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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 3 January 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd January 1882, John William, the eldest son of J.W. and E.S. HAWKINS, aged 3 years 7 months 10 days.

DIED at Maseru, British Basutoland, on 22nd Dec 1881, Richard Shelton, infant son of Catherine Bennett and Richard TROWER, aged 6 months.

Friday 6 January 1882

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on the 2nd January, the wife of Mr. J.S. TROTTER of a son.

MARRIED on the 5th inst at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev John Edwards, assisted by the Rev John A. Chalmers, Robert Burns, son of the late Mr. James HAMILTON, to Florence Isabel, only daughter of Mr. William HAW, both of Grahamstown.

MARRIED on the 3rd inst at Holy Trinity Church, Seymour, by the Rev W.C. Shaw, F.H. ELY, Deputy Inspector of Schools, only surviving son of the late Lieutenant Francis Howe ELY, H.E.I.C.S., to Florence, eldest daughter of Capt. R.F. RORKE, late Her Majesty’s 14th Regiment. No cards.

DIED at Aliwal North on January 1st, George C. VAN PLANTER, leaving a widow and six children to mourn his loss.

DIED at Pearston, Somerset East, on December 24 1881, Emma, the beloved wife of Robert FEATHERSTONE, aged 40 years.


The Watchman says: On Tuesday afternoon the remains of the lamented Captain Cecil D’ARCY V.C. were laid in the grave amid all the pomp and circumstance of such military display as our slender garrison and Volunteer force afford, and as the attendance of representative men of a not very large community can give. The Military were in charge of Capt. GILES R.A., and consisted of detachments of the Cape Field Artillery, Cape Mounted Riflemen, Kingwilliamstown Volunteer Artillery and Volunteer Rifles, the firing party being supplied by the deceased officer’s late regiment, the Cape Mounted Riflemen, and two Volunteer Corps sending their bands, both of which performed the solemn funeral music very creditably. The service at the grave was performed by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Kaffraria, the Rev H. KITTON, the Rev John GORDON and the Rev Charles TABERER, Captain BLAINE, CMR, we understood, represented the family of the deceased as chief mourner. The procession, irrespective of the military, which followed him was a very large one, and the interment was performed in the presence of a large concourse of both sexes, drawn to the spot apparently by a feeling of sadness that a career of such promise should have been so abruptly and infelicitously cut short.

Saturday 7 January 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on the 29th Dec 1881, George Hallum, only son of Celia H. and the late Geo. H. SOUTH, aged 8 months and 21 days.

Tuesday 10 January 1882

In the Estate of the late Nathaniel James INGRAM
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having been appointed Executor Dative in the above Estate, all claims against the Deceased are requested to be filed at my office within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted to the same to pay within the same period.
Executor Dative
Grahamstown, 17th December 1881

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 7th January, the wife of W.H.S. DELL of a son.

BIRTH at Lady Grey on 25th December 1881, the wife of Frederick NESBITT Esq of a daughter.

DIED at Lady Grey on the 30th December 1881, Alice Maud NESBITT, dearly beloved wife of Frederick NESBITT, at the early age of 22 years and 6 months.
“For her price is greater than rubies” Prov. xxxi 10

DIED at “Percy Cottage”, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, on Monday 9th February [sic] 1882, Edgar Ferdinand, infant son of Miamin and Martha Ann Shaw ANDREW, aged 4 months and 1 day.
“Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven” Matt. xix 14
The parents tender their sincere thanks to Dr. PEMBERTON for his patient and unremitting kindness and attention during the child’s illness.

Wednesday 11 January 1882

MARRIED on the 5th Jan at Sidbury, by the Rev J.W. Wood, Joseph Edward, fifth son of E.J. WILMOT Esq, of Hebron, to Mary, third daughter of W. THOMAS Esq of Hillary Farm, Bushman’s River.

MARRIED on 20th December 1881 by the Rev R.J. Mullins, at St.Peter’s, Hilton, near Grahamstown, Colin Charles, eldest son of Colin Turing CAMPBELL, to Catherine Ann, fourth daughter of Henry HUTTON Esq of Beaumont, Albany.

