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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 06 June

Tuesday 3 June 1884

FUNERAL OF THE LATE HON. R. GODLONTON [some words on right of column rubbed away]
Sunday was a miserably wet and cold day, a circumstance which prevented a large number from attending who otherwise would. In spite, however, of the cold, a large number of citizens met at Beaufort House at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The deceased gentleman was laid out in the parlour, appearing as calm as if in sleep. Some short time after three the procession formed. The Mayor and Corporation preceded the hearse, followed by the ministers of the Wesleyan Church, Rev. J. WALTON MA, President of the Conference, Rev. J. EDWARDS, Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, Rev. E. LONES, Rev. N. ABRAHAM, Rev. C. PETTMAN and the Rev. Mr. WAINMAN. The pall-bearers were C.H. HUNTLY Esq, C.C. & R.M., J.E. WOOD Esq, Reuben AYLIFF Esq, J. SLATER Esq, G. IMPEY Esq, President of the Press Congress, W. WEBB Esq. After the hearse followed Mr. Durban GODLONTON and his sons, Hon. W. AYLIFF, Gen. ATTWELL Esq, Mayor of East London, Mr. Alfred WEBB, Mr. Ben. HOOLE, Mr. Dawson MATTHEWS, Mr. Brook ATTWELL and other relatives of the deceased. There followed a long procession of friends, including the Judges of the Eastern Districts Court, members of the Jubilee Memorial Committee and representative citizens. At Commemoration Church service was held by the Rev. J. WALTON, assisted by the Rev. E. LONES and the Rev. John EDWARDS. The pulpit, pulpit rails and choir [stalls] were heavily draped in mourning. The members of the choir and numerous ladies in the body of the chapel were also in mourning. The choir and mourners sang a hymn, Mr. LONES read a lesson and Mr. WALTON then in [illegible] tones which appealed to all delivered the following address:
It is no ordinary occasion which brings us together today. The Father of the Christian congregation worshipping in this church – one of our most distinguished citizens and public men – has finished his course; and we gather to carry him to his burial. We meet here, not with [illegible] lamentation, so much as with [..ologies] of praise that it pleased God to give to us, and to spare so long, the eminently useful life just closed in our midst. Not prematurely, not in the noon of his days, not with noble purpose broken off, was our dear friend removed; but at the patriarchal age of four score years and ten – all his work well done, and without a spot upon the fair [illegible] of his rounded and finished life, he fell asleep in great peace. Some of you, now men of sixty, observed him from childhood’s days, watched his course with a reverence which grew with the years, and ripened with profound and loving veneration. He was in character and position your ideal of a leading British Settler; you were all proud of him; you pointed for the advantage of your sons the moral of that universal public respect in which he lived. He was indeed a prince among the men of 1820, and you crowd here today from many parts to bury him with al Christian honours. You will not let his memory die. His name and work will live after him, will be inseparably interwoven with the story of the colonists in this country, the thrilling story of their brave and successful struggles for existence, for [illegible], for liberty and for progress. But whatever our dear friend was as a powerful writer in the public Press and a patriotic legislator, whatever he was as an acknowledged political force and a social leader, I will venture on this occasion to say that in nothing was he greater than in Christian excellence, in the transparent integrity of his [public] course, in the constancy of his friendship, in the purity of his private life. It was a privilege to know him in very [illegible]. With masculine intellect and childlike faith he firmly and finally grasped the verities of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A simple believer, a very humble disciple but a singularly cheerful and happy Christian, his brightness and catholicity powerfully commended the faith he had himself received. His memory will ever be cherished for his lofty public spirit, for his beloved encouragement of general education, and of public and charitable institutions for the relief of the sick poor. In his own communion he was greatly beloved. A wise steward in Church office, an active superintendent of Sabbath schools, a zealous advocate [illegible] support of missions to the native tribes, and always ready for every good work, his [illegible] is a household word amongst us. It is but a few years since, under circumstances of exceptional honour, that he voluntarily withdrew from the public position he had held through so long a career, that he might spend the remaining period of his life in his own city, among his intimate friends, and in his own happy home. His mental force seemed unabated. His interest in public affairs, his love of books, his pleasure in the society of his family and chosen friends and, above all, his delight in the Scriptures, and in simple Christian communion, continued to the end. And at the last – waiting for his Lord, clinging to the cross, by slow stages of natural decay, perfectly free from the ravages of disease, tended with [beautiful] devotion, with almost painless steps he reached the end of his pilgrimage of ninety years. The final hour was calm. When he came to the crossing there was no struggle, no fear. The enemy was as still as a stone until he passed over. For all of us here today the moral of his life is this: “Mark, the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.”
The funeral march was played on the organ by Mr. B.B. ATTWELL.
Mr. EDWARDS, one of Mr. GODLONTON’s oldest friends, the engaged in prayer, and again the procession reformed in the same order, and proceeded to the Wesleyan cemetery, where a large and reverent crowd had assembled. Here several large and beautiful wreaths were placed upon the coffin by grandchildren of Mr. GODLONTON, the service was read, and the large assemblage slowly dispersed.

