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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 11 November

Monday 3 November 1884

DIED at his residence, Woodville, on Saturday 1st November 1884, the Hon’ble George WOOD, aged 79 years and 6 months. Deceased was one of the Salem Party of Settlers of 1820.
Grahamstown, 3rd November 1884
The Funeral of the Hon. Geo. WOOD will move from his residence, in Donkin-street, this afternoon at half past 3 o’clock precisely. Friends are invited to attend.

The Hon. Geo. WOOD died on Saturday evening last at about half past seven. As our distinguished townsman had been for so long a period a confirmed invalid, it cannot be said that his decease was altogether unexpected by the public; but it does not appear that the fatal result ensued from the malady from which he had for a long time suffered, but from the effects of a cold, from which the enfeebled bodily powers were unable to rally. It was announced by the physicians to the assembled family, at midday on Saturday, that the end appeared inevitable and might shortly be expected. The venerable sufferer, whose mental faculties were quite clear, then took an affectionate leave of Mrs. WOOD and his sons and daughters. He expressed to Rev. J. WALTON, who had visited him several times during the day, his humble confidence of soon meeting in a better world those members of his family who have already died; and towards the evening, as the powers of life appeared gradually ebbing away, he remained quietly resting without conversing, but without suffering, until as it was in sleep, his spirit passed away. We hope to give in tomorrow’s issue a sketch of a life so long and so intimately connected with the public history and private progress of the British settlement in this Colony.

