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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 07 July

Monday 3 July 1882

BIRTH on the Farm [“Konsberg”], District of Rouxville, O.F. State, on the 13th April 1882, the wife of Herbert H. BROWNE Junr. of a son.
[The above notice has been accidentally delayed in transmission]

MARRIED at Wynberg by Dr. Faure on the 28th June, William Musgrove HOPLEY, Barrister-at-Law, eldest son of F.H. HOPLEY of Burghersdorp, to Annie, eldest daughter of the late John VAN DER BYL, of Fairfield.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Alice, on June 28th 1882, by the Rev. Robert Martin of St. Matthew’s, Dr. C. Ernest POPE M.R.C.S., London, to Cecilia Louisa MURRAY, eldest daughter of George MURRAY Esq, Alice.

We published in our last issue a telegram announcing the very sudden death at Oudtshoorn on Friday last of Patrick McLAUGHLIN. In an obituary notice of the deceased the Cape Times observes: In the year 1861 Mr. McLAUGHLIN arrived in this colony as a sergeant in Her Majesty’s 59th Regiment. Having obtained his discharge, in consequence of an accident affecting his sight, Mr.McLAUGHLIN opened a school in Boom-street, and while thus employed attracted the attention of the proprietors of the Cape Argus by some letters contributed to that journal under the signature of “Scotus”. An engagement was presently offered to Mr. McLAUGHLIN as a proof-reader in the Argus office, opportunity being given to him at the same time for the exercise of his literary faculty, which proved to be so vigorous that on Mr. FULLER’s resignation of the editorial chair, in order to establish the emigration agency for this colony in London, Mr. McLAUGHLIN was installed in his place, Professor NOBLE being generally regarded as principal leader-writer; but of this arrangement we can only speak from common report. As editor of the Cape Argus Mr. McLAUGHLIN was an industrious and zealous worker, devoted to the interests of his employers, and cherishing an honest pride in a journal whose influence owed much to his energy and to his judicious selection of contributors. In 1879 circumstances led to the severance of Mr. McLAUGHLIN’s connection with the Cape Argus; and the Cape Post, which was subsequently started under his management, was not commercially successful. Removing to Oudtshoorn, Mr. McLAUGHLIN undertook the editorial direction of the Oudtshoorn Tribune, a journal equalled by few of its provincial contemporaries for careful compilation of news matter, for judicious advocacy of local interests, and for intelligent treatment of colonial questions. The wearing toil of a journalist, however, had combined with circumstances peculiarly harassing to break down a robust physical constitution, and the sad end reported by telegraph could have caused little, if any, surprise. When Patrick McLAUGHLIN’s name is mentioned, let his memory be associated with the strength of purpose, the loyalty to those who claimed his service, the sacrifices he ventured in behalf of others, and all the manlier qualities which might in happier circumstances have eventually forced a way to distinguished success. Mr. McLAUGHLIN leaves a widow and several children slenderly, if at all, provided for.

Tuesday 4 July 1882

The Courant reports a shocking suicide committed in the upper part of the village of Oudtshoorn on Sunday morning last. It appears that a Scotchman, named GRABIE, and his two sons, residing at Saldanha Bay, in the Malmesbury district, started on a trading expedition in the direction of Calvinia and the northern districts, and, after having bartered stock, such as horses, donkeys and sheep, suffered heavy losses in consequence of the drought, and with the remainder came to this district, vid Beaufort West, expecting to dispose of them. They were outspanned in the outskirts of the town for a day or two, when, from all accounts, some nocturnal carousings were indulged in, and the father, GRABIE, lost some money. This evidently preyed on his mind, for on Sunday morning, about 11 o’clock, he deliberately reclined on his back under one of the wagons, pointed a loaded rifle to his mouth, pulled the trigger with his foot and discharged a bullet through his head. The bullet struck the wagon and rebounded on to the ground, being afterwards picked up. The body was conveyed to the hospital in the gaol, and a post mortem examination was held by the district surgeon. The deceased has been resident in the Colony for thirty years, and appears to be about fifty years old, and has a wife and family at present at Saldanha Bay. The burial took place on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. STEGMANN performing the funeral service.

