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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 - 2 - April to June

Monday 3 April 1882

We deeply regret to hear of the decease of Mrs. FLETCHER, wife of our highly esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Wm. FLETCHER of Church-square. This sad event happened almost suddenly today at half past one. Mrs. FLETCHER had been suffering from a severe form of rheumatism for several years past. The sympathy of all the citizens will, we are sure, be with the bereaved husband and family in their affliction.

A sad accident happened last week at Capetown to a young man named John STEIN, who is in the employ of Messrs. Saul SOLOMON & Co. It appears that, while working at a French machine, his hand became entangled in the machinery, and was cut off at the wrist. The unfortunate young man suffered great agony and was removed to New Somerset Hospital for attendance.

It is our melancholy duty (says the Queenstown Free Press) to record the death of Mrs. S. PARKER, wife of Mr. T.H. PARKER Sen., and mother of Mr. T.H. PARKER, Grahamstown. The lamented deceased came to this colony with her parents among the Settlers of 1820, and in early life joined the Wesleyan Methodist Church and remained a consistent member and class leader up to the last. Mrs. PARKER became a teacher of youth at the early age of 16 years and (although the loving and thoughtful mother of a large family, eleven of whom reached the age of maturity and eight survive) continued in this, to her, work of pleasure up to a few weeks of her death. The dear departed one, after a short illness, left her sorrowing friends early on Saturday morning, and the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, followed by a very large number of mourners and friends.

A passing train killed eight of Mr. HOBBS’s sheep on his farm at Cathcart last week.

Tuesday 4 April 1882

FELL ASLEEP yesterday, 3rd April, at her residence, Church-square, Grahamstown, Susanna Emma, beloved wife of W.A. FLETCHER, deeply regretted by her numerous family and friends.

DIED at Queenstown on 25th March 1882, Sarah PARKER (born PENNY), the beloved wife of Thomas H. PARKER Sen, aged 71 years 8 months and 17 days, leaving a husband and large family to mourn their loss.

Wednesday 5 April 1882

MARRIED on the 28th March at the residence of the parents of the bride, by Rev W.H. Price, James BUTLER, third son of P.J. and M. BUTLER of London, to Annie Letitia COLLETT, eldest daughter of John COLLETT Esq JP, of Grassridge, district of Cradock.

DIED at Newport, Fife, Scotland on the 24th February, Anne Forrest, the beloved wife of Kenneth M. GIBSON, and mother of James M. GIBSON of Grahamstown, aged 61 years, deeply regretted.

A large number of our principal citizens gathered in Church Square yesterday afternoon, with the many immediate friends of the bereaved family, in order to follow to the grave the funeral of this lady, whose decease was recorded by us on Monday last. The ceremony took place in the Wesleyan Cemetery, the neatness and beauty of which bear testimony to the kindly care of Mrs. FLETCHER, with whom (as well as with other members of her family since her illness) it has long been a labour of love to attend to the adornment of the last resting place of so many of our early colonists and their descendants. The service at the grave was conducted by Rev E. LONES, assisted by Rev J. EDWARDS, and was of an impressive character.

At Berkeley-street Wesleyan Church on Monday morning, says the Cape Mercury, a ceremony took place which attracted a large number of spectators, the occasion being the uniting in the bands of holy matrimony, the Rev Ellis J. WILLIAMS, Wesleyan Minister of Graaffreinet, and Miss Minnie, elder daughter of our respected townsman Mr. C. MUSGROVE. The bride was attired in a particularly handsome dress of cream satin richly trimmed with the usual orange blossom, and her attendant maids wore cream cashmere trimmed with blue, without trains, and cream caps to match; they were Miss Grace MUSGROVE, only sister of the bride, and the Misses HAY, SAVAGE and Eva SAVAGE. The groomsmen were the Rev. H. COTTON and Messrs. COLLETT, BURNS and RAYNOR, the officiating minister being the Rev. W. TYSON. A numerous party of guests also attended to witness the ceremony. Mr. WAREHAM, organist, played Mendelssohn’s wedding march as the bridal party walked down the aisle. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAMS leave this afternoon for East London en route for Graaffreinet, their future home.

We (P.E.Telegraph) regret to have to report that a very sudden death occurred at Mr. STEINMANN’s hotel during the night of Saturday last. Staying there on a visit to Port Elizabeth was a respectable young man, named W. JACKSON, who was a private tutor in a family residing near Graaff-Reinet. Mr. JACKSON had come down to visit the Agricultural Show, and would shortly have returned to his place of residence. He retired to rest betimes on Saturday night, but was taken suddenly ill in the night, and expired about seven on Sunday morning. The cause of death as ascertained by Dr. PATERSON, who had previously attended him, was intestinal spasms causing failure of the heart’s action. Deceased was a gentleman of excellent character, and was much esteemed by all who knew him. He was formerly a clerk in the Whitehaven Bank, but the state of his health induced a visit to South Africa. On leaving the Bank a most flattering testimonial from the directors, and a purse of £75, was presented him from a large circle of friends. Deceased was of considerable standing in the Masonic fraternity. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. JOHNSTON officiating at the grave.

News has been received of the death in the interior of Mr. William FRANCIS, a well-known trader. Deceased had obtained concessions of land from the chief at the Tatin Gold Fields, whither he had proceeded with a party and some machinery to work the mines. The whole of the party had been prostrate with fever, which proved fatal in the case of Mr. FRANCIS. The late Mr. FRANCIS (remarks the Cradock Register) was a man this Colony could ill afford to lose. Of an adventurous disposition, splendid physique and matchless energy, he had led the life of a pioneer from his youth upwards. An enthusi- [sic] believer in the untold possibilities of the gold fields in the interior, he had succeeded in impressing his acquaintances with a similar belief; and it was while conveying the machinery necessary for the working of the Tatin Gold Fields that he met his death from the fatal fever, which had brought low so many of his friends and fellow pioneers.
[We think that our contemporary in this kindly notice is referring to Mr. W. FRANCIS of Grahamstown, the well-known trader, who we are happy to hear is alive and well. The deceased, of the same name, is a comparative stranger in the Fields. – Ed. J.]

Thursday 6 April 1882

MARRIED April 3 at Berkeley-street Chapel, King Williamstown, Ellis J. WILLIAMS, Wesleyan Minister, son of the late Rev Robt. WILLIAMS, Rodfari, Wales, to Minnie, elder daughter of Charles MUSGROVE Esq, formerly of Guildford, Surrey.

Saturday 15 April 1882

DIED at his residence [Steenkamsberg] near Riebeek East on the 9th April 1882, Simon Christoffel BOSCH, aged 35 years 1 month and 9 days, the beloved husband of S.J. BOSCH, leaving a wife and two children to mourn their irreparable loss, and deeply regretted by all who knew him.

Monday 17 April 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown April 16th 1882, the wife of Mr. C.J. FICK of a son.