At the top of Victoria Street, Port Elizabeth, on the northern side of the street are three or four houses with balconies, about eighteen feet from the ground. The easternmost house (says the Telegraph) is tenanted by Mr. MESSINA and family, and on Thursday evening Mr. W. MESSINA, Mr. J. MESSINA and Mr. TONKS were on the top balcony stoep. Mrs. MESSINA, who had a baby in her arms, had most providentially just stepped into the room from the balcony stoep when, without the slightest premonitory crack or warning of any kind, the entire structure fell, the beams snapping off like so many carrots. The MESSINA brothers and Mr. TONKS were of course violently hurled onto the street below. Most wonderfully to state, although the height was so great, William MESSINA alighted on his feet, but in such a jerky manner that his back has sustained a painful injury. Joseph MESSINA fell partly forward and partly on all fours, and is much bruised and cut. He has sustained an awkward injury to his knee. With Mr. TONKS matters went worse, as he fell on his side. He was carried to his house quite insensible, and does not remember falling. Dr. HUMAN was speedily in attendance, and applied the proper remedies. On visiting the sufferer on Friday morning he was evidently in great pain and, although unable to rise from bed, bore up as cheerfully as possible under the circumstances. But bad as the accident was it is almost miraculous that fatal consequences did not result. A fall from a height of eighteen feet on a stony road is a risky undertaking. Had the beams snapped but a few seconds earlier than they did, Mrs. MESSINA and the infant would have to be added to the list of sufferers, which fortunately they are not. On examining the place we find that some time ago a new floor was laid upon old beams, four or five feet of the beams having been constantly exposed to weather changes. Unhappily misfortunes never come single, and we regret to learn that Mr. TONKS, who was progressing favourably towards recovery, met with another misadventure accident. Having been to see a sick friend who resides near his residence, he had just left the room, and not noticing that the rail to the flight of stairs had not been fixed (as the house was a new one and not finished off) he fell to the floor. His hand came in contact with a lamp on the table below. The glass was smashed, and he was severely cut about the hand, which bled profusely. Fortunately medical assistance was soon obtained and the bleeding was soon stopped.

Saturday 14 January 1882

DIED at Duneden, district of Cathcart on 10th day of January 1882, Raymond [Talmage], infant son of Alfred and Eliza OATES, aged 5 months and 1 day.
[Safe in the arms of Jesus]

The Hon. J.G. DE KORTE died on Monday, at his residence, Sea Point. Mr. DE KORTE (says the Times) was the first Mayor of Capetown, and for many years a Member of the Legislative Council. For the last three or four years he took no part in public life; but it was hoped that at a future election his clear understanding and wise moderation would again be at the service of the country, for he had barely reached the margin of old age. In private life Mr. DE KORTE was held in high respect.

Monday 16 January 1882

DIED at Somerset, O.F. State, on 20th December 1881, Charles Abel, only and dearly beloved child of Charles and Elizabeth BRUMAGE, aged 9 months and 10 days.

Tuesday 17 January 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on January 14th 1882, Owen Shepherd, infant son of T.J. and Mary Jane COCKCROFT, aged 9 months and 20 days.

Thursday 19 January 1882

The present year, says the Harrismith Chronicle, has been truly ushered in like a lion. On Sunday last a terrible thunderstorm prevailed for several hours. Strange to say no damage has been done to any stock or buildings, but we regret to say that two victims have been laid low from the effects of the storm. On the farm of Mr. BEUKES, Uitval, near the Post Office, Newmarket, and about thirty miles distant from Harrismith, on Sunday evening, James WALKER was struck by lightning, death being instantaneous. The deceased, it appears, belonged to the 60th [Rgt] and entered the employ of Mr. BEUKES some three weeks ago. On the same farm, and only a short distance from the scene of the above accident, a Kafir was thrown from his horse and killed.

Monday 23 January 1882

A MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE has taken place at Qumbo, Transkei. It appears that Sergeant HEITON, of Baker’s Horse, was examining a revolver on the parade ground, when by some means it went off, and within two hours he succumbed to the effects of the wounds.

