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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 12 December

Wednesday 3 December 1884

The village of Whittlesea, though a place of historical renown in the annals of South Africa, is still small, and cannot boast of many good men and true residing there. Yet from the few Death – men’s pursuer – has within the last few days taken away almost suddenly Mr. J.S. THOMAS, son of the Rev. Mr. THOMAS, who was murdered in Kafirland many years ago. For some years he has suffered from heart affliction, yet never to lay him up; but all at once the disease seemed to take vigorous hold, and a few short days ended the struggle, much to the surprise and grief of all who had the pleasure of knowing him, and to his sorrowing widow and fatherless children to whom the blow was awfully sudden and stunning. It is doubtful if the departed was himself aware of the fact that the sickness was unto death, as he passed away quietly with no one in the room.
But Mr. THOMAS will long be remembered both in and out of Whittlesea. Genial and kind, he was accessible to all – the friend of many. As a long resident of the village and one of the first Board of Management, Mr. THOMAS’s name stands identified with every improvement made in the village of late years. A splendid dam, good water-furrow, and a bare flat converted into beautiful flower and vegetable gardens, remain as monuments to Mr. THOMAS’s labour to improve the place where he had founded a home.
The departed was a liberal supporter of the Wesleyan Church, to which he belonged. His house was always open to Ministers and others who went to Whittlesea to conduct Divine worship. In the building and completing of the beautiful little Wesleyan Church at Whittlesea, Mr. THOMAS was much engaged – and gave largely of his own means, that it might be a worthy place of worship. In fact in any good work Mr. THOMAS was always to the front to lend a helping hand.
He held a Commission of the Peace under the Government, and was for many years Postmaster of Whittlesea. Such men can ill be spared, but if his loss will be felt by the public, what shall we say about his sorrowing widow and children, for he was a fond and attentive husband, a kind and affectionate father. A large circle of friends have been thrown into mourning by this sad event, and we tender our sincere sympathies to all of them.
He is gone! We shall see him no more:
Gone! Where many more have gone before.
Gone home to his rest, to dwell with his God,
When above can support those who smart under Rod.

Friday 5 December 1884

DIED at Prieske on the 24th November 1884, in the 36th year of her age, Antonia Jenet (born ARMSTRONG), beloved wife of Robert J. TAYLOR. Friends will please accept this notice.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr.Baggot SMITH of Nurney, which sad event took place yesterday at Nurney. The deceased, who was widely known and respected, will be buried tomorrow afternoon in the grounds of the Wesleyan Chapel, Manley’s Flats.

Monday 8 December 1884

BIRTH at West Hill, Grahamstown, on the 6th December 1884, the wife of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice BUCHANAN of a son.

Thursday 11 December 1884

PASSED AWAY at Selwyn Castle, Grahamstown, on the 11th December 1884, Basil Hope, infant son of Amy D’Esterre and Arthur G. HUBBARD. Aged 11 months.

Mr. Thomas FILMER, a farmer residing at Cassiles, near Cathcart, has been committed for trial by Mr. OSLER R.M., on a charge of shooting a native with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. The prisoner made the following statement:- I am 62 years old, and was born on the other side of Port Elizabeth. I am a farmer residing at Cassiles, in the District of Cathcart. I did shoot in the direction I saw the boy go. I called to him and he would not come. He hit the horse and galloped away. I did not mean to hit him. He was too far off. I could not see. I could not see him, but could see something. I only wanted to frighten him.

(Cape Mercury)
Yesterday an inquest was held before Mr. Charles HUNTLY JP into the circumstances attending the death of Private WILLIS of the Cape Infantry. It appears that some men of the company stationed here have for some time past interested themselves in building a boat for the purposes of pleasure on the long stretch of water in the Buffalo River, known as Donian’s dam. The boat was finished on Friday night, and on Saturday afternoon, at about half past two o’clock, it was duly launched upon the river by the deceased and a comrade named William FARRINGDON. It did not float properly from the outset, and had to be ballasted with stones; then the two men got into it and the boat was pulled down the stream along the eastern bank of the river; a little boy named George FARR, holding the painter. Deceased was the only one who had prepared himself for an emergency, and he had taken off his boots, socks and hat. FARRINGDON could not swim, and relied upon WILLIS saving him if the boat upset. The boat seeming to act all right, the little boy was invited to take a seat, and for about two hours the crew enjoyed themselves by going up and down the river. Then the boat was headed for the eastern embankment, and had got about three yards off it when it gave a lurch, and the deceased, who was sitting behind, jumped out into the water. What caused the boat to lurch and the deceased to jump out appears to be a mystery; it is thought that the boat was shipping water at the time. At any rate all were precipitated into the water. FARRINGDON, who could not swim, was fortunately sitting in the bows and the impetus of the boat threw him into the water, which was a little below his depth; he managed to scramble out, and tried to throw WILLIS some pieces of wood floating near, and also the painter. But it was no use, and after struggling wildly for two or three minutes he sank. Three men were fishing about twenty yards below, and as soon as they heard FARRINGDON’s cries for help they hastened to the spot offering assistance; the miller (BONN) from the mill was, however, the first who secured the body, and by the assistance of others brought it to land. The little boy FARR, thirteen years of age, could swim, and he reached the land all right – only waiting until he could pull off his clothes when he again took to the water to endeavour to rescue the drowning man. Witnesses agreed that not much more than five minutes could have relapsed from the time of the accident until the body was restored to terra firma, yet all declare that the man was then dead, and that they made every effort that they knew of as being used to restore the drowned. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the catastrophe, and the body was removed to the Military Hospital.

