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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 02 February

Monday 2 February 1885

BIRTH at Sarnia Cottage, 2nd Feb, the wife of D. KNIGHT of a daughter.
[See issue of 12 February]

Wednesday 4 February 1885

DIED at Somerset East on Sunday February 1st, Wilmot Glanville, infant daughter of the Rev. Charles and Annie PETTMAN

DIED at her residence, Hope Fields, District Riversdale, on the 23rd January 1885, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Frederick Thomas PAINTER, aged 73 years and 7 months. Deeply lamented by a bereaved husband, a very large family of children and grandchildren, and a large circle of relatives and friends.

We (P.E. Telegraph) regret to learn that the mail which reached here on Sunday last brought the news of the death of a respected member of the Church of England, the Rev. E. PICKERING, who for many years resided in Port Elizabeth. The deceased came to the Colony nearly thirty years ago, then a comparatively young man, and for a considerable period was Incumbent of St.Paul’s Church. On the retirement of the Rev. Mr. FOWLE he was offered the position of Colonial Chaplain and Rector of St.Mary’s Church, which position he held until failing health compelled him to leave the Colony, when he was succeeded by the Rev. A.T. WIRGMAN. Since then the Rev. Mr. PICKERING had resided in England, an affection of the throat preventing him from preaching or taking an active part in church work. In his early days he was an eloquent and powerful preacher, and his services were most attractive, whilst in private life he was greatly esteemed. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the widow and family in their sad bereavement.

Tuesday 10 February 1885

The Transvaal Advertiser understands that intelligence has been received that the body of the late Miss WEBB has been found. The friends of the unfortunate young lady have left Pretoria for the purpose of bringing the remains in for interment.

The Burghersdorp Gazette relates a shocking lightning casualty: Mrs. SMIT was seated at a window when the lightning passed over her head, causing instantaneous death, without leaving any mark of having touched her. There were also some very severe hailstorms limited only to a few narrow localities.

Thursday 12 February 1885

DIED at Sarnia Cottage, Oatlands, Grahamstown on Wednesday evening Feb 11th 1885, Ida Emmeline, the beloved wife of Daniel KNIGHT, aged 26 years.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. D. KNIGHT will move from the Cottage at Oatlands at half past 8 tomorrow (Friday) morning. All Friends are invited to attend. No special invitations.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death, shortly after confinement, of this lady, the daughter of Mr. Thos. I. COCKCROFT of this City, and wife of our esteemed fellow-citizen Mr. D. KNIGHT, Church-square. Though retiring in disposition, she was much beloved by her own circle of friends for her cheerful and affectionate nature, and her untimely decease in the prime of life is felt by them as a severe loss. She was a sincere and consistent Christian, and till a few months since an acceptable teacher in the Sunday School attached to Commemoration, of which Church she had long been a member. She expired last night, leaving to her afflicted husband the little infant which can never in this world know its mother, and the memories of a happy married life of six years. The funeral will move from the Cottage, Oaklands Road, tomorrow (Friday) morning at half past eight, when all friends are invited to attend. To the bereaved husband, parents and relatives of the deceased we offer our most cordial sympathy in this severe affliction.

Saturday 14 February 1885

The Funeral of this lamented lady took place yesterday morning. After service had been held at the residence in Oatlands Road, the procession headed by Rev. J. WALTON, Revs. W. HOLDEN, J. FISH, R. MATTERSON and N. ABRAHAM, with Messrs. R. RICHMOND, J. SLATER, C.J. ROBERTS and W. STOCKS as pall-bearers, was duly formed. A long train of sympathising friends, comprising many of our most esteemed citizens, followed the deceased to her long resting place in the Wesleyan Cemetery, where, after the concluding appropriate service, the coffin, covered with beautiful wreaths, was laid in the ground belonging to her father, Mr. T.I. COCKCROFT.

Monday 16 February 1885

By the will of this wealthy lady, of Ellengowan, Scotland, Mrs. BELL of Queenstown, a connection of Mr. Herman BELL of this town, has received a legacy of £3,000. Under the will recently registered in Edinburgh, £70.000 are given in private legacies and £21,000 to public bodies. Miss BAXTER also bequeathed £110,000 towards the promotion of a College in Dundee. Other legacies have been left to the servants of the deceased lady.

