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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1882 08 August

Tuesday 1 August 1882

MARRIED on the 27th July at All Saints Church, Somerset East, by the Rev. H.R. Woodroofe, Annesley, third surviving child of the late Rev. Loftus READE JP, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, to Kate, eldest daughter of Mr. William McCALLUM of same place.

Wednesday 2 August 1882

BIRTH at Peddie on the 29th July 1882, the wife of E.H. [NEVILL] of a son.

Thursday 3 August 1882

On Tuesday last (says the Friend) Mrs. H. GRIFFIN, widow of the late Mr. Michael GRIFFIN, died on her farm Wickfield, near Brandfort. She had been ailing for some time, and no doubt the awfully sudden death of her son, Gabriel, by lightning, in December last gave a shock to her system from which she never recovered. Mrs. GRIFFIN was one of the old inhabitants of Bloemfontein, and will be much missed by travellers, to whom she was exceedingly hospitable.

Friday 4 August 1882

Last week the inhabitants of Komgha, says the Dispatch, were horrified to learn that a well-known transport rider and sheep farmer, Mr. Thomas BUTLER, had committed suicide in a most deliberate and determined manner. The unfortunate man is one of four brothers, highly respected. He was near the Chicaba Bush with his stock, and no known reason can be assigned for the rash act which has plunged his family into the most profound grief. When found the head was nearly severed from the body, the act having been perpetrated with a knife which is known to have belonged to the deceased. The body was interred in the cemetery at Komgha.

The Watchman welcomes back to Kingwilliamstown Mr. J.W. GRIFFITH, who some few months back set out for the old country to pass an examination for the Royal College of Surgeons’ Diploma of Dental Surgery, and it is with much pleasure we learn that Mr. GRIFFITH has attained his object, coming out of a severe examination, conducted by three surgeons and three dentists, fourth on a list of forty-five, to the first six only of whom honours were awarded. Mr. GRIFFITH now resumes the practice of his profession, and in doing so offers to the public the highest guarantee of his qualification for the pursuit of it, and we trust he will reap the rich harvest which diligence and the possession of a high standard of professional fitness deserve.

On Saturday last a lamentable affair happened at Mr. DREDGE’s place, Chalumna. A young man who had just gone out to service there was in the same room with another employee named COOK, who was sick in bed. The former had a revolver with which he was trifling, and he had just received a caution from COOK to be careful, when the weapon exploded, and the shot lodged in COOK’s stomach. After lingering several hours the unfortunate man died. He made a statement, says the Dispatch, before his death, quite exonerating his fellow labourer from any intention to do mischief, and the latter is of course deeply grieved at the lamentable accident. An inquest was held in due course, and a verdict recoded in accordance with the facts.

A festive gathering of a very interesting character, says the Budget, was held on Wednesday evening, the 27th ult, in the Baptist Church, Port Alfred East, when a soirée was given by members of the Baptist congregation to welcome their pastor, Mr. T.H.COUSINS, and Mrs. COUSINS, on their return from the bridal tour. The little chapel looked as pretty and charming as flowers and green leaves could make it, arranged as they were by the skilful hands of the ladies in perfect taste, neither too profuse nor too scanty. At the upper end of the room was displayed a white scroll, with the inscription in white letters “Joy and Happiness to our Beloved Pastor and his Bride”, and beneath a beautifully illuminated card bearing the words “Welcome Home”. The decorations were handsome and appropriate, and excited universal admiration. After tea the proceedings were diversified by a very interesting ceremony, the presentation by the choir of a very handsome timepiece to the newly married pair. This pleasing duty was performed in a peculiarly graceful manner, on behalf of the choir, by Mr. J. BRODRICK. The clock is a very substantial and ornamental piece of furniture, and is henceforth, no doubt, to occupy a conspicuous position in the pastoral residence. The Rev. L. NUTTALL and several other gentlemen delivered speeches.