A sad accident occurred on Thursday afternoon, says the Watchman, opposite Messrs. WITCHER & DYER’s store. A little girl, named Mabel Louisa [Feliz] THOMAS, six years nine months and two days old, was sitting on the front of a wagon, when a sudden jolt threw her into the road, and both the front and hind wheels passed over her before the wagon could be stopped. She was kindly removed by some bystanders into Mr. E.J. BYRNE’s office, and medical assistance was at once procured. But notwithstanding the efforts of Drs. ROSS and EGAN, the injuries she had received were so severe that she expired during the night. Much sympathy is felt for the parents, wo are residents in the town.

We (Bedford Advertiser) deeply regret to have to record the sudden death of the wife of Dr. J. CONRY, in Adelaide. This very sad event took place on Sunday last, and was so unexpected that one would hardly have believed it, when first told of it, the young lady having been seen even the day before, apparently in the best health. On Saturday evening, however. Mrs. CONRY took suddenly ill, and so rapidly the symptoms developed themselves that imminent danger was soon apprehended. Dr LEA, who happened to be in town, and Dr. REES, who had been telegraphed for from Bedford, attended the sufferer. All that human help and skill could do was tried, but in vain.

Tuesday 24 January 1882

DIED on the 24th inst at Fort England, Mary Beatrice, only and beloved child of Charles E. and Magdalena J.J. APPLETON, aged 10 months and 23 days.
“Asleep in Jesus”

We (F.B. Advocate) regret the death of Mr. E. MILDENHALL, which sad event occurred on Thursday morning. Deceased was ill about a week. Last Thursday medical aid was obtained, and prompt measures applied to overcome the attack under which he was suffering. In spite of all, however, death ensued. The funeral took place this afternoon at Alice. The deceased was highly respected by all who knew him; his quiet unassuming manner gained him many friends.

We (Representative) are pained to record the death of a little boy 2½ years of age, the son of Mr. H. BECKER, who died on Monday night from convulsions, caused by his having eaten green quinces. Dr. BERRY was in attendance, but notwithstanding all efforts to relieve him, the little sufferer succumbed.

This morning at Christ Church Mr. R.C. FERRIS, Clerk of the Peace for the District of Albany, was married to Miss BLAKEWAY, daughter of Mr. BLAKEWAY, R.M. for the Umtata. The Rev. Canon ESPIN officiated. The bride looked lovely in a white [obscured] dress festooned with wreaths of orange blossom, and the bridesmaids, three in all, looked charming in complete white. They were Miss HUNTLEY, Miss BLAKEWAY and Miss [M…] and their [obscured] were Capt. RYNEVELDT, Advocate HOPLEY and Advocate BLAINE.

Thursday 26 January 1882

MRS. CHAMBERS, relict of a few days only of Captain CHAMBERS, died on Saturday afternoon at Kingwilliamstown, leaving behind eight orphanless [sic] children, upon whom the immeasurable affliction of losing both parents within a week has fallen. The story, says the Watchman, is one of the saddest it has ever been our lot to chronicle.

On Thursday morning last, at Jagersfontein, in a fit of temporary insanity, Mr. GERARD, engineer of the Kohinoor Co., committed suicide by placing the barrel of a revolver in his mouth and shooting himself. The unfortunate man lived for two hours. Dr. BERRY attended to him. The bullet passed through his cheek, entering again above the eye, and lodged between the skull and skin. The skull was considerably damaged.

On Saturday evening at Capetown the sound of a pistol shot was heard in the store in Harrington-street, in the occupation of Mrs. WORDON, soda-water manufacturer. A number of people, says the local Advertiser, at once rushed to the spot, and it was found that Mrs. WORDON had been shot in the head. The bullet had entered at the back, and had come out close to the crown. A revolver was found on the counter, and Mrs. WORDON’s son was close to it. As far as was known yesterday evening, there is no evidence to show how the pistol was fired, but young WORDON has been locked up. Mrs. WORDON was insensible from the time at which she received the injury until towards yesterday evening, when signs appeared of returning consciousness. The prisoner will probably be placed before the Resident Magistrate today.

