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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 03 March

Wednesday 4 March 1885

A very sad case of suicide has occurred at Richmond. A Mr. Sidney LATCHAM six or seven weeks ago entered the employment of Mr. J.R. WILLS as salesman. He lodged with Mr. J.W. INDGE, who was formerly in Mr. WILLS’ employ. On Wednesday morning (says the Era) Mrs. INDGE sent the servant to Mr. WILLS’ store to call Mr. LATCHAM to breakfast; but she returned with the information that he had not been to business. On searching his room it was found that the whole of his clothes was there, together with his shoes. This appeared mysterious, and enquiries being made, a coloured man gave information that just at dawn of day his attention had been drawn to a white man quite naked in the veld near one of the bathing holes in the bed of the river, about 500 or 600 yards from his house. A number of people immediately repaired thither, and Master ATKINSON, youngest son of the editor of the Era, dived into the water to a depth of some 16 or 20 feet. Upon coming to the surface he reported that the body was lying at the bottom. Being a youth of only 16 years of age he was not strong enough to recover the body, so his elder brother plunged in, followed by Messrs. G.H. CALLAGHAN, M.P. VILJOEN Jun, Barend ESTERHUIZEN and others. The body was then recovered. The deceased had not felt well lately and complained of being unable to obtain sleep, but he still attended to business. On Tuesday evening he retired to rest early. The deceased was in the habit of going to the river every morning to bathe, and it appears that he must have had a sudden fit of temporary insanity, for he walked from his lodgings past a number of houses in a perfect state of nudity except his flannel jersey. At the corner of the house leading into the yard, his bathing towel and one sock were picked up, thus confirming the view that the unfortunate gentleman was suffering from temporary insanity. The death of his mother a few months ago, and the breaking off of an engagement with a young lady also recently, had considerably affected his mind at times, but not to the extent as to cause him to commit deliberate suicide.

Friday 6 March 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd Feb, the wife of John Day MARTIN of a daughter.

DIED at Queenstown on March 3rd 1885, Elizabeth Jolly, the beloved wife of F.W. CROSBY Esq, Stationmaster at Tylden, fourth daughter of Mr. S.S. GEACH of Grahamstown, aged 23 years and 6 months.

Saturday 7 March 1885

FELL ASLEEP at King Williamstown on the 3rd March, Evelyn Pakenham, infant daughter of Colonel MINTO, aged 1 year and 7 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on March 6th 1885, Ernest Price, beloved son of Charles and Sarah Ann WEBB, aged 9 years 2 months and 12 days.

A very large circle will sympathise, says the Cape Mercury, with Colonel and Mrs. MINTO in the sad loss they have sustained by the death of their youngest child – a baby girl about eighteen months old, which occurred on Wednesday.

Monday 9 March 1885

Our readers (says the Natal Mercury) will be sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Hy. [LOVIE], superintendent of the [obscured] depot. The deceased had been in the service of the corporation for some years, and during that time he had won the highest respect of everyone with whom he came in contact. He was in town and appeared all right on Saturday morning, but in the evening he complained of feeling unwell, and as his face had swollen considerably a doctor was sent for. On Monday the deceased was worse, and his symptoms became more acute up to the time of his death, which took place early Wednesday morning, the cause, in the doctor’s opinion, being blood poisoning. How it arose is not altogether clear, but the deceased was stung on Thursday last by a bush-fly, about an inch long, and it is conjectured that the blood poisoning from which he died was caused by this insect.

The Watchman writes: We regret exceedingly to learn that our old townsman, Captain Patrick GOULD, for so many years the honest and consistent representative of this Division in the House of Assembly, and who worked for Frontier interests with such thoroughness and whole-heartedness, is lying on a bed of sickness from which there is but little hope of his ever returning again, and we feel sure that a little kindly sympathy on the part of his old friends and political supporters would do much just now to lighten the burden of his weakness and sufferings.

Tuesday 10 March 1885

We (Burghersdorp Gazette) record, with the deepest sympathy for the family, the death by snake bite on Sunday last of Mr. F. KNOBEL’s child, a promising lad of some 5 years old. The child was amusing himself near a stone wall and was bitten in the hand while pulling at a brick, in three different places. The father almost immediately applied a tight ligature and sucked at one of the wounds, not knowing of the others. Medical aid was got from town, but despite all that could be done the lad succumbed in about an hour and a half after he was bitten. Snakes this season are plentiful, and this is the second instance in this week of fatal results from snakebite. It is a pity that a never-failing remedy like Croft’s Tincture is not kept at hand in places where snakes are likely to be about.