Saturday 5 August 1882

Yesterday in the course of a cricket match near Aylesbury’s hostelry, on the Kowie-road West, Mr. J. WESTON, of the Kareiga, met with a most serious accident. The match was between the Southwell Club and a team of farmers from the surrounding district, and Mr. WESTON kindly acted as umpire. In the interval for lunch he went to catch his horse, and while passing a mare of Mr. KEETON’s, the brute lashed out and struck Mr. WESTON on the side of the face with such awful force as to break the jaw and injure the eye. In fact our informant tells us that the eye was knocked out. The injured man was at once carried in to Mr. WEBBER’s homestead, near which the accident happened, and Mr. MORRIS, of the Commercial Hotel, with another, immediately left for town for medical aid. Dr. DILLON left in the evening, and we sincerely hope that he effectively lightened the suffering of Mr.WESTON.

East London Dispatch, August 2nd.
The various assaults of which we have heard from time to time upon the immigrants located on the eastward part of this division, culminated last week in the murder of the immigrant POWELL, of the Gonubie location. The deceased came out at the beginning of the present year and was placed in the location under the direction of Mr. HELLIER. He was known as an inoffensive man, whose intercourse with the natives was of the most limited kind, and he came to town at the beginning of last week to fetch out two oxen, with which he was to be supplied as an advance to help him with his agricultural work. He was to return on Monday evening, and his wife was left at home alone, the nearest neighbour, Allen ROBERTSON, being some half a mile away. On Monday afternoon a young Kafir came to the house between four and five o’clock, and on the wife going to the door he spoke to her in an impudent manner, and then threatened to rob the house. She knew the Kafir by sight, and it seems he was in the habit of going by another name than his own. She retreated and got a revolver, and as he threatened and proceeded to force the place she snapped it at him through the window. The first shot did not go off, but the second did, but missed the Kafir. He was still outside, and Mrs. POWELL, having slammed the door, locked and barricaded it as best she could. He threw a stone at her and then hung about the place at the other windows, of which there are four or five in the house, which is a comfortable cottage. He drew his assegai, and showing it through the window said he would have her life. After some time, however, he went off, and Mrs. POWELL remained barricaded in the house in great terror. Presently she heard a scream at some short distance from the house, which must have been that of her husband, at that moment being murdered within sight of his home. Mrs. POWELL remained shut up in the house until ROBERTSON came and relieved her the following day, and on the story being told to the Inspector of Natives, Mr. SCHWEIZER, a search was made in the vicinity. It ended on Friday, after nearly three full days, in the discovery of the body not more than 300 yards from the house. POWELL had taken a short footpath leading to his house when he was set upon and murdered with one or more assegais. The wounds were chiefly in his throat and head, and the body was found down a precipice or steep place along the edge of which the footpath ran. The dead man had a bush in his hand, and seemed to have been left by his murderer or murderers only half dead. The deceased was never known to have a Kafir about his place, and one observation made upon the case is that if he had had a trustworthy family about the place his life might have been saved. He was an extremely civil and well-conducted man, and the last man who would be likely to have a grudge entertained against him by a native. He had no children.
We learn that the name of the Kafir who assaulted Mrs. POWELL is Klaas BAILEY, and that he is said to be one of Siwani’s people, a large part of whom are now located at [Tamscha], on the other side of Kingwilliamstown. BAILEY had been living with Jungelanga’s people on the Lilyfontein commonage. Some description of him may perhaps be useful, and it is stated that he has a scar on the forehead over the left eye, and also one on the top of his head, the hair being off. The supposition is that the same man who assaulted Mrs. POWELL murdered her husband, but this will be a matter for a jury if the police should be fortunate enough to capture Klaas BAILEY.
On Monday a number of the immigrants were in town, bringing the body of the murdered man, which was borne to the new East Bank Cemetery, and there interred, the ceremony being conducted by the Rev. W.S. CALDECOTT, Wesleyan Minister.
The Superintendent of Immigrants informs us that G.W. POWELL came out to the Colony on the 29th November, and was located early in January on the Gonubie, where he built himself a house and was cultivating as much as he possibly could, and bringing the produce to the East London market. Mr. HELLIER describes him as a very gentle and intelligent man, and one who was much loved and esteemed by all his neighbours.

Monday 7 August 1882

DIED at Seven Fountains, August 5 1882, Charlotte Maria Elizabeth, only and beloved child of Robert and Susannah Jane EMSLIE, aged 1 year and 2 months.
Peacefully slumbering
In the cold tomb,
Patiently waiting
Till Jesus shall come.

