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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 01 January

Wednesday 2 January 1884

The Dispatch reports that a sad affair happened at the Phoenix Hotel, East London, on Thursday night. Mr. W.S. THOMPSON, an employee of Messrs. BAKER, KING & Co’s, retired to his room upstairs in the ordinary way in the evening, and in the morning was found lying in the pantry below with his skull severely fractured. The quantity of blood in the yard immediately below his bedroom left no doubt that he had either dropped or jumped from it and met with the fearful injuries he was found to have sustained. He had managed to crawl from the spot where he fell into the pantry where he was found. There was a compound fracture of the skull, the external wound being quite three inches in length, and the brain was considerably exposed. Dr. DARLEY-HARTLEY was called in, and the patient was removed to the Frere Hospital, where he lay yesterday in a most precarious condition.

We (Watchman) desire to offer our warm congratulations to our respected townsman, John J. IRVINE Esq, on the occasion of his taking unto himself a wife, and to tender to his bride and himself our heartfelt wishes that they may be spared to each other to enjoy many many happy returns of this joyous Christmastide, and to celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day. The marriage service was performed by the special permission of the Bishop of Grahamstown in All Saints Memorial Church, by the Venerable Archdeacon KITTON, assisted by the Rev. John GORDON, on Wednesday morning last, the bride being given away by J.P. JAMESON Esq, Mr. IRVINE’s brother-in-law and partner in the firm of John J. IRVINE & Co.

Friday 4 January 1884

Capt. SISSISON, Port Captain of Durban, late commander of HMS Firebrand, which was stationed on the South African coast during the Transvaal war, died on the 31st ult. The deceased, who had only been settled here for nine months, was universally esteemed, and his death is greatly regretted.

Monday 7 January 1884

Through a mistake, which has proved fatal, the wife of Mr. Alfred UPTON, who resides in St.George’s Street, Durban, was poisoned (says the Natal Mercantile Advertiser) on Wednesday morning. It appears that Mrs. UPTON had been ailing for some time, and at about eleven o’clock in the morning asked her husband to give her some of the medicine she was in the habit of taking – camphor and brandy. Mr. UPTON proceeded to fulfill this request; but in consequence of the bottles having by some means been changed, he administered to her a dose of belladonna and lotion, which he had been using for external application. When the mistake was discovered Drs. TAYLOR and BONNAR were at once summoned, and by dints of pumps and emetics managed for a time to save Mrs. UPTON’s life, but the lady succumbed on Sunday.

The Cape Times has the following: A mysterious affair, and one which has all the appearance of being a brutal murder, has occurred at Ronzkie’s Farm. It was reported to the police at Maitland on Sunday morning that the caretaker of the farm, named Fotherington James MILNE, had been found dead in his room, apparently stabbed in the heart. On proceeding to the place this was found to have been the case, the unfortunate man being in a leaning position against a cane-bottom chair, on which he had evidently been sitting when the blow was struck. Underneath the chair was a pool of blood. When his wife and children, together with a visitor named FRANKS, who is a cousin of Mrs. MILNE, retired on the Saturday evening, MILNE was lying on a stretcher on the stoep. According to the subjoined evidence this was the last time they saw him alive. No arrest has been made in connection with the affair, and indeed the police are at a loss how to unravel the mystery. It is a significant fact that £4:10s, which the unfortunate man had in his pocket at the time, was not touched, thus showing that he could scarcely have been murdered for the sake of robbery. A gold ring he wore on his finger, however, is missing. Mr. PHILPOTT, on arrival at the farm, made a minute examination of the place, and search was also made for the instrument with which the fatal stab had been inflicted. Beyond some common knives, however, nothing could be discovered, and in the opinion of the magistrate and the police the wound was not inflicted by those, it having the appearance of having been done by some sharp surgical instrument. The examination into the matter is still proceeding.

Friday 11 January 1884

We (E.L. Dispatch) have to record a sad casualty on the West Bank, ending in the death of a little son of Mr. Councillor C.E. VIALL. The bath had been partly filled with hot water for the children, and when the maidservant had turned her back the child, who was only four or five years old, tumbled back into it and scalded himself in a shocking manner. The lad lingered a day or two, and then expired from the shock and injuries he received. We beg to express our sympathy with the distressed.

Saturday 12 January 1884

DIED on January 5 1884, at Witney, Oxon., England, Nathaniel HOWSE, aged 57 years.