On Saturday afternoon the weather was calm and a large number of citizens attended to pay respect to the memory of Lieut. and Adjt. YOUNG. The 1st City Volunteers, the Grahamstown Artillery, the Public School and St.Andrew’s Cadets turned up in Church-square and, preceded by the band, marched to the residence of the deceased in New-street. Here the coffin, covered with the Union Jack, was placed on a gun-carriage drawn by four horses. The long procession then formed, the firing party of First City, Cadets and Artillery preceding. The pall-bearers were the officers of the different corps, then followed the relatives of the deceased, senior officers of the corps, Capt. SISSISSON, Capt. SIMKINS, Capt. SAMPSON, Capt. A.E. NELSON and major DEARE, the B.B. of the Masonic Lodges &c and representative citizens. At the cemetery the service was conducted by the Rev. [B] Wharton SMITH.

Thursday 5 June 1884

BIRTH Sunday May 18th 1884, at Springvale, Palmerton, East Pondoland, the wife of Armine MELLOR Esq of a daughter.

FAIRBRIDGE OGILVIE. On June 5th at Christ Church, by Canon Espin, Rhys Seymour FAIRBRIDGE, eldest son of the late Francis S. FAIRBRIDGE, of Port Elizabeth, to Rosalie Helen OGILVIE, second daughter of the late Alfred OGILVIE, of Grahamstown.

This morning at 11 o’clock at Christ Church the marriage was celebrated of Miss Rose OGILVIE and Mr. Rhys FAIRBRIDGE. The weather being fine and brisk, a large number of guests and friends attended at the pretty little Church to witness the ceremony. The service was performed by the Rev. Canon ESPIN, assisted by the Rev. Mr. NORTON. The wedding party was unusually attractive, even for Grahamstown. The bride of course was the principal figure in a charming cream satin, trimmed with cream Spanish lace, with moire front let in, and wreath and veil. The bridesmaids, five in number, were Miss M. OGILVIE, Miss Jessie OGILVIE, Miss HESS, Miss ORPEN and Miss E. AYTON, and appeared lovely attendants on the bride in cream mull muslin dresses, with Swiss bodice of green velvet. The hats, made by Mr, GOWIE, were mashers of green velvet and green shaded tips. All bridesmaids carried baskets of flowers. Mr. W.E. FAIRBRIDGE waited on the groom. The fair bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. LOVEMORE. At the conclusion of the ceremony Herr EBERLEIN played the wedding march on the organ in splendid time, and amid an adoring crowd of well-wishers the bridal pair departed. They proceed in the remarkable travelling wagon we noticed in our yesterday’s issue to the Kowie. To Messrs. MUIRHEAD & GOWIE is due the credit of supplying the charming costumes worn.

(Cape Times)
Born in London September 21 1794: Died at Grahamstown 30th May 1884.