Tuesday 4 November 1884

Death has been busy indeed of late among our elder citizens; and those who landed with the Settlers in 1820, and have been identified with the struggles and successes of the Colony since that time, are now rapidly passing away. They were men and women of hale constitution and vigorous action, and it is owing to this fact, and to the especially healthful nature of our climate, that so many of the pioneers of the settlement have survived to our time. Among those few whose lives had been prolonged beyond the bulk of his contemporaries, was Mr. Geo. WOOD, who expired on the evening of Saturday last at the ripe age of 79 years and six months. He was born in London in 1805, and came to this Colony with the Salem party. Being under the fixed age of 18, he did not receive an allotment, and this circumstance prevented him and many others from being technically numbered in the roll of the first Settlers. The exclusion gave to Mr. WOOD and to others who at the Jubilee celebration were thus excluded from that position very great pain; and we may be allowed to say that the distinction had better not have been made. Surely all, even the youngest, who landed with the forlorn hope of the 1820 settlement, might deserve an equal place of honour and recognition in its heroic annals. Had not the youngsters and the children the same hardships to endure, and the same risks to run as their elders? A lad of fourteen, who found himself refused an allotment because of his youth, might justly feel in after years that he had had a harder battle to fight with the difficulties of colonial life than those whose independence was more assured by the grant of land which they received. We should much like to drop this invidious distinction, and let every one of the British immigrants of that year be held by posterity in perpetual honour as one of the original Settlers. If George WOOD, however, may have found it a somewhat more uphill task to make his way in the new settlement, than if he had been one of the allottees, he was abundantly compensated by the natural gifts of a clear head, a vigorous constitution, and an indomitable will. He was an apprentice at the time of his arrival, to a Mr. Richard SMITH, but he soon engaged in business on his own account. In the war of 1835, he received from Sir Harry SMITH the rank of Major in the Colonial force; and when peace was restored he again prosecuted his commercial pursuits, with an energy and a shrewdness which were crowned with remarkable success. He did not spare any personal exertion, and we have heard him speak of riding up by night from the Bay on more than one occasion, and being able to attend to business in the morning after his arrival. Possibly those days were like the “golden age” of the Colony than any upon which the present generation of colonists has fallen. Mr. WOOD’s prudence and perseverance certainly met with a remarkable reward; and he became the richest man amongst the Settlers, and probably in South Africa. He married Miss GARBETT, who now survives to mourn his loss; and their union was blest with a numerous family of fifteen children, ten of whom are still living. His eldest son who was as well-known and so popular amongst us as George WOOD junior, died, as our readers are well aware, but a short time since. Political affairs began at an early date to engage Mr. WOOD’s attention, and his fellow-colonists when a measure of self-government had been granted to this colony, showed their esteem for his character and abilities by electing him to the Legislative Council, a position he retained from the first, until advancing years and infirmities compelled him to resign it in 1883. Although of late years smitten with paralysis, and suffering great and almost constant pain, he never would neglect his legislative duties, until it became too evident that the hardships of the annual voyage to Capetown would endanger his life. His services as a senator, and the heroic determination with which he had performed his duty under such great difficulties, were fittingly acknowledged on his retirement by the Legislative Council, who caused the following resolution, dated 7th August 1883, to be entered upon the journals of the House: - Resolved: That the Council desires to place upon record its sense of the important services rendered to the Colony by the Hon. Geo. WOOD, who has been for many years one of its members; he was repeatedly re-elected and always attended to his duties with remarkable punctuality, and with so much attention, intelligence, and independence, as to enable him to render very valuable assistance to his colleagues. The Council regrets that in consequence of old age and the increase of physical infirmities he has been compelled to retire from a position of public usefulness; and in conveying to him cordial expressions of friendship and esteem, it is resolved that this resolution be recorded upon the minutes and a copy certified by the Clerk transmitted to Mr. WOOD. – Mr. WOOD was also for eighteen years an active member of the Albany Divisional Council, and on his retirement from that position he was presented by the Council (Jan. 3 1883), with a beautifully illuminated address testifying to their sense of the valuable services he had rendered in this capacity. Mr. WOOD, in acknowledging the presentation, gave evidence how greatly he valued the esteem of his late colleagues. In private life Mr. WOOD was remarkable for a generosity which could not be entirely concealed, th[r]ough its full extent will never be known. It reached not only to cases of private distress, or to local public objects connected with religion and charity, but to many institutions in distant lands in which through the report which reached him, he had become interested. Missions to the poor and neglected in London, institutions for destitute children, and hospitals in the great metropolis and elsewhere, were the recipients of his bounty; but though a free, he was not an indiscriminate giver, and if he did not approve the object, or did not agree with the method by which it was to be promoted, he would not easily be persuaded to assist. He took much interest in the Albany Hospital, of whose Committee he was long the Chairman. His donations to such institutions as the Wesleyan and Baptist Sunday schools of this city, showed not merely his liberality, but his deep interest in the cause of Christian education. The last movement of this kind with which he was personally connected was the Wesleyan High School for Girls. He had formed the project of promoting the establishment of such an institution many years ago; and at length after long delays, he saw it carried out; and he laid the foundation-stone of the building which he foresaw would be of great benefit to the daughters of colonial Methodism and towards which he was the largest contributor. It was in good works both public and private, such as these, that his declining years were spent. To the last he retained his wonderful business faculties, and up to a recent period he was Chairman of the Guardian Company, until this labour also became too great for his increasing weakness. No one who sat with him on Board or Committee could fail to admire the almost unerring sagacity with which he detected the weak points, the unsafe aspects of any proposal, and discovered a way out of the most puzzling complications. We shall not speak of his inner life, since that was so fittingly touched upon at the ceremony of yesterday, by Rev. J. WALTON, who had constantly attended him during his protracted illness. When death came it found him ready, and peacefully awaiting the summons. Although several of his family have preceded him to the tomb, yet he leaves behind him sons who have inherited their father’s ability and perseverance, and several of whom have represented colonial constituencies in Parliament. In their career of public and private usefulness, the honourable fame of Mr. WOOD will be perpetuated to future years.
Took place yesterday afternoon. After a preliminary service with the bereaved family at the residence in Donkin-street, the procession, which was of unusual length, was formed. The chief mourners were Messrs. John, Joseph, Henry and Alfred WOOD, the sons of the deceased. The pall was borne by Messrs. C.H. Huntly, C.C. and R.M., S, CAWOOD, B. ATTWELL, W. AYLIFF, J. ROBERTS, and FRAMES. On arriving at the Commemoration Church, the whole of the lower part of the spacious edifice was filled by the friends who followed, and by others who had already taken their places, while a large number of natives occupied the gallery. The service was conducted by several ministers, the Rev. R. MATTERSON ready the 90th Psalm, and subsequently Rev. L. NUTTALL a portion of the 15th chapter of the 1st Corinthians. Suitable hymns having been sung,
The President of the Conference then addressed the congregation as follows: Our fathers, where are they? They are passing from our midst in swift succession. Two weeks ago Samuel ROBERTS finished his earthly course. It is but a few months since we gathered in this place to testify our respect for the character of the venerable Robert GODLONTON, and today we again assemble to carry to his burial one of his oldest friends. We are permitted to indulge the reconciling thought that as the two men were for long brothers in close church relations, so now they are again united in a higher fellowship where this is no death. Today we mourn the departure of a very remarkable man. The story of his life reads like a romance of Providence. Coming to this country in 1820, as a boy, without wealth or patronage and with few friends, he raised himself to the position of merchant prince and a leading public man. He was a striking example of a self-made man. Self-help was all through life his never-failing resource. It was by great industry and uncommon business capacity, backed up by indomitable perseverance and crowned with God’s blessing, that he won his position. He did much for the development of the commercial and agricultural industries of this country, and he prospered with its prosperity. His brother colonists recognised his great abilities and honoured him, not only by according to him the chief position in the guardianship of important local interests, but by sending him to Parliament, where for a succession of years he took his part in shaping the political institutions and the civil laws of the Colony at large. With characteristic tenacity, and in spite of increasing infirmities, he held these public posts, until failing strength constrained him to relinquish them. These are matters upon which it may be more fitting for others to speak. For myself, I personally knew him during the last six years, after he had partially withdrawn from the activities of public life. I knew him in the intimacies of his house, and in the confidence of the sick room. I knew him in the perfect freedom of pastoral intercourse. So I came to know him as a devout and singularly [sic] Bible student, whose mind was richly stored with bright and original thoughts from the scriptures. In this respect, he surpassed most men I have known. With him the Bible was the supreme book, and it was in constant use. He read it systematically, through and through, and during the latter months of his life he read nothing else. He was warmly interested in all Christian and philanthropic enterprises: in the Albany Hospital as Chairman of the Board; in the provision of places of worship in destitute districts; in the Christian education of the young; and especially in our Sunday Schools. To his liberality mainly we owe the High School for Girls. From the very inception of that enterprise he was Chairman of the Board of Trustees. A very original man, of singular independence of thought and action and with a commanding will, he did good things in his own way. I know of some of his princely benefactions to charitable institutions, and of his private charities continued through the years. His purse was ever open to cases of deserving necessity. He had his confidential almoners who could always obtain what they wanted without being required to give particulars or names. If there was any case of real distress unrelieved, I will be bold to say that George WOOD did not know of it. The good he did will not be interred with his bones; the memory of it will be gratefully cherished by those who are weeping today over the death of a friend. At last the strong man bowed himself. In the spirit which bore him up through months of acute suffering, there was true Christian heroism. This strong and independent man, this man of dominant will, was humble and gentle as a child as he stood before his God, looked into the great future and prepared for his dismission. He habitually severely judged himself, but his faith in Christ as his Saviour was unwavering. On Saturday night when his wife and most of his children were gathered around his bed-side, the end came. It was peace; and he fell asleep. The death of the eldest son of this house has been quickly followed by the removal of its head; and I am sure that I speak for all when I say that we tender to Mrs. WOOD and her family our very respectful Christian sympathy, and earnestly pray that God may support and comfort them in these bereavements.
The Rev. J A CHALMERS then offered prayer. When the procession was reformed it was open to include ministers and laymen of all denominations in the city, including it may be said, every one of the leading citizens. The service at the family vault was impressively conducted by the President.

