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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 02 February

Friday 1 February 1884

BIRTH at Cradock on January 27th, the wife of Mr. Wheaton TYRER of a daughter.

Saturday 2 February 1884

With feelings of deep regret we (Representative) record the death of one of the very few remaining “Pilgrim Fathers”, James Augustus POULTNEY, who sank peacefully to rest at the residence of his son-in-law, Fred. HALSE, Carnarvon Square, Queenstown, on the 17th January 1884. He was one of the band of pioneers of civilisation who embarked for South Africa in the year 1820. With a heart full of buoyancy and courage to do and bear, in all the trying vicissitudes of an Albany Settler’s lot, he took possession of his location. But the delicate health of a fragile wife, with a young family, compelled him to remove shortly after to the infant village of Uitenhage, whither he was soon joined by Dr. John ATHERSTONE and family, Daniel HOCKLEY Sen. and family and a few other attached friends. After a stay of two years there he proceeded to Capetown, where he reared a numerous family, subsequently returning to the frontier to spend his remaining days with the children who idolised him. During secluded residence in a country house far from Christian privileges he became “priest and king” in the household, and never did a parent command in a greater degree the love and reverence of his children. Exemplary in his domestic relations and of singularly sweet, patient and cheerful temperament, his revered name is embalmed in the hearts of a numerous progeny to the fourth generation, now scattered over the land of his adoption.

Monday 4 February 1884

A sad occurrence took place one day last week, writes The Times, at the Imperial Hotel, Capetown. Several of the sailors of HMS Opal are at present staying there, and one of the number, a young fellow named TUHILL, had, with the usual exuberance of “Jack ashore”, indulged somewhat too freely during the day. He was taken to his room on the upper storey about half past five in the afternoon by a couple of his mates, and left there apparently safe, it being thought that he would have quietly gone to sleep. Some few minutes later, however, he got up, and going to the window, which is at the front of the hotel and over the stoep, fell out. The height from the window to the stoep is considerable, and the poor fellow fell with great force upon his forehead. Death must have been instantaneous. Several people, including some of his shipmates, were about at the time, and witnessed the sad affair. When they rushed up to him the unfortunate man was insensible. He was conveyed into the billiard room, and medical assistance was sent for. In about five minutes Dr. ROUX arrived, and pronounced life to be extinct, the deceased having sustained fracture of the skull and concussion of the brain. The grief of his shipmates at the sudden death under such painful circumstances was most touching. In the evening the body was removed to the hospital.

The F.B. Advocate writes:- On Wednesday a native brought the sad news of the sudden decease of Mr. O. LEONARD, who was residing at the farm Vaal Krantz, Koonap. The only circumstances at present known are that while the sister of the deceased was sitting in a room adjoining his bedroom she was startled by a loud report. Rushing to her brother’s room, Miss LEONARD’s eyes rested on a terrible scene. Her brother was lying on the floor with his head literally shattered to pieces, and a short distance from him was a gun. Deceased was well-known in town, and his death has caused much regret.

The Civil Commissioner has received notice from Mr. W. ATTWELL, Fieldcornet at Salem, of the discovery of the dead body of a recent inmate of the Chronic Sick Ward. The name of the unfortunate man was William CYRUS, an old member of the Rifle Brigade, and it appears that he was trying to make his way to Port Elizabeth. On his way he called, about three weeks ago, at Medbury, near the Kareiga river; and the owner of the farm, Mr. W. OSBORNE, seeing that the man was not in a fit state to travel, offered him food and shelter for the night, at the same time telling him he should go to Grahamstown. The man said he had been turned out of the Chronic Sick Ward. On the next day Mr. OSBORNE saw him going off in the direction in which his body was found. Whether CYRUS then went down to the river and drowned himself, or whether he fell in and was too weak to get out, or whether violence was used, it is impossible to say. All that is known is that several days after his body was discovered in a large hole in the river. Notice was given to Mr. ATTWELL of this on Thursday last, he repaired to the spot, obtained assistance, and got the body out, which presented a fearful appearance. The body had been floating face downward, the face was eaten away, the fingers were bare, and all the body in shreds where it had been under water. The remains were buried at once, and upon further enquiry Mr. ATTWELL secured to information above alluded to.

We regret to state that the Rev J.A. CHALMERS was called away very suddenly yesterday morning to the expected death bed of his maternal parent, who resides at Alice. The pulpit was occupied in the morning by the Rev J. EDWARDS, and in the evening by the Rev. Mr. HELM. On both occasions impressive sermons were delivered, and earnest prayers were offered up for her recovery.

