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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 06 June

Thursday 2 June 1892

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 24th instant, Arthur Joseph HOLFORD, youngest son of the Rev. Wm. HOLFORD, Wesleyan Minister, aged 21 years.

DIED at Tarkastad on the 28th May 1892, Christopher Mounsey THORNHILL, of Eerste Verlies, District of Cradock, aged 80 years 3 months and 14 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Saturday 4 June 1892

PASSED AWAY on the 3rd May at Scotland, Agnes, relict of the late Captain Edwin G. MAINWARING, and eldest daughter of the late James BLACK.

Tuesday 7 June 1892

DIED at Grahamstown, John THOMPSON, aged 49 years, late of Cathcart.
Funeral of the above will leave the Masonic Lodge, Hill Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

The death is announced at the advanced age of 91 years and 9 months of Mr. Jan VAN DER WALT of Geelhoutboom in the Uitenhage division. The deceased was born at Plettenberg Bay in September 1798 and had resided 45 years at Geelhoutboom.

Mr. Jno. Thomas ADAMSON, clerk to Nathan & Papenfus, Attorneys, and formerly of Kingwilliamstown, was found horribly murdered at 11 o’clock on Wednesday night. His head had a huge gash, apparently a blow from a hatchet. No clue as yet.

The death of Mr. Samuel WEBSTER, the well-known proprietor of Ann’s Villa, took place on Tuesday last. With the cause of death we (Budget) are not yet acquainted, but Mr. WEBSTER is known to have been ailing for some months past. He dies at the comparatively early age of 47, and in him we regret to say the district loses one of its best men. Upright, honourable and conscientious in the discharge of all the duties of life, he was esteemed by all who knew him, and deep sympathy will be accorded by all to his bereaved family.

At the Capetown Barracks last week Col. Sergt. Alexander STUART, North Staffordshire Regiment, shot himself in his dormitory. Shortly after nine o’clock, it appears, a shot was heard in the Barracks, and on going into the man’s room his colleagues found that he had placed the muzzle of his rifle against his head, and had pulled the trigger with his foot. The result (says the Argus) was that the unfortunate man’s head was almost blown off, and the sight which met the view was that of a most sickening description, the weapon of destruction having done its work in a revolting manner. He is thought to have been insane.

Thursday 9 June 1892

BIRTH at Port Alfred, the wife of W. Herbert POWELL, Kimberley, of a daughter.

Saturday 11 June 1892

BIRTH at Barkly West, on the 4th June, the wife of Brooke LACEY of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on June 10th 1892, Kate Olver, the beloved daughter of J.G. HARRIS, aged 19 years 11 months.
[illegible verse]
The Funeral of the above will move from the residence of Mr. J.G. HARRIS, Hill-street, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are invited.

A young man named Richard LONG, brother of Mr. Joseph LONG, engine driver, Colesberg, while uncoupling the engine on Carlton Bank, met an untimely death. Deceased (says the Register) had only been a few weeks in the Colony.

We regret to record the decease of Miss K. HARRIS, who had been suffering from a severe cold for about a fortnight; but it was not until Friday (yesterday week) that she was obliged to be confined to her bed under medical care. She, however, became gradually worse, and notwithstanding the careful attentions of Dr. GREATHEAD and Dr. CHEW, she passed away at twenty minutes to one o’clock yesterday morning, from severe congestion of the lungs combined with weakness of the heart. Her death, at the early age of 20 years, is a sad loss to a large circle of friends, with whom she was a warm favourite. She was a promising and very clever girl, and her attainment in vocal music, painting and needlework were of a high character. Miss HARRIS’s clear contralto voice has been heard with much pleasure at our public concerts and oratorios.

Tuesday 14 June 1892

DIED at Grahamstown, June 14, Richard FURMIDGE, late Armourer-Sergeant of the Imperial C.M.R., aged 79 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, South-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 4. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Albany Lodge No.389
The BB are requested to attend the Funeral of their late Brother Richard FURMIDGE tomorrow(Wednesday) afternoon, to meet at the Temple at half past four o’clock.
The BB of St.John’s and St.Andrew’s Lodges, and Visitors, are invited to assist in the Ceremony.
Usual Mourning – Aprons and Jewels Craped
By order of the WM
Secretary 389
Grahamstown, June 14th 1892.