Thursday 6 November 1884

The Cape Times writes:- In the Supreme Court on Wednesday, on the application of Mr. Advocate SCHREINER, a rule, previously granted nisi by Mr. Justice SMITH, was made absolute, permitting Mrs. DANIELL, formerly wife of the Dean of Grahamstown, to sue in forma pauperis for a decree declaring her marriage with DANIELL null and void, on the ground that marriage between the guilty parties in such cases is prohibited by the Roman Dutch law. Mr. DANIELL appeared, not to object to the order, but to protest against the admission of the lady to the privilege of gratuitous litigation, her means being sufficient, as he asserted, to support the expense of a lawsuit. The case opens a serious question involving not only the rights of parties who have contracted such marriages, after divorce, but also the rights of their issue and the succession to property. If the applicant’s contention is sustained these marriages will not be merely voidable as were marriages with the deceased wife’s sister under the English law formerly, but absolutely null, and all dispositions of property dependent on them will be at once invalidated.

Saturday 8 November 1884

MARRIED on the 4th inst at Christ Church, Adelaide, by the Rev. J.F. Linden, John Wilson STEPHENSON, of Koonap, to Maude Mary, eldest daughter of the late Capt. Richard HAMILTON RN of Fintra House, Co. Donegal, Ireland.

DIED at “Oakwell”, near Atherstone, on Friday 7th November 1884, John Henry FORD, aged 68 years. R.I.P.