The Beaufort Advocate says:
The town was startled and grieved to hear on Wednesday morning of the death of Mrs. O’GARA. For a couple of days previous to her death she complained of feeling unwell, but would not consent to medical aid being brought in. On Tuesday evening she grew rapidly worse, causing her daughter some alarm. The medical attendant, Dr. PALMER, was sent for, but nothing could be done to battle successfully with the complaint. Mrs. O’GARA rapidly lost strength, and breathed her last at two o’clock on Wednesday morning. Now that she is dead and gone, her good deeds to many poor people will perhaps be made known, but none will regret her absence more than those whose necessities were constantly relieved by a generous benefactor. We understand that the immediate cause of death was heart disease. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended.

Tuesday 8 August 1882

BIRTH at Victoria West on the 31st July, the wife of A.W.H. RIED-PRESTON Esq of a son.

An inquest on the body of the woman Samon JACOBS, who died suddenly at North End on Saturday night, was held, says the P.E. Herald, on Friday last before A.C. WYLDE Esq, C.C. and R.M. Isaac HENDRICKS deposed he was a fisherman and butcher, and lived outside the Bay. His wife left the house on Saturday night and went to visit a friend in an adjoining house, where he subsequently found her dead. His Worship: Had your wife been drinking hard? Witness said when he returned home that night his wife, who was in the habit of drinking, was drunk. His wife was subject to epileptic fits. Dr. ENSOR deposed he examined the deceased, and from the appearance of the body he found that she had died by exhaustion from alcohol. A verdict in accordance with the doctor’s evidence was returned.
At the inquest on the body of Eliza DAVIES, who died suddenly on the 30th July, a verdict was returned of death through excessive drinking.

We regret very much to report that a serious accident happened yesterday afternoon to Bishop MERRIMAN. The Bishop, with his daughter Mrs. J. GREATHEAD, went out yesterday in a phaeton for an afternoon’s drive on the Kowie road, and were returning towards evening when the horse took fright and bolted down a steep decline. The phaeton was overturned and the Bishop was thrown out, falling on his head with such violence as to be rendered totally insensible. Mrs. GREATHEAD fortunately escaped without hurt, and was enabled at once to attend to her father. The injuries sustained were so severe that it was found necessary to send down to the Albany Hospital for a stretcher. Dr. FLIGG was at the Hospital when the messenger arrived, and at once left for the scene of the accident. The Bishop was carried to one of Dr. ATHERSTONE’s cottages on Stone Hill. The rooms were only partially furnished, but bedding and other necessaries were soon sent over by Mrs. ORPEN, who lives in the neighbourhood. Dr. GREATHEAD was in attendance during the night, and we are glad to learn that the Bishop passed a good night, and that he has recovered consciousness. During the morning he has been progressing as favourably as could be expected. This accident will be deeply deplored by all sections of the community, as though the Bishop has a frame of remarkable vigour, he is now at an age where even a slight injury might have a serious effect. We join with the whole town in the hope that he may have a speedy recovery. The situation where he now is fortunately is most healthy, the air is fresh and invigorating, and the surroundings are quiet. His family are with him, and the Hon. J.X. MERRIMAN left the Kowie this morning and will be with his father this evening.

Friday 11 August 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th August, the wife of Mr. Advocate BROWN of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th August 1882, the wife of W.H. CRAVEN Esq, of Kimberley, of a daughter.

Saturday 12 August 1882

The Uitenhage Times regrets to learn that Mr. HAYWARD, father-in-law to the Mayor, died on Thursday in his 90th year. By his death another space is made in the now thin ranks of the British Settlers of 1820.