We greatly regret to hear of the death of Mr. Nathaniel HOWSE, which took place at Witney, in England, on the 5th instant. Mr. HOWSE, who was but 57 years of age, and in build and appearance looked likely to enjoy many more years of life, had been suffering from phthisis, and in the hope of improvement had recently visited this colony, which was his birthplace. Neither the genial climate of this country, however, nor a return to an English summer, appears to have benefitted him. As the son of an old and highly respected colonist, who was killed during one of the Kafir wars, no less than as a man of generous spirit and honourable principles, he will be regretted by his fellow citizens in Grahamstown, and in a much wider circle. We offer our most sincere sympathy to the members of the bereaved family.

Tuesday 15 January 1884

DIED at Grahamstown Jan 13th, Ada Kate, infant daughter of W.F. and J.M. CHAMBERLAIN. Aged 3 months.
“She is not dead”, the child of our affection
But gone unto that school
Where she no longer needs our poor protection,
And Christ Himself doth rule.

A large circle of friends will have learned with much sorrow that a recent cablegram brings the melancholy intelligence of the death of Mr. Nathaniel HOWSE, for many years the senior partner of the well-known firm of HOWSE, REYNOLDS and Company. From information which we had obtained from his sons, we were by no means unprepared for this news. It is only about twelve months ago that he arrived in this city with the object of permanently residing here. His friends – and they were numerous – saw at once that a remarkable change had taken place in his person and physique. Whereas he had always been known as stalwart and strong, a complete model of a well-built man, he was then observed to have become shrunken and thin, bearing obviously the marks of a troublesome chest-disease. It was, however hoped that the return to his native air, in a warm South African climate, might do something to restore him, and at various times signs of improvement were observed in him; but alas, they passed away too soon, and the worst fears were entertained.
A few months ago an important change in his business relations occurred, which, with the terrible depression in trade that still prevails in the Colony, gave him more work and anxiety than his constitution could well sustain, and hoping that another change would benefit him, he resolved upon a trip to England. Again he seemed to rally, and on the voyage gave some promise of improvement; but soon after he landed in the mother country his vital powers seemed to collapse, he was forced to take to his bed; week after week he was reported to be sinking, and at length the sad news has arrived that he has passed away.
It is in the knowledge of most of our older citizens that he was the eldest son of James HOWSE Esq, in his day one of the most enterprising of the Settlers. Father and son were for many years actively engaged in sheep farming at Lieuwfontein, in the district of Fort Beaufort, where they did a great deal to show the suitableness of the frontier farms for the wool-growing industry, and their courage did much to show the old-fashioned farmers how vastly superior the merino sheep was to the Cape sheep. Much was accomplished by them, and more would have [been] done in this work, but unhappily the father was treacherously murdered by the Kafirs, and so their farming was stopped, and the son was induced to return to England and settle at the town of Witney in Oxfordshire.
He had married Miss EARLY, daughter of a blanket manufacturer, and his home in Witney was often visited by Colonists making the customary trip to England. There are many who have pleasant memories of the time spent by them at his hospitable home. Mrs. HOWSE died a few years ago; her death was a severe blow to Mr. HOWSE, from which he never seemed to recover completely; and no doubt it was owing to this loss that he determined to return to the scenes of his youth. It has been our duty lately to report proceedings of meetings and of Courts of Law, relative to the business affairs that he was concerned in. These showed that Mr. HOWSE had not escaped the disasters that have overwhelmed so many of our Colonial firms. The pressure of the times proved too much for him, and his sons associated with him in business; and it was with very great regret that we felt ourselves bound to make reference to these events.
It is our melancholy duty to offer our sincere expressions of sympathy with his family, who have lost a worthy and excellent father.

The Swellendam correspondent of the Oudtshoorn Courant gives the following account of the marriage of Mr. SCHREINER to Miss REITZ: “On Thursday last, the 3rd instant, the one street of our poor little village presented an unusually bustling and excited appearance, the cause being the marriage of Mr. Advocate SCHREINER to Miss Fanny REITZ. At eleven o’clock the Dutch Reformed Church was crowded with the friends of bride and bridegroom, and at half past eleven the bride was led by her brother, the Chief Justice of the Free State, who had come on a visit to the old colony, chiefly for the purpose of being presented the ceremony. The bride was supported by her three nieces and cousins, Miss REITZ, Miss GIE, Miss JOUBERT and Miss HEROLD, whilst Mr. SCHREINER had as best-man his fellow advocate and early college friend, Mr. Joshua JOUBERT. About a hundred friends and relatives of the REITZ family came to partake of the breakfast, and to wish Mr. and Mrs. SCHREINER God speed, where they were entertained in the hospitable manner for which Klip River is so well known. In the afternoon the bride and bridegroom started for Stormvley, on their way to Somerset West Strand, where they contemplate spending the honeymoon. All of us who have the pleasure of knowing them or their family unite in wishing Mr. and Mrs. SCHREINER a long and happy union. Our only regret is that the learned counsel should have carried off from our midst a young lady who by her sweet voice, her happy disposition, and her pleasant manners did so much to make the social life of our beautiful though somewhat dull village enjoyable. However, we shall try to console ourselves with the thought that our loss will prove a gain to others.