Friday 13 March 1885

Reuter’s telegram says a man named ROBSON, charged with attempted murder of Michael BOSCH, was arrested in Somerset East on Sunday, brought up for examination on Monday and remanded till Thursday. BOSCH is slightly wounded in the neck. Both parties are farmers at Brak River. Jealousy is supposed to be the cause of the crime.

The Watchman writes: On Monday morning Mr. Henry STRATFORD, acting Field-cornet for Ward No. 1, reported to Mr. HEMMING C.C and R.M. that a woman named Mrs. HODGKINSON, residing on Bank’s Farm near Mount Coke, had been accidentally shot by a spring gun on Sunday evening. From particulars we have since learned that lately Mr. HODGKINSON had been much troubled by natives entering his mealie fields on Sunday evening. About seven o’clock he, accompanied by his wife, proceeded to a mealie field situated near their dwelling house for the purpose of setting a spring gun, but on arriving at the spot found that he had not sufficient length of wire to accomplish his object. Mrs. HODGKINSON then went back to the house for the purpose of getting more wire, but during her absence her husband found that by altering the position of the gun he had sufficient wire, and set the gun. Mrs. HODGKINSON had by this time arrived near the spot with the additional wire, but from some unaccountable cause her husband unfortunately failed to warn her in time that the gun was set, and the poor woman treading on the wire which was attached to the trigger of the gun & immediately went off, and she received the contents of the gun, which was loaded with buck shot, all over the body. As soon as possible the injured woman was removed home and medical assistance summoned from town. Dr. CHUTE who went out on Monday found Mrs. HODGKINSON in a very low state, and gave instructions to have her removed to town, which she safely reached on Monday evening, but owing to the low condition in which she was, no attempt was made to extract the pellets from her body. The accident caused quite a sensation in the neighbourhood when it became known and much sympathy was felt for the injured woman and her husband, whose forgetfulness had led to the unfortunate accident.
[Transcriber’s Note: A very short extract from the Dispatch concerning the same accident to a “Mrs.HOSKINSON” described her as “a married lady with some twelve children”, which would seem to indicate that she was Elizabeth Ann MOULD, wife of George HODGKINSON.]

Monday 16 March 1885

Tomorrow will be the 80th anniversary of Mr. William WENTWORTH Sen. of Collingham, who arrived in this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. His father was located at Collingham, and the paternal grant is still in the venerable son’s hands. We are happy to say he is still in vigorous health.

Tuesday 17 March 1885

A few days ago (writes the Somerset East Advertiser) there departed this life at Pearston a Dutch farmer of the old school, Mr. Gideon VAN EEDEN, who had attained the advanced age of 79 years. Mr. VAN EEDEN was widely known, and up to his death had retained all the vivacity of youth. Three times married, and having had by his wives no less than twenty-seven children, Mr. VAN EEDEN became before his death literally the head of a tribe, at the time of his death the number of his actual descendants being 245. Many of his children are the parents and grandparents of very fair collections of olive branches, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh being at the head of little clans consisting of 54, 40, 22, 20, 12, 32 and 14 members. Faithful to at least one of the commandments, the VAN EEDENS have certainly done their best to replenish the earth.

Wednesday 18 March 1885

Many will regret to hear of the death of Mr. Emil ZARNIKOW, the former energetic proprietor of the Railway Hotel. He was remarkably enterprising, and if good times had continued the expenses he was put to in carrying out his progressive ideas would have been abundantly covered. For some time Mr. ZARNIKOW sat on the Town Council.

We (Aliwal Post) regret to learn from Burghersdorp that on Tuesday last a man named BROWN, who was working upon the line, was run over by an engine, and although the Doctors were speedily at hand and amputated one leg, he died almost immediately from the shock and loss of blood. Singularly enough, another fatal accident occurred on the same day, a mounted native having run over a lad named BIRNIE and killed him on the spot.

We (Albert Record) have to record the death, through the tramping and kick of a horse, of the son of Mr. BIRNIE of Burghersdorp. On the afternoon of Tuesday last the little fellow, aged about three years, was playing with another child in front of the house, when a bastard, named VAN BUREN, mounted on a brown horse, turned into the street in which they were, and putting heels to the animal, got it into a hard gallop. The children, alive to the danger, made for BIRNIE’s house, while the course of the horse inclined towards them. The rider pulled the animal up so close to the children that it chopped at deceased and, in turning, kicked him on the left temple. VAN BUREN, instead of rendering assistance, or riding for medical aid, at once spurred the horse and galloped away. The mother had to come out and lift and carry her dying child into the house. Drs. BATCHELOR and KANNEMEYER were called in, but it was at once seen that the little fellow was beyond hope, and shortly after midnight he expired. The medical opinion is that the kick entirely displaced the upper portion of the skull, causing injury to the brain. The funeral, which was well attended, took place on Thursday morning. An inquest was held on Wednesday, and VAN BUREN was arrested the same evening on a charge of culpable homicide.