Mourn Africa! Your oldest, noblest sage
Sleeps the long sleep. Your noblest! Aye! For he
Whose name the roll of true nobility
Next heads, may well be proud. How bright a page
His history fills! The Franklin of our age,
Who wrought for Truth, for Liberty and Light.
The aim of all his fourscore years and ten
Was “Peace on Earth and good will towards men”,
Right for the wronged weak – for wronging Might
Confusion. How he strove with sword, tongue, pen,
As soldier, statesman, writer! giving all
The glorious dower of his heart and brain
To us and God; until He took again
The life which, could we, we would fain recall.
The measure of his influence who can tell!
We know not whether from that distant home
To which th’ All Wise has ta’en him, he may come
In spirit, to the land he served so well.
But this we know: The good that he has wrought,
The examples set, the lessons he has taught,
As scattered seed, on Time o’er rolling flood
Immortal are, and can but work us good.


Saturday 7 June 1884

DIED at Grahamstown on 30th May 1884, George YOUNG, Lieut. and Adjt. First City Volunteers, aged 43 years.
After a protracted illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, he left us for the other and final home, for which he longed. His afflicted Widow desires to convey her gratitude to the many friends from whom she received so much condolence, and to thank Drs. E. ATHERSTONE, GREATHEAD and FIGG for their unremitting attention to him.

Monday 9 June 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 7th inst, the wife of G.F. BLACKBEARD of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown, June 8th, the wife of J.C. JOHN, of King Williamstown, of a daughter.

MARRIED June 6th by Special Licence, at the residence of the Bride’s father, by the Rev. Jno. Walton MA, President of the Wesleyan Conference, Harry O. POTE, son of Peter POTE Esq, to Addie, daughter of John WEBB Esq, Market-square, Grahamstown.

On Saturday last the marriage of Miss A. WEBB and Mr. H. POTE, son of Mr. peter POTE, was celebrated at the residence of the bride’s father, John WEBB Esq J.P. Rev. John WALTON MA conducted the service. The young couple left by train for Cradock on their way to their home in New England, Barkly East. We join with the numerous friends of the happy pair in hearty congratulations.

Tuesday 10 June 1884

The Friend of the Free State writes:
Although the Hon. J.H. MEURANT – an octogenarian still hale and hearty – lays claim to having established the Grahamstown Journal, yet Robert GODLONTON became connected with it in 1834, and under his judicious management that newspaper speedily acquired an influence and rank, which is second to no other broad-sheet published in the Cape Colony, its dependencies and neighbouring states, even to this day; and its honourable position will always be associated with the household name of Robert GODLONTON. Whilst under his direction, the parent stem – the Journal as it is now styled – disseminated numerous offshoots, the earliest of which, it affords us much satisfaction to record, was the Friend of the Sovereignty (the present Friend of the Free State), established by the firm of GODLONTON and WHITE in June 1850, under the control of the late Mr. Thomas WHITE, who was admitted as a partner and took over the sole proprietorship in 1853, just previous to the withdrawal of the British Garrison from Bloemfontein, and the surrender of the government of this country “to the inhabitants thereof”. Therefore it is but meet and seemly that the oldest scion should, however inadequately, pay a tribute of filial reverence to the memory of the sire so universally admired and beloved. It is needless to say that we plump ourselves up on the family connexion, and Mr. MEURANT’s pretensions notwithstanding, we maintain that Robert GODLONTON was not only the founder of the Friend of the Sovereignty but likewise the Father of the Eastern Province Press.

Friday 13 June 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. Albert LAWRANCE of a son.

The telegraph regrets to have to announce the sudden death of Mr. A.M. MILLAR, who for some time held the position of morning market-master of Port Elizabeth. Until last week the deceased was apparently in the most robust health, when he was suddenly attacked with dysentery in a very severe form, and succumbed on Tuesday morning after only a few days’ illness. Mr. MILLAR had made many friends during his residence in Port Elizabeth, by whom the sad event is very keenly felt. To his bereaved widow and family we tender our sincere condolence in their affliction. The deceased was in his 46th year, and was a native of Ireland.

We (P.E. Telegraph) regret to hear that Mr. Ernest PARKIN met with a very sad accident on Friday last. He was on a visit to his brother’s farm near Thornhill, and whilst engaged at target practice with a rifle a portion of the breach blew out, and, striking him just below the right eye, inflicted a very severe wound. He fainted away, and for some time remained unconscious. On recovering somewhat, he with difficulty made his way to the nearest residence, and on Saturday last was brought into town. He is extremely weak from loss of blood, and his face is terribly disfigured. Dr. MACDONALD, who is attending him, entertains some hope that the right eye will be saved, but the injuries are very severe.