A most important surgical operation was performed by Dr. HARRISON, District Surgeon of Glen Gray, on the 29th of last month. It appears (says the Frontier Guardian) that Mr. C.H. DRIVER, the justly popular Magistrate of that district, was, when a lad, out shooting in one of the Colonial forests; and by an accident received a charge of shot, mostly in the body, one pellet hitting him on the forehead, where it has remained until taken out on Thursday last. The remainder were picked out by a native with a long pin. Ever since the accident, now very many years since, Mr. DRIVER has been subject to pains, headache, neuralgia &c, and took any amount of medicine. Lately matters became worse, and he put himself into the hands of Dr. HARRISON, who soon found out the cause, and that an operation was necessary. With much difficulty the shot was taken out, being found deeply embedded in the frontal bone. Mr. DRIVER’s friends – and they are all who have the pleasure of knowing him – will be glad to learn that he is progressing fast, and will soon be about again. His strict sense of justice as a Magistrate has made him respected, while his kind and gentlemanly manner has endeared him to all who know him.

Wednesday 16 January 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 16th Jan 1884, Mrs. Wm. WENTWORTH, of Collingham, of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown, Jan 15, Kezia CLOUGH, relict of the late George Carver CLOUGH, aged 70 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Bathurst-street, at 3 o’clock tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Thursday 17 January 1884

We regret very much to have to record the death of a lady who for many long years has resided in Grahamstown. Mrs. G.C. CLOUGH, the wife of the late Mr. Geo. C. CLOUGH MLA, died suddenly on Tuesday night. Her funeral is fixed for this afternoon and is, we understand, to be followed by the Methodist clergyman now in town at the District meeting. We beg to tender our sympathy to the family.

Friday 18 January 1884

MARRIED at Honey Krantz, South Africa, by the Rev W.B. Rayner, on the 16th January, Donald CAMOBELL, Permanent Way Inspector, and third son of Donald CAMPBELL, of Glendale, Parish of Duirnish, Invernessshire, Scotland, to Martha Rhoda MASKELL, second daughter of R.J. MASKELL.

At about 10am on Thursday morning (says the P.E. Telegraph), whilst a labourer named Albert MAYER was working on the new jetty, his hat was blown into the sea and he immediately divested himself of his clothes and jumped into the water after it. After regaining his property he commenced to swim back, but before the unfortunate man could reach the jetty he was observed to sink and did not rise to the surface again. The tug James Searle was quickly on the spot, and for some time cruised round with her trawling nets, but up to last night the body had not been recovered. Deceased was, we believe, a German by birth, aged about 35 years, and had only been in the Harbour Board employ three months.
[See notice for 5 February]

Saturday 19 January 1884

BIRTH at Lovedale on 15th January 1884, Mrs. STEWART of a daughter.

Wednesday 23 January 1884

MARRIED at Trinity Church, King Williamstown on 17th January by the Ven. Archdeacon Kitton, Charles Sylvester MARSH, Sub-Inspector Cape Police, third son of T.P.P. MARSH Esq of Upham House, Ledbury, Herefordshire and Overton Cottage, Warwickshire, England, to Alice Margaret Maude McARTHUR, fourth daughter of the late S. McARTHUR Esq, Architect.

On Saturday as Mr. John ALLEN was riding on horseback, just opposite Mr. BERRY’s at the North End, his horse became unmanageable and knocked down a child of Mr. ROGERS, inflicting such wounds on her that her life is in danger. Mr. ALLEN proceeding a little further endeavoured to control the horse, which shied and threw himself and rider with force against the ground, Mr. ALLEN’s leg being broken in two places. He was conveyed to the Hospital.

