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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 02 February

Tuesday 2 February 1892

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 31st January 1892, the wife of F.Z. MELVILL of a son.

BIRTH on February 1st at Market-square, Grahamstown, the wife of R.D. DRESLEY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Edgehill Cottage, Beaufort-street, on January 30th 1892, the wife of H.J. JENNINGS of a daughter.

BIRTH on Feb 1st at Langholme, West Hill, the wife of A.F.S. MAASDORP, Solicitor-General, of a son.

We, the Undersigned, beg to notify the Public that we have this day dissolved Partnership, by mutual consent, and that the Business will in future be carried on under the name of Arthur C. BARRAUD.
February 1st 1892

At Worcester on Wednesday last, Mr. R.W. HEWITT, Manager of the Standard Bank, died quite suddenly after an illness of less than two hours. The deceased was brother to the Rev. Dr. HEWITT, rector of Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth.

Feb 5 – At Aliwal North, in the intestate estate of Arnoldus Jacobus GREYLING, minor.
Feb 5 – At Jansenville, the next of kin and creditors of Johanna Rollena Theunisina DORFLING.
Feb 10 – At Port Elizabeth, next of kin and creditors of Samuel WHALL, deceased.
Feb 17 – At Kimberley, next of kin and creditors of Adriana Josina VAN LELYVELD, born PREEZ, deceased.

Thursday 4 February 1892

The Midland News says: With deep regret we announce the death of Dr. BUTLER [sic], at his residence in Cradock, on Sunday afternoon. Although he had for a long time been suffering from ill-health, yet he possessed such indomitable pluck and courage, and continued to go in and out amongst us in his usual hearty manner up to the last, that his death has come as a shock and surprise to us all. It was only on Saturday that he began to show symptoms of severe distress, and after 24 hours of suffering, manfully borne, he passed peacefully away on Sunday afternoon. The immediate cause of death was failure of the heart’s action. The funeral, which according to his expressed wish was very simple, took place yesterday at noon, and was attended by the Magistrate, the deceased’s colleagues in the medical profession, and representatives from all classes of the inhabitants.

Saturday 6 February 1892

A Dutch farmer named Stoffel SNYMAN, while out on the veld in Brandford, Free State, was killed by lightning. His first wife was killed by lightning some years ago.

Mr. Chas. CALLAGHAN, formerly of Adelaide and lately of East London, has purchased the Blackwoods estate from Mr. R.W. WRIGHT. We (Representative) welcome him and his family as residents of Queenstown.

Tuesday 9 February 1892

Miss Constance STANHOPE, actress, has died at Johannesburg of typhoid.

Yesterday the up train (fast mail) four miles beyond Blaney collided with a light engine, the driver of which had passed Peelton Siding in defiance of written orders. The engines drove into each other but the passengers’ carriages were only splintered a little by the shock. Some of the passengers were injured by being flung against the sides. Five were injured seriously but not dangerously, and four slightly. SQUIRES, the driver of the engine at fault, died soon after; the fireman of the mail train was considerably hurt. All the injured are progressing favourably. An enquiry has not yet taken place, but SQUIRES had made Blaney before, contrary to orders, and it is rumoured that he was under the influence of drink. The driver of the fast engine was unhurt, having jumped off after shutting off steam. The officials behaved promptly and efficiently, the Medical Officer being soon on the spot. Mrs. Venimore WRIGHT (wife of Staff-Sergt-Major Venimore WRIGHT) was the most hurt of the passengers, but is getting on favourably.
[Transcriber’s note: for further details see the Death Notice of the driver Samuel SQUIRES]

Thursday 11 February 1892

The Telegraph reports the death at Port Elizabeth on Monday last of the Rev. Father O’DONOGHUE, a resident here for about thirteen years, having come to this country soon after his ordination, and been chaplain to the Holy Rosary Convent for ten years. For some time past father O’DONOGHUE had been an invalid, and for the past month was unable to attend to his ministerial duties. However, the worst symptoms developed on Saturday evening, and he gradually sank, getting worse and worse until he passed peacefully away.