Tuesday 5 February 1884

DIED at Aliwal North yesterday morning, John George RAMSBOTTOM, third son of William and Matilda RAMSBOTTOM; aged 15 years and three months
February 4th 1884

Mr. T. PAULTON, well-known on the Colonial stage, has obtained a divorce against his wife, whose professional name was Miss Emeline MONTAGUE.

In our yesterday’s issue it was stated that a man named William CYRUS, who was found drowned in the Kareiga, had been “turned out” of the Chronic Sick ward. We are requested by the superintendent, Mr. J. JACKSON, to say that there has not been a person named William CYRUS in the Ward, and that no inmate is dismissed from that establishment unless he voluntarily asks for his discharge.

A melancholy occurrence, writes a border paper, took place near MOORE’s shop at the Xalanga on the 23rd January. Mr. William HEUER, a German, and well-known as a trader in those parts, attended the meeting of applicants for land on the day named, and after the meeting he was proceeding home when he was thrown from his horse, and, falling upon his head, received such severe injuries that, after lingering a day, he died. The horse was a young and spirited animal. HEUER never spoke after the fall. The deceased, who resided at Cala, leaves a wife and four children, who have the deepest sympathy of residents in the neighbourhood in their sad bereavement.

There seems to be very little doubt (remarks the E.P. Herald) that the German, MEYER, who was drowned while endeavouring to regain a hat which had been blown from the South Jetty, was seized by a shark and carried off into deep water. The deceased was an excellent swimmer and could do almost anything in the water. An attack of cramp could not have carried him off so suddenly, and within half an hour of the accident Mr. SHIELD had the locality thoroughly swept by the dredging apparatus from the James Searle. After getting hold of the hat the deceased turned round and swam towards the jetty. He was heard to say “save” and was no more seen. The same morning some of the fishermen, when coming in, saw a large shark prowling about not far from the site of the accident.
[See notice for 18 January]

Wednesday 6 February 1884

The Queenstown Free Press greatly regrets to announce the death of Mrs BLAINE, wife of Captain BLAINE, C.M.R. stationed at Lady Frere, which resulted from an accident, the lady having been thrown from her horse a few days since. She was buried on Saturday last in the Queenstown Cemetery. The deceased lady had a large circle of friends both here and everywhere where she was known. On Saturday afternoon last subsequent to the funeral of Mrs. BLAINE, Trooper CLIFFORD who was stopping at Beaumont's Hotel, mounted his mare to water her at Hulley's Drift. Something appears to have excited the animal, which turned restive, and her rider was thrown on the stones at the Drift, and on assistance arriving he was found to be unconscious and was at once removed to the Frontier Hospital where he died on Sunday afternoon.

Friday 8 February 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 5th inst, the wife of Mr. B. PREW of a son.

DIED at Lady Frere on Friday the 1st February 1884, Florence, the beloved wife of Capt. Alf. BLAINE, Right Wing C.M.R.

An accident (says the Cape Times) of a very painful character occurred on Monday at the Salt River Works, in which a lad 17 years of age, named Edgar Sydney TAYLOR, met with his death. It appears the lad was engaged assisting two men in cutting a piece of timber at a circular saw bench when, from some cause or other, a trap, which had been removed to effect certain repairs to the shafting &c, connected with the circular saw underneath the flooring, had not been replaced, and in stepping back away from the bench the unfortunate lad fell into the vacuum, and was immediately caught by the revolving machinery. A few seconds sufficed to bring the machinery to a standstill, but when extricated the poor fellow was cut about and lacerated in a fearful manner, life being quite extinct, death evidently resulting instantaneously. We are informed that the poor young fellow was generally beloved and respected throughout the whole of the works, and his sad death, which has resulted under peculiarly painful circumstances, has cast quite a gloom over the whole place.

Monday 11 February 1884

On Wednesday last at Alice (writes the local Times) a large number of persons were present at the Baptist Church. The occasion was the marriage of Mr. G.S. GRAHAM, manager of the local branch of the Standard Bank, and Miss BROTHERTON, daughter of the Rev. R.H. BROTHERTON of this town. The bride was accompanied by Miss Mary BROTHERTON, as bridesmaid, and the two younger sisters of the bride, Mr. W.F. BROTHERTON acting as best man. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Mr. BROTHERTON.

Tuesday 12 February 1884

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday February 9th, Roland [Secker], infant son of Ernest Wm and Mary WELLS, aged 11 months and 20 days.