Thursday 19 March 1885

KEKEWICH – PERRY. This morning, the 19th March 1885, at Victoria West, F.B. KEKEWICH Esq to Miss Louisa PERRY of Middelburg.

The Cape Times has the following: An accident attended with fatal results occurred on Saturday morning at Wynburg Station. It appears that while a shunter named Thomas SMITH was shunting a train, at about half past seven in the morning, his foot caught in the connecting rails attaching the single line of rails to the double line running at either side of the arrival platform, and the wheels of one of the carriages ran over him, breaking the leg above the knee. At the same time the grease box of the carriage crushed his right side, and must have caused some internal injury. As soon as possible the injured man was extricated from his terrible position and conveyed in a special train to Capetown where, Dr. HERMAN having been called in, directed his removal to the hospital. He was at once removed to the New Somerset Hospital, but died an hour after admission. SMITH was a single man, and had been some time in the employment of the railway authorities.

Friday 20 March 1885

The many friends of this gentleman will greatly regret to learn that very unsatisfactory accounts have been received from England as to the state of his health. Since he left the Colony, cancer of a very distinct type has developed, and he has undergone no less than four operations, with no beneficial results.

On Saturday last (says the Colesberg Advertiser) at Knel, Hantam, a young girl, daughter of Mr. Johannes KOEKMOER, was sweeping a room in which a loaded gun had been placed on a chair, the latter standing somewhat insecurely owing to the loss of a leg. How the accident happened no-one can say, as the unfortunate girl was alone in the room, but the probability is that in sweeping she caused the broken chair, and of course the gun, to fall over, and that the latter came in contact with something which caused it to be discharged. Mrs. KOEKEMOER was working close by in the kitchen when she heard the shot and ran to ascertain the cause, only to find her daughter lying dead with a bullet-wound entering the abdomen near the navel, and the chair and gun lying partially on the corpse. The bullet, after entering the unfortunate girl’s body, took an upwards course and lodged behind the shoulder. Much sympathy is felt with the parents, who have thus suddenly lost a daughter who bade fair to be a credit to them. The remains of the poor girl were buried the following day.

A sad and fatal accident, says the D.F. Advertiser, occurred on the road to the farm Rietfontein, some distance from Beaconsfield, on Friday last, whereby a young man named Jacobus RUSSOUW, a resident of this township, met with his death in a most painful manner. Mr. RUSSOUW was engaged in driving Mrs. LE ROUX to the farm of Mr. ERASMUS, as above named, where her husband was residing. While on the road the horses in the cart became knocked up, or at any rate refused to perform their task, and RUSSOUW sprang off the cart and plied the whip rather freely. The result was that one of the animals became restive, and kicked the unfortunate young fellow a violent blow to the stomach, rendering him for a time insensible. The position of the lady passenger in the cart was a most unenviable one, but with the utmost humanity she did all she could for the unfortunate man, who had sustained injuries so severe. Mrs. LE ROUX walked for upwards of an hour where she procured water with which to alleviate poor RUSSOUW’s sufferings, and after much delay the cart with its injured driver and the lady was conveyed to Boshof, where RUSSOUW died, after six hours spent in the greatest agony. Deceased was only 23 years of age. His parents reside in Capetown.

The Budget records the death of Mr. Percy Guard TIMM, son of Mr. R. TIMM of Mount Pleasant, near Clumber, who died on Friday last, the 13th instant, aged 21 years and 4 months. Deceased was a young man of many excellent qualities, was well known and a general favourite. He bore a long illness with Christian fortitude, and died confessing his faith in Christ. The funeral, which was a very large one, took place on Saturday. The service was conducted in a most impressive manner by the Rev. W.S. CALDECOTT. Much sympathy is felt with the bereaved family.

Saturday 21 March 1885

A Mr. HOWELL of Kareiga Mouth was killed yesterday under the following circumstances. Having left town with his wagon to return home, and having reached WEBBER’s farm, he was urged by the native driver to outspan there, as the oxen were thoroughly tired. Mr. HOWELL, however, refused to do this, and in starting again (if we are correctly informed) he fell from the wagon, and the wheels passing over the upper part of his back, life was almost immediately extinct. Deceased was not sober at the time, and had it is said not been so on the previous evening, when he attended the Salvation Army meeting and had to be ejected. After the fatal accident the wagon proceeded homeward with the body of its deceased master. No inquest was held.