MARRIED on the 11th instant by the Rev T.E. Marsh, John Mortimer, son of E.M. TURVEY Esq, Queenstown, to Lizzie, second daughter of the late Richard GUSH Esq of Nazaar, Division of Albany. No cards.

Thursday 20 April 1882

BIRTH at Wynberg, District Lady Brand, OFS, on Saturday 8th inst, the wife of J. Gordon MACPHERSON of a son.

Monday 24 April 1882

In the Insolvent Estate of John LOCKE of Grahamstown
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, on Wednesday May 3 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned at the office of Messrs. James BLACK & Co at once, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees
Grahamstown, April 20 1882

The Funeral of the late Mr. SOUTH Sen. will move from his late Residence, Prince Alfred-st, tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 9 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

An awfully sudden death occurred in the night train for Queenstown on Tuesday night. Mr. BOTHA, of Penhoek, a stock farmer & speculator well known on the frontier, was well and hearty at Kei Road at 10pm, and was a corpse before the train reached Toise River. The cause of death is supposed to be disease of the heart, a complaint which Mr. BOTHA had been suffering from for some considerable period.

On Thursday last, says the Cape Times, a little after noon, the coachman of Mr. LEEB, who lives at Sans Souci, went into the woods at Newlands behind his master’s house to get some soft clay, which he uses for keeping moist the hoofs of his horses. In a spot where there had been an excavation of clay he noticed a parcel; and strongly suspected there was something wrong about its being where it was, so he left it there and went to the house to get someone to come with him and see about it. We believe that Mr. LEEB and a servant went back with the coachman; at any rate some person did return with him, and they found enclosed in a Cape Times of the 5th April, and in a Cape Argus and Het Volksblad of August last year, the body of a white female child. Mr. PIERS, the Resident Magistrate of the district, was at once sent for, and Dr. WRIGHT made a post-mortem examination. The doctor’s report is that the body is that of a well-grown child, which had lived, and probably died about twenty-four hours before its discovery. Its death was caused by strangulation, and a piece of tape wound twice around its neck shows how the poor little innocent was killed: and the tongue of the baby protruding black and swollen from the mouth left no doubt as to the brutal way in which it had been murdered. Mr. PIERS has been vigilant in endeavouring to find out the murderer, and has, it is said, found a clue, but whether, in the absence of anything like a detective system, the clue will be traced out to its proper conclusion is, we fear, very doubtful. Perhaps the knowledge that the body is found, and that the police are on the trail, may have the effect of producing evidence which otherwise would not be forthcoming, for those who know who the guilty person is, and do not give information to the police, lay themselves open to prosecution and to a long period of imprisonment.

Tuesday 25 April 1882

DIED at Mount Pleasant, Lower Bushman’s River, on the 20th April 1882, Edith Emily, the dearly beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. DENTON, aged 1 year 4 months and 2 days.
[Illegible Biblical quote]

Mr. Samuel SOUTH, an old resident of Grahamstown, has met his death by accident while on a journey to Kimberley. Mr. SOUTH left Grahamstown on Monday 17th April in a wagon and in company with a large train of wagons. On Friday evening, 21st, they had got as far as the foot of the long rise which leads up to Daggaboer’s Nek in the Bedford district, in safety, when on the wagon coming to a standstill Mr. SOUTH got out on the dissel-boom to see what was the matter, and as the wagon started again he was precipitated to the ground, and it passed over his legs, completely shattering his left knee. Mr. FARNDELL, who was in charge of the wagon, had him conveyed with all care to the Daggaboer Hotel, where Mr. POHL and others did everything in their power to alleviate his sufferings. That morning as soon as a telegram could be got off (8:10am) Dr. REES of Bedford was sent for, who on his arrival set the broken limb, but finding Mr. SOUTH in such a low and critical state from the severity of his injuries advised a consultation; accordingly Dr. BUDLER of Somerset East was wired for, and arrived on the spot early on Sunday morning, when it was determined that if Mr. SOUTH rallied sufficiently to make an operation feasible, the leg which was now gangrenous should be removed. Later on the relatives arrived from town, and the old gentleman being a little brighter and stronger it was determined with the concurrence of all concerned that Mr. SOUTH should take the only chance left of escape, although his low state made it all but hopeless. Mr. SOUTH with indomitable pluck expressed his conviction that he thought it ought to be done as his last chance. The leg was therefore amputated above the knee by Dr. REES, assisted by Dr. BUDLER, the operation being speedily completed, and all attention was directed to the condition of the patient, but in spite of care and restoratives he never rallied from the shock of the operation, and died soon after its completion. Mr. SOUTH was on the road to Kimberley to visit his sons, who had been absent for some years.

Wednesday 26 April 1882

On Wednesday morning the 19th, a little before ten o’clock, the sound of a gun shot was heard near Mr. CROSBIE’s canteen, in New Main Street. Mr. CROSBIE and another man ran out of the house and saw a man hurriedly placing a gun inside the door of a small building just behind the canteen: he then made off as fast as possible. Mr. CROSBIE and his friend started in pursuit, but were not able to overtake him. However, Mr. ROSENTHAL and his brother noticed the pursuit, and ran forward and seized the man, and handed him over to a policeman, who came up at the time, in front of the Blue Posts. In the meantime it was discovered that the occupant of the house behind the canteen had been mortally wounded by a rifle bullet, and he expired in a very few minutes. The circumstances left no doubt whatever that a deliberate murder had been committed. The name of the victim is Archibald CLARK, who has been for some time past a boarding-house keeper in Kimberley. The supposed murderer calls himself Nathan S. WALTERS, and is supposed to be a native of America.

Saturday 29 April 1882

BIRTH at Francis-street, Oatlands on Friday April 28th 1882, the wife of Mr. William YOUNG of a son.

DIED at Daggaboer’s Nek on Sunday the 23rd inst, from an accident by a wagon, Samuel SOUTH, of Battles Bridge, Essex, England in his 60th year. The widow and family beg to tender their heartfelt gratitude for the great kindness and unremitting care shown by their friends, and particularly the many strangers to the sufferer.
Grahamstown, 28th April 1882.

Mr. J.S. BOTHA, the Western gentleman who was lately found dead in a railway carriage, was (says the Argus) one of the most enterprising of our Border farmers. Only a few days before his death he had bought the imported horse Erlkoening. He was just about to proceed to Europe for the purpose of obtaining medical advice for the disease with which he was afflicted.

Monday 1 May 1882

BIRTH at the Drostdy, Grahamstown, on the 1st May 1882, the wife of Robert DALE Esq of a daughter.

