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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 08 August

Friday 1 August 1884

DIED at Grahamstown, August 1st, at the residence of his brother, Joseph Brilliant LEVEY. Aged 67 years.
The Funeral of the late Joseph Brilliant LEVEY will leave the residence of his brother, Mr. Charles LEVEY, Chapel-street, tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

The Cradock Register regrets to have to record the death of David CAWOOD, eldest son of the late Mr. W. CAWOOD, of this town, which sad event took place at the Bath a few days since. We understand that the deceased succumbed to a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels. The funeral was largely attended.

(Cape Times Kimberley Correspondent)
Dr. WOLFF, of Dutoitspan, was taken in arrest on a charge of culpable homicide, and brought before the Resident magistrate of Dutoitspan on Saturday morning. The circumstances of the arrest are shown in the following affidavits:
George ALEXANDER maketh oath and says: “I am a canteen keeper residing at Bultfontein, in the district of Kimberley. I had in my employ as housekeeper a woman named Margaret GRENNAN. On Saturday the 21st June last she complained of not feeling well on that afternoon. Dr. WOLFF was called in to see her, and he attended her up to the day she died, which took place on Sunday the 29th June. During the time he was attending her I asked him on several occasions what she was suffering from; he told me it was a cold. When I noticed a rash on her face I asked him several times whether she was not suffering from smallpox. He replied no. On Sunday the 29th she died, while in her room. Mrs. CORNELSON, who was nursing her, showed me a new born infant. At no time did Dr. WOLFF inform us that she was suffering from smallpox or infectious or contagious disease, although I repeatedly asked him.”
The follows an affidavit from Mrs. CORNELSON who says she (the deceased) was ill, and on asking Dr. WOLFF what it was, he said “inflammation of the throat”, but she seeing a rash on her face asked him if it was not smallpox, and he said no, and that deponent need not be alarmed. She was called in on Sunday morning and found that she had been delivered of a female child dead. Dr. WOLFF came about nine am. She showed him the child, and the deceased breathed her last in about half an hour after that. Dr. WOLFF told her that it was not smallpox the woman had died from.
Jeremiah SARSFIELD deposes that he was asked by ALEXANDER to let his wife come and assist in laying out the body, but she, on seeing the corpse, refused to have any hand in it, and came back and told him the woman had died of smallpox, and was greatly alarmed thereat. About ten days after his wife was taken ill of smallpox, and he then called in Dr. HARRIS, who would not give a decided opinion on that day, but the next day said it was smallpox, and his wife died in the lazerette on the 20th inst.
Dr. GRIMMER, district surgeon, deposes that on the 5th day of July he had the body of the deceased, Margaret GREENAN, exhumed, and that the cause of death was smallpox, accompanied by congestion of the lungs. In the same coffin was a female foetus, of between four and five months growth.
These are the circumstances on which the charge of culpable homicide is being made.

Saturday 2 August 1884

The Uitenhage Times writes:- A painfully sudden death took place on Sunday last, 27th inst. Mrs. Isaac NIEKERK, of Boshbok Hoek, in the Elands River, started on horseback in usual health, to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. RAUTENBACH, who resides on the same farm but a few miles off. When within about two hundred yards of the house she complained to her son, who accompanied her, that she felt very ill. He said “let us ride fast to the house then”, but the poor woman begged to be taken off the horse, which was scarcely done when she expired. Mrs. NIEKERK was about sixty-two years old.

Wednesday 6 August 1884

We regret to record the death of Dr. GORDON, who was recently stationed at Alicedale. Dr. GORDON was contemplating removing to Cradock to practice, but was prevented by an alarming increase of the symptoms of consumption, under which disease he suffered. He was obliged to come to the Albany Hospital, and there he died on Saturday while carefully attended to by the doctors and his young wife. To his young widow we tender our sincerest sympathies.

Saturday 9 August 1884

On Tuesday last there was a fatal accident at Salem, resulting in the death of one native boy, and serious injuries to another. Two natives, in the employ of Mr. Jeremiah LONG, were driving a Scotch cart drawn by bullocks when the bullocks it appeared grew restive, and the cart was overturned. One of the boys, ten years of age, was killed on the spot, the other had his left arm broken and the right arm disabled.

