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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 07 July

Thursday 3 July 1884

DIED at Grahamstown, July 1st 1884, Edward KELLY, aged 41 years and 9 months. R.I.P.

We regret to record the death under distressing circumstances of Mr. KELLY, a compositor in the Journal office, and much esteemed by his employers. Mr. KELLY was a very intelligent man, and his death, through weakening of the brain, will be regretted by many. Mr. KELLY leaves a widow and family of small children for whom great sympathy will be felt.

On Saturday morning (writes the Herald) the body of a coloured man, since identified as that of Peter WILLIAMS, residing at the North End, was picked up closed to the sea wall, South End, by August DUKMAN. The deceased was in the habit of catching shellfish amongst the rocks on the beach, and for this purpose he left his home on Friday night, and nothing more was heard of him until the body was picked up on Saturday morning, so it is supposed he caught a cramp and was drowned, the body subsequently being washed ashore. Dr. [ENSO] viewed the body on its being taken to the Police Station, and it was then handed over to his friends for burial. The deceased was, we hear, a married man, and leaves three children.

Friday 4 July 1884

MARRIED on the 2nd July at the Wesleyan Chapel, Salem, by the Rev. J.W. Wood, Ben. DELL of Barville Park to Maria BROWN of Salem.

A very singular case of mysterious death is reported to have occurred at Newlands on Friday last (writes the Cape Times). On that morning, at about six o’clock, one of the servants in the employ of DR. HIDDINGH, on passing the ornamental water in the park belonging to that gentleman, saw a man standing in the water up to his chin, and thinking it a strange circumstance, at once informed his master of the fact. Assistance was obtained, and the man, who was discovered to be quite dead, was soon taken from the water. The deceased, who was a groom in the employ of Mr. VAN DER BYL, was named John BARTJES. How he came to be in the position in which he was found remains a mystery, though it is supposed the poor man must have gone into the water when drunk, and have died from the cold.

The Watchman writes: Thursday last the Kei Road was en fete, being the occasion of the celebration of the nuptials of Arthur John FULLER, the son of James FULLER Esq, of Gonubie, to Dorothy Temple WEBB, daughter of Mr. WEBB of Capetown. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and on the bridal party entering and leaving the sacred edifice suitable voluntaries were played. The writer when at Kei Road on Friday last heard with regret of an accident which had occurred to the newly married couple and which might have proved fatal. It seems that they were accompanied by a large dog and when some distance from Kei Road the animal which was travelling in [the] cart suddenly sprang out on to the road, and in so doing knocked the reins out of Mr. FULLER’s hands, who was driving; the horses took fright and rushed madly along the road for some distance when the cart was overturned, but fortunately beyond smashing the tent of the cart and destroying the harness of the horses, no other damage was sustained. Mr. and Mrs. FULLER, we are glad to say, escaped uninjured, and in congratulating them on their fortunate escape we wish them with a large number of friends every happiness and prosperity and all joys of true connubial felicity.

Another gap in the well-known circle of counsel who constitute the Griqualand West Bar has been created by the sudden death of Mr. Advocate DAVISON at noon yesterday. He was seized with a fit last Friday and was removed to the Hospital. He suffered another attack on Saturday, and remained almost unconscious to his death; but at times able to recognise his friends. His loss will be mourned, says the Independent, by all his Bar associates, with whom he was very popular. He had an unfailing fund of humour which was always welcome. Mr. DAVISON arrived in the colony about nine years ago, and took up his residence at Bloemfontein for the purposes of regaining his health. After about a year’s experience of the Free State capital he came to Kimberley, and by his great talent soon built up an excellent practice. Having secured a position here, he left for England for a holiday, and on his return to the colony he practised at Grahamstown for 18 months, when he again returned to England. About a year and a half ago he resumed his practice here. He married on the Fields, and leaves a family of three or four children. Mrs. DAVISON has been lying ill for a long time. The deceased gentleman was a member of the Legislative Council before the Annexation of this Province, in Sir Owen LANYON’s time, and took an active part in political matters. He represented the Barkly constituency.

