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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 11 November

Saturday 1 November 1890

A white child named THOMPSON, living with its parents in cemetery Road, Dutoitspan, got fatally scalded on Sunday by pulling over about itself a kettle almost full of boiling water. The poor little thing (reports the Advertiser) survived the accident only a few hours.

A Kimberley paper records the sudden death of Mr. William TUNBRIDGE, a wagon maker by trade, who lived at Addo’s Drift, but for some time past had been suffering from a weak chest, and about eight days ago he with his wife came to Kimberley for the benefit of his health, and they were staying at the Wolesley Hotel, in the Transvaal Road. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. TUNBRIDGE attended the German Concert in the Gardens. At the close of the convert, while they were returning home, deceased felt faint, and was compelled to lean against the horse-rail outside Glover’s Bar for support. His wife went into the Bar and asked for a private room, with which they were accommodated. Deceased walked into the sitting room with assistance, and immediately commenced to vomit blood. Medical aid was at once sent for, and Drs. LEA and WATKINS were promptly on the scene, but despite their strenuous exertions the man expired about three quarters of an hour after he was first seized. Deceased, who was about thirty-eight years of age, leaves a widow at present in Kimberley, but no children.

Thursday 6 November 1890

DIED October 3rd 1890, the Rev. S.J. PHILLIPS MA, Vicar of Tilney, All Saints with St. Lawrence, Norfolk, aged 78 years.

We have to record the death of the Rev. S.J. PHILLIPS MA, of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and 12 years vicar of Tilney All Saints with St. Lawrence, Norfolk. The deceased gentleman graduated at Cambridge, where he took double honours with the late Sir Henry MAINE and Mr. AIREY, who were known in their College as the three “inseparables”. Mr. PHILLIPS has a niece living in South Africa, Miss E.E. PHILLIPS of the Academy, Capetown

News has arrived of the death of the Rev. Wilson TRUSTED, chaplain to the Bechuanaland Police now stationed in Khama’s country. Mr. TRUSTED died on the 23rd inst from fever. The deceased clergyman, who was a graduate of Durham University, came to South Africa towards the end of last year, and after a short residence at Kimberley, undertook the work among the Police, for which he had come from England. His last cure there was at Heywood, Manchester.

DIED at [Pretoria] on Thursday November 6th 1890, Henry [H...] Sen., late of Grahamstown and Kingwilliamstown.

Tuesday 11 November 1890

DIED at Port Elizabeth on 11th Nov, Florence Catherine REYNOLDS, fifth daughter of the late John REYNOLDS of Fort Beaufort, and late of Grahamstown, aged 19 years and 3 months.
‘Twas not in cruelty, not in wrath,
That the reaper came that day;
‘Twas an angel that visited the earth,
And took the flower away.
Mrs. REYNOLDS desires to tender her sincere thanks to Dr. HARRIS, Messrs. ROGERS and STOKES, and the many kind friends for their unremitting kindness during the time of her daughter’s illness.
Port Elizabeth papers please copy.

Saturday 15 November 1890

On Thursday the Scotch Lion was fluttering over Mr. W. YOUNG’s house, and it soon transpired that the Railway Inspector FERGUSON was being married to Miss Alice of Port Elizabeth. The Rev. W. TEES performed the ceremony, which was of a quiet description, and in the afternoon the happy couple left for the Kowie to spend, we trust, a happy unclouded honeymoon.

A telegram received from Klerksdorp this morning announces the sudden death of Mr. W.W. PADDON, at Klerksdorp. Where he had only recently arrived from Grahamstown. Mr. PADDON, who was a son-in-law of Mr. C.R. GOWIE, was very widely known and respected, and the sad and unexpected news of his death will prove a great shock to his large circle of friends and acquaintances. We shall have more to say about the death of our former townsman when letters from Klerksdorp confirm the news.

The Mercury hears of the death of Private DANIEL of the District Police, stationed at Kwelera. He was carrying a gun loaded with small shot over his shoulder, when by some accident the weapon fell to the ground, causing the charge to go off, entering just above the hollow of Mr. DANIEL’s foot and badly shattering the muscles. Dr. BICKFORD sent him to Komgha, and every attention was paid to the injured man, but tetanus set in and resulted in death on the 6th. An unfortunate widow and two children are left to claim sympathy in their trouble.

