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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 03 March

Saturday 1 March 1884

DIED at Dersley’s Private Hotel, Grahamstown, on Thursday the 28th inst, John Rowland KING, third son of the late Edward KING, Surgeon-Dentist, Brecon, South Wales, England, aged 40 years.

Monday 3 March 1884

News reached Queenstown by telegram from Lady Grey (writes the Representative) announcing the death of Mr. Andrew JAMESON of Queenstown, his body being found lying on the banks of the Orange River in a rather advances stage of decomposition. The deceased left for up country some five or six weeks back. His brother on receipt of the sad tidings telegraphed to have the body decently interred.

Wednesday 5 March 1884

On Tuesday morning, writes the Pretoria Advertiser, whilst the Artillery corps were firing the salute in honour of the birthday of the King of Holland, an unfortunate accident occurred by the sudden explosion of one of the cannons in the act of loading, and which might have resulted in loss of life. As it was, two men were severely injured. The one, Abel STOLZ, sustained a severe compound dislocation of his thumb. The other, David ELS, having the side of his face and right hand severely burnt. David ELS, who was ramming home the charge, had a most miraculous escape, the ramrod passing under his arm, between it and his body. It was subsequently found at a distance of 400 yards.

Tuesday 11 March 1884

BIRTH Sunday 9th March 1884, the wife of Geo. CRESSWELL of a son.
Huntly-street, Grahamstown

Mr. A.W. BAKER, Assistant Magistrate, and the District Surgeon, left town yesterday to enquire into particulars connected with the suicide of Mr. PENN, who for some time has kept a shop at Alicedale. Those acquainted with Mr. PENN are terribly surprised and shocked at this act, for the deceased was regarded as a genial and sociable man. Particulars have not yet come to hand, but it appears that the cause of the rash act is attributable to monetary matters.

Wednesday 12 March 1884

We learn that Mr. PENN, who had got into difficulties about money matters, took a dose of arsenic. Dr. GORDON, of Alicedale, was called in and applied the stomach pump, but without avail, for death ensued two hours, it is said, after the dose was taken.

On Monday morning (writes the Telegraph) a shocking incident occurred in connection with the Magistrate’s Court. Among the prisoners was a white man named Alfred JOHNSON, who, when charged, said “I am sorry to say I was drunk”, and was, in due course, fined. A few minutes afterwards he requested to go in rear of the Court, and a constable accompanied him. He had no sooner entered the gate of the enclosure in rear of the Court when he fell heavily, and the constable, thinking he was in a fit, sent to the Court-house for the District Surgeon. Dr. WARD was in Court at the time, and immediately examined the man. Life was clearly fast ebbing away, and in a minute or two the doctor pronounced him dead from alcoholic apoplexy.

The Volksstem says that in the course of last week, on the Farm Luipaard’s Valley, Paardekraal, on the Pochefstroom road, a little girl of four or five years of age was bitten in the knee by a puff-adder. The child was on a visit to her grandparents, STEIN by name, when she was bitten. Immediately after being bitten she was unable to walk, and she died the following day in spite of all efforts to counteract the effects of the poison.

Thursday 13 March 1884

MARRIED on Wednesday the 12th inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, Teafontein, near Riebeck, by the Rev. N. Abraham of Grahamstown, James TUNSTALL of Graaff-Reinet (only son of J. TUNSTALL Esq of Porthill, Burslem, England, to Emily, fourth daughter of Geo. LEPPAN Esq.

On the death of this officer Major DEARE wired to Capt. NELSON of the Artillery Corps asking him to send a gun carriage by train for the purpose of a military funeral. We learn that Capt. NELSON not only did as requested but that he left town last night accompanied by three members of the corps, with the carriage and gear for four horses, in order to attend the funeral today.
[see notice for 17 March]