Wednesday 18 February 1885

A melancholy and, we (Watchman) are sorry to say, fatal accident occurred at the Queenstown Railway Station on Saturday evening. It appeared that the foreman porter named William J. [CARLIN] was engaged in shunting operations in the Station yard whilst getting ready the 7:10pm up train to Kingwilliamstown. Through some cause or other he unfortunately got the heel of his boot fixed between the points on the guard-rail and the truck came upon him before he could release himself. Falling beneath the wheels the poor fellow was carried some considerable distance, and when extracted from the wheels of the truck it was found that he was quite dead. The right leg and arm were completely severed from the body, and the back part of the head was carried away. Death must have been instantaneous. The deceased was a steady young man of about twenty-seven years of age, unmarried, and a native of England. Much regret has been expressed at the poor fellow’s frightful death. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at Queenstown, and was largely attended by Railway employees and friends.

Thursday 19 February 1885

It is rarely, fortunately, that we (Independent) have to chronicle such a serious catastrophe as occurred in Main-street, Bultfontein, early yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Fires in the township have been frequent enough, and attended with more or less serious results to property, but cases in which human life has been sacrificed have not been numerous. On this occasion, however, we have to record the death of two persons, viz. Mrs. DURACHE and her son, Mr. John DURACHE, both well-known in the community. The lady was between 60 and 70 years of age, and the other victim about 45. Many of the circumstances are still shrouded in somewhat of mystery, but the main particulars elicited are as follows:- The couple resided in Main-street, near the tram line of the Bultfontein Homestead Co. Between two and three o’clock yesterday morning some of the residents in the vicinity were made aware that the residence was on fire. Soon a small crowd had collected and it rapidly became evident that the fire had got the upper hand. The doors and windows were closed and there was no outward indication that anyone was within. One or two persons attempted to enter the house but the volume of smoke was too strong and prevented the realisation of their intentions. Some further alarm was caused by the explosion of a number of cartridges, which the crowd seemed to imagine was the discharge of firearms. Ultimately the police succeeded in forcing an entrance, and the fire was extinguished. The house, a little iron one, has only the walls standing now, and all that remains of Mr. DURACHE and his aged mother are two small lumps of charcoal. One black piece, which is said to be all that remains of poor Mrs. DURACHE, was found under the bed, while another charred piece was found near the window. This latter is all that the fire left of Mr. DURACHE. It is said that a drunken man, on the night of the fire, was heard to say something about a fire he had seen, but he failed to make himself understood at the Dutoitspan gaol. It is extraordinary that no-one saw the fire before, as it must have been burning for some time before it was discovered. It is supposed that Mrs. DURACHE, who was old and feeble, must have got up during the night and lit a candle, which must have set light to the canvas partition that divided her room from her son’s. DURACHE, it is supposed, must have been half suffocated before he awoke, and the fire it is thought must have gained such a headway that his efforts to open the window and escape were cut short by the smoke and flames. It is sincerely to be hoped that the two victims were suffocated before the flames reached them. Mr. DURACHE has been many years on the Fields, and was, we believe, at the time of his death, a wealthy man.

Friday 20 February 1885

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel, Fort Peddie, by the Father of the Bride, Chas. Henry, eldest son of Chas. Jos. STIRK Esq of Grahamstown, to Emma Grace, eldest daughter of Rev. E. GEDYE of Fort Peddie.

In consequence of the regretted death of Mrs. JAKINS, of Seven Fountains, the opening of the new Chapel at that place is postponed at the request of the Chapel Committee. Further notice will doubtless appear.

Our Peddie correspondent described the marriage of Mr. Harry STIRK, son of C.J. STIRK Esq, and Miss GEDYE, eldest daughter of the Rev. E. GEDYE. Mr. STIRK and his fair bride reached town yesterday morning and left via Port Alfred for the Kasonga. We join with their numerous friends in wishing the couple long life and prosperity.