Saturday 28 January 1882

The Funeral of the late Mr. HIGGINGS will move from the residence of his Son-in-Law, Mr. C. WINDSOR, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

A singular and fatal case of blood poisoning occurred at Commando Kraal a short time since. It appears that Mr. J. OUSTHUISEN, whilst skinning an ox which had died of Meltzickte, touched the skin with his wrist, upon which there was a small boil. In a very short time a red stripe made its appearance up the arm and across the breast, and after suffering intense pain the poor fellow succumbed to the poison. We (Uitenhage Chronicle) cannot ascertain how long his suffering continued. He was buried on the 11th inst.

A little child about three years old, son of Mr. LOMBARD of the Zuurberg, drowned in a dam near the homestead on Wednesday last. He had been playing near the house for some time, and his mother supposed him still at play, when the herd came and told her the boy was lying dead in the water. It is thought he wandered too near the dam and accidentally fell in.

Tuesday 31 January 1882

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on the 24th January 1882 by the Rev Canon Espin MA, Robert Charles FERRIS Esq, Clerk of the Peace for Albany, fourth son of the late Capt. FERRIS, Bengal Est., to Mary Eliza, fourth daughter of C.F. BLAKEWAY Esq, Resident Magistrate of Mqanduli, Tembuland.

DIED on the 29th inst, Walter Jackson ABBOTT, youngest son of Charles Henry and Ellen ABBOTT, aged 13 months and 23 days.

Wednesday 1 February 1882

DIED on the 31st January, after an illness of six days, at the residence of her grandparents in Port Elizabeth, Lilian Marion, infant daughter of Alfred James and Dassie PARSONS (late of Grahamstown): aged sixteen months and three days.

DIED at Cradock on the 31st January, the Rev Jno. LWANA, Native Wesleyan Minister. He had been more than 20 years an earnest and successful worker in the Wesleyan Church, and for fifteen years past a most devoted Christian Minister, highly esteemed wherever known, and universally beloved. He died, as he had lived, humbly trusting in Christ, a beautiful illustration of how the Gospel can [shine] and elevate and save, and a triumphant testimony in favour of Christian Missions to the Heathen.

Monday 6 February 1882

MARRIED at Wheatlands on the 1st February 1882, by the Rev G.H. GREEN, Grandfather of the bride, John Edwards HOBSON of Westondale, eldest son of Samuel B. HOBSON Esq JP, of Ebenezer, to Ivy Green, eldest daughter of Jno. S.PARKES Esq JP, of Wheatlands.

MARRIED on Wednesday 25th January, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. W.B. Raynor (Wesleyan), assisted by the Rev.H.J. Batts (Baptist), Louise Maria STEAD, of Hempstead, United States of America, to Robert, eldest son of Mr. W. WODEHOUSE of Grahamstown.

A very melancholy accident, says a contemporary, has occurred in the camp of Baker’s Horse at Qumbu. At half past six o’clock on the morning of January 17, preparatory to carbine drill, Lieut. HIGHTON was examining revolvers when a man named MERCKAL had his loaded unawares, and as Mr. HIGHTON came to him the revolver went off, shooting Mr. HIGHTON right through the breast. He was attended to at once, and carried on a stretcher to his tent, suffering dreadful agony. Shortly afterwards he complained of having lost the use of his leg, and began to vomit, and after being in great pain he expired in about an hour and a quarter. In Mr. HIGHTON the corps has lost a valuable officer, beloved alike both by officers and men. His funeral took place the next day at the Shawbury Mission Station cemetery, when the whole of the corps, except those on duty, attended.

Wednesday 8 February 1882

FALLEN ASLEEP IN JESUS at Whychling Cottage, Prince Alfred’s Road, Grahamstown, on Tuesday Feb 7th 1882, Hilda Muriel, the beloved daughter of Reginald H and Lydia S. RICHMOND, aged 11 months and 27 days.