We deeply regret to hear of the death of Mr. Lex BROWNLEE, fourth son of the late Hon. Chas. BROWNLEE. The deceased gentleman was in the service of the Chartered Company, and when last heard from was located in the valley of the Sabi.

At Johannesburg on Friday afternoon a terrible accident, terminating fatally, befell Miss Josephine ST.ANGE of the Ward-Vernon Dramatic Company. Miss ST.ANGE and another lady were out driving alone in a one-horse cart. On going downhill the reins broke. The horse started off wildly and threw one lady out, who escaped with a shaking and bruises. Later Miss ST.ANGE was seen to jump out, and she fell on her head, causing concussion of the brain, from the effects of which she died whilst being carried on a stretcher from the scene of the accident, about two miles out of town, to the Hospital.

The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. The coffin, which was covered with white cloth and silver mountings, was almost hidden by the beautiful wreaths and other floral offerings which had been sent by many friends in affectionate memory of the deceased. Six young ladies, members of the Trinity Church Sunday School - Miss Rhoda GREENLEES, Miss BOWLES, Miss Ivy BOWLES, Miss Edith BOWLES, Miss L. WOOD and Miss R. ELLIOTT – dressed in white, and wearing white silk scarves edged with black, were the pall-bearers. Rev W. TEES, Pastor of Trinity Church, read the solemn service at the grave. The coffin plate bore the simple inscription “Kate Olver HARRIS, died 10th June 1892, aged 19 years and 11 months.” The funeral arrangements were carried out under the experienced care of Mr. A. WILL.

Tuesday 21 June 1892

On Saturday evening and old and esteemed fellow-citizen passed away in the person of Mr. Oliver LESTER, who during a long and blameless life in this City won hosts of warm friends, to whom his death will be a source of sincere sorrow. He had endured a protracted illness with Christian fortitude, and finally succumbed to a second stroke of paralysis. For a considerable period he has lived a very retired life, but memory easily recalls the days when his interest in municipal affairs was lively and practical. The funeral took place this morning at the early hour of 8:30, and was attended with full Masonic honours, the deceased having been nearly all his life an esteemed member of the Craft. We tender to the bereaved family our sincere condolence in their affliction.

Saturday 25 June 1892

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on the 22nd June 1892, by the Rev. J.H. Carter, Arthur Flanegan, third son of Mr. William REILLY, to Henrietta Matilda, only daughter of Mr. Edwin WILLOWS.

The D.F. Advertiser records the death of Mr. William MANLEY, formerly of Grahamstown, at the ripe age of [obscured]. The deceased was the [obscured] son of Thomas MANLEY, of an old Cheshire family, one of the British Settlers of 1820, who settled at a beautiful spot close to Grahamstown, which was afterwards known as “Manley’s Flats”. Mr. MANLEY had seen much native service. During the Kafir war in the Transkei he performed yeoman service against the raids of the Kafir hordes on the settlers’ homesteads. At one time he occupied the position of Commandant of the Burghers of the East London Division. When Sir Harry SMITH proceeded from the Eastern Province to the Free State to punish the recalcitrant Boers, the late Mr. MANLEY accompanied him, and was present at the action commemorated in Colonial history as “Boomplaats”. On things quieting down he set himself to farming pursuits till the Diamond Fields opened up, and , like many other Eastern Province men, proceeded to the Vaal River diggings, where he met with varying success. On the Dry Diggings being discovered he became one of the first claim holders in the New Rush Mine. For the last 14 years he had been in the employ of the De Beers Consolidated Mine Company, by whom he was held in high esteem. He was so unassuming in his manners that he was beloved by all.

Tuesday 28 June 1892

Philip William LUCAS J.P., born in London 27th Nov 1801; died in Grahamstown 25th June 1892.

A week ago, at Wellington in Natal, two children, who had been left alone in a hut (says the Witness) were playing with lighted sticks, and set the hut on fire. Their father, who was working not far off, went to the rescue and, mad with grief, wrapped his blanket round his head and plunged into the fire, meeting instant death. The two children were afterwards found locked in each other’s arms, the father lying near, with his arms stretched out as if to grasp them.

