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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 03 March

Tuesday 1 March 1892

A most distressing accident has occurred at Myburgh’s Hoogte beyond Karamelkspruit. Mr. DOUGLAS, who, with his family (wife and three little ones, the oldest being seven years), had been on a visit to his brother-in-law, Matthias STEPHENSON, started on his homeward journey, and when at Mybergh’s Hoogte, the weather getting so bad, he was compelled (says the Northern Post) to turn out of the road to outspan. Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS got out, and while Mr. DOUGLAS was about to lift the children out Mrs. DOUGLAS went to take hold of the horses’ heads, but the animals took fright, and turning sharp around bolted down the hill helter-skelter with the spider and the three children. The one little boy, seven years, was killed instantly, having his skull completely smashed, whilst the next little fellow had his thigh broken; the youngest one escaping without any serious injury. His mother met him some minutes after toddling along the road crying, while his two brothers were lying at different parts of the road, one quite dead and the other insensible.

Widespread sympathy is expressed for our respected townsman Mr. D. SAMPSON, who has been suddenly called upon to mourn the death of his son Mr. Albert SAMPSON, a young man deservedly esteemed by all who knew him. The sad event occurred in the Low Country, but we shall await further particulars before saying any more, merely contenting ourselves at present with assuring Mr. SAMPSON and family of our sincere sympathy.

Thursday 3 March 1892

At Barkly West on Thursday last a Miss GOVE, daughter of an esteemed resident, died under very sad circumstances. Early on that morning the young lady was supplied with a cup of coffee by one of the waiters in her mother’s hotel, and at seven o’clock she was discovered suffering from the effects of some poison, supposed to be strychnine, although life was not extinct. Medical aid (says the Advertiser) was at once summoned, but before it could arrive the unfortunate lady had expired.

Mr. John POWELL, for some time M.P. for Richmond, died recently in Dublin, together with his wife, of influenza. They were on a visit to that city. He was for a time proprietor and editor of the Era. He was a civil engineer and made much money up Hopetown way as a land surveyor.

An inquest was held at the Paarl on Saturday concerning the death of Carl MULLER, who was found dead in bed on Wednesday. The evidence showed that the man was 40 years of age, and belonged to Kimberley. He left Somerset Strand on the 23rd en route to Kimberley, staying at the Paarl, where he fired two revolver shots into his head. His will was found in his portmanteau.

Saturday 5 March 1892

DIED suddenly at Hillary Farm, Bushman’s River, Feb 29th 1892, Selina, beloved wife of W. THOMAS sen., aged 69 years.

DIED at Botha’s Hill on the 25th February 1892, Louisa Charlotte, dearly beloved wife of Richard PAYNE sen., in her 70th year. Deeply regretted.
Mr. R. PAYNE sen. returns his sincere thanks to the many kind friends for their sympathy in his heavy bereavement.

Mr. LOHANN, son of the German missionary of Rustenberg, slipped and fell into a threshing machine the other day. One leg was torn from his body and he died in great agony.

We regret to have to record the sudden death of Mrs. W. THOMAS, of Hillary Farm, Bushman’s River, on Monday last. [Obscured] after breakfast she complained of a difficulty in breathing, and in a few minutes, to the surprise and grief of her family, it was found life had passed away. She was of a good ancestry, being the daughter of Joseph SHORT, one of the British Settlers of 1820, and through a life that was only a year short of three score years and ten, pursued an ever consistent Christian course. She was an admirable help to her husband, and passed through the perils of several of the Kafir wars, often having to trek to save their lives and property. She weas an affectionate mother, making her home a centre of happiness to her children, and when in due course they became heads of households, to their children also. She aimed to instil into their minds, when young, good Christian principles. She enjoyed everything that was good – good books, good conversations, but above all the Word of God. She was benevolent especially to persons in time of sickness. At any hour of the night, and often at serious risk, she was prepared to render any service within her power in order to mitigate pain and save life. Happy and cheerful herself, she diffused around her a spirit of peace and goodwill that softened the asperities of life. She will be much missed in the neighbourhood where she had resided for many years, especially in time of illness; but whilst mourning her loss we cannot but be grateful to the Giver of all good for such a life. She was buried last Tuesday in the Wesleyan Cemetery, Sidbury, in the presence of a large congregation, when a very impressive and appropriate address was given by the Rev. [?] WHITESIDE.