Thursday 24 January 1884

A fatal case of shooting occurred (says the P.E. Observer) at the house of Mrs. NORTON, at the South End, on Saturday evening last. It appears that at twenty minutes past 9 on the night in question a coloured girl came to Constable NEAL on duty at the South End and told him to accompany her to the house in question, adding that a man named Theodore THOMPSON shot a man named Charles LAWSON, a Swede. NEAL sent to the Police Station for assistance and proceeded to the house, on arriving at which he saw Theodore, who said “I shot the man. I did it in self-defence, and I sent for you at once.” A large crowd had assembled – some 200 persons. The prisoner was cautioned, but persisted in making the statement that he had shot the man in self-defence. On examining the premises, NEAL saw that a door had been broken open. The accused said LAWSON had burst it open, having followed him to injure him, and the accused fired one shot to frighten him. Having done this, Theodore states that he went to the balcony to try and get clear of the place, but while on the balcony LAWSON seized him by the cheek. Finding he could not get away, he says he shot him. In the struggle three shots were fired, and he then threw the revolver into the bush. LAWSON died at the Hospital on Monday, and THOMPSON is under remand.

On Monday evening Mr. John OGILVIE, machinist at our office (Observer), saved the life of a lad named George DUNCAN from drowning. The boy was bathing off the Old Jetty on the beach, and got out of his depth. Mr. OGIVIE was swimming some distance out, and having been called, swam to DUNCAN, and as he was sinking for the third time, rescued the boy, and swam with him to the shore.

We (Queenstown Representative) have been informed by a correspondent of a very brave rescue from drowning by Mr. Herbert LOVEMORE of Turvey’s Post, Wellington. The object of the rescue was a little girl, named Martha NEWMAN. She, it appears, was playing on the banks of the Klassmite river with a lad named McCOMBS, when she overbalanced herself and tumbled in. There was nobody else near at the time, and the child had sunk beneath the surface of the water for the second time when Mr. LOVEMORE, who was attracted by the shouts of the lad on the bank, came up and dived after the child (the part of the river where she fell in is very deep), bringing her in a short time safely to shore. The girl is an only daughter, and the joy of the mother who just arrived on the scene as she was being taken out of the water can be better imagined than described. Such conspicuous bravery as that displayed by Mr. LOVEMORE ought not to be allowed to pass unrecognised.

On Wednesday the 19th December 1883 a marriage took place between Walter KENT Esq, the second son of our respected townsman Charles KENT Esq, and Miss Helen KENT, eldest daughter of John KENT Esq, of Fort Brown. A novel feature (says the Alice Times) was introduced on this occasion. The bridal party, mounted on grey horses, rode to the chapel. The bride rode a spirited grey, and following her came the attendants and bridesmaids. The bride and her lady friends were prettily dressed in navy-blue riding habits and light-blue riding hats. The procession formed a delightful sight. After the marriage ceremony (performed by the Rev. E. GADYE) numerous friends assembled at the residence of the bridegroom’s father to offer their congratulations to the newly-married couple. In the afternoon the bride and bridegroom (accompanied for a short distance by several couple on horseback) started for Prospect, where they intended to pass the honeymoon. May the newly-wedded pair enjoy every happiness.

Friday 25 January 1884

Tidings have reached us (Telegraph) by telegram of the death of Mrs. BAYNTON at Mowbray, where she had been staying some time with friends. The deceased lady was much respected in Durban for her urbanity and charity, as well as for her great hospitality to strangers. During the Zulu war her house was often tenanted by distinguished guests, and the ex-Empress of France remained there several weeks, afterwards presenting her friend with valuable souvenirs, and entertaining her en famille at Chiselhurst. Owing to indisposition Mrs. BAYNTON was unable to go much into Natalian society; but she will be much missed in certain circles, and Captain BAYNTON has our sincere sympathy in his bereavement. He was present, we believe, during the last hours.

Monday 28 January 1884

BAKER – MILLER. On the 17th January 1884 at St.Martin’s, London, Herbert H.C. BAKER JP, “Glendower House”, King Williamstown, to Caroline, eldest daughter of James MILLER Esq of Brighton, Sussex, England. No cards.