The Uitenhage Times writes:- Two striking instances of the uncertainty of human life happened this morning. The first at the corner of Caledon and Market Streets, to an elderly man named John LANGDEN, formerly gravedigger at Port Elizabeth, but for the last four years the occupant of a cottage in the erf in Caledon-street known as Hough’s vley, the latter of which he tilled. He had been on the morning market, and purchased a load of fencing poles, and when turning the corner of the Mission School he was seen to place his hand over his heart and fall down dead. He struck his head on a stone when he fell, causing a cut which bled a little; but death seems to have been instantaneous. He had been complaining for some days of pain in the head. His body was conveyed to his cottage on a stretcher and, on its way, passed the load of poles he had just purchased, on their way to be delivered. When the poor fellow purchased them he little thought that he would be delivered first at his house, a corpse. The deceased was a saving man, and had some house property in the Bay. He did not believe in banks, and has frequently been robbed of considerable sums of cash. Dr. LAMB, District Surgeon, held a post mortem and found heart disease the cause of death. – The other case occurred in the gaol yard this morning to the native named Willem HENDRICKS, who was sentenced to two years’ hard labour last Circuit for stealing feathers from Mr. NOYCE. He was being handcuffed preparatory to marching with the convict gang to Zitzikammer, when he fell down and expired. The District Surgeon says his health has been declining ever since his sentence.

Monday 10 November 1884

DIED at Carlisle Bridge on the 9th November, Jane Gordon KEEN, born TESTARD, aged 46 years and 9 months, beloved wife of William KEEN, leaving her husband and three children to mourn their sad bereavement.

Whilst Mr. Piet ODENDAAL, of the farm Hartebeestlaagte in the Orange Free State, was talking with his wife in a pantry of the house, a lightning flash (supposed to have come down the chimney) killed him on the spot, and so injured Mrs. ODENDAAL that she has not yet recovered from the shock.

A correspondent writing recently from St.John’s to the Kokstad Advertiser says: The youngest son of Mr. FLEMING, principal Customs Officer, has been found dead in the bush, the supposed cause of death being a fit. The child was only missing an hour or two and when search was made its life was extinct.

Thursday 13 November 1884

The funeral of the late Mrs. KEEN took place at Carlisle Bridge on Tuesday last. A large number of sympathising friends from the surrounding farms were present, and the service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. RUSSOUW, of Riebeek, who read the service in both Dutch and English. Mrs. KEEN died on Sunday morning after premature confinement. Every care was taken that could be prompted on so short a notice, and several ladies, the wives of neighbouring farmers, rendered every assistance possible. Mrs. KEEN was taken ill at two in the morning and died at 10, retaining consciousness to the last. The sympathies of all were with the bereaved husband, who tenders his thanks to those who were kind and prompt in their attendance upon his wife. The little babe was buried with its mother.

Friday 14 November 1884

DIED on the 11th inst at his residence, in Bury St. Edmunds, in his 84th year, the Rev. Charles PORTON MA, late Rector of Hartest cum Boxted, Suffolk

Monday 17 November 1884

BIRTH at Cradock on the 12th Nov, the wife of James BUTLER of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday evening (16th inst), Elizabeth, the beloved wife of the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, in her 67th year.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. HOLDEN will move from Commemorative Church tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. HOLDEN, the respected wife of the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, one of our oldest Missionaries. Mrs. HOLDEN has been ailing for some time, although the end was not expected so soon, and she passed quietly and peacefully away last night at the Mission House in the Location while her husband was conducting service at the Native Chapel. Mrs. HOLDEN has accompanied her husband during his long service as a Missionary, and has assisted him in his labours. She was in her 67th year.

Tuesday 18 November 1884

We (Dispatch) regret to record the death of Allan MACLEAN, son of the late Colonel MACLEAN CB, which took place at his farm, Cove Rock, on Thursday evening last. Ten days ago Mr. MACLEAN came into East London with some friends on horseback, and in returning they raced together for some distance towards Orange Grove. Mr. MACLEAN was unable to turn his horse, which ran in amongst some bullocks, when the rider was thrown and sustained a severe injury to the back. He was attended by Dr. HILLIER, and last Wednesday felt himself well enough to start for town, but on getting part of the distance he was compelled to return, and subsequently he continued to get worse and finally expired on Thursday evening. The deceased was formerly in the Frontier Police where he did good service, in consequence of which he has been in receipt of a pension up to the time of his death. He had been through most of the Colonial wars of recent years, and latterly he had farmed at Cove Rock. He leaves a wife and young family of six, who, we fear, will be thrown upon the world with small resources. Allan MACLEAN was a gallant member of a gallant family, and his death will be greatly mourned. He was in his fortieth year at the time of his decease.

