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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 10 October

Thursday 2 October 1890

BIRTH at Wychling Cottage, Prince Alfred Road, Grahamstown, on Sept. 30th 1890, the wife of Mr. H.H. RICHMOND of a daughter.

DIED at the Wesleyan Mission House, Osborn, East Griqualand, Mary, wife of the Rev. R. MATTERSON.

About three hundred people assembled on the banks of the river at Hanover at eleven a.m. on Sunday to witness the performance of the rite of baptism by immersion, which was administered to seventeen persons, ten girls and seven youths, by the Rev. Martin SCHMIDT of Stutterheim. Service was held in the chapel from ten to eleven, and the candidates, who were all dressed in white, then proceeded with pastor and congregation to the place of baptism, a hymn being sung on the way. After the immersion the reverend gentleman offered up prayer. In the evening there was, we (Watchman) understand, a meeting of the congregation known as a Love Feast.

Saturday 4 October 1890

MARRIED on Tuesday 30th September 1890 at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C.H.L. Packman MA, Rector, assisted by the Rev. P.B. Simeon MA, William Henry RAMSBOTTOM, Vicar of Richmond and Hopetown, to Annie, younger daughter of the late Thomas MAYNARD, Preston, and Mrs. MAYNARD, The Hollies, Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire.

A person named Oliver WALKER, a draughtsman of the surveying party who are engaged in rear of the Park lands, committed suicide last week in a somewhat singular manner. During the morning he was heard to say that he had received bad news from home, and he was apparently depressed in spirits; it is also alleged, but we(Telegraph) do not vouch for the fact, that he had been drinking since he received the unfavourable news just mentioned. His comrades on the surveying party last saw him alive at 11am. He was subsequently missed, and not returning, search was made for him. One of the party looking into the tent saw WALKER on the ground with a manilla rope – similar to that of which reef points are made – in a running bowline knot around his neck. He had literally strangled himself, and the act must have been one of great determination. The verdict at the inquest was in accordance with these facts.

Tuesday 7 October 1890

DIED at Port Alfred on Wednesday the 1st October 1890, Annie, the beloved wife of John William ORREN, of Port Alfred, aged 51 years and 2 months.
Mr. ORREN begs to tender his sincere thanks to Dr. W.H. ATHERSTONE, the Revs. FLACK and PARKHURST, and the many kind friends and neighbours, for their unremitting care, attention and kindness to his dear wife during her late illness.

Miss Marianne NORTH is dead. It will be remembered that some time ago she was in Grahamstown, and in the pursuit of her ruling passion, took several African plants home to Kew, to which she also contributed an exhaustive Botanic Picture Gallery. In her pursuit of objects of botanical interest Miss NORTH visited almost every corner of the world, and made a collection of pictures of highly interesting subjects painted by herself from nature. She was the eldest daughter of the late Sir Frederick NORTH MP, and her death will be widely mourned.

Mrs. SLEIGHTHOLM, an elderly white woman living with her husband on a farm near Maritzburg, has been burnt to death. On Tuesday night last her husband, on returning home, saw his wife at a distance rush out of the house with her clothes on fire. Before he could get to her she was fearfully burnt, and the dry grass had also caught fire. Noone was near, and her husband was compelled to stay with his wife until she died, as he could not carry her to the house nor get assistance.

On Saturday last a child, a year and eight months old, son of Mr. CHITTENDEN of No.4 Cottage, first crossing on the Graaffreinet line, was drowned under very painful circumstances, in a water-furrow which runs in the rear of the wood-shed of the cottage. After the midday meal the little fellow separated from his brothers and sisters, without his absence being noticed. His eldest brother saw a perambulator tipped in the furrow, and went to pull it out, when, to his horror, he saw his little brother in the water. He screamed to his mother, who took the child out of the water and, with the neighbours, tried everything to restore animation, but in vain. It is supposed that the child walked backwards on the path to the sluit, drawing the perambulator after him, towards the bridge, from which several planks had been removed, and that he walked backwards into the sluit, pulling the vehicle on top of him. The planks had been removed that morning by a Kafir in the employ of Government to water some trees; and his failure to replace them (says the U. Times) was the cause of the fatal accident.

Thursday 9 October 1890

On behalf of the Children of the late Rev. John EDWARDS I desire to tender my sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness to the late Mrs. EDWARDS during her illness, and especially to Mrs. F. RUDD, and the Doctors who attended her.
Glen Ross
Oct 1st 1890

DIED at Grahamstown Oct 8 1890, Patrick HADEN, aged 59 years. R.I.P.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HADEN will leave his late residence, Chapel-st, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.