Paul R.J. ROOS died at the Kimberley Hospital on Saturday morning, where he has lingered since the 29th April, never recovering the full use of his faculties. On the day of the occasion of the fatal affray at the barricade round the Central Company’s pumping works, he was shot through the upper part of the forehead, the bullet penetrating into the crown of the skull. Both bullet and the wads were extracted, but from the first (says the Independent) the doctors held out no hope of the boy’s recovery. He was only seventeen.

Monday 16 June 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th June 1884, the wife of Mr. R.C. FERRIS, of Fort Beaufort, of a daughter.

Wednesday 18 June 1884

It is with deep regret that we (Umtata Herald) have this week to record the death of Mrs SMITH Sen., relict of the late Thomas Hancorn SMITH, of Bathurst, Lower Albany. The deceased lady was apparently in good health up to the beginning of last week, when she had an attack of bronchitis; under which she sank to rest on Sunday evening last. With her has gone another link of the past, she having come out with the British Settlers of 1820. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the large number of mourners testifying to the respect in which she was held. To the large circle of friends we beg to tender our sympathy in their bereavement.

Friday 20 June 1884

MARRIED on the 19th June 1884, at St.Michael’s Pro-Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. Wharton B. Smith MA, William Matthew GIBSON, of Uitenhage, to Eliza, relict of the late Alex. THOMPSON of Uitenhage.

We (Budget) have to record the decease of this gentleman, which took place on Monday evening last, at 8 pm, at the house of his son, Mr. James N. COCK. The deceased has been so long identified with this place that all the flags were hoisted half-mast out of respect for the family, whose name has been so long connected with the port and works. Deceased will be buried with Masonic honours this afternoon, at three o’clock. This will be the first occasion on which the Craft have done honours here to a deceased brother.

News has reached Durban [… Newcastle] to the effect that Mr. LOCKYER, the sub-editor of the Natal Mercantile Advertiser, who was dispatched by that paper to Moodie’s Gold Fields, for the purpose of furnishing an independent report on the finds, and of the future prospects of that place, was drowned in the Crocodile River on the 2nd June. The E.L. Dispatch remarks:- We hear with distress the news of the death of Mr. LOCKYER. The particulars of the occurrence are not yet to hand. The deceased gentleman, who was very lately on a visit to East London, was engaged to the daughter of an esteemed fellow-townsman of ours, and the marriage was to have been celebrated in the course of a few weeks.

Monday 23 June 1884

Union Fire and Marine Insurance and Trust Company
In the Insolvent Estate of William HUGHES
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Graham’s Town on Wednesday, July 23rd, 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 16th July next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joseph GADD, Secretary
Sole Trustee
Union Company’s Office
Grahamstown, 16th June 1884

Union Fire and Marine Insurance and Trust Company
In the Insolvent Estate of Robert Ewer STEPHENS
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Graham’s Town on Wednesday, July 23rd, 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report and also for the purpose of giving directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 16th July next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joseph GADD, Secretary
Sole Trustee
Union Company’s Office
Grahamstown, 16th June 1884

MARRIED on the 11th June, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Uitenhage, by the Rev. Charles Petman, David Edmond, fourth son of David Edmond HOBSON, of Mount Pleasant, late of Paarden Fontein, to Louisa Adelaide, fourth daughter of C.J. LEPPAN Esq. of Mimosa Villa, near Somerset East.

Wednesday 25 June 1884

The Rev. G. CAREY, Wesleyan Minister of Middelburg, was married last Saturday morning to Miss Elizabeth POWELL, second daughter of the late Mr. W. POWELL, Queen Street. There were a few friends present at the interesting occasion. Miss POWELL (writes the Telegraph) had been a short time previously presented with a testimonial from the teachers and scholars of the Sunday School, in which she had taught for several years, winning the respect and esteem of all who are connected with the Church.

Monday 30 June 1884

DIED at Colesberg on Wednesday morning, June 25th, Evelyn Sophia MacDonald BROOKES, the beloved infant daughter of the Rev. George and Evelyn Dyble BROOKES, aged 5 months and 25 days.

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