The following is from the Uitenhage Times of Thursday:
We regret to record that a very serious accident happened this morning at about 11 o’clock to Mrs. BLACK. It appears that the unfortunate lady was driving with Mrs. BEAVAN in her phaeton along Durban Street, when the horse became unmanageable. Mrs. BLACK endeavoured to turn up John Street, hoping that the acclivity would tire the animal; but unfortunately the wheel came in contact with a stone, capsizing the vehicle and throwing the two occupants violently to the ground. Mrs. BEAVAN escaped with comparatively little hurt; but Mrs. BLACK was more seriously, it is feared very seriously injured. She was assisted by Mr. CARTON, who happened to be passing by the residence of Mr. COLLING, and Doctors LAMB, VANCE and CARNALL were quickly in attendance. At the time of our latest enquiries the sufferer was in a very critical condition, and it had not been possible to ascertain the extent or nature of the injury. Mrs. BLACK is widely known and respected, and the news of the disaster will excite general sympathy. At five o’clock this evening the sufferer was in a most dangerous state, there being internal haemorrhage.
We stop the press to make the sad announcement that Mrs. BLACK died a little before seven this evening.

Tuesday 15 August 1882

MARRIED by Special Licence at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on Tuesday August 15th 1882, by the Rev. E. Lones, William BOOTH of Kingwilliamstown to Harriet Sampson, third daughter of Samuel Sampson GEACH, of Grahamstown.

This gentleman died rather suddenly at Bloemfontein on Sunday week last. He had been ailing for a few days, says the Friend, and epilepsy at last caused his death. Mr. HEPBURN, who was the second son of the Rev. Mr. HEPBURN, Wesleyan Minister, formerly of Port Elizabeth, had resided in this town for about 20 years. He leaves a widow and several young children to mourn their loss.

Thursday 17 August 1882

Yesterday morning all hope of the Bishop’s recovery was given up by his attendants. He continued to sink rapidly during the day, and died last night at half past nine. Though the public has been prepared for the end, the stroke has been great, for there is the consciousness that the loss is not only to his numerous friends but to the colony. But for this deplorable accident, so vigorous was his frame that he might have lived and laboured amongst us to his hundredth year. The universal regret at his death will be deepened by the thought that one so strong and so energetic should have met his death by an accident. We hope tomorrow to give a memoir fitting the reputation earned by the Bishop’s continued labours during thirty-four years for the advancement of the Episcopal Church in this Colony. All the family of the deceased Prelate were present at the last melancholy scene, with the exception we believe of two daughters now in England. We are requested to state that the funeral will leave Bishopsbourne tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Saturday 19 August 1882

BIRTH on the 16th inst at the Hermitage, Oatlands, Grahamstown, the wife of Richard SOLOMON Esq, Barrister-at-Law, of a daughter.

Mrs. MERRIMAN desires to express her sincere thanks to the many kind and loving friends, and to all those who have shown their affectionate sympathy and respect for herself and the members of her family during their great and bitter trial. The tender consolation arriving from so many different sources has helped to assuage their grief, both during the terrible days of suspense and since it has pleased God to make His will known.

The Uitenhage Times says: A man named SMITH, late a labourer in the Locomotive workshops, went to visit a friend in the Kaba on Saturday evening, and in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, stayed all night, sharing a bed with his host. The latter was appalled on Sunday morning to find his friend a corpse by his side. It is supposed death was caused by heart disease, the deceased having frequently complained on Saturday of a pain in the region of the heart.