On Wednesday the 28th instant, in the afternoon, at the Dutch Reformed Church, Wynberg, the marriage of Miss VAN DER BYL, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John VAN DER BYL and Mrs. VAN DER BYL, “The Grange”, Rondebosch, with Mr. W. HOPLEY, Barrister-at-Law of Grahamstown, was solemnised by the Rev. Dr. FAURE. The bride, who was given away by her uncle and guardian, Mr. Adrian VAN DER BYL, looked charming in a lovely combination of white satin and moiré, with the usual accompaniments of a very pretty wreath and veil. The bride was accompanied by four bridesmaids; Miss Alice VAN DER BYL, sister of the bride, Miss Alice HOPLEY, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Annie Laurie VAN DER BYL, cousin of the bride, and Miss FLEMING. They were dressed in crevette soie merveilleuse, trimmed with handsome cream coloured Spanish lace, and veils fastened with wreaths of roses and maiden hair. Each bridesmaid carried a bouquet of daphne violets and snowdrops, and wore gold bracelets, the gift of the bridegroom. The best man was Mr. Herbert BLAINE. After the ceremony a large circle of friends was entertained at the “Grange” by Mrs. VAN DER BYL. Soon after four o’clock, amid a shower of rice and hearty congratulations of their friends, the bride and bridegroom left for Kalk Bay. The presents were both numerous and costly.

Wednesday 5 July 1882

BIRTH at Oatlands Park on 5th July, the wife of Mr. H.G. CARTER of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 5th July 1882, by Special Licence at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev L. Nuttall, Henry Thomas, only son of John COUSINS Esq, Dorsetshire, England, to Loveday Ann, fourth daughter of Thomas BROOKSHAW Esq of “Brooklyn House”, Grahamstown.

This morning at the Baptist Church the marriage took place of the Rev. Henry T. COUSINS and Miss L.A. BROOKSHAW, the Rev L. NUTTALL officiating. The ceremony took place at 10 o’clock, and before that time the church was crowded with interested spectators, ladies of course as usual predominating in proportion of ten to one. On the arrival of the bridal party Mrs. HODGKINS played the “Wedding March” on the organ. The bride looked charming in a dress of white cashmere, trimmed with satin merveilleux and Spanish lace. There were eight bridesmaids: Miss B. GOWIE, Miss Jessie GOWIE, Miss Helen BROTHERTON, Miss Alice WARD, Miss DUKE, Miss R. BROOKSHAW, Miss W. BROOKSHAW, Miss F. SMITH, Miss E. GROCOTT, Miss WILLCOX and Miss SAMPSON, and they were dressed in ecru cashmere dresses, trimmed with broche satin and Spanish lace, and hats trimmed with ecru and satin, with the exception of Misses GOWIE and BROTHERTON, who wore cream Foubardine costumes trimmed with Spanish lace and cream Batiste de Soie hats, with natural flowers. There was only one groomsman, namely the Rev Mr. WYNN of Kingwilliamstown. The bride was given away by her father, and at the conclusion of the ceremony the anthem “The Lord bless them and keep them” was sung with much effect. A large crowd had also assembled outside the door to see the bride and bridegroom leave the Church. This morning the happy pair left by [train] for the Zuurberg Hotel. We wish them every happiness.

Friday 7 July 1882

On Tuesday last, says the Dispatch, a bricklayer named ANDREWS, not long from England, fell from near the top of the new Presbyterian Church, East London, in course of building on the West Bank. It appears the ropes which bound the scaffolding suddenly gave way and caused the accident. The unfortunate man, who is said to be 67 years old, was picked up and placed in a conveyance in order to take him to the hospital, but he died just before reaching the pontoon. One side was horribly driven in by the fall.

Saturday 8 July 1882

BIRTH July 7th at Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, the wife of H. LARDNER-BURKE, Barrister-at-Law, of a son.

DIED at Stoneridge, Cathcart on the 4th July, Adelaide, the beloved wife of H. CALDERWOOD, aged 28 years and 5 months.