A very sad and fatal accident, writes the E.P. Herald, occurred on Friday last close to the premises of Mr. Smith HOLMES, Queen-street. A man named GRASSMAN, an agriculturist from Alexandria, was loading up his wagon when, in pulling a gun by the muzzle from underneath some bags, the trigger was caught and the gun went off, GRASSMAN receiving the full discharge in the abdomen. He died in a few minutes after. The deceased had been managing the farm of Mr. REED for some time.

The people on the morning market on Saturday, soon after eight o’clock, were surprised, writes the Friend, on witnessing a large crowd of native boys and market loungers rushing to the side gate of Mr. MASON’s premises on the Market-square, and were no less horrified and shocked when the cause of the assemblage became known – that Mr. H.P. KINGSMILL, Chief Clerk in the Post-office, had committed suicide by cutting his throat whilst suffering from temporary insanity. It appears that Mr. VAN GORKUM, the Postmaster, who had noticed something strange about poor KINGSMILL on Friday, went to look him up, and on opening the door of his room discovered him lying on the broad of his back with his throat cut from ear to ear. Mr. VAN GORKUM immediately communicated with the authorities, and the district surgeon, Dr. J.W. KRAUSE, and the Landdrost-clerk, Mr. H.F.D. PAPENFUS, arrived soon after and held an inquest. The conclusion arrived at was that the deceased had been dead some hours, and that death must have been instantaneous and self-inflicted. The last time Mr. KINGSMILL was seen alive was 0:30 on Friday evening, when he retired for the night. Independent of the sad end of one much liked and respected, his death will be severely felt not only by his intimate friends, but by the public at large, for he was one of the most obliging officials we ever met with, and would take any trouble to assist anyone either in connection with his public avocations or in private life. He was thoroughly good-natured, and never made enemies. He had been a resident of this town for 17 or 18 years, and had been for many years in the Government employ. His brother officials and a few friends followed his mortal remains to their last resting place on Saturday evening.

We (E.P. Herald) regret having to announce a sad occurrence which took place in the train from Cradock arriving here on Saturday evening. By the train in question Mrs ROSEMAN, of Uitenhage, who, we understand, has not been in the best of health for some time, was travelling to Uitenhage, and between Alice and Sandflats she broke a blood vessel, resulting in her death. CUFFE was travelling by the train, and rendered all possible assistance, remaining with Mrs. ROSEMAN until she expired. The affair is a very sad one, and we can very well understand how it cast quite a gloom over the passengers by the train. The railway department did all they could in the matter, and Mr. REES, who happened to be down the line, and returned to Port Elizabeth by the same train, at once arranged for the carriage in which the body was being worked through to Uitenhage by the train leaving here at 6 o’clock, information of the occurrence being immediately communicated to Uitenhage by telegraph.

Wednesday 13 February 1884

An inquest was held at Capetown on Friday by Mr. F.E. PHILPOTT upon the body of a white man named William HOSKING, who died suddenly on Wednesday last, under circumstanced narrated in the Cape Times of yesterday. John Daniel HOSKING stated: The deceased was my father, and with whom I resided, and who kept a shop at the corner of Long and Waterkant-streets. On Wednesday evening last, at a quarter past seven, the deceased was standing in the doorway of the shop leaning against the door-post. I was standing in the shop about ten yards from him, when I saw him fall backwards right to the ground. I was so seriously frightened that for a moment or to I could not move, but my younger brother Walter, who was nearer the deceased, cried out to me “Johnnie, come quickly!” I then ran to my father and asked what ailed him, but failed to elicit any reply. I lifted him up, and as I did so he groaned. I carried him into a room off the shop, and laying him on the stretcher again asked what was the matter with him, but again I received no reply, nor could I perceive that he was then breathing. I kissed him, and as I did so he sighed and died. I ran for my eldest brother, who came and stayed with my father whilst I ran for Dr. PRESTON, who on his arrival pronounced life to be extinct. I subsequently found Dr. KITCHING, our family doctor, who saw the body. Dr. KITCHIN had always told us that our father would go off suddenly. My father appeared to be in good health on the day of his death, but at about two in the afternoon he complained of a pain across his heart, a pain from which he had often previously suffered. About a fortnight ago he was laid up four or five days suffering from a similar pain. A short time before his death he was excited about a drunken man who had entered the shop. Dr. KITCHING stated that for many years he had attended the deceased, who had been suffering from heart disease for the last twenty years. He had always anticipated that Mr. HOSKING would die of heart disease, which was the cause of his death on Wednesday night last. Walter Henry HOSKING, a lad of 12, gave evidence exactly like that given by his brother. The magistrate returned a verdict of “death from natural causes” in accordance with the medical testimony.