Miss Jessie TEMPLETON, third daughter of the late Rev. R. TEMPLETON, is to be married today to Mr. George Montgomery WALKER of Stellenbosch and Capetown. Miss TEMPLETON has during the last year been teaching at the Normal College in Capetown. The marriage is to take place from the house of Professor WALKER of Stellenbosch, and the bride is to be given away by Professor DALE, late Headmaster of the Grahamstown Public School.

DIED at Grahamstown March 4th, Charles Gibbs GOUGH, aged 50 years.
The family of the deceased tender their sincere thanks to the Sisters of the Convent, Matron and Nurses of the Hospital, and other friends, for their kindness to their father during his long illness.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Hill-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.

Tuesday 8 March 1892

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 8th March by the Rev. W. Tees, Guiseppe G. CAWOOD to Ella Janet, daughter of Mr. Wm. JUBY.

MARRIED on the 27th February 1892 at St.Augustine’s Church, Kimberley, by the Rev. J.W. Stenson, E. WOOLACOTT Esq. to D.B. COCK, third daughter of N. COCK Esq., and granddaughter of the late Hon’ble W. COCK M.L.C., Port Alfred.

An interesting ceremony was witnessed at Trinity Church this morning, when the Rev. W. TEES joined in marriage Mr. G.G. CAWOOD, of Mr. H.O. DOLD’s establishment, to Miss JUBY, daughter of our esteemed townsman. A large number of friends and guests assembled to witness the happy ceremony, in which great interest was evinced. The after proceedings were exceedingly merry, and the new couple left for Port Elizabeth followed by hosts of good wishes for a happy life. The presents, which we wish we had space to describe, were a grand assortment and came from all parts of the country. We would add our sincerest and best wishes to those of the many friends.

A RECENT DIVORCE SUIT against one Thomas SLATER, decided in the E.D. Court, has been causing some trouble, we fancy. At East London. At any rate there is no harm in stating that the respondent was not Professor SLATER of East London, who some time ago came honourably out of his divorce proceedings here. The name is the same, that is all.

Mr. Fred. S. COLLETT, who passed his matriculation at the Boys’ Public School, Cradock, and took his intermediate at Gill College last year, has been appointed assistant master to the Boys’ Public School, Colesberg. We (Midland News) wish him every success in the profession he has chosen.

Thursday 10 March 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Monday March 7th 1892, the wife of Walter BLACKBEARD of a daughter.

DIED at Dordrecht on the 28th February 1892, Catherine, relict of the late Dr. A.F. FULSE, formerly District Surgeon of Wodehouse, and dearly beloved mother of Dr. F. FULSE, of Dordrecht, aged 56 years.

Saturday 12 March 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on the 10th March 1892, Esther Louisa, wife of J.B. GREATHEAD M.B., aged 34 years.

It is our sad duty to announce the death of Mrs. J.B. GREATHEAD, wife our esteemed fellow-citizen Dr. GREATHEAD, and daughter of the late Bishop MERRIMAN. The late Mrs. GREATHEAD had been seriously ill for some time past, but nobody had anticipated that the end was so near. She will be a genuine loss to Grahamstown society, and infinitely more so to her home, where she leaves a young family motherless. To the bereaved husband we would tender out heartfelt sympathy in his sorrow and to all the numerous relatives. The deceased lady was only 34 years of age.

At Fort Jackson on Thursday morning a lad of twelve years of age, Samuel Jackson HAVNER, a pupil at the local school, was out looking for bees’ nests, and put a stick into a hole in an antheap, when a puff adder which was in the hole struck at him and bit him in the left arm. He was a mile from his home at the time. The lad sucked the wound and made haste home, when the wound was scarified and ammonia applied, but he died at 12:30 on Thursday night. The funeral of the poor lad took place on Sunday, the Rev. E.A. READER officiating.

Tuesday 15 March 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th March, the wife of Andrew HOARE of a son.

Mr. George HAYTER, who passed away on the last day of February, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years, was one of the pioneers of English civilisation in this country, having been (the Watchman says) one of the Settlers of 1820.

On Tuesday week a squad of the Oudtshoorn Volunteer Rifles were practising at the range, and when they were firing at the 600 yards range a shot fired by James [HEINE] glided along the iron plate of the marker’s house, entered a chink near the hinge of the door, and meeting with a slight obstruction (the head of a rivet) glanced off, hitting Private GALVIN in the centre of the forehead, death resulting a few hours afterwards.