Thursday 13 July 1882

An esteemed correspondent at Smithfield has furnished the Friend with the following obituary notice of Mrs. BIRD, who was a resident of Bloemfontein about twenty-five years ago, and is well remembered by “old hands”.
Smithfield, July 1 1882
On Monday last there passed away, at the farm of her son-in-law Mr. Thomas HAYWARD, near Smithfield, and in a very ripe old age, a much respected and estimable old lady, Mrs. Jane BIRD, nee WILLIAMS. Mrs. BIRD was born in 1801 in North Wales. In 1837 she accompanied the Rev Francis OWEN on a mission to the Zulus, then ruled by the notorious tyrant chief Dingaan.
Captain GARDNER, who afterwards so miserably perished at the Falklands Islands, was one of her fellow passengers in the Palmyra, which conveyed the mission party to South Africa.
The Rev F. OWEN was allowed by Dingaan to establish himself near his kraal Umginginhlovn, and it was some four months afterwards that the unfortunate Peter RETIEF and his companions arrived at Dingaan’s, where they were massacred on the 7th February 1838. Mrs, BIRD was a horrified spectator of the attack treacherously made upon the farmers by the Zulus in Dingaan’s kraal, in which the whole party of the farmers, together with their interpreter, Mr. Thomas HALSTEAD, was overpowered. The whites were thence dragged out to the usual place of execution and put to a violent death, their bodies being at once abandoned to the vultures, which were being so continuously fed by the atrocious massacres committed by the bloodthirsty Zulu chief. On the Sunday following the massacre, the Rev. F. OWEN’s mission party, including Mrs. BIRD, then Miss WILLIAMS, were expelled by Dingaan, and fled with sick oxen in a wagon to Port Natal, which place it took six weeks to reach. The poor fugitives escaped with only their bedding and the clothes they had on.
The Zulus followed up the massacre of RETIEF and his companions by attacking the various Boer camps, and subsequently they fell on the English settlers at the Port of Natal. Mrs. BIRD then escaped in a small vessel named the Comet to Delgoa Bay, and was taken in the same vessel shortly afterwards to Port Elizabeth.
On the 6th November 1877 Mrs. BIRD’s narrative of these occurrences was committed to writing, and this was published in the Orange Free State Monthly Magazine No.2 Vol.1, in an article headed “Personal Recollections of Dingaan and the Massacre of RETIEF and his Party.” The extraordinary memory of the old lady would have allowed the narrative to have been taken down with much fuller particulars, but the remembrances of the horrible scenes she had witnessed and the terrors she had gone through excited her so much that it was considered unfair to tax her farther.
Mrs. BIRD was buried on Wednesday last at Mr. T. HAYWARD’s farm, Klipplastfontein, and her funeral was numerously attended by people from Smithfield and neighbourhood.

Monday 17 July 1882

BIRTH on July 7 1882 at Queenstown, the wife of J.M. PARSONSON of a son.

BIRTH at the Hope, the wife of W. WAKEFORD of a daughter, on the 9th inst.

MARRIED at Kleinemond Church on July 6th 1882, by the Rev. William Meaden, W.H. CAMPBELL to Selina HODGKINSON of Standerwig.

Tuesday 18 July 1882

We greatly regret to hear of the somewhat sudden decease of this lady, who died at Queenstown a day or two since, shortly after her confinement. Mrs. PARSONSON, who was the daughter of the Rev. Mr. LAMPLOUGH, had a great many friends in this town, who will hear with unfeigned regret of her untimely death.

A sad accident happened at the Rondebosch Railway Station on Wednesday last to the foreman porter at that station, named Mr. PLANK, which was unfortunately attended with fatal results. It appears (says the Times) that on the arrival of the 7 o’clock luggage train from Wynberg, several trucks had to be shunted and attached to the train. This duty of attaching trucks, which is always attended with great danger, fell to the lot of the deceased, who was killed in the execution of his duty. Whilst waiting for the shunted trucks to come into collision with the other carriages composing the train, he slipped, and was thrown on his back across the line, one of the wheels of the shunted trucks passing over the groin. The body of the unfortunate man was almost severed in two, and was crushed and mutilated in a horrible manner. No blame is to be attached to the railway officials, as everything was being done in a most systematic manner. The deceased, who was married at Easter last, has been in the service for several years, and was much liked by his fellow officials.