In the Insolvent Estate of Jas. MARSH of Peddie
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, on Wednesday May 3 1882 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the above-mentioned date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees
Grahamstown, 28th March 1882

Tuesday 2 May 1882

Amidst the political strife raging in Capetown, the wife of the Prime Minister has presented her husband with a daughter. It is characteristic of the man, remarks the Oudtshoorn Tribune, that he worded the advertisement as follows: “Birth, on the 13th April, at Newlands, the wife of Mr. Thomas C. SCANLEN of a daughter.” If the Prime Minister had been a member of the Snobocracy he would have styled himself the Honourable Thomas C. SCANLEN Esq, Her Majesty’s Attorney-General and Prime Minister of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. He would have thought the word “wife” too low and called Mrs. SCANLEN his “lady”. But the Member for Cradock never was a Snob and never will be. His numerous friends throughout the Colony congratulate him on the latest happy event in his family.

Thursday 4 May 1882

The Kimberley Independent of the 29th has the following: it is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. John Patrick FOX, Chief of the Detective Department, which sad event took place suddenly yesterday morning. Mr. FOX had been for some time previous suffering from heart disease, attended with rheumatic fever, and on one occasion he became so bad that his life was dispared of [sic]. He, however, rallied, and was considered to be in a fair way towards recovery, though it was obvious that this would take a long time. On the advice of his physician he determined on going to Europe in order to obtain the best medical advice as to the treatment of his disease, and fixed the day of his departure at some time next week. He was latterly in the habit of going out for a drive in the morning in MALLEY’s cart, to avail himself of the beneficial effects of the fresh air. Yesterday morning, at about seven o’clock, the cart came as usual, and Mr. FOX got up and proceeded to dress himself. While doing so he suddenly put his hand to his heart and, uttering an exclamation of pain, fell on the bed and expired. This melancholy occurrence has cast a gloom over the camp, for the deceased was well known and highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends on the Diamond Fields. He was for many years connected with the detective department, was a zealous and thoroughly efficient officer, and upright and honourable in carrying out the duties of his office. These were of an exceedingly onerous and trying nature, and in all probability hastened his unfortunate demise.

On Tuesday afternoon at Port Elizabeth Mr. A.C. WYLDE opened an enquiry, at the Court House, on the body of Mrs. Mary Anne WILSON, the wife of Mr. George WILSON, a forwarding clerk in the employ of the Union Boating Company. It appeared that on Saturday last Mr. WILSON carried home, from the store, a bottle of arsenic, which he says he took to be magnesia. He gave some to his wife, children, and neighbours, and the whole of them were seized with serious illness. Mrs. WILSON died on Monday, and was buried yesterday, and the others who took the poison are, we are glad to hear, recovering. Dr. Alexander G. BURNESS was first called, and proved having attended Mrs. WILSON and the children on Saturday last. On asking WILSON where he got the medicine he had given his family from, he replied that it was some white powder which he had taken from an open box in the store. He added that he was under the impression that it was magnesia when he gave it to them. Witness gave the whole of them emetics, presuming that they had taken arsenic. He gave them some magnesia, milk and eggs, which caused them to vomit, and the children rallied rapidly. Subsequently he called in the assistance of Dr. CONSIDINE. Frequent drafts of champagne were at his (Dr. BURNESS’s) order given to Mrs. WILSON, who rallied. Later on Dr. ENSOR and Dr. HUMAN were consulted. On Monday evening witness and Dr. ENSOR arranged to see the woman together, but when they got there they found that she was dead. Mr. LESLIE had analysed some of the powder, and pronounced it to be arsenic. After some further evidence had been given the enquiry was adjourned.

Friday 5 May 1882

MARRIED at Wesley, Peddie District, by the Rev E. Gedye, April 26 1882, William Southey of East London District, eldest son of W.H. STIRK Esq of Hercules Farm, Peddie District, to Rosina Elizabeth, fourth daughter of W. TARR Esq of Peddie District.

Wednesday 10 May 1882

My Wife, Hilda Jane STONE, having deserted her house, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date.
Cradock, 9th May 1882.

BIRTH at Idutywa, Transkei on April [28]th 1882, the wife of Charles G.H. BELL, Resident Magistrate, of a son.

A sad case of what appears to have been accidental shooting (says the E.P. Herald) took place at Cradockstown on Sunday, when an old woman named Hannah HENDRICKS was killed by a shot fired from a gun by a Hottentot named Carl Johannes, under the circumstances detailed in the evidence given below. An inquest on the body of the deceased was opened before Mr. A.C. WYLDE on Monday morning. Carl Johannes said: “I live at Hill’s Kraal. The old woman came after Abram and asked for a drop of brandy, and I told her I had given the last to her son-in-law. I afterwards found a little drop of brandy and gave it to her. She afterwards went away, leaving her plaid shawl behind. Two or three minutes after she left I fired off my gun, in order to get off an old shot that was in the breech. I put the gun over the door and fired it off, after which I went out and found the old woman dead. The cartridge had been in the gun for sixteen days. The wound was on the left side of the head, from which fact it would appear that the deceased was returning to the hut. I think she was coming back for her shawl, which she had left behind. After the occurrence I at once communicated to the authorities what had happened. I only had a pint of brandy in the house, and several partook of it.” The enquiry stands adjourned.

Thursday 11 May 1882

DIED at Grahamstown, May 5th 1882, Mary Anne, wife of J.P. PARKER, eldest daughter of Mr. T. WHITING, aged 22.

DIED at Klipfontein, Zuurberg, on 6th May 1882, aged 7 months and 15 days, [I.C.D.], infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. GOWAR Sen.

Monday 15 May 1882

On Tuesday morning last, says the local paper, at about three o’clock, a fire took place on the premises of Mr. Patrick KENNEDY, our well-known shoemaker here. His workshop was levelled with the ground, and all his tools of trade, as well as some newly made boots and shoes, consumed. This is a most distressing circumstance, and a heavy loss to Mr. KENNEDY. We sympathise with him, and hope he will soon reconstitute his workshop. On the same day a subscription list was sent about the town, and had already been liberally signed when we saw it at 10 o’clock. Very nearly everyone commiserated him. It is reported that on the day before the fire occurred, Mr. KENNEDY had occasion to “operate upon” one of his employees for insubordination, who thereupon threatened to ”set the place alight”. This man (John ERSTDALE) was apprehended on suspicion of being the incendiary, and underwent a preliminary examination on Thursday, being remanded for further enquiry.

Tuesday 16 May 1882

We regret to hear of the death of the wife of the Rev. Mr. DON, Presbyterian Minister at Kingwilliamstown, after a long and painful illness. Mr. and Mrs. DON had removed to this colony from Calcutta (where he had succeeded to the Rev Dr. DUFF) on account of the failure of Mrs. DON’s health in that trying climate.

Wednesday 17 May 1882

We (Mossel Bay Advertiser) hear that on last Wednesday week a daughter of Mr. C.J. RAUTENBACH, about twelve years of age, was bitten by a puff adder, from the effects of which she died the following day. On the same farm, a few days later, a coloured child was so severely burnt that she died after lingering two or three days. The child, it appears, had been left by its mother near a fire whilst she went to the riverside to wash some mealies. On her return she found it enveloped in flames, to extinguish which she immersed the unfortunate little creature in a pool of water close by.