(P.E. Telegraph)
A suicide of a very determined and painful nature took place in Walmer Road on Tuesday evening. In a house in that locality lived an artist named Thomas HOLLAND, said to be very well connected in England, but whose family in that country were at issue with him. They were in extreme poverty, and this seems to have unhinged his mind. On Tuesday evening his wife left home to attend the evening service at a neighbouring chapel, leaving her husband and two children in the house. The children were in bed sleeping. She could not have gone very long before Mr. HOLLAND sat down, wrote a letter to her, which is now in the possession of the authorities, and the purport of which was to say that not being able to bear the sight of his family in such abject distress he had resolved to take his own life. It is a strange coincidence that during the same afternoon when conversing with some persons the subject turned upon suicide, and he expressed his belief that there was hope after death for a man who had committed suicide through utter despondency. At all events it seems that while his wife was in chapel, and his two children sleeping peacefully in bed, he sharpened a table knife, placed a wash-hand basin on the table, held his head over it, and deliberately cut his throat. Mr. HOLLAND returning from chapel saw his form prostrate on the floor, and summoned the neighbours for assistance. But her husband had been dead some little time, and the distress in the household is described as unspeakable.
Yesterday morning the Magistrate, Mr. A.A. WYLDE, proceeded to view the body and at 10 o’clock opened an inquest, at which the following evidence was taken:
Alice Ann HOLLAND, who appeared in a state of distress that was painful to witness, deposed: My husband’s name was Thomas Bruce HOLLAND, and he was an artist. We have three children. At 7:45 I left home to go to the Baptist Chapel, and my husband was at the time painting a picture. He was quite sober, and had not been drinking to excess. He was in the room alone, and the children were in bed. I returned at 8:45, and saw the body lying in the kitchen on the floor, face downwards. I saw a large quantity of blood on the floor, and a candle burning on the table. I rushed to the next house, occupied by Mr. HIRKHAM, the messenger of the Court; then I ran for Mr. PATTERSON. On my return I saw my husband’s throat was cut. He had written a letter to me which the doctor has taken charge of. He had been very despondent yesterday through being out of work and in debt, but I never thought he would commit suicide. He comes from Warwick. His father died lately. It is not drink but money matters that preyed on his mind. There had been no quarrel: we did not quarrel.
Mr. PATTERSON: I am a licenced pilot of this port and knew deceased. He had not been drinking lately, but was very much depressed in spirits through being out of work. He was 36 years of age. I saw him on Tuesday afternoon; he was all right. I next saw the body at 9 o’clock, being called by his wife. I saw that he had cut his throat; a table knife was close to his hand. A wash-basin was full of blood. I inferred that he had held his head over the basin, cut his throat, and fell back when exhausted from a loss of blood. Trouble was the cause; he could not get work to support his family. There was only a shilling in the house. I never knew of any unhappiness in family matters at all. I took the children to my house after the deed, and they are there now.
Mr. William HIRKAM: I am messenger of this court, and live next door to deceased. Mrs. HOLLAND came to my house at 8:45 last night greatly agitated and asked me to see her husband, who she thought was in a fit. I ran at once. He was on his back with his head on the right side. I was about to remove his collar when I saw the blood. He had a table knife in his right hand and was quite dead. The children were fast asleep in bed. The doctor was sent for. To my knowledge the family were in great penury, and he was utterly despondent. He had written a note to his wife which the doctor has. The man has been a sober man for a long time, never at all the worse for liquor. I saw him daily. The widow and children are penniless – quite destitute.
The Magistrate gave orders for the decent interment of deceased. A verdict was not returned until the evidence of the surgeon is taken.

Saturday 5 July 1884

The body which was recently found on the Cradock road about six miles from town has been identified as that of William STUART, a Scotchman, who has been for some three years past in the employ of Mr. Bourchier BOWKER, Fish River, and bore an excellent character. Mr. BOWKER had lent him (about a month ago) a horse with addle and bridle to come into town. He had when he started from the farm about £30 with him. Nothing, it will be remembered, was found on the body. The horse has turned up lately at Table Farm. On its being made known by Mr. HUNTLY to the Rev. J.A. CHALMERS, President of the local Caledonian Association, that the deceased was of Scotch nationality, it was at once decided to send a coffin out for the remains, which were brought into town yesterday, and interred in the Cemetery, a grave having been duly purchased for the purpose.

