavours to apprehend and lodge him in safe custody.
From Kowie station on the 9th December 1881, Convict No. 1,803, Willem BOTHA, born at Somerset East, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 1½ inches in height: has brown eyes, black woolly hair and light brown complexion: is a labourer by occupation.
Marks: Scar on under lip.
Was tried on the 19th April 1881, at Somerset East, for the crime of Theft, and was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with hard labour.
The Convict wore when he deserted, grey jacket, grey vest, grey hat, mole trousers, striped shirt and Blucher boots, all marked C broad-arrow No. 1,803.
Reward for his apprehension, Three Pounds and reasonable expenses.
A.W.H. AITCHESON, Superintendent
Kowie Convict Station
9th December 1881

Tuesday 20 December 1881

On Wednesday evening a fireman belonging to the screw steamer Gulf of Carpentaria, named George STANTON, while attempting to get on board his vessel in the Outer Basin, Table Bay, fell into the Dock and was drowned, his body being recovered yesterday morning. The poor fellow, says the Argus, was perfectly sober at the time, and must have missed his footing.

Wednesday 21 December 1881

The P.E. Herald has the following: The authorities, we are glad to observe, are alive to the necessity of thoroughly sifting all evidence to be obtained in the case of the murder of Mary DAY, and as a further incentive to this object, on Saturday last large placards were posted throughout the town, stating “that the sum of £50 sterling will be paid by the Colonial Government to any person who shall afford information which will lead to the conviction of the person who killed Mary DAY on the night of the 11th December instant. The recent murder, so shocking in all its details, is still the great topic of conversation here. The authorities are taking evidence in connection with the case, but, fearing the ends of justice may be frustrated by placing the information before the public, copies of some recent depositions taken have not as yet been handed to the Press. It is, however, at the present hour, an open secret that the man who was seen walking off with the woman from the jetty, and to go with her over Broken Bridge, and up the valley, has voluntarily come forward and placed at the hands of the authorities such information as lay in his power as to the girl’s movements that evening, and where he left her on his return to town. Beyond this we do not deem it advisable to say more at present.

Friday 23 December 1881

DIED at Grahamstown, December 20 1881, Julian Sylvester, infant son of Edw. and A.C. KELLY, aged 8 months and 20 days.

Wednesday 28 December 1881

DIED of Diphtheria at Carmel, district of Smithfield, Orange Free State, on Tuesday 20th December, Amy Lydia, second and beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ATTWELL, aged 4 years 9 months and 22 days.
“Not lost but gone before”.

From the Knysna we learn that a sad accident happened there a few days ago. A little son of Mr. S. DE RENCK’s was riding with a companion on a wagon belonging to his father. The wheel of the wagon entering a hole, the sudden jerk precipitated both children to the ground, young RENCK, unfortunately, alighting in such a manner that the hind wheel passed over his head, killing him on the spot.

Thursday 29 December 1881

BIRTH at Beaufort House, Grahamstown, on 27th Dec. 1881, the wife of Mr. E.B.C. HOOLE of a daughter.

A sad accident happened in Dutoit’s Pan on Sunday week, by which a young man named Isaac LESAR, a carpenter in the employ of the Bultfontein Adamant Company, lost his life. LESAR, with two others, was paddling abut in the Pan in a sort of raft composed of four tubs bolted together in a deal frame. When about a hundred and fifty or two hundred yards from the shore the construction capsized, and the occupants had to take to the water. Two of them were rescued by the steam launch, which happened to be close at hand, after a very narrow escape, but Mr. LESAR, although said to be a good swimmer, had disappeared before assistance arrived, having got entangled in the duck-weed which grows in great profusion in the Pan. There is about sixteen feet of water where the deceased sank, and for hundreds of yards around the surface is covered with weed, which shoots up from the bottom, and renders swimming in it a matter of extreme difficulty. Mr. LESAR, who was a young man very much respected, has left a wife and child to mourn his untimely end.

Friday 30 December 1881

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 29th inst, John Edmund James, infant son of Dr. and Mrs. J.B. GREATHEAD, aged one month and seven days.

DIED at Shenfield, Riebeck, Albany on the 29th December 1881, Margaret Burton, daughter of William Bunting and Mary Evans SHAW, aged 11 months and 20 days.



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