Thursday 18 May 1882

From the Oudtshoorn Courant we take the following obituary notice of a colonist who was once, according to the Cape Times, amongst the most successful and the most hospitable of Western farmers:- “Mr. Peregrine RICHARDSON died at Matjes Drift on Monday the 1st inst, at the ripe old age of seventy-two years. Mr. RICHARDSON was the son of an Indian judge, and was at one time a wealthy and influential man, and in his palmy days was renowned far and wide for his unbounded hospitality. He at one time owned that valuable and fertile farm Schoonberg, in the Long Kloof, which to this day testifies to the energy and enterprise of its original owner, in its copious water supply and groves of trees. Some fifteen years ago Schoonberg was more like a village than a farm. It supported a church (one of the prettiest in the diocese) and had for many years a resident clergyman. Mr. RICHARDSON was an extensive stock farmer, and always kept a stud of thoroughbred horses, besides two or three hundred brood mares. That scourge of South Africa – horse sickness – and other losses, over which he had no control, reduced him to poor circumstances, and compelled him to retire to a neighbouring farm, Matjes River, where he spent the latter days of his life in farming on a small scale. Many will regret to hear of the death of this old friend, who, in his days, had a kind heart; was brimful of anecdotes and good humour. He leaves a large family to mourn his loss.”

We very much regret to hear from the Courier of the death of Mrs. WATSON, the wife of T.P. WATSON Esq, resident railway engineer, which melancholy event took place at Port Elizabeth on Sunday morning last. The funeral of the deceased lady took place on Tuesday, and was largely attended.

Saturday 20 May 1882

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by Special Licence, on the 20th May 1882, by the Rev E. Lones, Frederic William, second son of M.M. CROSBIE Esq, of East London, to Elizabeth Jolly, fourth daughter of J.J. GEACH Esq of Grahamstown.

DIED at his residence, Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, of Apoplexy, May 19th 1882, George Francis BLACKBEARD: aged 66 years and 6 months.
The Funeral of the late G.F. BLACKBEARD will move from his residence tomorrow, Sunday, at 3:30pm. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to have to record the death of a respected citizen, Mr. G.F. BLACKBEARD, who expired yesterday morning. The deceased was seized with a fit of apoplexy on Wednesday evening last, and it was to this disease he succumbed. Mr. BLACKBEARD has long resided in town, building up a prosperous business, and although he never took part in public affairs, he will be missed by a large circle of friends. We tender our sympathy to the widow and family of the deceased.

Monday 22 May 1882

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 20th instant, in the Baptist Chapel, Bathurst-street by the Rev. L. Nuttall, Thos. FOSTER Esq of Yorkshire, England to Rosina, eldest daughter of J. SELLER Esq, Craggie Burn.

DIED at Eschol, Lower Bushman’s River, on Sunday May 21st 1882, Jeremiah LONG Sen, aged 72 years, 10 months and 10 days, deeply regretted. Deceased came to this country with the Settlers of 1820. [See obituary in issue of 26 June]

Tuesday 23 May 1882

Mrs. BLACKBEARD and Family tender their sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness shown to them in their great trouble.
Grahamstown, May 22 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on the 20th May, Angus Sutherland Charsley, the only child of Angus FRASER, aged 1 year and 8 days.

In the Testate Estate of the late Stephen BUDD, and surviving spouse Mary BUDD, of Richmond, Division of Alexandria.
Notice is hereby given that all Claims against the above Estate are to be sent to the office of the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof; and all Accounts due to the said Estate must be paid there within the same period.
Barnabas J. SHAW Jn, Agent for Joseph LONGMAN, Executor Testamentary.
Alexandria, 8th May 1882.

Friday 26 May 1882

BIRTH at Heatherton Towers on the 24th May, the wife of Mr. [P/F?] BARRAUD of a son.

We are glad to learn that DR. GREATHEAD has performed a successful operation on Mr. J. WALLACE, who it will be remembered was tossed by a bull some months ago, from the effects of which his head was laid open. At the time the skull was trepanned, and yesterday the patient being strong enough, Dr. GREATHEAD proceeded to complete the operation, and extracted a piece of bone from the skull about an inch in length. We are glad to hear that Mr. WALLACE is doing very well, and congratulate him on his recovery.

Tuesday 30 May 1882

Mr. M.G. DE JAGER died lately at Beaufort West, aged 90, and the Courier says of him: The deceased gentleman lived in his early days at the halfway house between Capetown and the Paarl, and was one of the pioneers at Beaufort West. Mr. DE JAGER arrived in this town as far back as February 1837, when he commenced farming, and in course of time became the owner of the valuable farms now occupied by his sons, Henry and Matthys. In 1872, finding his eyesight failing, he was compelled to abandon agricultural pursuits, and sold to his sons Henry and Matthys the farms Kuil’s Poort and De Hoop, farms whose names have become household words amongst us on account of the hospitality of their owners – and retired into private life with his venerable wife, hardly second in years to himself. In this quiet retirement he lived with the companion of his joys and woes, and blessed with the companionship of nine children, fifty grandchildren, twenty-eight great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren, numbering in all eighty-nine.

Wednesday 31 May 1882

DIED at her residence Longside, Manchester, England on the 28th ult, aged [32] years, Elizabeth, much beloved wife of Joseph [COLSTON-JONES].

Friday 2 June 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th May, the wife of G.H. REW of a son.

MARRIED at Wesley Chapel, Peddie District, on the 24th May 1882 by the Rev. E. Gedye, George Grey, youngest son of Edward TIMM Esq, of Clumber, to Emmeline Rogers, eldest daughter of John ELLIOTT Esq, of Peddie district. No cards.

MR. JAMES HAYWARD, one of the original Settlers of 1820, a member of the Salem Party, was prevented by infirmity from being present at the late Grahamstown festivities as he otherwise would have been. Mr. HAYWARD, who will be well known to many of our readers, is a resident at Uitenhage. He was born April 22 1793 and is thus in his 90th year. We should suppose that there is no other living Settler of so advanced an age. Notwithstanding his great age, we believe Mr. HAYWARD suffers from no special sickness. It would have given his old comrades and the new generation much pleasure to welcome Mr. HAYWARD at the late festivities.
[Transcriber’s note: This is James HAYWARD of MENEZES’ Party]

Saturday 3 June 1882

DIED on the 3rd May 1882, Mrs. Sarah MANDY, relict of the late Stephen Day MANDY. R.I.P.

Monday 5 June 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday 3rd June 1882, Sarah, relict of the late G.W. POCOCK, in the 60th year of her age.