Yesterday at Mr. Geo. LEPPAN’s farm at Teafontein, near Riebeck, a large company gathered to witness the marriage of Mr. James TUNSTALL, of Graaff-Reinet, and Miss Emily LEPPAN, the fourth daughter of the above-named gentleman. The marriage was solemnised by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM in one of the spacious rooms of the homestead. The bride was supported by Miss Ada LEPPAN and Miss M. COPELAND, and Mr. MUIRHEAD was groomsman. The bride was lovely in an exquisite dress of white Nain’sook muslin, trimmed lace and square train, with the customary veil and wreath of orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were also charming, Miss Ada LEPPAN in a sky-blue French sateen, and Miss COPELAND in a dress of the same elegant and diaphanous material of which the bridal costume was made. After the ceremony, which was most impressive, the large number of visitors, including many friends from Grahamstown, adjourned to an adjoining room to a tasty déjeuner. Proceedings were very pleasantly drawn out, toasts were proposed and responded to, and hearty congratulations showered on the young couple. At half past four the bride and bridegroom, amid showers of rice, left for Grahamstown, where they caught the train for Port Elizabeth, intending to remain there a few days before proceeding on to Graaff-Reinet, where Mr. TUNSTALL holds the position of partner in the Direct Supply stores. At Teafontein the occasion was celebrated by those who remained, and by the guests who still continued to arrive. Festivities were continued until an early hour this morning. We beg to add our congratulations to the good wishes of a large circle of friends.

Friday 14 March 1884

The Cape Times of Tuesday writes: We regret to have to announce the demise of the Rev. DE KNOCK, clergyman of the Dutch Reformed Church, which sad even took place suddenly yesterday afternoon at the Public Library. The rev. gentleman, who was sitting in the Library reading, complained all at once of a pain in his chest and of feeling faint. Mr. SEARLE, the Assistant Librarian, immediately offered his assistance, and having taken the rev. gentleman into the committee room, gave him some water and loosened his attire. In the meantime Dr. ROUX, who, however, was not at home, was sent for. The condition of Mr. DE KNOCK became gradually worse, and on the return of the messenger from DR. ROUX’s it was found that he was dying. Dr. FALKINER was sent for, and arrived very shortly, but found that the rev. gentleman had already breathed his last. Dr. HERMAN also attended afterwards. The Magistrate was at once communicated with, and soon arrived on the spot, as did the brother of the deceased, to whom the sad intelligence had already been conveyed. The body of the deceased was subsequently removed to the deceased’s lodgings at Miss STADLER’s boarding house in New-street. Mr. DE KOCK was a widower, his second wife having recently died.

Monday 17 March 1884

(P.E. Telegraph)
It is a considerable time since Market-square and Jetty-street were so densely thronged as they were on Thursday afternoon at the assembling of the procession in connection with the funeral of the late Mr. POOLEY, Secretary to the Eastern Province Boating Company, and a Sub-lieutenant in Prince Alfred’s Volunteer Guard. That the deceased gentleman was held in the highest respect needs no stronger proof than was to be found in the large concourse of persons who temporarily left their various occupations to pay their last respects to the memory of the deceased. That the Volunteers of Grahamstown shared in similar respect was evidenced in the fact that within one hour from the receipt of a telegram on Wednesday morning, Captain NELSON, of the City Artillery, and three non-commissioned officers – the two brothers J and C JAMIESON and J. MORAN – resolved to proceed to Port Elizabeth. They brought with them one of the gun-carriages and limbers of their corps in order the more readily to convey the body to its last resting place. The corpse was at the Criterion Hotel, where Mr. POOLEY died, and it may be some melancholy satisfaction to his friends to know that the greatest kindness was paid to him by Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS. Prince Alfred’s Guard, of which, as we have stated, Mr. POOLEY was sub-lieutenant, turned out in strong muster, every man that could possibly leave business being on parade at the appointed hour – 3:30pm. The firing party was composed of Lieut. THOMPSON, Sergeant PAGE, Corporal GRASDORF, Bugler LE GROS, and forty men. They faced towards the Criterion as the coffin was brought out by the men of Mr. JONES, who had charge of the funeral arrangements, and presented arms as the coffin was deposited on the gun-carriage, which was drawn by four horses, the left leader and wheeler being ridden by artillerymen. The coffin was of polished teak with elaborate mountings. On it were the deceased’s helmet, sword, scabbard and a large wreath of immortelles. Besides the firing party, who were preceded by the Band of the regiment, there was a strong detachment of Prince Alfred’s Guard, officered by Major DEARE, Captains GORDON, O’FLAHERTY and ROWBOTHAM, Lieutenants BIRT and FALCONER and Sub-Lieutenant CLARKE. The procession was admirably maintained, although the crowd was very dense, and marched to St.Mary’s Church, where the first part of the funeral service was read by the Rev. A.T. WIRGMAN MA, assisted by Rev. Messrs. GRANT and MAYO. The funeral service was choral, Mr. DIXON presiding at the organ. The usual service being completed, the procession reformed outside the church, the pall-bearers being Capt. ROWBOTHAM, Lieuts. BIRT, FALCONER and CLARK. The chief mourners were Messrs. W. PHILLIPS, J. FORBES, Capt. HUNT, R. JONES, JOSEPH and BELT. From the church the procession, in which were the members of the Southern Cross Rowing Club, of which deceased was a member, Zwartkops Club, three of the directors of the Company of which deceased was Secretary, viz. Messrs. J. WALKER, MACFARLANE and Russell DEARE, and the members of Prince Alfred’s Guard and general public bringing up the rear. The procession proceeded, headed by the Band of Prince Alfred’s Guard, to St.Mary’s Cemetery, South End, where the rest of the service was performed by the clergy. The firing party then fired the usual three rounds in the air, which terminated the mournful ceremony.