We (Friend) regret to state that very melancholy news reached Bloemfontein by telegraph on Thursday last that Mrs. John OATES of Lindley, who had been married barely a month, had been killed on the day previous by lightning. From information later received we learn that the unfortunate lady as travelling with her husband and a Mr. KOCK from Lindley to Bethlehem, in a cart drawn by two horses. When the party were on the other side of Mr. CRAVEN’s farm, travelling along the road, a flash of lightning struck poor Mrs. OATES dead and killed at the same time the two horses; yet, strange to say, neither of the gentlemen were hurt by the electric shock.

Thursday 9 February 1882

The Queenstown Free Press of Tuesday has the following:- It is our painful duty to record a sad accident that occurred between this town and Whittlesea yesterday morning. Mrs. WOODFORD, who lost her husband a few months ago in Scotland, was being driven from Whittlesea to Queenstown, and on arriving at Brack Kloof, the driver turned to the side of the road to avoid some wagons, when the wheel came in contact with a stone, overturning the cart, and throwing Mrs. WOODFORD and her son under the wagon: the wheel passed over the body of Mrs. WOODFORD, inflicting serious injuries, while the son, a child of about two or three years of age, was killed on the spot. Mrs. WOODFORD was at once conveyed back to Whittlesea, and messengers dispatched at once to Queenstown for medical aid. We tender our sympathy to the family and friends in their sad bereavement.

Friday 10 February 1882

In the Estate of Susannah Mary CAWOOD (born KEETON)
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executor Dative in the above Estate, and all parties claiming to be Creditors are requested to file their Claims at the office of Messrs. AYLIFF, BELL & HUTTON, and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their accounts within six weeks from this date.
Executor Dative
Grahamstown, February 3 1882

In the Insolvent Estate of Samuel D. LONG
The undersigned having been appointed provisional trustees in the above Estate requests that all amounts due and payable to the said Estate be paid to the undersigned at his office, Anglo-African-street, within fourteen days from this date.
Anglo-African-street, Grahamstown
6th February 1882

Saturday 11 February 1882

On Wednesday morning last on the arrival of the Capetown train, at Beaufort West, the child of Mr. Louis WAINWRIGHT, aged seven months, was found dead in the carriage. It appears that the child was taken suddenly ill, suffering from bowel complaint, in conjunction with excessive vomiting. The death took place near Majesfontein. Dr. DREW was in attendance and pronounced life to be extinct. A post mortem examination was made and Dr. DREW testified that the child succumbed to a severe attack of bowel complaint. The local Courier understands that Mr. and Mrs. WAINWRIGHT were on their way to the Diamond Fields from Capetown. Great sympathy was expressed to the bereaved parents on the untoward loss they had sustained in the sudden death of their little one.

Monday 13 February 1882

The Alice Times regrets to record the death of Mr. John GREEN, which sad event took place in Alice on Sunday afternoon last. The deceased had been ailing for some years back, and some months ago when he came here he was in a low state of health. The late Mr. John GREEN has brothers living both in Alice and Balfour, was formerly a resident of Grahamstown and Alexandria. Latterly for many years he practised as a law agent in Stockenstrom, where he was well known, and gained a reputation of being a legal practitioner of marked ability.

Tuesday 14 February 1882

In the Insolvent Estate of Chas. LEAR of Alice
The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Resident Magistrate for Albany for a period of eight days from date; after which, should no objections be raised thereto, the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order the distribution thereof.
For Self and Co-Trustee
Grahamstown, Feb 14th 1882.

MARRIED at St.Peter’s Church, Hilton, February 1st 1881 [sic], by the Rev R.J. Mullins, Hugh Mitford, eldest son of Jno. ATHERSTONE Esq, Kruisfontein, to Emily Potter, fourth daughter of Wm. HYDE Esq, Hounslow. No cards.

Friday 17 February 1882

BIRTH at Myrtle Grove, District of Bedford, on the 6th February, the wife of W.H. PURDON Jun of a daughter.