Wednesday 7 June 1882

DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 5th June 1882, Caroline Margaret, relict of the late Captain William DARKE.

On Saturday evening, about 8 o’clock, it was reported at the Port Elizabeth Police Station by Mr. GLADWIN, who had been for a walk along the beach, that the body of a European was lying quite dead and naked on the strand, in front of the old magazine. Sergeant MUNDEN, with some men of the force, at once proceeded to the beach and found, as described, the body of a Capetown man between high and low water mark, the clothes of the man being about 200 yards further on the beach, leading to the supposition that he had gone to bathe, got out of his depth, and was carried away by the current. The body was not that evening identified, but on Sunday morning it was discovered to be that of Jacob ROSE, a wagon-maker, a native of Capetown, but for some years a resident of Port Elizabeth, where he worked for Mr. TOBIN.

We are pleased to learn from a border contemporary that Mr. NORMAN of Keiskama Hoek is arranging to place an iron cross on the spot where the body of Capt. D’ARCY was found. This memorial will simply have upon it the name of the deceased, and the honourable letters V.C.

Saturday 10 June 1882

DIED at Queenstown on 8th June 1882, of low pneumonia, Isabel Maud, youngest daughter of the late C.H. CALDECOTT, aged [19] years and 11 months.
“So young, so beautiful, so good”

DIED at Kingwilliamstown, 5th June 1882, Alexander Willmore, infant son of J.H. and K. WILKS, aged 1 year and seven months.
“Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”
Friends please to take notice.

A brass memorial tablet with a plain leaf border, mounted on a marble slab, to the memory of the late Gunner RATCLIFFE, arrived from England (says the Argus) by the Grantully Castle, and will be placed on the walls of St.George’s Cathedral. The following is the inscription: “Sacred to the memory of Frederick William RATCLIFFE, Gunner, Prince Alfred’s Own Volunteer Artillery, who died whilst on active service with his corps at Bashee Hoek, Tembuland on the 16th Dec 1880. The farthest from fear are often nearest to the stroke of fate.” The tablet is erected to his memory by the corps.

A gay wedding took place at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth on Thursday morning, when Mr. SCHABEL led to the hymenal altar Miss HOLLAND, daughter of Mr. J. HOLLAND M.L.A. The church, says the Herald, was crowded, and the ceremony was a very imposing one. The bride and bridesmaids were all handsomely dressed, the trousseau for the former, and the dresses for the latter being of the newest style lately imported from England. The bridesmaids were Miss DYASON, Miss Ethel HOLLAND, Miss CHRISTIAN, Miss KIRKWOOD and two juvenile young belles. The Rev T. BENNETT conducted the service, and the bride was given away by her respected father, whilst Mr. KUHR acted as best man.

Tuesday 13 June 1882

The Alice Times says: On Sunday last, about ten o’clock during the strong gale of wind which prevailed that day, the house on the farm Heilbron, in which Mr. W.J. MUGGLETON and family resided, caught alight and was burnt down. Nearly all the household furniture, clothing &c were destroyed by the devouring element. Some out-houses used as a shop, stores &c, which were a distance off from the dwelling-house, also were destroyed. It is not known for a certainty how the fire originated, but it is thought that during the strong wind sparks from the chimney may have set the thatch alight. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. MUGGLETON in her misfortune.

Wednesday 14 June 1882

A large circle of friends, says the E.L. Dispatch, will hear with deep regret of the death of Miss Maude CALDECOTT, sister of Rev W. CALDECOTT, from rapid consumption, in her 20th year.

One of the most sad affairs that it has been our (Natal Witness) duty to make public occurred at Moxley’s Hotel on Wednesday morning, when the body of a young lady who had poisoned herself was found in one of the bedrooms. On Tuesday evening at five minutes to eight Miss Maude SILLIFANT, a daughter, we believe, of a London surgeon, and governess to Mrs. Hector MACINTOSH of Foxhill, rode into the yard of Moxley’s Hotel, Burges-street, and engaged a room for that evening. She asked for writing materials, got them, and retired, explaining that she desired to rise at a quarter to eight the next morning. She was then quite calm in speech and demeanour. On Wednesday morning Mrs. MOXLEY called at the door of the lady’s room, and receiving no answer, went in, but had no sooner entered the room than she ran out again, calling to her husband that something was wrong with the young lady. They both entered the room then, and found to their horror that Miss SILLIFANT was quite dead. Dr. WARD was at once sent for, but of course could do nothing. The room was in an orderly state. On a chair beside the bed stood a tumbler which smelt strongly of laudanum, and a candle nearby burnt down. On the dressing table were four small and one large bottle labelled “laudanum”, from which the tumbler was filled. The deceased was lying with her face to the wall, dressed in the riding habit she had worn when she had entered the hotel the previous evening, with the hat on and the veil slightly thrown up. Two newly written letters, one addressed to Mr. MACINTOSH, were lying on the pillow; and the head of the unfortunate lady lay on two other letters, open, and evidently placed there before she took the fatal draft. Deceased was only 22 years of age, and of very attractive appearance. The body was conveyed to Grey’s Hospital, where a post-mortem examination was made. The suicide, we believe, was the outcome of a disappointment in love, and naturally has created considerable excitement in town.

Thursday 15 June 1882

BIRTH on the 13th inst at Vaal Krantz, near Alicedale, the wife of Mr. O.B. SANGSTER of a daughter.

On Friday afternoon, while some men were trying to cross the bar in a whale boat they had brought round from Buffalo Bay, they were capsized owing to the heavy sea breaking clear across the bar. The pilot, John BENN, seeing them attempt to cross, at once got ready to render assistance, and he succeeded, at the imminent risk of his life, and in the most courageous manner, in saving the poor fellows just as they were sinking. A moment later would have been of no avail. The pilot then proceeded to Buffalo Bay with the recued men and sailed home. Everyone at Knysna says the pilot deserves the Victoria Cross – if he were eligible to receive it – for his gallant conduct.

An accident of a most appalling character occurred on Saturday […..nk] at Roodebloem in a brick field owned by Mr. HOPKINS. It appears, says the Cape Times, that two labourers named Marthinus CORDEN and VAN DER HOVEN were engaged in excavating clay when the bank which they were undermining suddenly gave way. VAN DER HOVEN managed to jump out of the way of danger, but CORDEN, who was less fortunate, was buried by over twenty tons of falling mass. A number of men immediately set to work to dig out the body of the unfortunate man, but it was about two hours and a half before the body could be recovered. When found it presented a most terrible appearance, and was removed to the Somerset Hospital. An enquiry into the sad occurrence will be held by the Resident Magistrate.