Nathaniel James MERRIMAN, the lately deceased Bishop of Grahamstown, was born at Marlborough in the year 1809. He was educated at Winchester, which at that period was probably the best of the English Public Schools. Many of his contemporaries at that school distinguished themselves in after life, among whom may be mentioned Mr. LOWE (now Lord SHERBROKE), Lord CARDWELL, Lord SELBORNE, the present Lord Chancellor, and others. It may be fairly said that the effect of the training of an English Public School was conspicuous in the manly straightforwardness, independence and hatred of all crooked proceedings which distinguished the after life of Bishop MERRIMAN. From Winchester he proceeded to Brasenose College, Oxford, where he graduated in the same year as Mr. GLADSTONE. Oxford was in those days the centre of the new Ritualistic movement, which profoundly influenced the whole generation of students contemporary with young Mr. MERRIMAN, and which was destined to transform the spirit and worship of the Established Church. Hr received orders at the hands of the then Bishop of Chester (Dr. SUMNER) and passed some years in a curacy at Preston, in Lancashire, where he married. With characteristic independence and strictness of principle he declined to accept the offer of vacant livings in connection with his college, or to seek for preferment in any other quarter. The same fixed principle led him to decline his father’s offer to purchase a living for him. For a short while, after leaving Lancashire, he held a charge near the New Forest, and then became curate in charge of Street, in Somersetshire, of which parish Lord John THYNNE, late Sub-Dean of Westminster Abbey, was rector. Here he remained several years, beloved both by his rector, with whom he maintained a warm friendship and an active correspondence up to the time of the latter’s decease a year or two ago, and by his parishioners, some of the oldest of whom cherish his memory, though after the lapse of 34 years. An eloquent testimony to the influence of his life and work at this time may be found in the recently published biography of the Rev. G. LOWDEN. While at Street, Mr. MERRIMAN was offered a living by his old college contemporary Mr. GLADSTONE, but he refused to leave the curacy where he was beloved and useful. He also declined the offer of acting as travelling tutor to Lord DALKEITH, and again another living which was placed at his disposal by the late Duke of BUCCLEUCH, who had a high esteem for him. The time, however, was coming when his life would receive a new direction. In 1847 he met Bishop GRAY, who was then in England, and was induced by him to accept the position of Archdeacon of Grahamstown. Having made choice of South Africa for his future field of labour, he did not, like many other clergymen of similar standing and prospects, keep one eye on his work here and the other on the chance of preferment in England, but cast in his lot unreservedly with the land of his adoption, and became in every sense of the word a true colonist. He kept up in the work of his archdeaconry the active habits natural to his strong and vigorous constitution, and repeatedly visited all parts of his jurisdiction in the Apostolic manner of travelling on foot. The building of St.Bartholomew’s Church in this city must be ascribed to his labours, and while he was rector of that parish the church was always crowded, so that this was at that time the principal Anglican congregation in the city. In 1853, when through the exertions of Bishop GRAY the new dioceses of Natal and Grahamstown were created, the first offer of the latter See was made to Archdeacon MERRIMAN, who however declined it, thinking that the cause of the Church might be better served by the introduction of someone fresh from England; and Bishop ARMSTRONG having been appointed, the Archdeacon continued to labour in the same single-minded manner as a subordinate in that field in which he has for the last few years held the chief part. He was most warmly interested in native [sermons], and his enthusiasm on this subject quite outwent the zeal of many of his fellow colonists, while his fearless outspokenness on the subject often exposed him to temporary unpopularity. He was mainly instrumental in the erection of St.Philip’s Church in the native location. On the death of Bishop ARMSTRONG the see of Grahamstown was again pressed upon him by Sir Geo. GRAY, then Governor of the Cape Colony, who had conceived a high admiration for Archdeacon MERRIMAN’s character and earnestness. This time he was ready to accept the task, but through the influence of Archbishop SUMNER, who belonged to another school of theologians, Bishop COTTERILL was appointed. In 1870 Mr. MERRIMAN resigned his archdeaconry, and was appointed Dean of Capetown, where he remained for about a year, but his health at this time was very bad. Again the Eastern diocese became vacant through the translation of Dr. COTTERILL to Edinburgh, and in 1871 Mr. MERRIMAN was elected to the Bishopric of Grahamstown. Of this later portion of his career we have the less need to speak, because it is in the remembrance of most of our readers. It was not long before difficulties gathered, and disputes arose, which must be attributed to the uncertain position in which the Anglican Church was left by the decisions of the Privy Council in several notorious appeals, and the neglect of the legal authorities in this Colony to provide a remedy for the disabilities that had consequently arisen. We shall only say that Bishop MERRIMAN’s firm advocacy of the position of the Church of South Africa, as separate in jurisdiction though not in sympathy, doctrine or intercourse from the English establishment, was mainly dictated by his desire to make the Colonial Church self-governing and self-supporting – an aim which, however it may for the moment be frustrated by sentiment or self-interest, must eventually as a matter of necessity be accomplished. This entire devotion to the Colony was a leading principle with Bishop MERRIMAN. He did not all approve of Colonial prelates making long and frequent sojurns in England; and it was only an attack of indisposition which induced his paying a visit to that country some ten years ago. He enjoyed the esteem and love of the great body of his clergy and of their parishioners; and his surviving relatives must feel comfort in the thought that they have the full sympathy of the community in the lamentable event of his decease by a painful accident; and that he has left behind him an unblemished reputation, and the memory of untiring labours for the advancement of his Church.