The following is communicated to the Free Press: A sad event took place at Lady Frere on Friday 1st inst, viz. the death of Mrs. BLAINE, wife of Captain A. BLAINE, who commands the Cape Mounted Riflemen stationed there. The poor lady suffered much, was resigned and patient until she quietly passed away. At an early hour on Saturday morning the body was conveyed to Queenstown in a large wagonette drawn by four horses and driven by C.H. DRIVER Esq RM, whilst the whole of the bereaved Captain’s men voluntarily escorted the remains to their last resting place. Before entering Queenstown the coffin was transferred to a hearse, which proceeded at once to the Church and thence to the Cemetery, followed by the leading representatives of the town, drawn up on each side of the principal entrance to the graveyard in such a manner as to permit of the procession passing through. In their ranks were the Cape Mounted Riflemen of Captain BLAINE’s own Troop, each man holding a bouquet of beautiful white flowers. The funeral cortege having passed through, the men followed bareheaded and formed round the grave, where the strong emotion evinced by most of them spoke silently but eloquently of the many good qualities which had endeared the deceased lady in the hearts of all who had been acquainted with her. When the service (read by the Rev C.S. VYVYAN) was concluded the widower dropped a large bouquet into the grave, his example being followed by all present, he then left the cemetery, supported by C.H. DRIVER Esq, Drs. COMMING, HARRISON and other friends.

Saturday 16 February 1884

George SEYMOUR begs to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he has removed to “The Noah’s Ark”, Bathurst-street.
Boots and Shoes, Wholesale and Retail
George SEYMOUR being connected with Manufacturers of standing can permanently offer a Single pair or a Number of Pairs of Boots and Shoes, sterling value – the really good article – below customary Wholesale prices.
“Noah’s Ark”, Bathurst-street, Grahamstown

Wednesday 20 February 1884

MARRIED at Christ Church, Kei Road, on Tuesday 12th inst, George BLAINE, son of G. BLAINE Esq, Weltondale, Kaffraria, to Georgina Price HOOLE, daughter of late A.W. HOOLE of Grahamstown.

A correspondent supplies us with the following particulars of the marriage of a young lady well known and much esteemed in Grahamstown. On Tuesday week at Kei Road, George BLAINE, son of G. BLAINE Esq, of Weltondale, Kaffraria, was married to Miss Georgina Price HOOLE. A number of visitors from Kingwilliamstown ran down by train to the village, which wore an unusual appearance of excitement. The fair bride wore a very prettily made Persian muslin cream, trimmed with lovely lace; bonnet and narrow veil. Miss F. DICK, the only bridesmaid, wore cream nun’s veiling and cashmere veil. Mr. T. BLAINE, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The church was very prettily decorated in honour of the bride, who had been organist there for some time. As the married couple came out of the church after the ceremony quite a shower of rice and flowers was thrown over them. Capt. LANDREY with a company of Volunteers formed a guard of honour and fired a salute in their honour. Lunch was provided at the hotel, and the guests inspected the numerous and valuable presents. We heartily join in wishing the newly-married couple happiness and prosperity.

Thursday 21 February 1884

This morning was celebrated one of the first weddings in St. Michael’s Pro-Cathedral, and on that account, and because the young lady and the gentleman concerned are very highly esteemed, there was an unusually large attendance. Some two hundred ladies, for the most part unmarried, and a fairly large number of bachelors were present, and some surprise might have been created in some people’s minds why marriages are not more plentiful in Grahamstown. It is gratifying to be able to say that the only reason for this lies in the difficulty of choice, for Grahamstown, always famous for its youth and beauty, has now almost a superabundance of those attractions. The fair bride was Miss COLDRIDGE, daughter of E.H. COLDRIDGE Esq, Attorney-at-Law, and the bridegroom is Mr. R. GRAY, connected with Mr. COLDRIDGE in business. The ceremony was celebrated by the Rev. Canon ESPIN, assisted by the Rev. Wharton B. SMITH MA. The bride was dressed in handsome white silk, with flowing veil and wreath, and looked charming. She was assisted by three young ladies in cerise bonnets with dresses to match. They were Miss DILLON and the Misses HOLLAND. Mr. C.H. EDWARDS acted as best man. After the ceremony a large crowd gathered outside the Cathedral door to watch the wedding party and the guests depart for the residence of the bride’s father in upper Hill-street. We wish the newly-married couple happiness.
[See notice for 23 February]

Perhaps (writes the Herald) there is no-one better known in Port Elizabeth than Mr. James S. REID, who is now farming near Sandflats. Monday last was Mr. REID’s wedding day; nay, more, it was his “golden” wedding day. We wish him joy. It was an unlucky day, however, with him, for on that day he lost a valuable imported cow, for which he gave fifty guineas, and his best saddle-horse, also a valuable animal, died.