Friday 16 June 1882

MARRIED by Special Licence at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on June 15th 1882, by the Rev. John Edwards, Henry DAVIES of Cradock to Emily Silverstone ESTMENT of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on June 13 1882, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. FICK, aged 8 weeks.
“Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”

Saturday 17 June 1882

On Monday evening last as Mr. Charl MARAIS was sitting with his family round him in his home, by some means or other a cartridge that he held in his had exploded, injuring the thumb of his left hand to such an extent that it had to be amputated. The bullet entered the floor at his feet. It is a miracle, says the local paper, that none of his family were hurt.

How pleasant to turn away one’s thoughts from the dark review of recent times, so crowded with fatal accidents, political blunderings, thefts, forgeries, suicides and murders; and dwell awhile on the noble qualities – the truthfulness, purity of motive and uprightness of practice; the warm-hearted, all-embracing hospitality, the unassuming manners; the loyalty and rare courage in battle – of the late William McLUCKIE, whose spirit left its [time-r…d] resting place of 83 years and four days on the 25th March 1882. This energetic pioneer of South African civilization was born at Kippen in the County of Stirling, Scotland, on the 22nd day of March 1797, and arrived at Capetown, South Africa, in 1817, where he remained 3 years. Thence he removed to Alexandria, where by hard work, hard living and rigid economy – so characteristic of Scotland’s sons – he accumulated sufficient funds to enable him to commence business as a trader or [amonse?].
Arriving at Moselekatsie’s country he was not permitted, with his wagons, to approach that sanguinary despot’s kraal nearer than four miles – dread of the trader’s guns being the cause. After a while his sable majesty having overcome his fears, McLUCKIE was allowed to take his wagons to the Great Chief’s Kraal. On his arrival then of course Moselekatsi wanted the white man to give him a gun, but the latter refused, saying: “The English people will count my guns when I return to the Colony, then my King will be very angry with me for breaking his laws. Would you like one of your subjects to transgress your laws in a similar way?” With this loyal and intrepid answer the Chief was satisfied.
While McLUCKIE was trading he rarely, I believe, engaged in hunting; but on one occasion he and some comrades started in pursuit of elephants, ivory temptation being with McLUCKIE no doubt stronger than the love of sport. The eager hunters soon fell in with a circle of seven tuskers. Their march was in the direction of the hunters, who, not wishing to disturb them with a too hasty salutation, lay down. The unsuspecting pachyderms came on (in Indian file perchance). They are now within a few paces of the hunters. Sundry flashes of light and jets of smoke are seen, a volley heard. Six elephants are theirs (the hunters). The seventh was wounded. McLUCKIE and another man pursued, but apart. The intrepid Scot soon came up with it and delivered two shots. The elephant charged. Of course Mac wished to move off without delay, but his horse, entertaining his own peculiar view of the situation, boldly stood his ground. McLUCKIE kicked in vain. The enraged elephant came on, and old “Sticks” being nearer than the man, got the first salutation from the trunk of his heavy friend. From the crown of his head to the soles of his furthermost hoofs the steed was so greatly moved by the ill-timed familiarity of his new associate that he instantly let fly, with his heels, at the huge beast. The line of the charger’s back being raised to an angle of some 45 degrees, off rolled Mac on one side of the steed, and in the opposite direction away went hat and gun. Fortunately the discomfited and uncomfortable hunter had received no bodily injury; and collecting his scattered thoughts, (his hat and gun were out of reach) he wisely made his escape to the wagons, while old Pachydermentous was moving about in search of him. The elephant was again found and killed. I am sorely tempted to relate another true story of our hero during another hunting excursion, how he was lost in the wilderness and had no food during three days save the broiled end of a sjambok and some dried locusts, but space forbids.
Like the first Batchelor our Willie committed the juvenile indiscretion of marrying when he was only forty; I’ll wait. In the Kafir Wars of 1846 and 1850 he was living on his Woodlands farm, and in one of these he lost 300 head of cattle, but not for want of courage on his part, for well I remember one night at Woodlands in the ’46 war, a lot of Kafirs having entered his kraal, McLUCKIE sallied forth from his house hard by and attacked the whole band single-handed, and only armed with an old blunderbuss. One at least of the marauders was severely wounded; I saw his blood-spoor next day. The heroic Scot escaped unhurt. On another occasion during an engagement with a numerous party of the enemy near Theopolis, and while their bullets were falling thickly around, a friend passing by McLUCKIE kindly and very wisely advised him to offer a less conspicuous mark to the enemy. His reply was characteristic: “What, stoop to a black man. Never”.
An Old Settler

Monday 19 June 1882

DIED on the 17th June 1882 at the residence of her grandson, Mr. W.H. WELSH, Skibbeeren, District of Albany, Cape of Good Hope, Mrs. Louisa ANDERSON Sen, widow of the late Rev. William ANDERSON of Dalry, Kirkcudbright, Scotland, mother of Henry ANDERSON, at the age of 85 years. Home and New Zealand papers please copy.

Wednesday 21 June 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. S.W. DELL of a daughter.

BIRTH at “Brakfontein”, Fort Willshire, Division of Victoria East, on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. Carey SLATER of a daughter.

A sad case of drowning is supposed, remarks the Cape Times, to have occurred at Sea Point last Friday. Mr. Ellison PRITCHARD, a gentleman staying at the Sea Point Hotel, started from the hotel about seven o’clock on Friday morning with the intention of having a bathe. He appeared to be in perfect health and spirits when he left his lodging. As he failed to return to the hotel the proprietor, Mr. LINTVELDT, after waiting some time, became anxious, and at length proceeded to the beach in order to try to discover traces of the missing man. Mr. LINTFELDT’s fears unhappily proved to have some foundation, for the clothes of Mr. PRITCHARD were discovered a little distance above watermark, just below the Tramway Station, and near the residence occupied by Mr. LIEBBRANDT. The spot chosen is a most dangerous one for bathing, besides which there was a heavy surf beating it; it is supposed, however, that Mr. PRITCHARD was unacquainted with the nature of the shore, or else he would not have chosen that particular spot for his bathe. Mr.LINTFELDT made all possible search for the body of the unfortunate gentleman, who he naturally [concluded] had drowned, but unfortunately without success, and up to the present time the body has not been discovered. Mr. PRITCHARD, who was a surveyor, and formerly employed as a road inspector in [Basutoland], and who surveyed the Tembuland boundary, had been residing for some weeks at the St.George’s Hotel, after which he removed to Sea Point, where he became very much liked, and where a great deal of sympathy is felt at his loss. Mrs. PRITCHARD, we learn, left the Cape for England with her two children by the Trojan on her homeward voyage.

Thursday 22 June 1882

DIED at Grahamstown on the 21st June 1882, Mrs. J.M. CURRAN, relict of the late John Philpott CURRAN, Master Mariner, aged 80 years and 3 months. Australian papers please copy.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. CURRAN will move from the residence of her daughter (Mrs. BAYLEY), Fort England, on Friday (tomorrow) afternoon, June 23rd, at 3 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.