An inquest was held at the Magistrate’s Court, Capetown, on Wednesday last, before J. CAMPBELL Esq, in his capacity as coroner, into the circumstances attending the death of Lorenzo SCHIAPPINO, captain of the Italian barque [Loop C?], which arrived in Table Bay on Saturday week from Cardiff. Nicholas [..IATRO], master of the Italian barque [Pap….] deposed that on Thursday night he was at a dance party, given in Mr. KRUMM’s Hotel, at the corner of Strand and Chiappini-streets, at which the deceased was also present. About half past twelve on Friday morning he saw the deceased waltzing with a lady, and shortly afterwards he fell suddenly to the ground in a speechless condition. The body was lifted up and placed on a bed. On returning to the hotel, after trying to obtain medical assistance, witness found that the deceased had expired. Johanna BRANDENBURG stated that she was waltzing with the deceased on the night in question, when he suddenly stopped dancing, and commenced to promenade round the room. He had hardly taken a few paces when he exclaimed [“… take me] and fell speechless to the floor, where he lay crumpled on his left side. The party at once broke up and the deceased was removed to bed, where he died shortly afterwards. He had not complained of feeling unwell during the evening. As the Magistrate had not yet received the Doctor’s certificate, he was unable to return a verdict. The cause of death was probably heart disease. The Italian flag was run up half-mast high.

Thursday 20 July 1882

DIED at Lieuw Fontein, the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. J.P. BROLE, on the 23rd June, Mr. William GREEN, aged 62 years, only son of the late Mr. Robert Blaine GREEN, of Grahamstown. Friends will please accept this notice.

Death, says the Queenstown Representative, has been busy in our midst within the past few days. Mrs. PARSONSON and Mrs. WAUGH died yesterday morning. If we were to give ear to rumour, an enquiry into the malady from which so many beloved ones in Queenstown have succumbed would be ordered by the Resident Magistrate. It is a delicate matter to touch upon, but some steps are imperative.

Saturday 22 July 1882

BIRTH at “Shadwell”, Zuurberg, on 18th July 1882, Mrs. James WEBSTER of a son.

DIED at Queenstown on Monday 17th July, in great peace, Charlotte Helen, the beloved wife of J.M. PARSONSON, and daughter of the Rev R. LAMPLOUGH, aged 19 years and 11 months.

Thursday 27 July 1882

Mr. Samuel HOBSON, son-in-law of the Rev John EDWARDS of this City, has died recently at his farm Ebenezer, in the Jansenville District. We greatly regret to hear of the loss of one who was a prosperous and intelligent farmer, a kindly friend, and an esteemed citizen. We tender our sincere condolences to Mrs. HOBSON and the bereaved family.

Last Wednesday week at Heckspoort, Transvaal, a little girl, six years of age, daughter of Mr. D. KRUGER, was unfortunately run over by a wagon and killed. It appears that the wagon stopped at the back of Mr. KRUGER’s house, and the little girl ran towards it. She was called back, and obeyed the summons, but when unobserved returned, and began climbing up on one of the hind wheels. The driver not being aware of the position of the child started the oxen to drive off, when the revolving wheel carried the poor little girl with it, and passed over her neck, causing almost instantaneous death. The unfortunate child, we (Transvaal Advertiser, understand, was a niece of His Honour Mr. Paul KRUGER.

Monday 31 July 1882

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Horatio Pearce LONG, of Grahamstown, that he did on or about the 21st day of December 1881, and upon divers days between that date and the present time, commit the crime of receiving or accepting an alienation, transfer, gift, cession, delivery or pledge, made by the Insolvent Samuel Dorrington LONG with intent to defraud his creditors, knowing at the time the same to be fraudulently made; and also of the crime of obtaining property and valuable securities by false pretences.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said Horatio Pearce LONG, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 29th day of July 1882
Resident Magistrate for Albany
Description of Horatio Pearce LONG:
Height about 5ft 9 in; prominent nose; fresh colour; reddish-yellow hair and short moustache; light blue eyes, walks erect. About 22 years of age.

[Transcriber’s Note: See Warrant of Apprehension Notice for 5 October 1882]

BIRTH at the Wesleyan Mission House, Grahamstown, on Friday 28th inst, the wife of Rev. E.J. LONES of a daughter.

MARRIED at St.John’s Church, East London, 27th July, by the father of the bride, Peter GORDON Esq of Grahamstown to Mary, the youngest daughter of the Rev Wm. IMPEY, Rector of St.John’s, East London.

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