Monday 23 February 1885

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown on the 22nd February 1885, the wife of C.H. ABBOTT of a daughter

The Natal Mercantile Advertiser says: The late Captain Spencer F. DRAKE, whose death occurred somewhat suddenly on Tuesday morning at his residence near Pinetown, was a very old colonist, having been known in Durban for about 30 years. In the days of Captains McDONALD and MURISON he had command of a vessel which used to trade between Natal and Capetown. When he left the sea he settled for a short time in Durban, and kept the Central Hotel. He subsequently went to Pinetown and purchased the farm Sarnia, near the town. He lived there quietly for many years. In 1873 he went as conductor of the transport which accompanied Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE in his expedition to Zululand, and he was at Port Durnford when Cetywayo embarked for Capetown. In 1881 he was appointed wharf master by the new Natal Harbour Board, a position which he resigned after a few months. He was a very genial man, and as a friend of his puts it, could, by his lively stories, “either make your hair stand on end of make your sides split with laughter.” He was an enthusiastic freemason, and his funeral at Pinetown was attended by many members of the craft as well as by a large following of the public.

Tuesday 24 February 1885

DIED at Adelaide House, Pearson Street, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday 22nd Feb, Flora Glanville, infant daughter of B.D. and J.F.A. GODLONTON, aged 1 year and 26 days.

Wednesday 25 February 1885

The numerous friends of this gentleman throughout the colony, writes a contemporary, will learn with deep regret that the last mail from England brought the news of his death. The sad event occurred at Cheltenham, where he had been residing for a short time, and was terribly sudden and quite unexpected. He had enjoyed apparently very good health up to the time he retired to bed on the night of the 22nd January: in fact during the evening he had written a couple of letters to his relatives here, one of which (unfinished) was found in his bedroom, indicates that he was then in excellent spirits and full of hopes of enjoying a pleasure that he had planned. As he was an early riser, and did not leave his room at the usual time next morning, some concern was manifested by his friends, and on entering they were startled to find him lying dead, having evidently passed away quietly and painlessly in his sleep. Death resulted from disease of the heart. The late Mr. WATSON was widely known throughout this colony, and wherever known was highly respected for his integrity of character and kindly and unassuming disposition. For many years he held the position of Chief Resident Engineer of Railways, and enjoyed the confidence of every administration under whom he served, whilst the works he carried out were among the best constructed in the colony. He retired only a few months since on a pension, his office being abolished on the completion of the railway system he had so ably directed. He leaves an only son, and to him and other relatives in the colony we tender our most respectful condolences on the sad bereavement that has so suddenly overtaken them.

Friday 27 February 1885

A sad and fatal accident (writes a contemporary) has just happened near Komgha. A lot of lads had got possession of some guns and were amusing themselves by firing off caps. Unfortunately one of the guns was loaded, and it went off and killed a lad named Arthur SMITH, aged fifteen years, almost instantaneously.