Monday 7 July 1884

It is with extreme regret (writes the F.B. Advocate) that we announce the death of Mr. James CASTLEMAN of Adelaide. The deceased gentleman was perhaps the largest and most widely known merchant in Adelaide. Shrewd and possessed of good business qualities, he at one time seemed likely to carry all before him in Adelaide, but failing health towards the last militated against the extension of business operations.

The SS Lady Wood returned to Natal from Delagoa Bay on Saturday last, bringing a number of passengers, amongst them being several fever-stricken patients. Those who witnessed their landing (says the Mercury) need nothing further to convince them about the unhealthiness of this route. It was a sad spectacle. Most of them left these shores about six weeks ago, enjoying excellent health, in fine spirits, and full of hope as to fortune making. The Bluff re-echoed with their cheers as they left, but on their return many could scarcely walk and had to be assisted ashore. Finding that it was no use staying at Moodie’s, there being no chance of working claim on the exorbitant terms charged by the company and limited purses, they resolved to steer their course homewards. They started on the Delagoa Bay route, and endured great hardships. A number were sick before they left, but the company banded themselves well together and assisted their unfortunate brethren over the mountains and across rivers. One sad incident occurred on the way. Mr. Harry CAPPER, who it will be remembered was a robust and healthy young man, became a victim to the fell fever. He left the fields by wagon, accompanied by Mr. George STEVENS and Mr. FITZGIBBON, and when only forty miles from Moodie’s died at midnight on the 10th inst. The poor fellow was kindly cared for by his companions, and was buried close to the spot where he breathed his last – far away from his home and friends. Three of the passengers on landing were taken to the hospital, namely Messrs. RICH, A. MANSFIELD, and SMITH. Every attention was paid to them. Mr. RICH, we understand, is very weak, having suffered for some time back with the fever on the fields, but the other two are improving. All more or less have paid dearly for their experience, and they have surely finally settled the question as to the unhealthiness of the Delagoa Bay route. The following is the list of passengers by the Lady Wood:

The Uitenhage Chronicle supplies the following additional particulars in regard to the dreadful tragedy reported in our last: The murderer is a man named William DOYLE, a platelayer, and the victim his wife, both living in the 15½ mile cottage, just beyond Despatch station. The two had been drinking on Sunday morning, DOYLE eventually turning his wife, and a son aged twelve years, out of the house into the rain, locking the door and going away. The son states that shortly afterwards his father came back, and called his wife names, but that there was no further quarrelling, and they then entered the house together. His mother was lying on the bed in the front room, and he saw his father take up a gun, and heard him say that he would blow his wife’s brains out. The boy told his father not to play with the gun, and he put it down. Afterwards he took it up again, when the mother pushed it away; he again handled it, and this time fired, the shot entering the woman’s right side, and killing her instantly. The man then put the gun down and walked away. The son gave information of the occurrence to kafirs living by, but they did not attempt to apprehend him. Sergeant HEUGH saddled up and traced the murderer to the Bay, where the police are now on the look-out for him. DOYLE is an old Sergeant of the C.M.R., which he had joined some four years ago. He is a man of powerful physique, and from all accounts a bad character. We are told that he is known in the Bay, because he was tried there for robbing £19 from a Dutchman. It is also said that the circumstances of his first wife’s – a bastard woman – death were suspicious. The murdered woman was a European, about fifty, and is said to have been fine looking. It is thought that DOYLE had no money with him, only a silver watch. His apprehension should be easy.