Wednesday 19 November 1884

BIRTH at Kentbury on the 16th Nov, the wife of E.C. FLETCHER of a son.

MARRIED in St.Peter’s Church, Cradock, on Wednesday Nov 12th by the Father of the Bride, James Wilmot A. ROSE, Assistant railway Engineer, to Minnie Heathcote D. WALLIS, only daughter of the Rev. W.C. WALLIS, Rector of St.Peter’s Church, Cradock.

I the Undersigned hereby give notice that my wife, Mrs. Samuel MOUNTFORD, born INGLE, deserted me on the 20th Sept last, taking away my children, and so breaking up my home. I will no longer be responsible for any debts contracted by her in my name.
Manley’s Flats

Thursday 20 November 1884

DIED in Childbirth at Grahamstown on the 20th inst, Sarah, beloved wife of I. THOMSEN
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Beaufort-street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

The E.L. Advertiser writes:- A German immigrant named Johan [PARTOSH] committed suicide by hanging himself at his residence at the Kwelegha on the 13th inst. The deceased had only just come out of gaol for committing an assault on his wife, and again commencing to ill use her she went to her son-in-law’s for that night, and the next morning it was found that he had hanged himself. Mr. VOGEL, the Fieldcornet, held an inquest, at which it was proved the man was unsound in his mind.

Friday 21 November 1884

MARRIED in Port Elizabeth on the 12th November by the Rev. H.J. Batts, Edward Hambly LEPPAN, eldest son of Thos. LEPPAN of “The Retreat”, District Bedford, to Ellen Morton FRAMES, second daughter of C.W. FRAMES, of Port Elizabeth.

DIED at “Hope Fountain”, near Salem, District of Albany, on Nov 14th 1884, James Dorrington LONG, aged 80 years 7 months and 1 day. Deceased was one of SMITH’s Party of Settlers of 1820. Mrs. LONG and family beg to tender their best thanks to all the friends who so kindly afflicted them in their affliction.

Saturday 22 November 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Nov 21st, the wife of the Rev. Canon MULLINS of a daughter.

Monday 24 November 1884

The few survivors of the sturdy lot of British Settlers who arrived in this Colony in the year 1820 (says the Telegraph) are being gradually diminished. On Wednesday last Mrs. COOPER quietly passed away at the residence of her son, Mr. Geo. WHITEHEAD, at the advanced age of 87 years. The old lady enjoyed good health up to within a very short time of her death and retained her faculties almost till the last. She was a very worthy woman, and highly respected by a large circle of relatives and friends.