Friday 21 March 1884

We (Budget) regret to announce the death of Mrs. John FORWARD, which sad event took place at Bathurst on Thursday morning last. She was buried in the afternoon of the same day, and her funeral was numerously attended by the residents of the district – the deceased lady being highly respected. The Rev. D.W. DODD performed the last sad rites. We tender our sincere condolences to the bereaved family.

Saturday 22 March 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 20th inst, the wife of the Rev. Ben. IMPEY of a son.

Wednesday 26 March 1884

BIRTH on the 18th February 1884, at Ootacamund House, 23 St.Charles-square, Notting-hill, London W2, the wife of William Wreford PADDON of a daughter.

A sad accident, writes the Independent of the 22nd, occurred on Sunday night, which resulted in the sudden and fearful death of Mrs. G. SNAPMAN, storekeeper, in the North Circular Road. About 8 o’clock, before the moon rose, Mrs. SNAPMAN and her daughter were being driven into town in a cart by Mr. ROSENTHAL. Between the toll and the Homestead, and nearer the former, the cart had to pass a train of three wood wagons, the first of which belonging to VAN ZYL, is alleged to have been without a leader. In endeavouring to pass the cattle, the Cape cart jolted heavily over some stones by the roadside and was capsized into the span, with which it and the horses became entangled. The occupants were thrown out, and one wheel of the wagon went right over Mrs. SNAPMAN’s body. The driver of the third wagon informs us that on hearing a woman’s screams he ran up to the front, and saw Mrs. SNAPMAN lying quite still in the road, whilst her daughter’s agony of mind was most painful to witness. Stooping, he raised the head of the unfortunate lady and called for water, but she expired in about five minutes, the driver of the wrecked cart meanwhile giving vent to a passion of hysterical and helpless grief. A stretcher was procured and the remains were conveyed to the deceased lady’s residence in North Circular Road. The funeral took place yesterday morning and was very largely attended.

A fearful dynamite accident occurred on Tuesday night at Bultfontein. Mr. John M. CAMPBELL was engaged with some natives in driving a blast hole in the claims of the Adamanta Co, and in ramming in the charge it exploded. He was killed on the spot, and three of the natives at the same time. Mr. CAMPBELL was only a young fellow and very popular with all who knew him. He was well known in cricketing circles. The inquest will be open today, when full particulars of the occurrence will transpire.

The Missionary cause in Amandebeleland has sustained another great loss in the death of the Rev. T.M. THOMAS, one of the first missionaries who settled in the country in [1859]. In the year 1870 he went to England and returned to the field of his labours in the summer of 1874-75. In 1876 he was granted a place by Lobengula, King of the Amandebele, on which to found a new mission station. He worked on this station, which he had named Shiloh, until within three weeks of his death, on January 8th of the present year. During the last three years he was greatly encouraged and gladdened by the conversion of a few of the people, nine in all being admitted to church membership. As he was very earnest in his work, he gained the affection of the natives, which was seen in their attendance at his burial, and in the sympathy they manifested to those bereaved. In March of last year he had a very severe attack of fever, and continued in ill health until December, when he was attacked by typhoid fever, to which he succumbed January 8th. “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Thursday 27 March 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th inst, the wife of the Rev. Nendick ABRAHAM of a daughter.

Saturday 29 March 1884

DIED at Grahamstown this morning, March 28th 1884, Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. A. ELLIOTT, aged 19 years.

DIED on the 23rd inst at her residence, Turvey’s Post, District of Queenstown, Christiana Gertruyda, relict of the late Edward WAINWRIGHT, aged 76 years 2 months and 8 days.

DIED at his residence, New Year’s River, March 28th 1884, William Joseph, eldest son of E.J. WILMOT, aged 37 years 8 months and 25 days, leaving a wife and family to mourn their irreparable loss.
O happy change and ever blest
When grief and pain are changed to rest

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