Tuesday 18 November 1890

DIED last night at Klerksdorp, 14th inst, of “syncope of heart”, William Wreford PADDON Esq, son-in-law of Mr. C.R. GOWIE, Frere Villa, Grahamstown.

On Saturday (says a Free State paper) a boy 12 years old, son of Mr. Theunis PIETERS, of the farm Crimea, district Ladybrand, fell off his father’s wagon as it was coming into town near the Railway Hotel. A front wheel passed over the poor little fellow’s chest, and a hind wheel over his back, death being instantaneous. The father saw nothing of the accident until it was all over. His agony and that of the poor mother at home, who will never see her boy again, may be imagined.

Thursday 20 November 1890

We regret to hear that Mr. HARPER, proprietor of the Uitenhage Chronicle, who is cousin by marriage of our townsman, Mr. J.H. WEBBER, and who was formerly, we believe, connected with this paper, was killed last night by an accident, through some machinery bursting. We have not yet learnt the whole particulars. Mr. WEBBER, we understand, goes down to Uitenhage tonight in connection with this sad fatality.

Saturday 22 November 1890

Last night the Cathedral bell tolled to announce the death of Dr. CROGHAN, formerly Dean of Grahamstown. The Rev. gentleman was much venerated and esteemed in all parts of the country, but nowhere will the sad news of his death occasion more sorrow than in Grahamstown.

The Uitenhage Times says: A telegram has just been received at the office of the Civil Commissioner, stating that Mr. SMITH, who married the sister of Mrs. HARPER (whose husband has just been killed by accident) was shot dead yesterday by a drunken man, at Pietersburg, in the Transvaal. There were among the chief mourners yesterday afternoon two children of Mr. SMITH, weeping bitterly at their uncle’s grave. Little did the poor little fellows dream that their father also had met with an untimely death.

It is our sad task to record the death, by accident, of Mr. Henry W. HARPER, proprietor of the Uitenhage Chronicle. Within a very short time of the fatal occurrence Mr. HARPER was conversing with us in the full vigour of health and spirits, and walked with us to the Post Office. Shortly afterwards he called at a house in Caledon-street, where he remained but a few minutes, and then went on to the residence of Dr. VANES, where an experiment was being carried on, in which a steam engine, running at high speed, was employed. The exact nature of the experiment we do not know; but we are told that by means of several accelerating pullies, a speed of 1,000 revolutions per minute was being run. As a precaution against accident a strong barricade had been erected, and Messrs. NICHOLL, MARTIN and the Doctor were on the safe side of it. It appears that the deceased entered unexpectedly, and walked leisurely, with his hands in his pockets, to the edge of the barricade, reaching it at the very moment that the machinery gave way, and a piece of iron struck him on the temple. The hat he wore was cut through, and his forehead battered in. He fell to the ground, unconscious of course, and remained in that state till half past ten, when he expired. Dr. VANES was terribly moved as he knelt by the prostrate form of his friend, and realised too fully the hopelessness of the case. Dr. LAMB was in early attendance, but could only confirm that the case was fatal. The Rev. Mr. JACKS was also present, and performed the rites of the Church to the dying but unconscious man. A piece of the broken machinery was buried into the parlour of the house adjoining, thirty yards away, and was so hot that the person who picked it up had instantly to drop it, and other pieces were scattered in various directions. A kafir boy’s face was badly grazed by the very piece that killed Mr. HARPER, and the housekeeper had a very narrow escape. Fuller particulars were elicited at the inquest, and will be published in a supplement to this issue. It is more than sufficient now to record the fact that one of the most amiable and respected members of the community, a kind, good husband and father, has been taken away without a moment’s warning. It is something to know that he was spared any pain.
Mr. HARPER was born in Cambridge, England, in 1838, and only arrived in the Colony early in 1862. For over two years he occupied a responsible position in the office of the Grahamstown Journal, and in October 1864 came to Uitenhage as a member of the staff of the Uitenhage Times, a position he held, with a few short intervals, for several years. He then started the Chronicle, of which he was proprietor, and for which he was working up to nearly the last hour of his life. He told the writer of this notice yesterday that he had just received the news of the death of his mother, at the advanced age of 89. As we have said, his amiable, cheerful disposition won him the warm respect of all who knew him. It is needless to add that the sad occurrence has plunged the community in sorrow; and that sincere sympathy is felt for Mrs. HARPER and family, there being among the latter several small children. His remains will be buried at five this evening, and will be followed by the Southern Cross Lodge of Freemasons, of which he was a member. – Uitenhage Times.