Wednesday 13 August 1884

(Kimberley Independent)
Many of our readers will remember Mr. Charles BETHEL, who was for some time resident at the Diamond Fields and connected with the Government. He came out from England to the Fields during the time his uncle was Acting Administrator of Griqualand West, and during the time he was here filled several places with great efficiency.
He left here to take part in native affairs over the interior border, and spent much of his time in Bechuanaland and doing service to the natives, whilst they were being oppressed by the filibustering boers who, greedy for land and stock, care little by what means they get possessed of either. We heard a few days since that he had met his death in a skirmish between the filibusters and the natives. This is now confirmed, and from the particulars to hand it appears that he was shot in cold blood – murdered in fact. He fell into the hands of two Boers, and these men who in common with their confederates hated him for his bravery and love of fair play without distinction of race or colour. When the barbarians got hold of him they asked him what they should do with him. Undaunted to the last, he told them to do what they pleased, and the savages, for they are no better than savages, shot him dead – blowing his brains out.
Is there to be no retribution? Are these ruffians to shoot down Englishmen in this way and never to be called to account?
The late Mr. BETHEL was a courteous gentleman, young and of great promise. He made friends wherever he went, and it filled the hearts of many here with great sorrow when they heard that one they loved so well had been sent to his grave thus early in his life in this cruel way. His relatives at home have the deepest sympathies from the people here, as knowing as we do how strong Colonel WARREN’s affection for his late nephew was, we tender to him our sincere condolence.

Wednesday 20 August 1884

A very sudden death under distressing circumstances occurred in this town (writes the P.E. Telegraph) at 7:30 on Saturday evening. At half past seven a respectable woman, Mrs. Annie JAMES, accompanied by a little boy six years old, hurriedly rushed into Mr. MOODIE’s shop, and stating that she felt ill asked to be allowed to sit down for a few minutes. Mr. MOODIE at once assented, and a chair was put for her in the inner compartment of the shop. Seeing from her actions - she proceeded hurriedly to divest herself of her mantle – she was suffering from sudden and sharp pain, Mr. MOODIE asked if he could get her anything. She said “Oh get me some medicine”. As her appearance was such as to cause alarm, Mr.MOODIE took her to LENNON & Co’s chemist shop. The assistant noticed that she seemed very ill, and she was accommodated with a chair, but in less than three minutes she died. It was pitiable to see the distress of her little boy who was with her. He is only six years of age. It was ascertained that Mrs. JAMES was staying at Mrs. HAMMET’s, and Constable STANGERUP took the child there at once, the body being removed to the mortuary for the inquest, which takes place today. Mrs. JAMES came from Baker Street, Portman Square, London, whence she and her husband went to Natal. Mr. JAMES died there, and about three years ago the widow and child came to this town where they have been living at Mrs. HAMMETT’s, who keeps a private boarding-house.

Friday 22 August 1884

The Cape Times writes: On Sunday a little boy, about two years old, son of Mr. D. SCHULTZ of Green Point, while playing in the open field behind the residence of his grandfather, Mr. VAN DER POEL, fell into a pond and was drowned. The child appears to have strayed from his nurse, who did not miss him for some minutes; when search was made and the body discovered life was extinct. The pond we understand was an old excavation, left from brick-making, which is filled by the rain, and during the wet season continues to be a source of danger to children. In so open a place, holes of this description should be filled up, and the dams intended to serve a useful purpose carefully enclosed.

Monday 25 August 1884

On Saturday morning Mr. J. BOWER was married to Miss BARGE. The ceremony was quietly conducted at a private house, the Rev. Mr. NUTTALL officiating. The young couple left for the Sneeuwberg by train, and we wish them every happiness. Mr. BOWER is from Derby, where his father was for many years a member of the Town Council.