It is with the greatest regret we (P.E. Budget) record the death of Miss Amy HOYLE, daughter of Mr. John HOYLE of this port. She had been ill but a few days of a fever, which terminated fatally on Saturday evening last. Great sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, especially as Mrs. HOYLE has been confined to her bed for some time past.

Monday 20 February 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday Feb 17th 1882, Melville Gordon, infant son of Henry and Evelina WILLSON, aged [8] months and 24 days.
E’er sun could blight or sorrow fade
Death has come with friendly care,
Our opening bud to heaven conveyed
And bade it blossom there.

Tuesday 21 February 1882

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort by Special Licence, on Thursday 16th February, at the residence of the bride, Miriam Hallett, daughter of the late Rev. J. DORRINGTON, to Julius Robert, eldest son of Henry JACKSON Esq of Nel’s Poort, District of Beaufort West.

DIED at Carmel, Smithfield, Orange Free State on Wednesday 15th February, Hubert Scott, youngest and beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. ATWELL, aged 1 year 1 month and 26 days.
“Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.

Friday 24 February 1882

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, 21st February 1882, the wife of Mr. B.E. LEACH of a son.

BIRTH on Thursday the 23rd February 1882 at Vlakte Plaats, District of Oudtshoorn, the wife of Mr. H.J. BENN of a daughter.

DIED on Thursday 23rd February 1882 at the residence of his son-in-law, the Rev W.H. PRICE, Uitenhage, the Rev. Gibson McMILLEN, of the Irish Wesleyan Methodist Connexion.

Saturday 25 February 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown Friday Feb 24th, the wife of A.J. SNELL BA of a son.

Tuesday 28 February 1882

MARRIED at Salem on the 27th Feb at the residence of the bride’s father, Arthur Dalton IMPEY, third son of G. IMPEY Esq, of Port Elizabeth, to Clarissa Ann HILL, eldest daughter of C.H. HILL Esq of Salem.

About a month ago we (Oudtshoorn Tribune) had to record the death of Mr. JORDAN, of the firm of Messrs, LIND and NEL. Struck down in the prime of his manhood he was buried with an exhibition of affection on the part of the community not often given to men of his profession. Though unspoken at the time, everyone knew there were circumstances of a domestic character that increased sympathy for the family of the deceased. While the husband was dying his wife was dangerously ill, her sickness brought on by her intense devotion in nursing her husband. We deeply grieve to say that the devoted wife has followed her affectionate husband to the grave. She departed this life on Sunday afternoon, and on Tuesday was buried with him she loved so well.

Friday 3 March 1882

BIRTH on Tuesday afternoon, February 28 1882, Mrs. Ernest GLANVILLE of a son.

We regret very much to learn of the decease this morning of Mrs. E.D. BRADLEY, who died suddenly in bed. The deceased lady, we believe, had been complaining lately of indisposition, but it was not expected that the illness would terminate so fatally. Mrs. BRADLEY was known throughout the country as an earnest advocate in the cause of temperance. She was a leading member of one of the Grahamstown lodges, and was at the time of her death the Superintendent of the Juvenile Temples, having occupied that post for years. We tender our sincere sympathy to the relatives of the deceased.

Monday 6 March 1882

DIED at his residence in Lawrance-street on the 1st March, John CRANMER, aged 65 years, leaving a widow and 8 children. Friends at a distance please take notice.

DIED at Queenstown on the 27th Feb 1882, Olive Hester, relict of the late Mr. Bernard BROOKS of Grahamstown, aged 52 years and 4 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Alicedale on Monday 27th February, of Croup, after a short illness of [eight] hours, Henry William, youngest and beloved son of Richard and Mary MARSHALL, aged 7 months and 13 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.

We (Watchman) have to record the death of Mr. W.M. EDYE, formerly Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Peddie, at the ripe old age of 78. Deceased had not been at all well for some fortnight previously, but it was not a serious illness. However, on Wednesday afternoon he had a seizure, and from this he never rallied, death closing in the record of a long life about 11 o’clock pm. He was buried yesterday afternoon (March 2nd). We offer the family our sincere sympathy.