Saturday 23 February 1884

In our notice of the marriage of Mr. R.W. GRAY and Miss COLDRIDGE on Thursday last, the names of the bridesmaids were incorrectly given. These young ladies were Miss Agnes JOHNSTON (daughter of the Rev. R. JOHNSTON of Port Elizabeth), Miss May DILLON and Miss BIRNIE (also of Port Elizabeth). The bride wore a handsome and costly white brocaded satin, trimmed with marabou feathers, lace, orange blossom and myrtle, and her chief ornaments were a diamond bracelet (the gift of the bridegroom) and a lovely bouquet. The bridesmaids dresses were of grey cashmere, slashed with crimson merveilleux, with handsome scarfs and waistcoats of crimson, and Toque hats of crimson merveilleux, the chief of the fairy bevy wearing a gold bracelet, and the two little ones gold lockets (all gifts of the bridegroom).

Monday 25 February 1884

MARRIED by Special Licence in St.Michael’s pro-Cathedral, Grahamstown, on Thursday 21st February AD 1884, by the Rev. Canon Espin MA, assisted by the Rev. Wharton B. Smith MA, Robert William, only son of Mr. R.W. GRAY of Newlands, near Exeter, Devon, England to Rosalie Evangeline, only daughter of Mr. E.H. COLDRIDGE, Solicitor, of Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope.

Tuesday 26 February 1884

BELL – COWEN. Married by Special Licence on 20th February, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn BA, at St. Catherine’s Church, Uitenhage, Fitzwilliam Edward Carey BELL (of Kokstad, East Griqualand), second son of the late Major C.H. BELL (Leribe district, Basutoland) to Louisa (Louie) Jane Charlotte, eldest daughter of Charles COWEN, Uitenhage.

On Thursday night, says the Cape Times, a seaman named Jacob KÖNIG, of the German barque Rebecca, now lying at the East Quay, was drowned under somewhat peculiar circumstances. In the evening KÖNIG went out in one of the ship’s boats into the Outer Basin to fish, carrying with him a fishing net. It is presumed that while leaning over the boat’s side to draw in the net or else to strike a fish, he must have lost his balance and, falling into the water, lost his life. He was missed from the ship during the night and in the morning the finding of the empty boat near the coaling jetty arouse apprehensions as to the man’s safety. Dragging was started in the vicinity where the boat was found, and after some amount of searching the body was brought up and conveyed in the police boat to shore, from whence it was removed to the hospital. The Acting Magistrate, Mr. PHILLPOT, visited the body in the afternoon and gave instructions for the necessary proceedings preparatory holding an inquest.

Wednesday 27 February 1884

We observe that Mr. F.E.C. BELL, who is a son of Major BELL, the Magistrate at Leribe, and brother to our esteemed townsman Mr. W.H.S. BELL, of the firm of AYLIFF, BELL and HUTTON, was recently married at Uitenhage to Miss L.J.C. COWEN, daughter of Mr. Charles COWEN, well known as the active Secretary to the Port Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday 28 February 1884

MARRIED at Kimberley, Griqualand West, on the 28th January 1884, Fred. A.O. LIESCHING to Gertrude Amy LEONARD, youngest daughter of the late James LEONARD, of Somerset East.

This morning in the E.D. Court Mr. BROWN applied for a divorce on behalf of Mrs. REED on account of the infidelity of her husband, a farmer residing in the district of Alexandria. The infidelity complained of was in connection with plaintiff’s sister, Miss VOGEL. Mrs. REED, who spoke in Dutch, said she was married to William James REED at Alexandria on 28th September 1864. They lived together at Alexandria for 17 years, but had no children. In 1881 her husband left Alexandria and went to live on his farm with his sister-in-law, and a child was born. She had given no reason for this desertion, and her husband had made no provision for her for the last three years. She lived on her brother’s farm. Mr. T.T. FULLER, a farmer residing in the Alexandria district, deposed to having seen REED and Miss VOGEL living together as man and wife. Mr. J.H. VAN NIEKERK gave corroborative evidence. Divorce granted.

Friday 29 February 1884

DIED at Dersley’s Private Hotel, Grahamstown, on Thursday the 28th inst, John Rowland KING, third son of the late Edward KING, Surgeon-Dentist, Brecon, South Wales, England, aged 45 years.

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