Tuesday 16 December 1884

(E.P. Herald)
A good deal of excitement was occasioned in Port Elizabeth on Saturday afternoon when the rumour spread that a European named William WARREN, about 25 years of age, and well-known in Port Elizabeth, had committed suicide by shooting himself in Brick Maker’s Kloof, close to the Park. About 5 o’clock that evening a carter, who happened to be coming to town, was startled by hearing a pistol shot close to the Park, and on looking round saw a young man with a pistol in his hand fall to the ground. The alarm was at once given, and Dr. WARD, who happened to be on the cricket ground, where a match was then on, was informed of the occurrence, but not knowing the exact spot where the man was some time was lost in hunting him up. When Dr. WARD arrived on the spot it was found that life had been extinct for some time, and that rigor mortis had set in. Under these circumstances the doctor, after having taken possession of a pistol, at once sent word to the authorities, and the body was removed to the lock-up, where Dr. EDWARDS subsequently examined it. From enquiries we have since made it appears that the deceased came to this Colony about six years ago from Peckham Rye, London, and since then has held several situations in this town as clerk. He was at one time in the office of Mr. COWEN, the well-known law-agent, from there he went to Messrs. JONES, McCARLIE & Co as clerk. He subsequently held a similar position under Messrs. STROYAN & THOMAS of Graaffreinet; then had a tour of Colonial life in the Gealeka War, but for the past six months had been in the employ of Messrs. HADDON & Co as cashier and general clerk. The estate of Messrs. HADDON & Co, it may be within the recollection of our readers, was under an order of the Insolvency Court, some time since ordered to be wound up, the stock-in-hand to be sold off to the best advantage, and what was left was disposed of on Saturday last by Messrs. KIRKWOOD, MARKS & Co. This, of course, would have virtually wound up the business, and thrown the deceased out of employment. Mr. WARREN was seen in Port Elizabeth on Saturday about 1:15pm, when, speaking to some friends, he intimated his intention of attending the cricket match in the Park. Meeting Mr. FINDLAY, with whom he was well acquainted, he also expressed to him his intention of going to the match, and asked as a favour that he (Mr. FINDLAY) should then take for safe keeping a sum of £74 - £70 in notes and £4 in gold – that he then had about him. This Mr. FINDLAY kindly did, and the next that was heard of the deceased was when close on 4 o’clock he was seen going along Bird street considerably under the influence of drink. Here he was noticed to fall once or twice. His actions close to the park seemed to parties who were looking on as most eccentric, but were passed off as the antics of an inebriated man. When he arrived a little distance down the valley he made a deliberate attempt to put a bullet through his head, but his hand being unsteady, the deadly missile went up the right nostril and out of the left temple, causing death in a short time. The revolver had been purchased by the deceased some two months ago at a gun maker’s shop in the town, and so far back it is even thought by the friends who know him well that WARREN had contemplated self-destruction. Some five months ago, when lodging with Mr. MORGAN, the deceased, on one occasion, exhibited a small phial, which he boastfully declared would cause the death of several persons. Where the large sum of money, which was left in the hands of Mr. FINDLAY by the deceased, came from, is a wonder to those most intimately acquainted with him, for WARREN was always looked upon as in indigent circumstances, and that such a large sum of money could have belonged to him was, next to his death, the principal topic of conversation on Saturday. So firm was the belief, even among his friends, of the man’s impoverished position, that Mr. MORGAN had attempted to raise a subscription for the burial of the unfortunate man, unaware of the large sum left in Mr. FINDLAY’s hands, but we are requested to state that the parties who so liberally subscribed can at once have their money back on application. What the object was which caused the young man to take his own life is a matter of conjecture, but the general belief is that the fatal act may be attributable to some social relations the deceased had unfortunately contracted in Port Elizabeth, and which considerably marred the happiness of another household, and led to more than one investigation before the Magistrate. A post mortem examination will be made by Dr. ENSOR, and very likely an inquest will be opened before Mr. WYLDE today.

Thursday 18 December 1884

DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th Dec 1884, Arthur Guybon, youngest son of William and Harriette WENTWORTH, aged 11 months.

Monday 22 December 1884

MARRIED At West Hill Wesleyan Church, Grahamstown, on Saturday, the 20th inst., by the Rev. John Walton M.A., assisted by the Rev. S. J. Helm, the Rev. George Yarnold JEFFREYS, Uitenhage, to Mary Anne DAVIS, second daughter of the late Rev. W.J. DAVIS, Grahamstown.