An accident which we (Mossel bay Advertiser) regret to say has ended fatally happened to the post cart bound to Blanco on Monday morning last. The cart was despatched from here at 1am. The horses being fresh went down Church-street at great speed, swerving at the corner to the right instead of to the left. Their heads were turned, but the turn was so sharp that the cart was capsized in front of DIVINE, HALL & Co’s store, the driver, Hans LOTZ, being thrown out, his head coming in contact with a stone and causing a bad fracture of the skull, from the effect of which he died on Tuesday morning. The poor fellow died in the unconscious state in which he was picked up. He had been for a long while in the service of Messrs. SEARLE Bros, the contactors. He leaves a wife and family. The only passenger, Mr. VOS of Oudtshoorn, was protected by the hood of the cart; he received a few bruises, but we believe nothing serious. The horses, fortunately, stopped when the cart capsized, or the consequences might have been much worse. The only damage the cart sustained was to the hood, a couple of the ribs being broken. Another driver was at once engaged by the Postmaster to take the post on to Blanco.

Wednesday 30 January 1884

About a quarter to four on Tuesday afternoon (says the Independent) Mr. A. MILNE, floor manager employed by Mr. D. HARRIS at Dutoitspan, met with a sudden and awful death. He had been under shelter from the rain in the Standard Company’s building on the floor, and the natives had left work and gone to their compounds, leaving their tools scattered about. When the heavy downpour ceased for a little, Mr. MILNE went out to gather up the tools himself. He had a shovel in his hand when a flash of lightning struck and killed him on the spot. The deceased was one of the most competent and able men in his particular line to be found anywhere on the Fields, and was well liked and respected. He was formerly an officer in the Engineers, and had been in Mr. HARRIS’s employ since 1873. He leaves no wife or children, but his loss will be felt with deep and sincere regret.

The Telegraph has the following: Although a full bench in the Supreme Court of Natal has deferred judgement in the BROWN divorce case, it requires no prophet to foretell with accuracy what that judgement will be. J.M. BROWN is a master carpenter and builder in a good way of business at Maritzburg. Mrs. BROWN, his wife, was well over middle age, but became enamoured of a clerk in the Municipal Office named HOWE. Both were members of the choir at St.Peter’s Church, and judging by their intimacy after choir practice St.Peter hadn’t much reason to be proud of two of the choir; at all events Mr. BROWN’s business premises were some distance from his private residence. Mr. HOWE used to see Mrs. BROWN, who is a good singer, home from choir practice, and what more natural than the lady should invite him in to the parlour to keep her company while poor BROWN was at his workshop superintending contract work of an urgent nature. It so happened that one night BROWN was passing along Chapel-street, instead of being at his shop, where he ought to have been, when lo and behold! Whom should he see but Mrs. BROWN and Mr. HOWE walking together in the most loving manner. This, thought he, was a curious kind of choir practice, and he thought he might as well watch the interesting couple. What he saw induced him to watch again, and his inducement was strengthened by discovering a letter sent by his wife to HOWE, but which the messenger, a very mysterious Kafir, thought he would take to his master. The contents of the letter from Mrs. BROWN to Mr. HOWE were not “trifles light as air” but they were nevertheless “confirmation strong as proof from Holy Writ”. Let the reader judge. Thus writes the married lady of forty-five to her young admirer:
My own Darling
Did you think me a little bit nasty last night? Oh! I could not help it. I did not want to leave you. I met a policeman, who stopped me and shone his lamp on my face. Darling, when are you coming? I heard him tell MORTON this morning he was going somewhere tonight. You might come round about a quarter to eight to that little lane at Captain NOURSE’s house. Have on a dark suit, for he saw you too plain the other night. Darling, write to me: I want to hear from you so much. Do you love me just the same? Oh darling, I am so miserable without you, my love. Ever yours, Kate.
To do the husband justice he offered to send the lady back to her aged parents and spare exposure, but she declared she would live with no-one but HOWE, so there was no resource open to Mr. BROWN but to bring the action. The counsel for the plaintiff hit straight when he said “she was a middle-aged woman and had nothing to make any man fond of her except the fact of her being a good singer.” A postponement was acceded to, for Mr. Justice WRAGG said that he had no objection, but he thought it was hard on the plaintiff, if he had succeeded in proving his case, for them not to give a decision at once. So there the matter stands at present, and no decision will be given till after the civil case which Mr. BROWN brings against HOWE for £1,000 damages. In regard to this trial the Witness says: “The Mayor, the military and the multitude mingled in the Supreme Court yesterday. The attraction was, of course, the divorce case, and they were all ears and eyes during the examination. It was evident, however, that there were drops of disappointment in the cup of curiosity – the fair defendant and at least one other interested personage were not amongst the witnesses. And there was a general look of real injury when the judges intimated that the verdict would be postponed.” The postponement was altogether too bad. Somehow or other the judges never seem, in these interesting cases, to study the feelings of the audience in the slightest degree.

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