Yesterday afternoon there was a cessation of ordinary traffic, most of the shops were closed, flags were half-mast high, and the silence following on suspended business was broken by the tolling of the bell in St.George’s Tower. From every part of the town mourners made their way to Bishopsbourne on the western border of the town, and by three o’clock a very large assemblage was gathered on the open space before the Kafir Institute. There were members of all denominations and all classes there met to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of the dead, and numbers of them had arrived the night before from neighbouring towns, and from the country round. From Graaffreinet there came the venerable Canon STEABLER and from Port Elizabeth the Hon. W. PEARSON, Mayor, H.R. CHRISTIAN Esq, J.A. HOLLAND Esq. M.L.A., L. MICHELL Esq, C.R., O. FLAHERTY, George IMPEY Esq. and R. PHILLPOTT, C.C. and R.M. of Uitenhage. Among our fellow townsmen were Mr. Justice SHIPPARD, Mr. Justice BUCHANAN, J. AYLIFF Esq, M.L.C., Jos. WOOD Esq, M.L.A., Geo. WOOD Jun. Esq, Hon. W. AYLIFF M.L.A., the members of the Bar and Side Bar of the Eastern Districts Court, Bishop RICARDS, Rev. E. LONES (Wesleyan), Rev. J.A. CHALMERS (Independent), Rev. Mr. TEMPLETON, Rev. J.W. LEWIS, C.J. STIRK Esq, Mayor in his robes of office, accompanied by the members of the City Council &c. Shortly after three pm the sad procession moved forward in the following order:
St.Andrew’s School
Diocesan School for Girls
Kafir Institution
Coffin and Bearers
Chief Mourners
The Mayor and Corporation
Friends and the Public
The Public School
The attendance was extraordinary, and strongly testified to the respect in which the deceased Prelate was held by the country. It is estimated that no less than one thousand mourners were in the procession, and the effect of this vast sombre column slowly moving towards the Church, and thence to the cemetery, was mournful in the extreme. The coffin, on which rested the Bishop’s crook, was borne by native Christian students of the Kafir Institute.
There were six pall-bearers: T.H. HOLLAND Esq.; C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, C.C. and R.M.; R. TILLARD Esq.; Judge SHIPPARD M.A., in College robes; P.W.T. LUCAS Esq. and G.G. WRIGHT Esq.
Of the Anglican clergy twenty were present: Rev. Canon ESPIN, Rev. R.J. MULLINS, Rev. M. NORTON, Rev. W.H. TURPIN and Rev. S. PACKMAN of Grahamstown; Rev. Canon STEABLER of Graaffreinet; Rev. S. BROOK, Rev. A. GRANT, Rev. G. SMITH, Rev. Mr. MOLLETT, Rev. Mr. BATTY, Rev. Mr. BENNETTS and two native clergymen of Port Elizabeth; Rev. Mr. LLEWELLYN of Uitenhage; Rev. Mr. LOMAX of Southwell; Rev. Mr. DODD of Port Alfred; Rev. Mr. MEADEN of Bathurst; Rev. Mr. BAKER of Sidbury and canon WOODROFFE of Somerset East.
The chief mourners were the Hon. J.X. MERRIMAN, Mr. T.R. MERRIMAN R.M., Mr. Jones MERRIMAN, Sir J.D. BARRY, Dr. GREATHEAD and Mr. J.W. ASHBURNHAM. The widow followed in the mourning coach with her daughters Lady BARRY, Mrs. ASHBURNHAM and Mrs. GREATHEAD.
Arrived at Christ Church, in Oatlands, service was conducted by the Rev Mr. TURPIN and the Rev. Mr. NORTON. The psalms in the service were chanted by the choir, Herr EBERLEIN at the organ. The choir also sang the 400th hymn, beginning:-
“Christ will gather in His own
To the place where He is gone,
Where their heart and treasure lie,
Where our life is hid on high.”
Everyone knows how grand is the burial service of the Church of England, and heard in the voices of the choir of that church, wherein the Bishop had so often ministered, its impression on the crowded body of hearers should have been deep. From the church the procession moved in the same order to the gate of the cemetery, where large masses of people all in mourning had already assembled. Mrs. MERRIMAN here left the coach and, leaning on the arm of her eldest son, and followed by her sorrowing family and hundreds who sympathised with her in her grief, went up to the grave. The service there was conducted by the Rev. Canon ESPIN and the Rev. J. MULLINS. Wreaths of everlastings were left on the coffin by many loving hands, and the choir of the Church sang sadly but beautifully the hymn beginning:-
For Thy dear Saint, oh Lord,
Who strove in Thee to live,
Who followed Thee, obeyed, adored,
Our grateful hymns receive.