Thursday 17 March 1892

DIED at his farm “Mooimeisjefontein”, district of Pettersburg, Transvaal, of fever, on 23rd February 1892, Albert John, third and beloved son of David SAMPSON of Grahamstown, aged 20 years, deeply regretted.
Mr. D. SAMPSON desires to thank Mr. William BREWER and other kind friends for their sympathy and attention to is son during his illness.

Capt. SAMPSON has received further particulars of the untimely death of his son in the Low Country, to which we have already alluded. It appears that he had been with some friends on a business visit to the Klein Letaba, having great hopes of the reefs there. Poor fellow! Whatever they turn out will not be for him. Notwithstanding the cheerfulness of his letter after his return to his farm, “Mooimeisjefontein”, he must have been sickening for the fatal fever at that time, and after a severe illness of six days he passed away. All that the circumstances of the place would permit, in medical aid and nursing, was done to save him, but to no avail, and after a long spell of unconsciousness he uttered his father’s name and almost immediately passed away. In one of his letters he mentioned that most of them had had the fever, and that four of them (including himself) were patiently awaiting it. We understand that Capt. SAMPSON (who has the sympathy of the whole town in is trouble) will go up to Zoutpansberg as soon as possible to settle his poor son’s affairs.

Saturday 19 March 1892

MARRIED on the 15th inst by the Rev. J.F. Philip, Arthur Nuttle TUDHOPE to Annie, daughter of A. PRINGLE Esq, Adelaide.

MARRIED on the 10th inst by the Rev. E. Glover, St.Peter’s, Bethulie, Alfred Dryden TUDHOPE A.M.I.C.E. to Ada, fourth daughter of J. PRIOR Esq, Jantjesfontein, Orange Free State.

Is on a short visit to Grahamstown, having come down from the Transvaal to assist at the marriage of his two sons.

We regret to hear of the death, at Uitenhage, of Mr. Jabez COLLING, an old and respected citizen, who was born in 1822 and was the son of one of the 1820 Settlers, Mr. Thomas COLLING.

Mrs. PEEL, mother of Mrs. Joseph TROWER, has died at the age of 96, at Trapp’s Valley. She was seized with paralysis and never rallied. The deceased lady came out here with the 1820 Settlers and was much respected through a long and blameless life.

It is our sad duty to announce the death yesterday, at Fort Beaufort, of Mr. Stephen JOHNSON M.L.A., Member for Victoria East. He had long been ailing, and it was known that the end was only a question of a short time. The deceased gentleman was one of the best-liked men in the Province, and especially in Grahamstown, the interests of which he had so much at heart that his presence in Parliament virtually secured to Grahamstown an additional representative. At the same time Mr. JOHNSON served Victoria East faithfully and well, and was most assiduous in his Parliamentary duties, as long as health would permit him. At his express wish, to which he gave utterance shortly before death, his remains will be interred in the Grahamstown cemetery, and the funeral will take place from the Cathedral at 4 o’clock this afternoon. With the bereaved family we express the sincere sympathy felt for them in Grahamstown.

The funeral of Mrs. Amelia L. TAINTON, relict of the late Mr. Richard TAINTON, Special Magistrate for natives, took place (the Watchman says) on Thursday last. Mrs. TAINTON’s death took the members of the family somewhat by surprise, as she was up and moving about the house on Sunday and Monday. She was a sister of Mrs. J.W. WEIR, and leaves behind her to mourn her loss a daughter and five sons.

Tuesday 22 March 1892

DIED at Edendale, Fort Beaufort, on March 18th, Stephen JOHNSON M.L.A., aged 65 years.

DIED at her residence, Trapp‘s Valley, 17th March 1892, Mary, one of the British Settlers of 1820, and relict of the late Thomas PEEL, in the 95th year of her age.

DIED at Eland’s Kop, District of Albany, on the 15th March 1892, Maria Louisa (born BROLE), the beloved wife of B.J. O’BRIEN, aged 54 years 8 months and 27 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

The V.W. messenger learns that an accident which terminated fatally happened on Tuesday of last week to Mr. W. VAN DER MERWE, formerly a resident in this village. He was riding transport and had outspanned near Pampoenpoort. His wagon requiring attention he raised it with the jack and removed the wheel. He was sitting under the shade of the wagon, and sent his boy to get food from it. It is supposed that the movement caused the jack to slip, and the wagon fell on Mr. VAN DER MERWE, crushing his neck. Some time was occupied in removing him, and he lay for four days in great pain, ad at last succumbed to his injury. He leaves a wife and children to deplore their great loss.