Thursday 10 July 1884

We (Herald) regret having to announce the death of Mr. Peter TERBLANCE, of Blue Cliff, from the effects of the gunshot wound received by him some few days ago while out buffalo shooting. Mr. Peter TERBLANCE, the deceased, was a little in front of the gun of his brother, and the trigger catching in some underwood, the weapon went off, lodging the contents in the leg of the unfortunate man, who, to add to his sufferings, had to remain in this position until the following day, when assistance arrived, and Mr. TERBLANCE sent to the Provincial Hospital; but, despite all the care and attention that could be bestowed, he gradually became weaker, and died yesterday morning. The greatest sympathy is felt here for the brother, who accidentally inflicted the wound. The remains were sent by train to Blue Cliff last evening.

We (E.P. Herald) regret to report the death of Mr. A. VASSARD, which sad event took place yesterday under painful circumstances. The deceased, who was a well educated man, came to this Colony a few years ago, and for some time resided at Graaff-Reinet, but he did not prosper and subsequently came to Port Elizabeth, where he took charge of the Municipal Works for the manufacture of manure. This, we believe, did not pay, and Mr. VASSARD had to seek other employment. For a long time he was in reduced circumstances, and recently lost his wife, a French lady of superior attainments. Family affliction and the struggle with hard times seem to have completely upset him and it was evident his mind was affected. He was one of those visionaries who are ever striving to ameliorate the condition of others, and who never do much good for themselves. However, life’s fitful fever is over and the once busy brain is at rest. May he rest in peace.

Friday 11 July 1884

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, July 9th 1884, the wife of Mr. Charles J. ROBERTS of a daughter.

The Port Alfred Budget of Thursday has the following:-
We have to record the decease of Mr. Benjamin HOCKEY, which occurred this morning. The deceased had been ailing and was subject to fits, which had considerably weakened him; but his death was very sudden. While at breakfast he suddenly fell back and expired. We have only time at present to mention the death of one of the oldest inhabitants here; and one who was deservedly respected. The mournful intelligence has been notified by the flags half-mast high.

The Funeral of the late Charles James CLOUGH will leave the residence of his brother, Mr. Thomas CLOUGH, Bathurst-street, tomorrow, Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Monday 14 July 1884

DIED at Somerset East on Sunday morning, the 13th inst, aged 38 years, Effie Mitford, wife of J.W. STEVENS of Cradock.

LOST AT SEA on July 9th, Stephen WHITEHEAD, late of Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown, aged 66; leaving a sorrowing Widow and large circle of Relatives and Friends to mourn their irreparable loss.
Kent papers please copy.

Happily, observes the P.E. Telegraph, it is not often that a voyage is attended by so painful an incident as that which occurred on board the Venice, on her passage to East London. Among her passengers was a Mr. WHITEHEAD, formerly of Grahamstown and latterly a resident of Port Elizabeth. It seems that he retired to rest on the evening of the steamer’s departure, when he was noticed lying in his cabin by one of the stewards. He was last seen by Mr. RAVEN, the second officer of the ship. This was about 20 minutes to 1 on the following morning when he was wrapped up in a greatcoat and huddled in a corner as if to escape observation. There was nothing, however, in the circumstance of his being on deck at that hour to arouse suspicion, and the officer who was going to see the captain took no further notice of the matter. Passengers are frequently on deck at all hours. At 7 o’clock in the morning the steward went to take in coffee to his cabin and found it empty. His mysterious disappearance caused great excitement on board, and the captain immediately had a vigorous search instituted, but with unsuccessful results. Mr. WHITEHEAD was a married man and in good circumstances. He was of a retiring disposition, and a quiet and highly respectable citizen.

Wednesday 16 July 1884

DIED at Oudtshoorn on the 3rd July, the beloved wife of Oliver Percival HOOLE, and daughter of the Hon. J.F. TAUTE.