Tuesday 22 August 1882

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th August, the wife of P. AMM Jun. of a son.

DIED at Victoria Saw Mills, Perie Bush, on Saturday 12th August 1882, Edward DRIVER, aged 88 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

Friday 25 August 1882

Mrs. METCALF, wife of Mr. METCALF, carpenter, Howick, near Maritzburg, committed suicide last week by cutting her throat. It is stated, however, that the unfortunate woman was alive when her husband and a friend drove into town for medical assistance. Mrs. METCALF has been in a despondent state of mind for some time back through the loss of her child.

Saturday 26 August 1882

BIRTH at North Kensington, London, England on the 3rd inst, the wife of W.W. PADDON Esq of a daughter.

Mr. W.E. GRIFFIN, of Riverside, near Palmerston, Natal, is dead. He went to Kokstad and while there at a game of football, fractured his skull and died five hours afterwards. Residents here were much shocked at his sudden death, and can hardly realise, says a local paper, that one of the healthiest and strongest of our small community has so suddenly gone from amongst us.

At the conclusion of the inquest held at Kimberley the magistrate returned a verdict that death was due to septicaemia (blood-poisoning) consequent on vaccination.

Monday 28 August 1882

BIRTH yesterday at 24 Princes Gate, Hyde Park, London, the wife of Arthur G. HUBBARD of a son.
Grahamstown, 28th August 1882.

On Saturday wee, says the Cape Times, a boy of some twelve years of age, of the name of Hermanus MARNEVELDT, was missing from his parents’ house, and a thorough search was made for the child, which, however, proved unsuccessful. Information was subsequently given, however, to the effect that a child answering the description given had been seen playing near the dam of a mill at the base of the mountain. On Tuesday the water was drained off and the body of the unfortunate child was discovered. A post mortem examination has been held on the body by Dr. PARSON, who attributes death to asphyxia by drowning.

The marriage of Colonel Sir William Owen LANYON and Miss Florence LEVY, youngest daughter of Mr. J.M. LEVY, took place on August 2nd at St.George’s Church, Hanover Square, in the presence of a select party of the nearest relatives and intimate friends of both families. The wedding was of a very private character, on account of the special circumstance that Sir William Owen LANYON is on the point of proceeding to Egypt as colonel on the staff. There were no bridesmaids. The marriage service was performed by the Very Rev. Provost GILDEA, the bride being given away by her brother, Mr. Edward L. LAWSON. After the marriage the wedding party adjourned to the bride’s father’s house, 51 Grosvenor-street, to breakfast. Early in the afternoon Sir Owen and Lady LANYON left for Folkstone. The gallant colonel will proceed to Egypt on August 7th. The wedding presents were numerous and costly and included gifts from many old comrades, friends and associates of Sir Owen LANYON.

Tuesday 29 August 1882

This is an action by the husband, who is Inspector of Roads for the division of Alexandria, for the restitution of conjugal rights, the defendant being at present in Austria, whither she went in 1875. His object in bringing this case was to obtain a divorce, as the law required proof of malicious desertion; and this had been proved after communication with defendant who, in answer to a letter calling upon her to return, replied she was anxious for a divorce, and that no power on earth would induce her to return to her husband. A deed of separation had been drawn up in 1874 between husband and wife, plaintiff to allow the latter £60 per annum, and which does not now exist. The Court held that the plaintiff was entitled to the role now prayed, and the defendant be ordered to return to him on the 1st September next. It was understood that the decree of institution of conjugal rights was a legal fiction, as it was simply preliminary to an action for divorce.


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