Friday 29 August 1884

During the week the most anxious enquiries have been made by hundreds of people about the state of health of Mr. Geo. WOOD Jnr, yesterday all hopes of his recovery were given up, and this morning at 12:55 the end came. In his death Grahamstown has lost one of its most leading citizens, a man who through many years has been connected with its commercial and political progress, and one who was always ready to give a helping hand to the unfortunate. A public meeting, political and general, was not complete unless the well-known figure of Mr. Geo. WOOD Jnr was on the platform, and his ready help and vigorous advocacy will be sadly missed. A man genial and friendly he numbered hundreds of friends, and his name was known throughout the whole countryside. The loss of such a man is a loss not only to the community in which he has lived and worked, but it is a loss to the district, and in a measure to the country, for colonial men of great weight in politics and social movements are not so plentiful that they can be spared.
Mr. WOOD was a member of the old Corporation, and had the honour of being appointed the first Mayor of the Municipality, which office he filled with great dignity and ability, so much so that he continued in the chair for three years, from July 1862 to July 1865. A full length portrait of the first Mayor, in his mayoral robes, adorns the Council Chamber, and is an excellent likeness of Mr. WOOD when in his prime. In September 1863, while he was Mayor, a most influential requisition was sent him asking him to represent the city in Parliament. From that requisition we see that then, as now, Mr. WOOD had gained a solid reputation for political intelligence. The requisition concluded as follows: “We well know that we should gain a member fully qualified to represent our wants and interests, and of whose ability, energy, local knowledge and liberality we have had ample demonstration for years past.” In March 1864 Mr. WOOD and Mr. CLOUGH were declared duly elected. At that time the question of separation was to the front, and Mr. WOOD, who was Chairman of the Separation League, argued that there must be a removal of the seat of Government, or that Parliament should meet in Grahamstown for 5 years, or that there should be separation. He saw the necessity of putting down cattle thefts by stringent laws, and argued strongly in favour of aid to agriculture, a position he has consistently maintained. We may state here that Mr. WOOD has been President of the Albany Agricultural Society since its formation, and his knowledge of stock, and interest in all farm work, enabled him to make a most practical, as he was a most popular, President. In April 27 1884 [sic] Mr. WOOD took his seat in the House for the first time, and for the first and only time the Governor’s speech was heard by a Grahamstown audience. The opening of Parliament in Grahamstown is an historical event, although Eastern people have not much cause for gratification in the result. There were not many grave questions then debated, Responsible Government was yet in the future, but the newly elected member for Grahamstown did his work as ably as was expected from his past services as a public man. His Excellency Sir P. WODEHOUSE on one of his visits to town before the opening was entertained by Mr. WOOD, among whose traits that of a generous hospitality was pronounced. In the session of 1866 Mr. WOOD was a staunch supporter of retrenchment, and took a leading position in the House. In the session of 1867 Mr. WOOD was still a member of the Legislative Assembly and opposed Mr. MOLTANO’s Bill for Responsible Government. He was present during one of the longest sessions in Parliament, when the session extended over six months, and the Eastern members held out to the bitter end. No doubt there are those who could give an interesting account of those times. In this necessarily brief statement we cannot go into particulars of Mr. WOOD’s career as a member of Parliament, but suffice it to say he took a leading position in the House where his voice was of great weight. . Mr. WOOD lately took the place of his father, the Hon. George WOOD, in the Divisional Council for Albany, and devoted a large portion of his time to that work. Of late years Mr. WOOD carried on an extensive business as an auctioneer, but some months ago he lost his voice from a severe cold, and since then he has been gradually sinking. A few weeks back he took a trip to the Kowie in the hope of recovering, when away from the cares of business, but the seeds of the disease were already sown, and he gradually declined until a few nights ago he had to take to his bed. Dr. BECKER was his constant attendant, and during the past two or three days several doctors attended the patient, but their care and skill were alike unable to stop the progress of the disease. The town will regret the loss of a distinguished citizen, and a good friend. T the bereaved widow and sorrowing family we tender our sincere sympathy.

Some of our farmers, writes the Graaff-Reinet Advertiser, in the vicinity, are making great efforts to conquer the veld plague. Mr. COLLETT, of Rynheath, has got up a big campaign – an expensive one – against it. His method of warfare is this: Having ascertained what eradication and the stacking of it, 18 feet in diameter and six feet high, cot, he pays so much to a coloured contractor for every stack. This he finds pays the workmen about half a crown a day. These stacks, getting no substance from the ground, dry out and perish; “for”, says Mr. COLLETT, “the prickly pear is only water”. And he expresses his astonishment that people should say there is any nutrition in it for stock. Mr. BRENT, of Belmont, has been struggling against the aggressive foe for the last three years, keeping a party of men constantly at work exterminating it. This, he says, has cost him between £300 and £400 a year. But did he not do this Belmont would not be worth a shilling a morgen. On the farm of Mr. COLLETT’s neighbours the prickly pear invasion has been so successful that the owner says “hy kan kom nie meer roer nie”, and he is looking forward with anxiety to the day when all exit from his house will be barred. On the town commonage, on that side, the invasion is proceeding rapidly, the pest revelling and rioting in the indulgence of every one of its propensities. And there is Blauwboschkuil. But that is Government ground, and will serve to adorn a prickly pear tale at another time.

Saturday 30 August 1884

DIED at his residence, Market-square, Grahamstown, on the 29th August 1884, George WOOD Junr, eldest son of the Honorable George WOOD, aged 56 years and 7 months.
With reference to the above, the Funeral of the late Mr. George WOOD Jun will move from his late residence, Market-square, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at three o’clock. As there are no special invitations, friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.


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