Friday 23 June 1882

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Friday morning, 23rd June, the wife of the Rev. Charles PETTMAN of a son

DIED at East London, June 21st 1882, Henry Albert, aged 23 years, son of the late Mr. John RICHARDS, Grahamstown.

DIED at 2 o’clock pm on Thursday June 22nd, James Burt GLANVILLE, late Town Clerk, aged 62.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Burt James GLANVILLE will leave his late residence, near Fort England Road, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. GLANVILLE, who died yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock in his residence on Settler’s Hill. Mr. GLANVILLE was born at Plymouth in November 1819, and came to Grahamstown in 1856, where he continued to reside up to the date of his decease. In his early years he gave his attention to science, studied under Professor HUXLEY, and constantly lectured at the Mechanics’ Institute, in London, better known as the Birbeck Institute, on scientific subjects. Among other subjects he turned his attention to natural history, and acquired a vast amount of information which led to his appointment to the Albany Museum. The Museum was started in 1855, and Mr. GLANVILLE’s connection with it dated from the following year. Since that time he has given the most untiring attention to this work, and his thorough knowledge of the flora, fauna and geology of the country has enabled him to work the Institution up to its present efficient state. Of late years his constitution was much enfeebled by chronic asthma, and the sudden news of his brother’s death in 1878 further prostrated him, so that he was not able to give his daily attention to the Museum. Fortunately his daughter was able to render him valuable assistance, and if it had not been for her constant labours during and succeeding the removal of the Museum from the room below the old Council Chamber to the present Town Hall, many valuable specimens must have been destroyed. In 1860 Mr. GLANVILLE was appointed Town Clerk, and continued to be so until 1881, when his health became so bad that it was impossible for him to fulfil the duties of that office, and he was appointed Treasurer. His knowledge of the rules of Municipal procedure, and the mass of information he acquired during the early years of his office, enabled him to render services of great value to the town. At one time he was connected with the press of the Eastern Province, was editor of the Journal, a constant writer to the Eastern Province Herald, and a contributor to the Cape Monthly Magazine when that periodical was edited by the late Professor NOBLE, between whom and himself there was a close friendship. He had a very small circle of friends, being thoroughly devoted to his family, whom he would gather round him at night whilst he read and expounded the works of the great scientific writers of the day, occasionally diverging into the lighter paths of literature afforded by the works of Sir Walter Scott, Dickens, George Elliott, and of modern travellers. His oldest and most valued friend was Dr. ATHERSTONE, who last week wrote him a cheering letter from Capetown, stating that he would be in Grahamstown on Friday (today) with good news about the Museum. As the salaries he received as Curator and Town Clerk were never sufficient to enable him to invest, we regret to learn that his family, for whom we have the greatest sympathy, are left without any property whatever. The immediate cause of death was the breakage of a blood vessel caused by a violent paroxysm of coughing on Wednesday night, although for quite twelve months he had been in a declining state, suffering intense pain throughout that period. Dr. DILLON was called in, but the end had come, and at 2 o’clock he died in full possession of his senses, most calmly and without pain.

Saturday 24 June 1882

A shocking murder was committed at the Paarl some time between Saturday evening and Sunday by a German named Willem MULLER. MULLER has lived in the Paarl some 15 years, with a Hottentot woman, to whom it was claimed he was married. They did not live happily, frequently quarrelling. On Saturday evening the neighbours of MULLER heard high words and blows; but as it was a matter of frequent occurrence, no attention was paid. On Sunday evening MULLER reported to Chief Constable BRODIE that his wife was dead. An investigation by the Resident Magistrate and District Surgeon disclosed that the body of the woman was horribly mutilated. A club and pair of boots of MULLER’s were discovered hidden, which were covered with blood. The wounds on the body plainly indicated that the poor woman was clubbed and trampled to death. MULLER was promptly locked up.