Yesterday as Mr. Patrick HADEN, well-known here as a thoroughly efficient mason, was engaged with others in making certain repairs to Mr. H.C. BALL’s house, “The Grove”, he suddenly complained of violent pains in the chest, and was taken to his house in Chapel-st. In a few hours he was dead. The late Mr. HADEN was a member of St.Patrick’s Society, and his remains will be followed to the grave by the members of that Society. The funeral takes place tomorrow. The bereaved family have widespread condolence with them in their sudden bereavement.

We regret to hear that a terrible and fatal accident has occurred to Mrs. ROLLASTON of Kimberley, sister-in-law of our townsman Mr. BENTLEY. A telegram on Sunday stated that Mrs. ROLLASTON’s house had been burnt down and she herself severely injured. It turned out afterwards that she perished in the flames. She had been alone in the house, and it is supposed was seized with a fit of some kind in which she upset the lamp, and caused the fire. Even when the fire was discovered it was not suspected that the unfortunate lady was in the house; but her body was afterwards found amongst the debris. A sad incident in connection with the melancholy affair is that the deceased’s daughter had only recently left for Johannesburg for the purpose of being married. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved and horror-stricken relatives.

Saturday 11 October 1890

The Capetown papers report the death of Mr. J.W. WELLS, vice-chairman of the Capetown Gas Company, director of the Attwell Baking Company, partner in the firm of Messrs. Attwell & Co, and director of the Sea Point Tramway Company.

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Oct 11th 1890, the wife of Ernest GREEN of a daughter.

Tuesday 14 October 1890

DIED suddenly at his residence, Thorn Park, on Monday October 13th, James EMMS, aged 47 years and 11 months, leaving a sorrowing widow and eight children to mourn his loss.
The Funeral of the late Mr. EMMS will leave the residence of his late father, Francis-st, Oatlands, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. J. EMMS, which occurred at his farm “Thornkloof”, Fish River, early yesterday morning. It appears that he had something the matter with his eye, and was having a remedial solution dropped into it. His son went into the next room to get the bottle of medicine, and on returning found his father dead. He had been complaining of pain in the chest, and heart disease was probably the cause of death. Deceased was only 48 years of age, and deservedly respected. The funeral will take place in Grahamstown.

Tuesday 21 October 1890

All will be sad to hear of the death of the Rev. Mr. STEGMANN, late of Adelaide, which event occurred at Stellenbosch at the beginning of this week. The D.R. Church Synod, which met on Tuesday, adjourned the same afternoon to attend the funeral.

Thursday 23 October 1890

The Friend speaks of a local centenarian, Frederik OPPERMAN, who though not exactly “hale and hearty” is as well as can be expected at the age of 100 years. Enquiring after him from one of his retainers today, he replied, “When I left this morning ‘de ou kerel’ was standing at the kraal inspecting his horses.”

Saturday 25 October 1890

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 24th October 1890, Margaret Will, the beloved wife of Herbert Henry GREEN, aged 26 years 10 months and 10 days.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
The bereaved husband begs to tender his heartfelt thanks to Dr. GREATHEAD for his great kindness and special attention, and also to the Rev. Mr. TEES, and the many friends for their kind sympathy.
The Funeral of the above will move from the residence of Mr. Herbert GREEN this afternoon at 4 o’clock. All friends are kindly invited to attend.

We regret to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Herbert GREEN, which the tolling of the bell announced this morning. We must defer our obituary notice till the next issue.

Tuesday 28 October 1890

The tolling of the bell at one o’clock today announced the death of Mrs. FUTTER Sen. We have no space today for an extended notice of the deceased lady.

It affords us sincere regret to have to record the untimely death of Mrs. Herbert GREEN. The deceased lady, who was not yet 26 years old, had been confined to her bed for the last three weeks as the result of an internal injury received some time ago. She failed rapidly, and on Friday evening passed painlessly away, with her relations around her bed. Two young children are left to console the bereaved husband in his sorrow, and he will besides have the warm sympathy of legions of friends. The funeral service was conducted on Saturday afternoon by the Rev. W. TEES, and the procession included representatives of the “Sons of England” and “Good Templar” Lodges.

The death of Mr. Emil HOFFA, the well-known merchant of Burghersdorp, will be a sad blow to that town and district. Mr. HOFFA was well-known throughout the country as a man of enterprise and spirit..

Thursday 30 October 1890

BIRTH on 29th October, the wife of Victor SAMPSON of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 30th, the wife of H. KIRKPATRICK of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday 28th October 1890, Eliza, the dearly beloved wife of Thomas John FUTTER, aged 62 years 5 months and 20 days.
Her end was peace.
The bereaved family tender their heartfelt thanks to Dr. BECKER, Rev. G.W. CROSS and other friends.

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