We regret to have to record the death this day of Mr. GROCOTT, the father of our esteemed fellow townsman Mr. T.H. GROCOTT. The deceased, who had reached a green old age, had been ailing for some time past. We tender our sincere sympathies to the relatives.

Tuesday 7 March 1882

DIED at his son’s residence, Lawrance-street, on Monday the 6th instant, after a long illness, William GROCOTT of Liverpool, aged 76 years.
The Funeral of the deceased will move from the above residence tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8:30. No special invitations. Friends are invited.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The Dordrecht Advocate says: A very cold blooded murder took place last Tuesday at Bolotwe, in the district of Lady Frere. The victims, a German trader named LEONARD and his little boy, aged seven, were in the house with a native servant when a number of natives broke in and slaughtered the man, after which they smothered the lad under the pillows. Upon examination of the native, he told a very rambling story of how he had been held down by a man whom he did not know, while several others committed the deed. He confessed, however, that he recognised the voice of one of the murderers, and upon this man being charged with it he turned “Queen’s evidence” and stated that when going to a beer dance he came across four men, one of whom was a brother of LEONARD’s servant. They stated they intended to rob the shop and he agreed to go with them. Upon reaching the place they had a conversation with the servant, who opened the door and let them in. Upon hearing the screams for help of LEONARD he left the house, as he had no intention of committing murder. He gave the names of four others, who were at once apprehended. It appears that LEONARD had been drinking, and excited the cupidity of the blacks by showing them his money. It is very satisfactory to know that all the murderers have been secured and that Mr. DRIVER, R.M. of Lady Frere, is investigating the matter.

Wednesday 8 March 1882

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before A.W. BAKER Esq JP, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Jack HOLSTEIN, late of Mill River, that he did on the Third day of March 1882 commit the crime of Theft.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Jack HOLSTEIN, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 6th day of March 1882
(Signed) C.H. HUNTLEY
R.M. for Albany

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before A.W. BAKER Esq JP, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against one WOLFF, a hawker, now or lately of Grahamstown, that he did on the night of the 6th or the morning of the 7th March 1882 commit the crime of Storebreaking and Theft of jewellery, the property of Mr. Frederick BARR of Grahamstown..
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said WOLFF, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 7th day of March 1882
Resident Magistrate for Albany
Description of WOLFF:
A Jew hawker, height 5 feet 8 or 9, hair black, moustache black, otherwise clean shaved face, eyes dark, peculiar cast, complexion dark, build slender, legs rather bowed, age about 30.

MARRIED at SIdbury on Wednesday the 1st March by the Rev J.W. Wood, Wesleyan Minister, James, youngest son of W. THOMAS Esq JP of Hillary Farm, to Letitia Oak GUSH, third daughter of Joseph GUSH Esq JP of Woodbury.

A short time ago, says the P.E. Telegraph, it will be remembered that a municipal inspector named ROYAL reported the existence of typhoid fever in Russell-road. The patient was Mrs. CURRIE, wife of Mr. John CURRIE. Mr. CURRIE nursed his wife through the fever, and unfortunately caught the disease himself. The circumstances and locality were unfavourable, and we are sorry to learn that he died on Friday night. He was buried on Sunday. Being a Freemason, officers and brethren from both lodges attended the funeral.

At the last meeting of the Ark of Safety Lodge No. 13, I.O.G.T., the following resolution was unanimously carried: “That the Lodge desires to express its deep and heartfelt sympathy with Brother E.D. BRADLEY in his recent sad and sudden bereavement, and to place on record its very high appreciation of the many and valuable services rendered to the Order by our late Sister E.M. BRADLEY, as well as of the continuous and unvaried efforts to advance the interests of Good Templary ever since its establishment in this city now nearly nine years ago.”

Friday 10 March 1882

MARRIED on Wednesday 8th March at Salem, by the Rev J. Wood, assisted by Rev Wm. Oates, Walter Gordon, second son of Geo. IMPEY Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Emily Susannah, second daughter of Charles HILL Esq of Salem.