In Commemorative Church yesterday morning the Rev. Jas. FISH preached a sermon in reference to the decease of the late Mrs. HOLDEN. His text was Luke vii 11-15, and he dwelt much upon the mission of the Saviour as the consoler of mourners, and the pledge of resurrection. Mr. FISH read the following obituary:-
The late Mrs. HOLDEN was a descendant of the families of the noble nonconformists who dwelt in the South and West of England. Her father died of consumption when she was only four years old, and she was early transferred to the charge of an uncle and aunt, who were members of the Independent Church in Sherborne, her uncle being a Deacon of that Church for many years. As she advanced into womanhood, and the Methodists in Sherborne took up a position, mostly under the DINGLEY family, she, under enlightened conviction, connected herself with the Wesleyan Church, joined the class of a good old Wesleyan leader, and availed herself of all the Church privileges within her reach. She became an active worker for Christ, visiting the cottages of the poor, giving tracts and ministering to their temporal wants as far as possible.
At the Conference of 1838 Mr. HOLDEN was appointed to the Sherborne Circuit as the “young preacher”, and met with Miss NEWELL at the house of their mutual friend Mr. Wm. DINGLEY, who has only recently departed to the better world. Friendship was ripened into mutual attachment. At the Conference of 1839 the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN was appointed to South Africa as the scene of future labour. He was united in marriage to Miss NEWELL in the grand old Church of Sherborne on Sept. 5 of that year. After a few weeks of visiting and preparation previous to leaving England, spent chiefly in the family of the late Dr. BUNTING, they embarked on board the George in company with eight other missionaries and their wives. For three long weary months they were tossed about in the old ship. Before reaching Capetown, they endured much privation on board, and were only too glad to reach the shore. Early in the tear 1840 they arrived in Grahamstown, their first appointment being to Colesberg, then the border town of the Colony on the north. From that time to the present Mr. and Mrs. HOLDEN have laboured mostly in different towns on the frontier, with the exception of six years at Durban, Port Natal.
During these many years Mrs. HOLDEN had never visited the fatherland. She left her happy home on her wedding day and never saw it again. Her health was always delicate, yet sufficient to enable her with care to meet two or three classes weekly in the different circuits, one of which was for the older girls of the Sunday School, and those who, rising into womanhood, ceased to attend the Sabbath school. For this Christian work she possessed special adaptation, from her thorough acquaintance with God’s word and its free use in all the Christian services, as also a special gift in spiritual prayer; so that many, both in the junior and senior classes, have borne testimony to the great spiritual benefits they have derived from her services.
Three years ago she with her husband came to reside in Grahamstown, and took up their abode in the Mission House on the Location. More Christian intercourse and her wonted meeting of classes could not be continued as before, which was to her a great trial, but when other opportunities ceased she still kept up her Bible Class with her grandchildren on the Sabbath afternoon. Here, as regularly as the hour of 3 o’clock arrived, the Bible and reference books being on the table, the classes commenced, the morning sermon was carefully gone through and scripture lessons given. The hour thus occupied was closed with earnest prayer. This practice was continued until within two or three weeks of her death, when it was reluctantly omitted. In the early stages of the Mission work the privations and trials to be endured were such as are not known in these more favoured modern times; but with a delicate frame she toiled on and fainted not until her work was done. In her last illness she was not the subject of acute disease, but of most distressing exhaustion. This however did not assume so serious a character as to cause her medical advisors to suppose that it would end in death, but would yield to remedial measures – but the Master had ordered it otherwise. On the Sabbath evening she took her tea in the usual manner, and was afterwards assisted to bed, when she was left for the purpose of repose. Shortly afterwards one of the family went to see if all was well, and retuned saying she was asleep; waiting awhile, this was repeated, with the same result. Her husband then went in and at first thought she was in quiet slumber, but being uneasy he called but there was no response, he looked but there was no answer in the eye, he listened but the pulsations of breathing could not be heard, the thought of death then flashed across his mind. “She sleepeth, yes, but in the sleep of death”. The messenger had come, saying “the Master calleth for thee” and without staying to bid farewell to her loved ones she passed away to her Father in Heaven to be present with the Lord.

Tuesday 25 November 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 23rd Nov, the wife of H.P. BLAINE, Barrister-at-Law, of a son.

Thursday 27 November 1884

We (Free Press) regret to hear of the death of Mr. J.S. THOMAS, which sad event took place at Whittlesea on Sunday last. Mr. THOMAS has resided at Whittlesea for many years; in fact we believe he was “the oldest inhabitant”. He always took a lively interest in all matters connected with Whittlesea, the district around and the natives of Ox Kraal, Kamastone and other locations. No committee was complete without his name to it. Mr. THOMAS caught cold on a journey to Grahamstown, which settled on his chest, death resulting from congestion of the lungs. We tender our deep sympathy to Mrs. THOMAS and family in their sad bereavement. – We have also to record the death of Mr. MARSHALL of Woodburn, District of Cathcart, which took place on the 16th inst, after a long and painful illness. The deceased was a second son of the late Mr. H. MARSHALL of Collingham, near Grahamstown, and came, as an infant, to this Colony with his parents, who were Settlers of 1820. His familiar face and kind and hearty welcome to his hospitable home will be long remembered by those who had the pleasure of knowing him. His widow and family have our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Saturday 29 November 1884

DIED at Whittlesea on Sunday 23rd November 1884, after a short illness, John Stewart THOMAS (eldest son of the late Rev. J.S. THOMAS), aged 41 years and 10 days, leaving a widow and 9 young children to mourn their irreparable loss. Deeply regretted. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. James Stewart THOMAS JP of Whittlesea, which sad event took place unexpectedly on Sunday afternoon, the 23rd instant, and cast a gloom over the whole village and neighbourhood. Deceased at his death was only 41 years of age, and was the eldest son of the late Rev. THOMAS, who was killed some years ago in Kafirland. He has been in business in Whittlesea for nearly eighteen years, and was always respected as a most straightforward and upright man. As a public man he always took an interest in the welfare of the village and neighbourhood, and was exceedingly liberal in everything connected with religious and educational matters. It will be many years before his place will be filled, or his memory forgotten by his many friends in the neighbourhood. He leaves a widow and nine young children to mourn their irreparable loss. The great esteem in which he was held was exemplified by the very large attendance at his funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon last, and his widow and family have the sympathy of all classes of the community.


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