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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 04 April

Tuesday 5 April 1892

DIED at his residence, Stirling House, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, on Sunday April 3rd 1892, William Henry SAIRS, aged 33 years.

This gentleman, recently General Traffic Manager, returned to the Colony with his bride, he having recently married in England. On his arrival the railway staff presented him with an address and a gold watch, and Mrs. HOWELL with a diamond set.

Saturday 9 April 1892

DIED at Fort Salisbury on 7th April, Edward SLATER (Ted), son of Edward SLATER Sen., formerly of Port Elizabeth.

Thursday 14 April 1892

In the Insolvent Estate of Henry CLARK of Grahamstown
The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection of Creditors at the office of the Resident Magistrate for Albany for a period of seven days, reckoned from the 16th day of April inst, and thereafter at the office of the master of the Supreme Court for a period of fourteen days, reckoned from the 27th day of April instant, after which, should no objections be lodged thereto, the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same.
Lorimer B. DOLD
Sole Trustee.

Tuesday 19 April 1892

Lydia DENTON, barmaid at Bultfontein, attempted suicide last week by shooting herself with a revolver, the bullet perforating the body and passing out at the back, narrowly escaping the heart. It is doubtful whether she will recover.

Saturday 23 April 1892

BIRTH at No.8 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, on the 15th inst, the wife of George Impey RICHARDS of a daughter.

DIED at the Albany General Hospital on Friday April 22nd, Lilla Maud, the youngest daughter of Ben. and Elizabeth THACKWRAY, aged 9 years and 1 month.
The parents return their grateful thanks to Mrs. MILNE and Dr. CHEW.
The Funeral leaves Mrs. WATSON’s residence, South-street, at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Henry HILLIARD, late Barman of the Masonic Hotel, will leave the Albany Hospital at 8 o’clock on Monday morning. Friends are requested to attend.

He Was very previous. The Friend, of Bloemfontein, writing of the death of a Mr. DRINKWATER, says: “All particulars as to the funeral were fully described in writing by the deceased gentleman nearly three years ago.”

Tuesday 26 April 1892

DIED at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Donna Angelina Leopoldina ADAMS, aged 67, the beloved wife of Dr. John Henry ADAMS, formerly of this Colony, and daughter of the late Baron DE MOGY MIRIM

DIED at Grahamstown, April 23rd 1892, Thomas Grant STYLES, aged 69 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave the Albany General Hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W. Tees, on April 26th 1892, Thomas A. KING to Edith M. WEBBER.

A PRETTY WEDDING was celebrated in Trinity Church this morning by the Rev. W. TEES, the principal parties being Miss Edith WEBBER (daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. John WEBBER) and Mr. Thos. KING, of the well-known firm of Prew & Co. Notwithstanding the rain, the sacred edifice was thronged with friends and well-wishers of the young people. In this country the sun is not considered necessary to bring “luck” to a wedding party, for gracious raindrops are oftenest the most auspicious meteorological phenomenon in a land of droughts, and may be taken to typify the blessings which are to be showered on the new couple through their married life. Mr. R. Restell STOCKS’s modiste was the manufacturer of the bride’s lovely attire, which consisted of a rich ivory faille silk with feather trimming, pearl head decorations and train, the whole costume being unique. The absence of profuse embellishments was particularly in keeping with the bride’s graceful appearance. She was attended by flower girls attired in cream crepe-de-cheur, relieved with silk sashes of eau-de-nil brocade. Mr. Bert WEBBER, brother of the bride, sustained with credit the trying position of best man, and won golden opinions. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. T.A. KING left after the wedding breakfast for Port Elizabeth, en route for England. To the thousands of good wishes that follow them we would add our own heartfelt congratulations upon their auspicious union, and the hope that every possible happiness may attend them through life. The presents were of unusual quantity and quality, and made a beautiful display.

Thursday 28 April 1892

During my absence from the Colony Mr. John WEBBER will hold my General Power of Attorney.
T.A. KING (Prew & Co.)
April 26 1892

Miss SHAW of Salem, daughter of the late Mr. S.B. SHAW, has been appointed to a vacant post in the teaching staff of the Kimberley public school. Miss SHAW is an accomplished teacher and will, we have no doubt, in her new sphere win the success which, in common with her many friends, we most heartily wish her.

  • Hits: 1913