Miss SCHREINER, whose work in the Temperance cause has been so long and so successful, and who holds the position of R.W.G.V.T., changed her name on the 9th ult, and from henceforth will be known as Mrs. STAKESBY-LEWIS. At half past two the R.W.G.V.T., attired in silver grey, wearing a bonnet, a bouquet of lilies, tuberoses &c, and accompanied by her brother, arrived at the Baptist Chapel, Fulham Road, London. She was met by Bro. STAKESBY-LEWIS. The ceremony was performed by Bro. J.E. SHEPHERD, P.G. Chaplain. Bro. STAKESBY-LEWIS is an earnest Templar. After some time on the Continent they will return together to Africa.
[Transcriber's Note: The GRO marriage index for Kensington says that the marriage was registered in December 1891, so the wedding presumably took place on 9 December 1891 and not 9 January 1892, as implied by the above "on the 9th ult".]

There have been two fatal accidents from lightning (reports the Free Press) within a week. Mr. G. BARNES, of Oxkraal, lost one of his herds on Saturday 23rd ult. It appears that he was sitting in the hut of his brother, and seeing the storm coming on, went out to gather the sheep together, saying he would be back before the rain came on. In the meantime the storm gathered, the lightning being very severe. Before the rain began he was struck dead, the sheep remaining as they were. On Saturday 30th Mr. WIGGILL, of the Bongolo, lost a herd also. Seeing the sheep scattered, Mr. WIGGILL sent a boy to tell the herd to bring them home. No herd was to be seen, so the sheep were brought on by the boy. Next morning, the herd being still missing, search was made, and the body found under a willow tree. He had been struck dead by lightning, and the willow tree was completely destroyed.

Saturday 13 February 1892

DIED suddenly at the Kimberley Hospital on the 12th inst, Mrs. Archibald CRAIG, formerly Mrs. F.M. GILFILLAN, of Grahamstown, beloved wife of Archibald CRAIG, aged 45 years and 3 months. Deeply regretted.

Tuesday 16 February 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on Feb 14th 1892, Catherine, beloved wife of William FISHER, aged 72 years and 2 days.

Near Malmesbury, on the 12th inst, a daughter of Mr. ACKERMANN of Grootvlei, fifteen years old, was burnt to death. A lamp, by which she was reading in bed, fell over when she had fallen asleep and exploded with the aforementioned result.

Mr. E.J. NILAND informs the Alice Times that while travelling on Wednesday last from Golden Glen to Blinkwater, he rode for some twenty minutes in company with a swarm of locusts. Mr. NILAND says that they were so voracious that they made several attempts to take his eyes out.

The D.F. Advertiser learns that Dr. MUSKETT, of Hopetown, died on Friday last of pneumonia, apparently following an attack of influenza. Dr. MUSKETT has been in practice in Hopetown for the last 27 years, and his loss will be felt by a very large circle of friends and patients, to whom by his uniform skill and kindness he had greatly endeared himself.

Thursday 18 February 1892

MARRIED on the 18th inst at St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. C.H. Packman MA (the Rector), Francis Crawford, fourth son of Nelson GIRDLESTONE, of Port Elizabeth, to Norah, third daughter of Major R.A. NESBITT, late Cape Mounted Riflemen.

At nine o’clock this morning a very pretty and at the same time imposing ceremony was witnessed by a large number of invited guests at St.Bart’s Church, when the Rev. C.H.L. PACKMAN united in the bonds of matrimony Miss Norah Frances NESBITT (third daughter of our respected townsman Major R.A. NESBITT, late of the C.M.R.) to Mr. Francis Crawford GIRDLESTONE, son of Mr. Nelson GIRDLESTONE, of Port Elizabeth. The bride, who looked positively charming in her wedding garments, an accurate description of which our reporter dares not attempt, was attended by her sister Miss Amy NESBITT as chief bridesmaid, while her three younger sisters also lent their support. The dresses were exceedingly appropriate and excited much admiration. The happy bridegroom was well assisted by his friend Mr. Charles KIRKWOOD. The service, which consisted of the full ceremony prescribed by the rubric, also included an appropriate sermonette by the officiating clergyman which was attentively listened to. Mr. H.D. COYTE lent invaluable aid at the organ, and his rendering of the grand old Wedding March was superb. After leaving the sacred edifice the whole party repaired to Major NESBITT’s residence in Beaufort Street, where a most recherche repast was provide, and the wedding cake dispensed. The health of Mr. and Mrs. Frank GIRDLESTONE was proposed by the Rev. C.H.L. PACKMAN and drunk with musical honours, after which at the instance of the Hon. A. WILMOT M.L.C. and the Right Rev. Bishop WEBB, the parents of the contracting parties and the bridesmaids were similarly honoured. The presents were on view, and were much admired, but our space will not permit a detailed list of the many articles de vertu displayed. The whole occasion went off most happily and harmoniously, and we join with the many friends of both families in congratulating the young couple on their auspicious union. They leave today for the Gorah, where the honeymoon will be spent.