Tuesday 25 November 1890

BIRTH at Middelburg on 23rd Nov, the wife of John FORBES, Dwaalfontein, Hanover District, of a daughter.

In an obituary on Dr. CROGHAN, who died on Friday last, the D.F. Advertiser says: In 1884 he caught a severe cold on a winter journey from Kimberley to Bloemfontein, and had an attack of brain fever. Thinking that Grahamstown would suit him better, he made a lengthy stay in that city, where he had many friends. Bishop WEBB offered him the Deanery, and thinking he could be more useful to the Church in a balmier climate, he accepted the offer. In spite of diminished strength, he worked bravely on, and did much by his kindly, old-fashioned courtesies to soothe and allay the asperities of past social and ecclesiastical differences in Grahamstown, and his short stay is still remembered with affection by many of all shades of opinion in that City. Health at last finally gave way, and the Dean resigned his post as soon as he felt unable to do his work. He came northwards, stayed some time at the Hospital, then with Mr. C.M. BULT (who was married to his niece). Wishing to get to his old home at Bloemfontein he was taken there, and after lingering with undiminished intellectual interest, but with physical strength fast weakening, he has passed away to his reward and rest, leaving his widow, whose tender life-long devotion is so well-known, and a daughter, to mourn their loss.

(Klerksdorp Mining Record)
The news of the sudden death of this well-known and respected gentleman, which occurred at 1 a.m. on Saturday last, cast quite a gloom over the town. He had but a few days previously arrived from the Colony, whither he had gone partly for his health’s sake, and partly on business, but his health did not seem to have been benefited by the change. The common verdict of his friends and acquaintances is that he was never himself again after his return, and he seemed oppressed with gloomy foreboding. Last Thursday afternoon he became so ill that he thought it necessary to call upon his medical adviser. The doctor advised him to pay less attention to business, and to get away from Klerksdorp and business worries. Everybody in this town knows that Mr. PADDON had very large interests in our town and district, and that the severe depression we are going through had a most baneful effect on his health and mind. His temperament was not such that he could quietly sit down and let matters take their course. Our fellow townsman, Mr. JOSEPH, took the deceased gentleman for a drive on Friday, and did his utmost to buoy up his spirits and draw his attention from business and mental worry. After his return his excitement increased, and it was simply impossible to get him to speak or think of anything but business. We are informed that a lawsuit for a large sum of money, which may be decided any day in the English law courts, agitated the mind of the decease to a very great extent. During the night he was restless and sleepless. His medical man stayed with him, and did his utmost to calm his fears and apprehensions, and to get him to sleep, but without success. About midnight the doctor noticed that his strength was failing fast, and administered a stimulant. A little later Mr. FINK was called in, but, do what they might, there was no chance to arrest the race which all things mortal must run, and a little before one o’clock William Wreford PADDON quietly and peacefully fell asleep. The cause of death is syncope of the heart, brought on by bodily weakness and long and acute mental worry.
The deceased gentleman was a member of the Royal Albert Lodge of Freemasons, and his body was interred with full Masonic rites on Sunday afternoon. The brethren assembled in their Lodge room, together with their W.M. and members of the Thomas Gardner and Unie Lodges, to the number of over 50, and from thence proceeded in procession to the Palace Hotel, where the body was lying enclosed in a magnificent coffin made of beautifully grained teak and furnished in a style which reflected the utmost credit upon the undertaker, Mr. T. CLEVELAND. The plate was of polished brass ornamented filigree work by Messrs. [Ljst] Bros, and bore the inscription “William Wreford PADDON, died November 15, aged 38 years.”...... [Further description of funeral service]
The late Mr. PADDON was a self-made man, and raised himself by his own ability, energy and perseverance to a position of prominence and affluence. He married Miss Amy GOWIE, daughter of C.R. GOWIE Esq. of Kimberley, and leaves a large family to mourn their loss. Mrs. PADDON and family are residing in London, where Mr. PADDON had left them, attracted by the brilliant prospects of the Transvaal Gold Fields. He was one of the earliest residents of Klerksdorp, and took a deep interest in the commercial and political welfare of the town, and a prominent part in the political agitation which preceded the last sitting of the Volksraad. His affable manners and genial disposition gained for himself the kindly regard of all with whom he came in contact, who we feel sure join with us in our sincere sympathy with his bereaved widow and family.