DR. A.G. CAMPBELL. – On Friday last (12th December) at the residence of Mr. SPINDLER, North-End, Dr. Ambrose George CAMPBELL breathed his last while seated in his chair. The deceased had attained the ripe old age of 85 years, but retained his faculties to the last. He was out walking a few hours before his death. In his last moments he was attended by his old friend Dr. THOM, who saw him peacefully expire. At one time no one was better known in the Colony than Dr. CAMPBELL, who for many years, when a successful practitioner in Grahamstown, took an active part in public life. He was a man of considerable ability, but his zeal was not tempered with knowledge. He had occasionally dabbled (says the E.P. Herald) in newspaper work, and when he did so was apt to get both himself and his friends into trouble. Of late years however he troubled himself little with politics or public affairs, and lived a retired life, his vigorous constitution and healthy frame retaining all their faculties to the last moment.

The Argus to hand has the following:-
The celebration of the nuptials of Gaziela, (daughter of Hadjo RAGMAN and Mr. Abou BEKIR, son of the late Abou BEKIR, [Effendi], Turkish Professor of Divinity, which happy event took place Monday last, has caused considerable stir amongst the Mahomedan population of Capetown. The bridegroom is a teacher of some note in Malay schools. On Monday afternoon a splendid wedding breakfast was served in the Wynberg Hall, and yesterday afternoon the bride and bridegroom entertained their friends, after Oriental custom at the residence of the father of the bride: No. 52, Church-street. Shortly after one o’clock the happy couple, accompanied by their best man, and bridesmaids, arrived. A large number of the most-respectable inhabitants of Capetown were present when the married pair stepped from the open phaeton, drawn by four prancing steeds, and they shook hands and congratulated them upon the happy event. The bride was dressed in a beautiful white silk dress, spangled with golden stars: she wore a gilt wreath or medourah round her temples, over which hung a white veil, which nearly swept the ground. A fan of white ivory was suspended from a belt studded with gold and pearls, and in her hands she held a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The bride’s sister, who acted as chief bridesmaid, had on a dress of bright cerise, and had a string of pearls wound round her neck in a number of folds; she wore a headdress of silver, designated a [melites]. The second bridesmaid was similarly dressed, with but a slight alteration in the shape of the dress. Four little girls acted as flower-girls. One was dressed in cerise and wore a headdress like the two others. She was the daughter of Jangie SAYERS. One was dressed in ecru, one in lavender and one in white silk. They wore the headdresses like the others, two silver ones and one gold. The bridegroom was dressed in a flowing robe of satin, and wore the sudrea, or Arabic vest, which was highly embroidered with stars and half moons. His headdress consisted of the [cumfea], wound round with a white turban. The two best men were similarly attired, but their clothes were of a less rich texture. In a room to the left about twenty Mahomedan maidens were congregated, dressed in superb style, also with wreaths round their brows, and their hair made up with wax, and gold and silver pins stuck through the [condes] at the back of their heads. These kept up a continual [illegible] while delicacies in the shape of [illegible], comfits, cakes, coffee, &c, were constantly being presented to them by the young men in the room.
Two of the rooms in the house were used as reception rooms, and the tables in these rooms were laden with every delicacy imaginable, while in front of the space allotted to the bride and bridegroom stood a gigantic bride-cake – or as it is termed by the Mahomedans – a [mid….]. Two of the little flower-girls sang several English songs for the delectation of European visitors, who were treated to the best the house afforded.

Tuesday 23 December 1884

This morning at the Baptist Church the wedding of Miss BOWER and Mr. A.W. DUFFIELD was solemnised, the Rev. L. NUTTALL officiating. There was a very large attendance of ladies to witness the ceremony, and members of the choir were also present. The fair and charming bride wore a wreath with veil and a handsome dress with trailing train. She was attended by Miss NUTTALL and Miss DUFFIELD. The bridegroom was supported by his brother and by Mr. BOWER, the bride’s brother. The choir sang two hymns in excellent voice, and the organ which has lately been improved by Mr. G. PRICE was well played. After the ceremony the newly married couple drove off with the invited guests to the residence of Mr. LAKE, and this afternoon they left for Bathurst. We heartily wish them the compliments of the season.

Saturday 27 December 1884

MARRIED at Grahamstown by Special Licence on the 18th inst by the Rev. John Walton MA, John SIDOY to M.A.E. HOLMES.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 25th December 1884, in St.Michael’s Pro-Cathedral, by the Rev. Wharton Smith MA, Samuel George HUTCHINSON to Eliza Davis ABERNETHY, eldest daughter of Mr. W. ABERNETHY of this city.

The Gold Fields correspondent of the Transvaal Advertiser reports: By the act of God we have been suddenly and awfully deprived of two highly respected members of this community. On Wednesday night, 3rd inst, a thunderstorm of unusual magnitude arose. On Thursday morning the frail tenement occupied by Mr. and Mrs. GILLICUCK was found burnt to the ground, and the occupants lying in bed quite dead, the woman’s head on the man’s breast. The bodies were completely nude, and strange to say, not very much charred.

Wednesday 31 December 1884

DIED at Cradock on Saturday 27th December 1884, after a severe illness of only 7 hours, at the age of 26 years 2 months and 23 days, Mary Anne Gertrude Wilson, the beloved wife of the Rev. D. BOSMAN, of Willowmore.

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