(From our own Correspondent)
The above has become almost a standing headline since the beginning of this year, and it is again with sincere sorrow that we have to record the sad death by drowning of Mr. R. RIPPON, son of C. RIPPON Esq. J.P., of Sidbury. We have been enabled to gather the following details, which may be regarded as correct:- On Saturday morning last the deceased, with some of his nephews, went to bathe in a large dam near Mr. John RIPPON’s residence. When in the deepest part he was seen to suddenly sink and not rise again. The other bathers promptly called for assistance. Mr. John RIPPON and several servants being at work in a field close by, they were soon on the scene. One of the natives, as soon as he recovered breath after the run from the field, dived down and felt the body, but somehow he could not raise it. The outlet pipes were promptly opened and the water run off, repeated efforts being still made to recover the body, but without success, for two more hours; the water had by that time run down to ten feet depth, when the boy who first touched the body succeeded in raising and bringing it ashore. It is thought that deceased was taken with a fit or severe cramp. Great and universal sympathy is felt for the family in this sad visitation, large numbers attending the funeral, which took place at Sidbury on Saturday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. PARKHURST of Grahamstown officiating.
A couple of weeks ago a native lad was killed by the upsetting of a Scotch cart at the Debeza on the Alexandria Road. The oxen ran out of the road, and the leader was asleep on the cart – consequences natural.

[Transcriber's note: "Ral" RIPPON was actually Edward RIPPON - see his grave marker here.]

Saturday 20 February 1892

At Johannesburg on Tuesday night Mr. Henry ADAMS, a prominent citizen, and holding posts of Secretary to the Water Works and Albert Mine Companies and Secretary to the Savings Bank, blew his brains out. His body was found on the outskirts of the town. The deceased was at one time English clergyman at Barberton. No cause is attributed for the rash act. He leaves a widow and five children.

PASSED AWAY on the 19th February 1892, at his residence, Settlers’ Hill, Grahamstown, Rupert Augustus WEARE, aged 61 years and 10 months.
The Funeral of the late Mr. WEARE will leave his late residence, Market-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

Tuesday 23 February 1892

Amongst all the excitement and bustle of the arrival of the English Cricketers, Mr. W. PARKIN, one of Grahamstown’s cricket veterans, passed peacefully away at the Hospital. He was at one time our mainstay as far as the noble game was concerned, and was esteemed by everyone for his many sterling qualities. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
Mr. R.A. WEARE’s death removes another of our old residents. The sad event occurred on Thursday at his residence on Settler’s Hill, and will be widely mourned. The deceased gentleman had suffered long from one of the most painful of diseases, and had borne his affliction with exemplary patience. The bereaved family have our deepest sympathy.

Thursday 25 February 1892

BIRTH at Barkly West on the 22nd February 1892, the wife of W.T.T. BROWN of a son.

DIED at her residence, Standerwig, District of Bathurst, on the 19th February 1892, Selina CAMPBELL, aged 83 years. She came to this Colony with the British Settlers, 1820.
These, these are they who in the conflict dire
Boldly have stood amid the hottest fire;
Jesus now says: “Come up higher”;
“Washed in the blood of the Lamb.”
Safe, safe upon the ever shining shore,
Sin, pain, and death, and sorrow, all are o’er;
Happy now and evermore,
“Washed in the blood of the Lamb.”

We deeply regret to hear of the death of Mr. Pringle IRVINE, heir to the property of the late Mr. John J. IRVINE, and the hope of the family. There will be the widest and most sincere sympathy with the IRVINES on the heavy sorrow into which they are thrown by their young relative’s decease, as he was (the Watchman understands) within a few months of reaching his majority.

Saturday 27 February 1892

At Kimberley, Mr. Frank WILLIAMS, an old campaigner who served under Sir Charles WARREN, and was for some time paymaster of the Victoria Rifles, has lately died.

By the mail on Saturday (the Watchman says) Mrs. GORDON received a letter from a niece of the late Archdeacon KITTON, conveying the sad tidings of the death of the Archdeacon’s two aged blind sisters after only a few days’ illness – one aged 80, and the other 79 – one on the 16th and the other on the 20th January, and both were buried on the same day. It will be remembered that another sister of the Archdeacon’s, aged 70, died last June, a few days before her brother. Thus within the short space of seven months the last four of that generation of the family have been taken to their rest.

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