Thursday 27 November 1890

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of T. HUTTON, Highlands, of a daughter.

Seldom indeed have the citizens of Grahamstown experienced a greater shock than when yesterday afternoon it began to be whispered about town that Inspector CURRIE was dying on a farm on the road to Fort Beaufort. It was not generally known that, the previous day, a policeman had arrived with a brief message from Commissioner SISSISON to Mrs. CURRIE, to the effect that if she wished to see her husband alive she must come at once. Mrs, CURRIE went off in a special cart provided by Mr. WHEELDON, arriving at the place where her husband lay dying at about two in the morning, and from that time until he breathed his last, she hardly ever left his bedside. Inspector CURRIE, who was probably one of the best liked men in Grahamstown, and exceedingly popular with the Cape Police Force, left here a few days ago for Fort Beaufort, in the very best of health and strength, and it would have been impossible for anyone to conjecture that such a splendid specimen of a man, of massive build, and apparently perfect health, was so near his end. He was in company with Pte. TRICKETT, and had got as far as Edendale (Mr. Stephen JOHNSON’s farm) when Mr. CURRIE, saying he felt ill, called a halt, and lay down on his back by the roadside. TRICKETT at Mr. CURRIE’s request made some coffee, and the deceased attempted to swallow some, but hardly had he done so when he appeared to be choking, nor did he seem to get much relief although his collar and clothes were speedily loosed. Seeing that matters were serious, TRICKETT sent a chance messenger after Commissioner SISSISON, who was ahead, and Capt. SISSISON brought a doctor from Beaufort, who pronounced that the illness was inflammation of the bowels. The sufferer was removed to the house, which was not far off, and rapidly grew worse. His last hours were comforted by the loving devotion of his wife, with whom the whole town and countryside will sincerely sympathise. Mr. CURRIE was intimately known and uniformly popular all over Grahamstown, and from one end of the district to the other; and universal sorrow will be felt at the ad bereavement which has fallen upon one of the happiest homes in the city. About his long career in the service of this Colony, in times of peace and times of war, we must wait for another issue to speak. It is said that the funeral will take place here tomorrow afternoon, and we expect to see a large following of Cape Police paying their last tribute of respect to their dead Inspector, not to speak of crowds of Grahamstown friends. Deceased was only 42 years of age, and leaves a widow and eight children to mourn a truly irreparable loss.

Saturday 29 November 1890

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th Nov 1890, Joseph WEEKS, aged 62 years and 5 months.

Sad as have been the accidents by lightning we have already recorded, none perhaps (says the Telegraph) were so painful as the one in the Ventersdorp district last Sunday week. Mr. and Mrs. JOUBERT with their five children reside on a solitary farm-house some distance from the village. They were away on a visit, leaving a son Herman, aged 19, and his sister aged 17. The youth was struck dead by lightning while outside the house, and as the herds were in the veld, his sister had to drag the corpse into the house and remain with it alone until the evening. On return of the servants the nearest neighbours were communicated with, but the interval is stated to have been a terrible time for the poor girl, as the storm lasted a considerable time after her brother was struck dead.

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