MR. E.J. PIKE has started a most promising general grocery establishment next to Messrs. Duffield Bros., and his first notice to the public will appear today. Mr. PIKE is very well known to our readers, and has already acquired great experience in his line of business, and we doubt not that his store will be crowded with customers.

Thursday 24 March 1892

A contemporary states that the venerable Mr. J.H. FRASER of eighty years of age led to the hymeneal altar at Victoria West last week Miss Aletta DE VILLIERS, aged sixty-two. “The bride looked charming”.

Mr. Frank DOVEY, late of Grahamstown and Klerksdorp, has died at Johannesburg (reports the Star) of influenza. He was one of the foundation members of the Royal Albert Lodge of Freemasons (E.C.) Klerksdorp.

A great number of our readers will be saddened to hear of the death from influenza at Johannesburg of Mr. Frank DOVEY, formerly of this City. He was for a considerable time on the Journal staff, and also in the employ of our neighbour Mr. BROOKE. He left here to conduct Mr. BROOKE’s branch business at Klerksdorp. His illness only lasted two days, but the disease was of a very violent type. We tender our sympathy with the relations.

In a notice of Mr. Jabez COLLING, who died at Uitenhage last week, the Uitenhage Times observes:- The late Mr. Jabez COLLING was nearly a British Settler, being born at Port Elizabeth on the 7th July 1822, his father, Mr. Thomas COLLING, a native of London, England, having come to this country in 1820 with the British Settlers. His early youth was spent in Port Elizabeth, where he was apprenticed. After spending some time in Grahamstown during the earlier Kafir wars, in which he served as a volunteer, he established himself at Port Elizabeth as a carpenter and builder, and over thirty years ago he removed to Uitenhage, where he continued to carry on his business and became the proprietor of the Drostdy, was elected a member of the Municipal Commissioners, and was for years a prominent and respected member of the community. For a long time he filled the position of Honorary Librarian, and in that capacity helped to nurse that useful institution through its infancy. Since then, as General News Agent, his person has been familiar to everyone who knows Uitenhage, and his name well known far beyond. Some few years ago he was attacked by a fatal disease and, although he was a great sufferer, towards the last pain left him, and he passed away peacefully. The deceased had twelve sons and daughters, of whom ten survive him. His fifth child and third son, Arthur, went to Basutoland as one of the 3rd Cape Mounted Yeomanry, and was one of those who fell at the Kolo disaster. His youngest, a daughter, died in infancy; all the rest are living and filling active and useful positions in life.

Saturday 26 March 1892

January 14th at Christ Church, Gorakhpur, India, by the Rev. A. Sesley, assisted by the Rev. H. Stern, John Arthur Maclean, eldest son of Capt. H.K. WILSON, H.M. Inspector of Prisons, and grandson of the late Colonel John MACLEAN CB., Governor of Natal, to Violet, third daughter of Colonel Charles V. CONWAY-GORDON B.S.C., formerly 79th Highlanders.
(Capetown and Natal papers please copy)

We regret to learn that the condition of Mr. Ben WHEELER, one of the foremost of public entertainers in South Africa, is considered to be most critical. Mr. WHEELER is laid up at Queenstown, suffering from fatty degeneration of the heart.

Tuesday 29 March 1892

At Middleton Station, 27th March, by Rev. N. Abraham, Percival HOAL to Harriet Elizabeth WALL (Grahamstown).

We regret to have to state that influenza followed by pneumonia is still very prevalent in this town. Dr. FEHRSEN informs us (Register) that he has several bad cases, including Mr. H.J. Janse VAN RENSBURG Sen., whose condition is critical.

Thursday 31 March 1892

BIRTH, March 29th, the wife of H.F. BLAINE of a daughter.

Another old and respected resident of Cradock district has fallen victim to the influenza epidemic. Mr. VAN RENSBURG, of Driefontein, after a short illness died on Sunday afternoon. He was a man who will be sorely missed in his immediate circle, while in the larger public questions of the time he took a keen and intelligent interest.

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