A telegram has been received by the Civil Commissioner of Albany which confirms our own telegram on the subject of the arrest of the man Alexander WOLFF, who is suspected of complicity in the recent robbery of jewellery at Mr. BARR’s in this city. He is in custody at Graaffreinet with two others, and had when arrested a large quantity of jewellery in his possession. It is well known that when in Grahamstown last week this man was in indigent circumstances – in fact that he was a pedlar without any wares. Mr. BARR has left for Graffreinet with a view to identify his property.

Monday 13 March 1882

A warrant is out for the apprehension of Thomas KING, the man who is suspected of having actually broken into Mr. BARR’s shop. The men already captured, and now in gaol, were confederates, and have confessed as much.

Tuesday 14 March 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown, March 13 1882, the wife of E.S. KELLY of a son.

Friday 17 March 1882

James [DONOHER], a most excellent young man, who was deservedly esteemed by all with whom he came in contact, and was for a considerable time in the employ of Mr. George SMITH, Kidson’s Yard, died at Fauresmith on Wednesday last, where he had gone for the good of his health. The cause of his demise is supposed to have been heart disease. Among the large circle of friends and acquaintances who regret his death, none (says the Mercury) will miss him more than his poor widowed mother in Grahamstown.

Monday 20 March 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown, March 17th 1882, the wife of Dr. PEMBERTON FRCS of a son.

A correspondent writes to the Queenstown Representative to say that a young man named P. MAYNE was drowned whilst bathing in the Caledon River on the 24th ult. His body has not been recovered. The deceased had just arrived from Grahamstown, and was on his way to the Fields.

The Queenstown Representative of the 17th says: We deeply regret to record, just on going to press, the murder of Mr. LIEFELDT, near Queenstown last evening, brother to our fellow townsman Mr. T. LIEFELDT. From what we can gather deceased was most cruelly murdered, having been dragged some miles or more on the main road. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the relatives in their sad affliction.

Friday 24 March 1882

DIED at the residence of Mr. EBERLEIN on Thursday 23rd inst, William Herbert WATSON, aged 24.
The Funeral of the late Mr. W. WATSON will move from the residence of Mrs. STRANG, West Hill, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Monday 27 March 1882

DIED at his residence, Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Sunday March 26th, Joseph Charles HESAS, aged 61 years.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HESS will move from his residence, Oatlands, tomorrow morning, 28th inst, at 9:30. Friends are invited to attend.

Tuesday 28 March 1882

We much regret to hear the report, which reaches this city by private letter, of the death of Mr. STOW, the well-known geologist of the Free State. In him the State will have lost a most useful citizen, who has been indefatigable in seeking to develop the mineral resources of the country, and of late had been most actively engaged in connection with the Heilbron coal field and Mining Company.

Wednesday 29 March 1882

DIED at Springvale, March 25 1882, Delia PETERSE, aged 92 years, one of the liberated slaves of Izaach Zirk BUYS.

Philip FROST, charged with the murder of a native called Zulu at Port Elizabeth, was brought up before Mr. WYLDE for examination on Friday last, and remanded. Dr. ENSOR expressed the opinion that FROST is a dangerous lunatic, and that his case is one of melancholia with homicidal tendency, which may perhaps have been aggravated by alcohol.

Thursday 30 March 1882

On Sunday morning a young man named MARSHALL, overseer on a farm at Constantia, who has been suffering from scarlet fever, committed suicide by cutting his throat. A man who was attending him during his illness fell asleep in the night, and when he awoke he found MARSHALL lying in a pool of blood, quite dead. A medical man was summoned from Wynberg, but he was too late to be of any service.

Friday 31 March 1882

FELL ASLEEP IN THE LORD on the 25th March, William McLUCKIE of Woodlands, Southwell, aged 83 years and 3 days.

We regret to hear that Mr. MEIRING, of Governor’s Kop, was a sufferer through the severe thunderstorm which passed over Grahamstown last evening. From what we can learn it appears that Mr. MEIRING’s span of oxen, whilst outspanned or crossing the flats, about half past seven o’clock, were struck by the electric fluid, one row being killed and the other uninjured. Mr. MEIRING himself, we regret to say, was also injured, but we understand is now doing well.

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