The Rev. Alfred BELLVILLE F.R.G.S., who was attached to the Zambesi Mission to Central Africa, under Bishop STEER, died at Bellair on Thursday, having laboured in Natal for some years past.

Monday 23 March 1885

MARRIED at Kimberley on the 10th March 1885, at St.Augustine’s Church by Canon Balfour BA, George Blackstone WILLIAMS, Assistant R.M., second son of the late Rev. H.B. WILLIAMS, Rector of Bradford Peverill, Dorset, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of N. COCK, and granddaughter of the late Hon’ble W. COCK, Port Alfred.

The F.B. Advocate writes: A Mr. NICOLL, who had recently retired from the Cape Police on account of ill-health, was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning. The poor fellow intended leaving for England on Wednesday, and was looking forward to the pleasure of meeting parents and friends. He retired to rest early on Saturday evening, remarking that he felt much better; but when the servant carried a cup of coffee into his room early next morning he was dead. A post-mortem examination was held on Monday, the result arrived at being that death was due to the rupture of a blood vessel in the lungs, which were much diseased. The funeral took place the same day. It is said that deceased was a son of Brigadier-General NICOLL.

Mr. Emil ZARNIKOW, the genial host of Grahamstown and this city, died suddenly at his mother-in-law’s residence, Hope Cottage, Wynberg, on Monday night. Mr. ZARNIKOW went out by the one o’clock train from Capetown to see his mother-in-law, Mrs. RATHFELDER. He then complained of being ill, and had to lie down. He gradually became worse until he succumbed, at about twelve o’clock on Monday night. The medical men who attended him attributed his death to an apoplectic fit. He will be buried in the family vault at Diep River, this morning at ten o’clock. We regret to hear that Mrs. ZARNIKOW has taken her sudden bereavement so much to heart that she is dangerously ill. Mrs. RATHFELDER, her mother, has also been very ill for some time past, and the state of her health is so critical that the sad news has not yet been broken to her. Mr. ZARNIKOW, for some time, was proprietor of the Albion Hotel, corner of Long Street and Strand Street; for several years he had the Crown Hotel at Claremont, which he purchased from Mr. SCHUSTER, and then he took the Railway Hotel at Grahamstown. For the last few months he has been carrying on a club next to the Drill Hall in Loop Street. He leaves no children. During his stay in Capetown (says the Argus) he made a large number of friends, who will hold his memory in affectionate remembrance.

Tuesday 24 March 1885

We are sorry to learn from P. GORDON Esq, the manager of the Standard Bank here, that a telegram has been received in the Colony from England announcing the death of the General Manager, Mr. STEWART, who had for some time been in ill-health.

Thursday 26 March 1885

The E.P. Herald writes: The public of this Colony, and indeed of South Africa generally, received with surprise and with deep regret the announcement yesterday of the death, in England, of Mr. Robert STEWART, the Chief Manager of the Standard Bank. Mr. STEWART, who was about 55 years of age, came to this country in 1864, having previously held office in the Cardiff Branch of the National Provincial Bank of England. The Board of the Standard Bank appointed Mr. STEWART at a critical time in the history of the Bank and when its shares were at a heavy discount, owing to the losses incurred in the Cape business. To what a pitch of prosperity Mr. STEWART brought the Bank when he left the Colony in 1876 is well-known. The position he then assumed as Manager in London, and afterwards as Chief Manager, enabled him to continue to watch the interests of the institution without cessation, and the ability and zeal he has always displayed, and the vigilance and thoroughness of his far-sighted policy, have combined to make the Bank a “household word” throughout South Africa. His successors in office in this country were at first Messrs. Gilbert FARIE and H.C. ROSS, but upon their subsequent retirement the administration devolved upon Messrs. Lewis MICHELL and Edmund THOMAS, who are still in command. The news of Mr. STEWART’s death having arrived by cable, full details are not yet forthcoming, but we understand that private advices by recent mails intimate that his health had broken down under the long strain. The directors, shareholders and officers of the Bank will all alike feel his loss: few men were more widely known and esteemed, and to his widow and children we most sincerely and respectfully tender our sympathy in their irreparable bereavement.

Tuesday 31 March 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th instant, the wife of Mr. W. HOLLAND of a daughter.

A coroner’s enquiry, writes the Dispatch, was held by Fieldcornet VOGEL at the Kwelera on Friday the 20th inst, into the circumstances attendant on the death of Betta SCHRIBER, a German girl, aged 8 years. From the evidence it appeared that the unfortunate child accidentally shot herself while handling a loaded gun, which had been lying under a bed in a building near Mr. STOLZ’s house, where on the date in question the SCHRIBER and STOLZ children were playing. The shot entered the mouth, and death occurred in a few moments.

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