Monday 26 June 1882

Among the noble band of British settlers who came to this colony in 1820 there are to be found the names of Jeremiah LONG, of his wife, and of two minor sons, James, the elder, and Jeremiah, the subject of this notice, then aged 11, having been born on the 11th day of July 1809 in Manchester, England. This family formed part of SMITH’s Party, and were passengers per Stentor as far as Table Bay, where they were transhipped to the Weymouth, and came in that vessel to Algoa Bay. They were located with the rest of the party at Green Fountain, near Bathurst, now the farm of Mr. J. WALKER.
In the year 1824 the family removed to Bushman’s River, where the grant of a farm was obtained from Governor Lord Charles SOMERSET, which became so noted for grapes that it was named Eshcol, after the Eshcol of Scripture, a name by the way that it has not yet forfeited, though the old vineyard is now a ploughed field. Here the family lived unbroken till the year 1831, when on the 12th November old Mr. LONG succumbed to a severe cold, caught in endeavouring to save the lives of two native children who had got into the river. Life was extinct, however, when their bodies were recovered. His remains were interred in the Salem cemetery. A few weeks after this event, that is just previous to the ever memorable Christmas of 1831, the subject of this notice took his mother down to the old Location, to spend their Christmas with their former neighbours. While here the war broke out, and they, along with the rest, made the best of their way into Bathurst for safety. From here he accompanied a patrol going out under William BOWKER, from Bathurst. They rode down to the mouth of the Kleinemonde, which they crossed to the east side. Mr. BOWKER here desired him and two other men to take a certain track, while himself and the rest of the patrol would make a longer detour, and would ultimately rejoin at a given point. The trio, however, had not proceeded very far before they came across two Kafirs driving a drove of cattle (CLAYTON’s) in the direction of the Fish River, upon whom they fired, but without injuring them. It is related that Mr. LONG, while aiming, was forcibly struck with the thought: “these Kafirs have not harmed me, why shoot them?” and with that he purposely fired wide. No sooner had they fired, however, than the Kafirs came on, opening to right and left. The one was carrying a bundle of assegais and the other had but one: and by the time he was reloaded they had advanced to throwing distance; which they did simultaneously, with great dexterity and precision, and throwing from different points, he could see both. He avoided the throw of the one, however, but the other struck him in the thigh, the point protruding on the other side. He then shot the one with the bundle of assegais dead, and the other had not wherewith to throw again until he could get to his dead comrade, which he soon did, but he must have been unnerved at the sight of the other’s blood, or funked, for he crouched down in the long grass, and Jeremiah LONG, when reloaded, watched his chance, and as the Kafir popped up soon after he put the bullet in his forehead, it is said, carrying his scalp right back. He now tried to extricate the assegai from his own leg, but it being barbed, he had to pull it right through, shaft and all. At this juncture his companions returned, but not to assist the wounded man. Him they left, and began to strip the dead Kafirs of every trinket, and took all the assegais. Fortunately BOWKER, who had hear the shooting, soon came to the scene and at once stripped off his own shirt, and having torn it into strips he bandaged the leg; after which they retraced their steps across the Kleinemonde back to Bathurst, he still being able to ride his horse all the way. The old gun (a flint lock) may still be seen at Eshcol, where it remained in possession of Mr. LONG while he lived, and where doubtless it will be handed down to posterity as a treasured heirloom.
In the meantime everything at Eshcol was destroyed. James LONG, the elder brother, had been obliged to flee for safety at very short notice, and what things he did take were all subsequently stolen before the war was ended. Everything that would burn was burned by the Kafirs. The pigs they stabbed with assegais and left to rot. The house, which had been pronounced by Sir Lowry COLE, the Governor, 1829, to be the finest farm-house on the frontier, was reduced to utter ruin. The labour of years was thus destroyed and gone in as many hours.
From Bathurst the subject of this notice got to Grahamstown, where on the 11th day of May 1835 he was joined in matrimony to Miss Emma RICHARDSON. The interesting ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. HEAVYSIDE in St.George’s Cathedral. After this he was out on commando for six months, the major part of this time being spent at Fort Wiltshire. It will not be out of place here to mention a somewhat narrow escape of Mrs. LONG, when Miss Emma RICHARDSON, just before the war, She had brought a horse to town from Lower Albany to fetch out her brother John (now of the Mills at Trapp’s Valley but then an apprentice to the wagon-making trade in Grahamstown) to spend Christmas and New Year at home at Kafir Drift. They had proceeded as far as Waai Plaats when she saw the flats ahead covered with Kafirs, and the smoke of the settlers’ homesteads ascending to the sky, among others Alec FORBES’s, whom the Kafirs killed that day. They rode hard back, and were the first to give warning to the residents of Blauw Krantz, who were still unconscious of their danger; and were we are told the first to bring the news into Grahamstown of the disastrous outbreak of Christmas 1831. When matters were sufficiently settled to admit of it, Jeremiah LONG returned to Eshcol with his wife and mother; and oh! How changed it was from the Eshcol of a year before. The fine old house was now a charred and blackened ruin; but it was no time, and Jeremiah LONG was not the man, to indulge in idle repining. He set to work, and in due time was enabled to restore something like order out of chaos. He had learned the wagon making trade, which he was able now to turn to good account. While the crops were growing he would work at his trade, and by dint of perseverance he was able to pay his way, and to a great extent retrieve his ruined circumstances. He was reckoned second to none in making a wagon-wheel, or a wooden axle-tree of the old days. He was a splendid shot, his aim quick and deadly; and he was an expert swimmer, having scores of times crossed the flooded bridgeless rivers of the Eastern Province, from the Gamtoos to the Buffalo. With his bundle of clothes on his head and his gun in his right hand he would cross no matter how high or how rapid the current was. Even so late as a few years ago I happened that while angling at the mouth of the Bushman’s River, at the very ruggedest part of that rocky coast, a son of Dr. FOSTER’s was swept from his footing by a huge wave and carried into a deep boiling seething chasm between the rocks, and would soon have been carried beyond reach, or dashed to death by the next succeeding wave. Mr. LONG, who was fortunately present, in a moment plunged in to the rescue and was barely in time to save the boy, which he did just as another wave came rushing on in wildest fury. On the occasion of the war in Natal in 1842 he sent a wagon and span of oxen with Dennis LEARY, a young man who had come out an emigrant boy, and whom he had brought up. The oxen he lost, as many others did theirs; but the old wagon was brought by sea to Algoa Bay, though tolerably shot to pieces by the Boers. A portion of this wagon was subsequently made into a sofa, and still stands in the dining room at Eshcol, looking none the worse for having been through the Natal campaign. In the meantime at Eshcol there had been continuous hard work, resulting in many improvements and considerable prosperity, which may be said to have continued up to 1846, when the outbreak of the second war compelled him again to leave everything to the tender mercies of the Kafirs. On this occasion he trekked into a laager at Sevenfountains, where he remained a considerable time, losing most of the stock, if not all. The house escaped being burned by his cutting off all the thatch and burning it before leaving. The wagon-maker’s shop (still in use), however, was not touched by the Kafirs, although it was built of sneezewood poles and reeds, and would have burned down to the ground. The only damage to it was done by baboons, in tearing loose the thatch along the ridge. When matters quieted down somewhat, a trek back as far as Hopefontein was made, and in a few days, all seeming quiet, to Eshcol. This step, however, was premature; for after a very few days Kafirs again showed in sufficient numbers to render staying there neither safe nor pleasant; and another move was made, now to Waai Heuvel, the camp being near the spot where James LONG’s house now stands. Here he remained until it appeared safe to reoccupy Eshcol, which he did in due time; and again set to work to re-thatch the house and put things generally in order, to be again driven away in 1850, after a lapse of only about 3 years. This time he trekked beyond the Bay with his family and what stock he had been able to save from former wars and continued thieving. This time the houses were left as they stood, thatch and all, and strange to say were not burned, though the Kafirs were living in the bush close by in numbers during part of that war. From the Bay he removed to a place called Galgen Bosch, on the Gamtoos River, beyond Uitenhage. Here he remained until peace was restored, and then returned home, and had not again to flee for safety on account of war. But all through, both before and after the war, there was always a large amount of thieving to submit to, and what with this and tigers, wolves and wild dogs, with which Bushman’s River abounded, his frontier life was anything but free from losses. Then also there were droughts and rust, but notwithstanding them and many other losses he always managed to pay his way by dint of hard work and economy: and brought up a family of 13 children, 7 sons and 6 daughters, of whom 12 survive, and one son (Thomas) died in Port Elizabeth, November 1st 1862, aged 19 years 3 months and 27 days. He was a young man of great promise, cut down in the very morning of his manhood. In 1869 Mr. LONG sustained the loss of the partner of his joys and sorrows. After a long and painful illness, borne throughout with Christian fortitude and patience, Mrs. Emma LONG died at Eshcol, March 11th 1869, in the sure and certain hope of eternal life, aged 52 years 9 months and 20 days. In 1870 he married the widow of the late Mr. James TILBURY of Alexandria, the wedding being solemnised at Ghio by the Rev. B.J. SHAW. This union was also broken by the death of Mrs. LONG, which took place at Alexandria on the 3rd June 1881. He too was gradually yet perceptibly weaker month by month; he was aging fast, and in November of the same year he was taken seriously ill. He grew gradually worse, but was enabled always to calmly await his approaching end. Trusting fully, humbly and solely in his saviour for strength and succour, and in the blessed hope of life and immortality, he exchanged the earthly Sabbath for the eternal Sabbath day in heaven on the 21st day of May 1882, aged 72 years, 10 months and 10 days. Thus passed away one who had himself gone through many hardships, sustained many reverses and though having little or no opportunities of learning when young, could write a very passable hand, and read both English and Dutch fluently. We can only add to this very brief and imperfect memorial, written under considerable disadvantages, the hope that all his offspring may live worthy of their sire.

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