Saturday 28 February 1885

Various statements have appeared in the press lately in regard to the death of Mr. James HONEY. Whilst some of the writers describe him as a sort of freebooter who met his death through defiance of the law as it then existed in Stellaland, others take a more serious view, and declare that he was no worse than his neighbours, and that the very serious charge of murder clearly stands against those who actually committed or authorised the deed. It appears certain that he was shot in a very cold-blooded manner, and the following account of his death, given by the Kimberley Advertiser, will just now be read with more than ordinary interest:-
As the murder of James HONEY is now a prominent subject, and those supposed to be implicated are likely to be tried, our readers may be interested in the sad particulars of the tragedy and the circumstances that led up to it; we therefore give the same as related to us shortly after the occurrence. It appears that on 7th Feb 1883 W. HORWITZ, J.W. HONEY, J. STREAK and F.J. WELLS were living on the Hartz River. HONEY informed his comrades that he understood the Stellaland Boers intended to arrest the whole party, but he did not know for what reason. As the Stellaland Survey Commission was occupied in the farm question close by, it was resolved by the above-named parties that they would ride over and ascertain what grounds there were for the report mentioned by Mr. HONEY. They were received by the Land Commission in a very friendly manner, and not until HONEY asked a question was anything said about an intention to arrest them. The Administrator, Gert VAN NIEKERK, replied that it was so, and when asked on what charge he answered, for horse stealing and high treason against the Republic of Stellaland. HONEY then asked “Where are your witnesses?” and said “have the case tried”. The answer was “Come on Friday the 9th February to Commando Drift” (about two hours from the place where they were then at) “and the witnesses shall be there and the case tried.” After this the individuals previously named had a friendly parting with the Commission and returned to their farm. On the next morning Mr. HONEY started for Mamuso, David MASSOUW’s territory, and on the road had to pass where the Commission were at that time. Some of the names of the Commissioners were as follows:- Gert VAN NIEKERK, Administrator; Adrian Le REY, the Boer who afterwards shot Capt. WELLS; COLLIERS, general; Piet VAN VRIEDE Jun; DIEDRICKS, Captain of Police; and about 20 others. HONEY saddled off and had dinner with them, but whilst he was busy saddling up again the Boers surrounded and seized him. The same night he was taken by force over the Kafirland border into the Transvaal, as his captors said, with the intention of handing him over to the authorities. Information of this movement having been brought to Messrs. HORWITZ, STREAK and WELLS, they at once saddled up and started for Christiana to see what the Boers were doing with HONEY. When within about 15 miles of Christiana, and on the main road, they passed a house, and saw that there were several armed men about the premises; amongst whom they recognised Adrian LE REY, DIEDRICKS, IRELAND, ENGELBRECHT and O. HOMAN. The three travellers had only their revolvers under their jackets, which they did not show, neither did they attempt to go towards the house. Without being challenged they suddenly heard a shot and captain WELLS fell from his horse wounded. This shot was fired by Adrian LE REY, who has since been tried for the offence at Potchefstroom, and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour. He only served part of his time, and when released boasted that the President dared not keep him in custody any longer for good reasons. HORWITZ and STREAK then wished to dismount and assist their wounded comrade, but Adrian LE REY shouted “pass on, or I will shoot all of you”. WELLS, then lying wounded on the ground, said “For God’s sake ride on, and let the Boers assist me”, and as they rode away they saw HONEY looking out of the window of the house. STREAK and HORWITZ then rode into Christiana to the Landdrost’s office, and made a sworn declaration that WELLS had been shot by LE REY. After shooting WELLS, tying his hands, dragging him wounded to the house and otherwise inhumanely treating him, the Boer party then proceeded with their two prisoners, HONEY and WELLS, to within an hour of Christiana, and left them in charge of about ten armed men at the house of Gert VAN NIEKERK, the Administrator of Stellaland. Adrian LE REY and DIEDRICKS then proceeded to Christiana and told the Landdrost that they wished to charge HONEY with the theft of eighty-six head of cattle stole some months previously from Transvaal territory, further stating that they had their witnesses present. The Landdrost, without waiting for HONEY, then investigated the charge, and after examining the witnesses, who were Kafirs, declared the charge to be ridiculous and entirely unsupported, stating that the case could not be proceeded with. He (the Landdrost) then warned HONEY’s accusers against taking him over the Transvaal border again, and ordered them to release him at once at the peril. Whilst LE REY and DIEDRICKS were in Christiana, COLLIERS, the general, came to the house where HONEY and WELLS were kept prisoners, and WELLS declares that on the same night (9th) the Boers took HONEY away into Stellaland, the names of some of the party being COLLIERS, IRELAND, DIEDRICKS and ENGELBRECHT. It appears that the party slept at Kopjie Enkle, just over the border of Stellaland, that night. On the next day (10th), COLLIERS (General), DIEDRICKS Sen. and Jun. took HONEY on the road to Vrijberg, since which time he has never been seen alive. On enquiries being put to these men as to what had become of HONEY they declared that he had escaped; but notwithstanding this assertion all HONEY’s friends, and the public generally, believed that he had been murdered. Everything possible was done after the 10th February, the date of his murder, to gain information on the subject and to discover his remains, and Stellaland was scoured both by white men and Kafirs employed for the purpose. It was not, however, until about the 11th May that the scene of the foul murder was discovered, when some natives of Matlabin’s tribe found his remains, with his clothes stuck away in an ant-heap, his saddle close by, and his horse lying shot dead a few yards away. In the pocket of his coat was found some letters addressed to him from his wife, and as to the dreadful atrocities committed upon him the appearance of the remains told a terrible tale. It was only on Sunday May 21st that it became known to three of the late HONEY’s friends, and they started at once for Stellaland, and in the dead of the night succeeded in bringing out his remains. They took them first to the Landdrost of Christiana, who said that the Transvaal Government could not have anything to do with the affair. The sad vestiges of this terrible episode were then brought into Kimberley, where on the 28th May 1883 they found at last a resting place, and all the circumstances as now stated were then fully reported to the local authorities. Such are the circumstances surrounding this awful episode of the death of HONEY, and the attempt on the life of Captain WELLS. Almost two years have elapsed since the foul deed was perpetrated, and no doubt the murderers and accomplices though that time would lend its mystifying influence and secure their escape from justice.

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