Among the passengers by the Roslin Castle which left on Saturday was Miss Agnes BURT, who has just resigned the office of Principal of the Diocesan School for Girls at Grahamstown. It is not too much (remarks the P.E. Telegraph) to say that South Africa has seldom had an abler and more conscientious teacher than Miss BURT. She leaves the D.S.G. with the affectionate remembrance of all her pupils, and many friends who know her single-minded and self-denying devotion to duty. We understand that she will resume her work in Higher Education at the Ladies’ College, Cheltenham, whither she carries the good wishes of all who know her.

Thursday 30 June 1892

By the death of Mr. P.W. LUCAS, father of our townsman Mr. W.T. LUCAS, Grahamstown loses one of its oldest and certainly most highly esteemed residents. He was 91 years of age, and had enjoyed excellent health till within a very short time before his death. Some ideas of the haleness of his old age may be gathered from the fact that he, not very long ago, recovered completely from a broken leg, which he incurred by an unlucky fall. He was accustomed to indulge in long walks almost up to the last, and his venerable figure will be missed by many. The late Mr. LUCAS was born in London at the beginning of this century, in the year 1801, and was educated at Christ’s Hospital, being intended for the medical profession, or H.E.I.C.S. (civil branch), his uncle being at that time Chief Surgeon at Guy’s Hospital. The family, however, left for the Cape, and he elected to accompany them in their emigration to the new land, where they were to join General CAMPBELL’s party at Barville Park. They arrived in Table Bay in the good ship Dowson, after a six months’ voyage, the other passengers being Messrs. M. GARCIA, Frank POWER and a family by the name of [L..T]. There was also on board a detachment of the 54th Regiment under Major CUYLER. At Capetown the news from the settlement up-country caused them to relinquish their original intention of joining the Barville Park party, and they remained at Capetown, where Mr. LUCAS became a member of staff of Mr. A. CHIAPPINI, merchant. Shortly after, however, he left the Cape, and making a fourteen days’ passage to Port Elizabeth in a 25 ton cutter, he proceeded to Uitenhage, and entered the business of Mr. P. HOUGH in 1823. After some time he came to Grahamstown as a confidential clerk to Messrs. HOUGH and FLEMING. He subsequently became a partner in the firm and carried on the business in the premises now occupied by Miss THORN [S.P.G.K. dept.] and Messrs. ALDHAM & ALDHAM. He had, however, but little liking for business, and gladly accepted the offer of Managership of the Eastern Province Bank in 1837. In the [--] war he held a commission as Lieutenant. After many years’ valuable and appreciated service in the Bank, he retired, and was appointed Managing Director. He afterwards lived for some time on the farm Gletwyn, in this district. The deceased gentleman was truly one of Grahamstown’s last links with the past, for he was one of the first Municipal Commissioners of this City. He had been married to the eldest daughter of Commander A. BISSET of Fairfax. With the bereaved family here and throughout the country we would express our sincere condolence.

The Hon. A.J. BETHELL was murderously assaulted late on Saturday night in Johannesburg with what appeared to be an axe. His head was cut to the bone in several places. As no reason can be assigned for the assault it is generally supposed to have been a case of mistaken identity. A man named FRUST has been arrested on suspicion. BETHELL is a brother to the present Lord WESTBURY and of the late Captain BETHELL, of Bechuanaland fame.

We are glad to hear that Mr. Jno. GARDNER, who is in the Hospital suffering from a broken leg, the result of a capsize in Brickmaker’s Kloof, is going on nicely, and is as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
News of a still sadder accident comes to hand, the victim being Mrs. Henry CURRIE. Her son, Harry CURRIE, was driving her to visit her daughter-in-law, Mrs. William CURRIE, on Sunday night, and in the darkness drove over a big stone, the sudden and unexpected jolt sending him headlong to the ground. Mrs. CURRIE called to him, but received no answer, and the horses took fright and bolted with her. Mr. CURRIE on recovering himself found that he was only shaken, and started off after the cart. He soon came upon his mother, lying entirely unconscious on the ground, the cart being out of sight. He procured help, and the injured lady was removed to “Thorn Kloof”, where Dr. GREATHEAD has been attending her. She still lies in a very critical state; but we hope to hear better news soon.


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