We have received the following extract from Capt. RENDALL’s logbook, S.S. Venice from Mr. GAU, the agent of the Donald Currie Line.
Port Alfred, Outer Anchorage, Wednesday morning 8 o’clock, July 9th 1884.
The Chief Steward, J. JARVIS, reported to me at 7 o’clock this morning that a passenger names S. WHITEHEAD was missing, and I at once made the necessary search.
The said S. WHITEHEAD, an elderly gentleman; grey beard, rather stout, wearing spectacles, came on board the S.S. Venice at Algoa Bay as a first class passenger, and was seen last by the second officer, J.H. RAVEN, at 20 minutes to 1 o’clock in the early morning standing near the poop, and has not been seen since. He appeared to be all right at dinner time, and the Bedroom Steward, H. LLOYD, asking him about 10 o’clock whether he took tea or coffee in the morning, he said coffee.
He went to bed at about 10 o’clock and requested the Steward to put his light out, which was done. He brought no luggage on board, and all that was found in his cabin was a walking stick, which I handed to the local agent requesting him to telegraph all particulars to Grahamstown.
(Signed) J. RENDELL, Master S.S. Venice
(Signed) J. RAVEN, Second Officer
(Signed) H. LLOYD, Bedroom Steward

We regret to record the death of the wife of Capt. HOOK, which sad event occurred yesterday morning at Butterworth. Mrs. HOOK was the daughter of the late Mr. A,W. HOOLE, and was a lady well known and much respected in the country. We beg to express our sympathy with Capt. HOOK at his great loss.

Monday 21 July 1884

DIED at Melrose, Division of Bedford, on the 14th July 1884, Lily, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PRINGLE. Aged 22 years 4 months and 8 days.

DIED at Nthlambi, Transkei, on the 14th July 1884, after a month’s illness, Paget Gordon Blair, the much loved youngest son of D.B. and E.E. HOOK. Aged four years and nine months.
Also on the 15th July 1884, after a month’s illness, Elizabeth Emma, (nee HOOLE), the beloved wife of David Blair HOOK.

King Williamstown Fire and Marine Insurance & Trust Company Ltd.
In the Insolvent Estate of Jesse SHAW, of Fort Beaufort
A Special Meeting Creditors in the above Estate will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Albany at his Office, Grahamstown, on Wednesday, 20th Aug, 10 o’ clock in the forenoon, for the following purposes, namely:- For the Proof of Debts, for the purpose of deciding as to the advisability of continuing or otherwise the suit instituted by the Trustee as per resolution of Creditors at the Third Meeting, and for the transaction of General Business.
James HAY, Sole Trustee
Per his Attorney, E.P. SHINGLER
King Williamstown
16th July 1884.
Thursday 24 July 1884

BIRTH at Middelburg on Sunday the 20th July 1884, the wife of W.G. IMPEY of a daughter.

Friday 25 July 1884

We (Independent) regret to state that Mr. James NUNAN, of Dutoitspan, has lost two of his children through the epidemic at present prevailing. It will be remembered that the Combined Mining Board’s temporary Lazerette was close against his residence, and shortly after the patients were brought to it his children began to get sick, with symptoms which Dr. SAUNDERS pronounced to be those of smallpox. He remonstrated with the medical gentleman in charge for permitting such a danger to exist alongside his place, but received the reply that “he need not be afraid, it was not a catching disease.” Julia NUNAN, a child of two years and two months, developed the disease in a virulent form, and died on the 4th July at the Board of Health Lazerette, whither she had been removed. The other victim of the infection in Mr. NUNAN’s family was his daughter Catherine, who expired at his house on Friday last, 18th July, aged four years and seven months. A son also caught the malady, but fortunately only in a mild form, and is now recovered. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. NUNAN, who have thus suffered so severely by the fell disease which has been brought to their doors by means which we cannot help characterising as most reprehensible.

Thursday 31 July 1884

MARRIED by Special Licence at Colesberg, on the 28th inst, by the Rev. W.A. Alheit, John Mortimer Clement FARRELL to Agnes McFarlane McKELLAR, second daughter of Duncan McKELLAR Esq of Kelso, Scotland.

The Graaff-Reinet Herald reports:- An accident, which may still prove fatal, occurred at Bethesda, in Sneeuwberg, last week. Mr. VAN DER MERWE, of Witte Kop, in handling a revolver, shot his child, who was sitting on her mother’s lap, through the thigh, the bullet passing out at the side just above the hip. The mother was in a frantic state, as it is her first and only child.

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